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Candy for the Crew

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We once offered our stateroom attendant, who we bonded with during the cruise, some frequent flyer miles so she could fly her family from Trinidad to Walt Disney World. She was deeply touched by the offer but ultimately declined because there were too many other financial and logistical obstacles in her path. It was a rare circumstance to make a personal connection with the crew like that. Of course, she got some extra cash. But the gesture was meaningful to her, and the next time we were on that ship she recognized us in the corridor and went out of her way to say hello even though she was not our attendant. Everyone has a different way of approaching this situation. Do what you think is best.

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We have a local hand made chocolate store.  I have small chocolate boxes made and tied up with pretty ribbons.  I hand make a thank you tag.  It helps my local shop out and I hand something nice to people I appreciate that do nice things for me.  I want my local shop to stay in business.

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4 hours ago, Coochuck said:

Treat the Crew Members as  you want to be treated.  I would take offense to someone offering me candy as part of a Tip.  Although the gesture is nice, cash is always preferred.  


Given the choice of cash, or cash and candy, I’d prefer the latter.

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We didn't bring anything specifically for crew, but our next to last night was ROUGH. Swaying and rocking pretty bad. The next morning we went to see our favorite bartender and she said that she and a lot of the crew got pretty sick and tossed around prettu good the night before, we asked if they had motion sickness pills and she informed us none of them buy them at the crew shop because they cost a lot. We went up to the room and gave her a whole box of bonine we hadn't opened yet...she was VERY appreciative of that and quickly rounded up the crew that was there (a few didn't even show up) and they all took a few right there. Definitely made us feel good that we could help them that way. 

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22 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Yes, that is a thoughtful gift.   

During the restart of cruising alot of passengers were bringing crew various items they couldn't get onboard.

Usually I just give cash, but on my first cruise following the restart, I was talking with my cabin steward.  I knocked over my cup with root beer in it. She mentioned that she missed having root beer because it was her favorite, but it's not served in the crew mess and she couldn't exit the ship. When we docked in St. Thomas, I stopped at a gas station market and bought a six pack.  She was in the hallway when I got back on board and I asked her to come in my cabin to help me with something, then I handed her the bag. When she opened it, she was puzzled until I told her I bought it for her. She started to cry and said she just couldn't believe it. She wanted to pay me and I told her no, it was just a small gift. I told her that I didn't want her to get in trouble with her boss, so she could leave them in the cooler in my cabin if she wanted, but she said she had a place to hide them until she got back to her cabin. On the last day, she gave me the biggest hug and said how much she appreciated the soda. It was nice to give her something she wanted. And, yes, I gave her cash too.


I don't know that I'd bring something if I didn't know it was a specific want or need.

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1 hour ago, VirginiaIsForCruisers said:

Usually I just give cash, but on my first cruise following the restart, I was talking with my cabin steward.  I knocked over my cup with root beer in it. She mentioned that she missed having root beer because it was her favorite, but it's not served in the crew mess and she couldn't exit the ship. When we docked in St. Thomas, I stopped at a gas station market and bought a six pack.  She was in the hallway when I got back on board and I asked her to come in my cabin to help me with something, then I handed her the bag. When she opened it, she was puzzled until I told her I bought it for her. She started to cry and said she just couldn't believe it. She wanted to pay me and I told her no, it was just a small gift. I told her that I didn't want her to get in trouble with her boss, so she could leave them in the cooler in my cabin if she wanted, but she said she had a place to hide them until she got back to her cabin. On the last day, she gave me the biggest hug and said how much she appreciated the soda. It was nice to give her something she wanted. And, yes, I gave her cash too.


I don't know that I'd bring something if I didn't know it was a specific want or need.

That was very nice of you.

I did something similar for different crew members on some of our first restart cruises.   They were over the moon when I would come back from port with items they mentioned they were missing.   

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I think that maybe the point that several people are trying to make is that if you are willing to spend 'X' amount of money on your cabin attendant - tip + cost of treat = X, than maybe you would be better to give 'X' to the crew member and let them decide how to spend it. If you are saying if you don't want my special treat that I chose then you don't get the extra money, then that just shows that you only want to give extra on your terms. Gifts should be chosen to make the recipient happy not the giver. I want a paycheck for the work I do - not an extra treat that someone else decides I should have. 

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40 minutes ago, cello56 said:

I think that maybe the point that several people are trying to make is that if you are willing to spend 'X' amount of money on your cabin attendant - tip + cost of treat = X, than maybe you would be better to give 'X' to the crew member and let them decide how to spend it. If you are saying if you don't want my special treat that I chose then you don't get the extra money, then that just shows that you only want to give extra on your terms. Gifts should be chosen to make the recipient happy not the giver. I want a paycheck for the work I do - not an extra treat that someone else decides I should have. 


I can't help but thinking this when I read posts about giving random candy to crew and that would definitely be out of the question for us.  We're definitely the tipping type, but probably will just stick to cash.  But, I love the stories on here when crew mention something in passing that they miss (e.g. the root beer story) or something that they actually need that is expensive on the ship (e.g. the seasickness pills).  That's really sweet behavior.  Not sure if we'll get to know the crew that well to do something like this or insert ourselves into their private lives.  


I think I read somewhere that crew often like SIM cards with data, but I don't know if that's true.  But at least a SIM card is more fungible than say a Milky Way.   But I probably wouldn't buy a SIM card either.  



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56 minutes ago, Joe33472 said:


I can't help but thinking this when I read posts about giving random candy to crew and that would definitely be out of the question for us.  We're definitely the tipping type, but probably will just stick to cash.  But, I love the stories on here when crew mention something in passing that they miss (e.g. the root beer story) or something that they actually need that is expensive on the ship (e.g. the seasickness pills).  That's really sweet behavior.  Not sure if we'll get to know the crew that well to do something like this or insert ourselves into their private lives.  


I think I read somewhere that crew often like SIM cards with data, but I don't know if that's true.  But at least a SIM card is more fungible than say a Milky Way.   But I probably wouldn't buy a SIM card either.  



 A SIM card might be a good thing.  Never heard of seasickness pill being expensive though. Aren't medical services for crew members covered by the ship?

As far as candy or any edibles, unless a crew member hints at a desire for something not available on ship or in ports, giving cash is they way to go.  Let them buy their favorite candy, not eat yours.

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good lord, the crew is not your grandkids.  Yes, it may be a thoughtful gesture (in YOUR mind) but frankly it is demeaning and belittling.  Give them cash and a good review - that is what the crew wants.  Also, referring to a crew member as the "washy washy girl" says a lot, and not in a good way.

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On 7/17/2023 at 10:56 AM, jean87510 said:

Since you can never answer just one post and frequently miss the point in the many you try to answer at once, factor in 10 rooms x 52.  Then divide that by 4.  That's still a lot of no money items.  The goodies are only to make people feel better about how generous they are helping all the poor little 3rd world people cleaning their rooms.  Oh how grateful they must be.  Give them cash and a good review.

Since my writing clearly rubs you the wrong way, I invite you to skip over it.  

On 7/17/2023 at 1:32 PM, Joseph2017China said:

I'm sorry, but no one ever gave me candy at work.  Hey look, I got candy for you.  Getting candy would be really an insult.....like why do you think I can't buy candy that I like?  Just give me money.  Let my adult mind make my own decision what I will buy.  It's only cute when giving it to kids.  Adults want money.  It's not even a nice gesture.  I think more of an insult treating a person like a child. 

I get candy every couple weeks at work (and the occasional lunch) -- various clubs do teacher appreciation things for holidays, etc.  I always appreciate it and have never once thought, "Why didn't they give me money instead?"  I'm getting the paycheck for which I bargained.  Anything extra is just a nice gesture.  

22 hours ago, S.A.M.J.R. said:

Sorry, I don't get the angst over handing out candy ... 

Me neither.  Don't like it?  Don't do it, but why all the negativity towards someone else's choice?  

4 hours ago, cello56 said:

I think that maybe the point that several people are trying to make is that if you are willing to spend 'X' amount of money on your cabin attendant - tip + cost of treat = X, than maybe you would be better to give 'X' to the crew member and let them decide how to spend it. If you are saying if you don't want my special treat that I chose then you don't get the extra money, then that just shows that you only want to give extra on your terms ... 

I think we're all tipping "on our own terms".  Some of us pay ahead /never think about it again, some prefer to tip in cash on the last day, others bend over backwards to create their own tipping methods.  

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On 7/16/2023 at 9:33 PM, Mum2Mercury said:

I think the real question is, would you rather have 

- Your tips 

- Your tips + a candy bar  

I think that for the crew

- Your Tips + Your Tips 

would be preferred.


Thew crew really does not have a lot of space for bags and bags and bags of goodies in there cabins. Folks say that "they crew is appreciative",,, but, what would you expect... a crew member to tell you, "keep you candy, give me cash"? 


We give our room steward about $10 per day of cruise. 


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On 7/16/2023 at 4:33 PM, mets07 said:

My personal opinion... they would likely appreciate a little extra cash even if it is $5 extra vs. candy or anything else. 

I agree.  Add the candy to the cash tip. Make it chocolate:  like get a bag of the pre-wrapped Godiva chocolate/caramel balls.  Little bits of heaven.

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2 hours ago, Mum2Mercury said:

I get candy every couple weeks at work (and the occasional lunch) -- various clubs do teacher appreciation things for holidays, etc.  I always appreciate it and have never once thought, "Why didn't they give me money instead?"  I'm getting the paycheck for which I bargained.  Anything extra is just a nice gesture.  


You get the salary you bargained for, the people that are getting chocolate instead of cash get very small salaries and survive on tips.  Chocolates don't pay the rent.

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2 hours ago, reallyitsmema said:


You get the salary you bargained for, the people that are getting chocolate instead of cash get very small salaries and survive on tips.  Chocolates don't pay the rent.

Not a single person has suggested treats in place of expected tips ... only as an addition.  

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3 hours ago, reallyitsmema said:


You get the salary you bargained for, the people that are getting chocolate instead of cash get very small salaries and survive on tips.  Chocolates don't pay the rent.

Chocolates - don’t pay the rent. You truly could not have summed this thread up any better! And neither do baseball caps, fridge magnets, or trinkets from your home state / province.

Edited by RD64
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16 hours ago, crewsweeper said:

 A SIM card might be a good thing.  Never heard of seasickness pill being expensive though. Aren't medical services for crew members covered by the ship?

As far as candy or any edibles, unless a crew member hints at a desire for something not available on ship or in ports, giving cash is they way to go.  Let them buy their favorite candy, not eat yours.

She informed us that they do not supply them with motion sickness pills and that they charge them a lot for them, so not sure if they aren't considered part of the medical services they are entitled to, but they were super appreciative of the gesture and handed them out to each other right away, so either way it was something we didn't plan on doing, didn't bring for that reason, but just an old fashioned nice gesture for some one. It'd didn't replace any cash tip, it was simply in addition. Something like that, I think is fine, Leaving them toys or decorations is probably something they don't want. 

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We live in a port city thus see a lot of crew shopping. They are provided a crew bus where a certain portion of crew get a few hours off on that day. Sometimes a bit more IF the ship is staying overnight.
What I see....The bus makes the same tour every hour. Walmart/BJs/ Mall... where there is a special crew area with phones/banking/WiFi. Beach stop and back to the ship.

Walmart...Clothes & personal items
BJs....Cart packed with "Junk food" & personal items plus looking at their list from others.
BJs...Electronics/Games/ Lots in that department.
Mall...Clothes but mostly at the the crew area where they send money home and use the phones/WiFi and whatever else.
Beach to pick up those who decided that use.

I see the local fisheries at the wharf where there are about 5 or 6 Asians sent for FRESH local caught that a:m raw fish...For themselves.
I may see a few at something like Chick-fil-a....Some places they want to eat that is different.

Personally, I write a note for that special someone who made my cruise and was thanked profusely so it must be something they appreciate. I don't ask. A few hunted me down and one was sending it to his Mother, he was so proud he was appreciated.
THAT cruise 'Appreciation Comment Card" that are put out by the ship IS important....TO them... Point out  that special person....Fill it OUT!
Have been asked only about silly head gear at holiday time which I give them.

Otherwise the short answer is...Manners...And "THAT written Comment Card" along with a "Hand written personal "Thank You" in an envelope with Cash MONEY!

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14 hours ago, RD64 said:

Chocolates - don’t pay the rent. You truly could not have summed this thread up any better! And neither do baseball caps, fridge magnets, or trinkets from your home state / province.

17 hours ago, reallyitsmema said:


You get the salary you bargained for, the people that are getting chocolate instead of cash get very small salaries and survive on tips.  Chocolates don't pay the rent.

Guessing the cash equivalent of the candy isn't going to pay the rent either.  I doubt the crew is getting enough candy where if they had cash instead would make a realistic difference. 


I'm assuming the crew gets the salary THEY bargained for also.  


What a bunch of sour pusses.  

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22 hours ago, Nachosdelux said:

good lord, the crew is not your grandkids.  Yes, it may be a thoughtful gesture (in YOUR mind) but frankly it is demeaning and belittling.  Give them cash and a good review - that is what the crew wants.  Also, referring to a crew member as the "washy washy girl" says a lot, and not in a good way.


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