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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday September 4th, 2023


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Just now, smitty34877 said:

@JazzyV, Vanessa, sending prayers for the young football player and his family.Also I am really glad you are not trying to mow in this humid environment!

@Lady Hudson, Katherine, congratulations on the great grandchild. I am so glad they will be home soon.

@grapau27, Graham, I am sorry to hear about Sarah’s friends BIL. Brain tumors are very difficult to manage. Sending prayers for him and for his family.


We decided it was way too hot to cook outside so Tana and I decided to make cold noodles in sesame sauce as well as a large salad for dinner. We had leftover chicken for the carnivores and DSIL went out to the new Italian ice place and got an assortment for the group. DH said he would try to eat a piece of French Toast.Baby steps.

Thank you Terri.

One of our Sarah's best friends husband also died recently with a brain tumour.

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35 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Good evening.

It is still 68°F and humid here at 22.05pm.

I did a couple of sales calls and drove over 100 miles so I am late catching up today.

As a sales representative I always have to be polite with good manners.

Just heard from our Sarah that one of her friends BIL has just died after fighting a brain tumour for several years.


I'm very sorry to hear of Sarah's friends BIL dying of a brain tumour.  Also the fact her best friend's husband died of a brain tumour recently is very sad.  I'm sure she is a great friend to these women and will do whatever she can to help comfort them.  

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Good afternoon, everyone!


Wow, we had a busy day.  We left at 10 am to take River home.   We first went to visit her great-grandmother, Sue's ex-mother-in-law.  We spent several hours there visiting as Virginia was enthralled by River.  Sue's ex came over to see her as well and that surprised me.  He didn't show that much interest in his son when he was that age.  Now he wants to have River come visit for the weekend.  We finally left there and drove to Reed City to drop River off at her other grandma's restaurant.  Her mother was supposed to meet us there, but she called and said she was 25 minutes away.  Not sure where she was as she only lives 5 minutes from the restaurant.  After all that we drove home and walked in the door at 5:15 pm.  


I felt guilty leaving River with her mother.  Her mom has developed a real hard edge to her personality and is pretty mean when she talks to the kids.  She had her newborn and her 2 year old with her.  When the 2 year old fussed a bit she threatened to take her to the bathroom and tan her bottom.  We've called protective services in the past, but it is just our word against hers.  I guess we have to witness the violence and the kids have to have visible bruises before they do anything.  We have heard that CPS has been out to their home 8 times in the past few months.  It is a scary situation.  We will try to get River more often.


@Crazy For Cats I am so sorry to hear about your DM's fall.  Healing thoughts sent her way.  

@Lady Hudson Congratulations on the new great grandson!

@cruising sister your grandchildren are adorable.

@marshhawk  Good luck to both you and Chuck on leaving the smokes alone.   I hope you both like the beef souvlaki.


Keep cool, everyone!

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@grapau27 please pass on my condolences to your Sarah,  I lost my brother to a brain tumour so I know how difficult that is.  

I nearly missed your sad news.  Not sure you’re aware but if you are quoting and you click on the plus by the quote, CC will multiquote for you. 

Edited by bennybear
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Good still warm evening. Went out for dinner to Applebees because it was too hot to grill  I didn’t realize it was a special kids eat free promotion for Labor Day, it was crowded. 
@dfish, that’s really scary about River, no child should have to live with that kind of environment. 
The convict is still at large, people are still supposed to stay indoors. There have been 4 sightings of him but no capture .
Have a good night and stay cool.

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2 hours ago, dfish said:

Good afternoon, everyone!


Wow, we had a busy day.  We left at 10 am to take River home.   We first went to visit her great-grandmother, Sue's ex-mother-in-law.  We spent several hours there visiting as Virginia was enthralled by River.  Sue's ex came over to see her as well and that surprised me.  He didn't show that much interest in his son when he was that age.  Now he wants to have River come visit for the weekend.  We finally left there and drove to Reed City to drop River off at her other grandma's restaurant.  Her mother was supposed to meet us there, but she called and said she was 25 minutes away.  Not sure where she was as she only lives 5 minutes from the restaurant.  After all that we drove home and walked in the door at 5:15 pm.  


I felt guilty leaving River with her mother.  Her mom has developed a real hard edge to her personality and is pretty mean when she talks to the kids.  She had her newborn and her 2 year old with her.  When the 2 year old fussed a bit she threatened to take her to the bathroom and tan her bottom.  We've called protective services in the past, but it is just our word against hers.  I guess we have to witness the violence and the kids have to have visible bruises before they do anything.  We have heard that CPS has been out to their home 8 times in the past few months.  It is a scary situation.  We will try to get River more often.


That is such a tragic situation, Debbie 😢. So glad you are saving River from that when you can ♥️ 


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Hello to all my Daily friends, I know my DW Marshhawk has kept you all informed with all my trials and tribulations, and I really appreciate all your best wishes and prayers. Since today’s port of the day is Sitka, I thought I would post a picture of me and Marshhawk and a few from Sitka..


Marshhawk and me enjoying a na pina colada.image.thumb.jpeg.5927e48561dc6b4467838043eb9be543.jpeg

Totem pole museum, work shop restorationimage.thumb.jpeg.ed0c566109a1f6957def4940dda39522.jpeg

 views from the city



young girls dancing like Russians

image.thumb.jpeg.9d45192771ec25890cc12440b634a066.jpeg the Russian Church

image.thumb.jpeg.be821e2e734b13a93be74a4586240b29.jpeg  leaving


Well there you have it. Best to all.




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We were in Sitka June 9, 2019 on the Oosterdam. It was the second time but the first time (August 2012) was a dreary rainy day and I had caught a bad cold that ended up a sinus infection so stayed on board that day. 

I had wanted to do a tour through the National Park and we went to a bird sanctuary first. I’ll have to check on the hard drive for pictures. I have the park pictures on my phone. 















Our guide was great and lived on the island. After the tour we went to the gift shop and I couldn’t resist taking a picture of these tiny flowers in the grass. We then walked around and ate lunch. It was a wonderful day. 

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5 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Good evening.

It is still 68°F and humid here at 22.05pm.

I did a couple of sales calls and drove over 100 miles so I am late catching up today.

As a sales representative I always have to be polite with good manners.

Just heard from our Sarah that one of her friends BIL has just died after fighting a brain tumour for several years.

Graham, condolences to Sarah and her friend and the family. Sarah is just too young to have friends pass away. 


4 hours ago, dfish said:

Good afternoon, everyone!


Wow, we had a busy day.  We left at 10 am to take River home.   We first went to visit her great-grandmother, Sue's ex-mother-in-law.  We spent several hours there visiting as Virginia was enthralled by River.  Sue's ex came over to see her as well and that surprised me.  He didn't show that much interest in his son when he was that age.  Now he wants to have River come visit for the weekend.  We finally left there and drove to Reed City to drop River off at her other grandma's restaurant.  Her mother was supposed to meet us there, but she called and said she was 25 minutes away.  Not sure where she was as she only lives 5 minutes from the restaurant.  After all that we drove home and walked in the door at 5:15 pm.  


I felt guilty leaving River with her mother.  Her mom has developed a real hard edge to her personality and is pretty mean when she talks to the kids.  She had her newborn and her 2 year old with her.  When the 2 year old fussed a bit she threatened to take her to the bathroom and tan her bottom.  We've called protective services in the past, but it is just our word against hers.  I guess we have to witness the violence and the kids have to have visible bruises before they do anything.  We have heard that CPS has been out to their home 8 times in the past few months.  It is a scary situation.  We will try to get River more often.


@Crazy For Cats I am so sorry to hear about your DM's fall.  Healing thoughts sent her way.  

@Lady Hudson Congratulations on the new great grandson!

@cruising sister your grandchildren are adorable.

@marshhawk  Good luck to both you and Chuck on leaving the smokes alone.   I hope you both like the beef souvlaki.


Keep cool, everyone!

Debbie, I think about River often and have been wondering about the situation she is in. I will never forget sitting on those steps at the Hotel Frontenac last October talking about her while we waited for our transfer to the ship. I’m sure being a strong presence in her life will help tremendously. 

Sandi @StLouisCruisers, I searched for the second link for Sitka and couldn’t find it. If you read this could you post it for me?

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We were in Sitka September 1, 2021 on the Nieuw Amsterdam on one of the first sailings after the shutdown.  We took a food tour that we didn’t really care for, mostly because we didn’t go restaurant to restaurant like we were supposed to but instead we were in a cramped storefront and the guide had all the food brought in. It was too long for us and the guide was rather scattered trying to coordinate it all. I’m sure it’s changed since then though. Here are some random pictures. 








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Good evening.  We may not have reached triple digits today, but our high came close. It's 9:15 and it's still 91F.


5 hours ago, bennybear said:

Catching up late as we were camping. But the smoke is so extreme the whole province is covered.  Some places  were over 300!  Some fires will need winter to end. 

I was so sorry to hear about baby Murphy! 
@Crazy For Cats I am so sorry to hear about your mom’s fall and hospitalization.  So hard when you’re away!  

To add to the hybrid conversation, there’s also the Toyota Venza and several Lexus ones.  That’s my plan next vehicle.  Since 2007 our vehicles have not needed anything other than routine maintenance.   




Camping with all that smoke cannot be all that much fun. I hope the smoke clears in the Provence soon.


5 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Good evening.

It is still 68°F and humid here at 22.05pm.

I did a couple of sales calls and drove over 100 miles so I am late catching up today.

As a sales representative I always have to be polite with good manners.

Just heard from our Sarah that one of her friends BIL has just died after fighting a brain tumour for several years.


Graham, our condolences to Sarah and her friend on the death of the friend's BIL. 


4 hours ago, dfish said:

Good afternoon, everyone!


Wow, we had a busy day.  We left at 10 am to take River home.   We first went to visit her great-grandmother, Sue's ex-mother-in-law.  We spent several hours there visiting as Virginia was enthralled by River.  Sue's ex came over to see her as well and that surprised me.  He didn't show that much interest in his son when he was that age.  Now he wants to have River come visit for the weekend.  We finally left there and drove to Reed City to drop River off at her other grandma's restaurant.  Her mother was supposed to meet us there, but she called and said she was 25 minutes away.  Not sure where she was as she only lives 5 minutes from the restaurant.  After all that we drove home and walked in the door at 5:15 pm.  


I felt guilty leaving River with her mother.  Her mom has developed a real hard edge to her personality and is pretty mean when she talks to the kids.  She had her newborn and her 2 year old with her.  When the 2 year old fussed a bit she threatened to take her to the bathroom and tan her bottom.  We've called protective services in the past, but it is just our word against hers.  I guess we have to witness the violence and the kids have to have visible bruises before they do anything.  We have heard that CPS has been out to their home 8 times in the past few months.  It is a scary situation.  We will try to get River more often.


@Crazy For Cats I am so sorry to hear about your DM's fall.  Healing thoughts sent her way.  

@Lady Hudson Congratulations on the new great grandson!

@cruising sister your grandchildren are adorable.

@marshhawk  Good luck to both you and Chuck on leaving the smokes alone.   I hope you both like the beef souvlaki.


Keep cool, everyone!


Debbie, the situation River and her siblings are in with their mother is so sad.  She is very lucky to have you, Sue, and her other grandmother in her life and looking out for her.  Unfortunately, the sad fact is that many parents do not have the best interests of their children in their hearts.  I hope there is something that can be done for River and her siblings.  In the mean time bless all of you for giving River a safe place to be.


2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Turned out to be a beautiful day. Hoping for a nice sunset. It will happen! 






Bruce, I'm glad the weather improved.


47 minutes ago, catmando said:

Hello to all my Daily friends, I know my DW Marshhawk has kept you all informed with all my trials and tribulations, and I really appreciate all your best wishes and prayers. Since today’s port of the day is Sitka, I thought I would post a picture of me and Marshhawk and a few from Sitka..


Marshhawk and me enjoying a na pina colada.image.thumb.jpeg.5927e48561dc6b4467838043eb9be543.jpeg

Totem pole museum, work shop restorationimage.thumb.jpeg.ed0c566109a1f6957def4940dda39522.jpeg

 views from the city



young girls dancing like Russians

image.thumb.jpeg.9d45192771ec25890cc12440b634a066.jpeg the Russian Church

image.thumb.jpeg.be821e2e734b13a93be74a4586240b29.jpeg  leaving


Well there you have it. Best to all.





Thank you for sharing your pictures from Sitka, and the one of both of you.  Best wishes for a good outcome with your  ongoing health battles.  I hope this is the time you are able to quit smoking for good.



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8 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

@JazzyV, Vanessa, sending prayers for the young football player and his family.Also I am really glad you are not trying to mow in this humid environment!

@Lady Hudson, Katherine, congratulations on the great grandchild. I am so glad they will be home soon.

@grapau27, Graham, I am sorry to hear about Sarah’s friends BIL. Brain tumors are very difficult to manage. Sending prayers for him and for his family.


We decided it was way too hot to cook outside so Tana and I decided to make cold noodles in sesame sauce as well as a large salad for dinner. We had leftover chicken for the carnivores and DSIL went out to the new Italian ice place and got an assortment for the group. DH said he would try to eat a piece of French Toast.Baby steps.


7 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


I'm very sorry to hear of Sarah's friends BIL dying of a brain tumour.  Also the fact her best friend's husband died of a brain tumour recently is very sad.  I'm sure she is a great friend to these women and will do whatever she can to help comfort them.  


7 hours ago, bennybear said:

@grapau27 please pass on my condolences to your Sarah,  I lost my brother to a brain tumour so I know how difficult that is.  

I nearly missed your sad news.  Not sure you’re aware but if you are quoting and you click on the plus by the quote, CC will multiquote for you. 


3 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Graham, condolences to Sarah and her friend and the family. Sarah is just too young to have friends pass away. 


Debbie, I think about River often and have been wondering about the situation she is in. I will never forget sitting on those steps at the Hotel Frontenac last October talking about her while we waited for our transfer to the ship. I’m sure being a strong presence in her life will help tremendously. 

Sandi @StLouisCruisers, I searched for the second link for Sitka and couldn’t find it. If you read this could you post it for me?


3 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

@grapau27 I’m sorry for the sadness in Sarah’s circle of friends. They are probably young, reminding us that not everyone who dies is old. Loss is always difficult. 

@catmando Thanks for the fun photos. One day at a time!  👍




2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good evening.  We may not have reached triple digits today, but our high came close. It's 9:15 and it's still 91F.



Camping with all that smoke cannot be all that much fun. I hope the smoke clears in the Provence soon.



Graham, our condolences to Sarah and her friend on the death of the friend's BIL. 



Debbie, the situation River and her siblings are in with their mother is so sad.  She is very lucky to have you, Sue, and her other grandmother in her life and looking out for her.  Unfortunately, the sad fact is that many parents do not have the best interests of their children in their hearts.  I hope there is something that can be done for River and her siblings.  In the mean time bless all of you for giving River a safe place to be.



Bruce, I'm glad the weather improved.



Thank you for sharing your pictures from Sitka, and the one of both of you.  Best wishes for a good outcome with your  ongoing health battles.  I hope this is the time you are able to quit smoking for good.



Thank you friends for your kind words.

They are much appreciated.

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7 hours ago, bennybear said:

@grapau27 please pass on my condolences to your Sarah,  I lost my brother to a brain tumour so I know how difficult that is.  

I nearly missed your sad news.  Not sure you’re aware but if you are quoting and you click on the plus by the quote, CC will multiquote for you. 

My condolences to you for the loss of your brother to a brain tumour.


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9 hours ago, bennybear said:

@grapau27 please pass on my condolences to your Sarah,  I lost my brother to a brain tumour so I know how difficult that is.  

I nearly missed your sad news.  Not sure you’re aware but if you are quoting and you click on the plus by the quote, CC will multiquote for you. 

Thank you for your condolences which I will pass on to our Sarah.

Previously the most multiquotes I have done in one quote  on the daily is 15  and on Royal Caribbean 20 multiquotes and 12 multiquotes in one quote on P&O daily.

Edited by grapau27
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8 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Graham, condolences to Sarah and her friend and the family. Sarah is just too young to have friends pass away. 


Debbie, I think about River often and have been wondering about the situation she is in. I will never forget sitting on those steps at the Hotel Frontenac last October talking about her while we waited for our transfer to the ship. I’m sure being a strong presence in her life will help tremendously. 

Sandi @StLouisCruisers, I searched for the second link for Sitka and couldn’t find it. If you read this could you post it for me?


Sharon @Sharon in AZ I'm sorry you couldn't find the June 6, 2022 Daily link in my post yesterday.  I'm very sure I copied it and pasted but I see this morning it isn't there at all.  No one said a word and I didn't look back to double check.  It couldn't have just disappeared could it?  Well anyway, here it is today in case someone wants it. 



I looked through and see you didn't post Sitka photos that day because you were in Italy on Oosterdam.  You did have photos from Italy though.  Sorry for the inconvenience!

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2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you for your condolences which I will pass on to our Sarah.

Previously the most multiquotes I have done in one quote  on the daily is 15  and on Royal Caribbean 20 multiquotes and 12 multiquotes in one quote on P&O daily.


I don't know how you multi-quote on your phone - I have quite a time of it trying that on my phone. I'm clumsy I guess.  So great job!

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13 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


I don't know how you multi-quote on your phone - I have quite a time of it trying that on my phone. I'm clumsy I guess.  So great job!

Thank you Sandi.

Every one of my almost 36,000 posts on CC has been made on my Android phone. 

It is convenient and quick to post anytime on my mobile phone.

I never use my laptop so I have learned most things on my phone like cropping photos,and seeing where other posters are from etc and it's nice to see who likes my posts as well as others posts which I appreciate every one.

I just press the + button for all of the posts I want to reply to then click on quote.

Personally I have always liked to reply personally to everyone who is kind enough to respond to me.

On my phone it doesn't take much space but I appreciate by what people say it must take up a lot more space on computers etc so I multi quote when necessary so as not to inconvenience others.


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48 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Sharon @Sharon in AZ I'm sorry you couldn't find the June 6, 2022 Daily link in my post yesterday.  I'm very sure I copied it and pasted but I see this morning it isn't there at all.  No one said a word and I didn't look back to double check.  It couldn't have just disappeared could it?  Well anyway, here it is today in case someone wants it. 



I looked through and see you didn't post Sitka photos that day because you were in Italy on Oosterdam.  You did have photos from Italy though.  Sorry for the inconvenience!


Sandi, yesterday when I posted shortly after you posted the links, the link for 6/6/22 wasn't there.  I guess I should have mentioned it, but I didn't since I knew how to find that thread, and I was in a hurry to get outside before it got hot.



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