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Saturday November 11th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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Good Saturday Everyone,

I have been pretty busy so not able to post as much as I want to, I know just an excuse. I have been diligently following along daily. I have LOL at the memes and talked to my screen about different things going with people.

Thank you again to the pillars of the Daily and to any other contributions to the Daily; it is an addiction as I believe @aliaschief said....it is also a nice place to come to.


A salute and honor go to all Veterans everywhere; Thank You for your Service and Never forget.

I have family members who have and are serving; my Dad was in the Navy, Uncles in the Army and currently I have a Nephew and his Wife in the Air Force. We are aware of all of the sacrifices people make so the rest of us can be safe.

I did not know Remberance Day in Canada was honored on the same day; thanks for educating me.

All of the tributes here have been moving; I remember in grade school we had to memorize the poem In Flanders Field.


Honoring education day too. We have educators in our family; they have a very difficult job now, much more than before. They are angels.


Putting nurse hat on - What is wrong with our medical community? People should not be treated like some of you have been. They seem to be very casual with people who need help; the ignoring people, changing visits without notice and the ongoing pain struggles? Some of these could be life threatening. Unacceptable....Sheesh!!

Very happy to hear about sweet Baby Murphy - what a strong girl! I am sure her family is happy but exhausted. @cruising sister thank you for the updates on her. Continued prayers for her and your family.

I love Mac & Cheese....especially white cheddar. I usually add veggies to mine to justify in my small brain the cheese and carbs.😊


Wonderful to read about all of the traveling going on, my time will come soon enough. I am also packing for the GANZ cruise in ~52 days, but whose counting? I know others here are too. 

Bon voyage and Safe travels to the travelers and welcome home to those returning from a wonderful vacation!

Continued prayers for all of us, especially those who are going through any challenges. Prayers for the horrors happening in our world today, it is scary and disheartening.

However, please celebrate the joys in your life, we need and deserve them. 😊

Wow, quite the long post, Enough chatting from me for now.


Take care all,


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Good afternoon to all, 

I have my poppy on for Remembrance Day and have had questions about it over the last week or so. It's interesting, especially younger people (than me at least) who don't have knowledge about the meaning behind it and the different names for today. 


We had a very very wet and blustery afternoon and evening yesterday! I had company in for lunch and made a corn potato chowder and homemade rolls. The recipe is a keeper (it was the first time I've made it) but I'd do something to thicken it up just a bit more when I make it again. We sat around the table and visited for close to 2 hours and then folks headed home. Last night, by 7:00 PM or so, it was so windy that the lights were flickering and I could hear things landing on the roof, etc. I wasn't about to go out unless it was dire. This morning there were a few loose branches in the driveway and some on the roof  but otherwise ok. There's a lot of "stuff" on the road which makes walking interesting. 


Today and tomorrow are "stay at home" days and so far I've done important things like unload the dishwasher, clean the coffee maker, etc. and I'm organizing my shopping I've done so I can make new lists. DS will be by tomorrow for leftover soup and rolls and my walking partner got her leftovers yesterday which works for me. 

Have a nice weekend and stay dry! 


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35 minutes ago, Cruisercl said:

What is wrong with our medical community?

I don't know about other parts of the country, but I've noticed a big change in our area.  Doctors and nurses are leaving the clinics, and those left are overworked and understaffed.  My neighbor is a retired RN and told me the numbers locally -- it's staggering.

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1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

I don't know about other parts of the country, but I've noticed a big change in our area.  Doctors and nurses are leaving the clinics, and those left are overworked and understaffed.  My neighbor is a retired RN and told me the numbers locally -- it's staggering.

Yeah, if you're talking about The Everett Clinic since that awful Optum took over.  My own wonderful PCP left because of that, went to PacMed.  But up here in SnoCo we don't have too many choices, do we? 

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5 minutes ago, AV8rix said:

Yeah, if you're talking about The Everett Clinic since that awful Optum took over.  My own wonderful PCP left because of that, went to PacMed.  But up here in SnoCo we don't have too many choices, do we? 

Yes!  I wonder if we had the same PCP -- Dr. Magnus? Probably not, she was retiring.   I go to the Marysville clinic.  She left and I'm heartbroken.  Luckily I haven't had to see a doctor very often, mostly just for labs and follow ups.  Because every time I make an appointment with my new doctor, they postpone it.  I like her, just haven't seen her much.

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Good afternoon from a partly sunny central Texas.  It has been a busy day, but the motorhome is finally unloaded except what we need on Monday morning.  After everything was out, I dusted, vaccumed and steam cleaned the floor.  It was sure easier to do with nothing in the way.


DH informed me mid-afternoon, that I repeated yesterday's memes.  I hope they were as good the second time around.  😁  I'll blame it on lack of caffeine this morning.  I have some new ones ready for tomorrow.  


6 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. 


It's an important day to remember all who have served their country. It was an experience going to Normandy this year on my TA cruise.

Angola is no doubt celebrating it's independence day. I like origami, but haven't really tried it myself. Education is essential for our development. Not sure about the quote. I like the meal, but too many carbs to eat it often. Pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Crete.


It's sunny, but we may not get past 50F today. I had the usual bad sleep, and even tried a Benadryl at 2AM, but this AM I had so much pain in my leg I could barely get down the stairs and then make my coffee. Now that I've been sitting a while it has eased off. I really need to tidy up around here and hope I can get the banana bread made. I bought a stool to use in the kitchen so that I can sit and work at the counter. I took a muscle relaxant a bit ago, and can already feel myself getting drowsy.


@kazu "The Poppy" is very moving; thanks for sharing it.

@RMLincoln Good luck with all the last minute stuff before the packers come. And it sounds like DH has his hands full with all the admin stuff. I know you two will get done what needs to get done. And we're cheering for you!

@Cruzin Terri I do hope DH is feeling better today. Will you be able to get some assistance for him for boarding the ship, like a wheelchair?

@smitty34877 My continued prayers for you, Tana and the family.

@dfish I'm glad the test wasn't terrible, but 7 days is too long for test results to come back. 

@cruising sister I'm glad you're feeling better. Enjoy the wedding.

@Haljo1935 I hope you get some relief for the shoulder and numb foot.

@Denise T Good for you for changing PCPs. That office sounds bad with not notifying you of the cancellation, then not refilling meds, when it was their fault. I hope your diabetes is back under control soon.

@Nickelpenny I'm sorry to hear it's been so hard for you to get an appointment at the pain clinic. These days everything is in the EMR regarding referral, if you stay in the same system. That Vertiflex procedure sounds interesting. Sorry for the rigamarole with the surgeon's office too. Sheesh!

@Heartgrove Great photo Jack. Thank you for your service.

@Cruising-along It will be fun to see DDIL's art at the gallery. Best to your DBIL for his treatments.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those with something to Celebrate.


Vanessa, I'm sorry you can't get a good night's sleep and you have so much pain in the morning.  


5 hours ago, 57redbird said:

@JazzyV  I wish all of us with back/leg pain would get a solution that will offer some relief.  I follow up with my pain dr's PA on on Monday & I have requested an appointment with a spine surgeon but he needs to see the MRI I had done in September before that appointment can be made.  As a retired ortho RN, I want a minimally invasive laminotomy, please & thank you.  Only issue is we're in a Seattle suburb & he only operates in Seattle which means at least 1 overnight pre-op.  He did a 3 level cervical fusion on hubby with great results so I trust his work.


DH had a laminotomy for spinal stenosis and fusion between L4 and L5.  The surgeon used a new method that is only about two years old that uses polymer "zip" ties and a polymer cage with artificial bone between the vertebra.  It is called the Karma System, and it does not use any metal rods and screws.  You might want to Google Karma System.  His pain was from sciatica due to spinal stenosis, and he hasn't had any pain since. I'm glad you have a doctor you know and trust.


2 hours ago, Cruisercl said:

Good Saturday Everyone,

I have been pretty busy so not able to post as much as I want to, I know just an excuse. I have been diligently following along daily. I have LOL at the memes and talked to my screen about different things going with people.

Thank you again to the pillars of the Daily and to any other contributions to the Daily; it is an addiction as I believe @aliaschief said....it is also a nice place to come to.


A salute and honor go to all Veterans everywhere; Thank You for your Service and Never forget.

I have family members who have and are serving; my Dad was in the Navy, Uncles in the Army and currently I have a Nephew and his Wife in the Air Force. We are aware of all of the sacrifices people make so the rest of us can be safe.

I did not know Remberance Day in Canada was honored on the same day; thanks for educating me.

All of the tributes here have been moving; I remember in grade school we had to memorize the poem In Flanders Field.


Honoring education day too. We have educators in our family; they have a very difficult job now, much more than before. They are angels.


Putting nurse hat on - What is wrong with our medical community? People should not be treated like some of you have been. They seem to be very casual with people who need help; the ignoring people, changing visits without notice and the ongoing pain struggles? Some of these could be life threatening. Unacceptable....Sheesh!!

Very happy to hear about sweet Baby Murphy - what a strong girl! I am sure her family is happy but exhausted. @cruising sister thank you for the updates on her. Continued prayers for her and your family.

I love Mac & Cheese....especially white cheddar. I usually add veggies to mine to justify in my small brain the cheese and carbs.😊


Wonderful to read about all of the traveling going on, my time will come soon enough. I am also packing for the GANZ cruise in ~52 days, but whose counting? I know others here are too. 

Bon voyage and Safe travels to the travelers and welcome home to those returning from a wonderful vacation!

Continued prayers for all of us, especially those who are going through any challenges. Prayers for the horrors happening in our world today, it is scary and disheartening.

However, please celebrate the joys in your life, we need and deserve them. 😊

Wow, quite the long post, Enough chatting from me for now.


Take care all,



Caron, I agree with you about patients needing to be treated better.  We've had one surgeon that was not a good fit for us, but found others that we like and trust.  Our problem the last year was going to doctors who are part of a medical school and teaching hospital.  We didn't have any problems getting appointments and none were canceled.  The problem was the doctors are so busy available appointments are a month or two out.  I wish I knew a good solution to this problem, and I think part of the problem is so many practices and hospitals have been taken over by big, national or regional groups.  Working your way through the medical system is not for the faint of heat.


2 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good afternoon to all, 

I have my poppy on for Remembrance Day and have had questions about it over the last week or so. It's interesting, especially younger people (than me at least) who don't have knowledge about the meaning behind it and the different names for today. 


We had a very very wet and blustery afternoon and evening yesterday! I had company in for lunch and made a corn potato chowder and homemade rolls. The recipe is a keeper (it was the first time I've made it) but I'd do something to thicken it up just a bit more when I make it again. We sat around the table and visited for close to 2 hours and then folks headed home. Last night, by 7:00 PM or so, it was so windy that the lights were flickering and I could hear things landing on the roof, etc. I wasn't about to go out unless it was dire. This morning there were a few loose branches in the driveway and some on the roof  but otherwise ok. There's a lot of "stuff" on the road which makes walking interesting. 


Today and tomorrow are "stay at home" days and so far I've done important things like unload the dishwasher, clean the coffee maker, etc. and I'm organizing my shopping I've done so I can make new lists. DS will be by tomorrow for leftover soup and rolls and my walking partner got her leftovers yesterday which works for me. 

Have a nice weekend and stay dry! 



Karen, could you share the corn potato soup recipe with us.  I've looked as several but have not tried one yet.


8 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Happy Veterans Day to all who have served including my dear Dad (WWII) and DH (Viet Nam).

I've never cared for Mac 'n Cheese so will pass on the meal, also pass on the drink.  I probably would like the wine (it's white) 😉  We've been to Crete but not to this port.


We had a wonderful time with the DGSs and the Veterans Day assembly on Thursday at their school was so well done as always.  And as usual I got teary-eyed.  Both boys participated in the Flag Ceremony with their scouts.  We had a full and fun time with them Thursday and Friday -- lots of games -- Uno, Grumpy Old Bear (a Yellowstone game like Old Maid), Rumikub, and movies.  There were no good children's movies in the theaters, so we had movie afternoon here at the house with popcorn and candy.


Now it's time to put the house back together and rest up.  I woke up this morning at 4, not happy about that, but will get through the day.  This afternoon we're going to the art gallery that is displaying DDIL's artwork, then to their house for dinner.  Tomorrow we will start getting things together in "the packing room/guest room" for the bags pick-up next month for the GA.


My DBIL started his prostate cancer treatments yesterday, hoping that will go well for him.  

Prayers for all on the care list and cheers for all who are celebrating!


Carolyn, I hope you enjoyed the exhibit of your DDIL's art work.  That is a big honor to have your art work displayed in a gallery.


5 hours ago, bennybear said:

Aghios Nikolas is a lovely place on a lake in Crete.  We’ve stayed near there a couple of times. 


If you’re ever there, it’s well worth a visit to the island of Spinalonga.   There is a very interesting novel titled The Island which is set on this island during WW2.  It was a leper colony.  








Brenda, thank you for sharing your pictures.  It looks like a lovely and relaxing place to visit.



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6 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon from a partly sunny central Texas.  It has been a busy day, but the motorhome is finally unloaded except what we need on Monday morning.  After everything was out, I dusted, vaccumed and steam cleaned the floor.  It was sure easier to do with nothing in the way.


DH informed me mid-afternoon, that I repeated yesterday's memes.  I hope they were as good the second time around.  😁  I'll blame it on lack of caffeine this morning.  I have some new ones ready for tomorrow.  



Vanessa, I'm sorry you can't get a good night's sleep and you have so much pain in the morning.  



DH had a laminotomy for spinal stenosis and fusion between L4 and L5.  The surgeon used a new method that is only about two years old that uses polymer "zip" ties and a polymer cage with artificial bone between the vertebra.  It is called the Karma System, and it does not use any metal rods and screws.  You might want to Google Karma System.  His pain was from sciatica due to spinal stenosis, and he hasn't had any pain since. I'm glad you have a doctor you know and trust.



Caron, I agree with you about patients needing to be treated better.  We've had one surgeon that was not a good fit for us, but found others that we like and trust.  Our problem the last year was going to doctors who are part of a medical school and teaching hospital.  We didn't have any problems getting appointments and none were canceled.  The problem was the doctors are so busy available appointments are a month or two out.  I wish I knew a good solution to this problem, and I think part of the problem is so many practices and hospitals have been taken over by big, national or regional groups.  Working your way through the medical system is not for the faint of heat.



Karen, could you share the corn potato soup recipe with us.  I've looked as several but have not tried one yet.



Carolyn, I hope you enjoyed the exhibit of your DDIL's art work.  That is a big honor to have your art work displayed in a gallery.



Brenda, thank you for sharing your pictures.  It looks like a lovely and relaxing place to visit.



Your DH's procedure sounds like what my hubby had for his cervical fusion.  I'm hoping not to need a laminectomy or a fusion....we'll see.

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I will give the meal and the drink a miss today, not a fan of mac and cheese, but I sure look forward to trying the wine.

Thank you to all for your prayers and good wishes yesterday and today. It is rather strange I feel pretty good one day, just exhausted, then the next day any movement including coughing and breathing hurts. Pulmonologist says this time of Covid followup is different for everyone. I am staying home except to go get Rx filled and buy groceries. Not sick enough to need additional help.

Something I want to mention. I had the latest Covid vax, the flu shot and the RSV shot all the same day one month before I got sick. Doc said it was a very good thing and he really said about 5 time that the RSV shot is probably what kept me out of the hospital.

Now I am praying everyone recovers from their various ailments whether they are minimal or major and if I could shout I would shout halleluh for all who are cruising.


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7 hours ago, 57redbird said:

@JazzyV  I wish all of us with back/leg pain would get a solution that will offer some relief.  I follow up with my pain dr's PA on on Monday & I have requested an appointment with a spine surgeon but he needs to see the MRI I had done in September before that appointment can be made.  As a retired ortho RN, I want a minimally invasive laminotomy, please & thank you.  Only issue is we're in a Seattle suburb & he only operates in Seattle which means at least 1 overnight pre-op.  He did a 3 level cervical fusion on hubby with great results so I trust his work.

I have already had 2 laminotomies - once around 1980 and another around 2004 - last one at Swedish in Seattle as an emergency.  Want to try to avoid those again but we will see.  Before it was L4-L5 but now it seems to be L3-S1.  Go figure!!

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2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Yes!  I wonder if we had the same PCP -- Dr. Magnus? Probably not, she was retiring.   I go to the Marysville clinic.  She left and I'm heartbroken.  Luckily I haven't had to see a doctor very often, mostly just for labs and follow ups.  Because every time I make an appointment with my new doctor, they postpone it.  I like her, just haven't seen her much.

Carolyn, your PCP was lucky.  She apparently was of the age where she could retire.  But my awesome PCP was too young to retire -- he just felt that he had to leave because of Optum.  Like so many of the other providers, nurses, techs who are leaving The Everett Clinic.  My PCP is joining a PacMed facility down in Canyon Park, too far for me to drive -- particularly if I were actually ill or had some sort of emergency.  And BTW, my PCP was one of the directors of the clinic.

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Oh my gosh!  I started trying to answer posts today early this morning but was busy doing laundry and many other chores and computer jobs.  Then after lunch I decided this was a nap day and went to the napping room where I actually did nap!  No noise since we repaired the toilet tank leak.  I woke up and didn't know where I was or what time of day it was.  I'm still playing catch up here. I think it's a better idea to respond all day long rather than these long posts but I'll do that next time.  



11 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Made it to Saturday!  Remembering Veterans Day. My day served in WWII, my generation family had several in Viet Nam, my stepsons served in Navy and Army, my godson Marines. 🫡   My poppy pin will get packed today with me wrapping up my jewelry. 

We were in Crete, didn’t get to enjoy it, we were sick. DH was diagnosed that day with pneumonia. I had a bad cold. I doubt we’ll get back there.  Thanks for the pictures Sandi @StLouisCruisers  

Today will be last laundry then pack suitcase for transition. Tomorrow we’ll pack the car to make sure everything fits and is out of the way for the packers Monday morning. I’m really just going through the monitors now, a bit if a zombie, it’s all a surreal blur. 

Yesterday I was a bit better getting over the shock of the news about DH needing these more extensive eye surgeries to hopefully save his sight. He did admin work of arranging insurance for our new abode, arranging the funds wire transfer, trying to connect with the NJ eye doctor but to no avail, and straightening out a mess created in a property tax payment that didn’t get paid when we had that whole “we thought it was fraud” mess back in May. I worked on pantry and kitchen mostly, culling out stuff it’s not worth packing. Onward!  

Glad Roy @rafinmd made it to Ft Lauderdale. (I will miss how easy it was to get to Baltimore cruise port! Ft Lauderdale is not a favorite of mine.) Sad to hear Jane @Lazy1 is too unwell to travel but hoping this improves very soon. Hoping Terri’s Jim @Cruzin Terri improves very soon too, I’m concerned about his knee swelling on their drive to their cruise. Prayers too for Ann and Pat, @Vict0rianneverything is so much harder and not much fun when walking us difficult. Welcome back to Annie and Chuck!  @marshhawk Want to hear all about it but will be swamped the next several days. 

Blessings to all here and afar!  Share caring, we all need it, the world needs it!  


Maureen, best of luck to you and DH with the move next week.  I'm hoping for the best with your DH's upcoming eye surgeries.




10 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good morning to all.

Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report.

Happy Veterans’ Day to all who served. 

Interesting days to celebrate. I don’t know much about Angola, but happy they have their independence.  I like origami creations and am all for good education,

Thank you to the F&B ladies.  

I like Mac and Cheese.  However, last night we had Cacio e Pepe so I don’t think we will have Mac and Cheese tonight.  Will say no to the drink and we will see about the wine.

Interesting quote by Einstein.  Not sure I agree with him on this one.


DH is still sleeping so I don’t know how he is feeling.  We take off the wrap this morning and then he has to wear a compression stocking.  He has to apply head 3x a day.   I really hope this helps. 


I am just about packed for our trip and he has not yet started.   i will start to help him after my cleaner leaves today.


Not much else to report.  We have had beautiful weather, but today the skies are grey and rain is predicted.  I guess you can’t have perfect weather every day.


Prayers for all on the cares list.

Baby Murphy seems to be holding her own.  Hope she continues to improve,

Vanessa, I hope you have some relief from your pain.

Sandi, prayers for your DB

Terry, prayers for you and Tana and your whole family.

Maureen, here’s to a smooth move to NJ

Denise, I hope you feel better,

Lazey 1, I hope you start to feel better.



@rafinmd BON VOYAGE!


I hope everyone has a great day and Happy Veterans’ Day.

God Bless,




Terri @Cruzin Terri thank you for your mention of prayers for DB.  They are appreciated!  I hope Jim's knee and ankle start to improve this week so he can enjoy the upcoming cruise.




10 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good cold and sunny morning. Remembrance Day is so important to acknowledge. I’ve been in the United Kingdom several times and remember being on a train and having it stop at 11:00 for the 2 minutes of silence. I’m sad to read of the situation in London at the cenotaph this morning. 
Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.


Thank you for mentioning your UK Remembrance Day memories.  The train stopping for 2 minutes sounds like a memorable experience and very appropriate.




9 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!  


It is a bit nippy out this morning and skies are mostly overcast.  But, it is supposed to stay dry so Sue and I can do the leaves again.  They are mostly coming from the neighbors' trees and being blown over here.  


The CT went well yesterday.  The chalky stuff wasn't all that chalky and didn't even taste that horrible.  It isn't something I would choose to drink, but it sure could have been worse. The worst part about it was sitting in the waiting area for two hours.  Now we just have to be patient waiting for the results.  The hospital administration contracted a new radiology group and it is now taking 7 days minimum to get results back.  The doctors are not happy with this.  I told the surgeon I was sure this was a financial decision and patient care never entered into the equation.  


Mac and cheese is not a favorite of mine.  I've avoided it since college days when I had too much of it because it was a cheap dinner.  At this point, it is way to carb heavy for me, so I'll stick with my lean protein.  Now, what might make the mac and cheese better is to throw a little bacon into it.  https://www.aheadofthyme.com/stovetop-mac-and-cheese-with-white-cheddar




I think the mustard powder in this one would give it some good flavor.  https://www.averiecooks.com/20-minute-stovetop-white-cheddar-mac-and-cheese/




If you want to make it a bit healthier you can do what this recipe does:  It adds in some cauliflower and spinach.  https://www.foodnetwork.com/healthyeats/recipes/2016/01/recipe-stovetop-white-cheddar-mac-and-cheese




I'm off to blow leaves to the street so the wind can blow them back on the lawn.  

Wishing  you all a wonderful day!


Debbie, thanks for the recipes today.  I hope you were able to complete work on the leaves and that they stay put for a while!  I'm sorry to hear the CT results take so long these days.




9 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

I feel much better today. I ended up taking a 2 hour nap and rested the rest of the day. I must have had a 24 hour bug. I have a wedding to got to this afternoon and I am glad I do not need to cancel. 

I am happy to see the care list is a little shorter. I hope things turn around for everyone soon. I am happy to see how many are cruising or getting ready to go. Bon Voyage!


Thank you to all the Veterans. I better text my brother and his wife. They were in the army for 24 for him and 30 years for her. 

Everyone  have a great Saturday. 




Lorraine, great news you are feeling better today.  I hope the wedding was fun, and I'm sure the bride and groom were glad you made it to their important event.




9 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

Very important days; long line of vets in my family (including DH and parents) so Veterans Day is impactful for me.

Yes on the meal and wine, pass on the drink and quote, not been to the port.

Both days in history need to be recognized and remembered.

Shoulder and numb foot really got tested during the cruise - neither passed.😓 I have appointments already scheduled and hoping they'll bring relief. Canceling the upcoming TA (Nov 26 Rome->FLL) is not an option, so whatever needs to happen between now and then needs to be productive.

Our ports were all terrific and the weather mostly cooperated during the Oct 29 cruise - hoping for the same on the Nov 26 cruise 🫣


My heart warms reading of Baby Murphy's progress. Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 


Hoping you get some help with the should and numb foot now that you're back home.  It's so disheartening to hear of so many suffering with pain.  Good luck and I hope things are going better by your upcoming cruise.




9 hours ago, Denise T said:

Good morning and happy Saturday. Celebrating Veterans Day with a big thank you to all who have served. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. 


Chilly but sunny today. Feeling like fall. I like the meal and drink of the day. 


I ended up needing to change my primary care doctor. I had an appointment scheduled for my routine med check and bloodwork. I got the blood work done but then found out that my appointment was cancelled, and I was never notified. Because of that the doctor refused to approve my medication refill. I have trying to reach the office for a full explanation with no response. I was able to find another primary care physician whose staff are very nice and concerned and got me an appointment for next week. I think this was the push needed to get me to change doctors. I have been unhappy with this office and the doctors ever since the nurse practitioner who helped me manage my diabetes was let go during the COVID shut down. Since then, my diabetes has been out of control especially after my initial bout of COVID. I couldn't even get an appointment with the diabetes educator for support. There are days that this illness has caused depression, but I am hopeful with a new set of eyes, we can get my numbers back under control. 


Thinking of all on the care list.

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 



I'm so sorry to hear about the diabetes control problems but glad to know you have taken steps to get new medical care providers.  I know many of us are having problems with our doctor's offices.




9 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

On this Veteran's Day, I will salute my DH, father, DFIL, grandfather, all our neighbors who are retired military, all our Dailyite veterans, and all other veterans.  


Now, good morning from a cloudy and cool central Texas.  It is 54F and feels like 52F with a 7mph wind, 74% humidity and a dew pint of 48F.  Our high today will be 61F and the beginning of a warming trend, except for Monday.  The agenda today will see me back working on emptying the motorhome.  I hope I get that chore finished today.


Angola Independence Day is important as is National Education Day.  I admire all those who can do origami.


For once, I'm not in agreement with Albert Einstein.


We'll pass on the meal and the drink.  The wine might be worth a try, and I have a recipe that uses white wine if it's not drinkable.


We have not been to Agios Nikolaos, Crete, although we have been to Crete twice on BHBs, and visited two other ports.


In 1620, the Mayflower Compact was an important step in the formation of a government in what would become the US.  


Today in 1918 ended a very horrible war, but sadly it was not the War to End All Wars, as most people called WWI.


@Crazy For Cats  Jake, it sounds like your reaction was the same as mine.  It started about 24 hours after the shot.  When I got the first shot, the pharmacist advised me to wait close to the end of the six month period between shots if I had any reaction to the first one.  He said it would help reduce the reaction to the second one.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, I hope the packing and move next week go smoothly.

@Cruzin Terri  Terrie, I hope your DH knee is better everyday, and that the compression stocking helps along with the heat.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope you find out how Ivan is getting into the garden.  However, his ability to do so shows how much his physical condition has improved.

@dfish  Debbie, I hope you get the results of the CT scan sooner than seven days.  Have fun with your leaves.  This time last year, I was battling the neighbor's leaves that filled up our port.  This year, they haven't started falling yet.  My guess is, I'll have a lot of leaves to deal with next spring when we get back from Arizona.

@GTVCRUISER  Have a wonderful cruise on Koningsdam.






18 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon from a partly sunny central Texas.  It has been a busy day, but the motorhome is finally unloaded except what we need on Monday morning.  After everything was out, I dusted, vaccumed and steam cleaned the floor.  It was sure easier to do with nothing in the way.


DH informed me mid-afternoon, that I repeated yesterday's memes.  I hope they were as good the second time around.  😁  I'll blame it on lack of caffeine this morning.  I have some new ones ready for tomorrow.  



Vanessa, I'm sorry you can't get a good night's sleep and you have so much pain in the morning.  



DH had a laminotomy for spinal stenosis and fusion between L4 and L5.  The surgeon used a new method that is only about two years old that uses polymer "zip" ties and a polymer cage with artificial bone between the vertebra.  It is called the Karma System, and it does not use any metal rods and screws.  You might want to Google Karma System.  His pain was from sciatica due to spinal stenosis, and he hasn't had any pain since. I'm glad you have a doctor you know and trust.



Caron, I agree with you about patients needing to be treated better.  We've had one surgeon that was not a good fit for us, but found others that we like and trust.  Our problem the last year was going to doctors who are part of a medical school and teaching hospital.  We didn't have any problems getting appointments and none were canceled.  The problem was the doctors are so busy available appointments are a month or two out.  I wish I knew a good solution to this problem, and I think part of the problem is so many practices and hospitals have been taken over by big, national or regional groups.  Working your way through the medical system is not for the faint of heat.



Karen, could you share the corn potato soup recipe with us.  I've looked as several but have not tried one yet.



Carolyn, I hope you enjoyed the exhibit of your DDIL's art work.  That is a big honor to have your art work displayed in a gallery.



Brenda, thank you for sharing your pictures.  It looks like a lovely and relaxing place to visit.




Lenda, good to hear your hard work has paid off and the older motorhome is ready for delivery to the dealer Monday.  It's going to be an exciting day for you both as you take possession of the new one.  Congrats on your decision.  Will you be heading to Quartzsite in the near future?




9 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:



Happy Veterans Day to all those who served and are still serving.  Thanks for the daily and fleet reports.  I have been to Angola (Luanda) for 3 weeks and was there during their independence celebration.  We were opening up a new surgery center.  I love origami and did it a lot as a kid; my last cruise I went 4x!!  Education is so important but IMHO doesn't always mean going to school!


Not sure about Einsteins quote.  Not so sure I would do a stovetop Mac & Cheese but I do love a good one but tonight I think I will be making French Onion Soup.  Pass on the drink and wine and have never been to Crete.  


Yesterday did nothing for my funk.  Was on hold for 20 minutes trying to make an appointment with the pain clinic.  Started the call twice until finally answered the phone.  "When was the referral sent?  Oh, you will have to wait 24-48 hours - business hours - before you can make an appt.  AND the first one probably won't be until after Dec 11th".  So now I wait for their call.  On their website they have 2 procedures they do besides the injections. One called Vertiflex procedure is for severe lumbar spinal stenosis.  And in researching that, the developer of the procedure (Boston Scientific) states results last ~60 months.  Since I have multiple places, I really like this.  We will see.


As if my disappointment couldn't get any more, the surgeon canceled my appt and rescheduled it for while I am gone.  Had to call and they told me they canceled that clinic for that location on that day.  So now I am scheduled for Dec 15th at another location.  Also ordered the disk with the MRI and X-rays to take with me to the appt.  Thank you to all who voiced support!!


I am hoping for a better mindset today.  It is cool in the mornings but warms up so maybe being outside is in my daily plan for today.  


Thoughts for the world and those on the care list.  Cheers for those celebrating today!!


So to make some people laugh or smile, here are some things that made me chuckle:






Have a great day everyone!!


Penny, good luck with getting into the pain clinic.  I hope the call back happens Monday.  Hard to believe the doctor's office staff cancelled an appointment without notice to you.  SMH!




9 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Rich, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work. And thank you everyone for being here!


Happy Veterans Day to my brothers and sisters that served.


Stay Safe, and prayers for those in need.


- Jack


A LONG time ago - July 21, 1969.  53 years ago!




Looking good Jack!  Thank you for your service.  That was taken the day after the moon landing by Armstrong and Aldrin!  And it was actually 54 years ago.  The years fly by don't they?




9 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Happy Veterans Day to all who have served including my dear Dad (WWII) and DH (Viet Nam).

I've never cared for Mac 'n Cheese so will pass on the meal, also pass on the drink.  I probably would like the wine (it's white) 😉  We've been to Crete but not to this port.


We had a wonderful time with the DGSs and the Veterans Day assembly on Thursday at their school was so well done as always.  And as usual I got teary-eyed.  Both boys participated in the Flag Ceremony with their scouts.  We had a full and fun time with them Thursday and Friday -- lots of games -- Uno, Grumpy Old Bear (a Yellowstone game like Old Maid), Rumikub, and movies.  There were no good children's movies in the theaters, so we had movie afternoon here at the house with popcorn and candy.


Now it's time to put the house back together and rest up.  I woke up this morning at 4, not happy about that, but will get through the day.  This afternoon we're going to the art gallery that is displaying DDIL's artwork, then to their house for dinner.  Tomorrow we will start getting things together in "the packing room/guest room" for the bags pick-up next month for the GA.


My DBIL started his prostate cancer treatments yesterday, hoping that will go well for him.  

Prayers for all on the care list and cheers for all who are celebrating!


Good luck getting ready for your Grand Australia!  I hope your DBIL's cancer treatments are successful.




7 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Daily-ites. 

I apologize for being AWOL. I'm far behind on chores and responsibilities. We've had eye and doctors appointments this week, one more this coming week and dental appointments on the 20th. In between we have an early Thanksgiving with our neighborhood,  a birthday party luncheon, couples pedi's/lunch,  a haircut, and manicures and "Christmas" lunch with my Mahjongg girls. I am still packing to have suitcases ready for Luggage Forward on Monday. We leave Thanksgiving morning for FLL for 53 days onboard Beautiful Rotterdam. 


I read Vanessa's care list for today and said prayers for you all. Yay Baby Murphy!


I have to get going. I'm helping a friend move some furniture and forgot a few things I need to get for the trip. 


Blessings for a wonderful weekend. 


Joy, nice of you to take time to help your neighbor move some furniture.  I hope you finish your packing job on time, too.  We are going to miss you here while you're on the Rotterdam so check in frequently.




6 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. 


It's an important day to remember all who have served their country. It was an experience going to Normandy this year on my TA cruise.

Angola is no doubt celebrating it's independence day. I like origami, but haven't really tried it myself. Education is essential for our development. Not sure about the quote. I like the meal, but too many carbs to eat it often. Pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Crete.


It's sunny, but we may not get past 50F today. I had the usual bad sleep, and even tried a Benadryl at 2AM, but this AM I had so much pain in my leg I could barely get down the stairs and then make my coffee. Now that I've been sitting a while it has eased off. I really need to tidy up around here and hope I can get the banana bread made. I bought a stool to use in the kitchen so that I can sit and work at the counter. I took a muscle relaxant a bit ago, and can already feel myself getting drowsy.


@kazu "The Poppy" is very moving; thanks for sharing it.

@RMLincoln Good luck with all the last minute stuff before the packers come. And it sounds like DH has his hands full with all the admin stuff. I know you two will get done what needs to get done. And we're cheering for you!

@Cruzin Terri I do hope DH is feeling better today. Will you be able to get some assistance for him for boarding the ship, like a wheelchair?

@smitty34877 My continued prayers for you, Tana and the family.

@dfish I'm glad the test wasn't terrible, but 7 days is too long for test results to come back. 

@cruising sister I'm glad you're feeling better. Enjoy the wedding.

@Haljo1935 I hope you get some relief for the shoulder and numb foot.

@Denise T Good for you for changing PCPs. That office sounds bad with not notifying you of the cancellation, then not refilling meds, when it was their fault. I hope your diabetes is back under control soon.

@Nickelpenny I'm sorry to hear it's been so hard for you to get an appointment at the pain clinic. These days everything is in the EMR regarding referral, if you stay in the same system. That Vertiflex procedure sounds interesting. Sorry for the rigamarole with the surgeon's office too. Sheesh!

@Heartgrove Great photo Jack. Thank you for your service.

@Cruising-along It will be fun to see DDIL's art at the gallery. Best to your DBIL for his treatments.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those with something to Celebrate.


Vanessa, it's such a shame you continue to have such awful pain.  Hopefully the Benadryl helps a little at night.  Then to have to work through the pain in the mornings...  I hope the muscle relaxants give some relief but sorry to hear you experience drowsiness afterwards and have a hard time getting anything accomplished.  The sooner you can get into the pain clinic the better.




6 hours ago, 57redbird said:

@JazzyV  I wish all of us with back/leg pain would get a solution that will offer some relief.  I follow up with my pain dr's PA on on Monday & I have requested an appointment with a spine surgeon but he needs to see the MRI I had done in September before that appointment can be made.  As a retired ortho RN, I want a minimally invasive laminotomy, please & thank you.  Only issue is we're in a Seattle suburb & he only operates in Seattle which means at least 1 overnight pre-op.  He did a 3 level cervical fusion on hubby with great results so I trust his work.


@57redbird I hope any further surgery on you helps as much as your DH's did for him!  Nice you have a trusting relationship with the surgeon.




6 hours ago, bennybear said:

Aghios Nikolas is a lovely place on a lake in Crete.  We’ve stayed near there a couple of times. 


If you’re ever there, it’s well worth a visit to the island of Spinalonga.   There is a very interesting novel titled The Island which is set on this island during WW2.  It was a leper colony.  








Brenda, thanks for the very nice photos of Agios Nikolaos!  It's absolutely beautiful!




5 hours ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

Thanks Sandi @StLouisCruisers, but we came home to the same. Woke up at one point, hearing the rain pounding down. Not great for DS, who travelled to Seattle with us, for the Univ. of Washington game today. It was a glorious week in Newnan.

Have a great weekend and take care.


At least you had a break from the rain and gloom.  It sure wasn't very nice here today!  I suppose the Veterans Day Corvette parade will be held tomorrow on the rain date.  Unless of course it rains again.  None of the forecasters can agree what's in store for us.  Congrats on the Univ. of Washington game today.  They are in the Big Ten now?  Michigan won and Ohio State is still playing but ahead.  And last but not least, it's an off weekend for Ren's soccer club.  He's pretty worn out from practices and scrimmages all week long.  DS didn't fly anyplace this weekend for the first time in months!  DS's birthday is tomorrow but he will see DDIL and Ren Wednesday of this week when he flies into Dallas early.  




3 hours ago, Cruisercl said:

Good Saturday Everyone,

I have been pretty busy so not able to post as much as I want to, I know just an excuse. I have been diligently following along daily. I have LOL at the memes and talked to my screen about different things going with people.

Thank you again to the pillars of the Daily and to any other contributions to the Daily; it is an addiction as I believe @aliaschief said....it is also a nice place to come to.


A salute and honor go to all Veterans everywhere; Thank You for your Service and Never forget.

I have family members who have and are serving; my Dad was in the Navy, Uncles in the Army and currently I have a Nephew and his Wife in the Air Force. We are aware of all of the sacrifices people make so the rest of us can be safe.

I did not know Remberance Day in Canada was honored on the same day; thanks for educating me.

All of the tributes here have been moving; I remember in grade school we had to memorize the poem In Flanders Field.


Honoring education day too. We have educators in our family; they have a very difficult job now, much more than before. They are angels.


Putting nurse hat on - What is wrong with our medical community? People should not be treated like some of you have been. They seem to be very casual with people who need help; the ignoring people, changing visits without notice and the ongoing pain struggles? Some of these could be life threatening. Unacceptable....Sheesh!!

Very happy to hear about sweet Baby Murphy - what a strong girl! I am sure her family is happy but exhausted. @cruising sister thank you for the updates on her. Continued prayers for her and your family.

I love Mac & Cheese....especially white cheddar. I usually add veggies to mine to justify in my small brain the cheese and carbs.😊


Wonderful to read about all of the traveling going on, my time will come soon enough. I am also packing for the GANZ cruise in ~52 days, but whose counting? I know others here are too. 

Bon voyage and Safe travels to the travelers and welcome home to those returning from a wonderful vacation!

Continued prayers for all of us, especially those who are going through any challenges. Prayers for the horrors happening in our world today, it is scary and disheartening.

However, please celebrate the joys in your life, we need and deserve them. 😊

Wow, quite the long post, Enough chatting from me for now.


Take care all,



Caron, it was good to hear from you today and we hope you find time to join in the conversation again soon.  Good luck to you too with packing for your Grand Australia New Zealand cruise (that's a great one!).




2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

I don't know about other parts of the country, but I've noticed a big change in our area.  Doctors and nurses are leaving the clinics, and those left are overworked and understaffed.  My neighbor is a retired RN and told me the numbers locally -- it's staggering.


Carolyn, we've seen changes here too with our doctor's practice.  Several years ago they were bought by a large conglomerate and nothing has changed for the better.  I'd love to find a smaller practice where someone actually cares for you!  Even the dentist office was sold to a big group.



1 hour ago, lazey1 said:

I will give the meal and the drink a miss today, not a fan of mac and cheese, but I sure look forward to trying the wine.

Thank you to all for your prayers and good wishes yesterday and today. It is rather strange I feel pretty good one day, just exhausted, then the next day any movement including coughing and breathing hurts. Pulmonologist says this time of Covid followup is different for everyone. I am staying home except to go get Rx filled and buy groceries. Not sick enough to need additional help.

Something I want to mention. I had the latest Covid vax, the flu shot and the RSV shot all the same day one month before I got sick. Doc said it was a very good thing and he really said about 5 time that the RSV shot is probably what kept me out of the hospital.

Now I am praying everyone recovers from their various ailments whether they are minimal or major and if I could shout I would shout halleluh for all who are cruising.



Jane, thanks for the update.  Glad you're better today.  Interesting what the doctor said about the RSV shot.  I'm glad I got one this year.



Well, time to relax and watch one of the many Christmas movies I have recorded from the Hallmark Channel.  I won't have to go to bed too early tonight after that nap today.  And no exercise on Sunday so I can stay in bed later tomorrow.  Good night all!  

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1 hour ago, Nickelpenny said:

I have already had 2 laminotomies - once around 1980 and another around 2004 - last one at Swedish in Seattle as an emergency.  Want to try to avoid those again but we will see.  Before it was L4-L5 but now it seems to be L3-S1.  Go figure!!

Mine is severe stenosis at L4-5.....& yes, the surgeon is at Swedish Ortho Institute (Jeff Garr).

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25 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Carolyn, we've seen changes here too with our doctor's practice.  Several years ago they were bought by a large conglomerate and nothing has changed for the better.  I'd love to find a smaller practice where someone actually cares for you!  Even the dentist office was sold to a big group.

Yeah, that's what happened to Carolyn @Cruising-along and me.  Our local clinic (we attend different branch offices of the same clinic) was bought by a "large conglomerate" and is now losing unhappy practitioners at all levels.  Not to mention how unhappy we patients are.  It's a bad, BAD thing that apparently is occurring all over the country.

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Good evening!  We got home from San Diego Thursday afternoon. We saw this ship in port on the way to the airport. I don’t know which ship it is. 



We had a great time but it was good to get home. I much prefer cruises to land vacations. Our Hawaii cruise is in 79 days. Yay!


Have a good evening everyone. 

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We're relaxing now watching the Texas Longhorns play the TCU Horned Frogs.  So far it's and interesting game.  With 7 minutes left in the first half UT is ahead,but anything can happen.


38 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Oh my gosh!  I started trying to answer posts today early this morning but was busy doing laundry and many other chores and computer jobs.  Then after lunch I decided this was a nap day and went to the napping room where I actually did nap!  No noise since we repaired the toilet tank leak.  I woke up and didn't know where I was or what time of day it was.  I'm still playing catch up here. I think it's a better idea to respond all day long rather than these long posts but I'll do that next time.  




Maureen, best of luck to you and DH with the move next week.  I'm hoping for the best with your DH's upcoming eye surgeries.





Terri @Cruzin Terri thank you for your mention of prayers for DB.  They are appreciated!  I hope Jim's knee and ankle start to improve this week so he can enjoy the upcoming cruise.





Thank you for mentioning your UK Remembrance Day memories.  The train stopping for 2 minutes sounds like a memorable experience and very appropriate.





Debbie, thanks for the recipes today.  I hope you were able to complete work on the leaves and that they stay put for a while!  I'm sorry to hear the CT results take so long these days.





Lorraine, great news you are feeling better today.  I hope the wedding was fun, and I'm sure the bride and groom were glad you made it to their important event.





Hoping you get some help with the should and numb foot now that you're back home.  It's so disheartening to hear of so many suffering with pain.  Good luck and I hope things are going better by your upcoming cruise.





I'm so sorry to hear about the diabetes control problems but glad to know you have taken steps to get new medical care providers.  I know many of us are having problems with our doctor's offices.






Lenda, good to hear your hard work has paid off and the older motorhome is ready for delivery to the dealer Monday.  It's going to be an exciting day for you both as you take possession of the new one.  Congrats on your decision.  Will you be heading to Quartzsite in the near future?





Penny, good luck with getting into the pain clinic.  I hope the call back happens Monday.  Hard to believe the doctor's office staff cancelled an appointment without notice to you.  SMH!





Looking good Jack!  Thank you for your service.  That was taken the day after the moon landing by Armstrong and Aldrin!  And it was actually 54 years ago.  The years fly by don't they?





Good luck getting ready for your Grand Australia!  I hope your DBIL's cancer treatments are successful.





Joy, nice of you to take time to help your neighbor move some furniture.  I hope you finish your packing job on time, too.  We are going to miss you here while you're on the Rotterdam so check in frequently.





Vanessa, it's such a shame you continue to have such awful pain.  Hopefully the Benadryl helps a little at night.  Then to have to work through the pain in the mornings...  I hope the muscle relaxants give some relief but sorry to hear you experience drowsiness afterwards and have a hard time getting anything accomplished.  The sooner you can get into the pain clinic the better.





@57redbird I hope any further surgery on you helps as much as your DH's did for him!  Nice you have a trusting relationship with the surgeon.





Brenda, thanks for the very nice photos of Agios Nikolaos!  It's absolutely beautiful!





At least you had a break from the rain and gloom.  It sure wasn't very nice here today!  I suppose the Veterans Day Corvette parade will be held tomorrow on the rain date.  Unless of course it rains again.  None of the forecasters can agree what's in store for us.  Congrats on the Univ. of Washington game today.  They are in the Big Ten now?  Michigan won and Ohio State is still playing but ahead.  And last but not least, it's an off weekend for Ren's soccer club.  He's pretty worn out from practices and scrimmages all week long.  DS didn't fly anyplace this weekend for the first time in months!  DS's birthday is tomorrow but he will see DDIL and Ren Wednesday of this week when he flies into Dallas early.  





Caron, it was good to hear from you today and we hope you find time to join in the conversation again soon.  Good luck to you too with packing for your Grand Australia New Zealand cruise (that's a great one!).





Carolyn, we've seen changes here too with our doctor's practice.  Several years ago they were bought by a large conglomerate and nothing has changed for the better.  I'd love to find a smaller practice where someone actually cares for you!  Even the dentist office was sold to a big group.




Jane, thanks for the update.  Glad you're better today.  Interesting what the doctor said about the RSV shot.  I'm glad I got one this year.



Well, time to relax and watch one of the many Christmas movies I have recorded from the Hallmark Channel.  I won't have to go to bed too early tonight after that nap today.  And no exercise on Sunday so I can stay in bed later tomorrow.  Good night all!  


Sandi, we are planning to go to Quartzsite, and hope to leave by the end of the next week.  A lot depends on how quickly I can get everything in the new motorhome, since DH is still limited in what he can do.  We would like to be there before Thanksgiving, but we'll play it by ear on the way west.


9 minutes ago, AV8rix said:

Yeah, that's what happened to Carolyn @Cruising-along and me.  Our local clinic (we attend different branch offices of the same clinic) was bought by a "large conglomerate" and is now losing unhappy practitioners at all levels.  Not to mention how unhappy we patients are.  It's a bad, BAD thing that apparently is occurring all over the country.


We're lucky in our small town in Texas, that our PCP is under the radar of the big guys -- so far.  🫰  He is very patient oriented and has a great staff including  a wonderful PA, a NP and a licensed clinical social worker.  He also contracts for a x-ray tech to come in once a week and phlebotomist to be there daily.  In Quartzsite, the hospital in Parker has a clinic, but the doctor leaves a lot to be desired.  There is a NP who is a contract employee who is usually on a two year contract.


10 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good evening!  We got home from San Diego Thursday afternoon. We saw this ship in port on the way to the airport. I don’t know which ship it is. 



We had a great time but it was good to get home. I much prefer cruises to land vacations. Our Hawaii cruise is in 79 days. Yay!


Have a good evening everyone. 


Welcone home, Sharon.




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I searched today and there are no remaining survivors from World War 1 of which I expected. There were 40 million military and civilian casualties and 20 million death in World War 1.One would have hoped the world would have learned a lesson from that.

World War II an estimated 70-85 million were killed. I could go on. Why can’t we as a society learn to love thy neighbor as thy self?


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5 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

I searched today and there are no remaining survivors from World War 1 of which I expected. There were 40 million military and civilian casualties and 20 million death in World War 1.One would have hoped the world would have learned a lesson from that.

World War II an estimated 70-85 million were killed. I could go on. Why can’t we as a society learn to love thy neighbor as thy self?


So true!

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58 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Looking good Jack!  Thank you for your service.  That was taken the day after the moon landing by Armstrong and Aldrin!  And it was actually 54 years ago.  The years fly by don't they?


Thank you, Sandi! I actually was going to post 54 years but Sue must want a younger man as she was the one that said 53 years.  😁


Interesting story regarding the astronauts. I was aware of the moon landing but on the day I enlisted I was sent to Cape May, NJ for recruit training.Total news blackout for nine weeks while I was going through basic training! We knew nothing about what was going on in the rest of the world including whether or not the astronauts returned safely. It wasn’t until completing  my training in September that year that I knew the outcome. 

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8 minutes ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you, Sandi! I actually was going to post 54 years but Sue must want a younger man as she was the one that said 53 years.  😁


Interesting story regarding the astronauts. I was aware of the moon landing but on the day I enlisted I was sent to Cape May, NJ for recruit training.Total news blackout for nine weeks while I was going through basic training! We knew nothing about what was going on in the rest of the world including whether or not the astronauts returned safely. It wasn’t until completing  my training in September that year that I knew the outcome. 

Jack thanks. 🫡🇺🇸

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1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good evening!  We got home from San Diego Thursday afternoon. We saw this ship in port on the way to the airport. I don’t know which ship it is. 



We had a great time but it was good to get home. I much prefer cruises to land vacations. Our Hawaii cruise is in 79 days. Yay!


Have a good evening everyone. 


Glad you had a great time.  The weather looked beautiful as it usually is there.  The port schedule says that ship was Discovery Princess.  Thanks for the photo.  




51 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We're relaxing now watching the Texas Longhorns play the TCU Horned Frogs.  So far it's and interesting game.  With 7 minutes left in the first half UT is ahead,but anything can happen.



Sandi, we are planning to go to Quartzsite, and hope to leave by the end of the next week.  A lot depends on how quickly I can get everything in the new motorhome, since DH is still limited in what he can do.  We would like to be there before Thanksgiving, but we'll play it by ear on the way west.



We're lucky in our small town in Texas, that our PCP is under the radar of the big guys -- so far.  🫰  He is very patient oriented and has a great staff including  a wonderful PA, a NP and a licensed clinical social worker.  He also contracts for a x-ray tech to come in once a week and phlebotomist to be there daily.  In Quartzsite, the hospital in Parker has a clinic, but the doctor leaves a lot to be desired.  There is a NP who is a contract employee who is usually on a two year contract.



Welcone home, Sharon.





I hope everything goes as planned and you get to Quartzsite on schedule.🦃





33 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Why can’t we as a society learn to love thy neighbor as thy self?



If that could happen, then yes we would have no more wars!  If only...




18 minutes ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you, Sandi! I actually was going to post 54 years but Sue must want a younger man as she was the one that said 53 years.  😁


Interesting story regarding the astronauts. I was aware of the moon landing but on the day I enlisted I was sent to Cape May, NJ for recruit training.Total news blackout for nine weeks while I was going through basic training! We knew nothing about what was going on in the rest of the world including whether or not the astronauts returned safely. It wasn’t until completing  my training in September that year that I knew the outcome. 


I remember the years easier because we got married about 7 weeks later.  It must have been strange to know nothing about what was going on in the world.  



Well, I enjoyed the Hallmark Christmas movie.  My DVR is recording more of them several times a week including right at this moment.  I'll catch up as soon as I can.  Have a good night all!

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@Quartzsite Cruiser Here you go. 


Creamy Corn and Potato Chowder


4 slices bacon

1 yellow onion diced

2 red peppers

3 ribs of celery

2 tsp salt

1 1/2 lb red or Yukon gold potatoes cut into bite size chunks

2 cups chicken broth

2 cups corn

1 1/2 cups whole milk

2 tsp sugar (optional)


  1. Cook bacon until crisp and then drain.
  2. Add onion to the pot with the bacon drippings and sauce until tender. Add red peppers, celery, salt, and saute until tender
  3. Add potatoes and chicken broth. Bring soup to boil and cook until the potatoes are tender.
  4. Put aside one cup of corn kernels. Place remaining kernels and milk in blender and puree until smooth.
  5. Once potatoes are tender, add corn puree, corn kernels and sugar if using. Simmer until corn kernels are tender and corn puree is heated through.
  6. Serve soup garnished with crumbled bacon.
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Texas won tonight in an interesting game.  TCU played a good game, but couldn't quite get ahead once Texas scored.  Texas has two more games this season.  Next week tney play Iowa State in Ames, IA, and Texas Tech in Austin on Friday night the day after Thanksgiving.  Texas is 9-1 with their only loss to OU in a very close game.


5 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser Here you go. 


Creamy Corn and Potato Chowder


4 slices bacon

1 yellow onion diced

2 red peppers

3 ribs of celery

2 tsp salt

1 1/2 lb red or Yukon gold potatoes cut into bite size chunks

2 cups chicken broth

2 cups corn

1 1/2 cups whole milk

2 tsp sugar (optional)


  1. Cook bacon until crisp and then drain.
  2. Add onion to the pot with the bacon drippings and sauce until tender. Add red peppers, celery, salt, and saute until tender
  3. Add potatoes and chicken broth. Bring soup to boil and cook until the potatoes are tender.
  4. Put aside one cup of corn kernels. Place remaining kernels and milk in blender and puree until smooth.
  5. Once potatoes are tender, add corn puree, corn kernels and sugar if using. Simmer until corn kernels are tender and corn puree is heated through.
  6. Serve soup garnished with crumbled bacon.


Karen, thanks for the recipe.  It sounds good, and even better, easy.  I'll try it.



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