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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday September 27th, 2024


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Happy Anniversary, Carolyn and Henry. looks like Yellowstone is putting on a show for you.


Little news from here. I was glad to see all the check-ins from the path of Helene this morning. Hopefully she will move on quickly and lose some of her power.


Dogs and i will have a quiet day today.... more later after their overdue walks.





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Good morning, 


@Cruising-along Happy Anniversary to you both! Yellowstone is a great place to celebrate it. 


We're back to some typical northwest weather with a mix of sun and clouds but no rain at the moment so that's good. Yesterday did a few errands and then worked on the linen closet mess. Now I need DS to come over and help get things out for donation. He started his first week at the college (he's working towards a human services degree) so his days are mixed up as he gets into a new routine. 

Today is the pool and a few groceries. I have a paper I need to notarize so that my supplement plan can talk to me about DD DH so will hopefully stop by my friends real estate office and have her do that for me. If it doesn't work today I can stop at her open house on Sunday. 


Happy Friday! 


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Arkansas here we come-


sorry about length of story and pictures

'Cedar Key as we know it is completely gone'

Michael Bobbitt, a resident of Cedar Key, Fla., who stayed behind during Helene, told the New York Times, "Cedar Key as we know it is completely gone."

“The post office is destroyed,” he said of the city in Florida's northwestern Big Bend region, which was also hit by Hurricane Idalia in 2023. “Several restaurants are destroyed. The Jiffy Food Store is destroyed. Vehicles are smashed in and turned upside down. Everything is impassable. It looks like a nuclear bomb went off.”

Workers clear debris in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, in Cedar Key, Fla., on Sept. 27.
Workers clear debris in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, in Cedar Key, Fla. (Gerald Herbert/AP)
Debris inside a flooded store after Hurricane Helene made landfall in Cedar Key, Fla.
Debris inside a flooded store in Cedar Key. (Miguel J. Rodriguez Carrillo/Getty Images)
A house destroyed by Hurricane Helene after making landfall is seen in Cedar Key.
A house destroyed by Hurricane Helene in Cedar Key. (Miguel J. Rodriguez Carrillo/Getty Images)
A Cedar Key house destroyed by Hurricane Helene.
A Cedar Key home destroyed by Hurricane Helene. (Miguel J. Rodriguez Carrillo/Getty Images)
Residents, traveling by boat, inspect Cedar Key after Hurricane Helene made landfall.
Residents, traveling by boat, inspect Cedar Key after Hurricane Helene made landfall. (Miguel J. Rodriguez Carrillo/Getty Images)
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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I won't be crushing any cans, but I do recycle them. HIV/AIDS awareness is important; I remember when it was thought to be a death sentence. Happy Birthday to Google. Love the quote. I like the meal. Pass on the drink and wine. I have been to Alaska, but not Nome, and it's not on my Alaska cruise next year. A bad day for England, but a good day for Henry Ford.


It's cloudy here and lightly raining. I feel so bad for those places experiencing severe flooding, damage and loss of life. I started the day trying the cast cover to take a shower. It worked, but was like a tourniquet around my thigh. And then taking it off caused the wrap to fall a bit, although I pulled it up as best I could. I've toyed with seeing if I could redo it, but I'll wait. Then the serious packing. Surprisingly I got everything in my one large suitcase. I have a smaller duffle for the road trip to and from Boston. Then a backpack will have all my meds and electronics. So now I can sit down and rest a bit. I just heard that Dame Maggie Smith has died.


@Cruising-along Happy 55th Anniversary to you and Henry! Great photos from Yellowstone. Enjoy the Tetons today. 

@StLouisCruisers I'm glad you had power and internet this AM. Stay safe! I'm shocked to see how much GA has been affected. 

@seagarsmoker I'm glad you're ok, and I'm glad Suzi's work has power now.

@Denise T I hear you about the spa. I once had a free massage from my TA, and all the spa personnel did was try to sell me stuff.

@summer slope Bless all the linesmen who are helping out.

@Cruzin Terri Thanks for checking in and letting us know you're safe. And good to hear your power is back. 

@ottahand7 I hope DB is doing better or at least seen by the doctor.

@smitty34877 Thinking of you, Tana and the family, as always.

@marshhawk I'm glad things are ok at your house.

@Quartzsite Cruiser I'm glad you're feeling better. 

@ger_77 Good luck to DH with his scan today.

@kazu I'm glad you found a good dog walker to help you out. I'm sorry you had such a bad night again. Good to hear others on the roll call are helping out, after all the work you'd done for them. Prayers you get your MRI soon and cataract surgery.

@aliaschief Safe travels today and tomorrow.

@rafinmd I hope you got a good night's sleep and are headed to rehab soon.

@Vict0riann Hopefully Pat is doing well and will come home soon.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

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Just spoke with DDIL in Newnan, GA. She had to do all the storm prep since DS was in New Jersey for the U of Washington football game. She said plenty of rain but wind wasn’t nearly as bad as predicted, thank goodness. Biggest job was getting the canopy off the boat in the rain and not to dry it out. I hope everyone else had minimal damage.

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Good morning and Happy Friday. We are having an extreme heat advisory all week and it will probably continue into next week. High yesterday was 105F. 


CC has been acting weird yesterday and today. I couldn’t get on for a while both days. 

Craig crushes all our cans. I think he enjoys getting as much recycle as he can into the bin. It really fills up since pickup is now every other week. We’ve never been notified if crushing cans is allowed or not. 

Craig suggested that we go on a cruise for our 50th anniversary this December and wanted only a 7 day cruise to the Caribbean going 2 days early and staying one day afterward. Seems he had it all planned in his head. Well, I was pleasantly surprised. I thought he wanted a long break from cruising after having covid on two different cruises. So we are booked on the Eurodam!  I was surprised even more that I talked him into a 10 day cruise. It’s to the ABC islands and I’m so excited. 

Carolyn and Henry @Cruising-along, Happy Anniversary!!  Wow 55 years, congratulations!  Just think, we will be celebrating the same in 5 years. 

Have a great day everyone!


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Just a quickie... Hello, all, I've been thinking of you, especially those in the path of hurricane Helene!  Happy Anniversary, @Cruising-along, and I echo all of Vanessa's remarks!  Pat called a little while ago, to say the doctors have decided he doesn't need a pacemaker, but now he has to wait for the surgeon to to say if he wants Pat to come come wearing a monitor for a while.  Then, depending on the outcome, he can come home.  He is very bored in there, the TV doesn't work, so most of the time he just lies there in the dark, probably thinking dark thoughts!  Once I get him home, I'm sure he will buck up.  He has to organize the complex's golf tee times for Monday, so he needs to get to his computer.  There are more than 20 who play, although there are always some sickies and some travelling.  I think he only needs 3 tee times for Monday.  He is stuck as administrator, although he hasn't played for a few months, no-one wants to take on the job of herding cats.  


I was sorry to hear about Maggie Smith, she was a wonderful actress.   I'll check in later and let you know how the homecoming went.  

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20 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

He is very bored in there, the TV doesn't work, so most of the time he just lies there in the dark, probably thinking dark thoughts!


When I had surgery for a broken arm, everyone who came into the room asked if I wanted the TV on, or offered to hand me the remote control (I wasn't allowed to get out of bed unassisted). I had arrived at the hospital without my glasses.


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@StLouisCruisers. I checked the map and an update that said 2 minutes shows the Eurodam about opposite Bellingham to the east and the near Salt Spring Island. It's taken the "slow route" for sure to Victoria. Norwegian Bliss is already docked there. Last night it was up near Ladysmith which is almost opposite Vancouver. I checked the charter website and the itinerary showed Ketchikan so curious as to what is the reason for the detour. 

Stay safe!



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Hi Everyone!

Really good news here from those in the Helene pathway, on any level.

Oh, except for Cedar Key and @marshhawk vacation. So sorry about that! 😔

Many prayers are still in place; the storm is not done yet.🙏🙏


Our hurricane people check in my life so far has been pretty good; I have a niece and her family that came up to MN on Thursday. They live in Gulf Breeze near Pennsicola; they have no electricity but she hasn't heard about any damages so far. They live further out from the center but it is a HUGE storm. They were originally right in the center pathway so they left on Wednesday. They are staying with my sister and her husband; grandma/Mom and grandpa.


We have family friends in Cape Coral; they had rain and wind but no damages. Again they are out from the center pathway. They are good.

My brother has a vacation home in Bradenton; have not heard from him yet. They are not there right now. Hopefully we will hear today or tomorrow; they might not know much yet.

My weekend isn't real busy but tomorrow I will be meeting with friends for the annual sauerkraut making day. Tomorrow is cabbage shredding and it is put into containers with salt etc. to ferment for at least 6 weeks. We will can it all then. We make alot so I have gifts I give to friends and other family members. We are Polish so sauerkraut is a fav. 😄 Our sauerkraut has won a ribbon at the MN State Fair (not to brag..lol) It is a big deal here.


Continued prayers for all with ongoing challenges and health struggles. You are all in our thoughts for comfort and healing.

Safe travels for all traveling.


Please take care all and have a relaxing and calm weekend.

Caron 😎


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Good afternoon.  We now have a clean house, at least for a while.  Since I'm still grubby, as soon as I finish here, I'm heading up to the attic to change the a/c filter, and to clean the two electrostatic filters.  Where is DSIL when I need him?  😁


@seagarsmoker  Jody, I'm glad the hospital now has power.


5 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Power is back.  Don’t know if it is back to stay.

The back yard and golf course is a complete mess.  i am sure that there will be machinery on the course cleaning up the mess and our lawn guy will take care of our property.

The Bug Man rescheduled.  Thankfully.

I am glad that everyone is safe.

i am going to get DH up and get breakfast ready.

More later.

Thank you all for thinking of us.



Terri, I'm glad your power is back on, and that the damage to the yard is not too bad.


4 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We don't crush cans any more, in fact today is pick-up day for our cans and bottles.  A local group called Cosmopolitan Industries that has programs for adults with intellectual and related disabilities began a Cans For Cosmo following the pandemic when everyone had a stockpile of cans and bottles due to the shut down.  They deliver a large mesh bag (trust me, it's huge) that you put all but the glass bottles into and come around every 3 months and take it away.  The bottles will go into a separate box.  At the end of the year we get a tax deduction for a charitable donation - it's SO easy!   Thankfully HIV/AIDS isn't the dreaded disease it once was, but it should still be observed.  HBD Mr. Google!


I'm so happy to see our Daily friends checking in to let us know they're safe from Helene - it's tough watching from far away, hoping everything is okay, so I do appreciate folks taking the time.

@Cruising-alongHappy Emerald Anniversary to the two of you; let the love and laughter continue!


We're up early this morning as DH has to have some breakfast but can't eat for 4 hours prior to his CAT scan at 11:30.  I'm usually up at the crack of dark, but thought last night I'd better set the alarm so he has time to eat something, and for some reason, I woke up every hour last night.  I'm pretty sure an afternoon nap is on my agenda for the afternoon.  Speaking of naps, yesterday afternoon DH was talking with his son on the phone and was asked how he was feeling - his response made me laugh - he said "I feel a lot better because I had some extra sleep this morning; the Judge got mad at me and made me go back to bed."  He's so funny, I think I'll keep him.


Not a lot on our program for today, but will have to stop for groceries on the way home; how is it that we've run out of all the essentials at once - eggs, milk and bread?  I'd like the drink of the day, will pass on the wine, and have never been a big fan of minestrone soup, so will let others enjoy it when they can.  Of course it's Friday night pizza night here, so late this afternoon we'll head out to a little place not far from here and pick up something ooey and gooey that we can enjoy for dinner on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is still in the path of Helene, and for all who have health concerns.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, I hope your DH's CT scan does not show any surprises.


4 hours ago, kazu said:

thanks for our Friday Daily, Sandi and thanks to Vanessa & our F & B team.


A rainy night and a dreary day so I ended up in very wet slippers and feet when I took Ivan out (can only wear my slippers right now).  Really impressed with the new dog walkers.  they come today to walk Ivan with my other one’s absence.


Not sure what to do after that - I’ll see how things go this weekend and then decide who will be the alternate or try to.  Just relieved that Ivan will be walked this weekend.  He deserves more than I can give him.


Late to the party - little sleep last night, lots of pain and finally slept so I woke late (for me).  guess I will try take the Gabapentin 4 times a day and see if that works.  Sigh.


I have most of my tours covered except 2 so today will be spread sheets, contacting tours, transfers etc to establish new organizers.  Just grateful that roll call members stepped up to help and keep the tours in place. 


@Cruising-along a very happy 15th anniversary to you & Henry 🙂 


I hope everyone was able to safe during the hurricane and those that are about to face it can be safe.  Horrific power in this storm.


Prayers for those on the Care list and all who need them.  Cheers to those celebrating and Lucy enough to cruise.




Jacqui, I'm happy you have some good dog walkers for Ivan, and people on the roll call have stepped up to handle the tours.


3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Thank you for all the anniversary wishes! We really appreciate it. 55 years sure went fast!


Today we’re heading for Grand Tetons for the day. Here are some photos from our first day in Yellowstone yesterday. The grand finale of the day was watching with 6 rangers and a large crowd a bull elk rounding up a huge group of females. It’s rut season now and dangerous. 

Prayers for all on the Care list. 

Sorry for upside down photos. CC and WiFi aren’t helpful today. Some photos won’t load either. 






Carolyn, thanks for the pictures.  We were in Yellowstone during rutting season once.  The bull elk are very loud.


1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

I do hope everyone in harms way is doing OK. It’s pack up and move day. Flying from Lihue direct to Oakland. Sleep a few hours then up early tomorrow for a 6:00 AM flight home. Phew!

It’s been a wonderful time. 
Thanks for the reports and post. B.




Bruce, safe travels today and tomorrow.  Thank you for one last sunset picture.


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Arkansas here we come-


sorry about length of story and pictures

'Cedar Key as we know it is completely gone'

Michael Bobbitt, a resident of Cedar Key, Fla., who stayed behind during Helene, told the New York Times, "Cedar Key as we know it is completely gone."

“The post office is destroyed,” he said of the city in Florida's northwestern Big Bend region, which was also hit by Hurricane Idalia in 2023. “Several restaurants are destroyed. The Jiffy Food Store is destroyed. Vehicles are smashed in and turned upside down. Everything is impassable. It looks like a nuclear bomb went off.”

Workers clear debris in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, in Cedar Key, Fla., on Sept. 27.
Workers clear debris in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, in Cedar Key, Fla. (Gerald Herbert/AP)
Debris inside a flooded store after Hurricane Helene made landfall in Cedar Key, Fla.

Debris inside a flooded store in Cedar Key. (Miguel J. Rodriguez Carrillo/Getty Images)

A house destroyed by Hurricane Helene after making landfall is seen in Cedar Key.

A house destroyed by Hurricane Helene in Cedar Key. (Miguel J. Rodriguez Carrillo/Getty Images)

A Cedar Key house destroyed by Hurricane Helene.

A Cedar Key home destroyed by Hurricane Helene. (Miguel J. Rodriguez Carrillo/Getty Images)

Residents, traveling by boat, inspect Cedar Key after Hurricane Helene made landfall.

Residents, traveling by boat, inspect Cedar Key after Hurricane Helene made landfall. (Miguel J. Rodriguez Carrillo/Getty Images)


Annie, thank you for sharing the pictures of Cedar Key.  I feel so sorry for the residents.


42 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I won't be crushing any cans, but I do recycle them. HIV/AIDS awareness is important; I remember when it was thought to be a death sentence. Happy Birthday to Google. Love the quote. I like the meal. Pass on the drink and wine. I have been to Alaska, but not Nome, and it's not on my Alaska cruise next year. A bad day for England, but a good day for Henry Ford.


It's cloudy here and lightly raining. I feel so bad for those places experiencing severe flooding, damage and loss of life. I started the day trying the cast cover to take a shower. It worked, but was like a tourniquet around my thigh. And then taking it off caused the wrap to fall a bit, although I pulled it up as best I could. I've toyed with seeing if I could redo it, but I'll wait. Then the serious packing. Surprisingly I got everything in my one large suitcase. I have a smaller duffle for the road trip to and from Boston. Then a backpack will have all my meds and electronics. So now I can sit down and rest a bit. I just heard that Dame Maggie Smith has died.


@Cruising-along Happy 55th Anniversary to you and Henry! Great photos from Yellowstone. Enjoy the Tetons today. 

@StLouisCruisers I'm glad you had power and internet this AM. Stay safe! I'm shocked to see how much GA has been affected. 

@seagarsmoker I'm glad you're ok, and I'm glad Suzi's work has power now.

@Denise T I hear you about the spa. I once had a free massage from my TA, and all the spa personnel did was try to sell me stuff.

@summer slope Bless all the linesmen who are helping out.

@Cruzin Terri Thanks for checking in and letting us know you're safe. And good to hear your power is back. 

@ottahand7 I hope DB is doing better or at least seen by the doctor.

@smitty34877 Thinking of you, Tana and the family, as always.

@marshhawk I'm glad things are ok at your house.

@Quartzsite Cruiser I'm glad you're feeling better. 

@ger_77 Good luck to DH with his scan today.

@kazu I'm glad you found a good dog walker to help you out. I'm sorry you had such a bad night again. Good to hear others on the roll call are helping out, after all the work you'd done for them. Prayers you get your MRI soon and cataract surgery.

@aliaschief Safe travels today and tomorrow.

@rafinmd I hope you got a good night's sleep and are headed to rehab soon.

@Vict0riann Hopefully Pat is doing well and will come home soon.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.


Vanessa, I'm glad the cast cover protected the wrap on your leg.  I was wondering the stretchy, non-adhesive bandage wrap around the top of the wrap would keep it from slipping.  I'm glad you are packed for your cruise.


25 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning and Happy Friday. We are having an extreme heat advisory all week and it will probably continue into next week. High yesterday was 105F. 


CC has been acting weird yesterday and today. I couldn’t get on for a while both days. 

Craig crushes all our cans. I think he enjoys getting as much recycle as he can into the bin. It really fills up since pickup is now every other week. We’ve never been notified if crushing cans is allowed or not. 

Craig suggested that we go on a cruise for our 50th anniversary this December and wanted only a 7 day cruise to the Caribbean going 2 days early and staying one day afterward. Seems he had it all planned in his head. Well, I was pleasantly surprised. I thought he wanted a long break from cruising after having covid on two different cruises. So we are booked on the Eurodam!  I was surprised even more that I talked him into a 10 day cruise. It’s to the ABC islands and I’m so excited. 

Carolyn and Henry @Cruising-along, Happy Anniversary!!  Wow 55 years, congratulations!  Just think, we will be celebrating the same in 5 years. 

Have a great day everyone!



Sharon, congratulations on booking the anniversary cruise.  Maybe you can talk Crain into the Hawaii cruise in January.


25 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Just a quickie... Hello, all, I've been thinking of you, especially those in the path of hurricane Helene!  Happy Anniversary, @Cruising-along, and I echo all of Vanessa's remarks!  Pat called a little while ago, to say the doctors have decided he doesn't need a pacemaker, but now he has to wait for the surgeon to to say if he wants Pat to come come wearing a monitor for a while.  Then, depending on the outcome, he can come home.  He is very bored in there, the TV doesn't work, so most of the time he just lies there in the dark, probably thinking dark thoughts!  Once I get him home, I'm sure he will buck up.  He has to organize the complex's golf tee times for Monday, so he needs to get to his computer.  There are more than 20 who play, although there are always some sickies and some travelling.  I think he only needs 3 tee times for Monday.  He is stuck as administrator, although he hasn't played for a few months, no-one wants to take on the job of herding cats.  


I was sorry to hear about Maggie Smith, she was a wonderful actress.   I'll check in later and let you know how the homecoming went.  


Ann, I hope Pat is able to come home today.  That will be such a morale booster for both of you.  I was also sad to hear of Maggie Smith's death.



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3 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Sharon, congratulations on booking the anniversary cruise.  Maybe you can talk Crain into the Hawaii cruise in January.

Thank you Lenda. Unfortunately, he has told me that he doesn’t want to sail to Hawaii again and never for that long. I would love to go back but the price is just too much right now. Maybe in a few years Craig will change his mind. 

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Thank you to all who keep this site running. Much appreciated. 

We have been home from our cruise for a week now and were quickly back to normal.  4 grandkids playing hockey and it is cross country meet time. We are good at 'spectating '.

The grand dog arrives for the day tomorrow while the 5th DGS goes to a lacrosse tournament. We are so lucky to be able to be a part of their lives.

One DGS.is collecting bottles and cans for his hockey team and 2 are selling maple syrup.

It was good to hear of minor damage from those in the path of Helene.

@LambKnuckles DGS has many quail. 30 of them escaped their cage the other day and were everywhere in the garage.  Whi knew their was a quail.con???

@marshhawk Sorry to see your post about Cedar  Key. We have stayed there. It was such a pretty spot.

@Cruising-along Happy Anniversary 


 Vanessa. Enjoy your cruise. Sit back and relax.


My thoughts And prayers are sent to those suffering with health issues. May tomorrow be a better day.


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1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Thank you Lenda. Unfortunately, he has told me that he doesn’t want to sail to Hawaii again and never for that long. I would love to go back but the price is just too much right now. Maybe in a few years Craig will change his mind. 


I hope he will change is mind.  Hawaii cruises are so easy for us from Quartzsite.


1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

Today’s update will come later from Nephew Keith.




Roy, I'll keep watch on the email for Keith's update.



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1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

@StLouisCruisers. I checked the map and an update that said 2 minutes shows the Eurodam about opposite Bellingham to the east and the near Salt Spring Island. It's taken the "slow route" for sure to Victoria. Norwegian Bliss is already docked there. Last night it was up near Ladysmith which is almost opposite Vancouver. I checked the charter website and the itinerary showed Ketchikan so curious as to what is the reason for the detour. 

Stay safe!




Oh, thanks for looking into it Karen.  I've been distracted today and haven't even looked at the map.   Too bad they couldn't spend more time there.


I took a little rest before lunch in our "nap" room.  Then after lunch DH said we might as well go to Kroger since the weather is just fine now.  Just a little breezy.  We didn't see any damage anywhere along the way.  We just have bits of green leaves littering the roadway or lawns.  Not bad at all.  


I texted DGD Morgan who lives in Tampa to see what happened there, but she's in Maryland for her boyfriend's sister's wedding this weekend.  She sent photos of the parking lot and lake next to the Tampa apartments.  The lake looked high but not up to first floor apartment levels.  The parking lot had a little water in it but not high.  I don't know if her Jeep Wrangler is in Tampa in that lot or not.  But it's got a good clearance and should be okay.


But DGD Ashley and Christopher had a 4:12 p.m. American Airlines flight to Philadelphia, then on to Rome overnight.  Looks like the Cincinnati flight is delayed and won't arrive until just after the connecting flight to Rome in PHL is scheduled to leave this evening.  She's probably a wreck!  I hope AA has rescheduled her on a different route.  There's a partner flight Aer Lingus departing PHL at 8:40 p.m. to Dublin then another flight to Rome in the morning from DUB to FCO arriving tomorrow mid afternoon.  Not the 9 a.m. arrival she had booked but at least they arrive tomorrow.  The cruise isn't for a few days still but they wanted to sightsee tomorrow.  She was with us in Rome in 2019 during our family cruise.  We all stayed 2 days at the end of the cruise and had a grand time.  So I'm worried about them right now.  The problem seems to be the winds in Cincinnati picked up quite a bit around noon due to Helene.  Problems felt near and far, it seems.

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It's been a heck of a day here. Helene's impact seemed to be some wind, little rain. We're about 55 miles east of Cedar Key. At home (on the workplace grounds) we never lost power - it flickered once, but held. At 4:30am I learned our Food Service building had no power - just a few lights powered by an emergency generator. Going there, a plan was put in place to get breakfast out. We have 220 residents, 65 of whom are on a 100% pureed diet, some are on tube feedings, several are on a ground texture, and the rest (well less than half) are on a regular texture diet. They live in 23 homes - we prepare the meals on trays & deliver them to the homes. Turns out the entire workplace part of the center had no power - the homes have big generators that provide electricity & air conditioning but everything was out. Found out later the grid was damaged (off property), so it was plan B for lunch as well, then still no power - same for dinner. Power finally was restored just after 4pm! 


Thankfully that was the extent of our issues other than lots of debris everywhere, a couple big trees down, and several big branches falling.  One landed on a staff's car - crashed right through the windshield, caused lots of damage to the body (front, sides & back) and had she been taking a break in her car (as she sometimes does) she would have been killed. There's no doubt.


Hope those of you still dealing with Helene have a good outcome - these giant storms are very concerning. I need a glass of today's chablis but I'll settle for a cheaper vintage tonight that's already in my fridge!



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Sue @wdw1972 I'm glad things worked out today and your staff member is safe and sound.  This was certainly a biggie, but thankfully it moved quick!


Ashley is on the phone with her cruise line RCCL trying to get new flights arranged.  I sent her the flight numbers of the flights on Aer Lingus, a partner of AA, and hopefully they can find room on those flights.  I hate her missing too much time in Rome.

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7 minutes ago, wdw1972 said:

It's been a heck of a day here. Helene's impact seemed to be some wind, little rain. We're about 55 miles east of Cedar Key. At home (on the workplace grounds) we never lost power - it flickered once, but held. At 4:30am I learned our Food Service building had no power - just a few lights powered by an emergency generator. Going there, a plan was put in place to get breakfast out. We have 220 residents, 65 of whom are on a 100% pureed diet, some are on tube feedings, several are on a ground texture, and the rest (well less than half) are on a regular texture diet. They live in 23 homes - we prepare the meals on trays & deliver them to the homes. Turns out the entire workplace part of the center had no power - the homes have big generators that provide electricity & air conditioning but everything was out. Found out later the grid was damaged (off property), so it was plan B for lunch as well, then still no power - same for dinner. Power finally was restored just after 4pm! 


Thankfully that was the extent of our issues other than lots of debris everywhere, a couple big trees down, and several big branches falling.  One landed on a staff's car - crashed right through the windshield, caused lots of damage to the body (front, sides & back) and had she been taking a break in her car (as she sometimes does) she would have been killed. There's no doubt.


Hope those of you still dealing with Helene have a good outcome - these giant storms are very concerning. I need a glass of today's chablis but I'll settle for a cheaper vintage tonight that's already in my fridge!




I see according to the tv news that power outages at 30,000 are 3 times the 10,000 of Debby. I have a clock that when the power goes out it stays where it was and then picks up and resumes with power's return - overnight I lost 10 minutes. The winds really picked-up about 9:30 pm and when I took my pill at about 2:30 am the howling and moaning winds were quiet and of course the power was still on. Neighborhood only had branches down and lots of leaf litter everywhere. So as close as we were to Perry FL very little major damage. Of course, we're not anywhere near the coast. Storm surge seemed to be the most destructive of all.

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12 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Sue @wdw1972 I'm glad things worked out today and your staff member is safe and sound.  This was certainly a biggie, but thankfully it moved quick!


Ashley is on the phone with her cruise line RCCL trying to get new flights arranged.  I sent her the flight numbers of the flights on Aer Lingus, a partner of AA, and hopefully they can find room on those flights.  I hate her missing too much time in Rome.

Sandi. aA has a nonstop at 10:40 pm to Heathrow with a connection toRome that arrives not much later than the Air Lingus flight thru Dublin

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31 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Sandi. aA has a nonstop at 10:40 pm to Heathrow with a connection toRome that arrives not much later than the Air Lingus flight thru Dublin


I just found out Ashley gave the 8:40 flight information I sent her to RCCL and they got seats on it.  If everything goes to H E double L in a handbasket maybe there will be seats on the 10:40 flight.  I just felt she could use some information to give the agents to move things along, and it seemed to work out.  I'm so glad they have time before the cruise and won't miss embarkation by trying to fly in the night before.

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Done with the mowing, except for a bit that has to wait until other work takes place. Restoring myself with the last of the Pinot Blanc and some peanuts.


The WaPo reports that some public libraries, in addition to books on haunted places, are lending out ghost-hunting kits.




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