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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday June 27th, 2023


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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

Question for US Dailyites.  Is there a regular protocol for not picking a prescription from the pharmacy.  I've been getting regular calls from my pharmacy to pick up a prescription from my Oral Surgeon.  I know there is concern about patients not taking advantage of their prescriptions but I did go online and confirm that it is a narcotic pain killer.  I did not specifically discuss not taking it with the doctor but when they called to check on my I did say I was taking less ibuprofen than suggested and they supported that so I'm sure they would have no objections to me not using it.  I think most unclaimed prescriptions not picked up can be restocked.  Is it ok for me to just ignore it?



Don’t need it ignore or just call them and say you don’t need it.

Edited by aliaschief
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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

Question for US Dailyites.  Is there a regular protocol for not picking a prescription from the pharmacy.  I've been getting regular calls from my pharmacy to pick up a prescription from my Oral Surgeon.  I know there is concern about patients not taking advantage of their prescriptions but I did go online and confirm that it is a narcotic pain killer.  I did not specifically discuss not taking it with the doctor but when they called to check on my I did say I was taking less ibuprofen than suggested and they supported that so I'm sure they would have no objections to me not using it.  I think most unclaimed prescriptions not picked up can be restocked.  Is it ok for me to just ignore it?



I agree that you should just tell the pharmacy you do not want the prescription.  They can't make you take it.

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@luvteaching Karen, I am so sorry to hear of your DH's passing. You were such a wonderful support and caregiver to him through this time of illness, and I know he felt your love every day. I'm glad your son is there to support you. Be kind to yourself during this difficult time.

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3 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning everyone, 

Thank you for all the kind thoughts. DH Phil passed away at 3:30 AM today. I got a call from the hospital a few minutes later. I'm at peace with things. We had some great adventures and he had a good life filled with family and travel. 


@rafinmd and others know that going to the concert was a true gift and I'm so glad we got to do it. We did have the Eurodam cruise but I moved it to next year along with the Discovery Princess one in August. The Westerdam one in September is paid for and I'm thinking I'll go on that one. 


DS is going to stop at the hospital this morning and get the few belongings that are there and he'll be here in an hour or so. I've talked to my Mom (almost 97 and a going concern) and she's spreading the news in Canada. It helps me out and makes her feel that she's being useful. I'm planning to stay home today as I haven't had a day at home in months and start taking care of what I can from here. Lots of notifications, etc. He wanted to be cremated and for us to have a party so will do that and party later in the summer. 

Thank you everyone! I'll check in during the day. 




Karen, my sincere condolences upon your DH's Phil's passing.  The love you two had for each other was very evident in each and every word you wrote about him.  May your memories bring peace and comfort.

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@luvteaching  Karen, our deepest sympathy to you and your son on Phil's passing.  As others have said, the love you shared came through in all your posts about Phil and his recent illnesses.  May the love and memories of good times sustain you during this time and always.





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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. It's a sad day for us Dailyites.

I like onions, I wear transition lenses (extra dark) and sunglasses if without regular glasses, as my eyes are very sun sensitive. Helen Keller was a remarkable individual. Love the sassy Mae West quote. The meal and drink look good; pass on the wine. I have been to Nawiliwili. Thanks to those who posted pictures.


Rain, rain, rain here since yesterday, and it's chilly. I'm just back from PT. The therapist did some stretches of my legs that made me look like Gumby. Earlier I was at the Rheumatologist; no change in regimen. I declined steroids for the worsened hand joint pain, as now that I'm back on a regular schedule of the injections I hope that works. I have to leave at o'dark thirty tomorrow to take BFF to his Derm appointment, so I'll try to post the Cares List from my phone.


@smitty34877 I'm glad DH had a good night, although wow on no beds and him having to stay in Recovery overnight. Hoping he's in a regular room now. Aww, on the dogs missing him.

@ottahand7 It sounds like your foot wants you to rest more.

@Crazy For Cats Sorry to hear about the layoffs at work, but I'm glad you weren't one of them. I'm sure the office isn't a cheerful place today.

@aliaschief Enjoy your last full day aboard. 

@kochleffel Oh my on the cuts to your hands. It sounds like we need to wrap you in bubble wrap!

@kazu I'm sure your friends at home appreciate you helping them.

@Seasick Sailor I'm glad Allen is doing ok.

@marshhawk I hope the PT goes well.

@Heartgrove I'm sure it's tough getting the house painted with the rainy weather. I hope Sam has more good days than bad.

@RMLincoln I'm sorry to hear DH has itchy eyes again. The grass pollen counts have been high, so that could definitely be a factor. 

@lindaler Good to hear that you're feeling better.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those with something to Celebrate.


From my Aug 11, 2021 post:

Sunrise in Nawiliwili





Blowhole (Spouting Horn)





Chickens in Kauai





Waimea Canyon (it was foggy)





Leaving Nawiliwili






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Good afternoon from sunny and breezy Tucson where it's 103F with an expected high of 105F and 7% humidity.  We spent the morning planting two new mint plants and doing odds and ends and Craig ran errands.  Craig's favorite summertime cocktail is a Mojito and mint is imperative for that drink.  We might have to plant more in a few weeks because the old mint plant isn't producing as well so it's time for a refresh.  We keep them in pots because they are so invasive.  I think we'll have some pool time today too, although it's still a little cool for us at 84F.  We prefer 87-88F. 


We have a Hawaiian cruise scheduled for Jan '24 but not sure we will be doing that, I'd really like to postpone and schedule it for later in '24 to celebrate our 50th but not sure December is a good month to sail there.  Also, there is someone on our roll call that I just don't want to encounter, not you Dixie @summer slope but I'm sure you know who I mean.  I've been to Hawaii but never the Kauai.  Thanks to all for sharing your pictures.


I was mesmerized by Helen Keller when I was younger due to the movie with Patty Duke in the role of Helen Keller.  What an amazing movie to watch.


I wear sunglasses all the time with my transitions, like Roy does.


The meal looks good although I bought lobster ravioli at TJ's and we are having that today with a tomato cream sauce. 


Nancy @ottahand7, I had the same problem a few days ago when I was adding multiple blue bubbles.  I couldn't get my cursor to go to the end (no end key on an iPhone!) and try as might I couldn't post anything after the bubbles.  However, there is a "clear editor" place on the retrieved post that CC provides so if you click on that the original post you were typing will clear.


Jake @Crazy For Cats, yikes on the layoffs.  I'm glad you are safe for now.  Congrats on the upgrade/upsell.


@kochleffel, I love the new kitties names.  Don't be too concerned about them hiding right now.  They are trying to be safe and figure out their new environment.  Our brother/sister duo hid for about a week in our laundry room where we kept the litter box.  One day I found the little boy (who turned out to be a Maine Coon) trying to climb up the back of an ironing board.  Poor thing had gotten his claws stuck in the cloth and was howling a baby kitty howl.


Jack @Heartgrove, Sam is beautiful!  You have an amazing vet who obviously cares about what she does. 


Bruce @aliaschief, I can't believe your cruise is coming to a close!  Great pictures and safe travels home.


Off to the pool!  Have a great day everyone!






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Hello dailyites,

@luvteachingso sorry to hear your news today.  Prayers for you and your family.  May good memories bring you peace and comfort.  

@smitty34877Hoping that your DH does well, and you can be home together soon.  

@kochleffelhoping you see your kitties soon, and that their transition to your home goes well.

We've been to Hawaii on a land tour, the pictures today look familiar!  

The food looks good, but we're having Mongolian chicken cooked in the slow cooker.

It's a very smoky day here in SE Wisconsin.  The news people are saying we should stay indoors, the warnings are on until Thursday.  It's been hazy before, but today you can smell a strong odor of smoke.  I can't imagine what it's like for people close to the fires.  

Have a good rest of the day, K


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Greetings from a rather warm central Texas.  This turned out to be a busy morning.  I realized that before I could get the meat I bought today packaged and in the freezer, I needed to rearrange every thing so I could find what was in there.  That meant getting the coolers and putting all the frozen food in them.  That's when I realized the freezer and refrigerator both needed cleaning.  Long story short, the refrigerator and freezer are clean and organized -- until I need to find something.  😁  I should have done that yesterday before I went shopping.  It turns out I bought a couple of things I really didn't need right now, and didn't get some things I needed.  Oh well, they will all get eaten eventually.


6 hours ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Morning,  thanks for today's report.  I think I'd like today's meal suggestion do look forward pictures and recipes from @dfish

Yesterday afternoon was a mixed bag of events.  I received an upsell offer for the July cruise and took it. Now I'll have coffee in the room.  As soon as I hung up with HAL an email from the CEO came out.  The company laid off 2% of the staff.  The first time for this company.  I'm safe at the moment but will check spending on the near future.  Today is an in office day and everyone is upset.

I hope everyone has a nice day today.


Jake, first congratulations on the upsell.  I'm sorry about the layoffs, but glad your job is safe for now.  I don't envy you and the others in the office today.


6 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Great photos Lenda.

The movie tour was a big highlight of our Hawaiian cruise as well as our tour to Pearl harbour. 


Graham, I've looked into doing the tour again since more movies and tv shows have been filmed there.  We booked the tour independently in 2007, but later it was only available through the cruise lines and much more expensive.  I'm glad we did it when we did.


6 hours ago, kochleffel said:

I'm in favor of onions, sunglasses (outdoors, when it's sunny) and Helen Keller. For a couple of years I was chair of our county's human relations commission, and when we were planning to participate in a back-to-school fair and needed to have swag made for it, I proposed having a Helen Keller quotation printed on pencils. A member of the commission who had been a superintendent of schools objected that "we can't tell parents what to teach their children." I substituted a quotation from Maya Angelou that made the same point, but more subtly. We also gave out frisbees with a slogan that the ex-super didn't question.


I like chicken piccata but the addition of cream makes me queasy. When you keep kosher, you become accustomed to avoiding combinations of meat and dairy ingredients, and while I am not strict about that away from home, when both the meat and the dairy ingredient are conspicuous it seems off. OTOH, I have made Swedish meatballs using tofu sour cream, so I suppose I could make this using something like NutPods.


The drink startled me, because Berry White is also a strain of marijuana. (Don't ask how I know this.) I would like the wine and might be able to find it at Total Wine when I'm driving back from New Jersey last month. From the Finger Lakes, maybe Glenora Sauvignon Blanc 2021 although it wouldn't be as refined. It goes without saying that I haven't been to Nawiliwili.


I still haven't seen the cats and they didn't eat the wet food, but both have used the downstairs litterbox.


First thing this morning, after taking out the trash, I went to change the filter in the upstairs furnace, to get ready for using AC (no AC downstairs). I had to tear the old filter apart to get it out and in trying to fit the new filter in, I cut my hands in several places. My clothes and the house look like a crime scene.





Paul, I agree that the kitties will come out when they are more comfortable in their new home.  I'm glad they are using the litter box.  I'm sorry you cut yourself.  I hope the cuts heal quickly, and this is the last of such incidents.


5 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Tuesday Daily, Rich.


Nice collection of days.  Love onions & sunglasses are so important.  I admire Helen Keller so much ♥️ 


Love the West quote.  The meal sounds wonderful as does the wine (yea on white wine 👏).  We’ve been to 3 of the Hawaiian Islands but I don’t believe today’s port so I’m enjoying the pictures.


This morning I was replying to my roll call and CC went poof saying it was upgrading so I’m late to the party today.


So much sad news here at home from some of my friends & the feeling of helplessness that goes with it and here on the Daily. 😢 


Karen @luvteaching my heart is breaking for you 💔  Bless you for following your husband’s wishes.  I hope the home Hospice can be done 🙏🏻 


@smitty34877 I am relieved your DH’s surgery went well.  I hope he has a bed today and you can find it. 🙏🏻


Jake @Crazy For Cats yikes on the news at work.  It will be depressing at work today for sure 😞 I’m glad your job is safe and hope it stays that way 🤞 


I got little done yesterday other than take care of Ivan and try to help my friends somehow & do a bit of cruise planning that was already in the works.  Another rainy one here.  Yesterday it stopped so I told Ivan we would go and of course, the skies opened.  


Prayers for everyone - all too many - on the Care list & those that need them and cheers 🥂 to those celebrating.




Have a good Tuesday everyone !!!!


Jacqui, you may not have gotten what you planned done yesterday, but that doesn't mean you got little done.  Taking care of Ivan and helping your friends in need, is doing a lot that is really important.


5 hours ago, aliaschief said:

The pictures of our visit to the African Violets flower producers did not transfer. Trying again




Bruce, all I can say is WOW! on all those plants.  I was surprised that your cruise was already at an end.  I will miss your travelogue.  Thanks for taking us along.  Enjoy Amsterdam tomorrow and safe fights home Thursday.


5 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!  PT called yesterday, I'm going in this morning.


see you all later


Annie, I hope the PT will help with your pain.


5 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. 


After reading and praying for our fellow friends here, leaves me sad and disheartened. Karen and Terry, I have you and family in my book. My sweet husband is doing ok. I don't understand why our doctor suggested a nephrologist thru the VA, that's always a challenge to get an appointment normally. 


It was a nice morning with a soft breeze for my dog walk. Today's temperature will be 103. 


I admire the true grit of Helen Keller. 






Wishing everyone a great Tuesday. Stay cool! 




Joy, all I can think about your doctor suggesting going through the VA for the specialist, is that as difficult as dealing with the VA is, he may think that is the quicker route.  Getting appointments with specialists can be daunting and the appointments weeks and months off.  I hope you can get Allen an appointment soon.  In the meantime, stay cool in this heat.


4 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Rich, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work. And thank you everyone for being here! 


The painters returned today and hopefully will get a full day in until the rain returns this afternoon. Yesterday we had some strong storms come through that they had predicted since the weekend.


Sam's vet made a house call yesterday for his six-month Senior checkup. He had had a rough day on Saturday and barely wanted to go on his walk. Knowing she usually is in our area on Mondays, I sent a text to her to see if she could see him this week. He actually isn't due for an exam until next month. Of course after doing that he was an entirely different dog on Sunday - and even chased a rabbit in our yard in the evening! I haven't seen him move like that in about a year. 


He continues to lose muscle mass in his rear legs according to her and thinks that he will be gone by April because, although healthy, his rear legs will be the problem. Sort of a blessing in disguise she discovered what feels like a mass on his spleen. Our second rescue Mal, Oke', had the same problem unknown to us and when it ruptured was gone in less than two hours. It is very common to large breeds such as Alskan Malamutes according to our vet. She is going to bring a portable ultrasound in the next two weeks to see how bad it is. He already may be slightly bleeding with the way he has been acting lately. She told us the next time he is acting punky to look at his gums to see how pink they are. That might make the decision easier. In the meantime, Sam enjoyed being "massaged" and petted for over an hour by Dr. Brandy!


Loving the attention!



Sheer bliss!



The middle of April 2023.



Stay Safe!


- Jack


Stay Safe!


- Jack


Jack, I hope the painters can make good progress on your house today.  It looks like Sam has a loving and caring vet.  I hope he has more good days like Sunday.  He is a very handsome dog and a very lucky one to have you as his human.


2 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Question for US Dailyites.  Is there a regular protocol for not picking a prescription from the pharmacy.  I've been getting regular calls from my pharmacy to pick up a prescription from my Oral Surgeon.  I know there is concern about patients not taking advantage of their prescriptions but I did go online and confirm that it is a narcotic pain killer.  I did not specifically discuss not taking it with the doctor but when they called to check on my I did say I was taking less ibuprofen than suggested and they supported that so I'm sure they would have no objections to me not using it.  I think most unclaimed prescriptions not picked up can be restocked.  Is it ok for me to just ignore it?




Roy, when DH didn't want to pay $527+ for a 30 day supply of the blood thinner he was prescribed, we just told the pharmacy we didn't want it.  Usually, they will hold a prescription 10-12 days before restocking it.  BTW, he did not go without a blood thinner, but got an older drug that was $5 for 30 days.  It worked just as well, and needing blood tests every so often was not a problem.


3 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Edit: Just saw Karen’s post. Our hearts are with you as you process this sad loss. Thanks for telling us. m—


Lifting up @luvteaching Karen, Phil and Jeff, family and Care team. Send you all Love and Light. 
@smitty34877 👍 for Lou!  Hoping you see him chipper today. 
 @Vict0riann May you soon learn how to mitigate the headaches and see Pat on a path forward. Same wishes for @catmando and Annie. @ottahand7 glad Nancy you managed your trip into town ok and John was able to take part of the shopping, and back home to rest that toe. @kochleffel I hope the kitties come out soon!  

Nawiliwili is such a tricky port with its zig-zag entrance. We were there a few times by ship but my first visit to The Garden Island was in the mid 70s with my mom. We walked to the Coco Palms to see their elaborate twilight lighting of the torches done by young men runners who twirled a flaming torch timed perfectly to touch each torch as they ran the perimeter of the property. 

The first time DH and I cruised there we were on Diamond Princess. It was an uncomfortable crossing behind a storm. We pitched for 4 days. That storm closed Nawiliwili a few days before we hit there.  An NCL ship was forced to leave the harbor (I,e. harbour for Graham and others) before they wouldn’t be able to get out. They left 600 people on the island including 100 crew. Those folks were put up in hotels overnight then flown by NCL to the next island port. It’s such a tight place to navigate. But beautiful. 

My father’s cousin was blind. She lived and taught at a boarding school for the blind, and in the 60s she would spend a week with us every summer. As kids we were fascinated by her adaptations of daily living. Her pocket watch had no glass cover so she could feel the hands and the numerals which were in braille. We’d sit outside on the front porch steps watching her punch braille letters to her friends. Her “claim to fame” was that she was once a substitute secretary to Helen Keller! One of our favorite outings with her was taking her to the beach where she thoroughly absorbed the taste, feel and sounds. She died 50 years ago in her 80s. She is a very special memory for me. 

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. My DH is back to struggling with the itchy eyes. He’s been walking outside recently and we’re thinking that the eye meds allergy might have been triggered again by grass pollen allergies. It had been so much better for a time but that’s changed now. Still on track for the eye pressure-reducing stent surgery Aug 1. 🤞


🎉 Cheers for all the celebrations, Life is Good!  
Smooth travels to all away. Everybody pay attention to where your feet are!  Have a blessed day! 



Maureen, I'm sorry your DH is having allergy problems again with the drops.  I hope the August surgery eliminates the need for the drops.


3 hours ago, lindaler said:



This is a very unusual photo. It makes you wonder why all the people in the back are in firefighter outfits including air tanks. I hope it was just a drill. 


I just wanted to say that I am doing better. I forced myself to go out kayaking last night. While I wasn't up to my racing self I was able to do most of the route even in the heat advisory conditions. Today I tried weed eating and got one batter of work done before the heat got to me. Thank you for your concern. 


Linda, I'm happy you are doing better.  When we have been on BHBs, they normally had a crew drill once a week on a port day.  Some of the drills are simulated fires, and that was probably what was happening the the picture you saw. 


@JazzyV  Vanessa, I hope the PT and exercises help you too.  



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3 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Question for US Dailyites.  Is there a regular protocol for not picking a prescription from the pharmacy.  I've been getting regular calls from my pharmacy to pick up a prescription from my Oral Surgeon.  I know there is concern about patients not taking advantage of their prescriptions but I did go online and confirm that it is a narcotic pain killer.  I did not specifically discuss not taking it with the doctor but when they called to check on my I did say I was taking less ibuprofen than suggested and they supported that so I'm sure they would have no objections to me not using it.  I think most unclaimed prescriptions not picked up can be restocked.  Is it ok for me to just ignore it?



I know I am not in the USA but when I have a prescription here that I don’t intend on picking up I actually tell the pharmacy to remove it, take it back. That way they don’t hold on to it for a long time and can restock it. I would especially do this with a narcotic prescription. It also gets taken off of my online profile that way too. We deal with Costco.

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5 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning everyone, 

Thank you for all the kind thoughts. DH Phil passed away at 3:30 AM today. I got a call from the hospital a few minutes later. I'm at peace with things. We had some great adventures and he had a good life filled with family and travel. 


@rafinmd and others know that going to the concert was a true gift and I'm so glad we got to do it. We did have the Eurodam cruise but I moved it to next year along with the Discovery Princess one in August. The Westerdam one in September is paid for and I'm thinking I'll go on that one. 


DS is going to stop at the hospital this morning and get the few belongings that are there and he'll be here in an hour or so. I've talked to my Mom (almost 97 and a going concern) and she's spreading the news in Canada. It helps me out and makes her feel that she's being useful. I'm planning to stay home today as I haven't had a day at home in months and start taking care of what I can from here. Lots of notifications, etc. He wanted to be cremated and for us to have a party so will do that and party later in the summer. 

Thank you everyone! I'll check in during the day. 



Karen @luvteaching,so sorry to hear about DH Phil. Our prayers are with you and your family. Susan 

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Good afternoon, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We eat onions in so many different things, lately going through a lot of red onions in Greek salad.  On the "frozen tundra" we need sunglasses year round, so I have several pair in each vehicle, including my prescription ones.  Helen Keller was a remarkable woman - we could all learn from her.  I think I can identify with the Mae West quotation . . .


@luvteaching my heart breaks for you knowing your DH Phil has passed away.  Know that your friends from near and far are holding you and your family in prayer and love.


Late to the party as has been the custom these past few days - we still have company, but not sure if they'll be here for tonight or not.  Today is the day our friend gets released from the hospital - should have happened at 11AM, but the doctor wasn't available due to an emergency.  Just heard from the daughter that the doctor just arrived and they might be able to leave the hospital in about an hour after all the paperwork is completed.  They'll come back here and it will be decided if they continue on to their home (which is about 4 hours solid driving from here), or will spend the night and make their way home tomorrow.   I've already stripped the beds and washed the towels, so they'll have clean beds to sleep in if they choose to stay.


Sending prayers to all with family health problems, as there seem to be so many right now; let's turn that around, shall we?  


It's pretty hot out right now, so if our friends do spend tonight with us, I think we'll order something in, as I really don't have anything planned for dinner.   I'm hoping they'll enjoy something simple like pizza in the pergola tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for all with needs, cheers to everyone with celebrations today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




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@luvteachingmy thoughts are with you at this difficult time.  

@smitty34877glad to hear the surgery went well. Hope your husband has a room by now.


@dfishhope your sister just slept in vs a migraine.  They are horrible headaches.


Thinking of everyone today.  Have to say my back surgery was a success.  I am at Universal  in Orlando with my daughter and grandkids and I’ve been walking 4 miles a day. Hot as the blazes and not many rides that I can do but helping out.  I couldn’t have done this pre surgery.  


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2 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

I love the new kitties names.  Don't be too concerned about them hiding right now.  They are trying to be safe and figure out their new environment.  Our brother/sister duo hid for about a week in our laundry room where we kept the litter box.  One day I found the little boy (who turned out to be a Maine Coon) trying to climb up the back of an ironing board.  Poor thing had gotten his claws stuck in the cloth and was howling a baby kitty howl.


I think that the laundry room is also where mine are hiding -- the litterbox that they're using is in an alcove there. I've placed water and a different brand of wet food just inside the door.

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