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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How Are Things Where You Are? (was "Routine" ​ 😁 ​day in lockdown... how was yours?)

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25 minutes ago, Ozark_Kid said:

@Sea Dog Greg, looks like they did it up for you. They got some great pics.  Thankful you made it.  Monday will probably be a weird felling day. It took me a couple months for me to get over that Sunday evening, tomorrow’s work, fell.  Looks like you were blessed with a great work family. Now the cruise!

The weirdest part fir me was grocery shopping during the week and feeling like I didn’t quite fit in. 

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16 hours ago, HBE4 said:


What is legal - or in my example illegal - are single homes that have expanded into two-family homes by adding "Mother/Daughter Units" with completely separate entrances, separate utilities and no shared door between the units.  Some communities have zoning regulations making 2 family homes illegal so a home owner will refer to it as a "Mother/Daughter" unit and hope nobody notices *wink, wink". It's amazing what a building inspector can overlook when being treated generously, if you know what I mean.

In our case, the original owners had the addition put onto the home since their mom had alzheimers.  The family had their privacy, and the mom did also, to an extent.  The door from the home's living room opens to the bedroom into the addition.  There is an outside door off the living room in the addition, and they had a ramp for the mom's wheelchair.  This is not technically a mother/daughter, and we could never rent out the addition. Nor would we want to.   There is only one electric bill, as well as only one heating bill.  This house plus addition works very well for Jim and myself, as well as for our daughter and our two grandsons.  Did I mention that they are both teenagers?  12 and 14....


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Our weather is beautiful today.  weather people were wrong.  Said we would still have rain this morning and maybe see sun in afternoon.

I like when they are wrong and it's a nice sunny day.  We have been doing yard work, round one of leaves is done.  Many more to go.

Off to the shoprite soon have to get alot since we cleaned out our fridge before we left beginning of october.  Hopefully they are stocked on everything we need.


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Owen’s team lost in football yesterday in a mud bowl. They are now second in the city, to the team that just beat them.   It rained the entire game and was 10C/50F. Hockey game went better with a win. We depart in about an hour for a home hockey game.


This morning we got his new passport photo and are ready to get it renewed in the next few weeks. We carved pumpkins after we got home and are just relaxing for a few minutes. 

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3 hours ago, Ozark_Kid said:

We had grandkids spend the night so we tried to turn on the heat on our upstairs unit we had replaced this spring.  It wouldn’t turn on.  They are coming to fix it.

Always something.  I went to do laundry this morning and my dryer is making a horrible noise, sounds like bearings or something with the drum.  I think it's only 5 or 6 years old.  Will call service people on monday.  It's working but sounds horrible.

Hopefully simple fix for your new heater.

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1 hour ago, BonTexasNY said:

Greg, thank you for sharing your special last day at work with us.  Totally touching to see how well loved you are and how appreciated your work is by your work family.

In NY, many times, workers would not show up when scheduled and when I finally tracked them down I got the standard NY response "ayyy lady the truck broke down."  I was often told their cell phones didn't work so they couldn't call.  Repair jobs we had here in TX took longer but trucks didn't break down.  Here in TX I am referred to as "ma'am", not "ayyy lady".  In NY, I never once had a worker enter my house wearing shoe coverings.  Here in TX shoe coverings seem to be standard procedure.  I have received calls from workmen here who let me know they are on their way and will be 10 minutes late.


Having said that, I will forever think of myself as a proud New Yorker.

My friend Dave went to college in Texas with intent to move back to NY after graduating However,he found a great job ,stayed in Texas ,married a wonderful woman ,had two children but his heart was always in Brooklyn.He took his family to show them where he grew up and repeated the trip many times.When his daughter was in college in Texas she met and fell in love with a guy from NY.They married,moved to Manhattan and now live in Westchester.Unfortunately Dave passed away in 2012 but his daughter Ellen is a proud New Yorker.

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9 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Thanks Dani.

The build was was completed in 1873.

It is 52°F and raining here.

I have just received a hospital appointment for 11-17 about my Basal cell carcinoma.



Great news about your hospital appointment, Graham!  It'll be here before you know it!

3 hours ago, Sea Dog said:

And the highlight. My edit suite which had my office for over 10 years after we moved into a brand new building now has a plaque.







What an honor!!!  Congratulations Greg!

You are so loved by so many and will be sorely missed by them all at the Office.🥰

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5 minutes ago, Luckynana said:

Great news about your hospital appointment, Graham!  It'll be here before you know it!

What an honor!!!  Congratulations Greg!

You are so loved by so many and will be sorely missed by them all at the Office.🥰

Thank you.


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21 minutes ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Always something.  I went to do laundry this morning and my dryer is making a horrible noise, sounds like bearings or something with the drum.  I think it's only 5 or 6 years old.  Will call service people on monday.  It's working but sounds horrible.

Hopefully simple fix for your new heater.

It was a simple fix.  When they installed it this spring they had a separate guy work on the heat side of it such as attaching the gas.  The guy didn’t attach the wire for heat.  My brother owns a Heat and Air business in Ohio.  He said it is obvious they did not run test on the unit after getting the heat supposedly completed this spring.


They came to fix it so quick I almost missed them.  I was in the garden and noticed I didn’t have my phone.  Started to the house to get it and noticed their truck. 

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1 hour ago, lenquixote66 said:

My friend Dave went to college in Texas with intent to move back to NY after graduating However,he found a great job ,stayed in Texas ,married a wonderful woman ,had two children but his heart was always in Brooklyn.He took his family to show them where he grew up and repeated the trip many times.When his daughter was in college in Texas she met and fell in love with a guy from NY.They married,moved to Manhattan and now live in Westchester.Unfortunately Dave passed away in 2012 but his daughter Ellen is a proud New Yorker.

People remain proud NYers no matter where they wind up living. 


Everybody remembers their roots and where and when they came of age.  I sure do!

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1 hour ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Our weather is beautiful today.  weather people were wrong.  Said we would still have rain this morning and maybe see sun in afternoon.

I like when they are wrong and it's a nice sunny day.  We have been doing yard work, round one of leaves is done.  Many more to go.

Off to the shoprite soon have to get alot since we cleaned out our fridge before we left beginning of october.  Hopefully they are stocked on everything we need.


The weather people were right about RI...😏

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2 hours ago, Lionesss said:



So Happy for you


Enjoy this new stage of your life.


Be safe


2 hours ago, A&L_Ont said:

@Sea Dog Congratulations on your retirement. Reading about your day has warmed my heart, and a tear to my eye. Welcome to the next stage in your life.


@Sea Dog , Greg,


+ 3  🌷🌼🥂


I'm not good with wishes and congratulations [even in Hebrew 😢].


I've read all the others have written, and chose 2 wishes which accurately relay my "state of mind" 🥰.



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On 10/29/2021 at 2:33 PM, island lady said:


Pictures of the new baby please??   🤗

I don’t have many good pics yet because she still hides a lot. The rescue called her “Eunice”, but we will be choosing another name! 😂 Have not decided yet, though. They think she is five years old.


Edited by TravelGirlinDallas
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On 10/29/2021 at 11:56 AM, cruisingpeople said:


Congratulations on your retirement. You have worked long and hard to reach this goal. Your awards are a testament to what you have accomplished. Now it is time to relax and "Cruise into Retirement" with Linda. It is well deserved.

And as others have said, If you can squeeze the "Bella" Cruise into your schedule, that would be fantastic.




Thanks Joe. If we can swing the Bella cruise I would to be there with you.




On 10/29/2021 at 1:50 PM, derorim said:


Since it's National Cat Day, here's a memory of Miss Priss, who we lost this year.  


I'm so sorry for your loss of Miss Priss. She looks like a sweetheart.




On 10/29/2021 at 2:43 PM, George C said:

Here is Gracie 


That beautiful face. I love Gracie's color.



On 10/29/2021 at 3:50 PM, singinalot said:


she was admitted into the hospital with Covid pneumonia the day we arrived in Athens and was in for 5 or 6 days of our vacation. 


Crystal I hope your mom is getting better. You did the right thing.




On 10/29/2021 at 4:31 PM, Keksie said:

 Cinnamon, Kubota and Samantha say howdy.



Beautiful group there.




5 hours ago, Ocean Boy said:

Just... AWESOME.🙂


Thank you so much. I'm still in disbelief. 



5 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Wow!  What an amazing day and amazing people to have had the honor to work with😍💕

Let the fun begin🍹

I watched new below deck last night and was wondering if you were too.

Rachel is definitely going to clash with Eddie.  Not liking this capt cannot wait for Capt Lee.  The fact this Captain drug out their beach picnic was not right.  When he heard they were anxious he should have busted butt nit say another half hr.  

Stew Frasier is going to have issues if he cannot be flexible in doing his job.

We shall see.


Thank you so much Debbie. I agree with your whole assessment of the new season. I know this is going to sound weird and I shouldn't let it bother me but so you think Chief Stew has weird teeth? It's like she has a over bite. I think she is beautiful but her teeth look weird. Is it just me?



5 hours ago, grapau27 said:

What a fantastic last day Greg.

Very best wishes.



Thank you Graham.



5 hours ago, lenquixote66 said:

Wonderful,Greg.You will have wonderful work memories to cherish forever

In the 25 years that I worked for one company I took pictures at every birthday party,Christmas party and every other office party.I have nearly 1000 in albums.December will be 25 years that I left that company but by looking at the pictures it feels like yesterday.


I hope that is the case for me. Thank you Lenny.



5 hours ago, island lady said:

Seadog....you rock!!  


What a wonderful and exciting career you had!  


Congrats on your retirement.  Obviously you were loved and will be missed!  🙂 


Thank you Pat I really appreciate your words.




4 hours ago, Sheal said:

Greg,  What an incredible group of co-workers!  No wonder you consider them family!


Rest up, your next assignment is right around the corner.  I'm looking forward to your review.





Yes I am excited for my next assignment. I'm looking forward to getting "seahabilitated" again.



4 hours ago, BonTexasNY said:

Greg, thank you for sharing your special last day at work with us.  Totally touching to see how well loved you are and how appreciated your work is by your work family.



Thank you Bonnie. I do feel the love there and here. 



4 hours ago, Momof3gurlz said:

All I can say is WOW, what an incredible send off!!  I was honestly choked up reading this.  It’s clear you were not only an award winner in your career but a much loved and respected co-worker & friend.  


Thanks Deb so much for your kind words.




4 hours ago, jagsfan said:

A lot of people never know how much they are loved. It’s wonderful that you got to see the love just pouring out of their hearts for you. They’re going to really miss you!


Thank you Mimi. I will miss them just as much.




3 hours ago, singinalot said:

Your post just made my day Greg!! What a wonderful send off! @Sea Dog


Thank you Crystal so much.



3 hours ago, singinalot said:

Ps @Sea Dog I started decorating last night



Way to go Crystal. I got one of my trees out today actually. Let the decorating being. I do keep it out of sight of the trick or treaters so they don't think I'm weird. House is ready for Halloween. Yeah!





3 hours ago, davekathy said:

 😉 When I gave my retirement spiel I started out by saying, "judging from the turnout, I'm thinking most of you are here just to ensure I'm actually and finally leaving".  😀


I love this.




3 hours ago, davekathy said:

From one dog to another, enjoy...🍻


Cheers to you my friend.




3 hours ago, h20skibum said:


Once again, congratulations, and I am looking forward to following your cruise.  


Thank you Mark. I hope my review can live up to your standards. Your review was awesome. I loved every bit of it. The tux was the real winner for me.





3 hours ago, Ozark_Kid said:

@Sea Dog Greg, looks like they did it up for you. They got some great pics.  Thankful you made it.  Monday will probably be a weird felling day. It took me a couple months for me to get over that Sunday evening, tomorrow’s work, fell.  Looks like you were blessed with a great work family. Now the cruise!


Thanks John! Monday will be weird but also very exciting. Time to start packing.




3 hours ago, Lionesss said:



So Happy for you


Enjoy this new stage of your life.


Be safe


Thank you Sue. I am sure I will.




3 hours ago, jagsfan said:

The weirdest part fir me was grocery shopping during the week and feeling like I didn’t quite fit in. 


Thank you Mimi. Hopefully the store won't be as crowded when I used to go on the weekends.




2 hours ago, A&L_Ont said:

@Sea Dog Congratulations on your retirement. Reading about your day has warmed my heart, and a tear to my eye. Welcome to the next stage in your life.


Thank you Andrew that means a lot to me.




2 hours ago, Luckynana said:

Great news about your hospital appointment, Graham!  It'll be here before you know it!

What an honor!!!  Congratulations Greg!

You are so loved by so many and will be sorely missed by them all at the Office.🥰


Thank you Maryann. 



1 hour ago, akcruz said:

@Sea Dog what a beautiful tribute, congratulations on your retirement, enjoy every minute!


So  far every minute since then has been fun. Thank you.




1 hour ago, cruisingpeople said:


Like a few others here, I have to admit that I teared up looking at the fantastic tribute and sendoff your co-workers had for you. Looking forward to following your "Live" thread for your upcoming cruise. Enjoy your retirement. It IS a wonderful feeling.


Thank you Joe. I am excited too about the live thread. I just hope I can live up to the standards around here. A lot of very talented people on this board.




1 hour ago, taznremmy said:

@Sea Dog  Retirement is the best "job" I've ever had.  ENJOY!!


Thank you Pat! I am going to work my hardest at it.





32 minutes ago, dani negreanu said:



@Sea Dog , Greg,


+ 3  🌷🌼🥂


I'm not good with wishes and congratulations [even in Hebrew 😢].


I've read all the others have written, and chose 2 wishes which accurately relay my "state of mind" 🥰.




Thank you Dani for this wonderful thread where we all can share such wonderful memories.



25 minutes ago, StanleyandGus said:

@Sea Dog What a wonderful tribute! A lot of of work must have gone into making your last day so special!



Thank you so much. Yes I wish I could show you the book they made for me. A lot of work went into it.




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6 hours ago, Sea Dog said:

WOW! What a day. I am still on cloud 9 from the celebration I had on my last day at work at KMBC-TV. Let me first preface by letting you know something about me. I am a Christmas freak. Christmas is my favorite holiday. I decorate the house to the max with 7 trees and even a animated light show in the yard with a 12 foot animated tree.


Now on to my day. I was first greeted as I came downstairs to a display that my wife Linda set up.







What an amazing day to cap an amazing career. Congratulations!!

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1 hour ago, BonTexasNY said:

People remain proud NYers no matter where they wind up living. 


Everybody remembers their roots and where and when they came of age.  I sure do!

I do mainly because I am in contact with several childhood friends even though they are not in NY.I had three very close friends in HS .One is a retired MD living in NC,another is a retired DC living in Oregon and the third is a retired movie Director living in Calif.

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