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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday January 29th, 2024


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Good morning.

We are sitting in the Club Lounge at the Jacksonville Airport.  As far as I can see our flight is on time.

This morning was not the greatest but we got through it.  A bit of confusion on what we were doing and where we were going, but now all is good.

I am learning that calmness on my part makes things easier for DH.  I am trying real hard.


Will head to the gate in a little while.  Somewhere in the whole scheme of things I lost my comb and need to buy one.  Sure that I will find it after I buy one.


Will post after we get settled in the hotel.

Hoping for an uneventful flight.

God Bless,


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I'm not sure if I posted after the concert yesterday, but this is what we did yesterday afternoon.  We became members (again) of the Michael C Carlos museum, which is on the Emory  University Campus.  It is a museum of antiquities.  We saw the Americas, and then Rome and Greece (kind of like being in Rome...LOL) and then we attended the concert I had been invited to.  Javanese instruments, and music of Java and Bali.  It was held in a smaller studio than the big concerts, and because i am short we sat to the left almost behind the musicians.  I was next to a window, and while I could not hear the wind howling i could see the effects....plastic Adirondack chairs blowing across the commons. Quite entertaining.


The music was interesting, some of the sounds put me in al almost Zen trance, but then the rhythm would change, and snap me right out of it.  It was odd though, I recognized one of the themes as the soundtrack for the Dr. Blake Mysteries. 😸 First time adventure of the year, and we both forgot our cameras.

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27 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good morning.

We are sitting in the Club Lounge at the Jacksonville Airport.  As far as I can see our flight is on time.

This morning was not the greatest but we got through it.  A bit of confusion on what we were doing and where we were going, but now all is good.

I am learning that calmness on my part makes things easier for DH.  I am trying real hard.


Will head to the gate in a little while.  Somewhere in the whole scheme of things I lost my comb and need to buy one.  Sure that I will find it after I buy one.


Will post after we get settled in the hotel.

Hoping for an uneventful flight.

God Bless,


I feel for you Terri. My DD DH suffered from anxiety and depression and his illness exacerbated that. I spent a lot of time reminding myself to remain calm as things could turn quickly sideways. It was better for both of us. 
Enjoy your cruise as best you can.

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54 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning. Now on  Nome, Alaska time and tomorrow Hawaiian time. Body is trying to catch up.

Last night ten of us dined on an Indian Rice Table and our Exec. Indian Chef put on a feast for us. So delicious. A guest we are friends approached Chef Sri if such a dinner would be possible. As usual the answer was yes when do you want to have it? Delicious and authentic.

Some locals from Picairn came aboard yesterday to sell some of their wares and goods. Bought Sue a necklace and the lady was a descendent of Fletcher Christian.

She also did a presentation on onboard about life on Island. They work hard but seem happy. The school is closed as there are no young children and most of the residents are aged and becoming pensioners. Could this be the last generation?

Time for coffee Outdoor’s looking over the vast Pacific. Have not seen another ship in days.

Have a great week.  Bruce





Did they have a postal rep on board.  When I was there on Crustal Symphony in March 2018 I mailed a post card to my late brother.  I was back on the ship when he received it in August.



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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @kazu and @richwmn.

I know a curmudgeon or two, as well as a few freethinkers. I love bubble wrap, not only for wrapping, but for popping sometimes! The quote is something we should aspire to, although hard at times. I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine (the "family" one). I have been to Buenos Aires on my SA/Antarctica cruise. 3 good days in history.


Another cloudy day, with snow flurries, but colder, with a high of 37F. The rivers are rising from rain and melting snow, and we have some road closures due to them flooding, as well as parking and walkways along the rivers. I'll be inside today. Sleep and pain are about the same. I'll continue to try to pack away some things. I started the jigsaw puzzle of a picture of BFF and myself in front of Harbor Bridge in Sydney, while watching football yesterday. It's huge, and I don't know what I'll do with it when finished (it's too big to glue together and hang).


@0106 Bon Voyage Tina!

@HAL Sailer Happy Birthday Melisa!

@StLouisCruisers Congrats to Ren and his team! Great pictures of him in action. Great BA photos.

@rafinmd Thanks for the maps today. 

@kazu We may need to wrap you in bubblewrap! I'm glad your pain isn't as bad as mine. I'll be interested in your ideas for Quebec. My September cruise stops there overnight. I'm hoping if my procedure helps, I can work hard on getting back in some kind of shape. Otherwise I might spend my time just onboard.

@smitty34877 I'm glad you made it home safely! That reminds me of when I went to the first outdoor hockey game in Buffalo. On the way home the roads were terrible, with spinouts, then I was low on gas (luckily a small station off an exit had its pumps on, although it was closed). I was praying until we got below I-80 and snow stopped. So great that Tana's friend stayed with her, but sorry to hear that DD and DSIL are sick. I think they work in healthcare? Lots of colds and flu going around, so contact with the public leads to a lot of illness. 

@superoma Thanks for the recipes. Like Terry, I'd maybe like it with thighs.

@kochleffel Thanks for the drink recipe.

@RMLincoln I hope things go well at the eye appointment. I'm fortunate to not be a "responder" to steroid eye drops with an increase in pressure, as I've been on them 5 years for my uveitis.

@Seasick Sailor You're ambitious, but organizing is always satisfying.

@dfish Enjoy relaxing today.

@marshhawk I hear you on water companies. Our antiquated system used postcards that still had dot-matrix printing! They decided to change to a modern system and changed peoples' account numbers, but the new numbers weren't on the letter sent out. For people who paid in person or by phone you could still use the old number, but I pay online through my bank. I finally got the new number. As you say, ridiculous! Great photos from your roaming in Rome.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Safe travels tomorrow. Lovely photos.

@aliaschief I love Indian food and that menu looks great.

@Haljo1935 I hope you get your booking straightened out. 

@Cruzin Terri Hang in there. I know with my DM, changing her familiar environment worsened her confusion. And I agree, remaining calm helps. And sometimes not correcting the person (my DM would ask if I'd seen her DM who died when I was 18 mos old; I'd just say, "not today" instead of trying to correct her). Please try to enjoy the cruise.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


Some photos from Buenos Aires

Torre Monumental



Falklands War Memorial and the Kavanaugh Building



Plaza San Martin's Great Gomero Tree



Le Doubte (The Doubt) Sculpture, Plaza San Martin



Monument to Jose de San Martin



The Obelisk



Candied fruits in a store window



Casa Rosado, May Pyramid (celebrating the May revolution) and Plaza de Mayo



Painted kerchiefs representing Mothers of Plaza de Mayo



The Metropolitan Cathedral (Pope Francis was Archbishop here 2001-2013), Crypt of San Martin











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15 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Did they have a postal rep on board.  When I was there on Crustal Symphony in March 2018 I mailed a post card to my late brother.  I was back on the ship when he received it in August.



Yes, they did and they told folks about the lengthy delivery times.

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1 hour ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good Morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I am a free and abstract thinker, which sometimes is a fault when dealing with people who are more concrete thinkers.  There are times I am a curmudgeon and oh, how I love to pop bubble wrap - even now!!  I am not sure I agree with the quote - I forget my enemies as I don't want to waste time on them.  I rarely use my slow cooker any more and my instant pot is also a slow cooker but I just bought some drumsticks yesterday so I may need to try the recipe with a couple of adjustments.  The drink sounds good, no to the wine, and never been to Argentina.  3 interesting days in history.




Today is a better day as I was a curmudgeon yesterday!  Accomplished some things but I noticed that I tend to procrastinate more when I am not working.  Not a good thing! My PCP got back to me about getting a prescription for the typhoid vaccine and malaria pills.  He wants to discuss it so I requested an appointment - and it can be a virtual one.  So I wait for a call.




Boy, the subbing app "blew up" this morning with requests for subs for today.  Notifications will start and 0500 and end at 2200.  I can put me as not available but I am noisy and something may come up that sounds interesting.  But today I have a PT appt at 1400.  I did get a text from a teacher I know asking about 2 days in the future; unfortunately, I am already booked.




Thoughts for those on the care list and the military families who are grieving.  Cheers to the numerous people who are celebrating.




Have a great day everyone!

I absolutely agree with your opinion on the quote.

I might have a few people who don't like me but trying to be nice to them just does not work unfortunately.

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Good chilly and sunny afternoon. Not much going on today.

Kust a heads up for an important event this Saturday, It’s National Eat Ice Cream For Breakfast Day. One of our favorite restaurants has already published the menu . I’m planning on the fruit parfait. Vanilla with fresh berries and whipped cream. Yummy

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

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29 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

I absolutely agree with your opinion on the quote.

I might have a few people who don't like me but trying to be nice to them just does not work unfortunately.

You and I are very much alike!

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Good afternoon.  We were in Buenos Aires in February  14 and 15, 2023.   I rode a horse in the Pampas and both of us did a tapas and wine tasting in the city.  Inland it was 105 degrees and after an hour and a half of riding I got off and laid in the ditch awaiting a pickup to take me back to the ranch. I had no idea it was so hot until I got back to the ranch and checked AccuWeather.















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Good morning, Dailyites!  Everyone please send bubblewrap to Jacqui!  The chicken sounds good - might try it.  Last night I marinated some chicken thighs in soy sauce, mirin, chilli sauce, and fish sauce (all compliments of DD, who shops on line) and then added some peas and bamboo shoots in a pancake.   Pat said it was tasty, I found it a bit too spicy, but I survived.  We eat a lot of chicken.  But I think we'll have left over pot roast tonight, and we have a bottle of red wine to finish up.


As Roy said, we joined the Grand SA on Prinsendam at the last minute in BA for the Amazon.  We decided, as the ship would overnight there we could risk arriving on the day, so we used the ship's transfer and planned to go ashore the next day, however there was a strike or something going on, so we just stayed on board.  We had visited BA for a few days in 2017 before a Zaandam cruise in the other direction, so we did see a lot of the city, we joined friends at dinner, where our waiter pointed to a large dish of meats that a single gentleman was enjoying and said that was their usual order for 2, but we decided it was enough for 4!  We couldn't eat it all, it came with empanadas, french fries, rolls, and a large salad.  I have a picture of the meats, but I think we already had had a few pieces.  


We walked for miles in BA, an amazing city.,  We found a 3-storey shopping centre overlooking the Recoleta and got pictures of it from there - a city within a city!  Even crypts underground.  The Galleria shopping centre had very ornate ceilings.


On the way to dinner 





This enormous flower has petals that are supposed to open and close depending on the sunshine, but it wasn't working when we were there.




Bird's eye view of the Recoleta Cemetary and wall.








Ceiling in the shopping centreIMG_0087.thumb.JPG.c103623abbcfd638253cfbd6a30bb649.JPG




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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

@kazu We may need to wrap you in bubblewrap! I'm glad your pain isn't as bad as mine.


I won’t be posting anymore LOL 😂 It’s just an ouch, Vanessa - nothing like when I aggravated it last time.  Not serious at all.  I just need to give it time and be patient (which I’m not known for).



1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

I'll be interested in your ideas for Quebec. My September cruise stops there overnight. I'm hoping if my procedure helps, I can work hard on getting back in some kind of shape. Otherwise I might spend my time just onboard.


Don’t let not being up to walking stop you from seeing Quebec.  It’s a wonderful city - European.  Very different from the typical city.


Quebec is perfect for walking but you don’t have to walk to see things.


There is a bus tour that will take you to Montgomery Falls and the Abby.  It’s well run and well rated.  There are also some guides on TBL who will give you a primarily driving tour and just getting out at the stops.


There are also bicycle cabs that will take you around.  


Depending on when you are there, if it’s a day when Hotel Frotenac is doing their tea, you might consider going to it (if you like tea).  It’s quite wonderful.  Hotel Frotenac is iconic and beautiful.


There are lot of options - it’s deciding which ones you want that is the challenge.  😉 

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2 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

Bubble Wrap Day?

Meal sounds good, maybe on the drink and wine, not been to the port.

Just spent 2.5 hours on the phone w/TA and HAL changing a booking - sometimes TAs complicate things. They did the original hold wrong so we couldn't use CO for the cabin upgrade & have to pay for the aft cabin. That really bites as it's a lot on this cruise. Then when I get the confirmation from the TA, pass #2 is wrong, so I'll have to call back. Good grief!

Weather app says it's currently 52° but sure feels colder. Headed to sunny 72° - what a change! Things sure need to dry out and soon.

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 



When our TA closed up shop, we began using a PCC and had a couple of wonderful ones.  Then, our favorite PCC decided to be a stay at home mom, and DH had to train the next one.  After a few different PCCs since covid, we seem to have a good one.  Even PCCs can mess up at times, but we haven't had many problems using them.  But we generally know just what we want to book and which flights we want.


2 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good morning.

We are sitting in the Club Lounge at the Jacksonville Airport.  As far as I can see our flight is on time.

This morning was not the greatest but we got through it.  A bit of confusion on what we were doing and where we were going, but now all is good.

I am learning that calmness on my part makes things easier for DH.  I am trying real hard.


Will head to the gate in a little while.  Somewhere in the whole scheme of things I lost my comb and need to buy one.  Sure that I will find it after I buy one.


Will post after we get settled in the hotel.

Hoping for an uneventful flight.

God Bless,



Terri, I hope being on a familiar ship will help your DH's confusion.  Keeping calm always helps, but it's not always easy.  I hope you are able to relax and enjoy your cruise.


1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Yes, they did and they told folks about the lengthy delivery times.


When my DFIL did the freighter cruises that included Pitcairn in late 1980s and early 1990s, the ship picked up the teachers and took them back to their homes in New Zealand.  IIRC, the mail also goes by ship to NZ which adds a lot of time to the journey.


The big suitcases are basically packed, but may need a big rearranging to distribute the weight a bit more evenly.  The carry-ons are next, but will have a few last minute things to add in the morning.



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Hello from a Sunny day in Wisconsin!  It's been over a week since the sun was out!  The meal today looks good, thanks for all of the pictures!  Cheers to everyone celebrating and prayers for those that ned them.  Thanks for the caring and sharing here!  Karen

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


When our TA closed up shop, we began using a PCC and had a couple of wonderful ones.  Then, our favorite PCC decided to be a stay at home mom, and DH had to train the next one.  After a few different PCCs since covid, we seem to have a good one.  Even PCCs can mess up at times, but we haven't had many problems using them.  But we generally know just what we want to book and which flights we want.



Terri, I hope being on a familiar ship will help your DH's confusion.  Keeping calm always helps, but it's not always easy.  I hope you are able to relax and enjoy your cruise.



When my DFIL did the freighter cruises that included Pitcairn in late 1980s and early 1990s, the ship picked up the teachers and took them back to their homes in New Zealand.  IIRC, the mail also goes by ship to NZ which adds a lot of time to the journey.


The big suitcases are basically packed, but may need a big rearranging to distribute the weight a bit more evenly.  The carry-ons are next, but will have a few last minute things to add in the morning.



I hope you have an amazing cruise on Koningsdam Lenda.

A new series of Below deck from Airlie beach Australia has just started on UK TV.

Edited by grapau27
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6 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning from San Diego!


We hit the hay pretty early last night so we’re up early.  No real plans for today other than more time in the pool.


Happy Birthday to Melisa @HAL Sailer!


The meal looks great!  I’d use any part but the legs.  


Best wishes for an amazing cruise Debbie.

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Good afternoon from San Diego!  We arrived about noon and have already checked into our hotel. Now we are having a drink in Little Italy and then going to lunch. It’s a beautiful day!




Tomorrow the Koningsdam!


I haven’t read the Daily yet so I hope all is well. 

Have a great day!

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@JazzyVif you can find a tour to Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré it is well worth it. The cathedral is very interesting. We did a driving tour of Ile d’orleons which we enjoyed but we were there in the fall, after Labour Day so less traffic. I hope you do get a chance to see some of Quebec City. It is wonderfully European like @kazusays

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32 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good afternoon from San Diego!  We arrived about noon and have already checked into our hotel. Now we are having a drink in Little Italy and then going to lunch. It’s a beautiful day!




Tomorrow the Koningsdam!


I haven’t read the Daily yet so I hope all is well. 

Have a great day!

Weather looks beautiful! I always tell myself I'll go to Little Italy, but haven't yet. Hope you enjoy it and your cruise!! K'dam is a wonderful ship.

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