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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday April 17th, 2024


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Mmmm...  Pie for my meal!!  Mmmm...  And thank you for the recipe choices!!!


Good Morning!!  I am on the mend!!  I am feeling better!!  My cough remains and I'm sure will be here for a long time, but my body is feeling better!!  I went to a Campfire Chat with our Active Adults yesterday evening and had a S'more!!  YUM!!!  After dinner being drive thru Long John Silver's -- it was a no cook day for me!!  


Today on my agenda, is Art (Oil Pastels) after BINGO and a potluck lunch at the Catholic church.  I call these my excursions of the day!!


Love the Daily reports and THANK YOU!!!  Each of you for being so friendly and wonderful here!!!


I'm glad Christopher Columbus decided to find the "Indies"!!  I always remember the poem Fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue...


Hmmmm...  Brandy and Maple Syrup...  I might want that flambéed on crepes....  But the recipe looks fun!!!


Graham -- Thank you for the info on Blah Blah day...  I've never heard of this one!!  But I guess I'll listen to River and try to hear everything they say!!  Nah -- I always listen and love them!!!  After almost 36 years, what can I say to my child, but "Yes, Dear, of course!!"  They moved home from New Hampshire to help me with Nana when I needed and now they help ME and keep my company!!!



1 hour ago, kazu said:

Sorry everyone.  I haven’t been on a whole lot and apologize to all for any losses, worries or concerns I have missed.


I am just too stressed and depressed.  The foot has not become less painful and I was told to get into the doctor yesterday.  She has prescribed some stuff but very concerned and I am to see her tomorrow morning first thing.  At that time, I will be advised if I can go on the cruise or not.  I’m supposed to be leaving Friday.  Had no heart to pack any further yesterday. 


To say I am depressed is an understatement.  


HUGS!!!  I can only imagine some of what you feel...  AND you're in my prayers!!!  Prayers for healing, for less pain, for cruising, and for your spirit and outlook!!  You are loved!!!!



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Good sunny for now morning. Rain is expected later today and tomorrow.

@kazu, Jacqui, I hope the Dr can help you out and you can get on with your cruise. 🙏🤞

Blessings and prayers to all on our journey.

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Posted (edited)

Good early morning from central Texas.  It is not even 7 am and is already warm at 71F with 90% humidity and a dew point of 70F.  It is also cloudy with a predicted high of 82F and more wind up to 14mph.  It looks like we are already heading toward summer, and ERCOT, the group that oversees our power grid, is already warning about overloading the grid in the heat.  The main thing on the agenda today is my annual physical and blood test.  I hope my tummy doesn't growl too loudly since I to go before breakfast.


I suppose we all have something to correct on Blah! Blah! Blah! Day.  Ellis Island Family History Day is important, but I think most of my ancestors came to the New World before Ellis Island was opened.  I'm a Mustang girl, but didn't get my Mustang until 1989, when I got my 25th anniversary 5.0 GT Mustang.  One of my best friends in high school had a 1964 Mustang.


The Theodor W. Adorno quote is interesting.


We'll skip the meal and wine.  We have enjoyed Rhone wines, so would probably like the one today.


We have been fortunate to visit Taormina twice on BHBs.


An interesting day in 1492 when Christopher Columbus signed the contract with the Spanish Monarchs.  The 1982 Constitution was important for Canada. 


@kazu  Jacqui, I'm sorry your foot is still so sore, and causing you so much pain and depression.  I hope the doctor can help you today, and you can go on your much needed and anticipated cruise.

@rafinmd  Roy, no need to apologize for over sleeping a bit.

@Haljo1935  Elizabeth, I hope the MRIs help the doctors solve your problems.

@grapau27  As usual, Graham, thank you for the explanations today.

@LambKnuckles  I'm glad you are feeling better, and  hope the cough is better sooner than expected.














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We have been to Taormina twice on BHBs.  In October 2017, the Prinsendam docked in Messina, and we took the transfer to Taormina.  In August 2019, the Veendam tendered at Naxos just down the coast, and we took a local bus to Taormina. 


The first two pictures were taken from the top of the parking garage where the bus dropped us off in 2017.  The top one is the road from the coast up to Taormina, and the second is Mt. Etna.




The next ones were taken in 2017 as we walked around the walled part of the city.





The next pictures are from our 2019 visit, where we started from the other end of town.  The first is the remnants of the city gate. 



The street leading to the ancient Greek theater and a view of the oceanDSC07326.thumb.JPG.8834f92a85ca5dce27b811d53417f65c.JPG



A few pictures of the Greek theater which is still used for concerts and other events.





Both times, we stopped here for gelato, and the view.  This gelattoria is at the other end of town from the gate.





The town outside the old city gate




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I found some pictures of the area around Naxos, the tender port we used in 2019, for our visit to Taormina.  There are a couple of pictures of the street from the bus depot to the old citty gate, plus some pictures of the drive along the coast.  On this visit, we took the Interbus from Naxos to Taormina and back, and it was reasonably priced.


The street from the bus depot to the city cate.  I use the term depot lightly, as it was really a parking lot with a kiosk.




Sights long the coast road





The Veendam is the ship on the lefthand side of the picture.










You can see a bit of the Naxos Cruise Terminal in this picture.  It was really a canopy, ramp and dock.




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Posted (edited)

Rainy start to the day but not expecting storms like parts of USA are. 

@StLouisCruiserswe didn’t get a new constitution in 1982, we brought ours home. Until then the British parliament was responsible for any amendments. We did get a new charter of rights and freedoms.


@kazui so hope the doctor can help you and will allow you to cruise. I know you are looking forward to this cruise.


well, for awhile it looked like our Red Wings would make the playoffs. Two exciting games, back to back with the Habs but not enough to get them in. 

NO Rhubarb for me. Can you tell I really don’t like it?


well, we have a baby in our extended family. My DSIL’s niece had a little baby girl yesterday, 5 weeks early. She is well but will stay in the NICU for a few more days for observation. The nice thing is they are letting the mother stay in hospital too at least until they need the bed. This is actually a good thing as the bathroom and kitchen at their house are being renovated. Job will be done in early may which was ok for the original due date of May 22. Her name is Laine Alanna. Once I get a picture I will post for the group. The mother calls us Oma and Opa (we have known her for over 20 years and she called us this as a child) so I guess we are sort of honorary Uhr Oma and Uhr Opa (great grandparents).


DH had a 1969 candy apple red mustang convertible when we got married. We drive to Florida for our honeymoon in September of 1970. He couldn’t get time off work before then. 

prayers for those that need them and a shout out to those celebrating



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Warm and muggy in southern Oklahoma this morning, rain rest of the week. 

Prayers for Jacqui and all who need them, sometimes you just have to take one minute at a time!

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Posted (edited)

Good morning. It is presently sunny and cool at 47 going to 60.  A shower may sneak in later. I will give my pie to someone else and have been to Messina. I remember that it was a beautiful day to be in a beautiful place but no longer have pictures.

@kazu, Jacqui, I am so sorry about the foot causing so much trouble.  I hope the doctor can help this morning.

@marshhawk, Annie, your fall sounds terrible and I hope you are doing better this morning. 
@Haljo1935, Elizabeth, I hope the MRI’s can help with your pain.

We have only a small plan in place for today as fish is requested for dinner. I will head out to the fish store in a bit to see what looks good. A neighbor told me that the fish is freshest on Wednesdays and Thursday at this shop. He used to manage  a restaurant  so I think he is knowledgeable. It is expensive to buy the fresh fish but the taste is fantastic.

Have a great day everyone.


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Good morning,

It looks like another beautiful day with less wind.  yesterday’s gusts nearly swept me off my feet. I need to get motivated to unpack the Luggage Forward bags. I shoved them in the office on Friday and I keep forgetting about them. 

Jacqui I am sorry to hear about your foot. I missed what the problem is but the pain of possibly missing another cruise must be awful. 

I am off to meet a friend for breakfast. Hopefully I will get down to unpacking when I get home. 

Prayers for all!

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Thank you Rich, Jacqui, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie    My parents immigrated directly from Canada so I have no history with Ellis Island but it was a fascinating place to visit.  I’ll try to pass on Blah Blah Blah day.  I was never into the Mustang.

I like the Adono quote

I have not been to Taormina,   I have had pie for lunch but it was Key Lime Pie at Key West.  My alternative is Orange and Grapefruit Medley, Chilled Blueberry Soup and Penne Primavera as served on MS Amsterdam April 17, 2014.

Dentist late this morning and then a visit to the fire house so I will not back home for some time.


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 Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach

     My grandparents and other relatives came thru Ellis Island from Ireland. They worked as maids for many years.

    Blah Blah day, thats interesting.

    I arrived home from Boston last nite. Wonderful visit with my family. The bride to be was totally surprised at her shower. She started crying when she saw me. Lots of laughs.  Those new babies are precious. My sisters new house on the Cape is beautiful. So a great time!

    @kazu  Really hope your foot improves and you can enjoy your cruise.

      @superoma  A big welcome to Laine Alana!


Have my biannual exam today and then not much on agenda. 

Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good morning Dailyites from a cloudy 72 going to 84 degree day.


Prayers, prayers, and more prayers for our friends, families, people of Israel,  Ukraine, our military, veterans, and people suffering from the ongoing wars, starvation and deaths. 


Jacqui prayers for you girl to get the meds kicked in and get on that cruise! You've worked so hard on getting things together for it.


Prayers lifted for Tana and family, Annie and Elizabeth. 


Our neighbor came back from a cruise and has Covid. Both she and her husband have had it multiple times. They are in their 80's. 


I called the garage door company back. I was not satisfied with the work done. $900+ and it sounds worse than it was before. They will be here between 5 and 7 tonight. 


I got my lawn fertilizer yesterday and finished the front yard. I'll get the back started today. We are expecting rain this week so I need to hustle. 


My great grandparents came through Ellis Island. I did alot of research trying to find traces of them from multiple sites. 


Goodness, do we have a neighbor this fits to a T:







Definitely not having pie today. We will go downtown and probably eat at Grumpy George. It is a new British pub and we hear it's got great fish.


Wishing you a blessed Wednesday. Be kind. Keep smiling. Use your blinkers.. blah, blah, blah... 



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Posted (edited)

Good morning everyone.  @kazu Jacqui I am so sad to read that your foot problem is imperiling your cruise.   I know you put so much pre-work in for your M&G and you were so looking forward to this itinerary.  Prayers for you so that something can be done for your foot.  All the while you still faithfully do the daily for us, Thank You!   Roy, thank you for the daily fleet location maps each day.  @grapau27 thanks for the explanations of our days.   My Dad and his parents passed through Ellis Island when they returned to the US from the Netherlands after living there for 4 years to care for my Dad's ailing grandfather.   My Dad's father passed through Ellis Island when he immigrated to the US in the late 1890s.   My Mom's parents passed through Ellis Island when they immigrated to the US from the Netherlands in the early 1900s.  Our family is truly a family of immigrants.   A good quote today from Adorno.   I appreciate the port photos so far @Haljo1935 and @Quartzsite Cruiser. A beautiful area.   

I will pass on the rhubarb pie and today's apple cocktail but would enjoy the GSM wine from Australia.   Thanks ladies for researching these for us each day.

@JazzyV Vanessa I was saddened to read that yesterday you only got two hours sleep from your leg pain, I hope your surgery is sooner rather than later.   Like Jacqui you soldier on for the Daily to get our cares and celebrations pulled together each day.   Prayers for @marshhawk after your fall yesterday.   I pray it isn't too serious.   Prayers for Tana, Chuck and everyone else in our group needing prayers.  Prayers for those in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, Israel and the innocents in Gaza.   @Gsel Welcome to the Daily! 

I am heading to my brother's house soon to pick up a freshly dug Hosta plant.  They were removing all of theirs for a simpler bed so I am going to turn it into several plant sale Hostas for our May 11 sale.   Then paperwork for sign ups for the plant sale for our GC meeting tomorrow and fine tuning my Zoom presentation on Xeriscaping principles for the Landscape school tomorrow afternoon.   After that tomorrow I head over to our garden club Arbor Day project and meeting.  We are bagging Hop Hornbeam 2 year old trees to hand out to the local 3rd graders on Friday.  I bought three to bring to the cabin so I will have to pot them when I do the Hosta, they can't sit in the bag for long.   Have a nice Hump Day.  Here is the passport photo of my Dad, mother and siblings for their long visit to the Netherlands.    My Dad is closest to my grandmother.   


Passport photo Rika & Boys circa '25.jpg

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Posted (edited)

We have had two beautiful spring days in MD and I look forward to all the fresh produce in the coming months. I bought rhubarb at the farmer’s market last Saturday. I made a compote that I put on cottage cheese and my DH puts on ice cream. Very simple, slice rhubarb, add some sugar, cook slowly over low heat.  As soon as strawberries come in, I’ll use both in my favorite strawberry rhubarb pie.  ( For those of you who don’t bake, Marie Callender makes a decent frozen one that I occasionally buy in the winter.)


3 hours ago, MISTER 67 said:

I’ve never have had rhubarb so I’ll pass on the pie.


Try it, you might like it.


@Mr. BostonI can’t imagine eating raw rhubarb, it’s so tart!


1 hour ago, dfish said:


That is a beautiful pie, as always, thank you for the recipes.


Thinking of everyone struggling and in pain, be it physical or emotional, hoping for the best possible outcome.  Cheers to those with something to celebrate.

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@kazu Jacqui so sorry to hear about your foot/leg pain. I hope the doctor can do something for you so that you can go on your cruise. 

@superomaCongratulations on the new arrival.  I am so glad the hospital is letting the Mom stay with the baby.

@marshhawkand @kochleffel  Please take care of yourselves - no more falls please.


I hope everyone else is doing okay.  


Thank you to all who post in the daily.  I enjoyed re visiting the port - we have been there a couple of times, once on a cruise and the last time on a land trip. I have no pictures since my DH is the photographer and they are all on his computer.


One set of my grandparents and my grandfather came in through Ellis Island.   My two grandparents came from a town called Monastir now Bitola, in North Macedonia. These grandparents during the anniversary of Ellis Island bought bricks so their names are inscribed on the wall there with the dates of their arrival. It was fun to see this when we visited. My other grandfather came in as an "illegal",  he took the name of someone he was traveling with, not his real last name.  He therefore had a different last name from all of his siblings.  He came from Russia-Poland-Ukraine - we are not sure where exactly but his ship came from Germany to the USA.  His first job was as a steelworker near Pittsburgh, PA.  We have no idea how he got there and how he ended up back in NY. 


Wishing everyone a good day.









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Sorry, I've been stitching and didn't get my Taormina photos posted earlier.    Here they are.



I checked my Cruising Profile and it said we had been to Taormina on the Prinsendam Holy Land cruise we took in Oct. 2014.  But when I looked at my Shutterfly book of that cruise it turns out we were unable to go there and they substituted Messina instead.  Knowing I'd seen Taormina on a tour once I was able to determine we'd been there in October 2016 on Emerald Princess.  The port was Messina and the tour was to Mt. Etna and Taormina. 


October 5, 2016 on our tour of Taormina.  It's a charming town and very scenic but can be a problem to negotiate when crowds are large.  It would be nice here off season, whenever that is!






The Duomo and the funky fountain in front of it.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKkeACFzS85iBmNDOFQG8Bo?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1477680315


A small walkway.  I love those lanterns hanging from the building.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLnHTB-WI6fb_9BeuxPD1oE?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1477750346


A shopper's delight...00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKzTmh_Wg9Ssa8vl2PNIxDw?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1477680324


A dining/drinking delight...00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKRe-FCtg1fUHtbTbuXec9W?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1477680330






The view from an overlook00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLIurrSpuBC8sd7ujPv9j41?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1477680364


A closer look at that ship in case you'd like to identify it...might be a Windstar00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJLtxXBIU8E6Px9A1GQPVAw?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1477680370




The Church of St. Joseph (or the Chiesa San Giuseppe)00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVImkeEiAPtoQLYFJ9jcM6fI?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1477680386


In front of the church00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLrk44JoUz1dLWVAEEDlU6q?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1477660106


Lots of people!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIsWLeAMljJHTyKKMWOLw3Z?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1477680401


Enough for today.  

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Posted (edited)

Just a quick picture of the Eurodam going through the Gatun Locks this morning.  


Well wishes to all in need or going through difficult times.  


My DW and I will be on the Eurodam in late September for the last sailing of the Alaska season.  



Edited by TAW1963
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1 hour ago, superoma said:

Rainy start to the day but not expecting storms like parts of USA are. 

@StLouisCruiserswe didn’t get a new constitution in 1982, we brought ours home. Until then the British parliament was responsible for any amendments. We did get a new charter of rights and freedoms.


@kazui so hope the doctor can help you and will allow you to cruise. I know you are looking forward to this cruise.


well, for awhile it looked like our Red Wings would make the playoffs. Two exciting games, back to back with the Habs but not enough to get them in. 

NO Rhubarb for me. Can you tell I really don’t like it?


well, we have a baby in our extended family. My DSIL’s niece had a little baby girl yesterday, 5 weeks early. She is well but will stay in the NICU for a few more days for observation. The nice thing is they are letting the mother stay in hospital too at least until they need the bed. This is actually a good thing as the bathroom and kitchen at their house are being renovated. Job will be done in early may which was ok for the original due date of May 22. Her name is Laine Alanna. Once I get a picture I will post for the group. The mother calls us Oma and Opa (we have known her for over 20 years and she called us this as a child) so I guess we are sort of honorary Uhr Oma and Uhr Opa (great grandparents).


DH had a 1969 candy apple red mustang convertible when we got married. We drive to Florida for our honeymoon in September of 1970. He couldn’t get time off work before then. 

prayers for those that need them and a shout out to those celebrating




Eva, it makes more sense to me trying to take control of your own Constitution but surprising it took so long to get there!  Congratulations to the family on the new addition, Laine Alanna!  I hope she will be home from the hospital very soon, along with her Mom.  What a nice photo of you with the '69 Mustang convertible.  I may be a Camaro girl but my twin did have a '65 Mustang for her first car as I mentioned the other day.  In those days you either liked Fords or Chevys and never switched sides. 🚗




1 hour ago, ottahand7 said:

Good morning everyone.  @kazu Jacqui I am so sad to read that your foot problem is imperiling your cruise.   I know you put so much pre-work in for your M&G and you were so looking forward to this itinerary.  Prayers for you so that something can be done for your foot.  All the while you still faithfully do the daily for us, Thank You!   Roy, thank you for the daily fleet location maps each day.  @grapau27 thanks for the explanations of our days.   My Dad and his parents passed through Ellis Island when they returned to the US from the Netherlands after living there for 4 years to care for my Dad's ailing grandfather.   My Dad's father passed through Ellis Island when he immigrated to the US in the late 1890s.   My Mom's parents passed through Ellis Island when they immigrated to the US from the Netherlands in the early 1900s.  Our family is truly a family of immigrants.   A good quote today from Adorno.   I appreciate the port photos so far @Haljo1935 and @Quartzsite Cruiser. A beautiful area.   

I will pass on the rhubarb pie and today's apple cocktail but would enjoy the GSM wine from Australia.   Thanks ladies for researching these for us each day.

@JazzyV Vanessa I was saddened to read that yesterday you only got two hours sleep from your leg pain, I hope your surgery is sooner rather than later.   Like Jacqui you soldier on for the Daily to get our cares and celebrations pulled together each day.   Prayers for @marshhawk after your fall yesterday.   I pray it isn't too serious.   Prayers for Tana, Chuck and everyone else in our group needing prayers.  Prayers for those in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, Israel and the innocents in Gaza.   @Gsel Welcome to the Daily! 

I am heading to my brother's house soon to pick up a freshly dug Hosta plant.  They were removing all of theirs for a simpler bed so I am going to turn it into several plant sale Hostas for our May 11 sale.   Then paperwork for sign ups for the plant sale for our GC meeting tomorrow and fine tuning my Zoom presentation on Xeriscaping principles for the Landscape school tomorrow afternoon.   After that tomorrow I head over to our garden club Arbor Day project and meeting.  We are bagging Hop Hornbeam 2 year old trees to hand out to the local 3rd graders on Friday.  I bought three to bring to the cabin so I will have to pot them when I do the Hosta, they can't sit in the bag for long.   Have a nice Hump Day.  Here is the passport photo of my Dad, mother and siblings for their long visit to the Netherlands.    My Dad is closest to my grandmother.   


Passport photo Rika & Boys circa '25.jpg


Nancy I love the photo of your DD with his siblings and Mother!!

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Both sets of grandparents came through Ellis Island. My father’s family was from Ireland and mom’s was from Sweden. My brother and I agree that our parents were strongly influenced by their own parents journey. Both grandmothers were 18 at the time. They both worked as maids prior to having their own families. It was quite emotional to see their names on ship manifests. 
My mother told me stories of translating for her mother in stores and at school until English improved. 

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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We have been to Taormina twice on BHBs.  In October 2017, the Prinsendam docked in Messina, and we took the transfer to Taormina.  In August 2019, the Veendam tendered at Naxos just down the coast, and we took a local bus to Taormina. 


The first two pictures were taken from the top of the parking garage where the bus dropped us off in 2017.  The top one is the road from the coast up to Taormina, and the second is Mt. Etna.




The next ones were taken in 2017 as we walked around the walled part of the city.





The next pictures are from our 2019 visit, where we started from the other end of town.  The first is the remnants of the city gate. 



The street leading to the ancient Greek theater and a view of the oceanDSC07326.thumb.JPG.8834f92a85ca5dce27b811d53417f65c.JPG



A few pictures of the Greek theater which is still used for concerts and other events.





Both times, we stopped here for gelato, and the view.  This gelattoria is at the other end of town from the gate.





The town outside the old city gate




Great photos Lenda of a port we last visited 20 years ago.

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What a day! Up at 4:00 AM to take a flight from Mumbai to Agra. Saw the beautiful Taj Mahal then Azamara provided us with a sumptuous and huge Indian Buffet at a five star hotel.

We now just arrived in New Delhi awaiting a delayed flight back to Mumbai. Hopefully we will get back to ship right after midnight.

It was all worth it. 


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46 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Sorry, I've been stitching and didn't get my Taormina photos posted earlier.    Here they are.



I checked my Cruising Profile and it said we had been to Taormina on the Prinsendam Holy Land cruise we took in Oct. 2014.  But when I looked at my Shutterfly book of that cruise it turns out we were unable to go there and they substituted Messina instead.  Knowing I'd seen Taormina on a tour once I was able to determine we'd been there in October 2016 on Emerald Princess.  The port was Messina and the tour was to Mt. Etna and Taormina. 


October 5, 2016 on our tour of Taormina.  It's a charming town and very scenic but can be a problem to negotiate when crowds are large.  It would be nice here off season, whenever that is!






The Duomo and the funky fountain in front of it.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKkeACFzS85iBmNDOFQG8Bo?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1477680315


A small walkway.  I love those lanterns hanging from the building.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLnHTB-WI6fb_9BeuxPD1oE?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1477750346


A shopper's delight...00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKzTmh_Wg9Ssa8vl2PNIxDw?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1477680324


A dining/drinking delight...00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKRe-FCtg1fUHtbTbuXec9W?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1477680330






The view from an overlook00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLIurrSpuBC8sd7ujPv9j41?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1477680364


A closer look at that ship in case you'd like to identify it...might be a Windstar00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJLtxXBIU8E6Px9A1GQPVAw?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1477680370




The Church of St. Joseph (or the Chiesa San Giuseppe)00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVImkeEiAPtoQLYFJ9jcM6fI?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1477680386


In front of the church00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLrk44JoUz1dLWVAEEDlU6q?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1477660106


Lots of people!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIsWLeAMljJHTyKKMWOLw3Z?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1477680401


Enough for today.  

Nice photos Sandi.

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