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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday November 28th, 2022


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Like Black Friday, I don't expect to be buying much of anything today; I love French toast and applaud Mauritania Independence Day.  


Well the family arrived back in Calgary safely, but ran into snow about 2 hours from here, so it made the trip seem longer with oncoming vehicles swirling the snow around.  I'm sure they were as happy to be home as we were to know they'd made it safely.    Speaking of snow, it did come eastward and we've had a good snowfall overnight, with a snow advisory for the full day.  As soon as it gets light out, I think DH will take the heavy duty leaf blower and see what he can do on the driveway.  If that doesn't work, we'll take the shovels and clear it all.


We're having someone come to the house today to measure the front entry for a new door and sidelights.  Ours is original to the house (built in 1975), and doesn't fit the opening well, making it a real heat loss area in the winter.   We're currently having "discussions" as to whether we're going to have full length or half sidelights; I'm wanting half, DH wants full.  We'll see who compromises.  LOL


I'd like to try today's menu suggestion, but our neighbours across the street have invited us over for a late afternoon visit to hear about our cruise, and to enjoy dinner with them.  She's a marvelous cook (great Ukrainian heritage), so whatever appears on the table tonight is bound to be delicious.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is hurting and in need, cheers to all with celebrations.  Stay safe, be well.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Good Monday Morning Dailyites!  DH and I have dental appointments this morning.  Our favorite Thai restaurant is between the dentist and our house so we will stop on the way home and get lunch.  


I have not received my work schedule for this week yet.  Probably because I forgot to send in my hours from Saturday.


We had Ruebens for lunch yesterday, and we will have them again for dinner tonight.  A beef brisket french dip sounds great, but with sauerkraut?   Thinking my TX DH would say NO!


@StLouisCruisersIf I had known there would have been a run off I would have booked a cruise this time of year.  DH always loves Christmas cruises.  The ads are about to put me over the edge.


@rafinmdI think we can take Jesse off the list .  He has overcome his fear about the treatment, he is doing the radiation, and has had some problems with low white cell count, but is doing the chemo now weekly.  When they can.  He decided he would rather be alive, than dead.  This is a good sign.  A much better attitude.


The sky is clear and blue, the winds have died down, the temp says 47, and I think the weather will be normal for the end of November.  Knowing that the south will be getting severe weather mid week, does not make me happy.  Grandpa always said the clearer the sky, the worse the storm.


@JazzyVyou and your BFF are in my prayers.



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58 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

HAL Sailer Sister in Law with aggressive cancer therapy



A week ago, DSIL had a loop recorder inserted to monitor for heart AFib after her cancer brain scan showed stroke activity and a blood clot was found in her jugular vein. Friday, during the holiday weekend, the monitoring group called to warn that AFib had occurred and she should go immediately to ER at the slightest sign of an issue. Last night, they contacted her about more AFib activity, another ER advisory, and to schedule her immediately with her cardiologist.


Metastatic melanoma, stroke activity, jugular blood clot, AFib -- at age 90, she is somehow keeping hope alive. 


Thank you all for keeping her in your prayers and thanks @rafinmd for keeping DSIL on the Rotation.


We are still in SWFL but prepared to head north as needed,


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Good morning Dailyites. 


A beautiful morning,  warming to 70 today!


Happy Anniversary to your twin and her DH Sandi.




Sandi and Dixie, love your picture together. I hope you're having a great time. 


I have not made French toast in ages. My sweet husband usually wants cheese toast on 7 seed bread. 




Today besides having my nails done I need to call my dentist.  My gum has been swollen since my cleaning. I want to be sure there's no infection or something stuck.


Our sweet Ethan may get to go home today. There's a picture coming that I can post. He's so sweet and adorable. 


Not sure what's happening for dinner tonight. The Reuben sounds good.


Prayers to all on our prayer lists. Have a wonderful week!




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@HAL Sailer You are right about your DSIL keeping hope alive.  She must be an amazing person.


I forgot to mention that one of our book club folk has Covid.  They have 3 daughters,  but one of the daughters will not get vaccinated, and yet they all get together often.

But they always want to get together with the remaining members of the book club, but they didn't tell us about the one daughter.  And this is the second time he has had covid.   If they want to see their daughter and grand kids, that's fine, but I think they should be a bit more responsible regarding who else they have over.  (just venting) still debating if we will go to book club in December.

Edited by marshhawk
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A good cyber Monday morning to all. 

I like French Toast, and Cheers to Mauritania for their Independence.

i don’t like Reubens so I will pass on that.

The drink sounds nice, but the wine is way over my budget.

Thank you Rich for your untiring work in giving us the Daily and Fleet Report.


Thank you also to Roy for the Cares list and special prayers for @JazzyV’s BFF’s Dad during his final days.  Prayers also for the family.

Prayers also to all those who need them


Sandi and Dixie. @StLouisCruisers and @summer slope How nice of you two to spend time together on your cruise and grace us with such a lovely picture.

Hoe you enjoy the cruise.

Cheers to everyone else celebrating and cruising.

Have a great day and 

God Bless.


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Thanks for our Monday Daily, Rich.


A bit late to the party this morning - I guess I was celebrating Cyber Monday since I was trying to fix my reservation for my hotel in San Diego and discovered they had a Cyber Monday sale.  Yippee!  I got a slightly nicer room, added the breakfast I needed and it’s still more than $100 less for the 3 nights than it was before.  Maybe this is a sign?


Love French Toast as a treat and a happy Independence day to Mauritania 👍 


Love the Jung quote and yum on today’s meal suggestion 👍 


The Bay of Fundy is making sure we are blessed with rain instead of the snow those North of us are having.


2 hours ago, seagarsmoker said:

Thanks for the Daily Report and I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Covid update - feeling better, I would say I am 90% normal. Going to try working today and see if that works. Thanks everyone for the kind words this past week. 🙂 


Yay, good news you have improved so much.  Hope you are 100% soon 🤞 


2 hours ago, MISTER 67 said:

I see the hand surgeon tomorrow and hope he gives me the OK to  play golf. The fingertip and nail bed is still a little sore but getting a little bit better every day.


Good luck with your visit with the surgeon tomorrow.  Hope he gives you his blessing for your golf games 🤞 


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Happy anniversary wishes to my twin and her DH.  53 years just like my hubby and I.  They married 13 weeks after we did. 


A very happy anniversary to your twin and her DH 🙂. 53 years of wedded bliss - how wonderful!


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Sandi and Dixie in Ocean Bar. 🥂




Great picture!


45 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

I’m still testing negative but today is only day 4. I had plans to meet a long time friend who is up from Florida but had to cancel that. I’ve ordered in everything I might need if I get sick and now there is a waiting game.


You are smart to be prepared Carol ‘in case’.  Hoping you stay negative and planning for the worst means that things have turned out for the best 🙏🏻 


25 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:

Metastatic melanoma, stroke activity, jugular blood clot, AFib -- at age 90, she is somehow keeping hope alive. 


Oh my heavens - she has so many challenges and is such a fighter - she does indeed keep hope alive 👍 


My prayers continue for her and all of you 🙏🏻 


1 minute ago, marshhawk said:

 If they want to see their daughter and grand kids, that's fine, but I think they should be a bit more responsible regarding who else they have over.  (just venting) still debating if we will go to book club in December.


I completely agree with you.  It just takes one bad apple (or thoughtless person that doesn’t let people know).


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and a 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.




Have a great Monday everyone and stay safe!

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Good morning everyone. @StLouisCruisers and @summer slope, Sandi and Dixie, I loved the photo of the two of you and hope you both continue to enjoy your cruise.

@JazzyV, Vanessa, I hope your BFF’s  DF has found peace and that the two of you are managing . It is a very difficult time but good you are all together.

@Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, I was so happy to read of Steve’s progress. I am sure you are both anxious for Thursday to come. It certainly has been a long journey for you both.

@MISTER 67, good luck at the Doc’s  tomorrow! I am sure the golf course calls to you….


We love French Toast here  but it sure is nice on a BHB.We have not been 5o the port.I won’t be buying anything on Cyber Monday. We have scaled back the whole gift giving thing dramatically and we will all find it less stressful.

Sending my best wishes to all of you


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I was only half awake when I started reading, and the meal suggestion alarmed me: instead of beef, I envisioned dipping the sandwich in sauerkraut juice. What will be next, a tuna melt dipped in clam juice?


I think I would rather have French toast.


Between not decorating for Christmas at home, and not getting out much in the past few years, I had no idea what the trend in Christmas decorations was. According to the NYT, it's even more topical than before. Some of them, such as Queen Elizabeth or RBG, I can understand, but a disposable water bottle? Butter? I enjoy helping others decorate their Christmas trees, but maybe I have never understood the theory.



It's another gloomy day here, the sort where you turn on every lamp in the house.







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36 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:


A week ago, DSIL had a loop recorder inserted to monitor for heart AFib after her cancer brain scan showed stroke activity and a blood clot was found in her jugular vein. Friday, during the holiday weekend, the monitoring group called to warn that AFib had occurred and she should go immediately to ER at the slightest sign of an issue. Last night, they contacted her about more AFib activity, another ER advisory, and to schedule her immediately with her cardiologist.


Metastatic melanoma, stroke activity, jugular blood clot, AFib -- at age 90, she is somehow keeping hope alive. 


Thank you all for keeping her in your prayers and thanks @rafinmd for keeping DSIL on the Rotation.


We are still in SWFL but prepared to head north as needed,


Prayers continue for your DSIL. So sorry to hear this.

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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I like Cyber Monday, love French toast! (but don't make it at home) and salute Mauritanian independence. Good quote. The meal sounds good. Pass on the drink. I can't afford the wine!

I haven't been to Port Louis, Mauritius.


BFF and I spent a tiring 7 hours at his Dad's bedside yesterday. Then we left in the evening for dinner, having said our goodbyes, and went home. At about 11:45 pm the hospital called to tell us he had passed at 11:30. BFF went back alone for one last goodbye. He is now quite overwhelmed with all that has to be done. I'll go with him tomorrow to the funeral home to make arrangements. I appreciate all the prayers and support from the Daily family.


@seagarsmoker Good to hear you're 90%. Don't overdo it!

@MISTER 67 Good luck at the hand surgeon tomorrow and I hope he/she gives the ok to golf.

@StLouisCruisers Thank you. Happy Anniversary to your twin and her DH. Nice picture of you and Dixie.

@mamaofami I hope you stay well. Sorry you have to miss events and appointments.

@HAL Sailer Prayers for DSIL and all she is enduring.

@Cruzin Terri Thanks for giving me the brand of the furniture and for the prayers. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser I was happy to read of DH's progress and that he should be coming home soon.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

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@HAL SailerPrayers for your DSIL, she has gone through a lot and must be a tough woman.

Sandi and Dixie looks like you are enjoying your Amazon cruise, thanks for sharing the picture of you together.    Sandi thanks for letting us know those ancient TVs have been updated!

Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports.  I love French toast and today would be perfect day for it because we have macerated raspberries in the fridge.  Not to be because I have an ultrasound today and some blood work then we will probably head to the nearby tavern for lunch/dinner.   When I eat there I don't need any dinner.   I'll take my brisket on a roll with horseradish rather than sauerkraut.   The drink looks great minus the mint.  When I looked at the wine's name earlier I knew it would be pricy.  Looking forward to pictures of Mauritania.    Prayers for all on the care list, @JazzyV and for the people in Ukraine.  It is very dark and cold there right now.  

I didn't see my brother yesterday as I decided it was time to do a good housecleaning before the Ravens loss.  I got a call from DSIL about 11 and she asked if DB could go on oral meds instead of IV because he had Pic line issues again.   I explained he has a Pic line that goes directly into his heart because he needs the antibiotic into his blood constantly.   He has osteomyelitis or bone infection.  Since the bones have limited blood supply he needs the IV drug delivery.  The mess dragged on all afternoon.  His arm with the Pic was cold and clammy so they did an x-ray.   After that they decided they were going to move the Pic back to his left arm that had issues last week.  Then they had to wait for a specialized IV nurse to move the line.   She tried several times and it did not work.  Therefore he has no line in now and will be at the ER this morning to have one put in his chest.  My older sister saw him yesterday and he looked great and sitting up in a wheelchair but he was limited in movement due to the Pic line issue in his right arm.   It seems he is two steps forward and one and a half steps back.  So sad for him and my DSIL.  

Have a nice day!  Nancy 

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Good Morning All,

Looks like a lovely day in the making. I have a few errands and will work on my scanning project. A couple weeks ago I got a picture scanner and I’m making soft copies of our pre-digital prints. I stated using 300 DPI and after about 2 boxes, realized I really did want the additional resolution of 600 DPI, so will re-scan those boxes. And tag some of the pictures. I might be done by Christmas. This year. 

@JazzyV Sending you and your BFF hugs, and praying for peace. 

2 hours ago, cunnorl said:

 I want to see the Emu’s. Our CD told us the funniest story today about Emu’s . The whole showroom was in stitches. He really is a good one.




We’re listening….


Have a great day everyone!

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@JazzyVour sympathies to you and DF family. Good morning! It’s another sunny day in California starting in low forties and warming to sixties later on. We have a couple of more days here before flying home Wednesday. It has been a great visit. Kids are off working today and granddaughter is in pre school so without a car our options are limited. Maybe a walk, finish a book or just sit in the sun and enjoy the view from there house. I know we have volunteered to prepare dinner and I’ll be cooking pork chops on the grill.

Exciting to see many of you are presently on cruises or soon will be. It’s what we love to do.

Thanks for the reports and post. Prayers for those in need.


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Good morning from a chilly Tucson. It was 38F when I got up and even though the heater was on the same temp I keep it on every night I felt super cold so got up earlier than usual. It’s supposed to be 71F this afternoon but right now it doesn’t feel like it will. 

I like French toast and used to make it often but got out of the habit. Craig will order it on a BHB occasionally. I don’t think I’ll order anything for Cyber Monday. I love Ruben sandwiches and I love French Dip sandwiches but I don’t want them together. I’d love to try Annie’s @marshhawk Ruben’s, they sound wonderful and I agree, it’s the sauce that makes it delicious. 

Sandi @StLouisCruisers, Happy Anniversary to your twin and her DH. Great picture of you and Dixie. I’m sorry about your you know what yesterday, I shouldn’t have said anything. 🤫 I need to learn to follow my own rules but sometimes just can’t help myself. 

Vanessa @JazzyV, I’m sorry for your and BFF’s loss. May he Rest In Peace. 

Have a great day everyone!

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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:


BFF and I spent a tiring 7 hours at his Dad's bedside yesterday. Then we left in the evening for dinner, having said our goodbyes, and went home. At about 11:45 pm the hospital called to tell us he had passed at 11:30. BFF went back alone for one last goodbye. He is now quite overwhelmed with all that has to be done. I'll go with him tomorrow to the funeral home to make arrangements. I appreciate all the prayers and support from the Daily family.



Vanessa, I am so sorry to hear of BFF's DF's death.  I am sure  you are both comforted by the fact that you came home to be with him at this time.  Warm thoughts and hugs across the miles to you both at this difficult time.  

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@JazzyVI am sorry to hear of BFF's loss. What a blessing that you were able to turn back and get home to be with his Dad.


Sunny here and the forecast for the next few days is very mixed. I suspect we will get no snow, but there will be come at the higher elevations. It is still plenty cold. I bundled little Monty up for his morning walk and was glad I did as we got to our usual turn around point and then I could not walk back to the house due to a large number of deer between us and home. The dogs ignore them, but I did not want to startle them into the street as traffic was rather heavy so we waited until they moved up the hill. Temp was 14F.


Today my main chore is to pay some bills, renew my membership in the local kennel club, and haul stuff in several loads to the recycling and to the trash. Also I need to mend a dog bed that Monty seems intent on ripping up and spreading stuffing through the house. Laundry needs doing too.


Am going back and forth on the cruise I am booked for in January '24. I don't have to make another payment until June but I am just not sure about the length of time and the financial outlay. Decisions, decisions. Maybe look for something shorter.



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