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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday March 15th, 2023


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Good morning to all from a very chilly Bluffton, SC.  It is 41 degrees this morning and does not promise to get higher than 53 today.

Thank you Sandi for the Daily and Fleet Report.

Not sure about Buzzards.  I can be Dumbstruck about a lot of things these days.  Good and bad.  Just the way my life has been lately.  As far as “everything you think is wrong” day.  Well, lets not go there.

We will pass on the meal.  Curry and coconut are nono foods around here

The drink sounds good as does the wine. 

Have not been to Adelaide but enjoyed Sandi’s @StLouisCruisers photos.

I like the quote.

Thank you to @JazzyV Vanessa for the lists.  I think you can remove me from the cares list.  i am doing better.  At least I think so.  The positive side of feeling so sick is that I have lost another two pounds.  Eating is still a problem for me.

Thank you to @dfish Debbie for the recipes.  I did read about your surgery and wish you well.

Thank you also to Ann @cat shepard for the wine.  I like Rose and have enjoyed sparkling Rose so we may give this a try on a special occasion, like Jim’s birthday that is coming up in a month,

Thank you to Dixie @summer slope for the drink recipe.  It looks good and may be worth a try as well.


Sandi, congratulations goes to Ren for his acceptance in the soccer league.  You should be proud.  


As for me.  I am feeling better.  I am over whatever happened.  Not sure if it was the incorrect medicine that was administered, or a bug I picked up.  

As for the bathroom, things are moving along.  The Vanity is in but not yet hooked up.  The sinks have to go in and the pipes connected.  The tilers have to return and correct one area of the shower.  The toilet has yet to be installed.  

They will be here later this morning.

DH went to have blood work done for his doctor appointment next week.  Hoping all is okay.  

I promised him waffles when he returns.

Thanks for all your prayers and well wishes while I took a short break.

I am happy to be back.

God bless,


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Happy Wednesday Morning Dailyites.  Computer says its 29 degrees (we are a little further north than Sandi).  I had a terrible nights sleep, And woke up with leg cramps so many times that I eventually gave up and got up.  I finished work last night, texted my hours on the phones, then had to send my end of day with sales information,, but on Tuesdays nights I still have to walk the neighbors dog, take the trash down to the street and then there was laundry to fold, so I finally got done with the day at 10:15..  Then there is unwind time, and I was tired, but even though I went to bed 15 minutes earlier than usual, sleep did not come.  Cats arrived....


My favorite boss wants me back with him on a very part time basis starting on April 9th?  And there is still a rumor that in mid April I will be back with the Arizona opera on a very part time basis.  Neither of these pay the big commissions that the campaign I work on now, but I have a much less stressful time working with these bosses, and it is hard that DH and I work on the same campaign.  I dont find the "competition" fun at all.


Years ago at the 6 Flags over Georgia there was a wandering character called Buford the Buzzard.  Buzzards are not even listed in my book of North American Birds, all I could think of was Buzzards Bay.  Georgia is full of vultures. To me they were always the same thing.


@StLouisCruisersCongratulations to Ren!  What a great opportunity.


@dfishI love salmon, I love coconut, and I love curry.  These dishes look absolutely fabulous!  In fact we are having salmon tonight....I was thinking teriyaki, but I could bake the salmon in some of my canned curries....I'll have to figure out how to cook and work at the same time. You are right, the peppers work very well in curry.  I usually add peppers and onions just to sneak in veggies. 😸


@grapau27Thanks for the definitions.  What used to cause some people to be dumbstruck just seems to be normal life these days.  I think if we look at our world, that there is at least one thing we can find every day, that will give us a moment of dumbstruck.







Edited by marshhawk
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Buzzards have an important role in nature, but I'm not enthusiastic about the other special days. I also don't much like coconut and think that the cocktail is a waste of good Bourbon--if there's Woodford Reserve I'll have mine with a little spring water. The wine is a bit above my budget, but if you're pouring, please save a glass for me.


I'll report from last night that the vegan taco mix wasn't good enough to buy again. The only product of that general type (shelf-stable) that I liked has disappeared from the market and I suspect that the manufacturer has gone out of business.


The YKW has stopped and it is sunny but not very warm. I need to get to a grocery store today.



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Thanks everyone for your good wishes for Ren.  I wish his buddy and teammate Colton was coming with him but he accepted an offer from a Colorado FC.  His Mom liked Colorado better but I think it would have been great to have them together in Dallas.  DS says the boys he's joining were so welcoming to Ren and Colton when they were visiting down there.  


Remember that awful week in Dallas with the ice storms and practices called off?  It still worked out well for the boys.

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Good morning on this Ides of March.

Odd days. Hmmm to buzzards. I've only been dumbstruck by the beauty of nature on some of my travels, like Antarctica. I hope everything I think isn't wrong. I'll pass on the salmon (fish and coconut), drink and wine. I have been to Australia, but not Adelaide.


After a frigid day yesterday, it's sunny and going into the 40's today. That should melt the inch of snow that's on the grass. I got a good night's sleep, even though I didn't go to bed until almost 1AM. It's injection day for me and I've just taken Benadryl to premedicate, so I'll just be around the house and somewhat drowsy today (maybe my large cup of coffee will help). I got my prepared taxes back and will get a refund for the first time in ages.


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for our startup today. Ouch on walking into the door. I have nightlights around to help with those middle of the night BR trips. I think the blue bubbles are darker and more vivid to stick out more in the text. Congrats to Ren on his choice and older DGS on starting college in the fall! Thanks for the Adelaide photos.

@aliaschief I hope all goes well with the annual checkup.

@rafinmd Good to hear you slept well. I hope everything checks out good at the podiatrist.

@ottahand7 So sad about the crew member; that's the 2nd death I've heard of recently of a member of the entertainment team. 

@ger_77 That reminds me I need to schedule with my pulmonary doctor regarding my CPAP.

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad to hear you're doing better. I hope your appetite improves.

@marshhawk Sorry about all the work issues yesterday and last night's poor sleep. 


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List.

Be well everyone.

Edited by JazzyV
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Good morning from central Texas where the temperature is 53F and going to 68F this afternoon.  As usual, it's windy with a mix of clouds and sun.


I think I'd rather celebrate the Ides of March than today's days.  Buzzards do play and important role in our ecology, and the number of turkey vultures in our area has risen substantially in the past few years as the roadkill count has risen.  It's not often I'm dumbstruck, and I hope I'm not wrong in what I think.


Today's quote is true, and it's sad that sometimes we don't realize how wonderful our life is until later.


We'll pass on the meal since neither of us is fond of curry or coconut in most dishes.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


I wish we had been to Adelaide.  Maybe, we'll get there some day.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, congratulations to Ren on getting a place on the Dallas soccer team.  I was wondering if Ten's friend Colton had gotten an offer, and while I'm pleased he's accepted the offer from the Colorado team. I'm sorry he and Ren won't be together in Dallas. I'm sorry about your bump in the night. 

@cat shepard  Ann, I'm glad the wind didn't keep you away from the beachfront winery until after sunset.

@ottahand7  Nancy, what sad news about the band member dying.  Our condolences and thoughts are with his family, along with condolences to the crew and passengers.

@superoma  Eva, I'm glad your family is feeling better, and that your DGS could go to class last night.

@ger_77  Gerry, I hope your DH's appointment goes well, and that the respirologist has a solution to the mask problem.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I'm glad you are feeling better.  I suspect it was a stomach bug not the wrong medicine that cause the problem since it was quite some time after the incident that you got sick.  I'm glad the bathroom is coming along, but sorry they have to redo part of the shower tile.  I hope your DH's blood work for next week's physical is good.

@marshhawk  Annie, I hope the work situation turns out well for you, and you have less stress.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope your absence so far this morning means you are at your physical therapy session, and that the news is good. 




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Good morning!, 


The sun is out and it's a pretty morning here. DH is progressing. He transferred yesterday and stood for over a minute. Discharge date is tomorrow at 1:00 PM. I have a local service called Care-E-Me coming to transport him home as he needs to be in the wheelchair. It will be $95.00 but I'm not paying for skilled nursing! The social worker yesterday got it arranged as well as the referral to home health but I'll follow up this morning. It will be nice to have him home. 


Have a wonderful Wednesday! 


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4 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning!, 


The sun is out and it's a pretty morning here. DH is progressing. He transferred yesterday and stood for over a minute. Discharge date is tomorrow at 1:00 PM. I have a local service called Care-E-Me coming to transport him home as he needs to be in the wheelchair. It will be $95.00 but I'm not paying for skilled nursing! The social worker yesterday got it arranged as well as the referral to home health but I'll follow up this morning. It will be nice to have him home. 


Have a wonderful Wednesday! 



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6 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  Another cold and frosty type morning at 32F with clear skies.  High will be 58 and sunny later on.  I had a rude awakening last night just before 2 am.  I got up to use the restroom and while walking in the dark I closed my eyes briefly and walked right into the edge of a door.  Ran right into my nose and forehead.  Boy, did that hurt!  I kept checking my nose to see if it was bleeding but it wasn't and I didn't see a bruise yet, so I took a few Tylenol and went back to bed.  If it had been daytime I would have put ice on it, but I wanted to try to go back to sleep.  Never did but I think I'm going to be okay.  Time will tell.  It doesn't hurt anymore.  But there went my restful night.  Motto is pry open your eyes to walk around the house at night so this doesn't happen again.


Thanks to Rich @richwmn for the wonderful Daily and Fleet Report.  (does anyone else think the blue bubbles are a brighter blue than before?  Hmmm)  I don't know if I'm planning on celebrating our days today.  Buzzard Day.  No thanks.  Dumbstruck Day.  I think I already struck myself dumb at 2 am.  Everything You Think is Wrong Day sounds rather negative so I'm skipping that one.  Today's quote is great and I agree with it.  As for the menu suggestion, lots of you don't like coconut so it might not be popular.  I like coconut but not curry and prefer not to eat salmon.  Don't know why.  No thanks to the drink but the wine sounds nice.  Probably very expensive, too.  The port of Adelaide has been shown here twice before but it's a nice one so I'm fine with that.  The link to the two prior dates are shown below.  Hope you like the pictures!


Thanks to everyone who participates here especially the food and beverage people Debbie @dfish, Ann @cat shepard and Dixie @summer slope, plus our list keeper Vanessa @JazzyV.  I'll say my prayers for those on our Care list and anyone here who needs them.  I know someone who needs lots of prayers but they prefer their problem be kept silent. 🙏  And three cheers to all on the Celebration list today.  Happy sailing and enjoy any other happy events taking place.  I got exciting news last night.  DGS Ren has made a decision on his future in soccer.  He has accepted a place on the Dallas soccer league team.  They prepare their boys for professional soccer playing in the future.  He will be joining them around August 1 and his Mom will be renting a place for them to live during his remaining 2 years of high school.  What a great honor for him!  It will mean a lot of traveling back and forth for DS to spend time with them, and older brother to Ren will be starting college in the fall so he would be away anyway.  Hoping for a bright future to both the DGSs.🥂



That's exciting, Sandi, that Ren has this opportunity.  Congratulations to him and to all your family.  They also worked hard for him to have this opportunity.  Lots of practices and traveling!  Go Ren!


I hope your nose is no worse for the wear -- and you're not in too much pain.  That sounds like a hard hit. 

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Good Morning from a cool and rainy day at the beach

      Buzzards Day? I am sure they are useful but they are ugly. Although I do like Buzzards Bay in Massachusetts!

       We were in Adelaide on our last trip. We took the train from the port into Adelaide. I think it was $10  We walked all around, had a really great day I will post some pictures from my phone. I was originally going to play golf there but it didnt work out.

   @StLouisCruisers Sandi.  A big congratulations to your GS. He obviously has a very supportive family that is encouraging hm to follow his dream.  Best of luck to him.

   @ottahand7 So sorry to hear about the crewmember. How devasting for his family and friends. I will put him in my prayers today.

     Quiet day here today

Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good morning and thanks all! 
@StLouisCruisers thanks for stepping up!  Congratulations to Ren and hope your nose isn’t too sore today. 

40 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning!, 


The sun is out and it's a pretty morning here. DH is progressing. He transferred yesterday and stood for over a minute. Discharge date is tomorrow at 1:00 PM. I have a local service called Care-E-Me coming to transport him home as he needs to be in the wheelchair. It will be $95.00 but I'm not paying for skilled nursing! The social worker yesterday got it arranged as well as the referral to home health but I'll follow up this morning. It will be nice to have him home. 


Have a wonderful Wednesday! 


Glad you have good news! 

In recovery mode today,  have enjoyed the Taittinger in the past, and a delicious Rose Piper Heidseick last night with some lobster.  DS brought a beautiful bouquet that I’ll share, can’t wait to see pussy willows in the wild. 


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Good morning and Happy Wednesday from a cloudy Tucson. It’s supposed to rain today. I’m taking it easy today after being so busy lately. 

The past few days have been filled with appointments and errands with DM. It’s really tough when I have so many consecutive days with her, especially with so much driving around. But the good part is that her taxes and physical and lung CT and banking and dermatology are all done for the year. We also went to the DMV and got a handicapped placard. Next week is the Lung CT follow up with the radiation oncologist and her hair appointment. Then I think I’m done until I get back from my cruise. I do have a few things to do for her— crazy, she got a federal jury notice that I have to deal with and schedule her dental and ENT appointments. Sorry for the rant but it helps telling my friends. 

Debbie @dfish, thank you for the recipes. I’m not a big fan of curry but these look really good. I’m going to check out the first recipe with the brown sugar. 


Sandi @StLouisCruisers, congratulations to Ren!  I noticed the deeper blue bubble last night when I was catching up with the Daily. Not sure if I like it but I’ll get used to it. 

Gerry @ger_77, Craig had the same issues using a CPAP. He ended up just not using it at all and now it sits in a closet. 🤷🏼‍♀️

I know I missed some birthday’s and celebrations lately so Happy to everyone I missed. Have a great day!

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Good morning!

Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day, but today seems to want to hang onto winter...it's supposed to get down top 29F tonight and "frozen mix" forecast for today.  Then up to 60 on Friday and Saturday.  I got all my seeds planted inside yesterday -- come on spring!


Buzzards made me think of last year when we got to our hotel in North Carolina -- and the roof was covered with buzzards.  Very strange to see that, we don't see them here.  DH asked the gal at check in if we should be worried about that! There were a few on other rooftops, but most of them were on this hotel. 😅  I'll pass on the meal (I like salmon but not coconut or curry).  We had salmon the other night with a lime marinade I make sometimes.  Also will pass on the drink and wine.  We'll be in Adelaide next year, thank you for all the photos!


Sandi @StLouisCruisersOuch about the run-in with the door last night!  I hope your nose is ok.  A big congratulations to Ren!!  And yes, the bubbles are definitely brighter blue.


Charlene @cunnorlWe may want to do what you did in Adelaide -- do you remember if the train was walking distance from the port?


Gerry @ger_77DH had to try many different CPAPs and is happy with the one he has now.  It uses nasal pillows, not a mask.  


Very sad to hear about another crew member losing his life. 😞  

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Just resting today!  Seems to be the best. Disappointed to miss a local extra-special prayer group tonight. Slept through my old NM prayer group by zoom last night. But no worse so I guess that’s good!  

Was Dumbstruck in Rome’s Forum when I stood at the spot of Caesar’s stabbing on the Ides of March!  

Happy to hear @bennybear “recovering”! Lovely flowers, enjoy it all! 
Congrats to Ren and Colton.  Very exciting for those who have contact with that youthful exuberance in their lives! 
Karen, @luvteaching May today go well wrapping up the plan for home tomorrow!  Every blessing!  

Glad to hear of better nights, and recoveries. Patience and hope for those struggling. 

Thanks to Sandi and Vanessa and Debbie and wine updates for all the uplifting photos and ideas. Didn’t get to Adelaide. Buzzards can be fun to watch from afar.  Made salmon last night, but the coconut curries sound excellent!  

Blessings to all in need, cheers for all celebrating!  Bon Voyage and smooth sailing to our cruisers. Condolences to those dealing with loss. My cousin’s passing is fresh. Waiting for more info about next steps, seems slow to hear but I’m not up for any travel now so slow is good. 



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1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning!, 


The sun is out and it's a pretty morning here. DH is progressing. He transferred yesterday and stood for over a minute. Discharge date is tomorrow at 1:00 PM. I have a local service called Care-E-Me coming to transport him home as he needs to be in the wheelchair. It will be $95.00 but I'm not paying for skilled nursing! The social worker yesterday got it arranged as well as the referral to home health but I'll follow up this morning. It will be nice to have him home. 


Have a wonderful Wednesday! 



Karen, that is really good news.  I know you both will be happy to have him home again.


1 hour ago, cunnorl said:

Pictures from downtown Adelaide. They had statues everywhere. Loved the pigs! 






Charlene, thanks for the pictures of Adelaide.


44 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all! 
@StLouisCruisers thanks for stepping up!  Congratulations to Ren and hope your nose isn’t too sore today. 

Glad you have good news! 

In recovery mode today,  have enjoyed the Taittinger in the past, and a delicious Rose Piper Heidseick last night with some lobster.  DS brought a beautiful bouquet that I’ll share, can’t wait to see pussy willows in the wild. 



Brenda, those are beautiful flowers.


32 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning and Happy Wednesday from a cloudy Tucson. It’s supposed to rain today. I’m taking it easy today after being so busy lately. 

The past few days have been filled with appointments and errands with DM. It’s really tough when I have so many consecutive days with her, especially with so much driving around. But the good part is that her taxes and physical and lung CT and banking and dermatology are all done for the year. We also went to the DMV and got a handicapped placard. Next week is the Lung CT follow up with the radiation oncologist and her hair appointment. Then I think I’m done until I get back from my cruise. I do have a few things to do for her— crazy, she got a federal jury notice that I have to deal with and schedule her dental and ENT appointments. Sorry for the rant but it helps telling my friends. 

Debbie @dfish, thank you for the recipes. I’m not a big fan of curry but these look really good. I’m going to check out the first recipe with the brown sugar. 


Sandi @StLouisCruisers, congratulations to Ren!  I noticed the deeper blue bubble last night when I was catching up with the Daily. Not sure if I like it but I’ll get used to it. 

Gerry @ger_77, Craig had the same issues using a CPAP. He ended up just not using it at all and now it sits in a closet. 🤷🏼‍♀️

I know I missed some birthday’s and celebrations lately so Happy to everyone I missed. Have a great day!


Sharon, your mother is lucky to have you help her.  I don't want to be an alarmist, but we have a good friend who gave up on his CPAP for several years, then ran into some serious issues.  He now has a APAP machine, and is using it after the scare.  I hope your DH's doctor is monitoring him closely.



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Good morning, Dailyites, it has been a busy time for us, I'm still not sure we will be cruising - a lot depends on the doctor's appointment next week.  And my suitcase is not back from the repair shop.  I may have to buy a new one!  Sorry I have missed out on some birthdays and other festivities, and I have said a few prayers for those struggling with ailments and losses.  The new blue bubble is interesting - can't miss it.  And many congratulations to Ren!


I spent three days trying to renew my Nexus card - turns out now the US login.gov site is unable to access a Canadian landline, so, in fear and trepidation, I had to completely delete all my information, wait 24 hours to complete the deletion, and then try to do it all over again using Pat's cell number so they could use that to send me my secret passcode numbers.  What a todo.  Then I had to connect that site to my Nexus info, so that I could give them my renewal money.  Hopefully it all worked!  DH and DD have their birthdays in May, and they have cellphones, so they are all organized and approved for renewals.  I know I didn't have this much hassle the last time I renewed.  Then another  couple of days trying to get some airport assistance  for our flights.  Turns out it all should be done when you buy the tickets, one way we used Air Miles and coming back a TA, so the airline wanted nothing to do with me.  Eventually I managed to do do it on line for our outgoing (3) flights, but not the return.  I never want to travel again....


In 2010 we took the train from Sydney to Perth and one of the stops was Adelaide, where they laid on a bus tour around town.  There were some beautiful homes and other buildings.  That was an amazing train journey, Roy would have been proud of us!













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Thanks again to all for your congrats to Ren.  We're excited for him!


Maxine @AncientWanderer Ren is his official first name.  It's a Chinese name and his middle and last name are "American".  DDIL had a Chinese father and Singaporean mother.  They met in the US while he was teaching here and she was studying here.  The married, became official US citizens and raised four children here first, then in Singapore.  Ren's older brother has a Chinese name with American middle and last name, too.  Over the years we've called Ren Renny also.


My nose doesn't hurt today, just right after I slammed it into the door edge.  It could have turned out a lot worse.  I should use nightlights all over OR perhaps I should force my eyes open while walking in the night.  😵  The main bedroom is darker than the rest of the house because we have sun tunnels installed in the center of the house.  They let a dim light in at night, especially if the moon is bright.


Annie @marshhawk  I hope things are going better today for you!

Karen @luvteaching  excellent news about your DH!

Charlene @cunnorl  thanks for posting some downtown Adelaide photos for us.  Love the pig!

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46 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all! 
@StLouisCruisers thanks for stepping up!  Congratulations to Ren and hope your nose isn’t too sore today. 

Glad you have good news! 

In recovery mode today,  have enjoyed the Taittinger in the past, and a delicious Rose Piper Heidseick last night with some lobster.  DS brought a beautiful bouquet that I’ll share, can’t wait to see pussy willows in the wild. 


Simply gorgeous flowers.  

@StLouisCruisers I do not recognize that band.  We have a black guy with our group. John and I aren't dancers so we only spend 4 o clock happy hour in there.  

Things are disjointed towards the end of the cruise. Program says casual tonight but with chocolate parade and Formal in our Entertainment guide.  Tomorrow is actually Formal but Caribbean Party tomorrow evening. Kind of crazy planning.  Makes things easy for us. I will wear my orange Caribbean style shirt to Canaletto tonight and maybe wear it again for the Caribbean party tomorrow night. That way I can pack more in advance.  We will definitely be dining in our cabin tomorrow night. Have a nice day! Nancy by

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5 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, it has been a busy time for us, I'm still not sure we will be cruising - a lot depends on the doctor's appointment next week.  And my suitcase is not back from the repair shop.  I may have to buy a new one!  Sorry I have missed out on some birthdays and other festivities, and I have said a few prayers for those struggling with ailments and losses.  The new blue bubble is interesting - can't miss it.  And many congratulations to Ren!


I spent three days trying to renew my Nexus card - turns out now the US login.gov site is unable to access a Canadian landline, so, in fear and trepidation, I had to completely delete all my information, wait 24 hours to complete the deletion, and then try to do it all over again using Pat's cell number so they could use that to send me my secret passcode numbers.  What a todo.  Then I had to connect that site to my Nexus info, so that I could give them my renewal money.  Hopefully it all worked!  DH and DD have their birthdays in May, and they have cellphones, so they are all organized and approved for renewals.  I know I didn't have this much hassle the last time I renewed.  Then another  couple of days trying to get some airport assistance  for our flights.  Turns out it all should be done when you buy the tickets, one way we used Air Miles and coming back a TA, so the airline wanted nothing to do with me.  Eventually I managed to do do it on line for our outgoing (3) flights, but not the return.  I never want to travel again....


In 2010 we took the train from Sydney to Perth and one of the stops was Adelaide, where they laid on a bus tour around town.  There were some beautiful homes and other buildings.  That was an amazing train journey, Roy would have been proud of us!












Ann, thank you for the lovely photos too.  What architecture!


2 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

Simply gorgeous flowers.  

@StLouisCruisers I do not recognize that band.  We have a black guy with our group. John and I aren't dancers so we only spend 4 o clock happy hour in there.  

Things are disjointed towards the end of the cruise. Program says casual tonight but with chocolate parade and Formal in our Entertainment guide.  Tomorrow is actually Formal but Caribbean Party tomorrow evening. Kind of crazy planning.  Makes things easy for us. I will wear my orange Caribbean style shirt to Canaletto tonight and maybe wear it again for the Caribbean party tomorrow night. That way I can pack more in advance.  We will definitely be dining in our cabin tomorrow night. Have a nice day! Nancy by


Thanks for replying Nancy.  Sounds like our band went home.  I'm very sorry to hear the awful news about the band member who passed away.  Have you been out today in San Juan?  I guess your next stop is Fort Lauderdale on Saturday.  That sounds like a slow sail to Florida if leaving tonight.  Enjoy your chocolate parade, dressy night, and Caribbean party and good luck with the final packing.

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