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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday July 19th, 2023


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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We've been to Devil's Island twice.  The first time was in 1999 on Noordam III and the second was in 2006 on the old Regal Princess.  The 1999 pictures are pre-digital, so these are from 2006.  You cannot actually visit Devil's Island, the smallest of the three islands.  It was the isolation camp for a handful of political prisoners.  The main prison was on Salvation Island.  The third island is Isle Royal.


The island from the tenderIMG_0113.thumb.JPG.efb8d05c2951fdf77dadfec5c2bbfc17.JPG


Devil's Island



Some of the prison buildings






The church



The more modern or restored buildings.  






A few natives



The path to the tender dock and the harbor between the islands.






Interesting photos Lenda.

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Good morning, everyone! 


It is a beautiful start to the day here in mid-Michigan.  We have the drain company coming at 10 and Sue is mowing the grass today.  I'm installing a new thermostat to replace the one that isn't working.  We have zone heating in this house so each zone has its own thermostat.  The one for the middle level is the one that isn't functioning.   We also have pedicures today in preparation for our cruise.  


Today's meal sounds delicious to me!  I love gyros and especially the tzatziki sauce.  I think it is the garlic that I like. This first recipe advocates making your own pita bread.  If  you are so inclined, here is the recipe.  https://www.aheadofthyme.com/quick-and-easy-pita-bread/




And now for what to put in them!  https://www.aheadofthyme.com/easy-greek-chicken-gyros-with-tzatziki/




This next recipe says there are 47 g of carbohydrates in the meal.  That is high for me, so I would probably just leave off the pita bread and eat it like a salad.  You still get the important tasty part of the meal.   https://www.recipetineats.com/greek-chicken-gyros-with-tzatziki/




Oh, that looks so good!  This last recipe is slightly different.  Actually, the differences between them is very small.  But worth looking at.  https://somuchfoodblog.com/greek-chicken-gyros/




I am pleased to announce that Tina @0106 will start posting the MOD on Friday and will do so while I'm gone.  This is a major contribution because I will be gone so long.  Thank  you to Tina!


I'm hoping this finds you all well.  Wishing you all a wonderful day.

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Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  Our weather person seems to be continuously wrong, so I will be doing the weather for today.  It's hot, and hazy.  If you are lucky you might get rain, it might clear out the smoke, or at least make the grass wet.  Or if you like the heat, and haze, then I'll give it a 10.  It's summer.  I do think that while I see on the TV how to plan your summer vacation, that it's too late if you live in the south.  Our county school system starts in two weeks. And they are short 150 bus drivers.  Someone said on the news last week, that they will try to make this work but apparently they are not hiring to fill those empty spots.


I love the quote, it's probably from Fahrenheit 451.  I love gyros, so can't wait to see how to make one.


As of last night at 11, Chuck had not been able to get an earlier flight.  He said he would try this morning, and then give me a call.  There is still hope.


My mother (and trust me, we were drinking buddies, but never friends)always got nervous when I was around, and so when I would go visit, I would stay in a hotel somewhere near them, but not with her.  It got to the point where she just said don't come back.  And I didn't, until she passed away.  My dad, and I got along quite well, once I was an adult , and he was always glad to see me, and have me stay with him.  We never know what secrets our parents have to hide.


New friends day, well, when I found the daily I found a whole lot of friends!  I met a woman on a cruise years ago who said that making a new friend when you are older is harder.  The older we get, the busier our lives get, and it's hard to find the time to nurture a new friendship.  Make sure we cherish every new friend that we make. 


I would love to try a raspberry cake!  While DH has been out of town, I watched a Professional British baking contest,, raspberries showed up a lot with cake.


Well I guess it may screw up my back, but I need to vacuum, so that when DH comes home he wont think I have been a lazy bum.  Have a great day!



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We enjoy making new friends and almost do so on every cruise - it's funny when you start talking with people and you just click with them.  While I haven't made a raspberry cake, I have done raspberry muffins using a cake mix, so I'm halfway there.  Haven't played Words With Friends, there's always something else to take up my time.


We've had rain!  Glorious, wonderful rain!  The skies clouded in around 10AM and by noon the sprinkles started; we weren't sure if they would continue, but the skies got even darker and the rain continued to come down throughout the afternoon, evening, and it was still raining gently as we went to bed.  This morning there are puddles on the street, the smell of smoke is gone, and it looks like the grass has grown 2 inches overnight.  My only hope is that the farmers and firefighters who really needed it got rained on as well.


Not a lot on the agenda today, just heading across town to DH's son's house to check on his plants while he's away for a couple of weeks.  Will likely stop and pick up some groceries and have lunch out.  I know we'd both love today's menu suggestion, so while we're getting groceries, I think I'll pick up what's needed (including the pita breads) so we can enjoy chicken gyros on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




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Good Morning to All!  I have made some very nice friends since I started cruising last year and it is wonderful when I get to see them again on subsequent sailings.  I am inherently an introvert/loner and enjoy my own company so meeting new friends is hard.  But it gets me out of my comfort zone.  Anything raspberry is wonderful.  Not sure I would play Words with Friends.


I love gyros and have actually make my own pita bread and frequently make Tzatziki.  I have heard of Sloe Gin Fizz but never had it; wine sounds good but it looks to expensive to me.  I am going to Devil's Island on my Amazon cruise next Feb so the pictures have been so inspiring!  Thanks.  (Oh, and I already have my YF vaccine; found the little booklet from China where I got it!!)


What can you say about the summer weather when living in AZ - sunny and hot with a chance of thunderstorms.  It didn't repeat the deluge we got Monday night unfortunately but we all are crossing our fingers!  There was some damage to homes and downed trees and power lines.  It was really a doozy!


Not much on the agenda for today.  I impulsively got my hair cut yesterday from a salon that is a 5 minute walk from me.  I am not a hair aficionado but I do not like my curls.  So I asked for my usual from the new hairstylist (something like Jamie Lee Curtis) and she really cut it short.  Thats okay with me as I have been toying around with just shaving my head!!  It doesn't look like the other times I have had it done but I am okay with that.  Hair will grow out and this is super easy to take care of - really don't have to do anything!  I will go back to her; they are closer and 50% cheaper than my previous person!!


Thoughts to those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.


Have a great Hump Day everyone!!

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Good morning Dailyites. 

Finishing up my chores this morning. A nice breeze outside, but warm.


I took Oliver out several times during the night and the weather was wonderful. So far Oliver has been a good boy. He had an oops while I was making his breakfast. I should have kept him out a bit longer. He is ok with his collar, but no way wanted the leash! I just held him for a bit with it on. Tomorrow is another day.


Prayers lifted to all on our care list. Celebrations tonight!


It is so miserably dry here in Central Texas. We just got off a no watering warning onto a 1 day a week schedule. Our yards look so sad and brown. I'm praying daily for rain. I'm happy Gerry got some, and Roy. Please send some to Texas!


Allen has an eye appt today, so will see how Oliver does in his playpen.


Wishing everyone a blessed day. Remember you are loved.

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Good cloudy and humid morning. It’s 75 with 98% humidity and storms expected later today.

Nothing on the agenda for today. Not sure what is for dinner tonight, maybe takeout or leftovers.

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.


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@Seasick SailorWhat type of dog is Oliver?  He's very cute, and I know that DH will want to know!

I want to know too, but whenever I tell him someone has a new furbaby he always wants to know what the furbaby is.


Well I vacuumed and cleaned the kitchen floor, and I'm done,  the dust will just have to stay where it is.

I will tell my therapist what I did, and she will ask how did I feel afterwards.....hmmm..... Yup I hurt. .Again she stressed I do not have a pinched nerve in my elbow.  Just so much damage done over the years that was left unattended.  They plan on keeping me a long time, and I must continue to do the exercises til the end of my days.

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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

New friends are nice, and I've made many here on the Daily. I've never had raspberry cake and never have played Words with Friends. True quote. The meal sounds good, pass on the drink, and yes to the wine. The launch of the SS Great Britain is to be saluted. I haven't been to Devils Island.


It's cloudy here today, going up to 85F and humid. I slept fitfully last night for some reason. I thought about mowing the lawn, but I took Benadryl earlier in preparation for my shot, so I'll be drowsy soon. I'll see how I feel later, if its' not too hot. I also turned down a lunch with BFF and another friend, as I don't like to drive soon after taking the Benadryl, and don't want them to come here to pick me up. I'd hoped that after a year on these shots that the injection site reaction of hives would go away. I do take less antihistamines than I used to. If no mowing today, then tomorrow, or else the weekend, as we're to have storms tomorrow afternoon, with 50 mph winds.


@Lady Hudson Happy Anniversary! 

@grapau27 Thanks for the explanations of today's days.

@rafinmd I'm glad your appointments went well.

@StLouisCruisers Excellent photos. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Nice pictures.

@kazu Your flowers are lovely.

@aliaschief Oh no on the credit card issue; glad you caught it quickly. And enjoy the family coming today. The ribs sounds yummy!

@0106 Thanks for stepping in while Debbie enjoys her cruise.

@marshhawk I hope Chuck can get home earlier, since he has an appointment tomorrow morning.

@Seasick Sailor It sounds like Oliver is a nice addition to the family. Cute photo of him!


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to the Celebration List.



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Good morning. It is grey and humid(85%!) with storms coming.It will get up to 85 or so with the smell of wood smoke in the air.

I play words with friends with my SIL most days.We have done this for quite a few years.

My DB turned 75 today.He told me when I spoke with him earlier that they have sold their home in New Mexico and will be in their Connecticut  home by August 31.It will be so nice to have them only an hour and a half from us.He finally retired  for the second time  about a month ago.

I got the ingredients  to make the Greek chicken and just have to make something  vegetarian  for two of our six.Thank you Debbie for all of your efforts.

@Seasick Sailor, Joy. that little pup is so very cute.Enjoy him!

Thanks to all for the Daily.

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3 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. It is grey and humid(85%!) with storms coming.It will get up to 85 or so with the smell of wood smoke in the air.

I play words with friends with my SIL most days.We have done this for quite a few years.

My DB turned 75 today.He told me when I spoke with him earlier that they have sold their home in New Mexico and will be in their Connecticut  home by August 31.It will be so nice to have them only an hour and a half from us.He finally retired  for the second time  about a month ago.

I got the ingredients  to make the Greek chicken and just have to make something  vegetarian  for two of our six.Thank you Debbie for all of your efforts.

@Seasick Sailor, Joy. that little pup is so very cute.Enjoy him!

Thanks to all for the Daily.

Happy 75th birthday to your brother Terry.

I hope Lou and Tana are well.


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Good evening from the Baltic.  

We had a lovely day in Riga, Latvia.  i really like this city.  We took a HOHO Bus for a 90 minute around this beautiful city.

Tonight we are going to enjoy a Baltic Buffet in the Terrace Cafe.  There are lots of interesting choices.  The Chef went shopping today just for this.  We’ll see!


Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report.  

Prayers for all on the Cares list and Cheers to those celebrating Birthdays and Anniversaries.

Hope everyone is doing okay with the heat wave.  We are escaping that here.  We will be going home to that next week.


Hope everyone is having a good day,.

God Bless,


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Good morning all!

Today and tomorrow are heating up from the 70's to the 80's then will cool off again on Friday.  Fine with me!  On Friday we'll be going to the zoo with the youngest grandson, then after picking up the other DGS from camp we'll be with them late into the evening while DD and DSIL have a night 


Interesting days -- instead of raspberry cake, I would choose chocolate cake with raspberry filling -- yum.  I'd like the drink but pass on the red wine.  And yay on the meal, one of our favorites.  I printed off the 2nd recipe and would just add some feta.  Hope to make it soon!  Have never been to the port, thanks for the excellent photos Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and Sandi @StLouisCruisers.


Today I need to get my hair cut (seems a lot of us are doing that this week!)  

Last week I had a scare at the ATM machine, one I've used many times.  When I inserted my card it kept saying "cannot read card" but it wouldn't go in further and wouldn't come out.  I could see it, but no amount of pulling on it worked.  Hitting "cancel" didn't help either.  It just stayed there, stuck.  Thankfully the credit union was open another few minutes so I dashed over there and they canceled that card (whew) and gave me a new one.  Now I'm nervous about using that machine again.


Have a great day everyone.  Prayers for all on the care list and big cheers for everyone on the celebration list.

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Good morning! I'm grateful for all the new friends I've made on the Daily, and looking forward to making more friends on the upcoming cruise. Raspberry cake sounds VERY good.

Had an early appointment today for a haircut, mani & pedi to get cruise-ready. Now if I could only push myself to get packed!

Stay well & happy, friends!


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1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

I will tell my therapist what I did, and she will ask how did I feel afterwards.....hmmm..... Yup I hurt. .Again she stressed I do not have a pinched nerve in my elbow.  Just so much damage done over the years that was left unattended.  They plan on keeping me a long time, and I must continue to do the exercises til the end of my days.


Darn on the exercises til the end of you days, Annie 😔 


Hoping Chuck has scored an earlier flight 🙏 



2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:



OMG - That lamb is a familiar sight.  Ivan has one too (and loves it).  I suspect Oliver’s is the tinier version 😉 


He is a sweetheart ❤️ 



2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Allen has an eye appt today, so will see how Oliver does in his playpen.



Best wishes for Allen’s appointment and for Oliver and no “oops” in his playpen 🤞 



2 hours ago, dfish said:

I am pleased to announce that Tina @0106 will start posting the MOD on Friday and will do so while I'm gone.  This is a major contribution because I will be gone so long.  Thank  you to Tina!


Thank you Tina @0106 for stepping in and stepping up for Debbie 👍 So kind of you.



3 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning. Daughter and family will be arriving early afternoon. Frustrating evening last night as I saw a clothing item on-line that appealed to me and when I purchased it I soon had multiple transactions. So called bank, my card has been cancelled and new card will arrive Friday. First time this has happened in a long time. Fortunately, I caught it in time.🤬


Yikes, Bruce 😱 So glad you caught as quickly as you did.



38 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

My DB turned 75 today.He told me when I spoke with him earlier that they have sold their home in New Mexico and will be in their Connecticut  home by August 31.It will be so nice to have them only an hour and a half from us.He finally retired  for the second time  about a month ago.


A very happy birthday to your DB!




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