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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday, January 15th, 2024


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2 hours ago, MISTER 67 said:

Greetings from beautiful Punta Gorda

A little warmer today with some showers in the area but should get my golf in

Not sure about the quote

I love Chili so the meal works for me

We leave on the Equinox a month from today, 9 day cruise to Grand Cayman and the ABC islands.

Have a great day and stay well


Are you still enjoying Celebrity? Just back off the Reflection in December and thought the entertainment was not so good in showroom.

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24 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Great respect for Dr. Martin Luther King and his efforts in the civil rights movement.  We don't have sororities at Canadian universities - at least none that I know of.  It's definitely Blue Monday - parts exposed will turn blue in minutes!  Will certainly be brewing up a lot . . . of tea today.


Yep, it's cold.  The weather network tells me it's -35C (-31F) and the wind chill - how it actually feels when you're outside - is -46(-50.8).  Listening to the radio, there are so many school bus cancellations that instead of listing them all, they told of the 3 that are still running, or planning to.  I know thousands of parents are scrambling to get their children to school, or trying to make arrangements for their care while they're at work. Yesterday DH went out to start my car, but it was dead.  And it was too cold for him to be out there putting the battery charger on it, so he just left it.  His SUV is in the garage, as it's the one we most often use in the winter, so if we need to go anywhere, that's what we'll use.  We just like to keep mine going as a back up.  Perhaps if the sun comes out later today we can put the charger on mine, but we'll see.


Not much on the agenda today except keeping warm.  I feel bad for those who are affected by the storms - if you're one of them, please be careful!  I'd like to try the drink of the day but would substitute something like vodka for the rye and bourbon because, well, chocolate.  I'm sure the wine would be nice, and we had chili last week.  I found a recipe for something I haven't made in a long time, it's for a chicken pasta bake that I'll put together so we can have a body warming meal at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


We do have sororities and fraternities at Canadian universities, Gerry, but most universities distance themselves from the groups. https://thevarsity.ca/2019/01/13/the-breakdown-greek-life-in-universities-across-canada/

I find it odd that it is a day honouring groups that exclude people on MLK day, when Dr. King was all about inclusion.


we are -18 this morning (0f feels like -17) not as cold as the frozen tundra but cold for us.

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1 hour ago, summer slope said:

I love chocolate but this is to much for me.  I can't wait for Bob's comments.


Chocolate Chicken cocktail:


1/2 oz of 151 proof rum (or overproof rum)
1/2 oz of amaretto almond liqueur (or almond liqueur)
1/2 oz of dark creme de cacao (or chocolate liqueur)
1/2 oz of Crown Royal canadian whisky (or whiskey)
1/2 oz of Kahlua coffee liqueur (or coffee liqueur)
1/2 oz of Bailey's Irish Cream (or Irish Cream)
1/2 oz of wild turkey bourbon whiskey (or Bourbon Whiskey)

Fill glass with ice, add all ingredients and fill the rest of the glass with cream!

Screenshot 2024-01-15 at 7.02.41 AM.png

Can you make this drink chocolate southern fried chicken? 

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Nice collection of days, chili sounds good in this weather, would try the drink and wine, haven't been to the port. Important days in history. 

Will not go to PT today; too cold. Currently 10° w/light snow headed to 28°, feels like -2°. At least the forecasted lows are double digits. Since the heater only wants to blow cold air, we've turned it off and are using space heaters. That's one reason I will not go to PT - it's too cold to turn the heaters off for any length of time and I sure don't want them on when nobody's home.

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 


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Alpha Kappa Alpha, founded in 1908 at Howard University, was the first college sorority of African American women. Many other schools now have chapters and AKA has been an important force in education, anti-poverty initiatives, and health, especially in the rural South. Vice-President Kamala Harris is a member.

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Good morning Dailyites 


We were AAAA on disembarking yesterday from beautiful Rotterdam,  cabs were waiting and the airport was smooth getting through security. We went to Jack Nicholson restaurant for breakfast and Bone Fish Grill for lunch. No problem flying to Dallas and that's where the fun ended. The airport was freezing cold. There were delayed fights so passengers were backed up. Our flight was 2 hours late leaving, then... nothing.. Pilot finally notified us we were in a long line to de-ice the plane. About 1/2 hour more. Thankfully we were the lucky ones. When we arrived in Austin there were flight delays and cancellations. 


We decided it really was a great way to end our 53 day vacation. A blessing we arrived home safe and sound, our luggage was waiting, and our best friend waited patiently for us. 


I have a bunch to get started this morning, including taking my DH to have some bloodwork done. I'd best get going. Thank you for wishing us home on yesterday's Daily. 


Blessings! Be safe, stay warm!

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Good Morning, thanks for the daily fleet report.  It’s a cold day today, snow tomorrow and still colder later this week.  It’s a work day here but I should have a light day since most of my contacts have the day off.  Today’s meal suggestion sounds really good today, although I’m planning on making goulash for dinner.

DH is weighing the pros and cons of a new work at home position.  If he takes it we are planning on moving back to PA in about three years.  I hope everyone has a good day today.



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Happy Monday and MLK day.  We had an interesting weekend here.  15 inches of wet, heavy snow, and now the frigid temps.  Was -6F when I got up this morning.  We lost power Friday night for 15 hours, and then the Spectrum internet was out for 48 hours...came back last night just in time to  see the Packers win in Texas!  The forecast is for the temps to be around 0 until Wednesday!  Haven't been to the port, the drink does not sound good, but the chili does!  Couldn't read much here over the last few days, prayers for all that need them and cheers for those celebrating!  I'm ready to be someplace warm!  Thanks to all for sharing and caring.  Have a good day.  Karen


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Good morning on MLK day, a day of service!  Sorry but will pass celebrating a sorority and blue Monday but will raise a glass on brew Monday!  I like the quote; my motto is "I don't want to be sitting in my rocking chair at 95 and say - I wish I would have done that.  Instead, I want to remember the great time I had." Oh, chili - looks so good but I made some recently so I will just have to pass.  I like chocolate but just No, no!  Yes to the wine and never been to Albany, WA, Australia.  I am a King Henry the VIII fan.  I like to read/watch documentaries on him.


Not so cold this morning (35F) and it will get to around the high 60s with sun.  So it will be a nice day.  Only partially finished what I wanted to accomplish yesterday so will finish those little tasks today.  Had menudo for dinner and it wasn't too bad, even though I cooked the tripe in my instant pot.  I missed eating it on New Year's Day so I am just a tad late.  I did make the red version - more like what you find in CA - instead of the white version you find here in AZ. I have been eating menudo since I was a child; I thought the tripe was the outside of a sheep as it always looked furry to me.  Once I found out what tripe was, it was too late - I loved menudo!




Decided to cancel my subbing gig for tomorrow (1/2 day at the school I went to on Friday).  Just didn't enjoy it as much as others and it is a 30 minute drive to get out there.  So not really worth it to go.  


Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those celebrating!




Have a great day everyone!



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Good morning. Thanks for the FR/Daily.

I will salute MLK Day as a day of service and AKA Day. I'll try not to be Blue today, Monday. I may have a brew with dinner. Interesting quote.  Yes to the meal, pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Albany, either in NY or AU.




It was about 10F this AM, with a wind chill of 0. It's supposed to go up to 23F. Snow tomorrow, but hopefully not too much as I have a medical appointment on Wednesday. Sleep was not great last night, about 3.5 hours. My left knee hurts, I think as I rely on the left leg a lot. So when both legs are in pain, walking is very tough. The contractor is supposed to come by today to measure the radiator - he's looking for a vintage decorative one to replace it.


@rafinmd Thanks for the maps.

@seagarsmoker Fingers crossed that you hear good news from that employer.

@MISTER 67 Are you on the Equinox on the 15th or 24th?

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for the Albany photos.

@kazu Be careful cleaning the driveway and when you go to visit your BFF.

@aliaschief The food choices sound great and also the enrichment lectures.

@RMLincoln Safe travels tomorrow.

@Haljo1935 Do you have someone coming to look at your heater?

@Seasick Sailor I'm glad you two got home safely, amid all the cancellations and delays due to weather.

@quilty964 Stay safe and warm with all that snow!

@Nickelpenny My mother sometimes fixed tripe when I was growing up, although I can't remember how she fixed it.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

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Good Monday Morning Dailyites!  It's 46 here, mostly cloudy, so the computer says, but sunlight is coming in on the laundry room window.  The cats are all sleeping on the darker side of the house.

I have work this afternoon, but I did not have to walk the dog this morning!  I slept almost to 9...almost. I was so excited, I could turn around, and just go back to sleep now.


before I forget-

@tupper10 My brother in law found out that his grand daughter who lives with his mom was using her credit cards without permission.  And Mom was not really paying any attention to incoming bills. He got power of attorney to have all of her mail be sent to him, as he pays her bills. He ended up closing several credit card accounts,  You may want to consider getting your mom's mail sent to you.  The downside, is that I sent her a card for Halloween to let her know we would be in Italy and a cruise for a month(she forgets things) and it got forwarded to him, and then returned to sender.


I am getting concerned about my forgetfulness.  Sometimes I wrack my brain for a word, and I just cant find it.  Then I will explain to DH what I am talking about and he will tell me the word.  But yesterday when we were discussing birds here, I wanted to mention two that seem to have totally disappeared from our yard.  One was a thrasher (state bird) and the other is still escaping my brain.  All I can come up with is the breed of a dog, and that is not it.  Wait! it just came to me, a towhee.  Thanks God of brain cells.  I kept thinking skipperkee


i really liked today's quote.  It makes me think of my friend who now has stage 4 cancer and has been in the hospital since October.  We were all supposed to meet up after 30+ years on Cape Cod several years ago, but he was about to get a rain storm and didnt want to leave his house because of possible flooding.  He has pumps for just such an event.  He never took a honeymoon, he never traveled, because it would not be the same as his home.  And for years he has complained about his home, how much he hates it, that it was too much house. I too live in fear of the unknown, but if I dont try something, then I really never know.  I was afraid to go back to Europe, and boy was that stupid!  I had a wonderful time in Rome.  I would love to go back.  The world is a scary place, which is what makes it exciting.



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13 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the FR/Daily.

I will salute MLK Day as a day of service and AKA Day. I'll try not to be Blue today, Monday. I may have a brew with dinner. Interesting quote.  Yes to the meal, pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Albany, either in NY or AU.




It was about 10F this AM, with a wind chill of 0. It's supposed to go up to 23F. Snow tomorrow, but hopefully not too much as I have a medical appointment on Wednesday. Sleep was not great last night, about 3.5 hours. My left knee hurts, I think as I rely on the left leg a lot. So when both legs are in pain, walking is very tough. The contractor is supposed to come by today to measure the radiator - he's looking for a vintage decorative one to replace it.


@rafinmd Thanks for the maps.

@seagarsmoker Fingers crossed that you hear good news from that employer.

@MISTER 67 Are you on the Equinox on the 15th or 24th?

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for the Albany photos.

@kazu Be careful cleaning the driveway and when you go to visit your BFF.

@aliaschief The food choices sound great and also the enrichment lectures.

@RMLincoln Safe travels tomorrow.

@Haljo1935 Do you have someone coming to look at your heater?

@Seasick Sailor I'm glad you two got home safely, amid all the cancellations and delays due to weather.

@quilty964 Stay safe and warm with all that snow!

@Nickelpenny My mother sometimes fixed tripe when I was growing up, although I can't remember how she fixed it.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

Just want to personally thank you for all your contributions to our Daily. Hope your feeling better.

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Good morning. It is cold with a wind chill but not like the tundra.Snow may come later today and tomorrow. Or it may not.i worked with a woman who was an active member of the sorority mentioned and she was always busy with service projects. DH and I volunteered to assist a few times and it was great to be a part of.

i usually brew a nice cup of tea in the afternoon on these cold days. The recipe looks good but we have chili often. Today we are having pasta and bean soup.

The teenager and his girlfriend are helping out at the food bank today and I hope it leads to more projects like this. They both have good hearts and don’t quite know how to help out. I mentioned that there were three hospitals all near bus routes but they told me they didn’t want to do that. Tana and I had a good laugh. 

She seems to be a little better today . The nurse ordered a new inhaler yesterday and I was able to pick it up quickly. Every day is a new adventure!


I am so happy to read that Joy and Allen got home in spite of delays, @Seasick Sailor.

Take care out there everyone 

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44 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the FR/Daily.

I will salute MLK Day as a day of service and AKA Day. I'll try not to be Blue today, Monday. I may have a brew with dinner. Interesting quote.  Yes to the meal, pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Albany, either in NY or AU.




It was about 10F this AM, with a wind chill of 0. It's supposed to go up to 23F. Snow tomorrow, but hopefully not too much as I have a medical appointment on Wednesday. Sleep was not great last night, about 3.5 hours. My left knee hurts, I think as I rely on the left leg a lot. So when both legs are in pain, walking is very tough. The contractor is supposed to come by today to measure the radiator - he's looking for a vintage decorative one to replace it.


@rafinmd Thanks for the maps.

@seagarsmoker Fingers crossed that you hear good news from that employer.

@MISTER 67 Are you on the Equinox on the 15th or 24th?

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for the Albany photos.

@kazu Be careful cleaning the driveway and when you go to visit your BFF.

@aliaschief The food choices sound great and also the enrichment lectures.

@RMLincoln Safe travels tomorrow.

@Haljo1935 Do you have someone coming to look at your heater?

@Seasick Sailor I'm glad you two got home safely, amid all the cancellations and delays due to weather.

@quilty964 Stay safe and warm with all that snow!

@Nickelpenny My mother sometimes fixed tripe when I was growing up, although I can't remember how she fixed it.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

@JazzyV The 15th

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2 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

Are you still enjoying Celebrity? Just back off the Reflection in December and thought the entertainment was not so good in showroom.

We don’t care for most of the Production shows, DW calls them angry singing and dancing but that goes for most of the cruise lines, we walked out of 2 Production shows on the Sky Princess in December. No complaints we the other entertainment.

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Good morning from a chilly Quartzsite where it is 37F with sun and blue skies.  Our predicted high will be 66F.  Today's agenda is getting a couple more things checked off the to-do list, whether or not I really want to do them.


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. did a lot for the Civil Rights movement.  



I will honor Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, which had a chapter at McGill University in Montreal, and has a chapter at UT.  It was the first historically black sorority at UT.   I will not celebrate Blue Monday.  After three years of stress first with the lockdown and then two years navigating the medical system, I am finally getting more positive  and less stress.  Also, a no to Brew Day since brews do not agree with me any more.


The Alfred Adler quote is probably too true for many, and I'm beginning to want to take fewer precautions.


The meal sounds good, but just not today.  We'll pass on the drink even though I love chocolate.  It just has too many different spirits in it.  The wine sounds like a winner.


We have not been to Albany, Australia, but I've been to Albany, Texas, many times.  It's a small town near where I grew up.


Three more interesting days in history to honor.  I'll also honor Captain Sully Sullenberger for safely landing his plane on the Hudson River.  Thanks, Roy, @rafinmd for reminding us about the Miracle on the Hudson.


@seagarsmoker  I hope you get good news after the interview last Friday.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope you get your driveway cleaned safely.   Enjoy your visit with your BFF.  I loved the dog hair meme.

@aliaschief  Bruce, thanks for taking us along on your cruise.  For a minute, I thought Graham @grapau27  had stowed away on your ship.

@RMLincoln Maureen, I'm glad that overall your hip is doing better.

@Haljo1935  I hope someone can work on your HVAC unit today, and get it working.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, I'm glad you and Allen got home safely even if it was later.  DFW is always a problem in bad weather.

@Crazy For Cats  Jake, keep us posted about DH's decision on his job.  

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm glad the nurse was able to help Tana yesterday, and that Tana is feeling better.














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Thank you all for your thoughts about my mother and the issues I am facing.  I doubt it will get better but the goal now is to find consistent and good at home caregivers.  I do most of the banking for my mother and one day soon I will take away the check book. For now it is her last bit of independence and she tells me what checks she writes. Hopefully they will now be written with the correct checks. 


@seagarsmoker good luck on the job search. I hope you hear positive news.

@kazu Please be safe out there today.  For black ice even spikes on your shoes don't help.  Thanks for all your help yesterday with the shore excursion question.


I am glad those traveling got home safely.  Ugh for the cold weather coming to most of you.  We really can't complain- it finally stopped raining and it is a cloudy but warm day today. Tomorrow it is back to rain - but still warm.   The rest of the week for those traveling here is much cooler and windy. 


Have a great day everyone.   



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Good afternoon from Cork.

Today we finished packing up the (too many) Christmas decorations and getting the (too many) cartons out to the garage for storage.  It is a bright, crisp day, with frost still in part of our garden as the sun does not hit there in the winter months.

I am overdue a haircut, but it is too cold to be shorn, so I will wait a few days.  

Thoughts for everyone who is suffering.

Have a great day everyone!

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Good Monday morning, Dailyites, and thanks for all the news of the day.  Martha  (Mrs. @sailingdutchy) sent me a picture from Rotterdam - they're having a good time!  


Our weather has warmed up a bit, but it's still frosty, and I didn't go to exercise this morning, Pat did and said there was a good crowd.  The hummingbird feeders are out today without the hand warmers to keep them from freezing - we'll see how it goes.  Just hope winter is over!


Pat has booked flights to England in June to visit his favourite cousin on his 96th birthday.  I hope it will come to pass.  He has an appointment to see the cardiologist January 25 - our doctor had said it would take 6 to 9 months to get the referral, but it has happened very quickly, and we're hoping he says Pat is fit to fly.  And who knows how long it will take for him to have the surgery to replace the valve.  

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