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Celebrity Cruisers - How are Things where YOU are?

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On 11/16/2020 at 6:39 AM, mmeg29 said:

Just stumbled onto this thread.  I wish all safe holidays.  I live in the Cincinnati area of Ohio.  It is freaking out of control here.  I can not help but wonder if this is a new mutated strain that is so very contagious.  When this started we saw lots of people in our ED who thought they had COVID but they did not.  We had some cases and it was somewhat overwhelming,  At the beginning we saw so many that were admitted die.  Fast forward to today - people are lined up trying to get into the ED and it seems like almost all of them have COVID.  Many of them are asymptomatic they have come in for another reason and we find it as a side note.  March to October we had 2 RN's contract the virus from community contact.  In the past week we have had 4 RN's come up positive and 2 of them can not be traced to community contact.  (Personally I am under surveillance as I worked closely with one of the RNs who was symptomatic at work but had no fever so he was allowed to work).  Our hot zones are overflowing with these patients and in an effort to keep our ratios manageable, administration has brought in emergency travel nurses. These nurses have worked all over the country including NY at the height of their spike and they are saying that in our area it definitely feels like it is almost as bad as NY was.   The only bright spot in all of this craziness is that we are definitely seeing less deaths in these patients.  I am not saying they are not sick because they are but we are doing everything in our power to keep people of the ventilators whereas in the beginning we were aggressively venting patients.  

I pray cruising starts again because I need a vacation in 2021 so bad.  Every event I have had this year has had to be cancelled because I need to work. Please be safe and washy washy!  

Thank you for your explanation....I truly feel for you and your associates working so hard to contain this virus and then there are others who don't see or hear first hand of this difficult effort and claim the virus to be a hoax.  What does it take!!  A visit to the ER might open their eyes.  I watched a nurse who had broken down finally over what she was dealing with....heartbreaking....said it was her 5th assignment...I'm supposing 5 different states...and nothing is changing, just multiplying deaths all over the States, Canada, Europe and most likely all the other countries not reporting.  This vaccine has to be the answer and until then, follow the SCIENCE not the political pushers of this being a hoax.

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On 10/31/2020 at 4:37 PM, cachouonacruise said:


I am sorry to hear that. I hope for you and fellow citizens, that if a lockdown is decided, it will be well respected. 


At the end of the month, you could become one of the better positioned countries in the world regarding Covid; while other nations, not taking such a measure, will likely be still struggling. 

This is what I see to be the problem with a country-wide lockdown....it WORKS....then other countries start to visit and the whole thing starts all over again.  I agree with lockdowns (and will probably hear from those who do not), but there has to be a follow up program in place to keep citizens healthy.

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On 11/12/2020 at 1:00 PM, Safety Squirrel said:

I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada) and effective today, the entire province is in Code Red.  We have seen a huge uptick in cases (for us) and yesterday the death toll was nine with 431 new cases.  I know that does not seem like a lot compared to other provinces, states, countries etc. but is a huge increase for the province.  We are in code red for at least two weeks and hint from the government that it will be extended a further two weeks to cover two incubation periods.


All non-essential businesses are closed (most retail stores, salons etc.). You can order on-line for some businesses but only non-contact delivery.  Essential businesses (i.e. grocery stores, pharmacies) are limited to 25% capacity.  Restaurants are only take-out and we are encouraged to support local restaurants as many will not be able to survive this closure.  The hospitality industry has been hit very hard with several previous two week closures.  The last lockdown included dentists, podiatrists, physiotherapists, etc. but this time they have very strict rules and capacity and can remain open.  Many doctors are having telephone visits to determine the necessity for an in-person visit.  All libraries, community centres, senior centres, playgrounds, arenas, gyms etc. are closed.  Churches, synagogues, mosques and other places of worship have gone to virtual services.  No team sports such as hockey, curling, basketball allowed.


No gatherings of more than five people which includes weddings and funerals.  Visits to hospitals only for end-of-life patients and then extremely limited to two family members at a time.


We have had a mandatory mask policy in Winnipeg in all public places for over a month.  The majority of people complied but businesses had the right to refuse entry into their premises and many had signs posted in their windows.


Initially, last Tuesday, no visits were permitted between families etc.  Last night the government backed down on visits within households as many grandparents etc. are responsible for taking children to school while parents work in essential businesses such as hospitals, police & fire departments, schools etc.  Today, we can have five relatives in our ‘bubble” which enables caregivers to take children to school, visit relatives who have other health issues etc. not related to Covid.


Schools remain open at this time. My youngest son, DIL, & granddaughter are teachers.  I worry about them coming into contact with people who are ill although they have been provided with face shields & masks and desks are six feet apart.  My oldest son and DIL are in the hospitality business so their businesses are closed.


I consider myself fortunate to be healthy.  I recently cancelled B2B cruises in 2021 on the Equinox (Mardi Gras) and my oldest son cancelled their March 2021 cruise to take the grandchildren on their first cruise.  Perhaps in 2022 we will be able to cruise and travel once again. Let us hope that the world gets this under control.  The possibility of a vaccine looks promising.


Stay safe everyone wherever you live.  

What you describe to help contain the virus seems to be province wide, but some put in place quite early with success then relaxed over the summer.  Now back to the same numbers as in March/April.  Tightening up again but with more options to keep people working.  DS is in the tech world, and has worked from home since March.  Supposed to return to the office in January but that is now highly in doubt.  Haven't seen my family for months.  Would like more people to take this very seriously.  Some of us follow the 'rules' and others don't believe there should be any. 

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On 11/16/2020 at 10:18 AM, OnTheJourney said:


Truly amazing. I've run into something similar, though not quite as flagrant, in talking to a local store manager. Told me I need to get educated on the science behind masking and then basically hung up on me. 


WOW!!!  Just, WOW!

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We flew SW Air from NY to Florida..changed planes in Baltimore ( low point of the trip..filthy there) The airline really had things well organized for boarding, no middle seats ( changing soon).  Everyone observed masking and was respectful of others,


We are in Sarasota Co Fla now....laying low for 10 days just in case we are Covid contagious,  Hope not!     Folks are wearing masks in stores( store rules) ..not many dining out etc.  It's  nice to be back in the sunshine..esp with NY expecting very low temps..brrr .Lots of strict rules in place upon return to NY...Hope they are eased a bit after the holidays.  


 Not sure how schools are being handled here...

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Our schools in Montgomery County PA are being closed for the next two weeks (Thanksgiving) and virtual classroom learning only.  Many parents protested against this here.  They wanted it left up the the individual school districts.  We have no kids in school but lots of our neighbors do.  There is currently no evidence that the kids and schools in our county are driving virus transmission.  But this is all precautionary due to the likely indoor family gatherings next week.  I would suspect school closure for two weeks around Christmas and New Years too.  Anybody else have kids being locked out of school?

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2 hours ago, TeeRick said:

Our schools in Montgomery County PA are being closed for the next two weeks (Thanksgiving) and virtual classroom learning only.  Many parents protested against this here.  They wanted it left up the the individual school districts.  We have no kids in school but lots of our neighbors do.  There is currently no evidence that the kids and schools in our county are driving virus transmission.  But this is all precautionary due to the likely indoor family gatherings next week.  I would suspect school closure for two weeks around Christmas and New Years too.  Anybody else have kids being locked out of school?


In Quebec, our provincial government has placed a priority on keeping the schools open during this second wave ( they were closed, during the first wave in the spring).


This priority was chosen for a few reasons: avoiding kids to fall further behind, helping kids to maintain friends and activities to minimize the risk of mental health, and, allowing to keep most businesses open, by keeping schools and daycares open and available for working parents.


This said, we have had quite a few Covid eclosions in schools. Each case is thoroughly investigated by our health department. Depending on the findings, a few students will be instructed to stay home for 14 days, or a full class will be closed and in the more widely spread eclosion case, a full school will be closed.


Now, with Christmas approaching, the government is studying options to allow small family gatherings during the holidays. The option more likely to be selected, will be allowing small family gathering of a maximum of 10 people and 3 addresses. Consequently, to protect schools and communities following these holiday gathering, the possibility to extend school Christmas holidays by 14 days is seriously considered. If I understood well, the decision regarding the Christmas holidays should be announced by November 25. 



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54 minutes ago, TeeRick said:

Not sure how they can actually enforce this.  


They can't. Last spring already I heard on a local blogsite from an employee at our community swimming pool that she complained to local police (who often come up to the snack bar to eat) about unmasked patrons..and the reply she got from them is that it's "only a suggestion...can't be enforced".


Ultimately not much they can do to stop the larger (especially Holiday) gatherings. I mean, they're not going to start entering homes on Thanskgiving and make a head count and tell some people they have to leave.


Don't get me wrong, I'm NOT naysaying these policies and restrictions. I totally agree - but here in the US we have people that simply will not go along with it...or don't believe it's real.  I've read about people in hospitals who are actually dying of covid and, in their remaining few sentences, deny that they have it. 

Edited by OnTheJourney
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2 hours ago, TeeRick said:

Here in PA it was announced yesterday that you are mandated to wear a mask indoors even in your own home if anybody visits you that does not actually reside with you every day.  Not sure how they can actually enforce this.  

Not enforceable but a good thing to do..

This week, we had someone in to service our AC system,  someone  came to upgrade our alarm system ,  and another person came to check  a window warranty issue..,All wearing  masks including us during the visit.  


Chat outside with neighbors from a distance, sometimes masks on sometimes not.  Mask required in golf clubhouse but not in the single occupancy  cart.

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I think the new mask mandate here in PA for indoors is aimed at Thanksgiving and Christmas and holiday celebrations in your home.  Theoretically if my daughter come over for Thanksgiving dinner we would all have to wear a mask because she does not actually live in our home.  I just cannot see many people paying attention to this if I am being realistic.  Understand it but not really thinking it will be adhered too by most.

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Well today, November 19th, the Manitoba government mandated even more stricter rules regarding Covid.  We have been Code Red since November 12th and unfortunately some people are not taking this virus seriously.  They showed huge lines of shoppers (mainly at the big box stores) and some not social distancing.  We also had a rally about 100 people last Saturday objecting to wearing masks in a small city that has one of the highest rates; they had to transfer patients to Winnipeg as the hospital had no available beds.  The new health orders are in effect until December 11th.


Effective November 20th at 12:01 a.m., people are restricted to their household only – no visitors, including family members.  Following is a partial release.


New COVID-19 public health orders will forbid people from having anyone inside their home who doesn't live there, with few exceptions, and prohibit businesses from selling non-essential items in stores.

Previous orders that came into effect last week allowed gatherings at private residences of up to five people beyond those who normally live there, although Chief Provincial Public Health Officer Dr. Brent Roussin and others pleaded with Manitobans to stay home and only go out for essential items.   Exceptions to the no visitors rule include parents who do not live with their child, people providing child care and other services deemed essential, such as education, construction or repairs, and deliveries.

Exceptions will also be made for people who live alone, who will be allowed to have one other designated person over, and they can also visit that one other person.    Businesses that sell essential and non-essential items will be required to remove the non-essential goods from the shelves or rope off those areas.  The new orders also further restrict capacity at large retailers to either 25 per cent of normal capacity or a maximum of 250 people, whichever is lower.


The orders come into effect on Friday, except for the rule requiring businesses to prevent access to non-essential items, which comes into effect on Saturday. They will remain in effect until at least Dec. 11. 

Items deemed essential under the new orders include food, personal care and health products, baby and child-care items, outdoor winter clothing and pet supplies. Liquor and cannabis sales will also be permitted.  Non-essential items include books, toys, jewelry, flowers, perfume, consumer electronics and sporting equipment.


 Before anyone comments about the liquor and cannabis sales – it has been determined in most provinces that people who are alcoholics will go into withdrawal symptoms and go to hospitals, which are already overburdened with Covid patients.  Cannabis is legal in our province and is supposed to be mainly for medical purposes.  I know that everyone will not agree with still being permitted to sell liquor and cannabis; however, it will stop SOME of the illegal market for these products.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.


The province has hired more enforcement officers and people will be fined and stores shut down if required.  Small businesses have already been impacted.  In my own case, my hairdresser said that if we had another lockdown, she might not be able to open her salon again.  It is the small businesses, including restaurants that are really affected by the shut downs.


As I am a widow, my oldest son and DIL have invited me to stay with them.  I will really appreciate the company.  They like to cook, so that is an added bonus.  They have two shelties (Shetland Sheepdogs) and as I live in a no-pet condo, it will be nice to have the dogs around also.  My husband and I used to show dogs and I really miss not having a dog around.  Taking several books with me to read.


So, we just have to hope that this mandate will slow the virus down and we may be able to have five family members for Christmas.  If not -- Christmas may be celebrated in the spring.


Stay safe everyone and PLEASE WEAR YOUR MASKS.  The life you save may be someone you love.


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11 hours ago, TeeRick said:

I think the new mask mandate here in PA for indoors is aimed at Thanksgiving and Christmas and holiday celebrations in your home.  Theoretically if my daughter come over for Thanksgiving dinner we would all have to wear a mask because she does not actually live in our home.  I just cannot see many people paying attention to this if I am being realistic.  Understand it but not really thinking it will be adhered too by most.


Dtr and son in law are planning a post holiday visit to his dad,..out of state. He wants them to take a Covid test first..  Some people are very concerned rightly so,  and media reports do little to calm fears.They are mulling over whether or not they will  take the test or just stay home til it relaxes a bit.

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10 hours ago, hcat said:


Dtr and son in law are planning a post holiday visit to his dad,..out of state. He wants them to take a Covid test first..  Some people are very concerned rightly so,  and media reports do little to calm fears.They are mulling over whether or not they will  take the test or just stay home til it relaxes a bit.

Yes that is a real dilemma. Many face it.  Taking a test is now required here 72 hours before travel into the state of PA or to other surrounding states.  But now with the surge it is taking over a week or more to just get an appointment.  And the results are taking up to a week to report.  So by the time you take a test and get the results, the 72 hour window is long gone.  Useless really.  So people travel on a test they took a week before and do not get a result until a week after they get there.  They are supposed to quarantine in between or until they get a negative result.  Almost nobody complies with all of this.  And of course they could have been exposed during their travel which their pre-travel test will not pick up.  

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10 hours ago, hcat said:


Dtr and son in law are planning a post holiday visit to his dad,..out of state. He wants them to take a Covid test first..  Some people are very concerned rightly so,  and media reports do little to calm fears.They are mulling over whether or not they will  take the test or just stay home til it relaxes a bit.


If dad isn’t comfortable with the visit, doesn’t just make more sense to cancel the trip?   There will be life after. Covid, plenty of time for visits.

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12 hours ago, ipeeinthepool said:


If dad isn’t comfortable with the visit, doesn’t just make more sense to cancel the trip?   There will be life after. Covid, plenty of time for visits.

I agree but  his dad (Sr ) has not yet seen the new baby now 8 months old,. We see them all the time and  while we miss them while we are snowbirds..safety comes first.  We are staying put for several months. Gifts can always be shipped!


There's too much pressure  to test before their trip and then before they head  home and again 4 days after that when they get home...or 14 day quarantine. On the road  for 2 days with an 8 month old and 4 1/2`yr old..INSANITY!


I am sure many others are weighing decisions about holiday travels,.This is what life has come too,..hopefully not forever.

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We were supposed to have Thanksgiving dinner at my son and daughter-in-law's new home with her Mom and Dad (from out of state) too.  Seven of us total.  We just decided to cancel it.  So sad and disappointing really.  We are going to do some type of ZOOM dinner at out individual Thanksgiving tables.

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1 hour ago, TeeRick said:

We were supposed to have Thanksgiving dinner at my son and daughter-in-law's new home with her Mom and Dad (from out of state) too.  Seven of us total.  We just decided to cancel it.  So sad and disappointing really.  We are going to do some type of ZOOM dinner at out individual Thanksgiving tables.


Respect to you and your family for making the hard choice. Hopefully many more people will make the hard choices required to help slow the scourge down.

Best wishes to you and everyone for a safe and happy holiday season even if that takes on a different dimension this year.

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