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The Daily for Saturday Nov 28, 2020


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Good morning all and happy Saturday.  It's nice to see the  sun and blue sky.  I freak that this coming week we will see our first significant snowfall so I am inhaling as much of the nice weather as I can.  The menu for today sounds yummy, the drink does too, I have never had a hot toddy.  Thanks to  Rich for the information he imparts to us each day.  I don't think I have ever tried the French toast on board, but hopefully I can next October.  By the time we set sail we will have had a 2 year hiatus from the high seas.   Thanks to all who contribute to making this a “place” that we want to visit each day.


Edited by gigianne
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43 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Good morning my dear sisters Ann and Denise. I hope you are feeling better Deeni and David is spoiling you. Thank you Ann for the wine review, and concern.


Ann, about 15 years ago I was carrying Christmas decorations up from the basement. I thought I had one more step to take at the top, but it was air.. fell backwards down the stairs. 18 months of physical therapy.. When we were moving into this new house in July I caught my foot on the top ramp of the UHaul and took a tumble down the ramp with my pots and pans. I haven't really healed since then. I have the results from the MRI on My Chart but not really sure what it means til my doctor calls.

This is what it shows:

Disc desiccation is seen throughout the lumbar spine with relative sparing at L5/S1. Degenerative changes are seen at the following levels:
L1/L2: Minimal diffuse disc bulge and mild facet hypertrophy. No central spinal canal or foraminal stenosis.
L2/L3: Diffuse disc bulge, right foraminal protrusion and facet/ligament flavum hypertrophy. Mild central spinal canal stenosis. No foraminal stenosis.
L3/L4: Diffuse disc bulge and facet/ligament flavum hypertrophy. Mild to moderate central spinal canal stenosis. Mild bilateral foraminal stenoses without contact with the exiting L3 nerve roots.
L4/L5: Mild diffuse disc bulge and facet/ligament flavum hypertrophy. Mild central spinal canal stenosis. Mild bilateral foraminal stenoses without contact with the exiting L4 nerve roots.
L5/S1: Minimal diffuse disc bulge and mild facet hypertrophy. No central spinal canal or foraminal stenosis.


Good grief, Joy! Praying that there are healing steps you can take! Back issues can be tough! ❤️

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1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

When we were moving into this new house in July I caught my foot on the top ramp of the UHaul and took a tumble down the ramp with my pots and pans. I haven't really healed since then. I


Oh no!!  I hope things improve for you 🙏🏻 🤞 

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4 hours ago, summer slope said:

Good morning.  Yum, French toast.  Will make that for breakfast.  I write letters although short ones to many nowadays.  Small Business shopping most of the time.  Don't like the big box stores.  And the quote is spot on.  DH would love the meal, but  I'm not fond of  Salmon.


Hot Toddy:

Instructions. In a teapot or saucepan, bring the water to a simmer. Pour the hot water into a mug. Add the whiskey, 2 teaspoons honey and 2 teaspoon lemon juice. Stir until the honey has disappeared into the hot water. Garnish with a lemon round and cinnamon stick (if using). Enjoy!


Prayers to our care list and happy to see the celebration list getting longer.

Stay safe, social distance, and wear your mask.



I had a friend whose mother was born and raised in County Mayo, Irekand and eveytime he was sick the cure for a fever was a Hot Toddy!

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🌺Rich I love the quote 👍

Love French Toast and I have a similar recipe like Gail’s that we will be having Christmas Morning with champagne and peaches 🍑 and fresh fruit!

🌺Roy surprised you said your not a letter writer. You write beautiful journals where I feel I am there on your journeys!!

🌺🙏‘s to all on the care list as well to 


Crabby Patti

I read their stories m

last night!!

🌺So sorry to hear about

Mary 229 


God Bless all.


Good morning my dear sisters Ann and Denise. I hope you are feeling better Deeni and David is spoiling you. Thank you Ann for the wine review, and concern.

Ok my sweet sister your turn for love from me and 🙏’s!! Back issues as our Dear Ann has said are tough but I believe in prayers and YOU  are in GOOD HANDS ❤️ No worries about my thumb! I am doing good! Hugs to you and Allen!

🌺🌺🌺Ann! How’s my Florida sister doing? Your contributions and caring side  you give here I love! Thanks for the wine description!! David is more of the red wines while I enjoy whites! 
🌺🌺Summer! Hope your doing great and a big shoutout for your contributions and cocktails 🍸! A good hot toddy I enjoy especially when it is cold outside and in jammies watching CHRISTMAS HALLMARK MOVIES LOL!


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Thanks for the fleet reort.  Eurodam seems to be near thecDomonican Republic.  I wish she was sailing to Port Everglades.


I like French Toast.  Hot Toddy is an Irish cure all.  Thanks to Roy and all other posters.   As HAL ROACH used to say ,"Live every day of you life as thoigh it is your last and some day you will be right."

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Good Morning All,

Am late getting started today- somehow I slept in to 6:45 when The Precious One (🐕) woke us up. He wanted breakfast. That’s the latest I’ve gotten up since retiring. (I’m either getting lazy or realizing I’m retired🧐.)


Love today’s menu. That’s actually what I’m planning to serve tomorrow, along with creamed peas and onions ( which I just discovered (after knowing him 37 years) is one of DH’s favorites).


@Hflors sorry to hear about your intended puppy. Agreed it sounds like a money issue, but if it really were true that  at least 3 puppies from the litter had hip dysplasia, that sounds like a major breeding failure.


We have another day of Santa Ana winds, this time gusty and cold. (That’s SoCal cold, not Canadian or North US cold. I won’t complain.) We’re getting significant fire debris (fine black pieces of singed leaves and white ash) that is coming through the screens where the windows were open. So the dust on our blinds that is usually barely visible is a very glaring grey. Will deal with that next week.


Our covid numbers are up also, and our neighbor county HO has issued orders for stay at home and no co-mingling with other households (except for protests or religious services which are constitutionally protected). They closed restaurant outdoor dining the beginning of the week. Hopefully it doesn’t come to that here, but I would like to see more markets take a cue from Costco’s CEO and enforce proper wearing of masks.


Stay safe everyone!

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It is supposed to hit 50F today in St. Paul! I should grill, but there is so much leftover turkey....


I put the Christmas tree together yesterday. It is an old artificial tree, but it looks quite nice. It has lasted way longer than I ever expected. I'll put the lights on today or tomorrow and then start working on the ornaments. I turned on the outside lights (just a few strings around the window frames and in the pine-filled flower boxes) last night. They looked OK, I have a few more extra light strings that I might also put up. I'll post pictures eventually. 


Today was to be a sea day heading to Amber Cove and Grand Turk. To make up for missing this cruise, I think I will book a 14 day Collector's cruise on the Nieuw Amsterdam for Nov 20 - Dec 4, 2021 for the four of us. We can celebrate Thanksgiving and the son's BDay on board like we had planned for this year. I don't think I'll use the Black Friday deal as it adds about $600 per person! 


Okay, this is Alaska not the Caribbean, from 2004, and I gave up cigars long ago!



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Good morning all. I am a bit late this morning..... went to the store early before the place gets crowded. My usual shopper is away right now and I ran out of a few things I need. Now that I am home, I think it will be French toast for brunch. Sounds really good.

@Hflors.... sorry about the puppy. Most reputable breeders I know would have talked with you about the situation and asked if you still wanted pup at a discount. Small dogs are bringing a huge price these days. Like you, I think she found she could get more money. The last dog I adopted is a Shi Tzu.... he came from the local shelter.... had a limp. When I had him home and x-rayed we found that the head of the femor had been removed. Don't know if it was displaisia or an accident that caused that,  but someone spent a good deal of money on him and then he wound up at the shelter as a stray. He does walk on that leg but hippity-hops at times. Would not trade him for the world.


My niece's husband continues in ICU. Not getting worse, but not getting better. Don't wish this on anyone. Everyone take care.



Edited by durangoscots
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Good morning all!

@rafinmdthank you so much for adding me to the shout out list and the welcome home yesterday.  I didn't post yesterday, it was a long day of travel, but I did read the posts. 🙂  We got home last night tired but happy with our getaway.  It definitely is a spot we will visit again in the future.  Here are a couple photos, Mt. Rainier on the drive home, and another view of the ocean from our hotel balcony.


I too love French Toast whether on a ship or at home. 🙂  In the past I was a good letter writer, but after breaking a finger in my writing hand a few years ago, now I can't do much more than write a few lines.  Seems typing is still ok though 😉  Will pass on the honey mustard salmon -- not a fan of honey mustard on anything but DH most likely would love it.


@Mary229prayers for your sister.  Cancer is a horrible, horrible disease and has affected so many friends and family -- new treatments are discovered every day, will keep her in my prayers.


@HflorsI love what you and your siblings did each year with the Christmas letter for your parents! Yippee about the negative tests but sorry about the breeder problem.  The right puppy will come for you!


@ger_77we too added more insulation to our attic (we did the crawl space too) and are so happy we did.  It doesn't get as cold here (of course) but we can tell a difference already.


@Seasick Sailormy gosh, 2 bad falls!  Let us know what you learn from your MRI.  Since I took a fall in France last year I've been paranoid it seems -- I was lucky though, just a cut knee.  My pride was hurt the most 😉 


@durangoscotsprayers continued for a full recovery for your niece's husband who is still in ICU.  


Time to start those Christmas cards and shopping (online for the most part).  The grandsons are into Minecraft (huh???)  they live and breathe it lol.  So a lot of their wish lists have to do with something I know nothing about.  🤣

Newport, OR.jpg

Mt. Rainier.jpg

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Good morning, all, and thanks to Rich and Roy, prayers for all those who need them, especially @Mary229's sister and @durangoscots' niece's husband.   


The sun is shining here today.  The plan is to hang some Christmas lights outside, to finish up the job.  I did something to my back the other day, so I am being careful, but Pat will do most of the work - I'm just the supervisor!  Well, I'll hold the ladder, too.  


Hot rum toddy is a favourite cure-all in this household, too.  The lemon and honey clear the sinuses, and the rum puts you to sleep!  So far there has been no need during the pandemic😷!

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Good morning! Good quote, prayers for all. I write 1 or 2 letters to my Mom each week and cards to the grands most months. I should have read The Daily and made french toast before the last piece of pumpkin pie, whipped cream and a fork found it's way to the table in front of me at breakfast time!  Tree and the inside of the house are ready for Christmas. With a few packages to wrap, outside lights to hang and Christmas cards to prepare, life is good!

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While I read and appreciate the Daily daily, I think this is the first time I’ve felt like I had a worthwhile contribution to add. However, if you add a good slug of Grand Marnier to the overnight French toast it really kicks it up a notch.

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30 minutes ago, ernieb said:

While I read and appreciate the Daily daily, I think this is the first time I’ve felt like I had a worthwhile contribution to add. However, if you add a good slug of Grand Marnier to the overnight French toast it really kicks it up a notch.

Well hello, Ernie B.!
Welcome to posting. Just saying “Hi” is a worthwhile contribution.

p.s. Love today’s contribution!

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7 hours ago, Mary229 said:

Thanks for the update.  Please add my sis to the care list.  She is my ace cruise companion when the DH can't travel and she has been diagnosed with a rare cancer.  You may have heard me discuss her in previous posts most recently about her service to covid patients.   We would appreciate prayers.  Thank you.  

Oh Mary,  so sorry to hear this! 

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7 hours ago, Mary229 said:

Thanks for the update.  Please add my sis to the care list.  She is my ace cruise companion when the DH can't travel and she has been diagnosed with a rare cancer.  You may have heard me discuss her in previous posts most recently about her service to covid patients.   We would appreciate prayers.  Thank you.  

So sorry to hear of your Sis's diagnosis.  Oncologists are wonderful caring professionals and will do their utmost for her.  The positivity she and you will receive from this board, from people you barely know, will be succour and strength through your fight.

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Late to the party but thanks as always Rich, Roy et al.  We had French toast with strawberries for breakfast, lol.  Psychic?  

@Hflors  I am so sorry about the pup,  but sounds like you may be far better off dealing with a more ethical breeder.    Glad your kids are ok!  

I’ve finished five stockings now!  We’re getting gorgeous sunsets!  




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