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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday June 23rd, 2024

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@ger_77 CATs-

there are 4 male strays that have lived on and off in the back yard for about 9 months.  Two of them look like two kittens, and two of the kittens have the same response to people as they do.


There are 4 kittens and the momma aka Munchkin


There are 4 older cats that live in the house, all but one of them wandered into our yard, and hearts and stayed.


So currently feeding 13, with only one kitten being adopted so far.  Truth is, we decided to each keep one (and oddly as they got older they spend more time with each other).  We decided to wait to make a decision about Munchkin, but she loves living inside, so she will become part of the pack.  The problem is Turnip.  We both adore him.  He has no fear.  He loves to be loved on, he gives me five, when I ask, and he is super sweet.  So that would put 8 cats in the house.  And that I believe is enough.  Or as DH says, more than enough. 


We have cut down on our groceries to pay for the cat food.  There is canned food, kitten food, crunchies, kitten crunchies, and treats and toys.  That adds up to over a hundred a week. I was going through 6 cans a meal, but now we have it down to 5. I am buying larger boxes of canned food, larger bags of crunchies.  That has helped.  And soon, we wont need to be buying kitten food in cans at 10 small cans for 9.00 (and that's on sale) Right now, that is the mid afternoon  kittens and mommas snack food.  And now they all want the Temptations!


But, we wouldn't have done it any differently, and they bring us so much joy.



Edited by marshhawk
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Good morning to all, and as @Sharon in AZ stated, from a muggy Tucson.  I finally got a huge thunderstorm yesterday and it poured for almost 2 hours.  Unfortunately, lightening and thunder was hitting super close and I am terrified of it (PTSD from several incidents as a youngster with L&T).  It was drizzling a tad this morning and we do have a chance of isolated thunderstorms today.  According to the official weather station at the airport, we only got 0.9" but some areas got over 2".  I took a screenshot of the storm from a video:


There was a swift water rescue that ended up with the death of the woman.  The streets can go from dry to rushing water in seconds.  Our mantra at this time of the year is "Don't drown.  Turn around."


Three fantastic days to celebrate; I eat Detroit style pizza alot as I do not like thin crust.  True quote; I will have to think about the drink but I will pass on the meal and wine.  Never been Egypt. Cool about the days in history!


I moved the hummingbird feeder to under my large umbrella as the woodpeckers were clinging to the wood pole it was next to and drinking from the feeder.  So now, I think, only the little ones can feed from it.  We will see.  


@rafinmd Have a fantastic birthday!!



Well, off to do some stuff and relish the cooler temps (though the humidity is high).  Thoughts for those needing hugs and cheers to those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone!


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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I'll salute women in engineering. I try to let things go that I can't change. I don't know about and never had Detroit-style pizza. Good quote. The meal sounds interesting. Maybe for the drink and pass on the wine. I haven't transited the Suez Canal, and likely won't get the chance now. 2 good days in history.


It's quite windy here, but still warm at 84F. Possible severe storms this afternoon; we need rain, but not damaging storms. So I got the garbage out early, and will skip recycling this week. I had a lazy day yesterday, reading and watching Euro and US football (soccer). Likely more of the same today.


@rafinmd Happiest of Birthdays Roy!

@StLouisCruisers I hope your stomach is doing well today. Great Suez Canal photos and a very nice one of you. 

@1ANGELCAT Awful to hear about that policeman shot; prayers for him.

@0106 Thanks for the explanation of Detroit pizza.

@Lady Hudson I'm glad you had a nice cruise. Wow, that's a lot of kids on board. Prayers that your friend has a complete recovery from her stroke. 

@kazu I'm sorry to hear your foot is burning. Odd that your auto place was closed. Yay on scoring boxes!

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for sharing your canal photos.

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad you're a bit better. Rest as much as you can.

@Nickelpenny So sad about the death of a woman. Here due to the hills, water can rush down onto some streets; there have been deaths in the past. Now one particularly bad road has gates that go down when flooding starts.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.

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1 hour ago, cat shepard said:

@Sharon in AZ


Sharon, I have reached out to my local wine bar for help in finding last night’s wine. My search discovered lots of info about the vintner’s red version, but nothing about the white version. 

If they can order it for me & if it is not too costly per bottle - I will let you know. 

It had an amazing fruity nose - pear and maybe peach. I was medium bodied, dry and delicious. Though I could taste pear, there were some other aspects that none of us could positively identify. Definitely some type of citrus - perhaps lime. And possibly passion fruit. 

If you have a local wine place that might help you locate it - here is the info:

2023 Cuvée la Calcernière ChateâuNeuf du Pape blanc.



Thank you Ann!  I looked it up at Total Wine and they don’t have that vintner but do have 3 others, all in the $40-50 range. Too much for me to try it though so I’ll be interested how much your wine shop will charge. 


1 hour ago, kazu said:


I am so sorry to hear about your friend 😞. My prayers for your friend 🙏 




I don’t think so Gerry - it burned before but anything is possible.  I will just keep moisturizing and following her instructions and hope it improves like it was yesterday.




Oh dear on your back yard, Sharon 😢. So very sorry.  I hope things will be ok once it dries up 🤞 



1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Terri, that is good news that you are doing a bit better.  



Belated congratulations to your niece being named on of the top 100 women engineers, and on getting a better job, too.



Susan, I'm sorry the thrift store is in such and upheaval.  I hope someone can get things running smoothly again and soon.



Thank you, Graham.



Sharon, I'm sorry your backyard flooded, but that happens in the desert.  When we get a big rain in Quartzsite we will have standing water in several places until the soil moistens and can absorb the water.  That doesn't happen too often though.



Thanks Jacqui and Lenda. It’ll dry up eventually. And all the dirt and leaves and debris can be swept up. The pool needs to be cleaned too but we might wait until our pool gets serviced this week. Craig is having a bad bout with his bad back so he isn’t up to doing that. I haven’t checked my herbs yet so hope they aren’t too beat up. 

BTW, I’ve never had Detroit style pizza but have seen it made on TV. Today on Food Network on the show Mary Makes it Easy, Mary Berg is making Detroit pizza. I just love her. 

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2 hours ago, durangoscots said:

...And the sorting and tossing continues but slowed due to the uproar at the thrift store. I will try to slip in and out next week with a few boxes. I know the "powers" do not want to hear my opinion. I suspect they are going to lose a number of their long term volunteers...one has already left. They have few enough to begin with. Glad I am off the Board...

Did I miss it - what happened at the thrift store?

Anything that causes volunteers to flee is never good🫣

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@kochleffelthanks for the CKLW mention. Huge connections across the border with that station. And Rosalie Trombley, who became the music director in 1968 put a lot of new and good talent on the air and on the path to success. And Jo Jo Shutty-MacGregor was the first female helicopter traffic/news reporter in North America. CKLW was probably the only Canadian station to give US traffic updates in all of Canada! The radio station of my youth.

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3 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

Just to confirm - your birthday was not Friday 2 days ago, it's Friday coming up in 5 days, right?

No, it’s Wednesday the 26th of June.

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Good afternoon, it's in the low 70's with an occasional shower here.  We had a tornado watch last night.  There were tornado touchdowns in a few areas about 45 minutes west of us.  I'm seeing damage, but no reports of any human deaths or injuries.  We went under the Suez canal when we traveled from Israel to Cairo.   The Detroit pizza sounds good.  I saw a recipe made with sourdough yesterday.  I might have to try it, even though it doesn't sound very healthy!  

Happy Birthday to @rafinmd!  Hope you're having a great day! 


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1 hour ago, Haljo1935 said:

Did I miss it - what happened at the thrift store?

Anything that causes volunteers to flee is never good🫣

changes in management and how things are to handled. What is causing the uproar though is attitude of the majority of the Board members to questions that are being asked and to fact that their hard work seems to be questioned and not valued. A number of things that are being proposed were tried in the past and did not work.... but when a few of the volunteers mentioned this they were told that they don't understand how things work. It is really a case of how the whole shift is being handled although I notice that they did not look back at the financials from the years in the past when these "new" processes were in being used and the store lost a lot of money. Current Board does not think the past should ever be taken into consideration and the volunteers should not be consulted or listened to.  Made it pretty clear to some that they just needed to keep quiet and keep working. The Board needs to mend fences and in a big hurry. 





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6 hours ago, ATC said:

When I started University in the '60s my Engineering class of 190 included 2 women.

Last years engineering class at the same University was 51% women. Progress!


6 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


When DH was studying engineering at The University of Texas, there were only a couple o women in the Engineering School.  Times have changed, and our older DD has an engineering degree from UT, too.



Lenda, I was also at UT -- but Arlington, not "The University" (Austin).  Few other women in Engineering in most submajors but I was the only one in aeronautical -- at that time.  You never told me that you had a daughter in engineering -- what specialty?


Don't know what happened there.  I was trying to make "The University" in burnt orange but seems to have come out red.  OK, here's some proper burnt orange.



See?  I can still post here occasionally 😉

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@rafinmd Wishing you a very happy birthday, and a year filled with good health and fun travels!  You are an integral part of this group, and your efforts and pictures are always appreciated - even though I tend to be mostly a lurker. 

Stay cool - in every way!

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37 minutes ago, AV8rix said:


Lenda, I was also at UT -- but Arlington, not "The University" (Austin).  Few other women in Engineering in most submajors but I was the only one in aeronautical -- at that time.  You never told me that you had a daughter in engineering -- what specialty?


Don't know what happened there.  I was trying to make "The University" in burnt orange but seems to have come out red.  OK, here's some proper burnt orange.



See?  I can still post here occasionally 😉


Our daughter and DSIL have EE degrees, and work in the computer industry.  He works for Field Buss in the non-profit side.  DD works for ARM and designs chips for others to license and manufacture.  She worked for Motorola, Free Scale and Intel, before joining ARM, and she also has a few patents in her name.  They were both lucky to find jobs in Austin when they graduated from UT.  


BTW, your The University came in as burnt orange on my monitor.  The best I can do is use pumpkin and make it bold.  I think very few people who didn't go to UT, don't realize the official name is The University of Texas, and it's written in the state constitution.





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Good afternoon, 

Happy Birthday @rafinmd! I hope you have a nice day and celebrate in your own way. 


It's more of an overcast day here but no rain at the moment. Sprinkles are all that's forecasted. It was a good morning to bake up the cookie dough so now have close to 2 dozen chocolate snickerdoodles and 3 dozen sour cream walnut cookies.They'll get bagged up and head to the freezer. The snickerdoodles will be part of the cookies for the parking lot "young folk" at Seattle when I head out on a cruise in 2 weeks. It's happening - my boarding pass is in my wallet on the app and luggage tags are ready to print. 

Yesterday was making cookie dough and getting some cleaning done. I have too much "stuff" laying around and in the way as DS does baseboards so I'm trying to get most of it picked up and taken care of. Tomorrow I'm hoping he'll be here when I'm home so he can load up the recycling for me and I can get it gone on Tuesday when I head out to a luncheon. The rest of today is getting things on the to-do list done. Top priority is the final printout for Premera (secondary insurance) regarding DH's account. 


Have a lovely Sunday! 


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Wishing everyone a glorious Sunday! Prayers for those who need them most, and congratulations to those making progress in health and life in general. Thanks to everyone who posts here daily and makes me feel like I am seeing the world from home.


@rafinmd Happy Birthday! May your day be filled with goodness.

I will pass on the drink, might try the wine. I have no idea what Detroit pizza is, so will read up on that info.

We live in a city of mostly engineers, so women in engineering is not unique or seldom seen here.   We just took a Road Scholar trip and our guide introduced all 16 of us as rocket scientists.  Most of the group were engineers w Ph.D.’s but those of us in other fields felt lacking somehow.  I was an educator before retirement and had two other careers. My dad only gave me three choices for college majors: nursing, teaching, social work. I made a great choice for myself and am thankful for that career.


Now I will go find a charged battery for our portable fan on the patio so we can breathe outside. Almost 100 here today.

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1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

changes in management and how things are to handled. What is causing the uproar though is attitude of the majority of the Board members to questions that are being asked and to fact that their hard work seems to be questioned and not valued. A number of things that are being proposed were tried in the past and did not work.... but when a few of the volunteers mentioned this they were told that they don't understand how things work. It is really a case of how the whole shift is being handled although I notice that they did not look back at the financials from the years in the past when these "new" processes were in being used and the store lost a lot of money. Current Board does not think the past should ever be taken into consideration and the volunteers should not be consulted or listened to.  Made it pretty clear to some that they just needed to keep quiet and keep working. The Board needs to mend fences and in a big hurry. 





That attitude by the Board rarely works well.  I'm sure you are thanking everything possible that you are no longer on the Board.

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Sorry, couldnt resist.




@durangoscots  the "board" sounds like my bosses in CA.  I wouldnt understand.  They forget I was the assistant manager years ago to the now "Director of Operations".  Pride before the fall.  goes with, but we've done it this way for years.

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Posted (edited)
28 minutes ago, dfish said:

That attitude by the Board rarely works well.  I'm sure you are thanking everything possible that you are no longer on the Board.

Yep!!!! I am so glad to be gone. I knew there was going to be a problem at the time I came off the Board since I could see and hear the attitude of the new Board members. I have stopped walking dogs.... just make thrift store contributions and donate financially. One current Board member even told me they were on the Board to add to their resume. Not a good attitude. Fortunately I got all the renovations done before leaving. And, when I went off, there was still a good amount of money our accounts. So I left it in very good condition. Several current members feel like we should do away with the thrift store and I think it is driving their agenda. Have not heard of a proposal to bring in more money if that were to happen.

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