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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday July 10th, 2023


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Thank you Rich, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work. And thank you everyone for being here!


We will be in today's port of Edinburgh in exactly two months on our upcoming MSC cruise of Scotland and Ireland! So excited to be cruising one more time.  We booked this cruise over a year ago and received the maximum discount plus perks that MSC offers. Looking forward to photos that are posted today. It will be DSIL's first European trip!


The painters have been really rolling so hope to be 80% done by the end of the week, and to finish next week. The neighbors have complimented us on the choice of colors.


Stay Safe!


- Jack

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Good morning from a sunny central Texas. Our predicted high is 96F, but I think it will be even hotter.  It is currently 78F and feels like 86F.  I'll be quick here so I can get my walk in as early as possible.  Then, it will be time to clean the smoker and spray weed killer.  After that, I'll spend the remainder of the day inside a cool house catching up on paperwork and bills.


Kittens are cute, but it's been 25 years since we've had cats.  I'm am not a fan of pina coladas so someone else can enjoy mine.  A Teddy Bear picnic would be fun.


The quote is very true.


We have been to Edinburgh several times starting in 2011 and have been lucky enough to dock at Rosyth every time since we were on  Prinsendam the other times.


The Episcopal Church in the US was a head of it's time not only with gay marriage but with ordaining women as priests and bishops and having a gay bishop.  Unfortunately, this cause a split among members and many churches broke away and became Angelicin churches.


@aliaschief Bruce, at least when I changed to toilet seat several months ago, I got it on correctly the first time. 🤣  Loved that meme.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope the therapist has suggestions for continuing exercises if today is your last session.  I hope you and Ivan get a good report from the vet today.

@cruising sister  Lorraine, thank you for the update on Murphy.  It sounds like she is making good progress now, and sending positive thoughts for a smooth recovery from now on.  You plans for the wellness spa sound good and should keep you busy that week.

@Denise T  Great news on the fasting blood sugar being the lowest for several months.  It looks like going back to basics is working.

@ottahand7  Nancy, congratulations to your niece on her engagement.  Loved the pictures of the eagles.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, you sure will be busy this week.  Enjoy the family visits and all the birthday parties.  We'd love to see a picture of the dog when he joins your family.

@marshhawk  Annie, I hope your DH gets a good report from the eye doctor and the infection is not back.  Glad you got another campaign.















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We have been to five times all but the first time on the Prinsendam, so we docked at Rosyth. The first time was in 2008 on Tahitian Princess. The first time we were in Edinburgh in 2011, we took a morning tour to Edinburgh and the castle, followed by an afternoon tour to St. Andrews.  In 2016, we were late docking due to tidal conditions, and our tour to the Falkirk Wheel was cancelled, so we took the train into town.  In 2016, we did several b2bs, so we were in Rosyth and Edinburgh three times. 


The first time, we made it to the Falkirk Wheel, but the tour was nearly cancelled.  The guides for the two buses had to cancel and there were no replacements.  We were given the option of getting off the bus and getting our money back, or doing the tour anyway.  The two drivers went out of their way to make it a memorable tour even without out any commentary.  The wheel provided a guide for the boat ride.  The bus drivers even made a unscheduled stop at the statues of the Kelpies, mythical sea creatures that steal children.  As usual, there was one grump who complained about the lack of commentary on the bus.


A view of the stands being erected at the Castle for the Tattoo.  The stands are vey steep and tall, and since I do not like heights, I'm not sure I will attend the Tattoo because with my luck I'd be on the top row and miserable.



When we left the Castle in 2011, we had to wait for our bus until a parade of veterans assemble and marched by, followed by a band, and pipers.  It was worth the wait to see how proud they were.



The Kelpies.



We visited the Britannia, but I will only show one picture of the sitting room.



The last time we did the combination of the city bus and the Ho-Ho, since I wanted to go to the statue of Greyfriars's Bobby.  Here is the statue and his grave in Greyfriars's Cemetery.




Finally, a couple of pictures from the town.  The first was taken in 2016 during the Fringe and the Tattoo.   You could hardly walk down the streets.







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2 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We have been to five times all but the first time on the Prinsendam, so we docked at Rosyth. The first time was in 2008 on Tahitian Princess. The first time we were in Edinburgh in 2011, we took a morning tour to Edinburgh and the castle, followed by an afternoon tour to St. Andrews.  In 2016, we were late docking due to tidal conditions, and our tour to the Falkirk Wheel was cancelled, so we took the train into town.  In 2016, we did several b2bs, so we were in Rosyth and Edinburgh three times. 


The first time, we made it to the Falkirk Wheel, but the tour was nearly cancelled.  The guides for the two buses had to cancel and there were no replacements.  We were given the option of getting off the bus and getting our money back, or doing the tour anyway.  The two drivers went out of their way to make it a memorable tour even without out any commentary.  The wheel provided a guide for the boat ride.  The bus drivers even made a unscheduled stop at the statues of the Kelpies, mythical sea creatures that steal children.  As usual, there was one grump who complained about the lack of commentary on the bus.


A view of the stands being erected at the Castle for the Tattoo.  The stands are vey steep and tall, and since I do not like heights, I'm not sure I will attend the Tattoo because with my luck I'd be on the top row and miserable.



When we left the Castle in 2011, we had to wait for our bus until a parade of veterans assemble and marched by, followed by a band, and pipers.  It was worth the wait to see how proud they were.



The Kelpies.



We visited the Britannia, but I will only show one picture of the sitting room.



The last time we did the combination of the city bus and the Ho-Ho, since I wanted to go to the statue of Greyfriars's Bobby.  Here is the statue and his grave in Greyfriars's Cemetery.




Finally, a couple of pictures from the town.  The first was taken in 2016 during the Fringe and the Tattoo.   You could hardly walk down the streets.







Ms Crystal, what’s the deal with the horse heads. They made him an offer that he refused! 😯

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Our first visit to Edinburgh was on August 25, 2011.  Because we wanted to see as much as possible in one day, we took a morning panoramic city tour which included a tour of Edinburgh Castle, and an afternoon tour to St. Andrews. 


The day we were there was Armed Forces day, and not only were the veterans in my earlier picture marching, but many military units too.  I found out today, thanks to Google, that Prince Charles was there and gave the troops a salute.  I'm going to post my pictures of Edinburgh here, and the ones of St. Andrews in another post.


Some of these pictures were taken from the bus, and are not the greatest.  A couple of pictures of houses.





Preparations for the parade





Even though it was June 25, the stands for the Tattoo were already being erected.



The entrance to Edinburgh Castle



The Governor's House circa 1731





Here are a few pictures from inside the castle.  The rooms for the royal family, without furnishings, are first, followed by the quarters for the soldiers.













Looking down on Edinburgh from the castle





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These are my pictures from St. Andrews.  Since several Dailyites have shared their pictures from the Old Course, I am only including one.  The rest are from our afternoon in St. Andrews.


Our first stop was St. Andrews Cathedral, really the ruins of the 12th century cathedral.





Our next stop was the Old Course, where we had free time.



After we looked around the Old Course, we walked back into town.  Our first stop was the University of St. Andrew.  We walked into the chapel but were not even allowed time to take one picture because the were setting up to take some pictures, IIRC.





The rest of the pictures were taken as we walked around town.













A pretty park and playground




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Grateful for a new day and all of you here!  Truly Amazing to hear baby Murphy’s progress!  Hoping the scans show only good. 

@cruising sister I like your plan for a retreat at a wellness center. Sounds like a decision for the positive. So much good in your life!  

@Denise T may you find the best path ahead with ways to deal with your diabetes and meds.  Keeping your BGL down will avoid the nasty complications…. A wise friend helped me learn that if you can’t spent your money on your health, whatever you’re saving it for won’t be near as much fun.  My friends life was shortened by cancer 10 years ago and I hear her words often encouraging me and helping me get a better perspective!  

Today will still be on the hot side at 87 but no rain, light wind and lower humidity… so maybe a kayaking day?  Afternoon really, if the forecast seems to hold. My limit has been 85 but if there’re some clouds and breezes, maybe. 

Yesterday our younger granddaughter got engaged!  Her sister sent us lots of pictures of big smiles in spite of the heavy rains in the NY Hudson Valley. At least they were in a gazebo!  

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Good luck today @kazu with last PT🤞. May it speed up the last healing needed.  

🥂 Cheers to those celebrating especially the newly engaged couples! Ours and Nancy’s @ottahand7

Love the Eagle pix! Beautiful.

Hard for me to pass up a piña colada!  I’ve been to Edinburgh by land tour, thanks for the pictures. Good memories.  Only got a small portion of chores done this weekend. My flimsy excuse is that my stomach has been off, so I’ve stayed still and rested, watched Wimbledon instead!  The chores are still there and will get done eventually. Life is Good!🌈



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These are my last pictures for the day.  We were in Edinburgh once in 2016 on Prinsendam, and three times on Prinsendam in 2017 on multiple B2Bs.  These pictures are from 2016 and our first visit in 2017.  The second time in  2017, we took the city bus out to tour the Britannia, and the third time we did the Ho-Ho and walked the Royal Mile from top to bottom.  


In 2016. we took the Ho-Ho around Edinburgh.   When we were in the vicinity of the castle, we ran into extremely heavy crowds who were in town for the Tattoo and the Fringe.  Several blocks were turned into pedestrian only streets and the Ho-Ho had to make a detour.  Even the area around Waverly Station was crowded.





From our detour on the Ho-Ho



The new bridge across the Firth of Forth.  It was nearing completion, with just a few spans waiting to be installed.  It was opened the next year by Queen Elizabeth II.



In 2017, we did a ship's tour to the Falkirk Wheel, which is an engineering marvel.  It connects two canals which are on different elevations.  Boats enter one of the two chambers on the wheel and are either raised or lowered to the other canal.  The chambers, for want of a better word, used Archimedes' principle of water displacement, so they do not have to add or remove water when the boat enters and exits the wheel.  I strongly recommend a ship's tour to visit the wheel, since the tours are guaranteed a time to "ride" the wheel.


We entered the wheel from the lower canal, were raised to the next canal, sailed down the canal, turned around and went back to the wheel to return to the lower canal.





Entering the wheel on the lower level.



Coming back toward the tunnel and the wheel.



Entering the wheel at the upper level



The view across the countryside from the top of the wheel was spectacular, even on a cloudy day.



Canal boats in the canal near the Kelpies.



@RedneckBob  RNB, the horse heads represent the Kelpies rising out of the sea.  They are mythical creatures who supposed kidnap children.



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Good Morning, thank you for today’s daily fleet report.  It’s a rainy day today.  I’d like to open up a bit and let fresh air in but it’s still very muggy, hopefully later.  Shocked this morning to see some rainfall totals in SE Pennsylvania, I hope everyone is ok.  This is my four day work week and I’m already looking forward to Friday.  I hope everyone has a good day today.

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Good Morning to All!


I am a true lover of cats (had at least one most of my life) but not sure if I am really up to having a kitten.  I adopted my Martina from PACC (Pima Animal Care Center) and they thought she was around 6 or 7 then.  She had been in and out of PACC several times; they determined she didn't like other animals or kids so she was a perfect fit for me.  I have had her 3 years now and even though I wonder if she is lonely here by herself, I don't think she would like to share me with anyone else!!


Not a fan of Pina Coladas and maybe a picnic with some teddy bears would be a blast.  Love the quote, the food and drink sound interesting, and never been to Scotland!


We keep waiting for the monsoons to start.  Right now (almost 0700) it is 84 degrees with the humidity at 46%.  The high is predicted to be near 105 so I am hoping for a good monsoon.  It really helps with the heat and humidity.


Cooking done yesterday and decided the day would be all veggies day.  Maybe fish on the menu for tonight.  I really want to head to the beach soon but got to figure out when I can squeeze it in with the different things on my schedule.  Substituting for Flowing Wells is set but I have to initiate the sub stuff for TUSD.  I am already done with the paperwork and have been "hired" but I am inactive as I was getting "hey, you want to sub today" messages a couple times a day when I was still working for them!!  Oops!!


Thoughts for the care list (thanks for the update on little Murphy; fingers crossed the scan goes well today) and cheers to those celebrating.


Have a great Monday everyone!





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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Who can resist kittens, seriously?  They're so darn cute; I'm sure if I had a farm or an acreage, I could become the crazy cat lady of the district.  I haven't had a pina colada in ages; I think the last one was on a BHB.  We still have a couple of big teddy bears in the house, so we could have a picnic with them on the deck.


It's a lot cooler this morning, only +13 (55), but for the first time since the beginning of May, there aren't any air quality or weather advisories out for the entire province!  Not sure how long it will last, because yesterday was a very smokey one.  And out of the 29 wildfires burning in our province, only 2 are still considered to be out of control.  Terrible about the flooding in various places - Mother Nature's weather systems are becoming so volatile!


@smitty34877hoping today's medical appointments have good outcomes.

@kazu sending good thoughts for Ivan's vet visit.

@Seasick Sailor you're going to have an incredibly busy week!  I hope you aren't cooking for everyone - you're barely going to have time to breathe.  And a new puppy - that will be delightful for both you and Allen!

@marshhawk I'm glad you have another campaign to work on; I hope DH's eye doesn't cause him too much grief.


Not a lot going on today, still putting things back where they should be from Summerfest, trying to figure out what to do with all the Hawaiian decorations, leis, etc., as we won't be using that theme again for a number of years.  DH decided that even though he was tired from the day's party, he wanted to clean out one of our 3 sheds, so I just let him.  At the end of the day he looked beat, but was happy with his progress.  Now there are a bunch of plant pots lining the patio that need to be hosed down, dried, and put into boxes so we can donate them, as they're just no longer needed.  I believe that's my job.  


I'd like to try the drink of the day, would like a sample of the wine, and we've had the crunch wrap from Taco Bell - it was good.  DH and I prefer the beef or chicken chalupa if we ever stop by a TB, but there isn't one close, so it doesn't happen often.  I have a lot of fresh veggies left that were brought for Summerfest, and this time I checked - there is chicken in the bag I brought up from the freezer, so I'll be making a stir fry for us to enjoy on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations, especially to the newly engaged couples and their families!


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good morning. We were inundated  with rain here but north of us was horrific with flash floods at Highland Falls. The sun is coming out now but the terrific humidity remains.DH and I are making our way to an appointment  later and I am grateful for no rain.

We walked the Royal Mile and went to the Castle when we were in Edinburgh. It was August  with Tatoo and Fringe Festival crowds.I loved Scotland and would like to return.Thanks to all for the pictures.

@Seasick Sailor Joy, Your schedule of events sounds great and it should be a great celebration  for Allen.I am also so glad you will soon have a pup in the house.Enjoy!

My son is returning  to NY with his family and their young pup.They are staying in a house with a pool in a Hudson River town about 20 miles from us.Tomorriw he will help me get DH back to the surgeon in the city.It will be wonderful to see him again with the rest of his group.

Take care everyone

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I'll start with a photo of Fergus as a kitten in 1995.


I also have photos of him with his littermate Addison as kittens, but they're predigital and I don't seem to have digital copies.


I'll pass on both the Piña Colada and the punch. Probably yes on the vegan wrap as long as it's not made with real vegans.


For the wine, instead of one from the Finger Lakes, I'll suggest one from Oregon: Eyrie Vineyard 2017 South Block Reserve Pinot Noir, at a mere $250/bottle. David Lett, the founder of Eyrie, pioneered growing Pinor Noir in the Willamette Valley in 1965. When I lived there ca. 1980 I knew him. I also wrote a wine column in an  underground newspaper at a college where the students would never, ever have started an underground paper, but the faculty and staff had one. The college was nominally temperate but one of the owners of the Sokol Blosser winery was on the faculty. In 1994 I was at the Pike & Western wine shop in Seattle and saw a poster for an International Pinor Noir Festival that was being held at the college.


I haven't been to Edinburgh, but I've read the 44 Scotland Street and Isabel Dalhousie novels by Alexander McCall Smith that are set there.


The weather forecast for today was rain all day, but the reality is sunny and not too warm. This upends my plans for the day, and I will be mowing, mowing, mowing.



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@kochleffel, Paul , they will probably find lots of our parkways still closed and will need to use their  cell phones for updates about road closures. I just spoke to them and advised against trying to get down to us today and get settled in.He prefers to get to Yonkers via 95 thru Connecticut  but might have to try  91 or 84 instead.The damage was as bad as after Sandy. Yikes.

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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

These are my last pictures for the day.  We were in Edinburgh once in 2016 on Prinsendam, and three times on Prinsendam in 2017 on multiple B2Bs.  These pictures are from 2016 and our first visit in 2017.  The second time in  2017, we took the city bus out to tour the Britannia, and the third time we did the Ho-Ho and walked the Royal Mile from top to bottom.  


In 2016. we took the Ho-Ho around Edinburgh.   When we were in the vicinity of the castle, we ran into extremely heavy crowds who were in town for the Tattoo and the Fringe.  Several blocks were turned into pedestrian only streets and the Ho-Ho had to make a detour.  Even the area around Waverly Station was crowded.





From our detour on the Ho-Ho



The new bridge across the Firth of Forth.  It was nearing completion, with just a few spans waiting to be installed.  It was opened the next year by Queen Elizabeth II.



In 2017, we did a ship's tour to the Falkirk Wheel, which is an engineering marvel.  It connects two canals which are on different elevations.  Boats enter one of the two chambers on the wheel and are either raised or lowered to the other canal.  The chambers, for want of a better word, used Archimedes' principle of water displacement, so they do not have to add or remove water when the boat enters and exits the wheel.  I strongly recommend a ship's tour to visit the wheel, since the tours are guaranteed a time to "ride" the wheel.


We entered the wheel from the lower canal, were raised to the next canal, sailed down the canal, turned around and went back to the wheel to return to the lower canal.





Entering the wheel on the lower level.



Coming back toward the tunnel and the wheel.



Entering the wheel at the upper level



The view across the countryside from the top of the wheel was spectacular, even on a cloudy day.



Canal boats in the canal near the Kelpies.



@RedneckBob  RNB, the horse heads represent the Kelpies rising out of the sea.  They are mythical creatures who supposed kidnap children.



Such familiar and memorable photos. Thank you.

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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

Kittens are cute, but none here. I really like Pina Coladas. I have an old teddy bear around here somewhere. Good quote. I'd take the meal with some meat, and pass on the drink. If I could get the wine, I'd drink it. I'll salute the Episcopal Church, of which I'm a member. I haven't been to Scotland. 


We're finally dry today after several days of rain. It was foggy this AM, but the sun is coming out. More rain later in the week. I'm still hobbling around due to knee pain. I have PT tomorrow, so maybe that'll help, although it's more for quad and hip flexor strengthening. 


@StLouisCruisers I hope all is well with the mammogram; I get mine next week. Thanks for the Scotland photos.

@kazu Hoping that Ivan's tests are ok.

@cruising sister Good to hear that baby Murphy showed good signs over the weekend. Prayers that her tests today show good results. The wellness spa for you sounds like a good plan for that week of DS's death anniversary.

@Denise T Keep up the good work. If you need medication, maybe one of the older generic ones can be prescribed, or the doctor has a copay card to help with the expense of newer ones.

@cat shepard Enjoy your visiting family.

@ottahand7 Congrats to your niece on her engagement.

@Seasick Sailor Awww, a new fur baby addition to the family! And you've got a very busy social schedule.

@marshhawk I hope DH doesn't have a new eye infection, but if he does that it responds quickly to drops. I'm glad you got a new campaign. 

 @dfish That's odd about the Red Bay issues and possibly not stopping there. When I was in Germany there are a lot of Middle Eastern places for take out, and we had wraps that looked like those but they had lamb or beef in them.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the great photos.

@RMLincoln Congrats to your DGD on her engagement! 

@grapau27 Congrats on another cruise booked.

@smitty34877 I'm glad you were spared the worst of the terrible rains. Prayers for good reports at the appointments. And nice to have DS there to help.

@kochleffel Aw, Fergus was such a cute kitten.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to tall those with something to Celebrate.


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Good early afternoon from NY!


Fortunately, Long Island was mostly spared from the terrible rain and flooding. It's not has hot as it has been, and the sun is out right now. Yay!


We were in Rosyth/Edinburgh in August 2018 on the Pacific Princess. We took a tour of Edinburgh in the morning, went back to the ship, and then took a ships tour to see the Tattoo. 









What an event!! @Quartzsite Cruiser if you don't like heights you definitely wouldn't like the stands for the Tattoo.  We were in Row Y, and there were about 10+ rows higher than ours!










If you have a chance, this is one event to attend.  The city was so packed (Fringe had just ended), and finding our bus after the Tattoo ended was challenging.  So glad we could do it!


Hoping all those cruising are having great days, and those on our Celebration list are enjoying.  Prayers for our large Care list...hoping easier days are ahead for all.


Enjoy the day!




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Quick post today from me.  Just wanted to update all who understood my angst with my major downsizing ordeal.  Guess what, when I threatened to dispose of all of the genealogy information that I had my DstepD, and my DSis suddenly wanted to have the info!!!  Thanks to @P&PNHfor your offer on the DAR info.  The patriots were Isaac Perry and in another branch, Stephen Hopkins (signer of the declaration).


The lady who has the company that will move me and do an estate sale for me is coming this afternoon, so I am hoping that clears my brain a little about this daunting task!


Our weather is typical summer, with high 90's but no rain.  Hurry up monsoons.  Hope that the damages from the terrific rain are minimal.  The weather patterns are so scary.  With all the snow there was in Colorado, there are some areas that are not open for hiking in the very high mountains.  Of course, the wildfire threat is ever present, with one that has been burning for over a week quite near here.


My continued prayers for all those on the Cares List.  And happy dances for those celebrating!


Have a good Monday, everyone.

Mary Kay

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5 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

Today is a big day for Baby Murphy. They will do tests to see the strength of her heart and and scan her head. Good signs over the weekend were moving her arms and legs and she opened her eyes. She has been taking breast milk off a q-tip and squeezed her mothers finger when touched. 


This sounds promising ♥️. I hope the tests and scan results are good 🙏🏻 


5 hours ago, cruising sister said:

I have decided to book myself into a wellness spa for the week of my DS first year anniversary of his death. I don’t want to sit around by myself and get into a worse funk. a wellness spa may be what I need. Now I need to decide on which one. 


What a smart idea 👍. I wish I had thought of something like that.  


@Seasick Sailor it sounds like you have great plans and Allen should enjoy.  Congrats on the new furbaby 👍. Please don’t wear yourself out.



2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Tomorriw he will help me get DH back to the surgeon in the city.It will be wonderful to see him again with the rest of his group.

Take care everyone


So glad you have help for your DH.  Best wishes for him tomorrow with the surgeon 🙏🏻 



3 minutes ago, cruzn single said:

Quick post today from me.  Just wanted to update all who understood my angst with my major downsizing ordeal.  Guess what, when I threatened to dispose of all of the genealogy information that I had my DstepD, and my DSis suddenly wanted to have the info!!!


YAY on them taking the genealogy information 👍   that’s great 🙂 



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