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Everything posted by duquephart

  1. Had them at breakfast enough times that I should have gotten a tasty one by now - but no! Maybe you are lucky (or I am unlucky) or have a different definition of delicious. I have yet to get a good rib eye at Manfredi's as well despite the glowing reports.
  2. Looking good and being good are two different things. I have yet to consume a "lam" chop aboard a Viking ship that was not incredibly devoid of flavor.
  3. I don't believe included sells out but they need you to reserve so they know how many to accommodate.
  4. No. You can get whatever you want at any time with or without the package.
  5. Viking is clearly slipping a bit. Service staff with huge broad smiles only takes things so far.
  6. Whose $4000 did they keep? Theirs or yours?
  7. First quality/quantity declines and then price goes up. Sound familiar? Looking for the "choke point."
  8. All kinds of U-Tube clips of people frantically running/waving down the pier as the ship pulls away. Not necessarily Viking ships. Those people are commonly referred to as "idiots."
  9. Sounds like a fine print deal, unfortunately. They've got lawyers stacked in huge piles. How many you got?
  10. And ----- DO NOT view the times as gospel. Example: They had us on an excursion in Norway while the ship sailed away.
  11. 1. He gets paid for the work he does. 2. Getting you back safely is part of that work.
  12. Americans are idiots when it comes to tipping. The word is out.
  13. And don't miss the "menu" in the diner. Good humor!
  14. All time best shrimp & grits = The Freighthouse, Paducha KY.
  15. Marketing ploy to boost/renew interest in "real" Coke. Prune extract.
  16. I have the same ones - hence the endorsement.
  17. Probably one of those $2,500 toilet seats deal.
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