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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday March 25th, 2023


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5 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Anyway, the ER may be in the cards today. I just want this guy healthy and able to cruise again as that's something he totally loves - as do I.

Thanks for listening/reading! 


Wishing you both strength and DH improving health.  We want you both back cruising as well 🙏🏻🛳

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In my life I have had many crazy neighbors, one of them had purchased the house because it had a small pecan tree in the yard.  How to get the pecans out of the tree?  He took his company car and ran it into the tree several times to "shake" the tree.   hmmmm............

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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I'll acknowledge the Feast of the Annunciation. I like pecans (although expensive) and love waffles. My DM had inherited property in GA that had pecan trees, and a friend would ship a big box up to us in NJ. Good quote. I'll pass on the meal (fish), drink (sounds good but high calorie) and wine. 

I haven't been to Sandnessjoen.


We had more rain overnight and again this morning. I think it is due to stop soon, but there are high wind warnings for this afternoon. Today will be laundry, although going up and down to the basement will aggravate the knees. Yesterday I stopped by my post office and they let me file 2 mail holds, since I will exceed the 30 day limit by 8 days.


@StLouisCruisers Thank you for our start today.

@mamaofami The drops can be the worst part; but since I had experience putting in 4-6 drops a day for my eye condition, it was just remembering the times for the additional drops. I do the pocket in the bottom eyelid method.

@rafinmd That waffle looks good. Thanks for the sunrise pic.

@ger_77 Enjoy the schnitzel; I'll be sure to have it a couple of times while I'm in Germany.

@cruising sister Sorry the brace is hard to tolerate.

@cat shepard Have fun redoing the yard. Happy Birthday to your DS!

@kazu Oy on the spread sheet issue. Hugs on this anniversary of Marley's death. I hope you get everything done for the party.

@0106 Great of you to have filled in for Debbie this week!

@summer slope Prayers for your friend.

@dfish Cute picture of River and the butterfly. 

@superoma Good news that DD is feeling better and able to do a little sun getaway.

@1ANGELCAT That fire at the candy plant was on my local news; very sad about the deaths, missing and injured.

@HAL4NOW Wow on the spring snow. I just realized I didn't use my snow shovel once this year; that's a first!

@smitty34877 Cute puppy and DGS.

@lindaler Enjoy the kayaking.

@luvteaching So sorry to hear of the issues with falls for DH. And I hope the antibiotics do the trick. Can you get more fluids into DH? Prayers, if you need to go to the ER. And amazing that the assistant fire chief cleaned out the gutter!


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List.

Be well everyone.


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Good morning from sunny and cold Durango. Temp was 14F when dogs and I walked this morning. High today forecast at 30.... although it may go a bit higher with the sun. We had about an inch of new snow last night but looks like the next week will be dry.


I ventured out yesterday to run a few errands and it wore me out.  Came home and took a nap. Today I will try to bring some sort of order to my kitchen. I still have little energy and stop to nap several times during the day.... but I am definitely feeling better. Talked to a friend who probably had the same thing.... she said it was 4 weeks before she felt normal! Fortunately since it is just me and the dogs I can plod along at my own pace. The dogs try to help and make sure I do not nap alone.


Meals are looking interesting these days although I have to say I have little appetite. Will file them away for the future.... just now I am getting carryout from a number of different sources. Salads and soups for the most part.


Best wishes to all for continued healing. The damage and losses in Mississippi sounds terrible. After reading about that, I certainly cannot complain.



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2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

How awful!  And after living with someone who has had a brain injury they will need an advocate to  help getting as much back as possible.  Do you know if they had trip insurance?  I am hoping that all turns out well for them.  I want to know the answer too.

They have travel insurance. 

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Just realized I think we’ve been to Sandnessjioen. On the Hurtigruten round-trip Bergen to Kirkenes. The cruise is a combination ferry/cruise/freight delivery. It was a great experience, I loved it!  The ship usually stops several times a day to deliver cargo and passengers. We were on for the full 11 days. It stops at different ports north and sound bound. The scenery is stunning but we went in late Oct/early Nov and had some  super early sunsets (2:30 pm up north) and a lot of rain so we didn’t get to see some things. But we saw Auroras!  We could set a switch on our cabin phone that allowed announcements during the night if visible Aurora lights were out. 
I’ll look for port photos but not sure which backup drive they might be on. 


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38 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning everyone, 

I also woke up to a skiff of snow and we had snow/sleet/hail/rain yesterday as well. Isn't this supposed to be Spring? 


I've been reading every day but just not having time to post. Doing the caregiving for DH is becoming more of a challenge. He did great coming home last week. Then Friday he had a "down" day which I expected as he was so busy the day before. The visiting nurse came to do wound care for his heel and felt he was showing stroke symptoms so we called 911. I knew he was just tired and that was the consensus of the medics as well. The weekend was fine with one slip off the wheelchair. Our local guys came, got him back up and had a nice visit with him commenting that they hadn't heard DH talk so much and be so engaging. 


Thursday I ended up with them here both morning and evening for falls. Morning they got him in the wheelchair and all was fine. Evening they got him in the wheelchair, I got his evening meds in him, and they helped get him into bed for me as well as the assistant fire chief cleaned out a downspout because he saw the gutters were overflowing. "Clean the gutters" is on DS's "to-do" list for me. The doctor says DH is fighting the UTI bacteria so we're doing an antibiotic and then a maintenance one and now the nurse and I think he's dehydrated. Anyway, the ER may be in the cards today. I just want this guy healthy and able to cruise again as that's something he totally loves - as do I.

Thanks for listening/reading! 




Karen, I was typing my post when yours came through, so I didn't see it.  I'm sorry that things have been so rocky for you and hope things do look up.  The ER is always daunting.  Thoughts are with you.



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9 minutes ago, summer slope said:

They have travel insurance. 

If the travel insurance is private insurance not HAL's it is doubtful they will have to use it. If they don't use it, they can call the company and ask for a refund of the premium price or if that won't work have the policy transferred to a new trip.  


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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

@HAL4NOW  Ray, thanks for your picture of the snow.  Untouched snow is so pretty, especially from this distance.


I agree about the distance of the view; yesterday's snow was much prettier. It stayed about 100 feet above town level and looked great on the trees on the hillside.

By the way, my name is Tony for future reference.

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These pictures if Sandnessjøen are from the Hurtigruten book I bought on the voyage. Some photos show one of their ferry/cruise ships. We were on Midnatsol, Midnight Sun. Im sure these photos and the short description are better than anything I have. The description mentions the Seven Sisters, which are mountain peaks and valleys; they were mostly obscured by clouds when we were there. A1B3B0EA-C278-4A30-ACEF-75EDC8CED068.thumb.jpeg.2ec07582202e8350552daf170ac5f119.jpegA10CE369-DD5A-4D78-A836-EC6365652F17.thumb.jpeg.74d42ce27330201625c3b8c16729b46a.jpegA48008A3-973C-4426-B227-01C4B9712207.thumb.jpeg.0b07944721b7b12a37cd99b2e3977f7b.jpegB11EABC9-DA67-421D-9527-692FA2E31BF1.thumb.jpeg.9b1d87dd59e065b33c43c3ed1563036a.jpegFF909771-E1A6-432E-B460-AE824575E911.thumb.jpeg.4d77aeb234cf702874046cf5520e7bc5.jpeg24D37C36-AFAE-41A5-8817-0A0CB71F6BBF.thumb.jpeg.a851e94c5e1eb3bc85f0464a587aebf1.jpeg

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2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning. It’s 72 degrees overcast and rain most likely on its way. Much better then those poor folks in Mississippi where I just saw the death toll is up to twenty-three after storm caused a hundred mile swath of destruction.

It was a good morning of sleeping in after staying up late watching a movie.

Don’t have anything planned for the day but probably need a trip to the grocery store.

Thanks for the report and prayers for all the tornado victims and their families.





I heard about all the tornadoes in Mississippi this morning while on the treadmill.  What a disaster!  Those twisters hit those buildings, not just trees falling on them so it (or they) were fierce tornadoes.  Thanks for the memes again today Bruce.  But how come that traffic in Colorado is driving on the left side of the road??




2 hours ago, summer slope said:

Question if you cancel a cruise prior to final payment do you get all your money back?  A friend just got hospitalized with a brain injury and can’t go on their cruise in November. 


I'm so sorry to hear your friend has a brain injury!  That is a very sad situation.  I hope they get their refund, but most of all I hope they recover well from this injury.




2 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone.  


@summer slope Yes, they should get all their money back.


We had a lovely time at the butterflies yesterday.   There were so many more than we saw the previous time we were there.   



River was very interested but a little hesitant to hold the butterfly.  




This one perched on my finger for quite some time.  It matched the color on the handle of my cane!


Farkle Friday was a good time for all.  We really enjoyed the Feta Tomato pasta dish.  Some people were caught getting into it for a midnight snack.  Today we are going to the planetarium for a program about the planets.  It is a story about a family from outer space that comes to the Milky Way for vacation and how they choose the planet they want to visit.  Perfect for a 6 year old.  


Wishing you all a wonderful day!


Beautiful butterflies, and a beautiful little girl, too.  I'm always happy to hear you had a great Farkle Friday!




2 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good morning. It’s a cloudy and cold day with rain later on. Have some errands to run later on.

    Yesterday was a little bittersweet because a local family restaurant had announced the closing date due to the owner retiring., we went for lunch. The new owners are going to be closed for about 3 weeks. On the good news front, my favorite ice cream stand announced they are opening today for the season .

      On another sad note, a local company RM Palmer candy plant had a massive fire and explosion yesterday afternoon, the building was destroyed and sadly there is loss of life. At this time, 5 are dead with 6 still missing and at least 8 injured. I have friends that work for the company in a different location. Prayers are needed as the search continues. 
I hope everyone has a good day. ❤️🙏


I also saw the Palmer candy company had an explosion and fire yesterday.  I believe I remember getting (and giving) Palmer chocolate Easter bunnies in the Easter baskets.  I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of life, missing and injured there.  Prayers for all.




1 hour ago, HAL4NOW said:

About three inches of spring snow fell over night. Here is a view from our kitchen window.



A beautiful view with no neighbors in view.  Nice!




1 hour ago, RMLincoln said:

I’m following the fleet report for friends on Noordam in NZ now but having trouble figuring out which day it is 🤣. Coffee might help. 

I watched the weather tv last night as the tornadoes tore across Mississippi and beyond. It’s heartbreaking. Sending out blessings to all involved: those burdened with personal losses, many now homeless too; the widespread trauma; those caring for the injured; all those in charge of making decisions, and for the safety of the searchers; also for all involved in the chocolate factory explosion in Reading PA. We drive through there on our way to the granddaughters. And Ukraine. And not forgetting the earthquake victims. 

Cheers to all celebrating 🍾. Have a fun dinner out Gerry @ger_77. And wine!  I hope DH wears his medal!  

Smooth sailing for all the cruisers. Safe travels home to those returning. 

Thank you @JazzyV for adding us to the care list. We didn’t receive the pre-op meds so put in a question on the portal. Was now told she doesn’t prescribe them for this surgery. So why did she say she would?  I’m working on letting go of things I can’t control!  Hoping it will all unfold (not unravel!). Tuesday! 

Enjoying a bit a rain here, good for the reservoir we kayak in!  Hopefully soon!  

Blessings to all the Dailyites. Congratulations on 3 years!  


Maureen, The Noordam is nearly to Tauranga right now.  It's nearly 5:30 am Sunday there.  I use timeanddate.com to look up information like that.  Good luck to your DH on his upcoming surgery.




1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

My DGS with their new puppy today.They both have reddish blonde in hair /fur.Lots if allergies in that house so they decided on an "oodle dog" as we call it here. I expect lots of energy!



Terry, adorable puppy AND grandson!  Let the fun begin!




51 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning everyone, 

I also woke up to a skiff of snow and we had snow/sleet/hail/rain yesterday as well. Isn't this supposed to be Spring? 


I've been reading every day but just not having time to post. Doing the caregiving for DH is becoming more of a challenge. He did great coming home last week. Then Friday he had a "down" day which I expected as he was so busy the day before. The visiting nurse came to do wound care for his heel and felt he was showing stroke symptoms so we called 911. I knew he was just tired and that was the consensus of the medics as well. The weekend was fine with one slip off the wheelchair. Our local guys came, got him back up and had a nice visit with him commenting that they hadn't heard DH talk so much and be so engaging. 


Thursday I ended up with them here both morning and evening for falls. Morning they got him in the wheelchair and all was fine. Evening they got him in the wheelchair, I got his evening meds in him, and they helped get him into bed for me as well as the assistant fire chief cleaned out a downspout because he saw the gutters were overflowing. "Clean the gutters" is on DS's "to-do" list for me. The doctor says DH is fighting the UTI bacteria so we're doing an antibiotic and then a maintenance one and now the nurse and I think he's dehydrated. Anyway, the ER may be in the cards today. I just want this guy healthy and able to cruise again as that's something he totally loves - as do I.

Thanks for listening/reading! 



Karen, I'm sorry your husband is having such a time with the UTI bacteria.  Your firefighter/EMTs are wonderful helping you out so much.  Incredible the chief even cleared the blocked drainpipe.  Being able to cruise again will be quite a reward for all you two have been through.




21 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

Just realized I think we’ve been to Sandnessjioen. On the Hurtigruten round-trip Bergen to Kirkenes. The cruise is a combination ferry/cruise/freight delivery. It was a great experience, I loved it!  The ship usually stops several times a day to deliver cargo and passengers. We were on for the full 11 days. It stops at different ports north and sound bound. The scenery is stunning but we went in late Oct/early Nov and had some  super early sunsets (2:30 pm up north) and a lot of rain so we didn’t get to see some things. But we saw Auroras!  We could set a switch on our cabin phone that allowed announcements during the night if visible Aurora lights were out. 
I’ll look for port photos but not sure which backup drive they might be on. 



Oh, I'm so glad someone has been to Sandnessjoen. The photos are great!  Another beautiful place to see in Norway.




6 minutes ago, HAL4NOW said:

I agree about the distance of the view; yesterday's snow was much prettier. It stayed about 100 feet above town level and looked great on the trees on the hillside.

By the way, my name is Tony for future reference.


Nice to know your name Tony.  I hate to ask people for their name but if we talk to them here, sometimes it feels strange not referring to them by name.  So funny you put away your snow shovel just yesterday and now look!  Snow!

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from a sunny central Texas, where for the moment, there is no wind.  If it wasn't 58F out, the weather would be perfect.  We're supposed to reach 75F this afternoon.  Even better, the humidity is 40% with a dew point of 34F.  It's that time of year, when our highs are in the 70s and 89s most days, and the lows in the 50s ort 60s.  I'm not sure what is on the agenda today.  We'll probably go for a ride to enjoy the nice weather and to look for more bluebonnets and other wild flowers.  If not, I may get some yard work done.


Many people will be celebrating the Feast of the Annunciation.  Pecans are all right, but not my favorite nut.  We like strawberry waffles and may have them today or tomorrow.  My father's favorite waffle was a pecan waffle.


The J. K. Rowling quote is very true.


The jury is still out about whether or not we'll use the strawberry basil relish on our salmon.  We'll pass on the drink and probably on the wine.  I like Rieslings that are between the sweet ones and the dry ones.


We have been to many interesting and lovely ports in Norway, but sadly Sandnessjoen isn't one of them.


@Seasick Sailor  Welcome home, Joy and Allen.  Safe travels today.  I hope you had a wonderful cruise.

@57redbird  Welcome home, and safe travels.

@seagarsmoker  Welcome home, and safe travels for you too.

@mamaofami  Carol, I'm glad you are recovering well even if it's slow.  When DH had his cataract surgery, he found it was easier for him to put the drops in his eyes while lying down.  I've also been told to pull the bottom eyelid away from the eye and put the drops in the little pocket that forms.

@RedneckBob  RNB, in Texas we pronounce pecan as puh-kahn.  Hearing others pronounce it pee-can is like hearing fingernails on a chalkboard.  😱  We also had a huge pecan tree in our yard, and every year my DF would shell the pecans we gathered.  My DFIL also had a huge pecan tree, and we'd get a lot of pecans from him, which I'd shell.  Now days, I just pick up a bag of pecan halves at W-M.  It's so much easier.  🤣

@cruising sister  Lorraine, I'm sorry the brace was so uncomfortable.  I am glad that Molly is helping with your hand exercise.

@cat shepard  Please wish your sister a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! for us.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope the party prep goes well, and the party is a success.  I'm sorry about the problems with the spreadsheet.  Sometimes, I've found if you just forget something that's not working for awhile, it will work when you get back to it.

@marshhawk  Annie, it's probably to late for today, but you might want to try warming the French toast casserole in the oven.

@ger_77  Gerry, I agree that it doesn't seem like three years for the Daily.  For me, it is not quite three years, since I didn't discover the Daily until the summer of 2020.  It has certainly been a refuge these last three years, and we've formed such a close and supportive "family".

@aliaschief  Bruce, another great batch of memes today.  We can relate to the last one about the RV.  Whenever we have a line of cars behind us, we try to pull over at the first convenient and safe place to pull off the road so that others can pass.  In Alaska, there are signs saying if there are more than five vehicles behind you, pull over for them to pass.

@dfish  Debbie, I'm glad Sue's DGD had a good time yesterday, and that Farkle Friday was fun with a dinner that was a big hit.   Thank you for the pictures, and River is a cutie.

@0106  Tina, thank you again for filling in for Debbie @dfish this week.  I'm sure it made her week easier.

@superoma  Eva, I'm glad you DD is feeling better everyday.  The getaway in the sun should do wonders for her recovery.

@1ANGELCAT  I hope the new owners of the restaurant will keep it being as good as the previous owner.  I saw the news and pictures of the candy plant explosion and fire.  Such a horrible event, and so sad about the loss of life.

@HAL4NOW  Ray, thanks for your picture of the snow.  Untouched snow is so pretty, especially from this distance.


My heart goes out to all those in Mississippi who were affected by last night's storms, and for the families who lost loved ones.  While it's sad that many lost their homes, they can be replaced, but loved ones cannot.




Interesting pecan story. Way back in the 1960’s after gathering the pecans from the trees, we would take the pecans to Tucker Pecan Company in Alabama to have them cracked. The cost was a nickel a pound. Today it costs between .40 cent to 80 cent to crack per pound. Since we had so much, Mom would freeze lots of the pecans to use later. I heard these nuts can last over five years in the freezer.

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1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

My DGS with their new puppy today.They both have reddish blonde in hair /fur.Lots if allergies in that house so they decided on an "oodle dog" as we call it here. I expect lots of energy!


What a handsome young man and a lovely dog.

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3 hours ago, summer slope said:

Question if you cancel a cruise prior to final payment do you get all your money back?  A friend just got hospitalized with a brain injury and can’t go on their cruise in November. 

I'm sorry to hear your news.

I hope your friend recovers quickly.


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26 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

These pictures if Sandnessjøen are from the Hurtigruten book I bought on the voyage. Some photos show one of their ferry/cruise ships. We were on Midnatsol, Midnight Sun. Im sure these photos and the short description are better than anything I have. The description mentions the Seven Sisters, which are mountain peaks and valleys; they were mostly obscured by clouds when we were there. A1B3B0EA-C278-4A30-ACEF-75EDC8CED068.thumb.jpeg.2ec07582202e8350552daf170ac5f119.jpegA10CE369-DD5A-4D78-A836-EC6365652F17.thumb.jpeg.74d42ce27330201625c3b8c16729b46a.jpegA48008A3-973C-4426-B227-01C4B9712207.thumb.jpeg.0b07944721b7b12a37cd99b2e3977f7b.jpegB11EABC9-DA67-421D-9527-692FA2E31BF1.thumb.jpeg.9b1d87dd59e065b33c43c3ed1563036a.jpegFF909771-E1A6-432E-B460-AE824575E911.thumb.jpeg.4d77aeb234cf702874046cf5520e7bc5.jpeg24D37C36-AFAE-41A5-8817-0A0CB71F6BBF.thumb.jpeg.a851e94c5e1eb3bc85f0464a587aebf1.jpeg

Nice photos.

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1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning everyone, 

I also woke up to a skiff of snow and we had snow/sleet/hail/rain yesterday as well. Isn't this supposed to be Spring? 


I've been reading every day but just not having time to post. Doing the caregiving for DH is becoming more of a challenge. He did great coming home last week. Then Friday he had a "down" day which I expected as he was so busy the day before. The visiting nurse came to do wound care for his heel and felt he was showing stroke symptoms so we called 911. I knew he was just tired and that was the consensus of the medics as well. The weekend was fine with one slip off the wheelchair. Our local guys came, got him back up and had a nice visit with him commenting that they hadn't heard DH talk so much and be so engaging. 


Thursday I ended up with them here both morning and evening for falls. Morning they got him in the wheelchair and all was fine. Evening they got him in the wheelchair, I got his evening meds in him, and they helped get him into bed for me as well as the assistant fire chief cleaned out a downspout because he saw the gutters were overflowing. "Clean the gutters" is on DS's "to-do" list for me. The doctor says DH is fighting the UTI bacteria so we're doing an antibiotic and then a maintenance one and now the nurse and I think he's dehydrated. Anyway, the ER may be in the cards today. I just want this guy healthy and able to cruise again as that's something he totally loves - as do I.

Thanks for listening/reading! 



Karen, I'm sorry things have been so rough since your DH came home.  I'm sorry your DH is still battling the UTI bacteria and is now dehydrated.  I hope you can avoid the ER, but if necessary, I hope he can come home afterwards.  How nice of the assistant fire chief to clean the downspout.  Small town EMT's are wonderful.  The EMT's we've dealt with have also been wonderful.  One even gave us a piano concert while the other finished the paperwork, and they also replaced the rug they'd moved.   Please take some time for yourself everyday so you can stay strong.


48 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

In my life I have had many crazy neighbors, one of them had purchased the house because it had a small pecan tree in the yard.  How to get the pecans out of the tree?  He took his company car and ran it into the tree several times to "shake" the tree.   hmmmm............


Annie, you do seem to meet some very interesting people.  I guess they make life interesting.


41 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning from sunny and cold Durango. Temp was 14F when dogs and I walked this morning. High today forecast at 30.... although it may go a bit higher with the sun. We had about an inch of new snow last night but looks like the next week will be dry.


I ventured out yesterday to run a few errands and it wore me out.  Came home and took a nap. Today I will try to bring some sort of order to my kitchen. I still have little energy and stop to nap several times during the day.... but I am definitely feeling better. Talked to a friend who probably had the same thing.... she said it was 4 weeks before she felt normal! Fortunately since it is just me and the dogs I can plod along at my own pace. The dogs try to help and make sure I do not nap alone.


Meals are looking interesting these days although I have to say I have little appetite. Will file them away for the future.... just now I am getting carryout from a number of different sources. Salads and soups for the most part.


Best wishes to all for continued healing. The damage and losses in Mississippi sounds terrible. After reading about that, I certainly cannot complain.




Susan, I'm glad you are feeing better, but sorry you still tire so easily.


39 minutes ago, summer slope said:

They have travel insurance. 


Dixie, sending positive thoughts for your friend with the brain injury that she will heal over time.  We were on a b2b2b2 cruise when we had to leave before the last segment which was fully paid.  HAL refunded the cost of the segment since we had their insurance, and the insurance paid the other expenses.


23 minutes ago, HAL4NOW said:

I agree about the distance of the view; yesterday's snow was much prettier. It stayed about 100 feet above town level and looked great on the trees on the hillside.

By the way, my name is Tony for future reference.


Tony, my apologies for giving you the wrong name.  Some how, I got you and another Dailyite from your general area mixed up.


13 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

Interesting pecan story. Way back in the 1960’s after gathering the pecans from the trees, we would take the pecans to Tucker Pecan Company in Alabama to have them cracked. The cost was a nickel a pound. Today it costs between .40 cent to 80 cent to crack per pound. Since we had so much, Mom would freeze lots of the pecans to use later. I heard these nuts can last over five years in the freezer.


RNB, I keep the pecans in the freezer, and they do last for several years.


27 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

These pictures if Sandnessjøen are from the Hurtigruten book I bought on the voyage. Some photos show one of their ferry/cruise ships. We were on Midnatsol, Midnight Sun. Im sure these photos and the short description are better than anything I have. The description mentions the Seven Sisters, which are mountain peaks and valleys; they were mostly obscured by clouds when we were there. A1B3B0EA-C278-4A30-ACEF-75EDC8CED068.thumb.jpeg.2ec07582202e8350552daf170ac5f119.jpegA10CE369-DD5A-4D78-A836-EC6365652F17.thumb.jpeg.74d42ce27330201625c3b8c16729b46a.jpegA48008A3-973C-4426-B227-01C4B9712207.thumb.jpeg.0b07944721b7b12a37cd99b2e3977f7b.jpegB11EABC9-DA67-421D-9527-692FA2E31BF1.thumb.jpeg.9b1d87dd59e065b33c43c3ed1563036a.jpegFF909771-E1A6-432E-B460-AE824575E911.thumb.jpeg.4d77aeb234cf702874046cf5520e7bc5.jpeg24D37C36-AFAE-41A5-8817-0A0CB71F6BBF.thumb.jpeg.a851e94c5e1eb3bc85f0464a587aebf1.jpeg


Maureen, thank you for the pictures of today's port.  That cruise sounds very interesting.



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Hello everyone!

It has been awhile since I have posted but have been a follow alonger/lurker.

I was on the NCL Bliss PC in late Feb/March for 15day; had a great time! Weather was very good and had no issues with LAX, which is unusual for me. Not a favorite airport at all. Thanks @JazzyV for the call outs to me. 

Once I got back, woke up the next day with one of the most gawd awful viruses I have ever had! I am thinking it is the same thing that @durangoscots has! It has been 2 weeks for me, I am getting better, but day to day stuff is tiring. I hope it goes away soon.Tested negative for COVID several times. The whole thing has been nasty...enough about my struggles.

My prayers continue to be with you all; this is a kind, generous and wonderful group of people. Visiting here about once a day soothes me on some level knowing there is goodness in the world.

My thanks again to the keepers of the lists, no easy feat; the Food and Beverage department, the humor department (you people are very funny and I really enjoy the memes, many of which I can relate to) and of course those who let us into their lives quite often to share.

My prayers especially for those in a struggle right now whether it be health, family or just even having to deal with the world we live in now. It is overwheleming to me at times.

Celebrations are also in order to those with good things happening in their lives whether it be a cruise, other travel, good health, a good family, sometimes a small thing like I finished my laundry today etc.; these should be celebrated as often they are overshadowed by the not good things.

That's enough from me today.

Please take good care everyone. 🙏😊






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Good morning all!

It's 38 degrees here now, heading for a whopping 45 today.  Yesterday was crazy -- As Tony @HAL4NOW was getting all that snow, we got the "frozen mix" for awhile in the afternoon which this time was hail -- but at one point as a plane was flying overhead, there was a BOOM of one LOUD clap of thunder.  DH thought the plane had exploded!  I nearly jumped out of my chair.  It was so loud!


I don't care much for pecans, but do like waffles.  Some of my in-laws in GA get quite testy about the pronunciation of pecan....needless to say I don't say it like they do.  😂  Oh my goodness the meal today looks so good!  I printed off the 2nd recipe with the balsamic glaze.  I wish I'd had this recipe when we had salmon a few days ago.  I thought I'd like the wine, but then saw the words "bone dry".  I like my Riesling in the middle range between sweet and dry.  Will pass on the drink, it sounds way too sweet.


Today DH is working with the Mariners, and I'm going to drive south to DD's house to play with the kittens.  They're away this weekend on another ski trip and asked if I'd do that -- no problem!  We'll also be doing that tomorrow when we drive that way to Total Wine to stock up. 😉  


Lorraine @cruising sisterif you want to take advantage of the 3% savings by paying off the cruise by June 1 and use gift cards, you have March, April and May to buy a total of 15 gift cards.  As I said on the roll call, we're limited to 5 per person per month.  The highest gift card is for $500 (you pay $450) so you can buy 5 of those each time.


Ann @cat shepardHappy Birthday to your dear sister!


Terry @smitty34877Adorable photo of your DGS and puppy.  I love how their hair matches.


Karen @luvteachingPrayers for you and your DH.  I hope things improve for him.


Susan @durangoscotsI'm sure you have the same thing I had in December.  It does take a long time to get over -- try not to overdo and take those naps if you want to. It will end, even though it seems like it will go on forever!







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@ger_77 there’s an IHOP in YYC for when you next visit.

Good morning and thanks all!  Love pecans however they are pronounced,  put some in my apple pear cranberry crisp using my mom’s recipe. Always nice to see her handwriting.  

@luvteaching sending good thoughts for improvement for your DH.  
@smitty34877what a lovely photo!  

The snow is pretty but we will be glad when it is gone!  


Edited by bennybear
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Since today is the Feast of the Annunciation, I thought I'd post my pictures of Nazareth and the Church of the Annunciation.  We were both surprised at how modern the church was.











In the open area beside the church was a view of the remains of the ancient village of Nazareth.






These were originally posted on July 23,2022



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