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The Daily for Sunday 12/26/2021


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20 minutes ago, arzz said:

I really do not mean to be a Debbie-downer here … but even if the covid tests are negative, if you still feel ill repeat the tests in a few days. 

DS's girlfriend went out to dinner with business friends. A few days later some were ill and tested positive for covid.  When the girlfriend showed symptoms she got both a rapid test and then a PCR test. Both were negative.  So … DS (39 years old - you would think he would be smarter than this) listened to his little brain and got together with the girlfriend who clearly had “the flu”. A few days later he developed symptoms - so then he got a test and so did the girl friend (who by now was feeling much better) and they both tested positive. Both of them were fully vaccinated and boosted (DS was boosted about 30 days before he got sick). 

Thankfully both are recovering well … but there seems to be something to note here … maybe it is omicron as so much about that variant is unknown or maybe it is because the girl friend was vaccinated and boosted that she was not shedding much virus early on … but it apparently can take a few days for the tests to show positive.  If someone has symptoms regardless of test results stay away from them. 

Sadly too true!  I think a lot may think it’s just a cold or just a flu, when it’s not.  Apparently the Omicron symptoms are different than the original variants and may seem more cold like.  Scary with the boosters. Hope they recover well!  

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48 minutes ago, dfish said:

Good afternoon, everyone.   


i arrived safely in Elk Rapids this afternoon.   It will be a nice visit with my other sister, her husband and my nephew and his partner.  


I'm happy to be reading mostly good news from my fellow Dailyites.  I am sorry about @StLouisCruisers family situation with the flu.   Talk about inconsiderate.  A friend of mine spent Christmas in Pennsylvania with family only to find out his niece's daughter had Covid.   Well, she didn't feel poorly, was the excuse.  Also, I'm sorry that @kazu Jacqui can't visit Jose in the hospital, but as others have said, use this time to take care of yourself.


Here's our view:IMG_1381.thumb.jpg.0fde3f4d53abab09e022329b59a626fd.jpg





Wow,that is an awesome view.


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3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily @richwmn and to all contributors.

Good days. I haven't had a candy cane in a while (I have a box up where the decorations are stored that is many years old), although I like the thick peppermint sticks. Thank you notes are unfortunately a dying custom. Happy Boxing Day!

I like the quote; we've certainly learned that life is a gift, the last 2 years.

I don't have any leftover turkey or ham right now. I like the sparkling wine, but pass on the drink.

I've sailed by Colon, but not stopped there.


Fortunately my power was only out about a half hour yesterday. A check of the utility app showed about 500 people had lost power. Reason unknown. We were unusually warm here yesterday at 57F; mid-40's today. At least it's sunny now; it rained all day yesterday.


@kazu Thank you for keeping us updated. So sorry you weren't able to visit Jose yesterday. The hospitals are so full of Covid patients, non-Covid patients can barely get in. So sad. Hoping there is no outbreak on Jose's unit. I pray the LP results will be helpful to Jose's care.

@mamaofami Great the rapid test was ok. Prayers for a negative PCR test. Feel better.

@StLouisCruisers Safe travels for DS/DDIL. I hope DSIL's parents are ok. Prayers for your DD's upcoming surgery.

@Heartgrove I hope you're feeling better soon!

@grapau27 It's good to hear your incisions are healing nicely.

@marshhawk Sorry you weren't feeling well after the Chinese lunch. How nice of your neighbor to bring you Christmas dinner to cook! I agree the world is out of kilter; on Christmas Eve I heard lots of sirens and found out about a mile away there had been a shootout in someone's house, with 6 people being shot; fortunately no fatalities.

@Sharon in AZ Great picture of DS with SO and their DD's and puppy.

@Cruising-along Great pictures of the family.


Prayers for the Care List and a toast to the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

Thank you Vanessa.


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I have a silly question, and I hate to butt into @Copper10-8's Live From thread to ask him - maybe, having "tagged" him, he'll come over here and answer...  Pat has decided he must have a list of all the Captains on our cruises.  Just missing one now, the Captain on the Zaandam Alaska cruise August-September 2018.  I think it might be the person in the picture (looks like enough braid).  Anyone know who it is?P1060582.thumb.JPG.c2667fd6e7ecaf83c13c592c9d872045.JPG

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1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

My DDil is from Nashua and she and DS and kiddos  moved  to Amherst after she finished her medical  training. They love it and ski all  winter .

Their road and the 3 miles of local roads  were awful.....or I am out of practice!



At least NH takes care of most of its roads.  The year of “Snowmaggedon “ in the DC area, Maryland had to “borrow” scores of plows, front end loaders and sanders from Pennsylvania. 

That event is why I retired to Florida.😎

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2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good afternoon  everyone. We drove home today.It was  icy and cold in  New Hampshire  but warmed up to 47 degrees here.

@mamaofami,Carol I hope you feel better and fail the PCR test.

@kazu,Jacqui,it  has to be so frustrating  to be kept away from Jose even though  the reason is valid. I hope you can return  soon.


We had such a nice time with the family and truly enjoyed  the stories , laughs and reminisces.  Of course I usually have a few tears in my eyes driving  away in true mom/grandma fashion.The bumpy ice on the road  forced me to  concentrate.


Stay well and be careful  out there.







Terry, glad you and DH made it home safely, and that you had a good time with your DS and family.

1 hour ago, dfish said:

Good afternoon, everyone.   


i arrived safely in Elk Rapids this afternoon.   It will be a nice visit with my other sister, her husband and my nephew and his partner.  


I'm happy to be reading mostly good news from my fellow Dailyites.  I am sorry about @StLouisCruisers family situation with the flu.   Talk about inconsiderate.  A friend of mine spent Christmas in Pennsylvania with family only to find out his niece's daughter had Covid.   Well, she didn't feel poorly, was the excuse.  Also, I'm sorry that @kazu Jacqui can't visit Jose in the hospital, but as others have said, use this time to take care of yourself.


Here's our view:IMG_1381.thumb.jpg.0fde3f4d53abab09e022329b59a626fd.jpg






Debbie, good news that you made it to Elk Rapids safely.  Have a good time with your sister and her family.  That is a gorgeous view.



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Thanks for all the daily reports, recipes, humour and photos.

It's a much cooler grey day here, after such a lovely warm day yesterday, temperature high expected to be 17 C, we have had some "Aerial irrigation" (Rain) to refresh the garden.


@kazu so sorry that you are  unable to visit Jose, hope you will soon be able to be with him again, and that the Charge Nurse has arranged for him to have the booster shot.


Best wishes to all on the care list.

Stay safe, take care everyone.




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7 hours ago, USN59-79 said:

I was sorry to hear of the passing of Archbishop Tutu this morning.  We met him and his family in 2014.  He came aboard the Amsterdam when the WC stopped in South Africa.  A very pleasant person with an interesting life

We were almost certainly on at least part of the same cruise.  I sailed Crystal Serenity into Cape Town and then transferred to Amsterdam to get back to the US.  Sadly, I missed Tutu but did see at least one of his lectures or programs on TV replay.



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Went for a walk today with an old friend,  weather was beautiful.  A year ago, same walk, the ground was frozen and the field was full of deer.  Today, 70+ degrees and sunny, no deer, just dears.


We had the wonderful dinner our neighbor brought over to me before Christmas, and I finished it off by baking a gingerbread cake.  from a box of course, add an egg and water.  My kind of baking.


Three out of the 7 cats who own us are gingers.  



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‘Twas the night after Christmas…feet up with new slippers and cozy Christmas blanket.  It’s been so much fun hearing about everyone’s holidays and enjoying all the delightful photos.

Ours was hectic — thrown together after being down with flu — but a great success.  Seven adults and two toddlers sat down to a jolly German feast.  
Night night all.  (Except for those where it’s Good Morning. 😊)




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58 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:

‘Twas the night after Christmas…feet up with new slippers and cozy Christmas blanket.  It’s been so much fun hearing about everyone’s holidays and enjoying all the delightful photos.

Ours was hectic — thrown together after being down with flu — but a great success.  Seven adults and two toddlers sat down to a jolly German feast.  
Night night all.  (Except for those where it’s Good Morning. 😊)




Night night!

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9 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all and Happy Boxing Day!

I'm late getting on here, was up too late last night and slept in this morning.  We have snow!  It didn't arrive in time for a White Christmas, it arrived here an hour or two after midnight.  It's coming down steadily and will continue for at least a week.  So strange about the warm weather in other parts of the country!  Tuesday will be our coldest day, down to 10 F.  That's really cold for here.


Even as a child I have never been a big fan of candy canes (maybe if they came in chocolate?) 😉  I'm very pleased that DD has the grandsons hand-write thank you notes for all gifts they receive.  We will definitely have leftover turkey for a few days.  I roasted a 14-pound turkey and only the 4 adults ate it so even after sending half home with DD and DSIL we have plenty for a few days.  Also enough of the side dishes for tonight, then it will be turkey pot pie for a couple nights!  Today I plan to just relax and bask in the afterglow of Christmas Day with family. 🙂  


@mamaofamiprayers that the PCR test also comes back negative.

@StLouisCruisersI'm with you about people who don't stay home when they're ill.  Hoping your DSIL's parents will feel better soon.

@Cruzin TerriI love Call the Midwife too and have the DVR set to record all episodes.  Geesh about your cable company, it sounds as bad as ours is.

@kazuI'm so sorry to hear about the Covid situation and also pray it isn't in Jose's area of the hospital.


Here are a few photos from yesterday.  It was so much fun watching the delight on the faces of the DGS's.  It was a nice day, we all played Harry Potter Clue, then took a long walk before dinner to look at Christmas lights.  


Christmas dinner.  DD burnt the Brussels Sprouts (I asked her several times if something was burning, and then the smoke alarm went off.  She thought she had turned the oven off. They looked like hard lumps of coal!   Oh well, we still had lots of food.  (their other grandma asked if the boys are cheering about no brussels sprouts in this photo). 🤣




The six-year-old with some of his gifts -- he just lost his first tooth this week and the other one in front will be coming out most likely before the new year.



The boys posing for my yearly Christmas photo of them.  This cracks me up -- the older one wanted to put his arm around his brother's shoulder, but he would have nothing to do with that!  So Foster compromised by pretending to put his arm around him without actually touching him -- Shep looks mighty suspicious here. 😉  







Carolyn, earlier wished candy canes came in chocolate.  This might be something you would like.  Our DD and DSIL gave us this candy canes for Christmas.



Sorry it's sideways.



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Today, I made the 2 hour buns to go with our leftover ribs and ham.  They were not a disaster, and everyone liked them. BTW, it you don't have fast acting yeast  you can use dry active yeast, just remember to proof the yeast before adding it to the mix.


After dinner, we sat around the fire pit and had smores.  DD and DSIL brought a kit from Austin with Mexican marshmallows, special chocolate and graham crackers.  They were wonderful, but messy.



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22 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Carolyn, earlier wished candy canes came in chocolate.  This might be something you would like.  Our DD and DSIL gave us this candy canes for Christmas.



Sorry it's sideways.



I bought the same ones for my DGC at Cost Plus World Market.

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6 hours ago, dfish said:

i arrived safely in Elk Rapids this afternoon. 


@dfish I live just down US-31 from Elk Rapids! This is my Springtime view over the Boardman River, across downtown Traverse City, and up Grand Traverse Bay toward Elk Rapids. I'd suggest meeting for coffee while you are in Northern Michigan but, having just been with DDIL's extended family, we are laying low out of an abundance of caution until we are certain there were no unknown exposures. Enjoy your family visit and, hopefully, we can meet someday on a BHB.


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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Today, I made the 2 hour buns to go with our leftover ribs and ham.  They were not a disaster, and everyone liked them. BTW, it you don't have fast acting yeast  you can use dry active yeast, just remember to proof the yeast before adding it to the mix.

Glad you tried the 2 hour bun recipe; ever since it was posted on the FB page, it’s been tried literally thousands of time in places around the world!  Yeast was in short supply during the lockdown, so when we were able to get our hands on some, it was like little gold grains.


Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂


Edited by ger_77
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It is already tomorrow for a lot of you as I respond to all the news.

Today was such a relaxing day.  Leftovers for dinner.  Caught up on some reading.  Did put away a few Christmas dishes and bags and bows but didn't overdo it!!  Just watched the weather from inside...almost snowed a few times.  It will get cold tonight here for us.  Hoping the wet roads don't freeze and cause any problems for those going to work tomorrow morning. 

Continued prayers for those on the care list.  Cheers to those celebrating. 

Stay well and safe! Happy Boxing day.  


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4 hours ago, rafinmd said:

We were almost certainly on at least part of the same cruise.  I sailed Crystal Serenity into Cape Town and then transferred to Amsterdam to get back to the US.  Sadly, I missed Tutu but did see at least one of his lectures or programs on TV replay.



We made a short stop in Durban, South Africa on March 28 and he and his entourage came aboard   We had four days at sea and moored at Cape Town at 0745 on April 1.  We left Cape Town the afternoon of April 2, so I assume he disembarked just before you came aboard.  Next stop was Walvis Bay, Namibia.

We were given a copy of his autobiography by Stein Kruse and I just noticed that I have a copy of the Archbishop's autograph and blessing dated April 30, 2014 in the book.


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7 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

And one other we're not sure of - is this Captain Carstens?




Could be him  Ann @VictOriann looking at the picture of current captains from Captain Alberts blog .




No idea who the other Captain is , went through the current list 

is it possibly Captain Friso Kramer gezegd Freher ?



Edited by sailingdutchy
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1 hour ago, sailingdutchy said:


Could be him  Ann @VictOriann looking at the picture of current captains from Captain Alberts blog .




No idea who the other Captain is , went through the current list 

is it possibly Captain Friso Kramer gezegd Freher ?



Thanks, I think you are correct.  I think I have some other photos, too, and he looks familiar!

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4 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:


@dfish I live just down US-31 from Elk Rapids! This is my Springtime view over the Boardman River, across downtown Traverse City, and up Grand Traverse Bay toward Elk Rapids. I'd suggest meeting for coffee while you are in Northern Michigan but, having just been with DDIL's extended family, we are laying low out of an abundance of caution until we are certain there were no unknown exposures. Enjoy your family visit and, hopefully, we can meet someday on a BHB.


What beautiful views of northern Michigan.  We spend 2-3 weeks each year in Glen Arbor.  Sleeping Bear Dunes national Lakeshore lives up to its Good Morning America’s award as the most beautiful place in America 



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3 hours ago, swin26 said:

What beautiful views of northern Michigan.  We spend 2-3 weeks each year in Glen Arbor.


We lived just north of Glen Arbor on a remote ridge top overlooking Lake Michigan for 16 years. It was a location that my DH and I each knew for its sunset views before we met each other! We purchased the land, built our home, and enjoyed this view for 16 years before DH's stroke and other health issues required us to move much closer to medical care.



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