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The Daily for Saturday October 30, 2021


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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  Not a fan of candy corn - it's the one candy that would sit and gather dust in a bowl if it was in my house.  Chocolate on the other hand . . . . .   We've never had Mischief Night on the prairies, so I hope everyone stays safe.


First of all, thank you so much everyone for your kind thoughts yesterday - it was difficult sitting in front of the computer watching our friend's funeral from afar, but it made me feel better that at least we could do that, and not miss it entirely.  We are grateful for technology that allows us to grieve and celebrate with others, even if we can't be there in person.


It's a dark, cold morning here on the "frozen tundra" with temperatures barely going above freezing today.  It's not looking any better for tomorrow, so I have no idea how many trick-or-treaters we'll have coming to the door.  Of course DH has stockpiled a bunch of his favourite chocolate bars just in case we get hordes of them (as if), while I've picked up a couple of boxes of small bags of chips (my treat) to give out.


Today will be a relatively quiet day - DH is heading out with the drone photographer to capture more shots for the historical video.  I'm planning on working on making a couple of little aprons for our DGS's for Christmas.  I picked up some pre-made aprons and will personalize them by appliqueing their initials and a cute little motif on each one.  They can help Grandma with the Christmas cooking when we get to their house this year and have their own aprons as well.


I really like today's menu suggestion, but I know we don't have any roasts in the freezer, so will definitely tuck that recipe away for our next grocery run.  I have a package of ground beef thawing in the fridge, so like @Mr. Boston, we will be having tacos for dinner tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for our friend @kakalina, hoping she has more good days ahead than bad.  Cliknking the glasses together to celebrate all on the happy list, and having an extra special toast to all those boarding the Eurodam in Barcelona today, wishing them well.  Stay safe, wear your masks, wash your hands, and be well.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Good morning Rich. You were very clever posting mischief and.. you got me!


I'm sorry about your sister @cunnorl. Prayers going out to her, Roy, Graham and all on Roy's well kept prayer list. 


The sheet rock guy come and the shower glass is installed. I was surprised about the glass but happy it showed. Three technicians came from the cable company and were still working when we left them here to go meet friends downtown. Came home and voila!


We are having a neighborhood Halloween adult trick and treats tonight. Also having costume prizes and pumpkin carving prizes. I'll post a picture of the winners in tomorrow's Daily. 


I have never liked candy corn. My brother would bite off the yellow tips of the corn and put it back in the bowl. He was a mischief maker.




Have fun, be safe, prayers, cheers and blessings!

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Happy Saturday!  Busy day here on Ocracoke as it is BlackBeards Pirate Jamboree.  Many may not know but Blackbeard was killed on Ocracoke in 1718 by Lt Maynard who had been commissioned by the Governor of Virginia.

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Love the costume and apron making thoughts and memes.  I used to sew a lot more when younger.  One year I bought a Little Bo Peep pattern and appropriate material to make for my DGDs.  They were two years apart so were able to pass it down.  Here is the younger one making her Halloween debut as Little Bo Peep.  She's a sophomore in college now!!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKBD1b61HDfgaewuDTrqRVj?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1571155467


It was slightly large on her.  Love the lacy pantaloons!


Joy, glad to hear the internet is back and some work was completed on the bathroom.  I bet you'll be so happy when the house is yours again without contractors coming in and out.

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A very good morning to all...been a very busy few weeks with little time to catch up on anything but sleep.  Did get a chance to go out of town for a few days last weekend to visit my daughter and son-in-law (and take lots of walks with my granddog!) and tried to unplug for a bit.  Work will take a lot of energy as we move further into the last quarter of the year.


Many thanks to all for keeping this up so regularly.  Sorry to see many different names on the care list along with those in the rotations...sending wishes for better days to all.  


Will check in later...

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Good morning  and thanks for the Daily with its  lists,quotes and recipes.We are on a hunt for Halloween  candy as they were out of it(!) in the store of groceries  yesterday. I heartily dislike candy corn. Mischief night will be rain soaked here so maybe not so bad.The quote is a good one and the recipes look great.Since we have to find candy somewhere, maybe I can find a nice roast and make it either today or tomorrow. 

I love the picture of your  DGD,Sandi @StLouisCruisers.I am waiting  to see what our grandchildren  are wearing  this year.

@grapau27Graham,I am glad you got your appointment. I will be thinking of you both.


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4 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning  and thanks for the Daily with its  lists,quotes and recipes.We are on a hunt for Halloween  candy as they were out of it(!) in the store of groceries  yesterday. I heartily dislike candy corn. Mischief night will be rain soaked here so maybe not so bad.The quote is a good one and the recipes look great.Since we have to find candy somewhere, maybe I can find a nice roast and make it either today or tomorrow. 

I love the picture of your  DGD,Sandi @StLouisCruisers.I am waiting  to see what our grandchildren  are wearing  this year.

@grapau27Graham,I am glad you got your appointment. I will be thinking of you both.


Thank you Terry.


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18 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Love the costume and apron making thoughts and memes.  I used to sew a lot more when younger.  One year I bought a Little Bo Peep pattern and appropriate material to make for my DGDs.  They were two years apart so were able to pass it down.  Here is the younger one making her Halloween debut as Little Bo Peep.  She's a sophomore in college now!!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKBD1b61HDfgaewuDTrqRVj?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1571155467


It was slightly large on her.  Love the lacy pantaloons!


Joy, glad to hear the internet is back and some work was completed on the bathroom.  I bet you'll be so happy when the house is yours again without contractors coming in and out.

Very cute dress and granddaughter.


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1 minute ago, grapau27 said:

Very cute dress and granddaughter.



Thank you Graham.  She's always been a little charmer.  That Halloween the neighborhood had a parade in a central location prior to the kids going door to door for treats.  I caught her looking a little bored with the party and seeming to think "When do we get some candy?"00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKWW_ztbJmoHKrUdOV2N4gN?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1635532696


That's her older sister in the yellow princess dress (store bought).

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1 minute ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Thank you Graham.  She's always been a little charmer.  That Halloween the neighborhood had a parade in a central location prior to the kids going door to door for treats.  I caught her looking a little bored with the party and seeming to think "When do we get some candy?"00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKWW_ztbJmoHKrUdOV2N4gN?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1635532696


That's her older sister in the yellow princess dress (store bought).

She looks lovely too.

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Good morning from sunny Quartzsite.  I wish we could get some of the rain that is pounding the eastern US.  Instead, when the wind blows, we get dust.  😱


Candy corn was never well received in our house, so, I never bought any.  The preferred candy had chocolate of some kind in it.  Growing up in west Texas, we did not have mischief night.  We haven't gotten any Trick or Treaters since we moved in 1999.  Both in Texas and here, most of our neighors are retirees.


I like Maya Angelou's quote whick I think I adopted when the DDs were teens.  If something bothered me, but was really my problem, I tried to ignore it and save my battles for the big things.  Luckily, both were really far apart and not often.


The pot roast sounds good, and I have one in the freezer to fix in the Instant Pot when it gets a little cooler.  At least the 90F temperatures are no longer in the forecast.


I'll pass on the drink, but would love to taste the wine.  However, my wallet would not like the price.


We have been to Recife and Olinda, but that was in 1999 on Noordam III.  All our pictures are in photo albums in Texas.  Originally, it was to be a port on our 2015 Ruby Princess cruise, but was cancelled about the time we booked the cruise.  In 1999, we rented a car and toured Recife and Olinda, which were nice towns then.


@ger_77  I agree, if we had candy corn, it would gather dust.  Chocolate, on the other hand, never gathers dust in our house.  

@kazu and @Crazy For Cats I loved the Halloween memes.

@cat shepard  Ann, the picture of the house is really cute, and creative.  I just have a couple of things on the gates.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I take all weather apps and forecasts on tv with a large grain of salt.  I think the forescasts are either a guess or where the dart landed on the dartboard.  🤣  The costumes and DGDs are cute.  I used to make the DDs costumes.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, happy for you that there was major progress on the bathroom, and your cable and internet are back.  👋


As soon as I have breakfast, it'll be time to wash the motorhome and put the sun screens on the cleaner windows.



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Good morning all!

We have our first frost, the rooftops look pretty but brrr!  Down to 36 F this morning.  No rain though, so not complaining 🙂  


Today will be busy, a Costco visit and then we're meeting DD, DSIL and DGSs at the pumpkin patch.  They will be there with their scout group. Maybe photos later...


I'm in the group who dislikes candy corn....if it isn't chocolate....it's a waste of sugar IMO 😉  

Will pass on the wine but oh my that roast looks good!!!  Will print out the recipes.  I love anything with balsamic and this sounds really good. Saving it for when we buy a roast next time.


A minute ago I couldn't post or react to posts, so we'll see if this goes through. 







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Good morning everyone and Happy Saturday!  


Thank you for the Daily Rich. Prayers to those on the Care list. Thank you for keeping up the lists Roy.


I’ve been away a few days so need to catch up. So sorry about your sister @cunnorl and prayers to Graham @grapau27 for your Mohs surgery. I was saddened to learn kakalina is in hospice. @lazey1 Jane, I’m sure it’s really hard for you because you are so close. 

DM’s CT scan appointment yesterday took all morning. They were short handed and one person was doing all the PET scans and CT scans. I remember those days when I would have to help out doing my regular front desk job and doing the medical assistant job. I hated it, so after I found out what the problem was yesterday I totally understood. 

Today I’m going to be lazy. I feel like I’ve been on the go for 3 weeks and need a break.  Craig bought a T-bone steak yesterday for our lunch today. I think I might make scallop potatoes because I’ve been craving them. 

Have a great day everyone!

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2 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning everyone and Happy Saturday!  


Thank you for the Daily Rich. Prayers to those on the Care list. Thank you for keeping up the lists Roy.


I’ve been away a few days so need to catch up. So sorry about your sister @cunnorl and prayers to Graham @grapau27 for your Mohs surgery. I was saddened to learn kakalina is in hospice. @lazey1 Jane, I’m sure it’s really hard for you because you are so close. 

DM’s CT scan appointment yesterday took all morning. They were short handed and one person was doing all the PET scans and CT scans. I remember those days when I would have to help out doing my regular front desk job and doing the medical assistant job. I hated it, so after I found out what the problem was yesterday I totally understood. 

Today I’m going to be lazy. I feel like I’ve been on the go for 3 weeks and need a break.  Craig bought a T-bone steak yesterday for our lunch today. I think I might make scallop potatoes because I’ve been craving them. 

Have a great day everyone!

Thank you Sharon.


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Good Morning from a sunny but chilly Durango. The temp was 24F when Bandit and I walked about a hour ago. Supposed to be about 65 today but I am not sure it will make it. Skies are bright blue..... lovely but crisp.


My best wishes to all who are undergoing health issues, or have relatives or friends undergoing health issues. My Sister says this is the price we pay for getting older.... it certainly seems to be compounding. On the plus side of the health spectrum, our shelter director is returning to work on Monday after being on medical leave for 4 months!!! He still is having dialysis so we are adjusting his schedule. I will be very happy to have him back.


Candy corn?.... I will eat it and shouldn't. I have not had trick or treaters for a number of years, but get a little candy just in case. If they are no shows I will take it to the Humane Society for staff and customers.... I don't keep it in the house.  The meal looks great but it is left over chicken for me tonight. But I think definitely another night as I have not had a pot roast for some time. I know the price has now gone up but I can make many meals from one.


I have been Recife (and Orlinda) twice and enjoyed both times. Interestingly enough when I was doing some family history I discovered one of my many-greats Grandmother was born in Recife. Her baptism is there in the records of the Dutch Reform Church. Evidently her Father came from the Netherlands to Recife to work and from there moved the family up to New York. When I say many greats I mean it.... New York was then New Amsterdam!!!



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2 hours ago, Sir PMP said:

Recife and Olinda, Brazil:







Great photos and she was our

2 hours ago, Sir PMP said:

Recife and Olinda, Brazil:







Great photos and our fave Ship.

                                           Thank you very  much.















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Good morning  and thanks all!   That wine sounds amazing!  I’m in the not Candy corn camp too.  
That roast looks amazing.  
Well we had snow last night that seems to be sticking, just in time for Hallowe’en.  
I seem to have bounced back from the booster today thankfully.  



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Good morning, all! I join those who are not fans of candy corn. We will make sure everything is inside and secure tonight. For those with pets, expect the firecrackers to be used with a heavy hand tonight. 
We visited Recife, Brazil in January, 2020 on the Amsterdam’s last HAL voyage. Was that really almost two years ago now? The highlight of Recife was the tour of Olinda, the pretty village up the hill and away from the crime that Recife is famous for. 



The street angles of Recife make for interesting architecture.


In early times, property taxes were based on the length of a buildings street frontage. As a result, buildings were tall, deep, and very narrow!



Views of Recife from the town of Olinda. The name Olinda means beautiful, and it lived up to it!




The down side, or up side? Is the steep streets. They’re actually worse than the pictures show.










Recife in the sunset at sail away.



Happy Saturday, and I envy those boarding a BHB today!


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10 minutes ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

Good morning, all! I join those who are not fans of candy corn. We will make sure everything is inside and secure tonight. For those with pets, expect the firecrackers to be used with a heavy hand tonight. 
We visited Recife, Brazil in January, 2020 on the Amsterdam’s last HAL voyage. Was that really almost two years ago now? The highlight of Recife was the tour of Olinda, the pretty village up the hill and away from the crime that Recife is famous for. 



The street angles of Recife make for interesting architecture.


In early times, property taxes were based on the length of a buildings street frontage. As a result, buildings were tall, deep, and very narrow!



Views of Recife from the town of Olinda. The name Olinda means beautiful, and it lived up to it!




The down side, or up side? Is the steep streets. They’re actually worse than the pictures show.










Recife in the sunset at sail away.



Happy Saturday, and I envy those boarding a BHB today!



Thanks for the photos of Recife and Olinda you provided.  It seems we might want to take a guided tour of Olinda instead of wandering the streets of Recife.  @Quartzsite Cruiseryou're right, that 2015 Ruby Princess cruise originally had Recife on the itinerary.  About 3 1/2 months before embarkation we got the news Recife was cancelled.  I just read the booking confirmation for that cruise and they did a little shuffling and then added Grenada.  They were having some real problems with crime there apparently.  I remember hearing of a Princess tour in Salvador, Brazil having problems while there.  A woman in the group had her gold necklace ripped off her neck while with her tour group.  Moral of the story is try to be aware of your surroundings at all times!

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily and to all contributors.

I am not a candy corn person - too sugary. Fortunately not much is done around here on mischief night. One time I was back home in NJ from college and with no garage; someone egged my car and tried to put something in the gas tank but that car had a tricky gas cap they couldn't get open, fortunately.

Good quote.

Good meal which I've made in the past; not today. Pass on the drink and the wine is too expensive!

I haven't been to today's port. Thanks for the pictures.


Another cloudy, rainy, chilly day here. I ran out this morning to pick up my new desktop computer. I'll set it next to my old one for a while to get it set up, move this one upstairs and donate the oldest one that's already upstairs. Also getting the den ready for the removal of the current TV and new TV installation tomorrow.


@cunnorl I'm hoping you get to video chat with your DS today.

@jimgev Interesting about Goosey Night. I grew up in central NJ at the shore, and we called it Devil's Night.

@dobiemom I too was shocked at the cost of beef. I make a sauerbraten every year for Christmas and was looking at beef recently. Fortunately I have the cut I need in my freezer already.

@ger_77 Cute idea on the aprons.

@Seasick Sailor Yay on the bathroom progress and the cable/internet being fixed!

@StLouisCruisers Very cute pictures of the DGDs.

@durangoscots Good to hear your shelter director will be back.

@grapau27 Hoping all goes well with your surgery next month.


Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

Stay safe everyone and wear your mask if needed.



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Happy almost-Halloween! I don't like candy corn and Mischief Night seems to go year round here! Though the cost of toilet paper has cut down on that - lol! Graham, I have never heard anyone here in MD call it Moving Night.

Because yesterday was a rainy day, I thought I'd go and get my Pfizer booster & also the tetanus booster my doctor suggested, thinking the pharmacy would be empty. Ha! I wasn't the only one with that idea! I had to wait an hour before I got the shots, so I finished up my grocery shopping to fill the time. Today has been cleaning day, and this afternoon I will carve the pumpkin. That used to be DH's job and he would get fancy. I'm just hoping for something recognizable!

Prayers for everyone on the care list and cheers for all who are celebrating.

Edited by NextOne
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