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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday May 18th, 2024

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Good Morning. The humidity has certainly returned to south Florida. Went out with the dog at 7 AM and couldn't wait to get back inside with the AC.

Thanks, Rich, for the daily. Loved the quote from Joan Rivers - it could easily have come from Rodney Dangerfield. always great to start the day off with a laugh.

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2 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

tried to book the Aug cruise last night @dfish but kept getting errors at the cabin selection phase, so I will have to call in; maybe it's sold out? 🤷‍♀️

I don’t think it’s sold out. I found plenty of inside cabins available. It just took forever to check on my phone. I’m going to look again this weekend. I also didn’t see much difference between inside and ocean view but that was with the single supplement. 

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Posted (edited)

Good morning and Happy Saturday. It’s going to be a warm day. I love it like this. 

Lots to celebrate today and the quote sounds just like Joan Rivers. I like tarragon and try to grow my own but I’ve never had it with asparagus. The dressings all look good Debbie @dfish. BTW, good luck with your patio furniture!  I’d be pulling my hair out. 

Happy Anniversary to @Norseh2o!  I remember that you were married in Tucson just about 7 months before us. 1974 was a great year. 

I am going to make some no knead bread today for Craig to take next week to the White Mountains. He’s visiting his siblings and I hate the drive, the Salt River Canyon just freaks me out. I always make something for them since I don’t go. I hope they understand but I really think they think I’m crazy. I guess I am just a bit. He’s taking the new vehicle, hopefully it will pass the highway test. 

Have a great day everyone!



Edited by Sharon in AZ
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One chair is together and one to go!   We will get this!


I did go to the gym today.  The jerk I dealt with wasn't there today and the staff in the weight room area are really nice and helpful.  The place I was looking at has a joining fee and I'm not willing to pay that.  


@Haljo1935 Definitely call.  We got our booking through a private sale and our PCC was able to get us a lower price than I was coming up with online with the HIA included. There is plenty of room and it would be fun to make this another Dailyite cruise.  @Sharon in AZ I hope you do book it!

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn and to all contributors.

A salute to all military on this Armed Forces Day! The other 3 days are also good ones; I like Reese's peanut butter cups. Funny Joan Rivers quote. Maybe for the meal and the drink, and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Rarotonga. 


It's 70F and becoming sunny. The weather will be on the hot side this coming week. There was more rain overnight. So, there were 4 confirmed tornadoes yesterday, making 10 in the past 3 weeks! There are normally only about 4 per year. The one near our zoo, is on a route I often travel, and is only about 5 miles from where I live. Fortunately, each only touched down briefly, mainly resulting in downed trees and wires. One person had a tree come down on their car. But property damage appears limited and no one was hurt. I'm doing laundry today; my knee isn't happy about going up and down the basement steps. I don't know if the Ortho would give me another steroid injection, as they had seemed to stop helping, and the Synvisc didn't help either. I'm not ready for any more surgery for a good while! My 2 new books came, both over 700 pages! They're the life stories of Oppenheimer and Turing.


@Norseh2o Happy 50th Anniversary Katherine & Bob! Great set of photos of you two.

@StLouisCruisers It sounds like you're enjoying your cruise. Lovely photos from Rarotonga. 

@grapau27 That's a beautiful poppy flower.

@aliaschief I'd like that make your own pizza.

@kazu Continued prayers for a resolution of your foot issues.

@dfish I hate when putting things together that the holes don't easily line up, and you have to jiggle and push to get it to work. Good luck! 

@Haljo1935 That flooding in the Houston area is terrible. We had some minor flooding yesterday, but nothing like that, although one person had to be rescued from their floating car.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the Rarotonga photos. 

@ger_77 I'm hoping with rest and all your ministrations, Maurice can kick this cold quickly.

@superoma Feel better soon!

@mamaofami Congrats to Jeremy on his graduation!

@smitty34877 Enjoy DS and DGS being there this weekend.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

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A cool, somewhat damp day here in the Pacific Northwest.  As was previously mentioned, the third Saturday in May is Armed Forces Day in the U.S.  

For us living in this area, May 18 was the day in 1980 that Mt St. Helens erupted and is well remembered by those living here at that time.  


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Good morning all!

It's another cloudy, drippy morning here but the sun is supposed to make an appearance this afternoon and tomorrow looks good.  The birds have been busy around my yard building nests -- as long as they stay out of my Fuschia baskets that's fine.  There are plenty of other spots but they love the Fuschias, and that causes a lot of problems. 


A great selection of days today.  I'll pass on the red wine and drink, but do like Asparagus so would try the meal as long as garlic is substituted for the tarragon.  I couldn't see the last recipe unfortunately. I usually make asparagus with parmesan, garlic and lemon juice.


A strange quote even for Joan Rivers. Kind of depressing. 😞  

We were supposed to go to Rarotonga on the GANZ, but couldn't tender in. 😞  I was looking forward to taking the bus around the island as recommended by Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and Sandi @StLouisCruisers.  That port isn't on the '26 World cruise.


DH and I met in Monterey, CA 56 years ago today.  Hard to believe that much time has gone by!!


The latest on Amber is that she might be discharged from rehab in a week -- my BFF thinks that's too soon, so we'll see what happens.  


Happy 50th anniversary @Norseh2o!





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Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  3 good days to celebrate so maybe I will just go out and get me a Reeses to celebrate!! I am a fan of Joan's weird humor so I chuckled when I read it.  The meal sounds interesting as well as the drink and wine.  I never been to the port (the pictures are so enticing!) and I have been to Grauman's so it is interesting to realize it has been around for so long.


It is a beautiful day here and it is already 90F on our way up to maybe 98F.  We were under an air quality alert yesterday that was supposed to continue today but I don't see it on the weather app.  


I had a surprise yesterday when I received 2 calls from my PCP's office.  One going over my discharge plan and the other from his MA to see how I was doing and if I wanted to schedule an appt with him.  I love my PCP - so responsive and attentive.  I usually only see him once a year but he keeps track of all my other stuff going on with me.  


The shower chair was delivered yesterday and, as showers wake me up, I will try it today.  I actually don't think I need it but thought "what the heck".  The surgeon ordered me to take Miralax and senna - OMG - suffice to say, I will not take the Miralax again.  I did not feel well all day yesterday.  For dinner I tried one of my frozen prepared dinner I made and surprisingly it worked.  I even had a beer (I am not on any pain meds so I thought "why not"!).  It was nice.  


My legs are getting a workout as I use them to squat instead of bending.  The order is No BLT - bending, lifting, or twisting.  I didn't purchase a grabber as I am using my large tongs; you would be surprised how well that works.  


OMG, the poppy is gorgeous @grapau27!  Happy Anniversary to @Norseh2o!  


Thoughts for all on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone!!



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Posted (edited)

Good morning and thanks all! 

@Norseh2o happy anniversary, great photos and quote! 

@mamaofami congratulations to Jeremy!
@ger_77 sorry to hear Maurice is ill,  hope he recovers completely and quickly!

@kazu praying no news is good news!  Good luck at the vascular surgeon! 
@superoma hope you feel better soon as well! 
DS is also ill with a cold, and his kitchen tap started linking, always something.  But fortunately the plumber came yesterday after DH had no luck.  Thankful as it’s a long weekend. 


Missed  these beauties in Vancouver, at the Van Duesen Botanical gardens.   I’ve tried with no success to grow the Himalayan blue poppies.



Edited by bennybear
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3 hours ago, Norseh2o said:

Thank you for the anniversary greetings. 
The first picture, May 18, 1974 and the second, May 18, 2024.
“Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, the last of life, for which the first was made.” Robert Browning

Happy Anniversary to you both! May yo enjoy many more. Love the picture and the quote!

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Good afternoon.  The yard is done, and I'm sitting outside cooling down.  If I have the energy later, I may start power washing the house.  Between all the rain and the fact I washed it last year, it doesn't look too bad.  However, with all the rain, there are green spots on the north side I want to get them before they get bigger.


While I was mowing, a large butterfly flew just in front of me.  It looked like a Monarch, but because of the size, it could have been the one that mimics a Monarch.  It was still pretty, and I haven't seen one here in years.  Another sign of spring were the three fire ant mounts I found.  They were promptly treated, and I avoided getting bitten.


3 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Second grandson to graduate college. Jeremy, University of Rochester 


Carol, congratulations to Jeremy on his greaduation.  I remember when he started school there.


2 hours ago, dfish said:

One chair is together and one to go!   We will get this!


I did go to the gym today.  The jerk I dealt with wasn't there today and the staff in the weight room area are really nice and helpful.  The place I was looking at has a joining fee and I'm not willing to pay that.  


@Haljo1935 Definitely call.  We got our booking through a private sale and our PCC was able to get us a lower price than I was coming up with online with the HIA included. There is plenty of room and it would be fun to make this another Dailyite cruise.  @Sharon in AZ I hope you do book it!


Debbie, I hope the second chair is easier to put together.


3 hours ago, jimgev said:

Good Morning. The humidity has certainly returned to south Florida. Went out with the dog at 7 AM and couldn't wait to get back inside with the AC.

Thanks, Rich, for the daily. Loved the quote from Joan Rivers - it could easily have come from Rodney Dangerfield. always great to start the day off with a laugh.


Welcome back.


43 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  3 good days to celebrate so maybe I will just go out and get me a Reeses to celebrate!! I am a fan of Joan's weird humor so I chuckled when I read it.  The meal sounds interesting as well as the drink and wine.  I never been to the port (the pictures are so enticing!) and I have been to Grauman's so it is interesting to realize it has been around for so long.


It is a beautiful day here and it is already 90F on our way up to maybe 98F.  We were under an air quality alert yesterday that was supposed to continue today but I don't see it on the weather app.  


I had a surprise yesterday when I received 2 calls from my PCP's office.  One going over my discharge plan and the other from his MA to see how I was doing and if I wanted to schedule an appt with him.  I love my PCP - so responsive and attentive.  I usually only see him once a year but he keeps track of all my other stuff going on with me.  


The shower chair was delivered yesterday and, as showers wake me up, I will try it today.  I actually don't think I need it but thought "what the heck".  The surgeon ordered me to take Miralax and senna - OMG - suffice to say, I will not take the Miralax again.  I did not feel well all day yesterday.  For dinner I tried one of my frozen prepared dinner I made and surprisingly it worked.  I even had a beer (I am not on any pain meds so I thought "why not"!).  It was nice.  


My legs are getting a workout as I use them to squat instead of bending.  The order is No BLT - bending, lifting, or twisting.  I didn't purchase a grabber as I am using my large tongs; you would be surprised how well that works.  


OMG, the poppy is gorgeous @grapau27!  Happy Anniversary to @Norseh2o!  


Thoughts for all on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone!!




Pennie, I'm glad your recovery is going well.  I agree large tongs work well to pickup and reach things.  I used mine until DH got the grabber.  Now, I think I use it more than DH.




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3 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

I don’t think it’s sold out. I found plenty of inside cabins available. It just took forever to check on my phone. I’m going to look again this weekend. I also didn’t see much difference between inside and ocean view but that was with the single supplement. 

Thanks - I'll try it on my computer, I was using my phone.

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46 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

...While I was mowing, a large butterfly flew just in front of me.  It looked like a Monarch, but because of the size, it could have been the one that mimics a Monarch.  It was still pretty, and I haven't seen one here in years.  Another sign of spring were the three fire ant mounts I found.  They were promptly treated, and I avoided getting bitten.

Congrats on both the butterfly 🦋 and avoiding the fire ants 🔥 🐜 

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Today's sunrise is from a 2010 Blount Small Ship Adventures cruise from Nashville to Chicago on their smallest ship.  On May 18 we visited Joliet, Illinois





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OK on the special days, although I'm not sure about Reeses. HIV vaccine awareness is good but the development of a vaccine will be better.


I'll be ready for the asparagus around 7:00 p.m. My own crop of asparagus this year was very poor and I think it's time to replace the plants. No on the cocktail. Very little Pinotage is grown outside South Africa, although I know of some producers in Israel. It probably wouldn't ripen here, so I'll counter with a grape that grows well in the Finger Lakes but is almost equally rare in North America, Zweigelt, the 2018 from Fulkerson's, $25.


The Zuiderdam back-to-back is very, very enticing. I like the overnight in Quebec on the outbound and the different ports returning. It may well be the last chance to call at Bar Harbor, and is unlikely to be freezing cold like the last time I was there. Regarding the minimal markup over inside for an oceanview: the lowest-fare oceanviews have obstructed views, a category that I consider an especially good value.



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47 minutes ago, Copper10-8 said:


290 Museum Humor ideas in 2024 | humor, bones funny, funny


International museum of limbo enter here low entrance | Friday humor, Funny  cartoons, Cartoon jokes



Museum Humor


Gregory Mancuso on X: ". Silly #Museum #Marketing #cartoon #lol #comedy # jokes #humor #hilarious #laughter #funny #fun #smile #laughing  #employeeengagement #business #corporate #workplace #management #leadership  #coaching #talentmanagement ...


Puns, quips, jokes : r/memes


48 Hilarious Museum Puns - Punstoppable 🛑


Jokes about museums, 61% off big clearance sale - ru.ykneedleroller.com


British Comedian Hilariously Calls Out British Museum - The Pappas Post


Museum Jokes - Puns And One Liners



Those are fabulous!   A few years back we went to the Tate modern,  DS who is an artist was enamoured with an art installation that looked like stepladders, paint cans, and peanut shells.  I thought it was just under construction, he informed me that the peanuts were carved out of styrofoam and painted.   I guess the janitor agreed with me, as he cleaned it up and was fired.  Later hired by one of the local papers as their art critic!  

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