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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday September 9th, 2023


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Thank you for another very nice Daily Rich and all other contributors . I am late to the party today but could not let the Port of Livorno go without posting some pictures . 
We were a few times in Livorno going on small group tours  (9) different times to Pisa , Florence , San Gimigliano , Voltera and Luca  ( Love to also see Sienna next time ) 


Hope I am not duplicating any pictures already posted today 


 This very special photo was not taken with a special purpose . DW wanted to take this nice ice cream cart through this store window and only when we came home and I sorted all of our pictures on my computer , it showed  in the reflection the famous tower of Pisa !  It would not have come out this nice if she had tried to do this.





DSCN1205 2.jpg


























This is only a picture of the “doppleganger “ of the real David , who of coarse stands well protected inside this nice museum 





That was Pisa, Florence , San Gimigliano and now a few pictures from a different cruise in 2022 when we went to Sienna which is another lovely place to visit.
Amazing to see all of the details on the facade and the workmanship 
The famous piazza where the annual " Palio di Siena " horse race is held . 
And to finish the day this was a beautiful spot for a tasting of the heavenly wines , oils and foods of this area.






A wonderful weekend to all . We are going to celebrate DW’s mom 97th BD at the Chinese for tomorrow. 

Tony 😄😄




















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4 minutes ago, sailingdutchy said:
Thank you for another very nice Daily Rich and all other contributors . I am late to the party today but could not let the Port of Livorno go without posting some pictures . 
We were a few times in Livorno going on small group tours  (9) different times to Pisa , Florence , San Gimigliano , Voltera and Luca  ( Love to also see Sienna next time ) 


Hope I am not duplicating any pictures already posted today 


 This very special photo was not taken with a special purpose . DW wanted to take this nice ice cream cart through this store window and only when we came home and I sorted all of our pictures on my computer , it showed  in the reflection the famous tower of Pisa !  It would not have come out this nice if she had tried to do this.





DSCN1205 2.jpg


























This is only a picture of the “doppleganger “ of the real David , who of coarse stands well protected inside this nice museum 





That was Pisa, Florence , San Gimigliano and now a few pictures from a different cruise in 2022 when we went to Sienna which is another lovely place to visit.
Amazing to see all of the details on the facade and the workmanship 
The famous piazza where the annual " Palio di Siena " horse race is held . 
And to finish the day this was a beautiful spot for a tasting of the heavenly wines , oils and foods of this area.






A wonderful weekend to all . We are going to celebrate DW’s mom 97th BD at the Chinese for tomorrow. 

Tony 😄😄





















Excellent collection of photos Tony.

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Good afternoon from a warm, 95F central Texas.  We are under a heat advisory until 9pm.  Fortunately, when I walked it was still partly cloudy and the humidity had dropped some.  The wind and the clouds help keep it from being to hot.  We did a very little bit of rain after midnight, not enough to register on the weather station rain gauge.  It was enough for the Silverado sage, which are in full bloom today.  All the honey and bumble bees are very happy.


4 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good Morning to All!  Thanks for the daily and fleet reports.  I don't have any teddy bears (I do have a panda!!), don't do Sudoku but I do consider myself a weirdo and darn proud to do so!  Love the quote and since I do like quinoa, I will like the meal.  I will pass on the cocktail but do like Prosecco (I had never had it until I went to Italy).  What a great day for the USA!  


I have some photos of Florence from my packbacking trip through Europe almost 2 years ago.  Let me go find them.


Interesting and quiet day yesterday.  No real teaching but the students were very well behaved.  Well except for maybe 5th period but they were just very talkative!!  We are under an excessive heat warning this weekend.  When will the heat end???!!!!  Time to take my car in for servicing while I am at the gym.


I have had ruptured disks in my back twice (with surgery) and it seems to be acting up again.  Numbness on the lateral side of my L leg seems to be getting worse.  I swear, my health problems are all ortho related.  I need to get another skeleton somewhere.  Maybe with Halloween coming up they will be on sale!!


@smitty34877 My thoughts for you and your DH at this very difficult time.  Thoughts for others on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.


Have a great day everyone.


Penny, thanks for our pictures.  I hope the back gets better and you don't need more surgery.


4 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We still have a couple of teddy bears in the house; they reside in the guest bedroom and get cuddled when the DGS's are around.  Yay for wonderful weirdos - my kind of people, as they tend to be so creative.  While I don't do Sudoku puzzles often, I always have a small book of them in my travel purse to pass the time in airports, rather than focusing on electronics all the time.


@smitty34877 what a gut wrenching decision you've both had to make - please know you and Lou are in my heart as you face the coming days.  I pray for peace and pain-free times for Lou, and strength for you and your family.


@marshhawk and @catmando, a very Happy Anniversary to the two of you!


@rafinmdsorry to hear you've tested positive; hopefully it's short lived and you'll be feeling fine soon!


It's a cool morning out there, but that's what our fall feels like; right now we've got a temp of +7 (44F), but I just heard on the radio that a place about 400 miles north of us had frost and a temp of -3 already.  It's coming, and there's nothing we can do about it.  Hopefully we'll have a long autumn, without snow until at least after Halloween. 


Last night after it got dark,  DH and I spent some time putting things out on our lawn for the city wide curbside swap.  Many things were from DH's mad scientist workshop and garage, very little from the house - lots of solar lights, lanterns, motors, fans, craft pieces from birdhouse making, etc.  About an hour later when we were going to bed, I looked out and more than half of it was already gone - yay!!!!


I'll take a pass on the drink of the day, am always up for a glass of Prosecco, and have never cooked quinoa, although I love the quinoa salad from the big box store.  I don't have to cook tonight because we've been invited to the house of a former colleague who is celebrating the 10th anniversary of his having survived a serious brain bleed - definitely cause for celebration if ever there was!  Apparently he's smoking a brisket and we'll have something from his husband's native country of Ghana, so I'm sure it will be delicious.  We'll be joining them and a few others on their patio for great food and relaxed conversation.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need - especially those affected by the earthquake in Morocco, our sweet baby Murphy, dear Lou, and all others with life threatening conditions.  Cheers to all with celebrations, particularly Annie & Chuck.


Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, that's good news people wanted what you put out for the curbside swap.


2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

We're having lovely early fall weather, sunny and 75F today.

I love teddy bears, especially cute baby (live) bears we've seen in the wild.  Also I like most weirdos, and have never even tried Sudoku (!)  Will pass on the drink and meal (quinoa) but prefer Prosecco over champagne. 

The one time Livorno was on an itinerary for us, we missed it due to weather 😞  It's on our Med and Atlantic Passage next fall (overnight) so I really hope we make it there this time!  We've spent a few days in Cinque Terre and been to Sienna (our daughter spent time there when she was in college), so our plan will be one day in Florence and one day to Pisa.  Thanks for all the great photos!


Again, Terry @smitty34877 hugs and prayers to you, Lou, and all the family.  

Melanie @puppycanducruise Gorgeous Hibiscus!  Surprising that it's blooming now, mine just finished up last week.  

Roy @rafinmd Please take it easy.  I'm glad you're feeling no worse, and hope it will be short and mild.  Good that you got the medication.

Annie @marshhawk A Very Happy Anniversary to you and Chuck!  Enjoy your dinner out tonight.

Vanessa @JazzyV Thank you for mentioning my niece today -- very appropriate for today because today is the yearly MS Bike Ride.  Our DD and DSIL participate every year in honor of their cousin Jeannine and friends who also have MS.  Also thank you for mentioning my DBIL.  He will see his oncologist on the 13th and we'll know more about what treatment is available to him.


Here are some photos of my favorite teddy bears.

This one was taken by John Morrison, a fabulous photographer in the Yellowstone and Teton area.  This is the *famous* Grizzly 399 and her 4 cubs 3 years ago.  She's well-known because she's 27 now and still having babies!  Every spring we wait to hear if she made it through another winter.



And this was taken by DH on one of our trips to Yellowstone.  Mama and baby.






Carolyn, thanks for the pictures of the real teddy bears.  They are cute from a distance.


1 hour ago, cunnorl said:

Good Afternoon from a currently sunny and warm day at the beach

      Played golf  this morning so I am late today.

        Teddy Bears are my favorite and still have a few special ones.  Not really a sudoku player and what's a  "wonderful weirdo?? Guess it depends on the definition! LOL

      @cat shepard  Thanks for asking about me. We had some crazy weather yesterday that came out of nowhere.  I was over on Merritt Island and saw the skies darkening. Weather on my phone said "cloudy". I thought it did not look good and headed for home. Just got here when all heck broke loose. Heavy rain, strong winds and golf ball sized hail. It was crazy! Lasted a few hours . Luckily no damage .

      @rafinmd  Hope you feel better quickly.

         @marshhawk Happy Anniversary! Hope you have many more.


 Stay safe and enjoy today



Charlene, I'm glad you made it home before the bad weather hit, and that there was no damage.



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Good Afternoon,  we enjoyed the sites on our morning tour. Our tour guide left us to our own devices at each location.   At Signal Hill we listened yo the very informative talk that the guide on the bus ahead of us gave.



We were greeted by this cutie when our tour ended.


Walking around town. 






This made me laugh.


The ship as we came back from walking around town. 


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Thanks @Quartzsite Cruiser, @StLouisCruisers, @Nickelpennyand @Overhead Fred thank you for the lovely photos of Livorno and environs. 


@smitty34877 Terrie prayers for Lou, you and your family.  A difficult time, you are going through so much.  


@rafinmd Roy I hope you get over your COVID soon and it doesn't linger. 


We are shutting down the Starlink in a couple of hours.  I got a lot done and actually had time to mix a #5 brand rum from Grenada and diet Pepsi and relaxing watching Colorado beat Nebraska.  We will roll around 8am tomorrow.   My sister gave us bad news Direct TV is not carrying our local NBC affiliate so no Sunday Night Football for us when we get home.  I don't know what we will do about that.  I definitely don't want to go to a tavern at that hour to watch football.  First world problem for sure. Have a lovely Sunday.  Nancy 

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26 minutes ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Afternoon,  we enjoyed the sites on our morning tour. Our tour guide left us to our own devices at each location.   At Signal Hill we listened yo the very informative talk that the guide on the bus ahead of us gave.



We were greeted by this cutie when our tour ended.


Walking around town. 






This made me laugh.


The ship as we came back from walking around town. 


Ok, I bet just around the corner from Dildo Brewing Company is this bar.




Special drink is ***** on the Rock! 😀

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Good Saturday to everyone,


@smitty34877, very sad news for you and your family. Prayers and peace be with DH, you and your family during this difficult time. 

@marshhawk, Happy, happy anniversary! Great ideas for special anniversary gifts to each other. 


No comments needed on the weather here because we are getting a nice Fall week here, now how long that will last IDK. OK, that's my only weather comment.


I am terrible at Sudoko so don't even attempt it any more.

Sometimes I think I am a weirdo but the wonderful part may be debated..lol.🙂

Not a quinoa fan, I tried to like it but it just wasn't there for me.

I do not remember ever having a teddy bear, we had dolls we cuddled when we were young. I also had a stuffed kitty which sat cutely on my daily made bed.

I have been to all of the towns listed today, on a Med cruise. Beautiful and historic places. The wonderful pictures bring back good memories. Thanks to those who posted them.

My thanks to all of the contributors here, big and small, informative, funny and just because things. All are welcomed.

I wish safe and fun travels to all who are traveling; travel is why we are all here and what we have in common mostly.

@rafinmd hope you will recover soon; take it easy on yourself to help healing.

Prayers for all of us; special and blessed prayers especially for baby Murphy and Lou.🙏


Celebrate all joys in your life they are well deserved.

Have a good rest of the WE and take care all,




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Jumping on late & just getting caught up. @smitty34877 So sorry to hear about Lou, but I'm glad he's ok with the decision.

We've have several rainy evenings, and now it's raining again. The storm last night was a doozy, and DS said he experienced hail on his trip home from friends early this morning. Our next door neighbor had a young deer stuck in his back yard during the thunderstorm -- the poor thing was terrified & calling for its mama. Never heard that before. We tried opening the gate, but she was so scared that she broke through the wooden fence to get out. I hope she found her way to mama after all that.

DS & I are working on cleaning out the garage, taking one carload of "stuff" to the dump each weekend. Progress - we can now access the side door that's been blocked for years. Yay!

Prayers for everyone in our Daily family that needs them, and cheers for all that are celebrating!


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2 hours ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Afternoon,  we enjoyed the sites on our morning tour. Our tour guide left us to our own devices at each location.   At Signal Hill we listened yo the very informative talk that the guide on the bus ahead of us gave.



We were greeted by this cutie when our tour ended.


Walking around town. 






This made me laugh.


The ship as we came back from walking around town. 



Thanks for the pictures, Jake.  Somehow, we missed the "bar".


1 hour ago, NextOne said:

Jumping on late & just getting caught up. @smitty34877 So sorry to hear about Lou, but I'm glad he's ok with the decision.

We've have several rainy evenings, and now it's raining again. The storm last night was a doozy, and DS said he experienced hail on his trip home from friends early this morning. Our next door neighbor had a young deer stuck in his back yard during the thunderstorm -- the poor thing was terrified & calling for its mama. Never heard that before. We tried opening the gate, but she was so scared that she broke through the wooden fence to get out. I hope she found her way to mama after all that.

DS & I are working on cleaning out the garage, taking one carload of "stuff" to the dump each weekend. Progress - we can now access the side door that's been blocked for years. Yay!

Prayers for everyone in our Daily family that needs them, and cheers for all that are celebrating!



Sounds like your and DS are making good progress.


1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

DD and DSIL have made it to the half-way mark at Deception Pass. 59 miles. 
So proud they do this every year!




Good for them, Carolyn.



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We planned to use the hop on hop off bus to get the lay of the land in St. John’s. Got to the purchase point before 9:30 and bought tickets for the earliest one available (11:00). We walked around and did a little sightseeing for about an hour and then went back to the starting point for the Ho-Ho. When the bus showed up at 11:00 no one got off from the 9:00 run after riding it all the way around. Only eight more people out of the forty tickets sold were able to join the bus. We opted to get our money back and then walked up the steep St. John’s hills and stairs to the Basilica of Saint John the Baptist, The Anglican Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist, the zero mile marker for the Trans Canada Highway, and a few other sites before returning to the ship for a late lunch where we were greeted by the same Newfoundland dog that greeted  @Crazy For Cats

After lunch I went back into town and walked up to Signal Hill, walked a trail and then back to the ship. Good day overall.





































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A couple of updates.  I headed for the pharmacy soon after it opened.  They added a batch of home tests to the order and when I got to the store called the pharmacy and they dropped the package into my open back window.


I did a temperature reading about noon and it was elevated (100.2).  I took a couple of Ibuprofen and it was back down to normal about 4.    I also took the first dose of Lagevriio about 10.  It is 4 capsules  twice a day and went down well.


I normally can't nap but i went down about 1:30 today and slept for about 2 hours.



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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

A couple of updates.  I headed for the pharmacy soon after it opened.  They added a batch of home tests to the order and when I got to the store called the pharmacy and they dropped the package into my open back window.


I did a temperature reading about noon and it was elevated (100.2).  I took a couple of Ibuprofen and it was back down to normal about 4.    I also took the first dose of Lagevriio about 10.  It is 4 capsules  twice a day and went down well.


I normally can't nap but i went down about 1:30 today and slept for about 2 hours.



Roy, I hope you recover from this setback very quickly.  Prayers for you.


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No Teddy bears here, and the only weirdo is not especially wonderful. Sudoku is OK but many people in my circle seem to call it soduko.


The meal would be OK with me, and I think I have the ingredients (a first!).  The cocktail might be OK but I'll probably never know. Many Finger Lakes wineries make some sparkling wine, but I'll suggest Great Western Extra Dry from the Pleasant Valley Wine Company, which was founded in 1860 and is U.S. Bonded Winery #1.


I don't have a happy memory of Livorno. I lost my wallet in Florence--probably stolen, but I might have dropped it or left it on a counter when making a purchase. The huge inconvenience was that my driver's license was in it, and I intended to rent a car later in the cruise.



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