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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday September 30th, 2023


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Good afternoon.  It's amazing that in less than 48 hours after the surgery, DH is noticing some more improvement.  He'd been experiencing numbness in his right leg even before his back surgery.  We and the back surgeon attributed it to the spinal stenosis and the sciatica.  While it was improving over the past year, there was some residual numbness, and the fact that he still needed to pull his right leg up part of the way when he wanted to cross his legs.  This morning the numbness was less, and without thinking he could cross his leg without any effort.  I wish others could have heard the surprise and excitement in his voice when he realized what had happened.  He wanted me to come over and see it for myself.  Now, we're wondering what others things were caused by the NPH and not the spinal stenosis and sciatica.  More importantly, we just glad they are clearing up.


While the pain from the surgery is not as severe as it was Thursday, but there are a couple of places that are still very sore and painful.  The small incision where they placed the valve that controls the rate of cerebral spinal fluid being drained and a place in his neck where the drain line goes down to his abdomen are especially sensitive.  Sitting up in his recliner seems to aggravate them after a while.  Thankfully, the pain meds are helping even though they make him sleepy.  Sleep will help with his recovery.  


We are more optimistic this afternoon that he'll be much improved in a few weeks.  Neither of us admitted to the other until this morning that were were not sure how much the surgery would help, but that we knew it was necessary if there was any hope.  Now it feels like a weight has been lifted from our shoulders, and we can begin to look forward to the future.  @JazzyV  Vanessa, thank you for putting him on the care list.  I think he could be moved to the rotation or taken off completely.


5 hours ago, marshhawk said:

@smitty34877 I hope that you are closer to getting a new aide for Tana.



@Quartzsite CruiserI am hoping that you got a good night's sleep, and your DH is dealing well with his pain.  To me, the darkest hours are right before dawn.  (I turn on soothing enya music) And the pain is always worse, the day after you get home.  If you are not sleeping well, maybe ask a neighbor to watch over your hubby,for a few hours,  so that you can get a nap.

 @Quartzsite Cruiser Oh, you posted while I was posting. I am so glad your hubby got  a good nights sleep, and that he is staying ahead of the pain!



@HAL Sailer I hope that you are finding some calm in the midst of this current storm in life.  You are in my thoughts and prayers.



@JazzyVI hope that you had less pain, and that each day gets better.



please note that none of these pictures were taken by me.

I'm more this speed with a camera.-






Annie, I appreciate your suggestions, but I'm not a nap taker.  Until this past year or so with all that was happening, I normally would sleep soundly.  That has been the case for a couple of weeks until this week.  Now, I think I'll be able to sleep better in the coming days.  BTW, I liked the picture you took.


5 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I haven't had a mud pack in ages, send virtual hugs to all vegetarian Daily-ites, and am grateful for those who translate for others.  Today is also a day in Canada to learn the history of residential schools, their victims, and survivors; it's called National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.  I'll be wearing my orange shirt today and already have our "Every Child Matters" flag on the lawn.



There was a danger of frost overnight, although this morning when I got up it was still +2, but we made sure to bring the succulents and curly figs onto the deck and closed all the windows.  At some point (I think around 5) DH got up and turned on the little space heater, so when I got up a couple of hours later it was still +4 on the deck, so all is well.  We want to keep them outdoors as long as we can because they're inside for such a long time and don't do nearly as well.  


@smitty34877prayers for you, your family, and for a new aide for Tana.  I've been watching the news and the horrible flooding in New York; I hope you don't have too much damage to your property, inside and out.

@Quartzsite Cruiser I'm happy both you and DH got some rest last night - hopefully it will continue and DH won't have to be on the strong painkillers too long.

@cruzn single, @Ichiban Nekko, and @WannaSea Bon Voyage to you!

@JazzyVI do hope you can fine a solution to your pain - you need to rest.

@kazuI'm sure your friend appreciated being with you yesterday, having gone through just what she is now.  I wish both of you better days ahead.


Not much happening here today - we have to run out and get more bird seed for the pigs with wings.  The northern pigs have been coming through and totally emptying the feeders, so there's nothing left for the little chickadees that normally hang around the yard.  Oh, and kitty litter - that's as important as having toilet paper in the house!


I'll take a pass on the drink of the day, will let others enjoy the white, and while I've made lasagna soup in the past, we found it quite acidic.  I think the next time I would put some cream or half & half in just before serving so it calms it down somewhat.  I like the white chicken lasagna recipe, and will definitely tuck it away for a colder day.   DH has asked for meatloaf - how easy is that?  I'll put that together this afternoon and we can enjoy it along with mashed potatoes and air fried asparagus on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️





Gerry, I hope the frost and cold weather hold off for a while longer.


3 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 

We have a beautiful sunny day today but on the cooler side which is fine. I've been busy taking care of things. I still have a few loose ends to wrap up on DH's bills and it's hard to do that when people don't call back! 


I did order a new dryer yesterday and it will be delivered in a week. My old one isn't drying well and often takes two cycles for heavier items. DS checked the vent and it was clear so I think it's just age. I'm at the point I'd rather replace it before it goes. The old one is a Kenmore and the new one is a basic LG. I don't need wifi! I'd get it if the washer would take the clothes out of the hamper, wash them, move them to the dryer, dry them and fold them. Talk to me about it then! hee....


This afternoon I'm having dinner with DH's sister and her husband at their place so that will be a nice treat. They're hoping for crab but we'll see if it happens. 

Have a good weekend. 



Karen, our old dryer is taking longer too.  We bought it in 1999, and did not replace it when we got the new washer.  Part of the problem is that the washer has a bigger capacity, so the dryer is drying bigger loads.  Enjoy your dinner with your DH's sister and DBIL.  I hope you get the crab.


2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I've never tried a mud pack and don't know any vegetarians to hug. Translation is important for communications. Interesting quote. I like the meal. Pass on the drink and wine. I've never been to Fiji. 3 good days in history. I'll also recognize the important Canadian National Day of Truth and Reconciliation.


Today will be sunny and it's warming up. 71F now, with a high of 77. The next week will be nice and warm, but not hot. I'm trying to work up the enthusiasm to do some yard work later. Last night wasn't quite as bad, as I only had pain when I woke up, and managed to sleep through the night. Thank you to those you have kept me in your thoughts and prayers regarding this pain issue. I was up too late watching "Call the Midwife" on Netflix; I just found it, really like it and there are 12 seasons! I'm only up to season 4.


I hope all in or around NY State who got inundated with rain are ok.


@cruzn single @Ichiban Nekko @WannaSea Bon Voyage!

@HAL Sailer Praying that your DH is showing some improvement.

@smitty34877 I hope you weren't affected too much by the flooding. I'm hoping there's a good aide found for Tana in the immediate future.

@rafinmd I'm glad you made it safely onboard QM2 with that horrible weather in NY.

@aliaschief Your door and entryway are beautiful.

@cruising sister Continued prayers for Murphy.

@Quartzsite Cruiser I'm glad you both slept well and that Steve is having less pain today. Wonderful that he's walking better and feels more alert already!

@marshhawk Good that the pine tree is gone, but it sounds like there's still a lot to do with the other trees and vine.

@sailingdutchy Thanks for the wonderful Suva photos. 



Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those with something to Celebrate.


Vanessa, I'm very happy you had a better night last night.  I hope the new doctor will have an answer to the pain and more important a way to solve it.


11 minutes ago, dfish said:

Here's to the wonders of WD 40!   We were able to get the old light fixture off the post and install the new one.  It looks so much better.  


Debbie, I'm glad the WD-40 worked.  Between WD-40, duct tape and a good kick, many things can be fixed.  😁  Will we get before and after pictures of the light?


I hope all those in the path of the storms in the northeast are safe and do not have flooded basements or houses.


Now, it's time to go watch the UT game.  HOOK EM, HORNS!



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Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser it's so great to hear about the rapid improvement in Steve's body.  I am always glad to hear when someone on our list can go to rotation!  


Unfortunately, I have received an email and a phone call today from my friend who has a birthday today (and whose DB is suffering from bile duct cancer).  She said her DH went by air ambulance from their small-town Arizona home to Phoenix early Thursday with breathing problems.  He went on a ventilator and when he was weaned off he experienced a cardiac arrest 4 hours later.  He is currently back on the ventilator, on dialysis to remove fluids from around his heart and on all kinds of drips.  He has not awakened for the past 24 hours after they stopped his sedation. They've done a cardiac cath and see no major arterial problems but the heart is not working hard enough.  She is so very worried for him and I promised her I, and all my Daily friends, would say prayers for him to awaken and for a big improvement in his situation.  I hope you can help me out with those prayers.  🙏🙏

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Happy Saturday. Late post today. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

Completed some chores and then a Zoom call with a friend. It is a warm day today. The sun made a brief appearance. Relaxing a bit today. 

Bon Voyage to all who are sailing. 

Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 

Caturday Plans - Imgflip


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Translation is important and should be recognized. 

I would try the soup, skip the drinks.

Not been to Fiji, but would like to go.

Today's history days are important  - thank goodness we do not have to experience tooth extraction w/o benefit of a numbing agent.

I am finally home after spending the night in JFK - the service line did not clear the last person until 1am!! I have read the flooding that caused so many flight cancelations was among the worse in NYC history. I hope everyone is ok.

I'm going to bed.

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@Cruising-along This is what they (bosses) would do.  Remember I worked in an Arts center.  Most people in Box Office Division were part time employees, and the other half of their lives were being in theater or the music world.  It was very easy to see "Hey, I'm playing so and so at the "fill in blank" theater. And then they would realize that the applying employee would not be available to work nights, 362 days a year.  And week end matinees, and dates of rehearsals.  A few of our employees were in our own theatre, which was good, because we knew where they were, but a run of 4 weeks, gave us their days but not evening show times.  


People who actually worked weekends, and nights and day times, were me (havent performed in years) my friend Penny, who works on the campaigns with me now( she was a film projectionist) when we had a film series, an actress who  worked childrens' shows (day time hours) and a dancer/film dancer, and an online gamer who analyzed the Zelda Universe. And a young man who was in a Heavy Metal Band that played around town. They were all lovely young people, they were not looking for a full time job, they had great expectations of a fabulous career. Panny and I are both old, we had worked through our dreams, and we were ready to sit for awhile.  The one who worked childrens shows blew up like a balloon during Covid, the rock and roller is now a father of teenage boys and manages a theatre on a college campus, the dancer, I hope is still dancing.  Miss Zelda universe has made a fortune from being on line...but they all had their own ads on the book of face, and some of them really had to make a decision to give up some of those dreams to actually be able to pay the bills. 


In reality I always thought this was a much better place to be than there.  (on that other site)  I have always felt that if I wanted to let someone know I just bought a pair of shoes, I didnt need to tell every one. Just pick up a phone and tell my friend.


That said, sorry I babbled, was that the young lady who was Zelda Universe was the only vegetarian I knew.  For years, no meat, no chicken, no fish, and then one day, one of the big bosses brought in some millionaire bacon......need I say more?  And she hated hugs.

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

It's amazing that in less than 48 hours after the surgery, DH is noticing some more improvement. 

Lenda, I couldn't be happier for you and Steve.  This is great news!!  I "get it" about being able to look forward to the future now.  Wonderful!


Sandi @StLouisCruisers I'm so sorry to hear about your dear friend's DH' breathing problems and cardiac arrest.  You have my prayers that his situation improves soon.  


Annie @marshhawk Thanks for explaining.  And I agree, this site is much better. I see so much misinformation on the other site. I only use it for  friends and family and never post on their roll calls. 

More importantly, I make sure only my friends and family can see anything I post there.

Edited by Cruising-along
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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser it's so great to hear about the rapid improvement in Steve's body.  I am always glad to hear when someone on our list can go to rotation!  


Unfortunately, I have received an email and a phone call today from my friend who has a birthday today (and whose DB is suffering from bile duct cancer).  She said her DH went by air ambulance from their small-town Arizona home to Phoenix early Thursday with breathing problems.  He went on a ventilator and when he was weaned off he experienced a cardiac arrest 4 hours later.  He is currently back on the ventilator, on dialysis to remove fluids from around his heart and on all kinds of drips.  He has not awakened for the past 24 hours after they stopped his sedation. They've done a cardiac cath and see no major arterial problems but the heart is not working hard enough.  She is so very worried for him and I promised her I, and all my Daily friends, would say prayers for him to awaken and for a big improvement in his situation.  I hope you can help me out with those prayers.  🙏🙏

Sending your dear friend Pauline and my prayers 🙏🙏 Sandi.


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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon.  It's amazing that in less than 48 hours after the surgery, DH is noticing some more improvement.  He'd been experiencing numbness in his right leg even before his back surgery.  We and the back surgeon attributed it to the spinal stenosis and the sciatica.  While it was improving over the past year, there was some residual numbness, and the fact that he still needed to pull his right leg up part of the way when he wanted to cross his legs.  This morning the numbness was less, and without thinking he could cross his leg without any effort.  I wish others could have heard the surprise and excitement in his voice when he realized what had happened.  He wanted me to come over and see it for myself.  Now, we're wondering what others things were caused by the NPH and not the spinal stenosis and sciatica.  More importantly, we just glad they are clearing up.


While the pain from the surgery is not as severe as it was Thursday, but there are a couple of places that are still very sore and painful.  The small incision where they placed the valve that controls the rate of cerebral spinal fluid being drained and a place in his neck where the drain line goes down to his abdomen are especially sensitive.  Sitting up in his recliner seems to aggravate them after a while.  Thankfully, the pain meds are helping even though they make him sleepy.  Sleep will help with his recovery.  


We are more optimistic this afternoon that he'll be much improved in a few weeks.  Neither of us admitted to the other until this morning that were were not sure how much the surgery would help, but that we knew it was necessary if there was any hope.  Now it feels like a weight has been lifted from our shoulders, and we can begin to look forward to the future.  @JazzyV  Vanessa, thank you for putting him on the care list.  I think he could be moved to the rotation or taken off completely.



Annie, I appreciate your suggestions, but I'm not a nap taker.  Until this past year or so with all that was happening, I normally would sleep soundly.  That has been the case for a couple of weeks until this week.  Now, I think I'll be able to sleep better in the coming days.  BTW, I liked the picture you took.



Gerry, I hope the frost and cold weather hold off for a while longer.



Karen, our old dryer is taking longer too.  We bought it in 1999, and did not replace it when we got the new washer.  Part of the problem is that the washer has a bigger capacity, so the dryer is drying bigger loads.  Enjoy your dinner with your DH's sister and DBIL.  I hope you get the crab.



Vanessa, I'm very happy you had a better night last night.  I hope the new doctor will have an answer to the pain and more important a way to solve it.



Debbie, I'm glad the WD-40 worked.  Between WD-40, duct tape and a good kick, many things can be fixed.  😁  Will we get before and after pictures of the light?


I hope all those in the path of the storms in the northeast are safe and do not have flooded basements or houses.


Now, it's time to go watch the UT game.  HOOK EM, HORNS!



I'm pleased for you both Lenda to hear how well Steve is doing after his operation.


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31 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

Translation is important and should be recognized. 

I would try the soup, skip the drinks.

Not been to Fiji, but would like to go.

Today's history days are important  - thank goodness we do not have to experience tooth extraction w/o benefit of a numbing agent.

I am finally home after spending the night in JFK - the service line did not clear the last person until 1am!! I have read the flooding that caused so many flight cancelations was among the worse in NYC history. I hope everyone is ok.

I'm going to bed.


Welcome home!  You must be exhausted so yes, get some sleep.




16 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Lenda, I couldn't be happier for you and Steve.  This is great news!!  I "get it" about being able to look forward to the future now.  Wonderful!


Sandi @StLouisCruisers I'm so sorry to hear about your dear friend's DH' breathing problems and cardiac arrest.  You have my prayers that his situation improves soon.  


Annie @marshhawk Thanks for explaining.  And I agree, this site is much better. I see so much misinformation on the other site. I only use it for  friends and family and never post on their roll calls. 

More importantly, I make sure only my friends and family can see anything I post there.


Thank you so much.




13 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

@StLouisCruisers gentleman will be added to prayers, does he have a name?  I hate to be vague with God.  It has lead to problems in the past.


Annie, his name is Scott.  Anything to help him!  Thank you!




5 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Sending your dear friend Pauline and my prayers 🙏🙏 Sandi.



Many thanks for your and Pauline's prayers for Scott.  

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser it's so great to hear about the rapid improvement in Steve's body.  I am always glad to hear when someone on our list can go to rotation!  


Unfortunately, I have received an email and a phone call today from my friend who has a birthday today (and whose DB is suffering from bile duct cancer).  She said her DH went by air ambulance from their small-town Arizona home to Phoenix early Thursday with breathing problems.  He went on a ventilator and when he was weaned off he experienced a cardiac arrest 4 hours later.  He is currently back on the ventilator, on dialysis to remove fluids from around his heart and on all kinds of drips.  He has not awakened for the past 24 hours after they stopped his sedation. They've done a cardiac cath and see no major arterial problems but the heart is not working hard enough.  She is so very worried for him and I promised her I, and all my Daily friends, would say prayers for him to awaken and for a big improvement in his situation.  I hope you can help me out with those prayers.  🙏🙏


Thank you, Sandi.  I'm sending positive thoughts for an improvement and recovery for Scott.


30 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

Translation is important and should be recognized. 

I would try the soup, skip the drinks.

Not been to Fiji, but would like to go.

Today's history days are important  - thank goodness we do not have to experience tooth extraction w/o benefit of a numbing agent.

I am finally home after spending the night in JFK - the service line did not clear the last person until 1am!! I have read the flooding that caused so many flight cancelations was among the worse in NYC history. I hope everyone is ok.

I'm going to bed.


I'm happy you made it home.  I hope you can get some sleep.


2 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

You haven’t had to worry about KU football in the past but this new coach is working out well for them. 


I'm not going to celebrate yet even though it's 20 UT to 6 KU in the third quarter.  Our new coach has turned UT around since he's been at UT.  However, anything can happen before the end of the game.


16 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Lenda, I couldn't be happier for you and Steve.  This is great news!!  I "get it" about being able to look forward to the future now.  Wonderful!


Sandi @StLouisCruisers I'm so sorry to hear about your dear friend's DH' breathing problems and cardiac arrest.  You have my prayers that his situation improves soon.  


Annie @marshhawk Thanks for explaining.  And I agree, this site is much better. I see so much misinformation on the other site. I only use it for  friends and family and never post on their roll calls. 

More importantly, I make sure only my friends and family can see anything I post there.


Thank you, Carolyn.  I very, very rarely post on you know where and only friends can see my posts.  I feel safer on the Daily, but generally stay away from most of the other threads. 


12 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

I'm pleased for you both Lenda to hear how well Steve is doing after his operation.



Thank you, Graham.



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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Debbie, I'm glad the WD-40 worked.  Between WD-40, duct tape and a good kick, many things can be fixed.  😁  Will we get before and after pictures of the light?



I can go take an after picture, but the old one is already wrapped and in the trash.  I don't know if it is in any of our other pictures of the house.  I kind of think not.  


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:



Unfortunately, I have received an email and a phone call today from my friend who has a birthday today (and whose DB is suffering from bile duct cancer).  She said her DH went by air ambulance from their small-town Arizona home to Phoenix early Thursday with breathing problems.  He went on a ventilator and when he was weaned off he experienced a cardiac arrest 4 hours later.  He is currently back on the ventilator, on dialysis to remove fluids from around his heart and on all kinds of drips.  He has not awakened for the past 24 hours after they stopped his sedation. They've done a cardiac cath and see no major arterial problems but the heart is not working hard enough.  She is so very worried for him and I promised her I, and all my Daily friends, would say prayers for him to awaken and for a big improvement in his situation.  I hope you can help me out with those prayers.  🙏🙏


Absolutely, Sandi.  

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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


We are more optimistic this afternoon that he'll be much improved in a few weeks.  Neither of us admitted to the other until this morning that were were not sure how much the surgery would help, but that we knew it was necessary if there was any hope.  Now it feels like a weight has been lifted from our shoulders, and we can begin to look forward to the future. 



that is such great news.  I pray he continues to improve 🙏 



2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Unfortunately, I have received an email and a phone call today from my friend who has a birthday today (and whose DB is suffering from bile duct cancer).  She said her DH went by air ambulance from their small-town Arizona home to Phoenix early Thursday with breathing problems.  He went on a ventilator and when he was weaned off he experienced a cardiac arrest 4 hours later.  He is currently back on the ventilator, on dialysis to remove fluids from around his heart and on all kinds of drips.  He has not awakened for the past 24 hours after they stopped his sedation. They've done a cardiac cath and see no major arterial problems but the heart is not working hard enough.  She is so very worried for him and I promised her I, and all my Daily friends, would say prayers for him to awaken and for a big improvement in his situation.  I hope you can help me out with those prayers.  🙏🙏



Prayers for hm 🙏 

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Prayers for Scott.


I am so glad that Steve is seeing such improvement in a short time.


Weather here is weird. Right now the sun is shinning and hail stones are falling. Temps are taking a real drop.  Fortunately dogs and I came in just a few minutes ago so they will not have to go out for awhile.










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@StLouisCruisers, Sandi,adding my prayers for your friend Scott.


@Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, I am so happy to read that Steve is feeling better and hope it continues every day.


The water is receding everywhere , even in our basement. We had a fair amount of flooding in our area but it looked much worse in Brooklyn and Queens. It was scary to have so much rain fall at once.


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4 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon.  It's amazing that in less than 48 hours after the surgery, DH is noticing some more improvement.  He'd been experiencing numbness in his right leg even before his back surgery.  We and the back surgeon attributed it to the spinal stenosis and the sciatica.  While it was improving over the past year, there was some residual numbness, and the fact that he still needed to pull his right leg up part of the way when he wanted to cross his legs.  This morning the numbness was less, and without thinking he could cross his leg without any effort.  I wish others could have heard the surprise and excitement in his voice when he realized what had happened.  He wanted me to come over and see it for myself.  Now, we're wondering what others things were caused by the NPH and not the spinal stenosis and sciatica.  More importantly, we just glad they are clearing up.


While the pain from the surgery is not as severe as it was Thursday, but there are a couple of places that are still very sore and painful.  The small incision where they placed the valve that controls the rate of cerebral spinal fluid being drained and a place in his neck where the drain line goes down to his abdomen are especially sensitive.  Sitting up in his recliner seems to aggravate them after a while.  Thankfully, the pain meds are helping even though they make him sleepy.  Sleep will help with his recovery.  

We are more optimistic this afternoon that he'll be much improved in a few weeks.  Neither of us admitted to the other until this morning that were were not sure how much the surgery would help, but that we knew it was necessary if there was any hope.  Now it feels like a weight has been lifted from our shoulders, and we can begin to look forward to the future.  




Lenda,  your news brought a tear to my eye that had nothing to do with the wine I enjoyed this evening.  I pray Steve’s recovery continues to show by leaps & bounds! Bless you both!

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Yesterday morning woke to huge snowflakes falling, today woke to bright sunshine. The snow did not last, rained most of the day.

Hard to believe that it is already October, the year is vanishing too quickly.!


@Quartzsite Cruiser  so very pleased to read that your DH is  showing improvement, hope that continues  each day 

We have been to Suva three times while on board the Volendam.

Thanks for all the food/drink recipes and the Suva photos.

Best wishes to all on the care list.



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I am trying so hard to keep up with you guys these days and just can’t.  I start out in the morning and like a few posts and then all goes haywire.  Now it is after 9 pm and I am just getting back here.

My cleaning lady didn’t show.  She wants to come tomorrow instead.  However, I stripped the bed and had to remake it myself so that we had sheets to sleep on tonight.

We went to the dump because I finally got Jim to get rid of some of his clutter.  Then we went to Krogers pharmacy to get our vaccinations.  We got flu and Covid.  Pharmacist suggested we wait 10 days to get RSV.

Just lots of stuff I’m trying to do and not getting much done. 

Thought I would be hurting from the Covid shot.  Instead the arm with the flu shot is hurting.

I am babbling/

Hope everyone is doing well.

God Bless. More tomorrow.



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3 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

@StLouisCruisers, Sandi,adding my prayers for your friend Scott.


@Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, I am so happy to read that Steve is feeling better and hope it continues every day.


The water is receding everywhere , even in our basement. We had a fair amount of flooding in our area but it looked much worse in Brooklyn and Queens. It was scary to have so much rain fall at once.


Good news. Glad you got through the torrential rains.

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There are vegetarians whom I would hug, and there are other vegetarians whom I wouldn't want to get that close to. I think I am more in favor of truth and reconciliation than of mud packs.


Is it only a coincidence that the first Ethernet specification was published on the anniversary on the first use of ether for anesthesia?


Not all all sure about lasagna soup, but the bourbon punch might be OK. For a Finger Lakes Sauvignon Blanc, there are lots of choices. How about Bravery Wines 2021, which benefits the Yellow Ribbon Fund. I haven't been to Fiji.


I'm finishing up arrangements for Spain and the Spanish Farewell, and I have a question about the train in Spain. I'll be going from Madrid-Barajas airport to Atocha station on the Cercanias commuter rail, and from Madrid to Barcelona on the Iryo high-speed train. For those trips, and the Barcelona metro to my hotel, is the risk of theft enough that I should put locks on my luggage, to the extent that it's possible? Or does that only identify a bag that might contain something worth stealing? I'll also travel between Madrid and Toledo on the high-speed rail, but without luggage.


I was also thinking today about whether using laundry on the Oosterdam would allow packing lighter without having to do hand laundry in Madrid. I've concluded that it wouldn't, because of the number of days before boarding and the need to have something to wear until the laundry comes back. Unfortunately I'll have to take some things that I don't usually carry, such as a bluetooth keyboard.


And an unrelated question: In another forum, people were discussing paying for hospital care abroad. The thread contains some misinformation, such as the statement that no Medigap plan covers foreign treatment, which some plans (C and F that I know of) actually do. But the concerning part is the insistence that foreign hospitals require payment in cash, meaning currency, and won't take credit cards. It is hard for me to imagine traveling with thousands of dollars in cash.





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13 hours ago, kazu said:


that is such great news.  I pray he continues to improve 🙏 





Prayers for hm 🙏 


12 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

@StLouisCruisers, Sandi,adding my prayers for your friend Scott.


@Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, I am so happy to read that Steve is feeling better and hope it continues every day.


The water is receding everywhere , even in our basement. We had a fair amount of flooding in our area but it looked much worse in Brooklyn and Queens. It was scary to have so much rain fall at once.



11 hours ago, cat shepard said:


Lenda,  your news brought a tear to my eye that had nothing to do with the wine I enjoyed this evening.  I pray Steve’s recovery continues to show by leaps & bounds! Bless you both!


10 hours ago, erewhon said:

Yesterday morning woke to huge snowflakes falling, today woke to bright sunshine. The snow did not last, rained most of the day.

Hard to believe that it is already October, the year is vanishing too quickly.!


@Quartzsite Cruiser  so very pleased to read that your DH is  showing improvement, hope that continues  each day 

We have been to Suva three times while on board the Volendam.

Thanks for all the food/drink recipes and the Suva photos.

Best wishes to all on the care list.




8 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser  Lenda, what you described of Steve’s improvement sounds Amazing! May he continue to improve.

@StLouisCruisers 🙏 


@JazzyV 🙏for a pain-free path forward!  



We both appreciate all the good wishes and hopes for more improvement each day.  We were talking last night about the improvement yesterday, and feel that realistically while he will continue to improve, we cannot expect it to be at the same rate.  For the shunt to work and drain the excess fluid, his head has to be higher than his abdomen.  As long as he needs the pain meds which make him very sleepy, he won't be up as much as later.  The pain is easing slowly.  We're just pleased that we have evidence the shunt is working,, and that the surgery and pain while rougher than expected is worth enduring.



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