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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How Are Things Where You Are? (was "Routine" ​ 😁 ​day in lockdown... how was yours?)

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16 hours ago, reallyitsmema said:


I hope she gets her PCR test back soon.  I looked into trying to get one tonight and all the places around here that were doing them are not doing them for people with no symptoms at this time, so we were lucky to find antigen tests.  It is hard on kids to miss anything at this time of year.  I hope the results come in overnight. 🙂 

Thank you, mema.  We are still waiting for Ava's results!!  She had the covid test taken on Wednesday morning, and our daughter still had not gotten the results back yet.  So, we won't be together this evening for our Christmas Eve fish dinner and exchanging gifts.  It's not the end of the world, just a bit of a bummer.  We've all decided to stream Christmas Mass on TV , rather than chance being around the huge crowd that this Mass always brings.  We also have/had plans to go to our daughters home tomorrow, so we will just have to play the waiting game.  I had no idea it could take this long!

15 hours ago, BonTexasNY said:


Maryann, I hope your granddaughter's test comes back negative and that you all have the best Christmas under these trying circumstances.


To everyone who is celebrating Christmas:  Whether you are gathering with family near or far in your hearts, know that the love is always with you no matter the distance.  Make it joyous, make it unforgettable and delicious, and hopefully it will be the last holiday celebrated during a pandemic. 

Thank you, Bonnie!  What wonderful sentiments!

8 hours ago, grapau27 said:



 Graham, I'm so glad your procedure was finally performed, and that it was done quickly for you

6 hours ago, Keksie said:

I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holiday.  Or just a wonderful day tomorrow no matter what you are doing.  This thread is a special place to visit.  Thank you everyone.

To you also!  Thank you, Keksie for your wonderful wishes.

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2 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:



Just do not ever call me Debra (or Debra Lynn) that was what my Mother called me if I was in trouble for something.   Not that I was ever in trouble for anything😇

My parents named me Leonard but never once called me that,very strange.

Some people call me Lenny,some call me Len.

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2 hours ago, Sea Dog said:


Thank you for this story Sue. It's so true and priceless. I have taken video of Jonathan coming down the stairs at Christmas every year since he was born. 21 years in all. I will not video him this year as he is out on his own and 22. But I will always have his video to remember every Christmas.


Here is the video of Jonathan Christmas Through The Years.




Merry Christmas Sue and Rick! 

Greg,this is wonderful .Cherish these memories,forever.

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2 hours ago, Sea Dog said:

Here is the video of Jonathan Christmas Through The Years.


2 hours ago, Ocean Boy said:

So cool that you had the foresight to make a video like that.


2 hours ago, BonTexasNY said:

Amazing, precious, emotional, touching.....etc., etc.  Thank you for sharing this wonderful video!


2 hours ago, DaniDanielle said:

I agree with this.


1 hour ago, Ocean Boy said:

So do I.


15 minutes ago, NHProud said:

Greg , what a beautiful video montage. You are an artist. 


+5 😘 . DS1 was on the other computer while I was viewing the video. He turned around, intrigued, and then he stopped checking his work emails and saw with me again. He was riveted. It doesn't happen to him very often....


2 hours ago, Sea Dog said:

My video Christmas card I produced from me to you. Enjoy and Happy holidays from the Sea Dog Steele family.




2 hours ago, jagsfan said:

This wasn’t supposed to make me weepy!


Same here.... but it did.


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4 hours ago, Lionesss said:

When the mills were booming, paychecks with overtime were great.

We had the best of the best and traveled frequently in car trips to Florida or Canada.


Then in the late 60's the mills started to slow down, and eventually close.


It was around  1970, when our parents sat my brothers and I down and told us we would have a Christmas tree, but no gifts.

I was 11 at the time (working at a church bingo making $4.00 a week)

My brothers were 12, and 13.  (They made money raking leaves or shoveling snow).

We all made money biking to the store for neighbors to get small grocery items.


So, Christmas Eve, what to do, what to do.

Our parents with us sat down in the living room, and we just opened up about life and talked and shared our stories some of which my parents never knew.

I enjoyed reading your story.  Reminds me of the ups and downs of my childhood.  I really didn’t understand all my mom had to go through until I was older and looked back.  She was good at hiding it.  The plus side is it helps us now to be content and very thankful for the things we are blessed with now.  Merry Christmas!

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6 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Unfortunately, our Son, the baby in his 20s, just texted that he tested positive and is experiencing mild symptoms.   He has had asthma issues his whole life but has improved with age.  He assured us that his breathing is fine.  Says he is just really tired, feels weak and achy with a headache with scratchy throat.  No cough, no sniffles.  His Fiance feels fine so far but will also get tested.

Debbie, I am sorry to hear about your youngest son testing positive and that he's experiencing mild symptoms.  Thank God his breathing is fine.  It's certainly scary when you have asthma issues.  I hope he begins feeling better very quickly.  Hopefully his Fiance will be okay.

6 hours ago, jagsfan said:




Beautiful tree, with so many wonderful memories hanging on each branch.  Dick is a real keeper setting it all up (is he a Secret Santa?)  Have a wonderful, happy, and healthy Christmas, Mimi!

5 hours ago, Arzeena said:

You have a safe trip to Florida. Good you are driving and not flying. The airlines have started their holiday cancellation game and it is terrible.

Thank you, Arzeena!  I wish you and RJ a safe and uneventful trip to Orlando!  

We should be hearing any time now???? the results, since the test was taken 2 days ago.

Merry Christmas!

5 hours ago, mafig said:


However, today I noted that Royal Caribbean refunded my deposit.  Pretty quick, don't you think?

Sorry you had to cancel your cruise.  Great Christmas present you received, by getting your deposit refunded!  Merry Christmas!

4 hours ago, Lionesss said:


So as you celebrate Christmas with family, take the time to reflect on the great memories in life.

Share them with your family.  Years seem to go by so fast.

They happen so quick.


Thank you for sharing this, Sue. Beautiful!!  Merry Christmas!

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4 hours ago, dani negreanu said:


Debbie is @Sunshine3601


Deb is @Momof3gurlz


"We" also have Sue ( @sgmn) and Sue ( @Lionesss).


And then Pat ( @island lady), Pat ( @taznremmy), and, lastly, but not least, Patti ( @Coralc).


For future reference, Lenny 😁

There are a couple of John’s here too.  I am guessing one thing the US has with Israel.  There are not many houses or public buildings that you enter and will not find a john!  😂 

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I still have some catching up to do here, but I just want to wish all of my dear friends on our Dani thread here a wonderful, magical, healthy and Happy Holiday, and a Merry Christmas!  I feel so Blessed and honored to be a part of this beautiful CC family.  God Bless each and every one of you!!!!




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3 minutes ago, Luckynana said:

Debbie, I am sorry to hear about your youngest son testing positive and that he's experiencing mild symptoms.  Thank God his breathing is fine.  It's certainly scary when you have asthma issues.  I hope he begins feeling better very quickly.  Hopefully his Fiance will be okay.

I am sure he will be fine.     We got to actual speak with him by phone around noon and he sounds okay.    Just feels crappy.    His Fiance tested negative today and she feels fine.   

Hopefully she will remain okay.    

She actually thought she could still go to Christmas at her Mom's house tomorrow till her Mother said No Way was she coming to her house that she has to stay put and retest in a couple of days. 


With so many people testing for travel, etc. it is near impossible for those that are sick to get a test.   

I volunteered to drop off the test kits we ordered online as I can always order more but they didn't want them.   


I hope all is well with your GD and everyone else🥰

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2 hours ago, HBE4 said:


Just days before I was born in 1964, my father purchased a 1964 Ford Galaxie 500. Brought me home from the hospital in that car, no doubt sitting on my Moms lap. If memory serves me correctly, seat-belts were an option in that car.  Or maybe that was just for the back seat. In addition to ashtrays, the cars had that little crank triangle "vent" window that was perfect for flicking cigarettes ashes out the window, back in the days when it was safe to smoke. 😉


The very first picture of me was sitting on the hood of the car as a baby. I always considered it to be "my" car and was determined to drive it one day. Alas, it would not last the 16 years until I got my drivers license so I had to settle for a hand-me down 1969 Ford Galaxie 500 station wagon as my first car.


Dad was a Ford man. Despite the Fix Or Repair Daily  or Found On Road Dead reputation, he always had good luck with them.

Great memories.     

I remember that "vent" window.   I wish we still had it as I always like to have a window slightly open no matter what the temp is.    I like fresh air.   

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1 hour ago, singinalot said:

thanks Graham. We had a severe wind storm here last week (100mph winds) and things have been quite hectic. Nate has done $100k in estimates just since then and is working non stop to get peoples fences back up. The day the wind storm happened was crazy at work (hospital) and made for crazy times for me. Our tower roof was coming off, 2 of our COvid testing tents blew away, large trees down everywhere, and busy hospital already became even busier. 

i hope you are healing well! Merry Christmas!

Happy to hear from you Crystal. Have a very Merry Christmas!

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2 hours ago, DaniDanielle said:

Spent the morning looking for my engagement ring.  Ripped apart my bedroom, found stuff I didn’t know I had!  No ring.  My grandson came up and went under all the furniture, no ring.  So I stepped away for a bit, went back and looked behind some cards I had by my mirror.  There the stinking ring was, standing upright, shining brightly between two cards.  Thanks St. Anthony🙏


Glad to hear you found it - St Anthony is always busy in our house🤩

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3 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Yes, hopefully someday in 2022 we will meet on a cruise ship😍

We did our covid tests around 1 pm yesterday - no results yet - hopefully we get them before we leave for my Brother's house tomorrow as I would to pass anything onto his MIL that is 91 yrs old and will be her first holiday out of the assisted living facility she lives at.  

How does an Alaska  cruise on Ovation May 13 - 20 sound. 🤔   We just booked it this week.  With the baby coming I don’t see us booking anything July through October. 
Hope your son feels better soon and I hope the trip to your brother’s house works out. Nice the MIL is getting out.  Sharon has been visiting a friend at an assisted living and each week takes her to get her hair done.  She appreciates getting out.  We plan to head to Sharon’s mom’s house Sunday in Huntsville Alabama.  Have a Merry Christmas.

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1 hour ago, singinalot said:

thanks Graham. We had a severe wind storm here last week (100mph winds) and things have been quite hectic. Nate has done $100k in estimates just since then and is working non stop to get peoples fences back up. The day the wind storm happened was crazy at work (hospital) and made for crazy times for me. Our tower roof was coming off, 2 of our COvid testing tents blew away, large trees down everywhere, and busy hospital already became even busier. 

i hope you are healing well! Merry Christmas!

It's good to be busy but not that kind of crazy hectic busy.     

Merry Christmas to you and Nate😍

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6 minutes ago, Ozark_Kid said:

How does an Alaska  cruise on Ovation May 13 - 20 sound. 🤔   We just booked it this week.  With the baby coming I don’t see us booking anything July through October. 
Hope your son feels better soon and I hope the trip to your brother’s house works out. Nice the MIL is getting out.  Sharon has been visiting a friend at an assisted living and each week takes her to get her hair done.  She appreciates getting out.  We plan to head to Sharon’s mom’s house Sunday in Huntsville Alabama.  Have a Merry Christmas.

An Alaska cruise sounds wonderful.    We were suppose to be on last June but all know what happened.    I will have to check out that cruise.

Merry Christmas to you, Sharon and all of your beautiful family 😍

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1 hour ago, singinalot said:

thanks Graham. We had a severe wind storm here last week (100mph winds) and things have been quite hectic. Nate has done $100k in estimates just since then and is working non stop to get peoples fences back up. The day the wind storm happened was crazy at work (hospital) and made for crazy times for me. Our tower roof was coming off, 2 of our COvid testing tents blew away, large trees down everywhere, and busy hospital already became even busier. 

i hope you are healing well! Merry Christmas!

Thank you Crystal.

Sorry to hear about those destructive winds but happy Nate is getting a lot of work because of it.

Take care and stay safe especially at work.

Wishing you both the most wonderful Happy Christmas.


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Sorry to hear of so many plans going off the tracks.  My daughters friend was trying to track down a test today.  She was supposed to be hosting dinner tonight and started feeling Lousy last night.  We will leave her cookie tray on her front step tonight.


Greg, incredible video of your son but I’m not surprised being the Emmy award winner that you are.



Merry Christmas everyone!


Edited by Sheal
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1 hour ago, mafig said:

Those little crank windows.!😁  That's how my father found out I was smoking.  I would flick the ashes out that side window.  One day it was raining and the ashes all stuck to the side of the car.!😮



We bought a basic Corolla for the girls to use at College. One time my daughter and her friend pulled up next to another car and she asked her friend to roll the window down.  How, she asked.  Just turn that handle.  WOW! That is so Cool!  Her friend thought it was a specialty item!  😂 

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