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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday October 1st, 2023


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Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit1


Good morning, 


The fog has burned off, the sun is shining and the forecast is for mid-60's today. I am not a coffee drinker at all. Definitely a "tea granny" and have quite a stash of Murchie's teas. 

Yesterday was some errand running and then dinner with DSIL and DBIL with crab on the menu. We sat around the table and cracked crab and made salads. We had a great visit and I was treated to a lovely sunset on the drive home. DSIL is DH's "baby" sister and she was the apple of his eye. 

Today my realtor friend is doing an Open House so will go visit her and put gas in the car. Not the most exciting but that's the way it goes. 


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Good morning all!

I love my 2 cups of coffee in the morning.  The older I get the more I dislike the term "elderly".  I don't mind being called a senior citizen, but something about the other word just sounds....old. 🤣  I'm all for frugal fun though.  🙂  


Will pass on the enchiladas.  Tonight we're having Chicken Pesto Meatballs.  Both the drink and wine sound good.  Have never been to the Seychelles, although DH was there in the Navy.


Today will be more gardening before the rain comes tomorrow.  We'll have a few days of sun and warm temps (mid 70's!) next week -- very nice for October!  


Bon Voyage @Nickelpenny and @Live4cruises!

Happy birthday to @cunnorl's DH!

Welcome home @SusieKIslandGirl and @tupper10!

Safe travels @lindaler

@smitty34877 I hope today's meeting with the prospective aide goes well.  

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit.

I am a coffee lover, so Int'l Coffee Day is a day for me! I'll celebrate the elderly, although I'm not sure what age is considered elderly. Frugal fun can be fun; you don't always have to spend a lot to have fun. Funny quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Mahe Island. 


It's warming up nicely and sunny today. But a cold front is coming and next weekend's highs may not make it out of the 50's! Another poor night of sleep for me. And my eye feels irritated, I'm not sure if from lack of sleep or an impending uveitis flare, so I'm putting in extra drops. I will try to get the lawn mowed, if I'm up to it. Tomorrow I see the Physiatrist.


Bon Voyage @Nickelpenny!

Bon Voyage @Live4cruises!

@grapau27 The natural areas near your church are lovely.

@Crazy For Cats Lucky for you to have a Total Wines near you now. In archaic PA, the state runs the liquor stores (hence they're call "state stores") where wine and hard liquor are sold. Beer is sold through beer distributors and not alongside wine/liquor. They've only recently allowed limited sales in grocery stores.

@rafinmd I hope the weather improves in Halifax for you.

@StLouisCruisers Prayers for your friend's DH Scott.

@kazu Good job on the dahlias. When you mention them it reminds me of my childhood and my DM planting dahlias every year, and digging up the bulbs in the fall. Good luck with the packing.

@RMLincoln I hope DH's decreasing his eye drops succeeds. I'm glad you'll have some occasional help with the big job of sorting/donating/keeping your things.

@cunnorl Thanks for the cruise update; I sort of figured it had changed, but wasn't sure. I'll make the correction. Happy Birthday to your DH! I hope you get to go to the restaurant.

@Quartzsite Cruiser DH's progress may be baby steps, but that's better than no progress at all. Nice photos from Mahe. Thanks for the article about the pupil reaction. Interestingly, the pupils have what's called a consensual response; the change in pupil size in the eye opposite to the eye in which the light is shined. When I have a flare in my eye and it's light sensitive, even if I patch it, light going into the other eye causes pain, as the affected eye's pupil constricts.

@smitty34877 I'm glad you were relatively unscathed by all the rain and flooding. I hope the prospective aide works out. Continued prayers for Tana.

@dfish The recipes look good.

@lindaler Safe travels today.

@Horizon chaser 1957 Congrats on the upgrade! 

@luvteaching It sounds like you had a nice dinner with DSIL and DBIL. 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating. 

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Good afternoon to all.

Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report.  Thank you also to Vanessa for keeping up with our cares and celebrations.  Words of thanks also to Debbie, Ann and Dixie for keeping us fed and hydrated.


The days are interesting. 

What would I do without my morning coffee?  Those around me would run away, I am sure.

The elderly.  Well, I guess I fall in that category.  I have started counting backwards a few years ago.  However, it really doesn't help much.

Frugal fun sounds good if you are short on funds.  However, if you've got the money, go for it and enjoy!

i think I i will pass on the food.  That would not do my tummy any favors.

The wine sounds good, as does the drink.

Interesting quote.

I have not been to the Seychelles.


Yesterday, Jim and I both got our Flu and Covid vaccinations.  Today we are both wasted.  Just feel like all I want to do is sleep, both arms are sore, and I don't want to do anything.


My cleaner is here.  She was unable to come yesterday so I have to deal with this today, Not exactly what I had in mind for a Sunday.  At least my house will be clean, and I will not have to do it.  


As I said yesterday, I am having a hard time keeping up with all of you.  I find that I don't get to post most days until the nighttime and sometimes have not read the posts.  So I am not sure what has happened.  i feel so bad when I miss responding to someone asking for prayers or celebrating.  i have to do better.  Just need to get my act together.


Prayers for everyone and cheers for those cruising or about to embark on a cruise.  

Have a wonderful Sunday.

God Bless,




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October 1 begins DH's fourth day in the hospital. We are far from coming home. 


I was hopeful Friday that DH's stay might be short as there were some slight signs of improvement. 


Yesterday was a vicious cycle of his infections causing fever, his fever making his recently damaged heart beat faster, and his heart beating too fast raising the risk of life-altering outcomes.


Today has been filled with tests hoping to pinpoint the causes of what DH's doctors term his "complex medical condition".


Daily-ites, your kind words of comfort and prayer surround us both. Please know that I am profoundly thankful even though my overwhelmed mind hasn't acknowledged you individually.

I am grateful beyond words,


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Ooh coffee, not-young 'uns and frugality all together in one day - perfectly suited for celebration! I haven't had coffee yet, so this may be my hint to get up and head to the kitchen. 

After the travel fiasco of Fri/Sat, I'm fully aware of the meaning of the quote - all I care to do is nothing and put off everything else 😕 😞

Meal & drinks sound good.

Not been to the port.

Debating on going up to the minor emergency clinic or waiting til PCP opens tomorrow - I think I've got an URI and believe it needs to be addressed before going into surgeon office Wed. It will take 6-8 weeks to get rescheduled if I have to change the appt. He needs to check the status of my shoulder and I'm very interested in his opinion of progress on the frozen shoulder; I feel like I'm making progress, but really want to know where I am on his scale to know if I need to step it up or keep going as is. I think maybe the MEC would get me started today on meds rather than waiting til tomorrow for PCP - 1 day can make a huge impact. but goodness I feel so bad the thought of getting out is just not appealing. 

Maybe if I get up for the coffee I can motivate enough to get out the door, maybe? 🤕

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 

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Hello everyone.  I feel like Terri @Cruzin Terri trying to keep up with everyone.  Thank goodness for Vanessa @JazzyV!!  From what I can recall today...


Glad everything is going well for Steve today Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser.  You are both blessed!  Prayers will continue for him though.  I haven't heard anything today from my friend, whose name by the way is Susan.  Nothing about her DH Scott and nothing about her DB Mark.  Yes, it's the same person experiencing both of these tragic events.  To top everything off they made final payment on their June 2024 Viking river cruise a few days before Scott's health challenge began.  Unbelievable they require payment so early.  I do hope Scott is back to good health and able to travel next year.  Thank you everyone for your prayers for him.


Also I want to say thanks for the Seychelles photos Lenda.  It looks very nice there.  Thank you also for the informative article, too.  Amazing things going on in the medical field.  If only someone could find a cure for all cancers.


Melisa @HAL Sailer I'm sorry to hear of the troubling medical condition of your DH.  While you wait for some improvement time must move so slowly.  Prayers for your DH and for strength for you and your family.🙏


Charlene @cunnorl please extend my good wishes to your DH today on his birthday.  May he have many more!🎉


Linda @lindaler I hope you have safe travels to San Diego, and a wonderful 51-day adventure in the South Pacific.  I've heard from "those family members" with a copy of their itinerary.  Couldn't leave home without that!😉


Terry @smitty34877 I hope the aide interview goes well today. 🤞 It's just too much for one person to handle.  Good luck!


Graham @grapau27 thank you for your Father David video today.  I enjoyed seeing your countryside, too.


Annie @marshhawk I'm glad to hear your Rome to home cruise is coming up soon.  This will be exciting!  I hope Chuck is feeling okay lately and you as well!


Bon Voyage to @Nickelpenny and @Live4cruises!!  Hope your cruises are fabulous.


Vanessa @JazzyV I read that you had started watching Call the Midwife and were hooked already.  I adore that show!  It's such a long time to wait for a new season each year!  Enjoy watching all the remaining seasons.


I asked my niece for an update on little Elliott Rose (Ellie).  She will be one year old Oct. 7!!  As a proud Grandma, she of course had to send me a rash of photos and even a couple of videos of her including Ellie feeding herself spaghetti.  It requires a fist full of spaghetti and smashing it into her mouth.  Hilarious!  They were smart and stripped her down to her diaper and a sturdy bib!  😄  Here she is!






Remind you of your cat?00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhG


I hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday!

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30 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

Ooh coffee, not-young 'uns and frugality all together in one day - perfectly suited for celebration! I haven't had coffee yet, so this may be my hint to get up and head to the kitchen. 

After the travel fiasco of Fri/Sat, I'm fully aware of the meaning of the quote - all I care to do is nothing and put off everything else 😕 😞

Meal & drinks sound good.

Not been to the port.

Debating on going up to the minor emergency clinic or waiting til PCP opens tomorrow - I think I've got an URI and believe it needs to be addressed before going into surgeon office Wed. It will take 6-8 weeks to get rescheduled if I have to change the appt. He needs to check the status of my shoulder and I'm very interested in his opinion of progress on the frozen shoulder; I feel like I'm making progress, but really want to know where I am on his scale to know if I need to step it up or keep going as is. I think maybe the MEC would get me started today on meds rather than waiting til tomorrow for PCP - 1 day can make a huge impact. but goodness I feel so bad the thought of getting out is just not appealing. 

Maybe if I get up for the coffee I can motivate enough to get out the door, maybe? 🤕

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 


The sooner you get on meds the better so my vote is for the urgent care.  Try to research in network on your insurance first.  It could save you some bucks!  I sure hope you're feeling better very soon and can make that appointment Wednesday with the surgeon.🤒

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4 hours ago, lindaler said:

Rabbit rabbit white rabbit. Can you hear me bubbling? Today I fly out to San Diego and board tomorrow. I can't believe that it is finally time to start this trip. I'll wave at each of you as I pass over head. I have a tiny list that will keep me going until my son comes to pick me up and take me to the airport. Oh I am so excited. 


Have a wonderful trip!




58 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:

October 1 begins DH's fourth day in the hospital. We are far from coming home. 


I was hopeful Friday that DH's stay might be short as there were some slight signs of improvement. 


Yesterday was a vicious cycle of his infections causing fever, his fever making his recently damaged heart beat faster, and his heart beating too fast raising the risk of life-altering outcomes.


Today has been filled with tests hoping to pinpoint the causes of what DH's doctors term his "complex medical condition".


Daily-ites, your kind words of comfort and prayer surround us both. Please know that I am profoundly thankful even though my overwhelmed mind hasn't acknowledged you individually.

I am grateful beyond words,



Holding you close in my heart, Melisa.  


Since today is Frugal Fun day, we did our hike at Chippewa.  Here are the highlights.













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Good afternoon. 🌧️ raining all morning. Prayers and gentle hugs for our wonderful family. Met Ohio friends for lunch and catching up. Really enjoyed it. Have stayed away from people trying to stay healthy until our cruise in January. I’ve been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, not life threatening, but makes me nervous. We will get our flu and vrs shots next month and Covid shot in January. 

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Rabbit, rabbit, but the rabbits here at the New York Rabbit Sanctuary are brown. They aren't discriminating; they also allow deer and a woodchuck in the sanctuary.


Does anyone else remember the Grey Rabbit, the unlicensed vagabond bus that ran up and down the west coast in the 1970s?


Every day is Coffee Day here.


I think I would rather have Roy's alternative menu. No on the pseudorita. Many Finger Lakes wineries grow Chardonnay, partly because it was all the rage when they were being planted about four decades ago. When they tried to make it like California Chardonnay of that time (100% malolactic fermentation and lots of oak), the result was mediocre to awful. It's not ideal for this climate because of spring frosts, but the taste worldwide has shifted to a more natural style, with or without oak. I'll suggest Fox Run Doyle Family 2021, which is unoaked. I haven't been to the Seychelles.


I got the jab yesterday--just the one. My arm is sore but there's no fever. A friend was at the pharmacy at the same time and got two. She missed a meeting this morning but I don't know whether that's the reason.


The nearest Total Wine to here is in Totowa, New Jersey. I'll probably stop there on the way back from Cape Liberty in January. It's Armagnac, not wine, that I usually stock up on.


I have an Alaska booking for 2025 on hold with NCL, where FCC is burning a hole in my pocket. It was a big surprise to discover that in 2025 NCL will switch one-way Alaska cruises from Seward to Whittier, where they are building their own cruise terminal. This does not work well with my desire to rebook a tour from Seward with Major Marine from 2020, as there is no way to get from Whittier to Seward without either a taxi ($400), a detour to Anchorage (most practical) or a bad connection between bus and train at Portage or Girdwood. I'm thinking that I'll forego Denali if I keep this booking, because the damaged section of the park road won't reopen before 2026.







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I lost the white rabbit because I didn’t have my coffee and I’m old. LOL!!


Greetings from the Noordam!!  Weather is wonderful, I lost my security paper and had to go back (but they helped me not stand in line again) so I was on by 11:50. My boarding time was 1420. My friends are on the NA docked at our tail end. I had an invite to a mariner reception 3* and up. I think I will go. Never had an invite before. 

gosh I hate typing on my phone!!!  Anyway thanks for all the Bon Voyages, thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those of us who are sailing, celebrating and waiting to sail!!

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Good Morning Everyone,


       I want to thank everyone for their kind words and thoughts on Dad's passing.  He lived a good long life and was loved by family and friends.  I did make him a bouquet of daises and the peppermint, it was simple but perfect for his life! When I went to the store to purchase some ribbon for the bouquet as I returned to the vehicle, right by my door was a shiny penny heads up, I was thinking about Dad and liked to think he was sending me a message..............anyway the penny is with Dad and I know that whenever I find a penny I will think of him.

       Yesterday day I spent the day out cleaning and prepping for winter.  Got the hay and shavings stacked and covered.  Water barrels cleaned and ready for winter.  Need to fix up the chickie girls house for winter and then we will be set. 

       I think we are in for a cold winter..............caught two mice in the pantry this morning, early to have them get into the house (house was built in 1906, no matter how much we have redone, every fall we have a couple mice attempt to move in.  Hazards of an old farmhouse)  My friend found an almost black wooly bear caterpillar Friday too.  So I think it will be a cold winter!

        I love all the cartoons & pictures everyone has posted today, they have made me laugh!

Hugs and prayers to all who need them.  So many of our Daily friends our having difficulties, my prayers for all of you.



Dad flowers.jpg

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42 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

I lost the white rabbit because I didn’t have my coffee and I’m old. LOL!!


Greetings from the Noordam!!  Weather is wonderful, I lost my security paper and had to go back (but they helped me not stand in line again) so I was on by 11:50. My boarding time was 1420. My friends are on the NA docked at our tail end. I had an invite to a mariner reception 3* and up. I think I will go. Never had an invite before. 

gosh I hate typing on my phone!!!  Anyway thanks for all the Bon Voyages, thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those of us who are sailing, celebrating and waiting to sail!!

I hope you have a brilliant cruise.


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Good afternoon,

I am late to the party and want to wish safe travels to our daily friends . @HAL Sailer I will send up special prayers for you and your DH. Things happen so quickly when they are critically ill. 

We went to a Cider Fest this morning and it was hot. I walked through the pumpkin patch and the kids picked out a few. I said I would go as long as I got some apple cider doughnuts. They were delicious. 

Have a great rest to your day everyone. 

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4 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

The older I get the more I dislike the term "elderly".  I don't mind being called a senior citizen, but something about the other word just sounds....old. 🤣  I'm all for frugal fun though.  🙂  

I so agree. I took a class called "Tai chi for the elderly" that was a trial to see if it would help back pain. It was a good class but I told the leader that it should be renamed. You had to be 65 to be included but most of us felt anything less than at least 85 wasn't elderly. But then again, it's birthday month so I'm getting there a little too quickly (but still a few years to go!)

Time to hit the weeds in the garden while the sun is shining. Have a great day!

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1 hour ago, summer slope said:

I’ve been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, not life threatening, but makes me nervous. 


Dixie I can empathize with you regarding an auto immune disease. My sister was diagnosed with Raynaud's about 1995 which continued into Scleroderma in 2020. We were scared and it has been nerve wracking. 


I pray you will continue to follow up on appointments and be pain free.

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10 minutes ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

I so agree. I took a class called "Tai chi for the elderly" that was a trial to see if it would help back pain. It was a good class but I told the leader that it should be renamed. You had to be 65 to be included but most of us felt anything less than at least 85 wasn't elderly. But then again, it's birthday month so I'm getting there a little too quickly (but still a few years to go!)

Time to hit the weeds in the garden while the sun is shining. Have a great day!

My dear Dad lived to be almost 102 and refused to call himself old until he was 100.  I think I take after him in that way.  I sure don't think of myself as elderly. 

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8 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

We have a prospective aide coming by in a while so Tana and I hustled through our  morning routine. She is having periodic issues with increased difficulty breathing in spite of increased oxygen. The stiffness of the lungs in pulmonary fibrosis creates its own resistance. We did have a good laugh at my attempts to “ clean up” before someone new comes through the door. This involved items being placed in closets and other forms of subterfuge.  
Enjoy the day



I so hope the new aide is a good match for you both 🙏 


I totally get the closet thing LOL



7 hours ago, lindaler said:

I can't believe that it is finally time to start this trip. I'll wave at each of you as I pass over head. I have a tiny list that will keep me going until my son comes to pick me up and take me to the airport. Oh I am so excited. 


Wishing you very smooth and safe travels.


Have an absolutely fabulous time!



3 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:

October 1 begins DH's fourth day in the hospital. We are far from coming home. 


I was hopeful Friday that DH's stay might be short as there were some slight signs of improvement. 


Yesterday was a vicious cycle of his infections causing fever, his fever making his recently damaged heart beat faster, and his heart beating too fast raising the risk of life-altering outcomes.


Today has been filled with tests hoping to pinpoint the causes of what DH's doctors term his "complex medical condition".


Daily-ites, your kind words of comfort and prayer surround us both. Please know that I am profoundly thankful even though my overwhelmed mind hasn't acknowledged you individually.

I am grateful beyond words,




Oh Melissa, this brings back memories and I pray that the end results are not what mine are 🙏 


My prayers have been with you and will continue to flow your way.


Don’t worry about thanking anyone or blue bubbles.  You have a lot on your plate.

I for one, am grateful you took the time to post.


My prayers continue for you both 🙏 

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1 hour ago, CrabbyPatti said:

Good Morning Everyone,


       I want to thank everyone for their kind words and thoughts on Dad's passing.  He lived a good long life and was loved by family and friends.  I did make him a bouquet of daises and the peppermint, it was simple but perfect for his life! When I went to the store to purchase some ribbon for the bouquet as I returned to the vehicle, right by my door was a shiny penny heads up, I was thinking about Dad and liked to think he was sending me a message..............anyway the penny is with Dad and I know that whenever I find a penny I will think of him.

       Yesterday day I spent the day out cleaning and prepping for winter.  Got the hay and shavings stacked and covered.  Water barrels cleaned and ready for winter.  Need to fix up the chickie girls house for winter and then we will be set. 

       I think we are in for a cold winter..............caught two mice in the pantry this morning, early to have them get into the house (house was built in 1906, no matter how much we have redone, every fall we have a couple mice attempt to move in.  Hazards of an old farmhouse)  My friend found an almost black wooly bear caterpillar Friday too.  So I think it will be a cold winter!

        I love all the cartoons & pictures everyone has posted today, they have made me laugh!

Hugs and prayers to all who need them.  So many of our Daily friends our having difficulties, my prayers for all of you.



Dad flowers.jpg

I'm in western Washington & saw a normal color wooly bear caterpillar yesterday.....please go away!

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3 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:

October 1 begins DH's fourth day in the hospital. We are far from coming home. 


I was hopeful Friday that DH's stay might be short as there were some slight signs of improvement. 


Yesterday was a vicious cycle of his infections causing fever, his fever making his recently damaged heart beat faster, and his heart beating too fast raising the risk of life-altering outcomes.


Today has been filled with tests hoping to pinpoint the causes of what DH's doctors term his "complex medical condition".


Daily-ites, your kind words of comfort and prayer surround us both. Please know that I am profoundly thankful even though my overwhelmed mind hasn't acknowledged you individually.

I am grateful beyond words,


Your husband recovering fully is what we all want Melisa.

Take care.

Love and prayers 🙏 for you both.


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Good afternoon from a cloudy central Texas.  It is 90F and feels like 90F.  It wasn't too bad out this morning when I had my Frugal Fun (?) mowing the yard.  At least, I was outside and getting some exercise.  I guess the best frugal fun we had since it was frugal and fun was in 2018 when we were in Hong Kong.  We went to Disneyland, and with the senior price, the entrance fee was the equivalent of $12/pp.  The most interesting ride was the Jungle Cruise which was the same, but with a Chinese guide.


I'm late this afternoon because it has been a busy day.  After I showered when I finished the yard, I took the golf cart and three gas cans up to our local station to get gas.  It's no fun to run out of gas which has happened a couple of times.  We like to keep some gas handy in case that happens, or so we can top off the tank before we are in danger of running out of gas.


DH is still walking better, but otherwise it is not as good a day as yesterday, but then we can't expect everyday to be a good day.  The main problem is the muscle relaxer and the BP medicine can cause dizziness, but they are needed now.  He was up for a couple of hours and got part of his walking in even with being dizzy.  He is more alert which is good.  I think slow, baby steps as long as they are an improvement are what we can hope for.  If there are bigger improvements they will be a bonus.  I will not be posting daily updates if everything is going well and we're experiencing baby steps.


7 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning from a soggy NY. I saw mushrooms in several places when I took the dogs walking earlier. The sun is also in the sky today and will be with us for the next few days. 
I have not been to the port and love chicken enchiladas. I truly enjoy my two cups of coffee in the morning. The rest of the day I drink only water. I know, very dull. 
I will celebrate the elderly day and frugal fun or any kind of fun. The last month taught me  that I am older now and physical tasks can be challenging. I will be 70 in a few months but in my head I still feel twenty or so.

We have a prospective aide coming by in a while so Tana and I hustled through our  morning routine. She is having periodic issues with increased difficulty breathing in spite of increased oxygen. The stiffness of the lungs in pulmonary fibrosis creates its own resistance. We did have a good laugh at my attempts to “ clean up” before someone new comes through the door. This involved items being placed in closets and other forms of subterfuge.  
Enjoy the day



Terry, I'm sorry that Tana is having problems breathing at times even with more oxygen.  That is such a nasty disease.  I hope the prospective aide works out, and you get some help soon.  It is good news that you were spared major water damage from the rain.  I smiled at your "clean up" because when we first moved into this house, it was the Thursday before Thanksgiving.  By the next Tuesday, we were still unpacking boxes, but our DDs were coming for Thanksgiving, one on that Tuesday.  While I was at the grocery store, DH tidied the house.  It looked good, but we could barely get into the walk in closet.  That is where he stashed all the unopened moving boxes.


6 hours ago, lindaler said:

Rabbit rabbit white rabbit. Can you hear me bubbling? Today I fly out to San Diego and board tomorrow. I can't believe that it is finally time to start this trip. I'll wave at each of you as I pass over head. I have a tiny list that will keep me going until my son comes to pick me up and take me to the airport. Oh I am so excited. 


Linda, I guess better late than never.  i hope your flight to San Diego was uneventful, and that you enjoy SD before you board your ship tomorrow.


6 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. 


I got caught up in working outside and am a bit late.


Sandi your friends husband Scott is in my prayer book. What a tragedy.  Prayers for Tana getting a new aide, baby Murphy (did we get a weekend update?) 


Thankful Steve is making an improvement. Tiny steps each day.


@cunnorlwishing DH a lovely birthday.


Thank you Graham for Father's message. Thank you to all our faithful contributors and especially Vanessa who really stepped up to the plate!


Last night we had a welcome home party for our friends who were returning home from Rome. They had a great sail on Viking Jupiter.


We live in a 55 plus community so I'm guessing some people consider themselves elderly.  Not me!!








Congratulations Ren on the goal and the win!!


I like a hearty cup of coffee in the morning and an ice coffee in the afternoon. 







Wishing ya'll a blessed Sunday. Have a great week.


Thanks, Joy.  Any steps forward, tiny, baby or whatever are what we are hoping will continue to happen.  BTW, the good news is I saw very few black crickets when I was mowing , and I haven't seen any in the house for a week.  I hope I didn't just jinx us.


5 hours ago, Cruisercl said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, this is so cool! As a former critical care RN who took care of neuro/neuro surg patients, and was a medical device researcher, devices like this are always interesting to me. 

It appears to have quite a few indications for use in the day to day neuro assessments of injured people.

Very happy to hear your DH is recovering well and improving from his surgery. 😊

@Nickelpenny and @Live4cruises Bon Voyage and safe travels!! 🛳️ 😎


Have a good day!


I'm glad you like the article, and I was glad it was in layman's language for those of us non-medical people.  I was surprised at how bright the light was, but I guess that was necessary.


4 hours ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

Good morning, all! Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit! And just like,that, it’s already October! We’re getting the house ready for winter before we head off on our cruise. We leave a week from today, and I can’t wait! I also haven’t started packing. Yesterday we got a nice upgrade offer, and went from an inside cabin to a larger cabin with a floor to ceiling window for next to nothing. Happy dance time!

The wind brought the walnuts down in the past few days. They’re much smaller than usual. Fearing the worst, I opened a few. They have as much meat as they usually do, but the shells are very thin. It’s been a strange year, and this is one of the few good surprises.

Prayers to all recovering from medical issues, May there be news of speedy recoveries soon.

Happy Sunday, and cheers to those heading off on journeys - there seems to be a lot of us,


Congratulations on the upgrade.  I'm glad the walnuts are all right even with thin skins.  They are predicting a colder than normal winter here too.  Last winter was cold enough for us.


4 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit1


Good morning, 


The fog has burned off, the sun is shining and the forecast is for mid-60's today. I am not a coffee drinker at all. Definitely a "tea granny" and have quite a stash of Murchie's teas. 

Yesterday was some errand running and then dinner with DSIL and DBIL with crab on the menu. We sat around the table and cracked crab and made salads. We had a great visit and I was treated to a lovely sunset on the drive home. DSIL is DH's "baby" sister and she was the apple of his eye. 

Today my realtor friend is doing an Open House so will go visit her and put gas in the car. Not the most exciting but that's the way it goes. 



Karen, I'm glad you had a good time with your  DSIL and DBIL with the bonus of getting crab.  Another bonus was the sunset.


3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit.

I am a coffee lover, so Int'l Coffee Day is a day for me! I'll celebrate the elderly, although I'm not sure what age is considered elderly. Frugal fun can be fun; you don't always have to spend a lot to have fun. Funny quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Mahe Island. 


It's warming up nicely and sunny today. But a cold front is coming and next weekend's highs may not make it out of the 50's! Another poor night of sleep for me. And my eye feels irritated, I'm not sure if from lack of sleep or an impending uveitis flare, so I'm putting in extra drops. I will try to get the lawn mowed, if I'm up to it. Tomorrow I see the Physiatrist.


Bon Voyage @Nickelpenny!

Bon Voyage @Live4cruises!

@grapau27 The natural areas near your church are lovely.

@Crazy For Cats Lucky for you to have a Total Wines near you now. In archaic PA, the state runs the liquor stores (hence they're call "state stores") where wine and hard liquor are sold. Beer is sold through beer distributors and not alongside wine/liquor. They've only recently allowed limited sales in grocery stores.

@rafinmd I hope the weather improves in Halifax for you.

@StLouisCruisers Prayers for your friend's DH Scott.

@kazu Good job on the dahlias. When you mention them it reminds me of my childhood and my DM planting dahlias every year, and digging up the bulbs in the fall. Good luck with the packing.

@RMLincoln I hope DH's decreasing his eye drops succeeds. I'm glad you'll have some occasional help with the big job of sorting/donating/keeping your things.

@cunnorl Thanks for the cruise update; I sort of figured it had changed, but wasn't sure. I'll make the correction. Happy Birthday to your DH! I hope you get to go to the restaurant.

@Quartzsite Cruiser DH's progress may be baby steps, but that's better than no progress at all. Nice photos from Mahe. Thanks for the article about the pupil reaction. Interestingly, the pupils have what's called a consensual response; the change in pupil size in the eye opposite to the eye in which the light is shined. When I have a flare in my eye and it's light sensitive, even if I patch it, light going into the other eye causes pain, as the affected eye's pupil constricts.

@smitty34877 I'm glad you were relatively unscathed by all the rain and flooding. I hope the prospective aide works out. Continued prayers for Tana.

@dfish The recipes look good.

@lindaler Safe travels today.

@Horizon chaser 1957 Congrats on the upgrade! 

@luvteaching It sounds like you had a nice dinner with DSIL and DBIL. 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating. 


Vanessa, I'm sorry you had another bad night.  I hope your eye is better with the drops and that the Physiatrist has some answers to handle the pain and to relieve it.  Any steps forward are what we want.  I understand what you meant about the reaction to light when one eye is patched.  I cut my left eye about 50 years ago, and had to patch the eye.  It would get irritated on occasion every few years until about 20 years ago, and I'd have to patch it again.  Not fun.


2 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:

October 1 begins DH's fourth day in the hospital. We are far from coming home. 


I was hopeful Friday that DH's stay might be short as there were some slight signs of improvement. 


Yesterday was a vicious cycle of his infections causing fever, his fever making his recently damaged heart beat faster, and his heart beating too fast raising the risk of life-altering outcomes.


Today has been filled with tests hoping to pinpoint the causes of what DH's doctors term his "complex medical condition".


Daily-ites, your kind words of comfort and prayer surround us both. Please know that I am profoundly thankful even though my overwhelmed mind hasn't acknowledged you individually.

I am grateful beyond words,



Melisa, I wish your DH's condition was much better by now.  I hope the tests today can pinpoint the problem(s), and the doctors can begin to get your DH headed in the right direction.  You both are in our thoughts as you go through this crisis.  Sending positive thoughts for a good outcome.  ((((((HUGS))))))


2 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

Ooh coffee, not-young 'uns and frugality all together in one day - perfectly suited for celebration! I haven't had coffee yet, so this may be my hint to get up and head to the kitchen. 

After the travel fiasco of Fri/Sat, I'm fully aware of the meaning of the quote - all I care to do is nothing and put off everything else 😕 😞

Meal & drinks sound good.

Not been to the port.

Debating on going up to the minor emergency clinic or waiting til PCP opens tomorrow - I think I've got an URI and believe it needs to be addressed before going into surgeon office Wed. It will take 6-8 weeks to get rescheduled if I have to change the appt. He needs to check the status of my shoulder and I'm very interested in his opinion of progress on the frozen shoulder; I feel like I'm making progress, but really want to know where I am on his scale to know if I need to step it up or keep going as is. I think maybe the MEC would get me started today on meds rather than waiting til tomorrow for PCP - 1 day can make a huge impact. but goodness I feel so bad the thought of getting out is just not appealing. 

Maybe if I get up for the coffee I can motivate enough to get out the door, maybe? 🤕

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 


I'm sorry you are feeling so bad.  I agree with the others that the sooner you see a doctor and get some medicine the better.  I hope you feel better soon, and can make you appointment on Wednesday.


2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Hello everyone.  I feel like Terri @Cruzin Terri trying to keep up with everyone.  Thank goodness for Vanessa @JazzyV!!  From what I can recall today...


Glad everything is going well for Steve today Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser.  You are both blessed!  Prayers will continue for him though.  I haven't heard anything today from my friend, whose name by the way is Susan.  Nothing about her DH Scott and nothing about her DB Mark.  Yes, it's the same person experiencing both of these tragic events.  To top everything off they made final payment on their June 2024 Viking river cruise a few days before Scott's health challenge began.  Unbelievable they require payment so early.  I do hope Scott is back to good health and able to travel next year.  Thank you everyone for your prayers for him.


Also I want to say thanks for the Seychelles photos Lenda.  It looks very nice there.  Thank you also for the informative article, too.  Amazing things going on in the medical field.  If only someone could find a cure for all cancers.


Melisa @HAL Sailer I'm sorry to hear of the troubling medical condition of your DH.  While you wait for some improvement time must move so slowly.  Prayers for your DH and for strength for you and your family.🙏


Charlene @cunnorl please extend my good wishes to your DH today on his birthday.  May he have many more!🎉


Linda @lindaler I hope you have safe travels to San Diego, and a wonderful 51-day adventure in the South Pacific.  I've heard from "those family members" with a copy of their itinerary.  Couldn't leave home without that!😉


Terry @smitty34877 I hope the aide interview goes well today. 🤞 It's just too much for one person to handle.  Good luck!


Graham @grapau27 thank you for your Father David video today.  I enjoyed seeing your countryside, too.


Annie @marshhawk I'm glad to hear your Rome to home cruise is coming up soon.  This will be exciting!  I hope Chuck is feeling okay lately and you as well!


Bon Voyage to @Nickelpenny and @Live4cruises!!  Hope your cruises are fabulous.


Vanessa @JazzyV I read that you had started watching Call the Midwife and were hooked already.  I adore that show!  It's such a long time to wait for a new season each year!  Enjoy watching all the remaining seasons.


I asked my niece for an update on little Elliott Rose (Ellie).  She will be one year old Oct. 7!!  As a proud Grandma, she of course had to send me a rash of photos and even a couple of videos of her including Ellie feeding herself spaghetti.  It requires a fist full of spaghetti and smashing it into her mouth.  Hilarious!  They were smart and stripped her down to her diaper and a sturdy bib!  😄  Here she is!






Remind you of your cat?00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhG


I hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday!


Sandi, thanks for the good wishes.  Elliott Rose is as cute as ever.  I love the look on her face in the picture of her in the suitcase.  When we took a short trip when older DD was about 7 months old, she crawled into the suitcase so we wouldn't leave her behind.


43 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

I lost the white rabbit because I didn’t have my coffee and I’m old. LOL!!


Greetings from the Noordam!!  Weather is wonderful, I lost my security paper and had to go back (but they helped me not stand in line again) so I was on by 11:50. My boarding time was 1420. My friends are on the NA docked at our tail end. I had an invite to a mariner reception 3* and up. I think I will go. Never had an invite before. 

gosh I hate typing on my phone!!!  Anyway thanks for all the Bon Voyages, thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those of us who are sailing, celebrating and waiting to sail!!


Penny, I'm happy you are safely aboard the Noordam.  Have a great cruise.


18 minutes ago, CrabbyPatti said:

Good Morning Everyone,


       I want to thank everyone for their kind words and thoughts on Dad's passing.  He lived a good long life and was loved by family and friends.  I did make him a bouquet of daises and the peppermint, it was simple but perfect for his life! When I went to the store to purchase some ribbon for the bouquet as I returned to the vehicle, right by my door was a shiny penny heads up, I was thinking about Dad and liked to think he was sending me a message..............anyway the penny is with Dad and I know that whenever I find a penny I will think of him.

       Yesterday day I spent the day out cleaning and prepping for winter.  Got the hay and shavings stacked and covered.  Water barrels cleaned and ready for winter.  Need to fix up the chickie girls house for winter and then we will be set. 

       I think we are in for a cold winter..............caught two mice in the pantry this morning, early to have them get into the house (house was built in 1906, no matter how much we have redone, every fall we have a couple mice attempt to move in.  Hazards of an old farmhouse)  My friend found an almost black wooly bear caterpillar Friday too.  So I think it will be a cold winter!

        I love all the cartoons & pictures everyone has posted today, they have made me laugh!

Hugs and prayers to all who need them.  So many of our Daily friends our having difficulties, my prayers for all of you.



Dad flowers.jpg


I like your story about the shinny penny.  The flower arrangement is simple yet beautiful.


34 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

Good afternoon,

I am late to the party and want to wish safe travels to our daily friends . @HAL Sailer I will send up special prayers for you and your DH. Things happen so quickly when they are critically ill. 

We went to a Cider Fest this morning and it was hot. I walked through the pumpkin patch and the kids picked out a few. I said I would go as long as I got some apple cider doughnuts. They were delicious. 

Have a great rest to your day everyone. 


Lorraine, it sounds like the Cider Fest was a hit even if it was hot.


1 hour ago, summer slope said:

Good afternoon. 🌧️ raining all morning. Prayers and gentle hugs for our wonderful family. Met Ohio friends for lunch and catching up. Really enjoyed it. Have stayed away from people trying to stay healthy until our cruise in January. I’ve been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, not life threatening, but makes me nervous. We will get our flu and vrs shots next month and Covid shot in January. 


Dixie, I'm sorry you were diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, but I'm glad it's not life threatening. 


If I tried to describe how I feel about the word elderly, this post would be removed if it ever even was posted.  Let's just say, while my driver's license says I'm considered old, my mind say that's not true and is even shocked when it remembers my age.  😁Some days my body agrees with the driver's license and others with my mind.  Most day's the body feels somewhere in between.  There is an old saying, "You're only as old as you feel".  Maybe, I'm not old at all yet.



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@HAL Sailer Sending blessings for healing, comfort and hope!  DH is on his path getting the best care possible and you are walking beside him every step!  That’s how love works. We’re all sending you our best!  

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, glad Steve is walking carefully and continues to improve. As an EMT we always checked pupils with a light to see if they were reactive and equal but we weren’t sophisticated enough to have a measurement of how fast they reacted, that’s impressive!  

@smitty34877 Hoping the right person is on their way to you!    


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Good beautiful Sunday evening. It was 80 degrees here today and even warmer for tomorrow and Tuesday and Wednesday. I could live with the for the rest of the year.

 I’m not sure what happened but Stephanie’s surgery was delayed until tomorrow.

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists. 

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