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Everything posted by broberts

  1. Fried in butter they are delicious and go well with grilled pork etc. Cooked with a bit of sugar and lemon juice for a fantastic jam.
  2. The + is for multiple quotes. Tap / click on the + in each post you wish to quote. A count bubble will appear bottom right. Tap Quote in that bubble to start your reply.
  3. Since the voyage started in a Canadian port if would indeed be a violation of the act to transport passengers to another Canadian port. See https://tc.canada.ca/en/corporate-services/policies/coasting-trade-canada/coasting-trade-act-transportation-passengers-cruise-ships. That said, I doubt a Canadian could be denied landing. However there may well be fines and other penalties incurred by the cruise line. I believe passenger cruise contracts allow such charges to be passed through to the passenger.
  4. Bottom left of the post you want to reply to (A) tap Quote. If there are multiple posts you want to respond to, tap the + in each post.
  5. I find that skipping meals is counter productive. My best weight control is when I eat at regular times.
  6. According to Google maps it's about 47 mi. Presumably there are speed limits and traffic.
  7. It's a decent idea. But some body types may have issues with the trays. The trays come out of seat arms and may not extend enough to accommodate some.
  8. 🙂 Perhaps the concern is more to do with the possibility of using metal and rigid plastic fan blades as weapons. Visions of a slasher with his fan running through the passageways 😄.
  9. Depends on the phone. My phone and tablet have almost identical font sizes. I'd prefer something a bit larger, but it is readable. On Android in Chrome text size can be scaled using the menu (3 vertical dots, top right), Settings, Accessibility:
  10. Good thinking. Insurance tends to be a highly regulated business. Providers usually need to be properly registered in any jurisdiction in which coverage is provided.
  11. According to OP, booking is Seaward to Vancouver then Vancouver to Seaward.
  12. I've been away from some threads for a few days. This has lead to the discovery that while the first Next link (either at top or bottom) in a thread navigates to the bottom of the next page, subsequent Next (reading through the thread) properly navigate to the first post on the next page.
  13. I notice this new behavior, (in Chrome on Android 13 & 14), a week or two ago. It's frustrating. I don't believe there is a browser fix. It is probably something in the web page coding.
  14. To make this post you must be signed in.
  15. Was my question not clear? You have accused the owner of not properly preparing the animal for the voyage. In fact you have accused the owner of cruelty. Yet you refuse to enlighten us on what could have been done differently.
  16. Perhaps you could provide details for future reference.
  17. I don't think you have fully thought out the situation. You are suggesting that one or two employees would be sufficient for determining the travel documentation requirements of hundreds of thousands each week. Passengers from a multitude of countries with an assortment of residency & citizenship status. What is truly selfish is the belief that an individual is not responsible for their own documentation requirements.
  18. An important omission from the quoted text: "Please note that guests who have not filled out their Online Check-In must arrive at the port two (2) hours prior to sailing."
  19. It only makes sense to contact the cruise line before the cruise to establish its procedures. The onboard account has to be settled and the ship manifest adjusted. I expect there will be a bit of paperwork to be completed onboard before debarking.
  20. I hope if and when you decide to set foot on Antarctica you are physical able to climb into and out of a Zodiac. Many of those choosing to go the sail by route are simply not physically able to accomplish that task.
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