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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday April 2nd, 2024


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Just now, Sharon in AZ said:

Good afternoon and Happy Tuesday. I had a dermatology appointment this morning and read most of the posts there and then the rest at home. 

Pennie @Nickelpenny, I’m glad you didn’t stay up for the launch. It was just too overcast to see anything so you didn’t miss a thing. I hope you are feeling better today. 

Bruce @aliaschief, what!?!  I would be really sad if you didn’t post about your travels and cruises. 

I would have the meal suggestion for a family get together, like a brunch for a holiday. Today we are having TJ’s meatloaf with Craig’s famous mashed potatoes. I’m making asparagus as a side. It’s been so plentiful at the grocery store thanks to the produce manager. 

Have a great day everyone!

That meatloaf and mashed potatoes sounds delicious

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5 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all! 

@summer slope prayers for Mike, so hard away from home!  
@smitty34877 so sorry to hear Tana and you all had such a tough night, hoping you all get some relief! 
@ger_77 please don’t apologize, it’s a privilege and honour to help others,  grief is such a tough thing and sharing helps!  
@aliaschief I have loved following your adventures!  So glad you have shared!   I think we are united by a common love of HAL, but it’s always good to broaden one’s horizons.  Thank you!  
@RMLincoln happy for your wonderful news about the positive outcome for all you’ve been through for DH’s eye!

@marshhawk good luck today! 
@Nickelpenny sorry you had bad results, hoping you can maintain your joint health! 

We got our snow warning yesterday, today will be very pleasant and than lots of snow.  The joys of a Canadian spring!  

Had to share some amazing local chocolates we had!   Such a great name, the chocolate lab!  




Supposed to snow here on Thursday

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What a great group we have, used to have a pen pal when I was a kid, not saying how long ago.we met when her family came to Hastings Ontario to go fishing.we stayed friends for many years. They lived in Martins Ferry Ohio.

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7 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I find ferrets too wyley and cunning, and they're awfully quick - much prefer cats.  We have pretty good produce managers at the grocery stores near us, but nothing competes with the farmer's market.  Love peanut butter and jelly - it goes on anything flat:  crackers, bread, toast, waffles, pancakes . . . .


Thank you all for your beautiful words of condolence yesterday; they were so appreciated.  I'm not that great of a person, just that when I see others in need, I'm willing to help in any way.  I'm blessed to have such a sweet support group like you to help buoy me up in dark times.  Having re-read yesterday's post, I have to apologize for the lengthy diatribe; I could have simply said Gord had passed away and I was there to support Ollie, end of story, rather than going into detail.


The house is quiet, but yesterday I did get all the beds stripped, some of the laundry done, and all but a few fingerprints wiped off the coffee tables.  I'm almost hesitant to take the last of them off, as they are a great reminder of the little people and their presence.  Today is a day to finish the laundry, do a once-over with the vacuum and to relax - there might even be a nap in the afternoon for both of us.  LOL  



@smitty34877I'm sorry to hear Tana had a bad night; I'm glad you've got a call in to the hospice nurse, especially when you know the cough sounds different.  Prayers that everything turns our alright for her, and please try to get some rest when the aide is there.


I'd like to try the drink, but seriously, how many bars carry lavender syrup?  Pretty sure I'd like the drink, and a healthy French toast casserole?  Sure.  We'll go with that.  I like breakfast casseroles, but don't care for the flavours of almond or oat milk, so will continue to make them (as infrequently as I do) with regular 2% milk.  As for us, we've got leftovers from Easter dinner to work on, so it'll be warmed up ham and baked potatoes along with freshly cooked asparagus (it was on sale, and I bought WAY too much!) at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in wars.  Special prayers to the aid workers killed in the air strike in Gaza - as if things there weren't horrible enough!!!  Cheers to all with celebrations today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Yes World Kitchen doors amazing work all over the world. chef Andres is a big hero of mine.

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7 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet reports.  Not a fan of PB&J, do like ferrets and I don't want to "love" a produce manager!  My father used to tell us kids - Always do the best you can.  It might not be as good as yesterday or tomorrow, but always do your best.  I don't think I would like the meal at all, the drink sounds (and looks) delicious, yes to the wine, and I have never been to Townsville.  What an explorer Ponce de Leon was!


Thanks @Sharon in AZ for the heads up about the SpaceX launch yesterday.  Unfortunately, I went to bed early as I started coughing and feeling crappy.  A friend in Yuma posted some pics they could see from there.  Amazing.


We still have cool weather today and yesterday it rained off and on.  Sometimes heavy.  We may get up to high 60s and it should become clear skies but presently it is 45F under cloudy skies with 97% humidity!  This is cooler than normal for us.  


I am in a funk today.  I had some x-rays of the knees yesterday (trying to get into a clinical trial) and was surprised to see how bad the R knee has become.  It is now Stage 4 OA and definitely will not qualify; it is too bad.  Maybe the L will (?); we will see.  This is not good news.  I don't want knee replacement so I am looking at other alternatives.  I don't mind "fixing" my bones but I don't want "stuff" in my body.  Go figure.  I just envision a future of immobility and that just depresses me to no end.  




Very sad to read of the passing of the friends and relatives of some dailyites.  Thoughts for you and others on the care list.  Cheers to those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone.



I feel your pain with the j

knees. I am also not n the waiting line and do not any surgery. Saw some research on PLP injections that apparently have been successful here. Plasma , but not sure. So miss dancing but that’s how I buggered it up, pardon my French.

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5 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all! 

@summer slope prayers for Mike, so hard away from home!  
@smitty34877 so sorry to hear Tana and you all had such a tough night, hoping you all get some relief! 
@ger_77 please don’t apologize, it’s a privilege and honour to help others,  grief is such a tough thing and sharing helps!  
@aliaschief I have loved following your adventures!  So glad you have shared!   I think we are united by a common love of HAL, but it’s always good to broaden one’s horizons.  Thank you!  
@RMLincoln happy for your wonderful news about the positive outcome for all you’ve been through for DH’s eye!

@marshhawk good luck today! 
@Nickelpenny sorry you had bad results, hoping you can maintain your joint health! 

We got our snow warning yesterday, today will be very pleasant and than lots of snow.  The joys of a Canadian spring!  

Had to share some amazing local chocolates we had!   Such a great name, the chocolate lab!  




Well I was a good girl and abstained but gave some chocolate to my sons, Walkers Chocolate is good here.

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1 hour ago, richwmn said:

Volendam's Captain Rens Van Eerten just announced that we are currently over 1,100 miles to the nearest land in any direction. We are, he told us, in the middle of nowhere!


Sounds divine 

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1 hour ago, dfish said:

Greetings, everyone!


It is a rainy day here so I have gotten a lot of work done and now I find extra time on my hands.  

Sue and I went to our favorite shop this morning and bought the place out.  Well, not quite, but it felt like it.  I got a couple pairs of fun slacks and a really fun dress.  The dress will be great for summer.  Then we went and loaded up on coffee at our favorite coffee place.  That is one indulgence we allow ourselves on a regular basis.  We came home and made a pot of Cherry Bomb.  My favorite is the Hawaiian Macadamia Nut.  


@AncientWanderer  Sue suffers from migraines as well and was hoping with increasing age and certain changes in hormones that they would go away, but no such luck.  She takes some meds to reduce the number of headache days, but still manages about one a week.  Being on a BHB must be helpful as we were there for 18 days and she only had one.  

@JazzyV Oh my, Vanessa.  I think I would have sat down and cried when I saw the elevator out of order.  I don't think this is pink eye as the eye itself is fine.  The problem is the eyelid.  It looks bruised and swollen.  I wonder if something bit me.  

@summer slope Healing thoughts for your friend Mike and comfort for his wife.  

@RMLincoln Great news about DH Richard's eye!   We need to hear more like this.

@smitty34877 Hugs to you and warm thoughts for Tana.  I hope it is something that can be handled easily.

@StLouisCruisers I love your stocking!  That takes a great amount of patience.  Ren is quite the athlete and the picture could be a poster!  

@Nickelpenny I hear you about the knee.  Mine were really holding me back and injections only work so long.  I had both replaced and I am glad I did.  My mobility is much greater now with the "new" knees.  One friend waited too long and they had to rebuild part of the bone.  Don't get to that point.

@tupper10 Glad to see that you are comfortable posting here.  I fear too many may think that we are a close knit clique.  While we are close, we do like newcomers!  

@erewhon Thanks for your comments about Noordam.  


The rain on the roof is very soothing and can easily lull one to sleep.  Sue is out!


Thank you Debbie.  Ren isn't usually in his favorite position of center forward but that's because the other center forward cannot play right wing.  Therefore Ren, who plays both well, only gets center forward occasionally.  Ren kicks the ball to the center forward who sometimes scores.  Not Ren's fault if he doesn't!!  I would enjoy a poster of my athletic grandson on my wall.  🙂




1 hour ago, tupper10 said:

@StLouisCruisers sandy we are on  with you starting June 29th. We have a 7 day Norway cruise before this one.  We get to Amsterdam on June 20th early morning and we booked the canal trip

that Jacqui recommended.  I am looking forward to meeting you and your DH.  And seeing the stocking in person.  


I'd better make a note on my spreadsheet which cruise you're on.  See you there!  DH doesn't go to M&Gs so you'll have to meet him later.  Come around on sea days and look for me in Ocean Bar.  I'll try stitching there first.  I tried to round up some stitchers/knitters on a roll call but no replies yet.  If the Ocean Bar doesn't work out I'll look elsewhere for a sofa with a window behind it to work.  I've taken a canal trip in Amsterdam before and enjoyed it.  




1 hour ago, JazzyV said:


Great photo of Ren!

I've only been taking Gabapentin, which is supposed to help nerve pain. My PCP added Cymbalta, another med for nerve pain, but it gave me headaches and dry mouth, so I stopped it (I also read horror stories of people on it long term trying to get off. It's also used for depression). Ibuprofen doesn't help it. And I haven't had anything stronger, like a narcotic type medication.


Well, then let's hope the surgery date gets here quickly to give you relief!  




59 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

The oral surgeon was a nice person, who shook my hand like a yankee, none of that wimpy girly handshake that most southern men have (no offense to any southern men here, it was the way you were raised, you are not responsible).  Either that or the doc likes to inflict pain, either way., I liked him.  He came up with a plan B, which saves me tons of money.


The tooth does not hurt. It had a root canal years ago, but what remained had dissolved and the pain is in the sinuses.  I often wondered why my head hurt when i laid down to sleep.  And now that the pain has a cause and has been identified, it really hurts. It comes out at 8 am on May 10th.  Due to all the complications with my lungs, he will dope me up, and use laughing gas.  I will not be asleep. 


HIs plan, once the tooth is pulled, and what ever infection is going on has been treated, do nothing.  Not to worry about the empty space.  He said it's so far back in my mouth it wont really show.  My smile apparently is not that big.  My dentist was worried about the rest of the teeth shifting.  Since the one next to it also has a post in it ,it wont move, and the one in the back will move forward?  I'm cool with that.   It shouldn't affect my eating, because i chew on the right side, not the left.  There will just be a space there, somewhere to store my tic tacs.🙄


I just checked in on NOAA Weather, and for my county it states the following-


.DAY ONE...Today and Tonight...

A line of thunderstorms is expected to move through north and
central Georgia this evening and into the overnight hours. A few
of the thunderstorms could be severe and capable of producing
damaging wind gusts, large hail and a few tornadoes.

.DAYS TWO THROUGH SEVEN...Wednesday through Monday...

Areas of frost are possible across portions of north Georgia
Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings. The potential for frost is
highest north of the Interstate 20 corridor.


@AncientWanderer Migraines.  Had them for years.  My dad told me I would outgrow them.  There were two things that would help, putting my hands or feet in hot water.  This would relieve the pain for a while.  The other was a hand or foot massage.  Sometimes its just hard to find someone to rub your feet.  But what really cured me, and i have not had one migraine since January of 1990- I filed for divorce and left my husband.  Totally cured. I guess they were stress related.  My prayers go out to anyone who gets them.  I would be unable to stand when I had one, and passed out several times from the pain. 


@RMLincolnGreat news on your hubby's eye!  It deserves a 



@aliaschiefYou can post us news and photos from any ship you want. I have been thoroughly enjoying your cruise.  The Dailyites took me in and accepted me, and all I had to show for cruising as an adult was with (gag) Carnival. I don't say that gag lightly. I'm platinum with them.  But until they throw the chefs overboard, I wont get on another one.  Last years cruise offered the most disgusting food I have ever eaten in my life-worse than the cow tongue my dad ordered by mistake for me when arrived in France.  He recognized the word boeuf, and thought he had ordered a steak.  And the tongue was not bad, it was just weird.  Even the waitresses on that cruise apologized for the food. Mainly because they knew that most of it was sent back.


@bennybearThose chocolates look wonderful= the one that is missing?  What was in it? Are they solid, liquid? or just absolutely as  delicious as they look?


My favorite port is Progresso Mexico.  I have always hoped to see it as the port of the day, and never have in the time I have been here.  I just thought that the ports were HAL ports. The pier is so long, you can see it from space.  (I have not been to space)The port itself is not that great, but the places to get an excursion there are incredible.


Tigger found a hole in the screen, well maybe I pointed it out to him, and he came through the hole about an hour after I showed him.  He and the other fur babies are very chill today.  No fighting, no biting, they are enjoying the warmth.


And well that they should as the windows are open, and the pollen is floating by- because there is that word FROST in the forecast.  grrr. Luckily all my weeds are really growing well, and I have not purchased or planted a thing.


Annie, I hope plan B works just great for you.  On May 10 at 8 am we will be driving to Ft. Lauderdale to board Zuiderdam on the 11th (after returning from its world cruise!).  But I will have you in my prayers for sure.  Hope the cold nights don't damage any of our new growth.  

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A dream cruise vacation has turned into a nightmare for eight passengers left stranded on the African island of São Tomé and Príncipe after their ship left without them because they were late to return from a private tour.

The tourists — six from the U.S. and two from Australia — were aboard the Norwegian Dawn, a Norwegian cruise line ship, which departed from Cape Town, South Africa, on March 20, for a 21-day voyage up the coast of Africa set to end in Barcelona, Spain, on April 10.



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1 hour ago, dfish said:



@AncientWanderer  Sue suffers from migraines as well and was hoping with increasing age and certain changes in hormones that they would go away, but no such luck.  She takes some meds to reduce the number of headache days, but still manages about one a week.  Being on a BHB must be helpful as we were there for 18 days and she only had one.  



Debbie, that stinks that Sue gets migraines so often.  Yes to the BHB cure!

I may have posted about this book before, but it really helps to understand the migraine process and how triggers work.  It helped a lot for me to keep things under control.  Try to ignore the crazy book cover.  It's really a good book. Might help Sue.






1 hour ago, marshhawk said:



@AncientWanderer Migraines.  Had them for years.  My dad told me I would outgrow them.  There were two things that would help, putting my hands or feet in hot water.  This would relieve the pain for a while.  The other was a hand or foot massage.  Sometimes its just hard to find someone to rub your feet.  But what really cured me, and i have not had one migraine since January of 1990- I filed for divorce and left my husband.  Totally cured. I guess they were stress related.  My prayers go out to anyone who gets them.  I would be unable to stand when I had one, and passed out several times from the pain.


It sounds like you identified your big headache trigger, Annie.  👍

Luckily my triggers are things like chocolate and red wine -- not DH!  lol


Good that the oral surgeon has a plan you're comfortable with.  Hooray for that!

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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:


Great photo of Ren!

I've only been taking Gabapentin, which is supposed to help nerve pain. My PCP added Cymbalta, another med for nerve pain, but it gave me headaches and dry mouth, so I stopped it (I also read horror stories of people on it long term trying to get off. It's also used for depression). Ibuprofen doesn't help it. And I haven't had anything stronger, like a narcotic type medication.

@JazzyV -  have you tried Ultram (Tramadol)?  I'm not sure if Gabapentin was really helping or just masking the pain & making me sleepy.  Tramadol 50 mg q 6 hours as needed (Im only taking it when I get up & before bed)  seems to help.

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@aliaschief's post brought back some memories.  I think you all (or at least most all) know that I sail several cruise lines and I like to see cross pollination.  What does bug me is people that stop on a cruise line and then start continually bashing it on that forum without ever posting on the forum of their new favorite.


The memory that brought back was from 2018 when I sailed Crystal's world cruise and started a dedicated thread here:



Kind of odd that this is the only thread I have is from that cruise as the majority of Crystal content was deleted from Cruise Critic when the original Crystal went bankrupt and the line was relaunched under new management.



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@JazzyV My 95 year mother takes Tramadol as well and it works for her pain.  She can't be operated on due to age and this is the only thing that has helped her.


@StLouisCruisersWe don't really do meet and greet so I will look for you in the Ocean bar and various other places.  Hopefully we can meet with our DH's to say hi.  


@Seasick SailorI read that article but the people were on a private excursion and were late back to the ship.  I think every cruiser is told that you have to be back to the ship one hour before the sailing time.  What struck me was that another cruiser was in the same place due to a medical emergency and with the help of these other cruisers she was able to make arrangements to get flown back to the USA.  But for these other cruisers the article said that it was likely this person would have died.  So sometimes things happen for a reason that we don't really understand.  


I hope everyone is okay with the bad weather coming to some areas of our country.  

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Thanks for the fleet report, the maps, and to all for your posts.

@puppycanducruise, we have the same problem! Over a year ago I cancelled a cruise for early April because the path of the eclipse is through Dallas, and now they're predicting clouds/rain. 

@JazzyVand @57redbird, before I had back surgery about four years ago I took both Gabapentin and Tramadol. For me, each worked for a couple of days, than I found them not much better than acetaminophen (Tylenol). But that's just me. Tramadol is pretty strong stuff, and for an extreme pain it was great for two or there days. Anyway, I hope something helps!

On another note, at one point on a doctor's advice I took a strong dose of ibuprofen for too long, and had some bleeding stomach, so not a good idea. 

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Good rainy evening, it’s supposed to be even worse tomorrow.I hope they are wrong.

I had a routine Dr appointment this morning and she was waiting to hear about the lab results. I have not heard back from her yet so I guess all is good. See her in 6 months. 
The next round of appointments are all with the vet . Houdini is due for bloodwork on Friday and then Tee Tee and Tux the beginning of next month for wellness check.

Stay safe everyone.

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Good afternoon from Van Horn, Texas.  We're finally back inthe CentalTime Zone, barely.  It has been partly sunny to cloudy today with some rain showers, but not like yesterday.  The wind was stronger at times today, but we've seen it a lot worse.  Since we lost two hours today, we got a very early start, about 7 am MST.


Ferrets are not high on my list of pets.  Older DD had a friend who had a ferret, and DD said if it wasn't bathed often, it would really stink.  Our grocery store in Texas and one store in Quartzsite have really nice produce, but I don't love the managers.  A big no to PBandJ.


I like the quote.  My father always do your best.


The meal might be good, and we like French toast, especially on BHBs.  No to the drink, but yest to the wine.


We have not been to Townsville.  


Jaun Ponce de Leon really got around.


@JazzyV  Vanessa, I'm sorry you had to walk so far which caused added pain.  Thank you for putting us on the cares list.

@Denise T  Denise, I hope your allergies improve soon.

@cat shepard  Ann, I hope the ase is an interesting one.

@doobieb I hope the storms are not too bad.

@dfish  Debbie, I hope the eye lid is better soon.

@smitty34877  Terry, I hope the nurse was able to help Tana, and the cough and wheezing are not too serious.  Hugs to both of you.

@aliaschief  Bruce, please don't even think about not sharing your wonderful cruise with us.  I agree with what all the others have said.  Your pictures of the sinset and dinner are lovely.


@summer slope  Dixie, sending positive thoughts for Mike's  recovery and for strength for Sue.  I hope you and George are recovering well from your golf cart accident.

@Mr. Boston  I'm glad you are enjoying your family time.  Good luck with the condo painting and sale.

@ger_77 Gerry, please don't regret sharing what you did when you were with Ollie and Gord.  It could not have been easy, and sharing probably helped you process the day.  That's what familes are for.

@marshhawk  Annie, that is good news you liked the oral surgeon, and even better that he had a Plan B to help save money.  I agree with you about "limp fish" handshakes.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, thanks for sharing the good news that Richard’s eye procedure worked and saved his sight.  Positive thoughts for the same outcome formthe left eye.


@AncientWanderer  Maxine, I hope you can find the best possible drug to help prevent and lessen the migrainmigraines.

@Nickelpenny  Pennie, I hope you can find something to help with your knees.  Surgery is a last resort, but sometimes a necessary one.  We have many friend that had successful knee replacements.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, the stocking is coming along nicely.  Great picture of Ren.  I hope he and the team continue to do well.


I hope everyone in the path of the storms have no problemsor damage.




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Posted (edited)

Thanks for the feedback, No matter which line it would be very hard to leave my friends on the Daily. Just getting up so we can explore,  Ko Siam, Thailand.

Hope you have had a nice day. Bruce

Edited by aliaschief
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@Sharon in AZ two to go plates please, and thanks for sharing the secret.  How much boursin?

@Niagarawineall set, on my way.


@Seasick SailorYes, there was one couple being interviewed on the today show.  All the while, they said they had been told that if they were late from a private tour the ship would not wait. Apparently they thought that the cruise line was lying or it didnt apply to them.  Those port fees are a lot of money for every hour that the cruise ship is parked there.


If you book a flight and you are late, the plane doesn't wait for you.  (this was Al Roker who said that)  And the woman who was taken off the ship is not well at all, and responsibly shouldn't have been on a cruise, but she had a bucket list, and she was going to go. For every action, there is a reaction.  If they had been stuck in Nassau, the problem wouldn't have been so bad.  I just don't feel sorry for them.  Guess I shouldn't say that, but we have all cruised, and known that.  

Now I feel so evil.  but, as @tupper10 said, those people were all stuck together for a reason.  They got the elderly ill woman home.  They should be proud of themselves. They did the right thing.


@rafinmd, I have not gone back to the Carnival thread since we got home.  Everyone is entitled to find out what they like and dont like.  Besides being slammed on their threads, I never want to stop someone from trying out cruising or a particular cruise line.  I met some wonderful people on that cruise.  But that doesn't guarantee that others will meet them.

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