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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday January 19th, 2024


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29 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good afternoon Dailyites 


Goodness, so much happening with our Daily family. Prayers lifted for all of us!


@ger_77 Gerry what the heck!! You tell Maurice to get well right this minute! He's not allowed to stop the flow of cruising!! Seriously,  give him a hug for me. 


My sorrow and prayers go out to those who have lost family members and friends. 


Vanessa, you are amazing posting our cares, prayers, celebration and cruising lists while you yourself are in pain. Thank you!


Oliver has been such a good boy. He loves our sitter, but when I'm here, he sticks to me like glue. It's cool here and I got him this sweater. He doesn't want to have it off. 




I made some pumpkin apple cream soup for my friend who is under the weather, and it's just about done, so better get going. 


Wishing everyone a blessed day. 

Oliver looks lovely.

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4 minutes ago, seagarsmoker said:

I just accepted the offer for my new job. 🙂 I start February 5th. 

Thank you everyone for your support!!! 🙂 

I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of your day. 🙂 

Absolutely fantastic news.

I'm delighted for you.

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Another sunrise from Queen Victoria on that Transatlantic before Crystal Symphony Buenos Aires to Antarctic to Miami.  January 19 was the last sea day before our first US stop in Port Canaveral.





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40 minutes ago, seagarsmoker said:

I just accepted the offer for my new job. 🙂 I start February 5th. 

Thank you everyone for your support!!! 🙂 

I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of your day. 🙂 

To quote @rafinmd Happy Dance - congrats!


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3 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

Thanks everyone for well wishes for me.  I am now paying back all the hours the Prednisone kept me awake taking a nap this afternoon. I am tapering the dose to 30 mg today and tomorrow.  We were just in beautiful Dominica last March so I don't feel bad about doing nothing.  John is being a patient trooper. 


I hope tapering back and a good nap helps, Nancy 🤞. Bless John for supporting you ♥️ (of course, I would expect nothing less 😉)



1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning all (only just morning - 15 minutes to go).  Sorry to hear about your DH, @ger_77, mine needs a new valve, too, but it's for aortic stenosis.  We'll see what the cardiologist says next week.  


Oh dear Ann. 😢. I hope Pat’s surgery can be arranged soon and he can recover easily 🙏 



39 minutes ago, seagarsmoker said:

I just accepted the offer for my new job. 🙂 I start February 5th. 

Thank you everyone for your support!!! 🙂 

I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of your day. 🙂 


HURRAH 🙂. That’s fabulous news 😄 

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49 minutes ago, seagarsmoker said:

I just accepted the offer for my new job. 🙂 I start February 5th. 

Thank you everyone for your support!!! 🙂 

I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of your day. 🙂 


Congratulations!  👏  That is great news.




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2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Segment 2 will take us to these ports of call. Easter Island is about a fifty per-cent chance but we are there for two days. We have some movement today from our 3-5 foot swells. 
Off to another lecture.



Going to Fakarava! One of best places in world to snorkel. Incredible colorful coral.

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1 hour ago, seagarsmoker said:

I just accepted the offer for my new job. 🙂 I start February 5th. 

Thank you everyone for your support!!! 🙂 

I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of your day. 🙂 


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2 minutes ago, highscar said:

Am I the only one not careing for popcorn?    The smell alone makes me avoid theaters.  Just because I did not grow up knowing it existed.  

Oy my gosh - that smell is the reason I go to theaters! 🍿Not really, but it could be. I have a love/hate relationship with 🍿 I really like the taste but cannot stand the hulls - I pick them out for days...

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Hello to all the Dailyites.

Thank you to Jacqui, Roy, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann and Dixie for your dedication to this thread.

Interesting Days. I don’t think I will brew a potion.  The only thing i brew is tea or coffee.

As for Memory, we are doing the best we can around here.  

Popcorn—I can’t eat it although i love it.

I like the quote.

I think I will skip the wine.  That is definitely above my budget.  No to the drink and the meal as well.  I don’t eat chili or anything very spicy.

I have not been to the port.


Now that all that is out of the way…….

Congratulations are in order for @seagarsmoker.  I wish you all the best in your new job.


@ger_77 I am so sorry that your DH needs surgery and you have to cancel your cruise. I pray that all turns out well and you and DH will soon be cruising again.

@RMLincoln Maureen, Condolences on the passing of your NM friend.

@JazzyV prayers that you get some relief from the pain and discomfort in your leg.

@Vict0riann Ann, sorry that Pat needs surgery for aortic stenosis.

@ottahand7 glad you are reducing the Prednisone.  Hope you will be on the mend soon.


If I missed anyone, I’m sorry.


I heard from the Podiatrist this morning.  I have a neuroma on the sole of my right foot and a smaller one on the left foot.  He doesn’t want to do anything right now since we are leaving for a cruise next week.  He also thinks if I am wearing sandals rather than closed shoes it may ease the discomfort.   If I am still having trouble when I come back he will consider cortisone injections.

So I will go along with that.


Well, it has become apparent that my cleaner is not going to show up here any time soon.  I understand that she is not well, but I need my house clean.  So between yesterday and today I tackled it myself.  I am exhausted.   But it is done.   The only thing left to do is to change the bedsheets, which will be done tomorrow.  

I am debating whether to tell her that I will be looking for another cleaner that is more dependable.  As a matter of fact, if I do that, I will be looking for a crew, that come in and are finished in an hour.  

I am exhausted.  I am too old for this #$%^.  I am sure that i will pay dearly for all the work I did today.  But it is done and now I can concentrate on getting ready for our cruise.  


While we are not supposed to get any snow, we are in for another cold snap this weekend.  I will be happy to get to the Caribbean as soon as I can get there.   


I hope everyone keeps warm and stays safe with this terrible weather.

God Bless,




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2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning all (only just morning - 15 minutes to go).  Sorry to hear about your DH, @ger_77, mine needs a new valve, too, but it's for aortic stenosis.  We'll see what the cardiologist says next week.  I'm hoping recovery will be quick, we have a cruise booked in October, but it's just as well we cancelled our spring cruise.  I'm worried he won't be allowed to fly, or drive...


From my personal experience he should be pretty recovered by October and able to fly. Especially if they can do the newer less invasive surgery options.





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I've just heard from my twin that she, her DH and daughter Amy are down with Covid!  They went to Houston a week ago to see DBIL's terminally ill sister and must have caught it there or on the plane.  Her RN DD Megan told her this new strain takes longer to show up.  She felt ill Sunday, her DD Amy felt ill on Tuesday and her DH felt very ill yesterday.  Hoping they are all back to good health soon.  Seems like they've had Covid at least 3 times now over the years.



8 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Snow again today in north New Jersey!  My! This has been a different experience than I expected but we’re in the storm track and they just keep coming. Tomorrow will be clear and colder. Granddaughter and husband plan to come help us with some home-improvement work.🤞 Next week our travel day south to Maryland should be ok Monday; coming back north Wednesday could be rainy. Car needs the salt washed off!  We have a back-up plan to stay at a friend’s if needed if the weather looks bad or if the surgeon wants us to stay longer.  Can only wait and see. 

Sorry to hear Chuck @Catmandu will need deeper surgery coming up soon!  Hoping he can recover well enough from this round. And that the neighbors’ pipes didn’t freeze and break!  That’s a mess that no one wants to come home to. Good luck Annie!  

And good luck to @seagarsmoker on the job! Hope it’s a good opportunity for you 👍


@Cruzin Terri hoping the podiatrist can help your foot, and fast!  

Glad you made it home ok Paul @kochleffel .  And enjoy your treasures from Total Wine. 

@ottahand7 Nancy, we’re all sending out out best hopes to you for quick improvement!  Thanks for the updates. I’m so glad John is with you!  Not the adventure you envisioned!  💔

We had a full day with a lot of different kinds of things to do, and got most done, but it started with sad news for me with a NM friend’s sudden death. She was much younger than I and seemed quite well. Seems her fatal episode was an aortic aneurysm which is often catastrophic and without warning. She died in emergency surgery. It is a long way to the hospital from there, a factor in our decision to move.  She played guitar at our little country church. The church family which was very close in such a small community is in shock. I feel the same shock two thousand miles away. I was on the phone talking and texted on and off all day. Had trouble getting to sleep last night. One day at a time is Everything!  

Sending blessings to all in need, all on our Care list - thanks Vanessa, and haul in your share of those blessings!  We’re all waiting on better days with you!  
Cheers for those celebrating!  Life is Good 🌈

Smooth travels to those away, especially our cruisers. May you get home safely. I’ll be looking forward to a time when we can get back to cruising but right now I’m focused on being Grateful for the opportunities we have to help DH. Thank you for your support!  It’s such a huge help!  
Prayers for Peace in our hearts, our families, our countries and the world. 


Maureen, I'm so sorry to hear of your friend passing away suddenly.  Prayers for her family and friends, including you.🙏


Same message to Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser on the loss of her friends who passed this week.  Seems like we get bad news like that way too often these day.  Prayers for their families and friends, too.🙏




8 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!


It is a chilly start to the day here in mid-Michigan.  It is currently 12F with a projected high of 16F.  After tonight we will gradually start to warm up.  Weather is still looking good for our flight to San Diego. Tonight we're celebrating DB Bill's birthday and retirement.  He doesn't know it, but DS Mary Jo and DBIL Mitch are joining us tonight for Farkel.  I am making Bill's favorite, beef stroganoff.  We'll have salad, biscuits, and Mom's tender tiny peas.  And chocolate cake for dessert. No wine as this group doesn't drink.  


Sometimes popcorn is dinner.  We had popcorn the other night for dinner as we just weren't hungry enough for much else.  The potion I care most about at this time of day is coffee.  Keep it coming!


@seagarsmoker Fingers and toes are still crossed for you!

@RMLincoln I am sorry to hear of the death of your friend.  My dad had an aortic aneurysm.  It was touch and go with him for a while, but to all the doctors' surprise, he pulled through.  



Today's meal sounds good to me.  As long as I didn't tell anyone what was in it, I could get away with it.  But if they knew, they'd start complaining about it being too spicy.  So, many times I don't tell them what I put in things.  They like it just fine.  https://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/pork-and-green-chile-stew




This one has more of a broth/gravy to it as a stew normally would.  https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/a39562420/green-chili-pork-stew-recipe/




Lastly, we have this rendition from Ree Drummond.  https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ree-drummond/green-chili-pork-stew-6565478




Wishing you all a wonderful day!




Happy birthday and retirement DB Bill!  Have a great time celebrating.🎉




8 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  The only potion I'll be brewing is tea today, as I'm sure the cauldron is still out in the snow.  I think I still have a good memory . . .  Yes, I do love popcorn and usually have a big bag of it in the house for afternoon snacks.


The weather has certainly moderated, as this morning we're sitting at a less than hateful -19C (-2F), and a wind chill of -26 (-14), so even with the wind it won't be like hitting an arctic blast when we go outside.  I'm sorry for those of you who aren't used to a lot of snow who are getting it right now - and @kazuwhose area seems to get every storm there is on the East coast, no matter the season.


@VMax1700sending good thoughts that your DW feels better soon.


Well yesterday wasn't the very best - DH had a call first thing in the morning from our doctor (he never calls) to say the tests show that he has a leaking aortic valve and will be looking at a replacement.  The cardiologist's office has been notified, so now we wait to see when it can take place - not sure, as it isn't deemed an emergency yet.  So, having said that, I had to call our lovely TA and cancel the cruise we should have been taking in only 2 weeks time.  I took the countdown off the fridge, emptied the suitcases and put them back downstairs in storage, put all our cruise clothing back in the closets and drawers, and cancelled our FLL hotel.  Sigh.  We have to get DH healthy so I can start all over again, as I not only love cruising, I love the lead-up to it.

I'm going to take a pass on the drink of the day, would really love to try the champagne, but it's hugely out of my budget, and would like to sample the chili.  It's Friday night pizza night at our house, so after picking up a new medication for DH, we'll head to a nearby restaurant to pick out something hot and cheesy to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, I'm very sorry to hear your DH has to have a heart procedure and you will be missing this cruise!  Once he's well I hope you can enjoy a new one with the knowledge his valves are working perfectly.




7 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you Rich, Jacqui, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie.  Happy Friday.  I think I have a fairly decent memory, coffee  is my potion, and I enjoy popcorn.  I love the Cooper quote.


I have not been to Kangaroo Island but it sounds interesting.


A glorious day for Industry.  Overhead lighting was a great step but underground has become more reliable.  A sad day in cycling history.


Sad news for @ger_77and DH.  Fingers still crossed for @seagarsmoker


I'll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Orange and Avacado Carousel, Pene Primavera, and Mango-Blueberry Crisp as served on MS Prinsendam January 19, 2019.


More snow than expect but I think I'm ok for a midday run to Wegmans.




Your alternate menu looks great.  Probably something I would have picked.  Sorry to see your new signature message but we eventually have to decide what is best for us.  I'm glad you have the wonderful memories and are continuing to be here on Cruise Critic.




7 hours ago, cunnorl said:

Pictures from Kangaroo Island. We were there in 2022. We were quite late getting there and all morning excursions were cancelled. I was able to book an afternoon one , just because I wanted to see the island. Tendering was very slow and many passengers were not able to go.glad I went, it is a beautiful place








Thanks for your photos today!  I like the beach and lighthouse photos a lot.  




6 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from a partly cloudy Quartzsite.  It is 44F and we should reach 71F today.  Not too much on the agenda, but I hope to begin getting the things I want to pack for our cruise together.  We normally don't pack until the day before we leave, but I like to have things ready to go into the suitcase so the packing goes a little more quickly.


I doubt I'll brew a potion today, and I think my memory is still pretty good.  It's been a while since we popped any popcorn, but maybe we'll have some this afternoon.


I generally agree with today's quote, but there is some variety we can do without.


We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine today.


We have not been to Elephant Island.


Three interesting days in history, one saw progress for everyone, one progress for women, and the last a very sad day in cycling history.


@Haljo1935  I hope you can get the dog to the vet so she can get her medicine.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, our condolences on the death of your NM friend.

@dfish  Debbie, please wish brother Bill a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY and a VERY HAPPY RETIREMENT for us.

@1ANGELCAT  I hope the motorized chair will make Steve and his wife's lives easier as he recovers.

@marshhawk  Annie, I'm sorry your DH did not sleep well last night, and that your left hip is bothering your.

@ger_77  Gerry, I'm sorry your DH needs a valve replacement, but glad they found the problem early.  I'm also sorry your had to cancel your cruise.

@cunnorl  Charlene, thank you for your pictures of Elephant Island.  I hope we can get there someday.















I did a double take when I read Elephant Island.  Slightly different location but an interesting island to see too.  😄




5 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @kazu and @richwmn.

I won't be brewing any potions today except for coffee. A good memory is a blessing, and I hope to keep mine. Popcorn is a good snack. Good quote. Not sure about the meal, and pass on the drink and wine ($$$). I have not been to Kangaroo Island. 2 good days in history, and 1 shameful one.


It's 25F out and lightly snowing. We got about 2.5" overnight, and will pick up another 1"-2" during the day today. It's very quiet as nobody much seems to be out and about. I'm sleepy. I think it's a Benadryl hangover. I forgot my injection on Wednesday, and almost yesterday, taking my pre-injection Benadry very late at 11pm. I'll be inside today working on my diamond painting, and trying to see if I can find a number for the radiologist's office.


@grapau27 Joy is back home now.

@ottahand7 I hope you're feeling better today.

@Crazy For Cats That sounds like a no fun day at work yesterday!

@kazu Ugh on the temperature and the uncooperative driveway. 

@RMLincoln My condolences on the sudden loss of your NM friend. Surviving a ruptured AA is hard even in the big city.

@dfish Early Happy Birthday to DB Bill and congrats to him on his retirement!

@1ANGELCAT Prayers for Steve's wife trying to handle his recovery. I sometimes think I should have gotten one of those recliners that lifts up to help you get out of it.

@marshhawk I hope you get some relief from your hip discomfort. 

@ger_77 Sorry to hear about DH's aortic valve leaking, eventual surgery, and the need to cancel your cruise. I'm sure that was a sad task, but he needs to get healthy first. BFF's DF needed valve replacement, but being afraid of doctors and hospitals, waited until it caused congestive heart failure. They had to fix that, then he had replacement surgery and did very well.

@cunnorl Thanks for the KI photos.

@seagarsmoker Continued crossed fingers for that job offer!

@HAL Sailer I hope you and DH are doing ok.

@Cruzin Terri Let's hope the US will give the podiatrist a clue about what's going on with your foot.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.



Vanessa, I'm really glad you cancelled that appointment today with the snow you're getting.  You wouldn't want to be walking OR driving in it.   Apparently DC is getting some snow today too because the Delta plane DS was scheduled to take this afternoon was very late because of the DC snowstorm.  Therefore his flight to Austin is late getting there this afternoon.  Ren has a game there tomorrow.




5 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

Thanks everyone for well wishes for me.  I am now paying back all the hours the Prednisone kept me awake taking a nap this afternoon. I am tapering the dose to 30 mg today and tomorrow.  We were just in beautiful Dominica last March so I don't feel bad about doing nothing.  John is being a patient trooper. 

@RMLincoln I am sorry to read about your friend's passing.  

@ger_77 I am sorry about your DH heart issue and that you had to cancel your cruise.  

Have a lovely day.  Nancy 


You're smart to be weaning yourself off the Prednisone slowly.  I sure wouldn't enjoy the side effects you had this week.  I hope both you and John can enjoy the remainder of your cruise in good health.



2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good afternoon Dailyites 


Goodness, so much happening with our Daily family. Prayers lifted for all of us!


@ger_77 Gerry what the heck!! You tell Maurice to get well right this minute! He's not allowed to stop the flow of cruising!! Seriously,  give him a hug for me. 


My sorrow and prayers go out to those who have lost family members and friends. 


Vanessa, you are amazing posting our cares, prayers, celebration and cruising lists while you yourself are in pain. Thank you!


Oliver has been such a good boy. He loves our sitter, but when I'm here, he sticks to me like glue. It's cool here and I got him this sweater. He doesn't want to have it off. 




I made some pumpkin apple cream soup for my friend who is under the weather, and it's just about done, so better get going. 


Wishing everyone a blessed day. 


Oliver is such a cute little guy!  Love the sweater.  Very sweet of you to take some soup to your friend who is ill.  No one wants to cook when they're sick and that's when you need good nutrition.❤️




2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning all (only just morning - 15 minutes to go).  Sorry to hear about your DH, @ger_77, mine needs a new valve, too, but it's for aortic stenosis.  We'll see what the cardiologist says next week.  I'm hoping recovery will be quick, we have a cruise booked in October, but it's just as well we cancelled our spring cruise.  I'm worried he won't be allowed to fly, or drive...


Debbie, Happy Birthday to your DB!  Surprise him...    


Still very white here, but it is raining and the white stuff is slowly disappearing.  The reservoir is up to 89%, hope we reach 100% before the end of the month.  As the population grows, we use more and more water.


Prayers going out for everybody!



Prayers for your DH Ann!  I hope the cardiologist has a good plan and a reasonably open schedule to get this taken care of so you two can enjoy cruising again.  🚢




1 hour ago, seagarsmoker said:

I just accepted the offer for my new job. 🙂 I start February 5th. 

Thank you everyone for your support!!! 🙂 

I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of your day. 🙂 


Wonderful news!   I'm so happy you got the offer and decided to take it.  You need to celebrate tonight!🥂




3 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Hello to all the Dailyites.

Thank you to Jacqui, Roy, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann and Dixie for your dedication to this thread.

Interesting Days. I don’t think I will brew a potion.  The only thing i brew is tea or coffee.

As for Memory, we are doing the best we can around here.  

Popcorn—I can’t eat it although i love it.

I like the quote.

I think I will skip the wine.  That is definitely above my budget.  No to the drink and the meal as well.  I don’t eat chili or anything very spicy.

I have not been to the port.


Now that all that is out of the way…….

Congratulations are in order for @seagarsmoker.  I wish you all the best in your new job.


@ger_77 I am so sorry that your DH needs surgery and you have to cancel your cruise. I pray that all turns out well and you and DH will soon be cruising again.

@RMLincoln Maureen, Condolences on the passing of your NM friend.

@JazzyV prayers that you get some relief from the pain and discomfort in your leg.

@Vict0riann Ann, sorry that Pat needs surgery for aortic stenosis.

@ottahand7 glad you are reducing the Prednisone.  Hope you will be on the mend soon.


If I missed anyone, I’m sorry.


I heard from the Podiatrist this morning.  I have a neuroma on the sole of my right foot and a smaller one on the left foot.  He doesn’t want to do anything right now since we are leaving for a cruise next week.  He also thinks if I am wearing sandals rather than closed shoes it may ease the discomfort.   If I am still having trouble when I come back he will consider cortisone injections.

So I will go along with that.


Well, it has become apparent that my cleaner is not going to show up here any time soon.  I understand that she is not well, but I need my house clean.  So between yesterday and today I tackled it myself.  I am exhausted.   But it is done.   The only thing left to do is to change the bedsheets, which will be done tomorrow.  

I am debating whether to tell her that I will be looking for another cleaner that is more dependable.  As a matter of fact, if I do that, I will be looking for a crew, that come in and are finished in an hour.  

I am exhausted.  I am too old for this #$%^.  I am sure that i will pay dearly for all the work I did today.  But it is done and now I can concentrate on getting ready for our cruise.  


While we are not supposed to get any snow, we are in for another cold snap this weekend.  I will be happy to get to the Caribbean as soon as I can get there.   


I hope everyone keeps warm and stays safe with this terrible weather.

God Bless,






It's definitely time to find a team to clean your house for you, quickly and as scheduled!  Nothing worse than a worker or contractor who misses their scheduled time over and over.  At least the house is clean now.  I hope you and Jim will have a relaxing, warm cruise!

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2 hours ago, seagarsmoker said:

I just accepted the offer for my new job. 🙂 I start February 5th. 

Thank you everyone for your support!!! 🙂 

I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of your day. 🙂 

Wonderful news!   Time to celebrate!   Maybe we should spring for today's wine?


@StLouisCruisers Thank you for the well wishes for DB.  

@Vict0riann I'm sorry Pat needs surgery, but perhaps this is what he needs to feel really well.  

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Good news on Steve’s motorized recliner. Their neighbor was able to pick it up and deliver it to the house. He also installed handrails on the stairs. Relatives have delivered meals for now. Such a blessing.

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Your alternate menu looks great.  Probably something I would have picked.  Sorry to see your new signature message but we eventually have to decide what is best for us.  I'm glad you have the wonderful memories and are continuing to be here on Cruise Critic.


Thank you.  I got tired of looking at "Upcoming cruises--November 2023" and had to do something.


@seagarsmoker, do I remember that you were thinking this would be a remote work situation?  Perhaps with Starlink that could leave you a bit more flexibility for cruising.



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3 hours ago, seagarsmoker said:

I just accepted the offer for my new job. 🙂 I start February 5th. 

Thank you everyone for your support!!! 🙂 

I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of your day. 🙂 

Congratulations @seagarsmoker on your new job!  What a great start to the weekend.  I think you’ve made all of our days!

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