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Everything posted by Jim_Iain

  1. If you you follow a threads you can choose the type of notification. To modify go to you icon top right and from drop down choose Manage Followed Content. Usually after you have read they disappear.
  2. I've experienced the same recently but today I had to call Chase and the call was answered on the first ring. I was shocked and not completely ready expecting a long wait.
  3. You can also do it via the web but buried at the last step, but can just click arrival to go directly to it.
  4. I noticed all these recommendations also --- BUT from CDC Site - they stopped monitoring ships and now only offer guidelines and leave it to the Cruislines. As of July 18, 2022, CDC’s COVID-19 Program for Cruise Ships is no longer in effect. CDC will continue to publish guidance to help cruise ships continue to provide a safer and healthier environment for passengers, crew and communities going forward. For more information, please see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
  5. On July 1 they changed the COR to include a Positive Antigen OR PCR proctored test and a COR at least 11 days after first documented covid test. You present these two documents in lieu of a negative antigen or pcr to board. Some people continue to test positive for months after having had covid and tests show that the viral load is so low as to make them not able to transmit. You will not be tested again once on the ship unless you report symptoms. I was told that for my next B2B2B in a couple we will probably be tested on turn around of each leg but if we were to test positive we would be covered by the COR and considered negative.
  6. Excited to follow along. I am sure you will love getting back to sea. While I have no idea how much you enjoyed your first cruise I've noticed that the crew are really friendly and will go out of the way to make your cruise perfect.
  7. Fantastic. That sounds like a great agent. I'm sure you will enjoy your private dressing room.
  8. I've found what you described is the norm for all the cruises I've booked lately. Like others have said wait a couple days until it is fully processed in Celebrity System and then you can go in under Manager Reservation and add all the details for passenger #2. I also booked a cruise with the intent of using for my SIL and BIL. I initially had my DIL as #1 and myself as #2. 6 months later after they accepted our invitation I had my BIL replace me. I just emailed my agent and was done in a day or two.
  9. At the turn around meeting you will be given instructions. On turn around day you will have 2 options. 1. Go ashore before 9:30 and tour on your own. They will take your sea pass from you when you leave the ship. On return to the Terminal you will show a Transit Pass to get back into the Terminal and will be directed to the Transit Desk where they will check you back in and give you your new sea pass. You will not be allowed back onto the ship until general boarding begins. 2. Stay aboard and do the B2B process with all other B2B's starting around 9:30 and usually takes about 15-20 minutes. You will get your new Sea Pass at this point. You can then have free reign of the ship until general boarding begins.
  10. The only time I've received compensation for a missed port was when it occurred after the cruise began. One time on B2B day in Yokohama we were evacuated from the ship due to a typhoon and and were give a free hotel / food and 1 day of the rate you had paid as a FCC.
  11. Agree 100% - I'm starting to feel like the current vaccination prevents you from serious complications but provide minimal protection from testing positive. Just my opinion being up to date with vax and testing positive and know so many others that are up to date with 4 shots and still are getting it.
  12. They discontinued because of Covid. Usually last call is 9:30 and then they begin processing B2B's who then have free reign of the ship until General Boarding begins around 11
  13. 45 days prior to cruise. If you check the app on the phone clicking the portrait it will give exact date. They open at 12:01 time at departure port - so if a Port Everglades cruise they open at 9:01 PM the night before.
  14. Mine turned me down explaining that it was under Emergency FDA approval for use for only people who tested positive and off label prescription use was prohibited. He is however a Doctor that is a stickler for following the rules.
  15. I'm sure that could be true to some, but I know in California if you are over 65 they give it to you immediately at the test centers if you test positive. I figure if it's good enough for Joe Biden it's good enough for me.
  16. For Petra we joined a tour arranged by a CC member. She eventually had 3 small bus loads and was a great day. After Petra the tour operator had arranged a special lunch for us There is a Culinary College in Petra overlooking the town. They hosted us for a wonderful lunch. We were the first group they had ever done this for and was so much fun. The students are training for jobs in the Culinary field and we had about 1 wait person for each 2 guests. Impeccable service and very engaging staff.
  17. I use my PC to upload stock photos I have on my PC. You may have to resize to meet their requirements From a phone can ONLY shoot a picture as no upload option is available.
  18. You can use either/or or Both. I usually use phone to make appointment when first opens. Next day I use phone to scan in passport information and shoot a picture of Vac Certificate. I usually use my desktop to fill in all the other information and upload stock pictures I keep on my computer.
  19. Have you tried using the web browser to reset you password. This has happened to me a couple times, usually over a weekend, and they fix it in a day or two.
  20. Ok.... OK... I'm a silicon valley techno nerd that has mine on my belt all the time. With 50 Apple buildings down the road I would be chastised otherwise. LOL Since I listen to e-Books while i'm on my walk it's my portable library that is usually with me.
  21. We did it a couple years ago. We did a B2B Singapore to Abu Dhabi and Abu Dhabi to Rome. The Suez was interesting but nothing like the Panama - just hours and hours of just sand and no locks. It is a bit interesting going through the Gulf of Aden and the pirates zone. Ships are usually escorted and at night the ships are totally blacked out, all decks closed and security out with binoculars all night and not permitted near windows. They use to have passenger drills to leave your room and sit in hall ways in case of an attack by pirates. Having said that Sitting outside around the pool at night with no lights for 100's of miles you will see starry skies like you have ever seen before. The Abu Dhabi to Rome had very sea intensive but our Visit to Petra (private tour) was one of the highlights making it all worth while.
  22. On the 6 cruises we have been on Millennium, Silhouette and Equinox they had a separate entry for Suites and Zenith - Usually a big pole with a sign on it. Terminal 25 you are zipped up to a second floor airport style lounge. I understand for Summit in Port Liberty they just have a fenced off area of the main terminal.
  23. As others said you should check daily. We had a 1:30 for a last minute booking and just before the cruise they opened additional 11:30 slots opened so grabbed them.
  24. May be port dependent but usually they do not allow any non packaged food to be taken off the ship or brought back onto the ship. I know that in many ports in South America they even had xray machines and dogs to prevent fruits from coming off the ships.
  25. Best source is the sticky at the top of topics. People report what cabin they had bid amount and whether sucessful or not.
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