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The Daily for Friday 04/08/2022


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Good Morning from a sunny but cooler day at the beach

      We missed all the storms yesterday. Overcast, thundering but that was it.

Great quote by Helen Keller.

 @StLouisCruisers a very Happy Birthday Sandi to you and your twin. May you have many many more.

     @smitty34877 Miss Camilla is just beautiful! Looks like she is doing well.

 I got my appointment for Global Entry in Orlando in July. DD and I are on the same date so that will work.  When I went back on the site, all of a sudden, there were open dates for Orlando when it had shown none previously. So all is good.

Now if the Flight Ease issue could be resolved, it would be great.

        No big plans for weekend, water aerobics this AM and golf tomorrow morning. 


Stay safe and enjoy today

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about to head out and run a gazillion errands before DH has to start work.  I've got the 1-6 shift,  he has the 11-3 shift, and it's 9 now.  we can do this...we can do this....


@dfish I dont eat raw fish....so it's a no for me, but the dishes look pretty!


I'll check in later today, have a great morning!

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Prayers for all in need and especially for all in Ukraine.

Cold day here is SE PA.  Very rainy yesterday and DH’s caretaker cancelled on him for a shopping trip.  Not a happy camper!  Getting notices for our B2B starting on 5/8 on Oasis of the Seas — still using up those future cruise credits.


Now for an announcement some may like, some may not.  NY Mets won their season opening game!!  Katherine 

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@StLouisCruisersHappy Birthday Sandi.  I hope that you have a fun day! 🎂🍾


@Heartgrove I am glad your wife and SIL made it to FL to get on the NS but so sad that you weren't able to go along also.   When my cat died we decided no more pets.  We drive now and take the slow drive from MI to FL enjoying the US on the way south to get on our cruises.   


Happy Friday everyone.   I will share bird pics instead of drawing them.   The HK quote is so true.   My brother had his knee replaced and is having a rough patch of a recovery.   He bounced back into the hospital but will probably be discharged to rehab nearby today.   I am heading down to cheer him up.  Both vaccine cards in tow.   


Prayers for all on Roy's care list and for the people of Ukraine.  The horror of the train station attack. The world  can't let this become just ho hum.   🙏😢



a long bill '13.jpg

am i safe '13.jpg

angry bird 1 '14.jpg

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36 minutes ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report, and thank you Debbie for today's recipes. And thank you all for being here!


Is there an equivalent to a "Staycation" for cruising? And lightening doesn't strike the same spot twice, right? We have had a crazy last two days with getting Sue and DSIL down to Ft. Lauderdale for their cruise on the Nieuw Statendam today.


A bit of a recap. Sue, DSIL and I were supposed to be on the Rotterdam this week. That was until SWA cancelled our flight for Saturday leaving us no alternative than to cancel the cruise. Skip ahead to Sue and DSIL now set five days later to cruise on the Nieuw Statendam starting today. I am staying home with Sam this time as the dogsitter is not available. So they booked flights on SWA to FLL - again. We could not believe that SWA cancelled their flight for Thursday this time as well! Wednesday evening Sue received an email about the cancellation. Jumped on the phone for a two-hour wait on hold to speak with a SWA rep. No luck but Sue was able to grab two of the last seats on a United flight from Dulles for Thursday evening. It required a bit of change in logistics.


They decided to ride our Virginia-sponsored Megabus to the airport rather than drive and park. Good thing as it was a very rainy day so it was a good day to ride the Valley Flyer.  All was well at the airport until the flight started to be delayed for departure. Finally boarded the full flight only to have the passengers disembark as it was to be further delayed. It left two hours late but they are now waiting for their boarding time this afternoon.




I always disliked traveling during April for business. I guess travel never changes.


- Jack



Those are two determined women.  More power to them.


@smitty34877 Miss Camilla is just beautiful.  The Daily made a great decision when we adopted her.  

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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  I appreciate all we have, but you don't want to see me draw anything, as I have zero artistic talent.  I enjoy going to a zoo, but DH doesn't, so it isn't high on the list of things we do while on vacation.  I like today's quote; Helen Keller was very insightful (no pun intended).


It's interesting that Tokyo should be the port of the day, as on this day in 2012 and 2016 we were in Tokyo, but not part of a cruise either time.  The first time was so that I could perform our DS and DDIL's wedding, and in 2016 it was so that the Japanese family could meet their 1 year old grandson.  We loved both visits and found the Japanese people so helpful to people who asked for assistance.  We look forward to a return in the future with a 2nd grandson in the mix now.


@StLouisCruisersHappy Birthday to you and your twin with many more happy returns of the day!

@smitty34877 thank you for continuing to update us on Miss Camilla; we love seeing how she's growing!

@mamaofami it sounds like Sam's really progressing with this new aide; keeping my fingers crossed for you that it continues on this path.

@Heartgrove it's like deja vous, isn't it?  Sending good vibes that they make it to their destination on time!


Not a lot going on here today, except this afternoon when DH and I go to a recording studio so I can do the narration for the historical video he's producing.  I have to make sure to drink a lot of water to keep my vocal chords supple.  


I don't care for today's menu suggestion . . . I do like certain types of sushi, but this one just doesn't hold any appeal.  I know DH would just look and go "No."  LOL    No worries, it's Friday night pizza night at our house, so I think when we're finished at the recording studio, we'll stop and pick up a pizza on the way home for dinner.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for those in Ukraine and for all who are providing assistance.  Extra also for our Daily family with health and family struggles.   We'll clink our glasses together to celebrate all who comprise the happy list.  Stay safe, get your boosters, wear your masks when you need to, wash your hands and be well.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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A special Happy Birthday @StLouisCruisersSandi.🎂🎈🍾💐


It’s a beautiful day outside despite the cold front that has arrived. It was a good morning for sleeping in of which I enjoyed. Yesterday, was a marathon of watching the Masters and today will likely be a repeat after some morning chores.

This week sped by like a locomotive so only 20 days left before Aloha time!


Thanks Rich for the Daily Fleet Report and to all that contribute to our Daily read.

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Good morning friends!  My goodness what a start to the day!  Thank you to all you wonderful people for the birthday wishes.  @rafinmd, @seagarsmoker, @cat shepard, @grapau27, @Mr. Boston, @dfish, @kb4683, @puppycanducruise@summer slope, @smitty34877@mamaofami, @Heartgrove@marshhawk, @cunnorl, @ottahand7@ger_77 and @Seasick Sailor!!  Edited to add @aliaschief.  My twin would thank you too.  She is going out to lunch with her hubby and to dinner with a DD and DSIL.  I am going out to lunch with my DH too and since it's Friday I will have a GREEK salad and broccoli cheese soup at St. Louis Bread, uh, I mean Panera.  Yes, it's called St. Louis Bread in our hometown and that is where it was founded.  All that talk of Greek salad yesterday made me hungry for it!  The weather is lovely today so I'm a happy camper.  


Thank you Rich @richwmnfor our tremendous Daily, and also to Roy @rafinmdfor the Care and Celebration lists.  Several new things on the Celebration lists like baseball and Tiger back in the Masters.  I think that is covered in the All is Ours Day explanation from Graham.  We have so much to be grateful for.  I would draw a picture of a bird but don't laugh!  I enjoy zoos no matter where I go.  The menu suggestion is a hard no from me!  The wine however sounds delightful.  I have been to Tokyo's airport a couple times but never visited the city.  Last time we had that destination was Nov. 20, 2021.  Thanks in advance for your photos everyone!


Thanks Terry @smitty34877for Camilla's Easter photo.  My gosh, she is just precious!  I agree with Debbie that we are lucky to have adopted her.  Hope @Heartgrove's DW and DSIL get to their cruise on time.  What a tragedy it would be if they didn't.  Cheers to all on that long Celebration list and prayers for all who made the Care list.  I heard last night that Jen saw the ENT who checked her hearing and it is about 70% in her right ear which is pretty good he thought.  It could improve more.  Jen has had some vertigo/dizziness in the evenings which he didn't have an explanation for.  Hopefully that will subside.  She is generally seated at that time of evening so that is safer than standing when it happens.  All in all good news for her hearing. 


Thanks again for your happy wishes.  I appreciate you all so much.

Edited by StLouisCruisers
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When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.--Helen Keller


Today's Helen Keller quote brings into focus The Daily request I've been considering. So, with deep appreciation for all the prayers the Daily-ites have offered these past months, and with the sincere hope that @rafinmd (Roy) and all the Daily-ites will understand the spirit with which it is asked, I will make my request. 


Could my DH's inability to cruise please come off future rotation prayer lists? 


While it's true my DH will never cruise again, I am trying my best to focus – with patience and positivity – on those activities his health will allow. To paraphrase Helen Keller, it's time for me to focus on open doors of happiness.


With deep appreciation for all prayers,


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Good Morning All, 

I haven’t read this thread ( will when we return) so I hope this isn’t inappropriate to the current discussion.😁


We’re just pulling into Matzatlan.


For augmentation in the F&B Department, last nights dinner in MDR:



The wine was purchased at the mission in Loreto. We discovered the (reused) cork had worked it’s way out and started to spill in DHs pack. So instead of taking the bottle home, we’re drinking it here. And it is really nice. Fruity, a little dry with a little sparkle. It’s made from a centuries old recipe used on the mission. Reportedly.


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Good morning All.


Happy Birthday, @StLouisCruisersSandi and many returns of the day!   Enjoy your Greek luncheon!  🎂  🎈   🎉   (Dill for me 🙋‍♀️ )


Terry @smitty34877, Miss Camilla could not be any cuter.  Pretty girl with her long ballerina legs!  😍


@HeartgroveJack...ugghhh on all the flight difficulties.  I hope DW and DSIL get moving along and have a great vacation!


Yesterday, talking with @Quartzsite CruiserLenda about heading back to Texas got me thinking.   Where would our Dailyites choose to be during the hottest days of summer?  We used to go to Idaho in August, but not anymore.  Here in San Diego, the beaches are good in August, but it's too hot for me.  Where would Dailyites choose to be in August?  Floating around the Med?  Alaska?  In the mountains somewhere?


Today I'm getting my fourth Covid shot.  I'll report on how it goes.  I've been following along with others, and so far it seems like some symptoms, but not too daunting.


Wishing all a great Friday.  Many thanks for our Daily.   😊   🌻   🌷   🌹


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Thanks for the birthday wishes Maxine @AncientWanderer!  I will surely enjoy my lunch!


After seeing Camilla's Easter photo I thought I'd show you a couple of DD's holiday decorating ideas.  She calls this her nerdy bunny.  More appropriate for the first day of April.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKZebLm137qx1u8uIsXkAcGqCe7ffHDJpwno-pEcjtJnw?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1647952821


She buys the tiered trays, beads and greenery from places like Hobby Lobby, then cuts out the wood decorations and paints them.  She has a machine called a GlowForge which does the hard work on the cutting.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIACpuE7Eu81z3Dc3LpitDd5cYdfB3jRoL_VZILaXEufg?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1647952821




Good thing she has room to store all her decorations!  

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4 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Thanks for the birthday wishes Maxine @AncientWanderer!  I will surely enjoy my lunch!


After seeing Camilla's Easter photo I thought I'd show you a couple of DD's holiday decorating ideas.  She calls this her nerdy bunny.  More appropriate for the first day of April.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKZebLm137qx1u8uIsXkAcGqCe7ffHDJpwno-pEcjtJnw?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1647952821


She buys the tiered trays, beads and greenery from places like Hobby Lobby, then cuts out the wood decorations and paints them.  She has a machine called a GlowForge which does the hard work on the cutting.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIACpuE7Eu81z3Dc3LpitDd5cYdfB3jRoL_VZILaXEufg?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1647952821




Good thing she has room to store all her decorations!  

Have a gloriously happy birthday! We're a month apart, minus one day.  




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A quick one this morning, Dear Dad and I are off to the V.A. for his appointment, they are really going to spend some time dealing with his water retention in his legs.


Our spring weather is gone, today is like autumn, the weekend will be winter.  Oh well, life in the PNW!


Have a good day everybody!

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2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

First things first: Happy Birthday  to Sandi and of course,her twin.Enjoy your day and celebrate  well.


The sun is out after days of rain and I had two very happy sniffing dogs on a walk earlier. We will pass on the recipe today as Veggie burgers are on the menu.If it remains dry, I will even use the outside grill for the first time this year.It is a sure sign of spring. 

The quote is excellent  and we have not been to Tokyo. 

I got this picture a few days ago and share it with the Daily family. I guess this is the Easter picture  of  Miss Camilla. 




Thanks @smitty34877, I was just hoping for a picture of Miss Camilla as I started reading the Daily and there she is, beautiful and smiling as always. 
@StLouisCruiserHappy Birthday Sandi to you and your twin. 

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👍Thank you for The Daily, Rich @richwmnand to Roy @rafinmdfor the Care and Celebration Lists.

🎂 Birthday Blessings to Sandi @StLouisCruisers(and her twin)! 😊

Yesterday, DH and I had our second booster and then went to lunch....no issues...just a little sore in my arm.

😎Crazy warm weather this week and back down 20 degrees next week???🙃

Prayers to all in need and especially to the brave people in Ukraine.🙏



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Thanks for our TGIF Daily, Rich.


Nice collection of days.  We’ve had the privilege of visiting some pretty impressive zoos in our travels.  I think DH’s favourite was in Australia we got to be close to koala.


Love the Helen Keller quote.  It’s true and sometimes very hard to see the one opened for us. @HAL Sailer Miriam I admire you attitude very much with the difficult road you have had. ♥️ 


Regarding yesterday’s survey, you can put me down for yes on dill.  I think I’ll pass on the meal suggestion for today.  Not sure what is on the menu tonight.  I




We have had today’s wine and it got 👍 from us 🙂  



@StLouisCruisers a very happy birthday to you 🙂


@smitty34877Miss Camilla is exquisite.  What a great Easter pic!


Just a heads up - Multi quote and latex gloves don’t work well together 😉 


Prayers for everyone on the Care list and for those that need them and a toast to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a Good Friday everyone !!!!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your mask when / where needed.


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Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


I love listening to the birds sing and watching them fly, hop and flutter, but I won't insult them by trying to draw them. 😁 Haven't been to a zoo in years, but do enjoy them. I am extremely grateful for all I have.


A very true quote by a great woman. I love sushi, but will pass on today's meal.


Happy birthday, Sandi! 🎊🎂🥳 @StLouisCruisers


@smitty34877 Terry, Camilla is so beautiful.


Like Bruce @aliaschief

I slept in this morning which is very unusual. (I couldn't get the cursor back I place. 🤷🏻‍♀️) I couldn't believe when I saw it was after 9:00.


DH was feeling pretty good yesterday so he decided he didn't need to continue the medication he's been taking. He also decided that it was a good idea to do some activities. Well, unfortunately, he was wrong. I would say he is getting better, but rest and medication through the weekend is probably best. Also having another test today. Thank you for your continued prayers.


So, taking care of DH, some housekeeping and regular hobbies will be what today and the weekend holds for me. 😀


Wishing everyone a fantastic Friday.


🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

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1 hour ago, AncientWanderer said:

Good morning All.


Happy Birthday, @StLouisCruisersSandi and many returns of the day!   Enjoy your Greek luncheon!  🎂  🎈   🎉   (Dill for me 🙋‍♀️ )


Terry @smitty34877, Miss Camilla could not be any cuter.  Pretty girl with her long ballerina legs!  😍


@HeartgroveJack...ugghhh on all the flight difficulties.  I hope DW and DSIL get moving along and have a great vacation!


Yesterday, talking with @Quartzsite CruiserLenda about heading back to Texas got me thinking.   Where would our Dailyites choose to be during the hottest days of summer?  We used to go to Idaho in August, but not anymore.  Here in San Diego, the beaches are good in August, but it's too hot for me.  Where would Dailyites choose to be in August?  Floating around the Med?  Alaska?  In the mountains somewhere?


Today I'm getting my fourth Covid shot.  I'll report on how it goes.  I've been following along with others, and so far it seems like some symptoms, but not too daunting.


Wishing all a great Friday.  Many thanks for our Daily.   😊   🌻   🌷   🌹


August either in Maine(Ogonquit) or  the Cape  just about any small town near the National  Seashore

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Today is our 34th Anniversary!


I think Mitzi and I would have both forgotten it except for a celebratory text from our son😬. We are still "recovering" (unpacking, doing laundry, scrounging food, going through 3 weeks of mail...) from our NS cruise, so we may delay celebrating for a day or two. 


Here are a couple of pictures from the cruise. I will try to post more details later -


Marigot Bay



Soufriere rainbow



Aperol Spritzes


Edited by Overhead Fred
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