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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday June 27th, 2023


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Good morning. We are just returning from a grand excursion day around Amsterdam. First we went a massive green house flower business for a private guided tour. Every day they receive cuttings from Jakarta that after 16 week process become various colors and variety of African Violets to the tune of over 5 million sold per year. Huge operation.

Then we were taken to a Dutch family home for a wonderful lunch in their beautiful flower laden backyard. Great lunch.

We then went to a famous chocolate shop where we made our own chocolates and marzipan tulips.

Now we are headed back to ship for packing. We are being picked up early tomorrow by same tour company for another excursion and they will drop us and our luggage off tomorrow at airport hotel and we fly home Thursday morning.


Thanks for the report.



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36 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from central Texas.  It is 77F and feels like 77F with a 11mph wind.  I will take my walk in a few minutes then head to the store before it gets hot.  It looks like a sunny day, but it will still be in the triple digits until Sunday.


We line onions in a lot of our dishes, and the last time I was at the warehouse club, they had a great deal on sweet Vidalia onions.  In Texas and Arizona, you need sunglasses most days.  Helen Keller was an amazing woman, and so was Annie Sullivan who opened the world for Helen.


 As usual, the Mae West quote made be chuckle.


The meal sounds good and the recipes look good.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine though.


I've lost track of how many times we've been to Nawiliwili beginning in 1996.


It's also another important in the exploration of the New World.



Roy, I was thinking the same thing about @luvteaching Karen and Phil's outing to the concert.  In spite of the problems with the transportation, it will be a great memory for her in the coming days and months.



Terry, I'm glad your DH, Lou, is doing well.  I hope he gets a room soon, and that it is easy to find him.



Nancy, I'm glad you got some much needed rain, and I hope the road stays passable with the rain.  I hope the toe is feeling better today.



Debbie, I hope Sue does not have a migraine, and if so, that she feels better soon.  Enjoy your day of rest.


@RedneckBob  RNB, this one is for you.














How did you know I had an Engineering Degree. It was in hydraulics with emphasis on downspouts. I got a real kick out of it! 😀

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6 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning. We are just returning from a grand excursion day around Amsterdam. First we went a massive green house flower business for a private guided tour. Every day they receive cuttings from Jakarta that after 16 week process become various colors and variety of African Violets to the tune of over 5 million sold per year. Huge operation.

Then we were taken to a Dutch family home for a wonderful lunch in their beautiful flower laden backyard. Great lunch.

We then went to a famous chocolate shop where we made our own chocolates and marzipan tulips.

Now we are headed back to ship for packing. We are being picked up early tomorrow by same tour company for another excursion and they will drop us and our luggage off tomorrow at airport hotel and we fly home Thursday morning.


Thanks for the report.



Very pretty. Did you get a chance to “Tip Toe Thru the Tulips”. 😀

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I'm in favor of onions, sunglasses (outdoors, when it's sunny) and Helen Keller. For a couple of years I was chair of our county's human relations commission, and when we were planning to participate in a back-to-school fair and needed to have swag made for it, I proposed having a Helen Keller quotation printed on pencils. A member of the commission who had been a superintendent of schools objected that "we can't tell parents what to teach their children." I substituted a quotation from Maya Angelou that made the same point, but more subtly. We also gave out frisbees with a slogan that the ex-super didn't question.


I like chicken piccata but the addition of cream makes me queasy. When you keep kosher, you become accustomed to avoiding combinations of meat and dairy ingredients, and while I am not strict about that away from home, when both the meat and the dairy ingredient are conspicuous it seems off. OTOH, I have made Swedish meatballs using tofu sour cream, so I suppose I could make this using something like NutPods.


The drink startled me, because Berry White is also a strain of marijuana. (Don't ask how I know this.) I would like the wine and might be able to find it at Total Wine when I'm driving back from New Jersey last month. From the Finger Lakes, maybe Glenora Sauvignon Blanc 2021 although it wouldn't be as refined. It goes without saying that I haven't been to Nawiliwili.


I still haven't seen the cats and they didn't eat the wet food, but both have used the downstairs litterbox.


First thing this morning, after taking out the trash, I went to change the filter in the upstairs furnace, to get ready for using AC (no AC downstairs). I had to tear the old filter apart to get it out and in trying to fit the new filter in, I cut my hands in several places. My clothes and the house look like a crime scene.









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Thanks for our Tuesday Daily, Rich.


Nice collection of days.  Love onions & sunglasses are so important.  I admire Helen Keller so much ♥️ 


Love the West quote.  The meal sounds wonderful as does the wine (yea on white wine 👏).  We’ve been to 3 of the Hawaiian Islands but I don’t believe today’s port so I’m enjoying the pictures.


This morning I was replying to my roll call and CC went poof saying it was upgrading so I’m late to the party today.


So much sad news here at home from some of my friends & the feeling of helplessness that goes with it and here on the Daily. 😢 


Karen @luvteaching my heart is breaking for you 💔  Bless you for following your husband’s wishes.  I hope the home Hospice can be done 🙏🏻 


@smitty34877 I am relieved your DH’s surgery went well.  I hope he has a bed today and you can find it. 🙏🏻


Jake @Crazy For Cats yikes on the news at work.  It will be depressing at work today for sure 😞 I’m glad your job is safe and hope it stays that way 🤞 


I got little done yesterday other than take care of Ivan and try to help my friends somehow & do a bit of cruise planning that was already in the works.  Another rainy one here.  Yesterday it stopped so I told Ivan we would go and of course, the skies opened.  


Prayers for everyone - all too many - on the Care list & those that need them and cheers 🥂 to those celebrating.




Have a good Tuesday everyone !!!!

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Good morning Dailyites. 


After reading and praying for our fellow friends here, leaves me sad and disheartened. Karen and Terry, I have you and family in my book. My sweet husband is doing ok. I don't understand why our doctor suggested a nephrologist thru the VA, that's always a challenge to get an appointment normally. 


It was a nice morning with a soft breeze for my dog walk. Today's temperature will be 103. 


I admire the true grit of Helen Keller. 






Wishing everyone a great Tuesday. Stay cool! 



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Good morning,


Karen my, heart is with you. The waiting is hard but please remember to hold his hand and talk to him. Whether he makes it home or not he knows how much you have done for him and how much you love him. I am glad you and your son are on the same page on what to do. That really helps to have each other to lean on.  

Prayers for all that are in need. Our list is pretty long. 

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Thank you Rich, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work. And thank you everyone for being here! 


The painters returned today and hopefully will get a full day in until the rain returns this afternoon. Yesterday we had some strong storms come through that they had predicted since the weekend.


Sam's vet made a house call yesterday for his six-month Senior checkup. He had had a rough day on Saturday and barely wanted to go on his walk. Knowing she usually is in our area on Mondays, I sent a text to her to see if she could see him this week. He actually isn't due for an exam until next month. Of course after doing that he was an entirely different dog on Sunday - and even chased a rabbit in our yard in the evening! I haven't seen him move like that in about a year. 


He continues to lose muscle mass in his rear legs according to her and thinks that he will be gone by April because, although healthy, his rear legs will be the problem. Sort of a blessing in disguise she discovered what feels like a mass on his spleen. Our second rescue Mal, Oke', had the same problem unknown to us and when it ruptured was gone in less than two hours. It is very common to large breeds such as Alskan Malamutes according to our vet. She is going to bring a portable ultrasound in the next two weeks to see how bad it is. He already may be slightly bleeding with the way he has been acting lately. She told us the next time he is acting punky to look at his gums to see how pink they are. That might make the decision easier. In the meantime, Sam enjoyed being "massaged" and petted for over an hour by Dr. Brandy!


Loving the attention!



Sheer bliss!



The middle of April 2023.



Stay Safe!


- Jack


Stay Safe!


- Jack

Edited by Heartgrove
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Good morning all!

Our morning is starting with the usual clouds for this week, and sunshine this afternoon.  Low 70's F again.  I'll take it!

Yesterday I bought a flat of strawberries from a local farm and will hopefully be making freezer jam today.  And strawberry shortcake, of course. 😉  


I've been using a lot of onions lately, and we always have green onions in our salad.  Funny, I need to find new sunglasses and have been looking around.  Maybe I'll find the right pair today!  I admire Helen Keller so much, she was an amazing person.


As usual, a funny quote from Mae West.  I printed out the last recipe and will make it tonight for dinner.  I don't usually like heavy cream in my meals, but this sounds interesting so will give it a try.  The last recipe has a little less sodium so that's the one for me. I'll try to lower it even more.  DH loves capers so he gets them all.


Both the drink and wine sound good too.  Dog Point is one Marlborough wine I haven't seen at our local Total Wine store.  We missed Kauai on our Hawaii cruise in 2011, I was sad to miss it. It isn't on the Grand Australia itinerary either.  Thanks to all for the great photos!  


Karen @luvteaching my heart breaks for you.  You've handled everything with such grace, and I'm sure your DH knows how much you're doing for him.  


Terry @smitty34877 I'm glad to hear your DH is doing well and hope he gets a regular room soon.


Jake @Crazy For Cats Yikes about the cutbacks at work, but good that your position is safe now.


Paul @kochleffel I hope the kitties appear today!  Good that they're using the litter box though. 🙂  

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Good morning everyone, 

Thank you for all the kind thoughts. DH Phil passed away at 3:30 AM today. I got a call from the hospital a few minutes later. I'm at peace with things. We had some great adventures and he had a good life filled with family and travel. 


@rafinmd and others know that going to the concert was a true gift and I'm so glad we got to do it. We did have the Eurodam cruise but I moved it to next year along with the Discovery Princess one in August. The Westerdam one in September is paid for and I'm thinking I'll go on that one. 


DS is going to stop at the hospital this morning and get the few belongings that are there and he'll be here in an hour or so. I've talked to my Mom (almost 97 and a going concern) and she's spreading the news in Canada. It helps me out and makes her feel that she's being useful. I'm planning to stay home today as I haven't had a day at home in months and start taking care of what I can from here. Lots of notifications, etc. He wanted to be cremated and for us to have a party so will do that and party later in the summer. 

Thank you everyone! I'll check in during the day. 



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3 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning everyone, 

Thank you for all the kind thoughts. DH Phil passed away at 3:30 AM today. I got a call from the hospital a few minutes later. I'm at peace with things. We had some great adventures and he had a good life filled with family and travel. 


@rafinmd and others know that going to the concert was a true gift and I'm so glad we got to do it. We did have the Eurodam cruise but I moved it to next year along with the Discovery Princess one in August. The Westerdam one in September is paid for and I'm thinking I'll go on that one. 


DS is going to stop at the hospital this morning and get the few belongings that are there and he'll be here in an hour or so. I've talked to my Mom (almost 97 and a going concern) and she's spreading the news in Canada. It helps me out and makes her feel that she's being useful. I'm planning to stay home today as I haven't had a day at home in months and start taking care of what I can from here. Lots of notifications, etc. He wanted to be cremated and for us to have a party so will do that and party later in the summer. 

Thank you everyone! I'll check in during the day. 




Karen, my sincere sympathy on the loss of Phil this morning.  You have done an exemplary job of being there for him all through his illnesses.  Please know that I and everyone here share in your sadness.  😢

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7 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning everyone, 

Thank you for all the kind thoughts. DH Phil passed away at 3:30 AM today. I got a call from the hospital a few minutes later. I'm at peace with things. We had some great adventures and he had a good life filled with family and travel. 


@rafinmd and others know that going to the concert was a true gift and I'm so glad we got to do it. We did have the Eurodam cruise but I moved it to next year along with the Discovery Princess one in August. The Westerdam one in September is paid for and I'm thinking I'll go on that one. 


DS is going to stop at the hospital this morning and get the few belongings that are there and he'll be here in an hour or so. I've talked to my Mom (almost 97 and a going concern) and she's spreading the news in Canada. It helps me out and makes her feel that she's being useful. I'm planning to stay home today as I haven't had a day at home in months and start taking care of what I can from here. Lots of notifications, etc. He wanted to be cremated and for us to have a party so will do that and party later in the summer. 

Thank you everyone! I'll check in during the day. 



My deepest condolences.

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Good morning all and thank you for another nice Daily to participate in because today we are in Nawiliwili , Hawaii where we landed on the Oosterdam on a Trans Pacific Cruise from New Zealand to Vancouver in 2013 .
We had also booked a flight going around Kauai with “Wings over Kauai “ a very exciting and amazing tour flying over the canyons with very limited access for people to go through over land by car or even by foot.
After the five of us were weight in so the weight was distributed properly over the plane we put on the headphones through which each of us could hear the pilot and also ask him questions we were ready to take off .  I had the extreme pleasure to be able to “ ride shotgun “ besides the pilot I only had to promise him not to touch any of the controls ! 
…..and off we went 
The coffee plantations
The interior 
At one point we even saw a whale swimming close to the surface with a baby whale just under her so the pilot made an extra circle for us to watch that ……. Sorry my camera was not ready to show you all .
Amazing pristine uninhabited landscape 
Almost home ……
What an amazing tour , Pilot , guide and an excited DW , Martha ! 
The rest of the day we walked around the mall , still in a cloud , looking for the  famous delicious chocolate covered nuts ! 
Another amazing day and the name Nawiliwili I will never forget !
Tony 😄😃
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