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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How Are Things Where You Are? (was "Routine" ​ 😁 ​day in lockdown... how was yours?)

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I just checked the B&N website and the new Amos Decker book doesn't get released until October. ☹️

I also look at my Nook collection and I only have the Michael Bennett series through book #8.  I've got several more of them to read. 🙂 I think I'll try the next Atlee Pine book next since I just finished the first one.  Thanks everyone for your input.


Off to chase a little white ball around a big green area...

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5 hours ago, sgmn said:

Hubby went down on one knee and gave me an eternity ring at the top of the Eiffel Tower for our 10th wedding anniversary 😍 

He's also done a charity bike ride from London to Paris each year for about 20 years. A couple of times our boys went with him once they were old enough.

Here's a pic of their team within a team at the finish,  think there were hundreds who did the charity ride 

Hubby is the one with the tash at the back with our two boys to the left of him 



What a romantic hubby he is! A moment  you take take out and enjoy again and again forever!

And how wonderful your boys could share the adventure with him. Something they will always remember years down the road!

Edited by jagsfan
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2 hours ago, xpcdoojk said:

Yeah, the Ducks are not operating as of last summer.  The original Ducks as most know were originally designed to hit the beaches loaded with marines or army infantry, and were armor plated.  Lots of them sank on the beaches of Normandy.  I saw a newscast the other night showing a new kind of Duck vehicle, so I get the impression they may be back at some point.  The situation was very tragic, and a bit of a freak welcome to the Midwest weather kind of thing.  It went from sunny and bright to pretty much a tornado in about 10 minutes.  We lost a big tree on our lake front during that storm.  It is probably about 15 miles as the crow flies from our house to the spot where the Ducks go swimming.  I used to ride my Seadoo by them and wave.  


So at SDC, I worked forty hours a week for less than $2.50 per hour.  I worked half day in the Cut Glass shop and half the day in the candle shop upstairs.  I worked in the back but had to wear period clothes, ie old button front Levi’s and a long sleeve collar less shirt.  Then about June, the gunsmith shot himself while demonstrating a black powder gun….  So, I worked there too for a couple of months while he recovered.  One of my jobs there was to go to the underground bunker and get black powder for the shop. I don’t remember much of a safety briefing, just do this.  They had an employee cafeteria that was good with cheap food.  Wednesday night we watched movies in the Saloon after the park closed.  I had a 23 year old girlfriend for a few weeks that summer.  That was interesting.🤣  I worked an average of about 60 to 70 hours a week it was a 30 minute drive each direction.  I made enough money that I bought a new 1976 Chevrolet Nova Concours that winter after.  I never wanted to work there again.  



But what a wealth of memories you have!

Especially the “older woman”!

The original ducks: When I was still young, not a teenager yet, but the war was over, for some reason there was a demonstration at the beach of amphibious landing craft. 
We stood in line and got to board one and go out through the waves and turn around and come back. 
It was not a commercial enterprise, because I remember all the Navy uniforms handling the whole thing. 

Edited by jagsfan
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9 hours ago, George C said:

Currently in a hail storm, we just got a new roof a few months ago hopefully we won’t need another.

Hope all is well in the aftermath of last night's storm.  When we were homeowners in Plano, more than half of the homes were hit with hail damage on our block.  Hope yours is safe!

5 hours ago, sgmn said:

Debbie, I tested negative for four days from my covid contact before testing positive.  During that time complacency means I passed it on to my son and DIL and maybe to others down the gym and pool, so be wary.

My SIL who I caught it from had tested negative before coming round for dinner with us but tested positive the next day 


I hope your hubby feels better soon

Hope you're all doing well by now. So when is it the best time to take a test for optimum results?

23 minutes ago, Momof3gurlz said:

Somewhere off the coast of Florida.  Is there a more relaxing way to enjoy your morning coffee?


Spectacular and so relaxing!

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1 minute ago, BonTexasNY said:

Hope all is well in the aftermath of last night's storm.  When we were homeowners in Plano, more than half of the homes were hit with hail damage on our block.  Hope yours is safe!

Hope you're all doing well by now. So when is it the best time to take a test for optimum results?

Spectacular and so relaxing!

Luckily hail was small, had to replace roof a few times since moving to Texas , several areas of our suburb had flooding also. 

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1 minute ago, singinalot said:


We had a port stop in Chania in 2019 but felt that we had so much more left unseen. I'm booking us at the Royal Senses which is a Hilton property so we'll have that covered with points.



haha I have an interview here in about an hour.



ooohhhh and I can't wait to read about this trip!




you had me at wine & cheese




My middle sister lives in Paris so it will be wonderful to have our own personal tour guide who also speaks the language. We have added Grasse onto the itinerary (especially since that's our last name!)




oh this sounds lovely (and thanks for following me on IG)


Very best wishes for your job interview Crystal.



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10 hours ago, Ozark_Kid said:

That’s a great pic.  He look’s like a fun grandchild.


Thanks, we are pretty sure he is going to be the jokster in the family,  so fun to see their personalities emerge. 

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2 hours ago, xpcdoojk said:

Yeah, the Ducks are not operating as of last summer.  The original Ducks as most know were originally designed to hit the beaches loaded with marines or army infantry, and were armor plated.  Lots of them sank on the beaches of Normandy.  I saw a newscast the other night showing a new kind of Duck vehicle, so I get the impression they may be back at some point.  The situation was very tragic, and a bit of a freak welcome to the Midwest weather kind of thing.  It went from sunny and bright to pretty much a tornado in about 10 minutes.  We lost a big tree on our lake front during that storm.  It is probably about 15 miles as the crow flies from our house to the spot where the Ducks go swimming.  I used to ride my Seadoo by them and wave.  


So at SDC, I worked forty hours a week for less than $2.50 per hour.  I worked half day in the Cut Glass shop and half the day in the candle shop upstairs.  I worked in the back but had to wear period clothes, ie old button front Levi’s and a long sleeve collar less shirt.  Then about June, the gunsmith shot himself while demonstrating a black powder gun….  So, I worked there too for a couple of months while he recovered.  One of my jobs there was to go to the underground bunker and get black powder for the shop. I don’t remember much of a safety briefing, just do this.  They had an employee cafeteria that was good with cheap food.  Wednesday night we watched movies in the Saloon after the park closed.  I had a 23 year old girlfriend for a few weeks that summer.  That was interesting.🤣  I worked an average of about 60 to 70 hours a week it was a 30 minute drive each direction.  I made enough money that I bought a new 1976 Chevrolet Nova Concours that winter after.  I never wanted to work there again.  



Pittsburgh had Just Ducky tours, but their insurance was dropped after the accident at Table Rock.  After that, insurance was too expensive, and then the pandemic hit.  I think they are gone for good.  

Today, we are in Pittsburgh for Susan’s Doctors appointment, then off to find a nice lunch somewhere. 

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16 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

So Adorable, they sound like squeek toys 😍


Lizzy's  bark is very obnoxious.



14 hours ago, jagsfan said:

This was obviously before the terrible tragedy. I don’t know if the ducks still operate. That was the second accident with ducks that resulted in deaths. 


I have heard that a new operator will be coming in with Duck boats that are redesigned.



Edited by Sea Dog
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11 hours ago, xpcdoojk said:


Johnson county kids, spending mommy and daddy’s money in the French quarter…. 


That comment is so uncalled for. Why do you have to be such a jerk? My parents went to KU, my son went to KU and we don't live in Johnson County. The Jayhawks played ugly but they won. They showed a lot of class. Why can't you have some?

Edited by Sea Dog
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1 minute ago, Ozark_Kid said:

@Sea Dog Great game last night.  How did you feel at halftime?

I felt horrible. I did have some hope because of what they did in the Miami game. These kids never give up and I've seen that all year. It was ugly but they scraped it out against a great UNC team. I do not feel Obaji should of gotten the MVP. David McCormick won that game for them in the paint. I was a nervous wreck the whole game. Thankfully a lot of beer took the edge off.

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58 minutes ago, Sea Dog said:


That comment is so uncalled for. Why do you have to be such a jerk? My parents went to KU, my son went to KU and we don't live in Johnson County. The Jayhawks played ugly but they won. They showed a lot of class. Why can't you have some?

So, here is my story. I obviously have a bunch of friends that live in Johnson County.  


2008.  The last time KU won the national championship.  3 early 20 somethings were sitting in front of me during the KU UNC game.  If you remember that game.  KU kicked our butts in the first half like UNC did last night.  Everytime, KU scored one of them would stand up turn around and do a little dance and massive high 5s in front of us.  I am pretty sure they didn’t have jobs that allowed them to buy $1000 tickets.  Somehow, I can’t imagine them growing up in Leavenworth.  They were the most obnoxious fans ever.  I didn’t hate KU until that moment.  My wife and friend were at one of the regionals in St Louis a few years ago had a very similar experience.  Sorry some rich kids are raised with zero class.  Unfortunately, some of them are KU fans/alums.



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26 minutes ago, xpcdoojk said:

Sorry some rich kids are raised with zero class.  Unfortunately, some of them are KU fans/alums.

No excuse for that either but I think you would find people like that at every school not just KU. I wasn't raised that way and either is my son. I can't speak for everyone.

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We had a great day in Cartagena yesterday.

The port area is one of the most beautiful I have seen and they have enhanced it from the previous times we have visited. Took lots of pictures and will post when I get home. So many peacocks roaming around and displaying their feathers, I felt I was in some maharaja's royal palace gardens.

We took an excursion in the old city, via Celebrity and then had more than an hour to spend at the port garden.

Cartagena has developed a lot, especially the new city areas. Did not get bothered by any vendor or beggar. Perhaps they thought I looked more poor than them! 😆

Today and tomorrow are sea days, then to Bimini. Food is good, staff is very hard working and takes excellent care of us. There are 1400 passengers onboard for our sailing and rumored 2700 for the crossing which is the next sailing. Ship is looking quite sparse. No lines, no elevator waits, buffet is not self served. We are served everything and I am feeling like a princess with being taken care of. I will miss this!

Masks are optional,  but we wear them most of the time when around people. Captain updates if there are any new covid poitives. And I notice more masks for the next few hours when he announces. Lot of new staff came on in Aruba and more coming at the end of our sailing. 

Edited by Arzeena
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51 minutes ago, Sea Dog said:

No excuse for that either but I think you would find people like that at every school not just KU. I wasn't raised that way and either is my son. I can't speak for everyone.

Obviously, I wasn’t talking about you or your son.  


I will now offend people from another state.  Packer fans.  I grew up idolizing Bart Star and Vince Lombardi.  I have customers with the DW and I at a Ram’s game in St Louis, around the time Aaron Rogers won his Super Bowl.  The Rams were only fair at that time.  Packers fans follow there team everywhere.  They are passionate.  We are in the 6th row about the 25 yard line.  There were 4 Packer fans behind us.  One was wearing a cheesehead, and the “ONE” was wearing a green and yellow Mexican wrestling mask.  They were all drinking beer heavily.  Unfortunately, for us, the Packers had a great game, and every time they scored in the first half the “ONE” would jump up giving us a shower of beer.  He would then order a new one.  The only saving grace was, he went to sleep at half time.  I am reluctant to show up to a football game against the Packers if the home team is not very good, and the tickets become readily available, because I know there are a lot of those kind of fans that will drive / fly to a game and they will primarily drink until they can’t.  



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12 minutes ago, Arzeena said:

We had a great day in Cartagena yesterday.

The port area is one of the most beautiful I have seen and they have enhanced it from the previous times we have visited. Took lots of pictures and will post when I get home. So many peacocks roaming around and displaying their feathers, I felt I was in some maharaja's royal palace gardens.

We took an excursion in the old city, via Celebrity and then had more than an hour to spend at the port garden.

Cartagena has developed a lot, especially the new city areas. Did not get bothered by any vendor or beggar. Perhaps they thought I looked more poor than them! 😆

Today and tomorrow are sea days, then to Bimini. Food is good, staff is very hard working and takes excellent care of us. There are 1400 passengers onboard for our sailing and rumored 2700 for the crossing which is the next sailing. Ship is looking quite sparse. No lines, no elevator waits, buffet is not self served. We are served everything and I am feeling like a princess with being taken care of. I will miss this!

Masks are optional,  but we wear them most of the time when around people. Captain updates if there are any new covid poitives. And I notice more masks for the next few hours when he announces. Lot of new staff came on in Aruba and more coming at the end of our sailing. 

Great to hear you are enjoying the cruise.  Will be looking forward to your pics when you get back.  I will be watching to see if you sneak one or two out before then. 🙃

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2 hours ago, Sea Dog said:

I felt horrible. I did have some hope because of what they did in the Miami game. These kids never give up and I've seen that all year. It was ugly but they scraped it out against a great UNC team. I do not feel Obaji should of gotten the MVP. David McCormick won that game for them in the paint. I was a nervous wreck the whole game. Thankfully a lot of beer took the edge off.

I agree with you re McCormick.That was some game.My friend Henry graduated KU in 1967 .While he was a student there I began watching their televised basketball games.I continued when my friend Mike who graduated KU in 1971 was there .My former co-worker Warren graduate KU in the late 70’s and I vividly recall our discussions about life as a KU student.I read this morning that Coach Self who has been there 19 years won the conference championship 16 times.That is amazing.For some reason he is never in discussions of great college coaches.

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Now for something different.  Some food porn.   Haven’t had any for a week or so.  Lunch today at Cheesecake Factory. 


A Cuban sandwich (they actually make a pretty good one)



Decisions, decisions 




My choice was the Salted Carmel.  




More decisions 




Susan’s choice was the Chocolate Carmelicious with Snickers. 




And while driving in Pittsburgh, Waze warned me of a giant pothole on the route.  




It was a special one, to get picked from the thousand we encountered today. 

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