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The Daily for Thursday November 04, 2021


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Good morning, all.  I have joined the 3 a.m. Daily awakening club!  I'm not looking forward to changing the clocks back, then I'll be waking up at 2 a.m.  But possibly then, I'll be able to get back to sleep.   

@StLouisCruisers, sorry about the fall, hope you are not too sore.  And @cruzn single, I'm so sorry about your DBIL's sudden passing.  Condolences to all the family.  Jacqui, @kazu, hope Miko behaved himself at the vet.  


We finally made appointments to get antigen tests on Monday - $120 each!  (And that was the cheapest we could find all over Victoria.)   Pat then wrote a letter to the BC health department, saying what a shame it is that it's so difficult to get tested if you are asymptomatic.  My cousin in England (Devon) says she gets free tests at the pharmacy that she can take at home.  @grapau27, how is it where you are?  Can you get tested easily if you want?


I think it rained most of the night, and we are due for rain for the next few days.  The mv. Coho is starting up again on the 8th, running from Port Angeles, WA to Victoria, daily.  Evidently they are expecting a lot of traffic going south, not so much coming north!








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We visited King Tut many years ago, in the 1980's, in the Cairo museum.  It was all open air (don't know how it is now, but doors and windows were open to a balcony and you just wandered into a room), and there was one guard, I imagine now there is a little more security!  The children were more impressed with the camels out in the desert.


We visited Martinique in 2018 on the Koningsdam.  We had so much fun on that cruise, the first 10 days with DD and her BF, and then the second 11 days with   @sailingdutchy and his Mrs.   In Fort-de-France, we wandered around the town and went in the market.  









The cathedral




and its reflection in the building across the square





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17 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

We visited King Tut many years ago, in the 1980's, in the Cairo museum.  It was all open air (don't know how it is now, but doors and windows were open to a balcony and you just wandered into a room), and there was one guard, I imagine now there is a little more security!  The children were more impressed with the camels out in the desert.


We visited Martinique in 2018 on the Koningsdam.  We had so much fun on that cruise, the first 10 days with DD and her BF, and then the second 11 days with   @sailingdutchy and his Mrs.   In Fort-de-France, we wandered around the town and went in the market.  









The cathedral




and its reflection in the building across the square






Thanks for these great photos of your time spent in Martinique.  It looks really nice there and I would love to see it for myself some day.  


Also, thanks to you and @puppycanducruisefor your good wishes.

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Buenos Dias, all! We are here in warm, sunny Nuevo Vallarta. The flight went well, after after sitting on the tarmac for an hour due to a manifest problem. Eventually they found the passenger who was supposed to be on a plane going elsewhere and got him off the plane.

We are at a nice little boutique hotel in the Marina area.

This is my coffee view from our balcony this morning




And of course, Happy Thursday, and many thanks to @dobiemom for stepping in for me yesterday! May there be many a BHB in your future!


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35 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Jacqui, @kazu, hope Miko behaved himself at the vet.


Oh he had a blast charming all the staff who couldn’t resist patting and fussing over him. 😉  Thanks to covid the waiting room is pretty empty so there were no other dogs for him to want to visit and whine for 😉  

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@StLouisCruisers, @smitty34877and @kazuthank you all for your good wishes about my fall...I don't even have the excuse of stairs and didn't hit my head, so feel more embarrassed than anything!  

We have stairs too, and I'm almost paranoid about them -- it's so easy to miss a step and take a tumble especially when carrying something.

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I checked my blood pressure to celebrate the thing of the day. I'm not sure if it was high, but I was prompted to put my initials into the machine after I got my reading.


In unrelated news, I seem to be able to post without quoting the whole thread today.

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Good Afternoon All, thanks for the daily report.  It’s been a very busy work week.  Today has been relatively calm.  Monday while in the attic to put away a fan there were three dead mice in traps.  Fresh ones baited and put out.  Tuesday Jasper and Tucker had their annual check up and got their rabies vaccination.  Now that they are considered old they didn’t need a distemper shot.  It seems like yesterday that they were kittens.  Today’s meal suggestion would require me to omit the spinach, I’d be willing to substitute for something better.  @dfish I do enjoy seeing your recipes.

If the weather remains calm I see lots of leaf raking this weekend.  We also need to pack for next week’s trip to PA.

I hope everyone has a good day.  I’m hoping to catch sail away tomorrow.

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Just checking in. Thanks all for your contributions. My arms are sore today from the booster and the flu shots. I’m not feeling great but I planned for a light day with lots of naps and movies and wine. I’m sure I will be fine tomorrow. It’s a small price to pay to have worry free family holidays and cruises. 

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Just now, rafinmd said:

@cunnorl, great news (sort of) on your sister.  Any update on DH's sister?



Thank You Roy.

  DH `s sister had her stroke right before the pandemic hit. She is doing OK, but it has caused dementia and she is not able to do much for herself. We had not been able to see her, ( she lives in Pennsylvania) in awhile. We went up in October and while we were on the road, received the news about my sister.  It has been a very tough year. Lost my brother to a sudden heart attack in Feb,. followed by my BIL to covid 3 weeks later. ( caught at the funeral)

   Thank you for all you do for this thread. This has become my "warm and comfy place", spending time with good friends that have never met.

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2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, all.  I have joined the 3 a.m. Daily awakening club!  I'm not looking forward to changing the clocks back, then I'll be waking up at 2 a.m.  But possibly then, I'll be able to get back to sleep.   

@StLouisCruisers, sorry about the fall, hope you are not too sore.  And @cruzn single, I'm so sorry about your DBIL's sudden passing.  Condolences to all the family.  Jacqui, @kazu, hope Miko behaved himself at the vet.  


We finally made appointments to get antigen tests on Monday - $120 each!  (And that was the cheapest we could find all over Victoria.)   Pat then wrote a letter to the BC health department, saying what a shame it is that it's so difficult to get tested if you are asymptomatic.  My cousin in England (Devon) says she gets free tests at the pharmacy that she can take at home.  @grapau27, how is it where you are?  Can you get tested easily if you want?


I think it rained most of the night, and we are due for rain for the next few days.  The mv. Coho is starting up again on the 8th, running from Port Angeles, WA to Victoria, daily.  Evidently they are expecting a lot of traffic going south, not so much coming north!








Lateral flow test kits are readily available at our pharmacies for free although I believe you now have to contact the NHS for your free LFT.

If we have any symptoms of covid we can ring and get a free covid test at a testing centre with results back the next morning.


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3 hours ago, cruzn single said:

Early this morning for me!  Got a call before 7 am from my DSis.  My brother-in-law died very suddenly last night.  He had been battling cancer, but this was heart attack/or stroke and he was gone in less than 5 minutes.  So, I will be leaving for Phoenix in the next day or two.  I haven't been able to see her in 3 years because of his cancer, and COVID.  Will spend several days with her.  


And just after my laments about flying to Phoenix, will have to figure things out.  American Airlines out of GJ, or Southwest out of town an hour away.  We shall see.  Thank goodness, I can just go however things work out!



Sincere condolences to your sister and all your family cruzn single.


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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

Good days. I never got to see the King Tut exhibit. I take my BP about twice a month; only because it's high at the doctors office and normal to low at home. And common sense is a great thing, but sadly lacking in many. 

Typical Woody Allen quote.

The meal sounds good. Pass on the drink, but the merlot I'll take.

I have not been to Martinique.


It was 27°F here this morning. Brrr. I'm back from the dentist. After some drilling, I now have a temporary crown. They did 3D pictures and will send those out for the crown making as it's not an easy one. I'm still numb and trying to slurp some coffee without it spilling down my shirt! Another bit of good news, I failed my Covid PCR test! So I guess I have allergies or a reaction to the heat being on.


@StLouisCruisers Sorry to hear of your spill going down the stairs. Hope you're ok!

@cunnorl It's good to hear your DS is out of the hospital. 5 units of blood is a lot.

@summer slope Thanks for the update on your friends. Hopefully a smooth course now for Frank.

@cruzn single My condolences on the death of your BIL. Prayers for all the family and friends.

@Cruising-along Good wishes for DH's cataract surgery. I was able to have my driver friend wait in a socially distanced waiting room during my procedure in July. Yikes on your fall too.

@smitty34877 I'm glad the washer was able to be repaired.

@Horizon chaser 1957 Glad you arrived safely. I'm jealous of your view and the warm weather.


Prayers for the care list and a toast to the celebration list.

Stay safe everyone.

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21 minutes ago, cunnorl said:

Thank You Roy.

  DH `s sister had her stroke right before the pandemic hit. She is doing OK, but it has caused dementia and she is not able to do much for herself. We had not been able to see her, ( she lives in Pennsylvania) in awhile. We went up in October and while we were on the road, received the news about my sister.  It has been a very tough year. Lost my brother to a sudden heart attack in Feb,. followed by my BIL to covid 3 weeks later. ( caught at the funeral)

   Thank you for all you do for this thread. This has become my "warm and comfy place", spending time with good friends that have never met.

I'm really sorry to hear your sad family news.

Best wishes.


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@cruzn single I am so sorry for your loss.   Warm thoughts for you and your family.


Back to stairs and falls - I have told my sister that our retirement villa will be all on one floor and it must have a main floor laundry.  The older you get, the less safe stairs are.  And this is going to be our age in place house.

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Good mroning from Quartzsite.  


All the days are good to celebrate.  We each have our own BP checker, but I keep forgetting to check it.  I wish more people would use common sense.  We saw the King Tut exhibit in Ciaro in 2003.  Although we had a guide for the day, we were allowed to roam aorund the floor with the King Tut exhibit.


King Tut's mask and a different view of the mask that is rarely shown.  With all the people from the bus wandering around, it was almost impossible to get a picture without seeing people though the glass cases.




The Woody Allen quote is a little weird, but then he is weird.  Like @ger_77 Gerry, I am not a fan of Woody Allen or his movies.  He does seem rather pathic, and maybe like @HAL4NOW said, that's why he regrets not being someone else.


The meal sounds good if the spinach is not over powering the rest of the dish.  I much prefer my spinach raw in a salad, or maybe a little in a pasta dish.  I'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds nice.


We have been to Fort-de-France, Martinque, a couple of times, but that was in 1987 and 1991, when we had a film camera.  In 1987, that was the day all our luggage finally caught up with us.  While we flew to San Juan, our luggage got stuck in the Miami airport when we changed planes.  This was our first cruise, but 2 days without luggage except our carry on, did not stop us from cruising.  🛳️


I have enjoyed the pictures of Martinque, and it brought back happy memories.  Thank you, 


@cruzn single  Our condolences on the loss of your DBIL.  Safe travels to Pheonix.  

@jam379  Hope the weather cooperates and you can get the window insatlled.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I glad you weren't badly hurt in your fall.  Also, glad it was just the element in the oven.

@cunnorl  That is good news that your DS is home now.  

@summer slope  Thank you for the update on your friend and his wife.  Glad the surgery went well.

@Cruising-along  Sorry about your fall, but glad it was not more serious.  Good thoughts that your DH's cataract surgery goes well and also for the one next week.

@Horizon chaser 1957  Glad you arrived safely.  Thank you for the beautiful pictures.

@smitty34877  Terry, good news that your washer was fixable.

@dfish  Debbie, thank you for the news about KK's husband.











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