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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday October 9th, 2024

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The link below takes you to an amazing web page that allows you to move the map to your neighborhood & adjust the water level to see if there is any danger of your neighborhood flooding based on predicted storm surges/flooding. 





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1 hour ago, Lcubed said:

Good  Morning! @St Pete Cruiser, @cunnorl, @cat shepard, @summer slope, @StLouisCruisers DGD and any one else in the path of Milton I hope you remain safe before, during and after the storm. @tupper10, @Sea Viewer I hope you stay safe also from the tornados. @wdw1972 hope your house has no or minimal damage.

We did the last load of laundry & ran the dish washer. We have been without power after hurricanes before. Need to drop refig. temp and house temp.

The shutters are up (the old corticated kind) and all but one hurricane screen is down. We don't usually put them up for a cat 1, but we have them and we had time. DH is reducing pool level again. We are getting bands of rain (1.5" this morning) with thunder but little wind. Yesterday DH checked on and helped some neighbors (most are younger than us). FPL decided to trim our massive (40' canopy) oak tree yesterday. They usually trim it once a year but they spent 5 hrs "trimming" yesterday fortunately they took most of the limbs with them (as mulch). We still have two barrels full of left over tree branches in the garage. The eye will probably go right over us, been there done that but with a lot less trees. My neighbor is on his roof blowing off pine needles and oak leaves!

Thank you for listening. We both find the waiting hard. Really, really wish we were on a BHB!

Hope everyone has good day!


It's good you are as prepared as you can be.  I'm glad your DH was able to help some of the neighbors.


1 hour ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning from a very rainy day at the beach

       The news was just broadcasting from here- never a good sign. The ocean is really angry and waves are pretty high. Port Canaveral is closed. The Hospital has been evacuated. So now we wait.

     Hopefully this will pass quickly and damage is minimal. A wise old man once told me anything bought with money can be replaced but you cannot. So please everyone be safe

    I have cooked everything I can, so we will eat like kings for a few days. We have a very large gas grill and my nephew just replaced the tanks so we can grill while the power is out.  

   Thats it for me

Stay safe and enjoy the day



Charlene, I'm glad you will have plenty to eat.  Stay safe.


36 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good morning and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I won't comment on the days but the quote gave me a chuckle.  I have roasted pumpkins seeds so many times and I do it like @LambKnuckles.  I buy pumpkins just for the seeds!!  The drink sounds very interesting but I will pass on the wine (white) and never been to NZ.  Cool about the days in history.


Woke up to cooler temps and it most likely will not hit 100F or just barely.  Maybe fall is here!  I do have a low grade fever from the covid and flu vaccine and my arm is sore.  I choose to have it in just one arm as there is no contraindication to not do so (but most people don't).  When I worked at the Health Department we used to tell people that mixing up the covid vaccine was a good thing but I don't think the long term studies bore that out (as they are both mRNAs and the efficacy is approximately the same for the 2).  So today is just a rest day; I don't feel bad at all, which is good.


I am watching the progress and prep for Milton.  I hope any dailyites in the path have either evacuated or are in a safe place and hunkered down.  


@Haljo1935 So sorry to hear about your phone but I am glad you are ok.

@Denise T Bon Voyage!!  Have a fantastic time with your sister.


Thoughts for all needing support and cheers for those celebrating.  Have a fantastic day!


Pennie, I also got both shots in the same arm.  The pharmacist was reluctant because if I had a reaction I wouldn't know which shot it was from.  I had a reaction, and new which one was the cause.  The site of the Moderna shot was warm to hot, red and sore. 


24 minutes ago, tupper10 said:

This may be our last day with power for awhile. We went to the supermarket this morning and filled up on canned items.  We will use our gas grill to make all the frozen meat and chicken we have to use if the power goes out.  Our neighbors to the right and left of us have whole house generators which make it impossible to sleep and also the smell of the propane which comes off the generators is awful, to say nothing about the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.  We will put some perishables in their refrigerator and tough it out. I am worried about my mother, who should be in assisted living, but has continually refused to move.  Her aides have made a plan to stay with her during the storm.  Luckily she is not afraid since she doesn't understand that we may have some high winds and damage from the storm.  There is nothing I can do at this point in time.  She can't come here because we don't have a hospital bed or a  power chair.  


Ironically it is still sunny out and I got my walk in this morning. I usually do deep water aerobics in the morning but our pool was closed since they let a lot of the water out.  We are not predicted to get much rain- the danger is tornadoes and the wind.  I do hope the storm weakens for everyone.


Sending healing thoughts to those in need.  @Denise T have a fabulous time on your cruise.




Debbie, I hope your mother and her caregivers stay safe during the storm.  Glad you are prepared.



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Yay for Mr. Erikson and for nanotechnology; interesting days in history.


It looks like today might be the last really warm (well, for us) day for a while; the temperature is supposed to go up to 19(66) and that's the highest it will be for at least a week.  The leaves around the city are turning yellow and some reds, but certainly not anything like you see in Ontario where they have many oak and maple trees.  


@Denise TBon Voyage; it's been a long wait, but sail-away is here at last.  I'm SO excited for you!

@Seasick SailorI'm sorry you're living up to your screen name - along with the other remedies, I've found having green tea in my system really helped as well.

@aliaschiefif your leg is burning, it's possible you could have an infection - please have it looked at!

@marshhawkgood grief girl, so much on your plate; I hope your get-away will bring some peace and calm to you for a few days.

@Haljo1935I'm so glad we were able to hear from you, but sad you lost your phone - that's a real life line these days, isn't it?

@smitty34877I'm sorry to hear Tana's not able to move much; that's so hard on you and everyone around trying to keep her comfortable.  Bless you for all you and your family continue to do for her and her teenager.


To all our Daily family who are in Milton's path, please know you're in my prayers for safety of you and your homes.  This morning I see he's been downgraded to a Cat 4 which is still devastating, but even a small drop can make a difference in the damage.  Please do keep in touch with us when you can.  I'm going to be keeping a sharp eye on the television watching for updates today and tomorrow.


This morning we're waiting for someone to come from an overhead door company to tighten the spring on our garage door.  Calling around we received quotes ranging anywhere from $120 to $500 to do the minor adjustment.  Crazy!  


I'm going to pass on the drink, the wine, and the menu suggestion, although roasted pumpkin seeds do make a great snack.  DH is going for coffee with his bandmates this afternoon, and has mentioned he feels like having a Big Mac for some reason, so I guess he's going to be picking up dinner from the golden arches that we will enjoy together at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone in Milton's path, for those suffering from Helene's destruction, all innocents in wars, and those needing help.  Cheers to all with celebrations today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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@Denise THave a wonderful cruise.

@marshhawkIt's okay if you don't get everything done.  Look after yourself.

@smitty34877I am glad you have DB to help. Dinner sounds delicious. My prayers are with Tana.

@rafinmdIt's great to hear your health is improving.

My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in the path of Milton.  Stay safe.


We spent a week in Pahia before a cruise around NZ.  It's a very pretty place.   We did the boat tour, took the ferry to Russell and took a bus tour , driving along 90 mile beach to Cape Reinga, the northernmost  tip of the island.  Here the Tasman Sea meets the Pacific Ocean.  The Maori people believe that when they die, their spirits go to Cape Reinga to begin their journey to their eternal homeland. We also saw the amazing Kauri trees. Our port of Waitangi  was cancelled due to mechanical issues with the ship, so we were lucky we had spent the week there.

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@ger_77 Our garage door started making 'thunking' noises last week.  DH, who is a pretty handy guy, couldn't figure what was causing the noise, so he called the company who installed the door, many years ago.  $80 for a service call.  And they found a weed whacker had fallen in behind the track, and the door was hitting it on it's way to close. And so we have a serviced garage door with no 'thunking' noises, and the weed whacker now stored in another place.

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Good morning and Happy Wednesday. It was 101 yesterday but just 97 today, maybe, we’ll see. 

I use pumpkin seeds in my granola but just purchase them at TJ’s. And I use the Chai seasoning on everything. They are also good in banana bread or zucchini bread or pumpkin bread. 

What a relief to hear from Elizabeth @Haljo1935!  I’d like to hear more about the cruise too, there were some complainers posting about Glacier Bay being replaced with Tracy Arm because of the storm. I love Tracy Arm. 

Sandi @StLouisCruisers, I’m relieved to find out more information about where Morgan & Rossi are staying. It definitely sounds more secure but I worry about the water surges. Is she continuing to work and helping to move animals?


Watching the forecast and the models sweeping across Florida is scary. Also the tornadoes. Stay safe to everyone in Florida!!


Have a great day!

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Good morning everyone,

🙏🙏🙏🙏 for those who are in Milton's path, anyone in Florida really. This behemoth affects the whole state, imo. We have friends who we are worried about and praying for too.

Prayers for anyone needing comfort, pain relief or healing. The rosary beads are pretty busy here.

@Denise T Bon Voyage!!

Got my Yellow Fever vaccine yesterday for an upcoming Amazon cruise (February 2025). No reactions, maybe just a bit tired so it's all good.

Safe travels for all traveling no matter what the purpose. 

My thanks to each person that contributes, anything here.😊

Please take care all.


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Good morning from a cloudy PNW.  It will get up to only 60F today.

First of all, prayers for all in the path of Milton.  Please stay safe!  We have lots of family back there besides friends.  So worried for all.


Funny quote, I'll pass on the pumpkin seeds, would try the drink and probably like it, and I've had the wine before and liked it.  We were in Waitangi this past March and will be there again on the '26 World.  


No plans for today other than just puttering around the house.  Three weeks from today we'll start our drive down to LA to take the Princess cruise.  Other than booking some excursions and dining, we haven't planned this cruise at all.  Since we've been to all the CA ports (and lived near some) I think we'll just try to make this a relaxing cruise.


Paul @kochleffel Many years ago I did make Blackberry Liqueur -- it was very easy and tasty!  We always have a huge amount of blackberries growing near us. 


@Denise T  Bon Voyage and Enjoy!


@Haljo1935 Elizabeth, it was so good to hear from you last night and know that you're ok!  Sorry to hear about your phone though, I know how that feels!


Sandi @StLouisCruisers I'm glad that Morgan and Rossi have a safer place to stay with newer construction.


@Nickelpenny Thanks for the info about the vaccinations.  I figured that maybe time has told about mixing them up, as I heard this early on when vax first came out.


We really enjoyed the day when we were in Bay of Islands.  Waitangi was our last NZ port on the GANZ.  We hated to leave NZ!  We took a tour that was on a dinner boat (excellent and yummy food).  We had time to browse in Russell and really enjoyed it.  It was partly the atmosphere and partly the beauty, but it was a really nice day and we're glad we can go back in '26.  Some photos of the day:


Bay of Islands



Our dinner boat



The beach at Russell



Gorgeous flowers everywhere



Russell shoreline



One of the storefronts



We did some shopping for family while there.  Cute shops!














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Good morning. Sunny and cool here. High today into the low 70's, lows at night around 42F. I am fine with that. Our trees are doing an outstanding job of turning color right now. It is peak color in the high country and I can see the Aspens from town. Looking at what Florida is facing, I am very appreciative.


Last night was something of a bust when it comes to sleep. I had stomach discomfort and was up at 2:20, 3:45 and 4:30. Dozed in between.  After 4:30 I did get to sleep and slept until about 8:00. Dogs never moved at all even with me trotting back and forth. So today I will continue the clearing, but it will be an even slower than usual process. I am a bit worried.... tried to call my contractor last night, and his mailbox is full. Hope he does not intend to stand me up. In any case, the clearing needs be done but it is one more thing to worry about. I know he was having some personal problems. Since he and his son are also my snow removal it adds another layer of worry. I am sure that no matter what,I can cope.


Sending my best wishes to all those dealing with Milton and/or any of his side issues. I do much better dealing with snow than with wind and rain.


Take care all. More later. Hopefully I will hear from Leo.... if not by the end of the week I will drop him a quick note to call me..... see if that works. I am a worrier at times. Probably don't need to be - it gets worse with age.



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2 hours ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning from a very rainy day at the beach

       The news was just broadcasting from here- never a good sign. The ocean is really angry and waves are pretty high. Port Canaveral is closed. The Hospital has been evacuated. So now we wait.

     Hopefully this will pass quickly and damage is minimal. A wise old man once told me anything bought with money can be replaced but you cannot. So please everyone be safe

    I have cooked everything I can, so we will eat like kings for a few days. We have a very large gas grill and my nephew just replaced the tanks so we can grill while the power is out.  

   Thats it for me

Stay safe and enjoy the day


@Lcubed@wdw1972@cunnorl and others in Central and East Coast Florida: Here on Florida's West Coast, we are taking the punch out of Milton so he won't have much left for you.  The 11am update anticipates landfall in Manatee or Sarasota, saving Tampa Bay from the worst surge.  We (Pinellas County/St Petersburg) are still expecting heavy rain and winds up to 100mph.  Still hoping the power stays on. We have underground utility lines, but the main supply is overhead.  We also have natural gas for the range and water heater plus a gas grill. 

Carnival Paradise and RCCL Serenade OTS cruisers are getting bonus days as they can't return into Port Tampa tomorrow.  Of course, those embarking will be delayed or canceled.  Wonder why Holland America doesn't have any ships out of Florida this time of year?

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Good morning DAILYITES!

Hurricane Milton I pray for all, and love how @cat shepard Ann opened up her home to Sandi’s DGD and Rossi to take shelter if needed! Just amazing! 
We’ll for my sis @Seasick Sailor

Dear Joy❤️


Hope you are feeling better heading to Hawaii!!! 
Too bad we are not at our home there! 
So here is a pic take deep breaths relax, 

and feel like your in my backyard!








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Posted (edited)

Good morning and thanks all!  Sharing my concern for all in harms way from Milton!  
and for those struggling with so much!  @kazu @smitty34877@StLouisCruisers@marshhawk


@Denise T Bon voyage! 

@dfish made some muffins from yesterday’s recipe and some crisp from our son’s fruit. The apples are good but not juicy, due to our lack of water.    I give up, it’s an upside down day here and elsewhere as it seems. 



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11 minutes ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

Carnival Paradise and RCCL Serenade OTS cruisers are getting bonus days as they can't return into Port Tampa tomorrow.  Of course, those embarking will be delayed or canceled.  Wonder why Holland America doesn't have any ships out of Florida this time of year?


Every ship has to go somewhere, and those lines have too many ships not to have some embarking from Florida!


It has never occurred to me to cruise from Florida, or New Orleans or Galveston, at this time of year. Not even from New York or Boston, southbound. The only cruise I've taken in the fall from a U.S. port was New York to Halifax and Saint John. That ship, the Norwegian Gem, was alternating northbound and southbound itineraries, but some of the southbound passengers had the surprise of finding themselves in Nova Scotia when they had packed for the Bahamas.

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Question for our Canadian posters. 
Bottom line: Is it OK to tip wheelchair pushers at Toronto Pearson in US$?
Back story:  DH uses wheelchair assistance for gate to gate. I can't find that we have any CAD$ from past cruises. Our only stop in Canada is a few hours at Pearson, and our travel plans for the next year and a half don't include Canada, so I don't need to have an inventory. I can get a small withdrawal from an airport ATM if needed. 

Reluctant to post anything that deals with tipping on the general boards, I hope you understand!
Thanks for your advice!

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

...What a relief to hear from Elizabeth @Haljo1935!  I’d like to hear more about the cruise too, there were some complainers posting about Glacier Bay being replaced with Tracy Arm because of the storm. I love Tracy Arm. 

Tracy Arm was BEAUTIFUL!! Yes, there were complaints a plenty re missing GBNP, but God & Mother Nature are in control of the itinerary, so why complain about something over which we have no control 🤷‍♀️


I will update, promise, just swamped w/work. DH is feeding me pix from his phone, so I'll have something to share.


The 2nd day in Juneau was nice for us as we were able to eat lunch at The Hangar, which we didn't get to do on the first day. Always a silver lining if you look. 😎


Here's a Dawes Glacier Tracy Arm Fjord pix from DH.


Edited by Haljo1935
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Posted (edited)
28 minutes ago, Live4cruises said:

Question for our Canadian posters. 
Bottom line: Is it OK to tip wheelchair pushers at Toronto Pearson in US$?
Back story:  DH uses wheelchair assistance for gate to gate. I can't find that we have any CAD$ from past cruises. Our only stop in Canada is a few hours at Pearson, and our travel plans for the next year and a half don't include Canada, so I don't need to have an inventory. I can get a small withdrawal from an airport ATM if needed. 

Reluctant to post anything that deals with tipping on the general boards, I hope you understand!
Thanks for your advice!

Feel free to tip in US$. No torontonian will turn it down. Most of us that live close to a border crossing have a stash of US$ just in case we make a quick trip over.

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Good morning, Dailyites.  I am hoping and praying that all the Floridians stay safe!  It's a scary storm.


A few pics from the Bay of Islands









And a quick quiz




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1 hour ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

@Lcubed@wdw1972@cunnorl and others in Central and East Coast Florida: Here on Florida's West Coast, we are taking the punch out of Milton so he won't have much left for you.  The 11am update anticipates landfall in Manatee or Sarasota, saving Tampa Bay from the worst surge.  We (Pinellas County/St Petersburg) are still expecting heavy rain and winds up to 100mph.  Still hoping the power stays on. We have underground utility lines, but the main supply is overhead.  We also have natural gas for the range and water heater plus a gas grill. 

Carnival Paradise and RCCL Serenade OTS cruisers are getting bonus days as they can't return into Port Tampa tomorrow.  Of course, those embarking will be delayed or canceled.  Wonder why Holland America doesn't have any ships out of Florida this time of year?

Thanks @St Pete Cruiser. We use to have family on Anna Maria and we lived in Bradenton. All have either passed on or like us moved on. @cat shepard thank you for the map. It's very interesting.  Fortunately we are 3 miles from the intercoastal so we shouldn't have any surge. The last hurricane screen is in place. Now the only way out is through the garage. It also feels like a cave now! Although we can see through the screens. 🙂 

My DH just gave me a light he wears walking in the morning to clip to my shirt. Maybe he doesn't want to run into me?😁.

The rain and thunder are starting again. We've also now have tornado warnings.

Take care all.

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