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The Daily for Tuesday 01/18/2022


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Good morning everyone. I like all of todays celebration days and the quote. It’s a warm 31 degrees here today. While we wait for the new agency to find us a live in aide, the old one has decided to send us a rotation of 2 12 hour people. The first one arrived this morning and so far, so good. We will see where we are headed soon.

Stay warm and safe out there,


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There was a "test" on googly news once about which Winnie the Pooh character are you?  Which I took.  It surprised no one, that I was a Tigger.  And I married an Eeyore.  But I have always loved Eeyore.  After my dad passed away, and I was so over a job with TERRIBLE bosses, I took myself to Disney World for a week.  My art teacher suggested that I leave the camera at home, and since I was by myself, sketch my way through Disney.  So I stalked Eeyore around Epcot for a day.  Finally Eeyore motioned for me to come over to him, and show him what I was doing.  I showed him pictures that I had drawn of him.  I got a big hug from Eeyore.


I was never much into reading children's books when I was younger.  I was usually exploring the family library for the books "on the upper shelves".  But in college, I discovered Paddington Bear, and once I read all those books, and cuddled with my Paddington, I then found Winnie the Pooh, and well, I found my Eeyore. 

I heard on the news this morning that since people do not want those customer service jobs dealing with people, that a lot of Chipolte's and Starbucks in the Atlanta area will be closing.  Guess I had better use that gift card I got for Christmas, soon!




Edited by marshhawk
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Good morning! Woke up to 31 degrees here in NW Florida. Got the fireplace going and having my second coffee in a cozy and warm surrounding.


Thesaurus was always on my desk to assist with writing and speeches. A Chief always has to have a speech in his pocket for impromptu occasions or banquets!


No alcohol for over a week now and I dare say my liver is probably very happy. I have drank more hot teas in the last week than in years! The diet is working and my body is enjoying it’s new loving care.


Not much on the agenda today other then a later walk when it gets a tad warmer.


Other than grocery store runs we have been pretty much in another lock down mode as our County is experiencing a 120% increase in Covid cases!😱


Thanks Rich and Roy and to all our Dailylites. Have a great day and for many of us stay warm.😷

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Good morning.   Regarding the quote I bet there are very few in this group that "live".   Veggie bowl no. Ginger drink no.   Wine a no.  I will make it in gourmet coffee.  The stray cat continues to stay here. I am going to the Chevy dealer today a lady working at the service desk is the daughter of the homeowner where I think the cat came from. Maybe they can come get their cat. I have posted on Facebook marketplace for our town to see if anyone recognizes it.  My sister is posting on lost pets. If all else fails I will work on rehoming it.   We had a beautiful sunrise this morning. A warm day in the 30s then back to the cool down. 

Prayers for everyone who are on Roy's care list and for safety and good health for everyone. 🙏



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Good Morning from a cool but sunny day at the beach

   At least the winds have died down. Suppose to get warmer again tomorrow. Another Spacex launch tonite. Should be good  as long as the clouds stay away.

      I look like the losing end of a prize fight today, but it was expected. My Doctors office just called me to see how I was doing. I am well and nothing to complain about.

     I  have always enjoyed Winnie the Pooh. Still do. I am a   "Dunkins girl" for coffee. When we were first transferred here, my family would mail me coffee. Now we have 2 in Cocoa Beach! Now if I could just get Salada tea! 

     Have not been to todays port, enjoying the pictures.


Stay safe and enjoy today




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@cunnorl,I am also a  "Dunkin" woman!There are now 5 locations in our city for drive ups.I am glad you are feeling OK after your surgery yesterday. 

We have not been to the port but thanks to @StLouisCruisers and @grapau27 for the phoths.It looks like a wonderful  place to visit..

Special prayers for Jacqui,Jose and  the dogs.It  is so sad to have Miko's passing and Marley’s  illness on top of the situation  with Jose.

We hugged our dogs closely last night and remembered  the others that left us earlier.

I can remember talking with my mom in the days before she died about the family dogs and how they were waiting for her.Of course, we had already covered the topic of all those who were  waiting from our family.I think it gave her some peace.


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17 minutes ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning from a cool but sunny day at the beach

   At least the winds have died down. Suppose to get warmer again tomorrow. Another Spacex launch tonite. Should be good  as long as the clouds stay away.

      I look like the losing end of a prize fight today, but it was expected. My Doctors office just called me to see how I was doing. I am well and nothing to complain about.

     I  have always enjoyed Winnie the Pooh. Still do. I am a   "Dunkins girl" for coffee. When we were first transferred here, my family would mail me coffee. Now we have 2 in Cocoa Beach! Now if I could just get Salada tea! 

     Have not been to todays port, enjoying the pictures.


Stay safe and enjoy today





Have you checked Publix for your tea?  

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Good morning Rich and friends. Prayers lifted for Jacqui and Jose. (Miko) 💔 Prayers for all on our growing care list.


I'm just pooped this morning. Lots of home work still to go. Thankful to our neighbors who dropped fruit and bread off. Did not get to market. We had canned soup for lunch and I found frozen egg rolls and that was dinner. Thankful we had wine!


So ( older) Daily-ites, you remember Claudio who did our landscaping and patio etc? Well, while we were gone his guy's came over and cut back our trees, bushes, and shrubs, raked leaves and cleaned out our summer pots as a Christmas gift! Everything looks so nice and clean outside. What a guy.


Off to continue laundry. Xx

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2 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Sadly my lists are still far out of balance.  I should probably have added the resourceful Rabbi who thwarted a hostage situation to the celebrations.



Roy, I don't know how you keep up with as much as you do!

Thank you all for the daily. Prayers for all who need them and shout outs to all celebrating!

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Good morning!

I love sweet Winnie the Pooh and his pals.  My back has been making some unusual noises lately, and I told DH it sounds like Pooh going bump bump bump down the stairs in Christopher Robin’s wake.

I am very much looking forward to our cares list moving to celebrations.  

My best to all.

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2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Good afternoon from a sunny 41°F NE England.

It was below freezing overnight but pleasant now.

Thank you for today's daily and fleet reports Rich.

Thanks also Roy for today's lists.

I'm sure we all know Winnie the Pooh.

I have used a Thesaurus dictionary many times when I was younger.

I love coffee and always go for Arabic coffee.

Good quote and probably applies to lots of people in the world.

Nice food but don't drink red wine.

Valencia is a lovely city on the East coast of Spain.

Prayers for everyone on the care list.

I hope everyone has a nice day.









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Thanks for our Daily, Rich.


DH was very fussy on his coffee so there is lots of gourmet coffee beans in the fridge downstairs.


I resemble that quote of Oscar Wilde’s right now. 😉 


Thank heavens I got Marley’s sample to the vet yesterday & my lawyer appointment done.  I won’t be going anywhere today.




We had snow and blizzard like conditions.  And then the freezing rain started.  My ice is 2” thick, I think.  My angel neighbours across the street called and went to buy me more ice melt.  I always have some but no way did I have enough to handle this mess.




It’s going to take while to get things cleaned up everywhere.  This has been one miserable January.  6th visit by my snow plow this month and the month is only 1/2 over 😱. A number of us are feeling this way




Vet called and Marley’s infection is completely cleared up 👍 so his sample is being sent off to the lab to be screened to see if the abnormal proteins have disappeared with the infection or if we need to ultra sound him for cancer.  Hopefully I will get good news for a change 🙏🏻 


Love Valencia.  It’s a lovely spot 👍 



1 hour ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. I like all of todays celebration days and the quote. It’s a warm 31 degrees here today. While we wait for the new agency to find us a live in aide, the old one has decided to send us a rotation of 2 12 hour people. The first one arrived this morning and so far, so good. We will see where we are headed soon.


Good news, Carol!  Hope the other aide works out as well 🙏🏻 


1 hour ago, GTVCRUISER said:

🙂 Back from my cruise to Mexico  🙂


Welcome home!


Many thanks to you all for your caring and condolences.  ♥️ 


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and a toast to everyone on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a good Tuesday, all.  




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 


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Good morning all!

Another drizzly morning, heading for the high 40's.  But I see a streak of "kind of like sun" coming up, I'll take it!  (that means mostly clouds here) 😉  


I've used Thesaurus many times, Winnie the Pooh is cute, and I prefer my coffee with no flavorings -- just strong coffee w/a little milk. 


The quote is so true.  Will pass on the meal, drink and red wine, Valencia is one port in Spain I've never been.  Thank you for all photos, it looks lovely.


Debbie @dfishyou really got hit with the snow! 

Jacqui @kazuI'm so glad you have some angel neighbors to help you and so glad that Marley's infection is gone.  Praying for more good news from the latest labs.  You need some good news now.


Today we'll find out if three's a charm and whether DS and DDIL get the house they put an offer on.  The market is so crazy here, I'm glad DH and I plan to stay put for the foreseeable future.  They've already accelerated their offer -- the bidding wars are nuts.


Also we're cautiously optimistic because DD was able to bring their kitty home last night from the kitty ER hospital after 3 nights there.  She has a lot of meds he'll need, but so far he hasn't needed any pain meds so that's good.  He's acting like his cuddly self, and even tried to start a rumble with their other cat -- good signs. 😉  


Here he is cuddling this morning with DD, shaved tummy and all.


Parkour home from ER hospital.jpg

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Have you checked Publix for your tea?  

All the time. I have occasionally seen their green tea but I prefer the old fashioned black one.  My family will bring me a box  or 2 when they come, so I am supplied.

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Good morning from Quartzsite where our clouds are back, but it looks like the sun is trying to break through the clouds. The sun and high of 74F yesterday were much appreciated.  Early yesterday afternoon we got a couple of outside chores we'd been dreading done.  The first was to replace the pole that bent in the wind last month.  While we had it down we checked the batteries in the anemometer, which was a good thing.  They were "leakycell" batteries that were leaking.  The second chore, which fell to me, was replacing a hanger on the rope lights going along the top of the wall on the patio.  I even got time to sit on the patio with my book.


A thesaurus is a useful book, and I think I kept ours when I thinned out the books in Whitney.  I enjoyed the Winnie the Pooh books which my grandmother introduce me to.  In turn, I introduced the DDs to Winnie the Pooh.  Pooh was one of older DDs favorite stuffed animals, while younger DD had Tigger.  As a non-coffee drinker, I'll pass on the gourmet coffee, but DH likes different coffees occasionally.


Oscar Wilde had a good point with his quote.  I think we live some of the time and exist at others.


We'll pass on the meal and the drink.  I would like to try the wine, and the price is right too.


In 2001, during our week driving tour of Spain before our cruise, we drove through Valencia in heavy rain.  We tried to find a parking place near the old town, but couldn't.  We are still looking for a chance to get back and explore the city.  @grapau27 Graham and @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thank you for your pictures.  They make be want to return to Valencia even more.


@ger_77 Gerry, I laughed at the meme today.  I think that even happened to me once, but it was toothpaste.  🤣

@aliaschief  Glad the "d" word is working.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, try not to do too much until you are more rested.  The chores will wait.  What a thoughtful Christmas present from Claudio.

@kazu  Glad you're not going anywhere after seeing pictures of all that ice.  Driving on ice is no fun.  Glad Marley's sample showed the infection is gone.  🤞 Fingers crossed that Marley's test comes back negative for anything serious.  Your neighbors are true friends and angels.

@mamaofami  Carol, hope you find a good aide that is a good fit for you and Sam.  In the meantime, it was good that the old agency is sending a rotation of aides.

@Cruising-along  Hope the third time is the charm.  🤞  So glad the kitty is back home and feeling better.  Pancreatitis is serious, but can be cured with time and medicine.



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Good morning everyone and Happy Tuesday. 

Great collection of days to celebrate today. I love them all, mostly my morning iced coffee made in the Kuerig with Starbucks Pike Place. My machine has an iced coffee function which I love because it is stronger and doesn’t get diluted when adding ice. 

DS’s household are all over their covid illnesses. DGD goes back to school today, DS goes back to work tomorrow and the SO will go back to work on Monday. Today DSIL is having her IV antibodies done and she said she will hopefully feel better afterwards. 

Today’s meal suggestion sounds good. I like to make various types of “bowl” meals. Tonight I’m making a stir fry veggie from a package from TJ’s. So I guess that qualifies since it’ll be served in bowls. 

Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning to all.

Thank you, Rich, for the Daily.

Love Winnie the Pooh, but most especially I can’t do without my Thesaurus.  I am a crossword aficionado and it is my go to reference when I am really stuck.

Love the quote of the day and really try to “live” and not just “exist”.  

I’ll pass on the meal and drinks.

My dinner tonight will be risotto con fungi porcini.  I have had that in my mind for a while.  Since it is a cold day here in Bluffton (32 at 8:30 am) and not expected to get much warmer, this is the perfect winter meal.

I know that many of you are in warmer climes, but this is cold for us.

Thank you Roy for the cares and cheers list and for my being on both today. I will report on DH’s results of the MOHS surgery after it is over.

@kazu You know you are in my daily prayers. You are a very strong lady for all that you are experiencing right now.  

@mamaofamiI hope the aide that comes today is better and it will work out.  Prayers for you.

Prayers for all that need them.

I am so grateful for this thread and look forward to it daily.

It is a positive place and helps me get to a good place every day.

Hope everyone has a Happy Tuesday and

God Bless,


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Good afternoon (just!) from NY....


My favorite book as a child was Winnie the Pooh - my father would read it to me at night, and it's a wonderful memory.  I have a small one on my desk at work, and a beautiful stuffed one on our bed!



Hoping for good days for all, and that our Care list gets shorter!!


Stay safe,


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