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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday April 1st, 2024


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Just returned from our Azamazing Evening. Each guest chair decorated, Thai canapés and drinks. Dancers and five acts  with Thai Boxing followed by fireworks and then we were given a lighted float to each couple or single to make a wish and float the lit candle down the waterway.

Welcomed back to ship with champagne and the ships orchestra playing on the dock.

Special cruise line.

Midnight and time to retire. Thanks for reports and post. Bruce




Edited by aliaschief
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Gerry, Sorry to hear about Gord's passing. Thoughts and prayers are with you, Maurice, and Ollie in this time of loss.  Not many people would drop everything on Easter Sunday with a house full of people and dinner to make.  Bless you for the caring person you are.

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Posted (edited)

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit!

No Tom Foolery here, and no April Fool fooling of anyone. Kind of sad Marilyn quote. I could like a charcuterie board. Yes to the drink and pass on the wine. I haven't been to Tokyo. Being an Apple person (except my PC), I'll salute today in history.


It's been cloudy and raining, although there's a break in the rain now. Good sleeping weather, if one can sleep. Also storms tomorrow and Wednesday, and snow flakes Thursday and Friday. I have an ENT appointment tomorrow, and Cardiology on Wednesday, plus PT 2 days. I'm trying to get laundry done today, and also still sorting in the dining room. I have a lot of depression glass. I've already gotten rid of some when I had my DM's belongings auctioned, but still have too much. Also I need to find a riser for the upstairs commode, for after surgery.


@cat shepard I used to want to do jury duty and was never called. 

@StLouisCruisers I'll support sourdough day, although I haven't been able to make any bread since last summer, since I can't stand for any length of time. I take my sourdough starter out of the fridge about once a month to feed it. I like your rabbits! Thanks for posting Lenda's photos.

@kazu Yay for sunshine and for finding a sitter for Ivan. It is hard having someone new in your home, but prayers it'll be ok.

@ottahand7 April 1 is a sad memory day for you. Hugs.

@RMLincoln I hope DH Richard's eye appointment goes well. Sorry to hear that DSIL's family need to make hard decisions. Condolences on the loss of two people who were like family. 

@quilty964 The only hard part of sourdough can be getting the starter going at first, so that it's good and healthy. There can be activity at the beginning, that then disappears, but that's from bacteria you don't want. Once you get a good starter, it can usually be revived, even if neglected in the fridge.

@1ANGELCAT I'm glad you had a nice brunch. While BFF and I were at one yesterday, the table next to us was already scheduling for Mother's Day!

@bennybear Excellent photos from Tokyo.

@ger_77 So sad about Gord. Bless you for dropping everything to be there with Ollie. Condolences to his family and friends. She is very lucky to have you and Maurice as friends.

@aliaschief It looks like you're having an amazing time!


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

Edited by JazzyV
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Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit.  
Good morning everyone.  Hoping for no Tom Foolery and don’t want to be an April Fool.


Easter was good here.  We had DD’s family and DMIL over and the leg of lamb turned out really well, roasted in my favorite kitchen appliance, the Showtime Rotisserie.


DH and I shared a cheese board at a restaurant on Friday night.  We both agreed it was the best one we’ve had.  Thinking it over, we decided that was because nothing was too salty and the mustard was excellent.

Here’s a photo…





@quilty964 Karen, I’ve been baking sourdough bread for about a year now.  My DDIL gave me starter and got me going on it.  Your friends are right — it’s very easy and very forgiving.  To get it taller, be sure to include some higher gluten bread flour, but DH and I like it flatter, too.  I experiment with lots of flours and we never buy bread anymore.


Here’s what’s left of our Easter bread — one with rye and one plain.




@ger_77, I’m so sorry your friend Ollie lost her dear husband.  What a good friend you are, helping her through such an awful time.  You sure had an emotional day, God bless you.


Thanks for all the wonderful photos today.  Tokyo looks beautiful.

I hope the new month starts well for everyone.  Thoughts and prayers are with the Care List.  Three cheers for those celebrating.


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Good morning and Happy Monday from a rainy Tucson. Yesterday’s Easter lunch was okay. Pennie @Nickelpenny, I would have rather had yours. 

The shrimp cocktail is always good. 


The vegetable puff pastry and Duchess potatoes were the best on the plate. 


My DM on the left with her 97 year old friend. 90F4DD89-6323-4139-84BD-E3AEC1AC1C68.thumb.jpeg.7b0ea597cce4817a7754d551c8d32378.jpeg


I’ll take a charcuterie board any day. And actually they are centuries old. The Greeks and Romans started it in ancient times as a way to preserve meats. Then in France in the 15th century charcuterie became more refined. Here’s more info from Wikipedia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charcuterie_board
Cheese and other ingredients were added later. 

I would love to try today’s wine. Maybe when I’m in Spain in 2025. 

Have a great day everyone!!




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I’ve had a close girlfriend ever since her husband died on Easter morning while she was a church 9 years ago.  She struggles with two anniversaries- the specific date plus Easter which moves each year.

@ger_77 Gerry, you’re a solid friend. That’s what friends do. That’s what the community I had in NM would have done.  It was hard to tear myself away from them.  But I know I will be provided what I need. You were sent to help both Ollie and Gord! Ollie will do better because of you!  
Trusting your family got home safely and you’ll have a peaceful supper tonight with Ollie. 💐


Stunning experiences Bruce!  Thanks for sharing. 
And thanks to Sandi and others for pix of Tokyo. I don’t expect to get there, fun to see the photos. m—

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1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit.

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  No tom foolery happening here today, and I hope April Fool's day is a quiet one for everyone.  The quote is pretty cynical; how unfortunate that she was seeking the happiness that was just so elusive.


Yesterday morning started with shreiks of delight as the Easter Bunny made his appearance and left treats all over the house.  We got the kids settled with breakfast, then I started getting things together for our early dinner (4:30PM).  I had just unwrapped the ham and was putting it into the roaster when the phone rang; it was a number I didn't recognize, but thought I should answer it.  It was the social worker calling from the hospital asking if I could come in to support Ollie.  I hastily tossed the ham in the oven on low, wrote out a few cryptic notes as to what should happen for the rest of the meal and drove over to the hospital with my wheels barely touching the pavement.


Gord had not progressed at all, and the CT scan showed extreme damage to his heart; combined with the fact that he had not had a heart beat for 12 full minutes on Thursday at home meant that there was no hope for his recovery.  I stayed at CCU with Ollie, talking to Gord, reminiscing about the times we spent together, and generally being there for both of them.  We laughed, we talked, we cried, and we prayed.  And at one point Ollie said to me "Do you think it's time?"  I replied that the decision was hers as to whether or not she wanted the medical interventions to cease.  She did, but couldn't tell the nurses, so I relayed the information for her.   From the time the machines were disconnected to the time he took his last breath was less than 2 minutes.  So sad, as there was still so much they wanted to do as a couple, now Ollie is on her own.  I drove her home and offered to spend the night with her, but she declined, saying she wanted to be alone.


On my return home, the kitchen was bustling with activity - getting the ham carved, retrieving the baked potatoes, vegetables, etc., and the table was already beautifully set.  DH and our lovely DDIL Noriko did a great job of pulling it all together for us.  My sister in law arrived, as did DH's adult children, so there were 10 of us around the dining table for Easter Dinner.  


This morning the family got up, packed everything up (the back of their SUV looked like the Clampitt's moving to Bev-er-lee!), and started on their way back to Calgary.  Now the house is eerily quiet, but we'll be heading that way in less than 2 weeks, as we always go to Calgary to celebrate our oldest DGS Logan's birthday - he'll be turning 9 on the 11th.


@ottahand7sending you virtual hugs as you struggle to get through today.

@kazuI'm so pleased that you've got care for Ivan taken care of; what a big burden off your shoulders!


Today it's laundry, getting the house back into shape, doing a bit of vacuuming, and just breathing.  Late in the day we'll head over to Ollie's to see how she's doing and to see what we can do to help.  Although we've got lots of leftovers, we'll be picking up roast beef sandwiches and Tim Horton's coffee to enjoy at Ollie's kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, and in grief.  Cheers to all who have celebrations today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


I'm so sorry to hear your dear friend Gord has passed and send my condolences to your dear friend Ollie and yourself Gerry.

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20 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning and Happy Monday from a rainy Tucson. Yesterday’s Easter lunch was okay. Pennie @Nickelpenny, I would have rather had yours. 

The shrimp cocktail is always good. 


The vegetable puff pastry and Duchess potatoes were the best on the plate. 


My DM on the left with her 97 year old friend. 90F4DD89-6323-4139-84BD-E3AEC1AC1C68.thumb.jpeg.7b0ea597cce4817a7754d551c8d32378.jpeg


I’ll take a charcuterie board any day. And actually they are centuries old. The Greeks and Romans started it in ancient times as a way to preserve meats. Then in France in the 15th century charcuterie became more refined. Here’s more info from Wikipedia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charcuterie_board
Cheese and other ingredients were added later. 

I would love to try today’s wine. Maybe when I’m in Spain in 2025. 

Have a great day everyone!!




Your mam looks absolutely amazing Sharon.

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Good Morning Everyone!

    Rabbit, rabbit white rabbit!  I hope everyone had a pleasant Easter.  It was a "different" one for us this year.  No egg hunt at our house after church, the Grands were scattered in several directions. 

     We joined my Mom and Father in Law at their retirement home for Easter lunch (Mom is in an independent apartment and FIL is on the assisted living side)  Good company but not a very good meal! LOL.  I had planned to make a picnic lunch to take over and share, but hubby said no need to cook we can have their Easter meal at the dining room with them...............well next time I will bring the picnic lunch!

     This morning I received the sad news that my Great Aunt Alice passed away yesterday, she was 98 and was ready.  Just brings back fresh memories of Dad's passing last fall.  They were the last two of their generation.  Miss them and their generation learned and shared so much from them.  Grandma, also told me I was the only one of the "young" ones that could cook for a harvest crew!  Learned that from Grandma and several Aunts!  I suspect there is a big "family" reunion in Heaven today.

       We have a "Road Trip" planned, off to see the Redwoods and other sights along the Oregon coast in a couple of weeks.  This trip was planned and canceled when Dad started to decline.  Looking forward to going.

Have a great day, keep posting of your adventures I love reading about them!  More ideas for our trips!




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@ger_77 What a wonderful friend you are to Ollie.  I am so glad that the Social Worker got hold of you to assist her and be there for her moral support in her grief and the hard decision she had to make.   I would guess from your communication about her situation she has no family nearby.   You did what good friends do, try to enjoy your time with Ollie this evening.  


@kazu I am so happy to read that you found someone to stay with Ivan during your cruise.   


@Quartzsite Cruiser Happy to read you are on the road today.  


@StLouisCruisers and @bennybear thanks for sharing the photos of Tokyo.   


I have got a lot accomplished today and am waiting for a call from my insurance broker's office.  Frankenmuth Insurance raised my homeowners by almost $500 for the year.   I haven't had a claim other than a new roof after a hail storm and that was replaced 2 years ago.   Everyone in town got a new roof.  I am going to ask her to check with other companies that they work with.  I don't pay it my DD DH's trust pays for it but I think it is too big of a jump. 


Many thanks to everyone for your kind words about April 1.   Trying to stay busy today and it is working to keep my mind off things.   No rain yet so sunshine always helps too.  

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@ger_77  I am so very sorry to read of Gord's passing. You are a true and amazing friend to assist the way you did and continue to do. May you all find peace in your memories. Take care of yourself and each other.

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1 hour ago, grapau27 said:

Your mam looks absolutely amazing Sharon.

Thank you Graham. You always have such kind words to say. She is starting to show her age at 94 but it’s things someone 10 years younger would do so I need to remember that and be thankful for everything she is. Hope that made sense. 

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Gerry @ger_77, I’m so sorry to read about Gord passing yesterday. How difficult that must have been for you to experience and stay strong at the same time. Your support for Ollie is amazing. We should all strive to become a better person like you. 

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9 hours ago, seagarsmoker said:

Good morning Dailyites and thank you for the Daily Report.

Warm here this morning at 67 degrees with a forecast high of 85. 

I hope everyone here has a great day! 


Thanks for the nice pic of the Maasdam.  The S class are my favorite all time Holland America ships for their exterior design appearance.  To their credit, they are still in use with other cruise lines.  Her current name is Renaissance.  Seeing the bow thrusters at work in your pic, I'm guessing this may have been leaving Half Moon Cay taken from another Holland America ship?

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Finally a positive medical message!!   DH & I have Medicare A & B & since he is a federal retiree we have Kaiser as a supplemental.  Our PCP's office went to a membership practice effective January 1 to the tune of $250 pp per year which covers a lot.  I decided since we were already paying for Kaiser I'd switch to an MD I dealt with when I was still a practicing RN.  Noitified our PCP's practice on Friday to transfer my records to Kaiser & today I received a letter stating this practice would provide routine & emergency care for 30 days till I reestablish with another provider....I thought that was a very generous & thoughful thing for them to do.

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33 minutes ago, 57redbird said:

Finally a positive medical message!!   DH & I have Medicare A & B & since he is a federal retiree we have Kaiser as a supplemental.  Our PCP's office went to a membership practice effective January 1 to the tune of $250 pp per year which covers a lot.  I decided since we were already paying for Kaiser I'd switch to an MD I dealt with when I was still a practicing RN.  Noitified our PCP's practice on Friday to transfer my records to Kaiser & today I received a letter stating this practice would provide routine & emergency care for 30 days till I reestablish with another provider....I thought that was a very generous & thoughful thing for them to do.

I'm sure that relieves some stress knowing you will not have a gap in coverage. 

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