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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday April 25th, 2024

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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

All 3 days are worthy of celebrating. My salon just closed, but fortunately my stylist is moving to another one in the same block. Good quote. The meal sounds good. Yes to the drink and pass on the wine. I have been to Greece, but not Santorini. A good day in history.


It's cloudy and cool here. Well, I went upstairs to sleep last night, but my sleep was less satisfactory. It was hard to scoot toward the center of the bed, and then get settled. Then I tried moving the head and foot of the bed, but that wasn't comfortable either. I finally fell asleep in my old position, but only got about 4.5 hours of sleep. I think for now the recliner is more comfortable, given the incisional discomfort. It wasn't due to leg pain or tingling, however. So back downstairs tonight. BFF is very attentive, being behind or in front of me on the stairs.


@ger_77 Happy 83rd Birthday to Maurice!

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting us up, Sandi. Great Santorini photos.

@smitty34877 I'm sorry to hear that Tana has had more difficulties, but so glad the NH family and the teenager are there to help out. 

@aliaschief Wow is right! Great photos.

@Seasick Sailor Oliver is so cute!

@0106 Nice photos. As you can tell by my avatar, I'm a penguin fan.

@Haljo1935 So sad to hear of the loss of life at that school shooting. One shouldn't be afraid to go to school or send your children. I am sorry you had to cancel upcoming cruises, but pray your health issues resolve so that you can cruise again.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely Santorini photos.

@marshhawk Thanks for the Santorini photos. It was good to hear the news that Chuck's cancer is receding. Now to work on the stent.

@Cruzin Terri I hope you get some answers from the doctor today about the medication.

@cunnorl Congrats on the trivia win!

@Sharon in AZ I hope the doctor has some ideas to get DM feeling better when she goes back today.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.

Edited by JazzyV
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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

The mall we went to was named Dubai Mall on the outdoor sign. If it has another name I cannot remember on our whirlwind excursion.

Oh, know that mall well as at one time I live close to it (and couldn't get out of the parking garage once!!  LOL!!  Long story).  Ibn Battuta mall is more in the southern part of Dubai and has some great exhibitions about Ibn's explorations across the globe.  🙂 

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I've been away for a few days, so will have to catch up with all the Dailyites!

Love Santorini -- on our second visit we were lucky enough to see a wedding procession in Oia with the bride's entourage dancing & singing their way to the church. I'll check to see if I can find the pictures.

I don't agree with today's quote -- I think you have to look to the future to achieve your goals.

Here's a pic of DSis & I at her 8oth bday party last weekend.

Off to do my Meals on Wheels deliveries now. I'll check back later.


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Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I went to the gym at 0530 and it was so nice outside at that time.  Now it is 62F heading up to mid 70s under sunny skies, though wind is expected because a storm is passing north of us.  Another beautiful day in the desert.




I don't have a regular hairstylist as my hair is very short and I no longer color it.  I didn't know about Elbe Day and I participate in "All of Us" national research program and I have some info from my DNA; it was very interesting.  I disagree with the quote, meal sounds yummy, no on the drink and wine, and I have not been to Santorini.  Cool about Waldseemüller.




Yesterday's subbing gig was interesting.  Got there and then there was lunch, then planning period and then 1 class.  Easy but now I remember I didn't want to go back to that school.  😵‍💫  Subbing today for the art teacher at the HS for 4 hours and get paid for a full day.  👍 




I am making a conscious effort to eat more fish so last night I made cod en papillote.  Served it over couscous with slice tomato.  I enjoyed it.  Tonight I will try the salmon with pearl couscous recipe from a couple of days ago.  






Thoughts for those on the care list and good to hear good news on some who are having challenges.  Cheers to those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone.

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Good morning Dailyites and thank you for all the lovely reports.  Thought and  prayers to all in need, and I think that includes ALL of us!


I read this thread every morning with my coffee.  I so enjoy each and every posting.


I do have a question and I know this is the correct place to find many good answers.


Those seasoned cruisers do you book directly with the cruise line or do you use a TA?


I follow many live cruise  reports and while  we are not wealthy enough to do a World Cruise we do love our cruising.  Branching out to other lines now  that we are retired and we love HAL has been an experience.


One cruise I booked via online pricing and while it all worked out, I was not pleased with the customer service I received.  I  could  never get in touch with the person to  answer my questions.


I look forward to everyone's opinions and I will value each one.



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24 minutes ago, NextOne said:

I've been away for a few days, so will have to catch up with all the Dailyites!

Love Santorini -- on our second visit we were lucky enough to see a wedding procession in Oia with the bride's entourage dancing & singing their way to the church. I'll check to see if I can find the pictures.

I don't agree with today's quote -- I think you have to look to the future to achieve your goals.

Here's a pic of DSis & I at her 8oth bday party last weekend.

Off to do my Meals on Wheels deliveries now. I'll check back later.


What a lovely photo of you two.

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52 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

Oh, know that mall well as at one time I live close to it (and couldn't get out of the parking garage once!!  LOL!!  Long story).  Ibn Battuta mall is more in the southern part of Dubai and has some great exhibitions about Ibn's explorations across the globe.  🙂 

We like the Mall of The Emirates in Dubai.

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20 minutes ago, Hogladyrider said:

Good morning Dailyites and thank you for all the lovely reports.  Thought and  prayers to all in need, and I think that includes ALL of us!


I read this thread every morning with my coffee.  I so enjoy each and every posting.


I do have a question and I know this is the correct place to find many good answers.


Those seasoned cruisers do you book directly with the cruise line or do you use a TA?


I follow many live cruise  reports and while  we are not wealthy enough to do a World Cruise we do love our cruising.  Branching out to other lines now  that we are retired and we love HAL has been an experience.


One cruise I booked via online pricing and while it all worked out, I was not pleased with the customer service I received.  I  could  never get in touch with the person to  answer my questions.


I look forward to everyone's opinions and I will value each one.



I always use my local TA but we are not allowed to give names on here.

I do get lots of emails from CC with special offers with their selected partners.

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2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Daily-ites 


Thinking of everyone recovering (and go girl Vanessa!) Hoping Chuck keep improving. 


I'm sorry Tana took another turn. I'm thankful you have family right now to help so you can catch a 2nd wind.


This morning is bloodwork for sweet husband, then market. I'm serving ribs for girl's night. 😋 


Thank you for thinking of Allen. It will take a few more days for his injection to kick in, but we are optimistic!


Sending you each a special blessing and wishing you a wonderful day! ❤️ 


Up early having my first cup of coffee and with a big smile! Cutest little guy ever! Oliver is precious and could give him a big hug! LOL


Denise 🙂


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Good morning all!

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, it's another rainy morning here in the PNW 😉  

Good selection of days -- DH and I did our DNA a few years ago, it's interesting to have that info.  I have several local hairstylists I use, and on the Grand Australia I got my hair cut and styled 3 times (!).  I had the same gentleman all 3 times, and he did a good job.  But oh boy was I glad we had a lot of OBC!  The prices are so much higher than I pay at home.  


I would like the drink, meal and as I said yesterday, Marlborough SB is my absolute favorite.  We have been to Santorini several times, I'll try to find photos that aren't too similar to the ones already posted.


Happy Birthday Maurice!  @ger_77

Terry @smitty34877 I was sorry to hear that Tana has had a few days of increased difficulty but glad you have extra help right now.

Annie @marshhawk Yay on Chuck's cancer receding! Great news.

@Haljo1935 I was sorry to hear that you had to cancel your cruises, but your health comes first.

Vanessa @JazzyV I think it makes sense that post surgery it would be uncomfortable to sleep in your bed.  I'm glad that the recliner does the trick, and most of all, that it's incision discomfort, not the pain and tingling now. I love that your BFF is there to help you.

@Cruzin Terri I hope you get answers from the doctor today.  Here the pharmacists do a "consult" or whatever they call it.  They are the ones who explain how to take a drug and any information you need to know.  They always ask if we need the info -- (usually we don't, but for new drugs we do).

@Sharon in AZ I was very sorry to hear that your DM isn't feeling well.  Sending hugs and prayers.

@Hogladyrider We have used a PCC at HAL for years.  After 20 years we're now on our 4th PCC.  They've all been very good, some better than others but no problems.


I have an update on Amber -- She is alert, talking, joking, and her personality seems unchanged. 🙂🙂   The downside is she still can't move her left side...they did another MRI, I'm waiting to hear the results of that.  Also still trying to get her blood pressure down.  The doctors are a bit baffled, they're wondering now if it was in fact a stroke or something else.  


Today I'm meeting a friend for lunch, not much else on the agenda other than housework.



We've been to Santorini at least 3 times and have enjoyed every visit. We've rented a car and gone to wineries, a tour to Akrotiri, and just browsing the shops and lunch.   Here are the photos I shared last time.


I never get tired of this view!



Taken from the tender



Yummy Greek salad






Scenes from Akrotiri







In the museum



A gold ibex figurine 






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Thank you Rich, Sandi, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Paul;.   

I like all 3 of today’s days.  I think to get somewhere one most live in both the past and the future.  Cartographers play a great role in the world.

I have not been to Santorini.

I’ll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Chilled Pineapple and Cucumber Soup. Mixed Greens w/ Lettuce and Prime Rib of beef as served on MS Amsterdam Apil 25, 2014.

A cold morning with what looks like a chilly afternoon.  Regular followup with my primary doctor this afternoon and car to the shop tomorrow morning so a very busy end of the week.



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Good morning Dailyites!  Happy birthday to @ger_77 's HB (honey bunny)!  I'm hoping for a new valve for him too.  And great news from Vanessa, I hope things continue to get better and better.  Next we concentrate our prayers on Tana and Terry.


I lost a day this week, we got back Sunday night, Monday was fine, did lots of laundry, Tuesday morning I woke up at 2 a.m. feeling hot, took my temperature, it was 101, and I kept getting hotter and hotter, bad headache, and I slept most of the day, then woke up at 2 a.m. Wednesday and I was cool and it was over...  talk about a 24-hour bug!  Yesterday I was tired and cranky, but I'm fine today, like it never happened.  I've never done that before.  


We've been to Santorini a few times, visited Akrotiri, Thira, Oia and other villages, and my pictures are like the ones already posted, so I'll show you (again?) my favourite penguin picture from Half Moon Island.  This is a chinstrap penguin who had had a struggle to climb the hill - you can see his footsteps and wing marks in the snow - and is sitting there saying "I'm the king of the castle!"  DD took the picture, as I had broken my wrist a few days before and fell in a drift trying to climb up, so I had gone back down the hill and had a little Zodiac ride around the island instead.  




Weather report from Victoria - it's rainy today, which we already need as the reservoir had gone down to 99%, foretelling bad things for the summer.

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Good morning Dailyites!  Happy birthday to @ger_77 's HB (honey bunny)!  I'm hoping for a new valve for him too.  And great news from Vanessa, I hope things continue to get better and better.  Next we concentrate our prayers on Tana and Terry.


I lost a day this week, we got back Sunday night, Monday was fine, did lots of laundry, Tuesday morning I woke up at 2 a.m. feeling hot, took my temperature, it was 101, and I kept getting hotter and hotter, bad headache, and I slept most of the day, then woke up at 2 a.m. Wednesday and I was cool and it was over...  talk about a 24-hour bug!  Yesterday I was tired and cranky, but I'm fine today, like it never happened.  I've never done that before.  


We've been to Santorini a few times, visited Akrotiri, Thira, Oia and other villages, and my pictures are like the ones already posted, so I'll show you (again?) my favourite penguin picture from Half Moon Island.  This is a chinstrap penguin who had had a struggle to climb the hill - you can see his footsteps and wing marks in the snow - and is sitting there saying "I'm the king of the castle!"  DD took the picture, as I had broken my wrist a few days before and fell in a drift trying to climb up, so I had gone back down the hill and had a little Zodiac ride around the island instead.  




Weather report from Victoria - it's rainy today, which we already need as the reservoir had gone down to 99%, foretelling bad things for the summer.

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OK, after yesterday's Sauvignon Blanc epistle, here is another one inspired by today's New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc Wine of the Day.


There used to be a neat restaurant on 6th Street in Downtown Los Angeles (DTLA) called Pacific Dining Car.  I would guess from the interior design and the menu, it was established in the 1950s.  In the 1980s when my office was located in the area Pacific Dining Car was known as the Power Breakfast restaurant.  Being just a worker bee, I never attended a Power Breakfast, but that was their reputation.


The neat thing about Pacific Dining Car was that it open 24 hours per day.  They had a pretty comprehensive menu, and you could order anything at any time.  Mrs. XBGuy and I had regular tickets for the Los Angeles Philharmonic at the time and would like to dine after attending a Saturday evening concert.   There is not a lot of nightlife in DTLA,  So, leaving the concert at about 10:00 pm, there are few restaurant choices.  Yes, Tommy's over on Rampart is also open 24 hours per day, but after listening to Radu Lupu perform a Brahms concerto, we want something a bit more sophisticated sitting in our car eating a very sloppy double chiliburger.  Pacific Dining car was a good choice.


One evening in the early 2000s after we settled into our table at Pacific Dining Car, I reviewed the wine list and ordered a New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc.   The young waiter scurried off, and, soon enough, returned with the wine in hand.  He allowed me to check the label, and I OKed it.  Then, he surprised the heck out of me.  He pulled out his waiter's corkscrew, opened up the blade, and started sawing the metal closure.  My eyes widened, and, I have to admit, a smirk appeared on my face.  He tried multiple times, but his blade would not cut through the metal.


I tried to help him out, "I think that is a screwcap."


He would not be denied.  He tried again, of course, to no avail.


After a few minutes, a much more experienced waiter, the kind you would expect in a 50 year-old restaurant, walked over, took the bottle, gave it a twist, handed the now opened bottle to our waiter, and walked away.


The rest of the meal was not as memorable, but I'm sure that it was quite good.


Australia and New Zealand have led the wine world in the use of screwcap closures.  California winemakers seem to only grudgingly use them  It is a bit of a shame.  They are really easy go remove.

Sadly, Pacific Dining Car did not survive COVID.

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Good sunny afternoon. It’s supposed to get down to freezing tonight and then start warming up with highs in the 80’s next week.

Birthday wishes for Maurice @ger_77.

Blessings and prayers to all on our journey.

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Good afternoon,

Tried to post earlier but was unable to get connected. 

I will post more later but just want to give you an update on where we are

I was able to finally get in touch with the doctor’s office today.  We have an appointment for May 23.  It was the earliest available.  Better than Oct. 17.

I was also able to speak to his nurse, who gave me her direct number for the future.  I explained how I was trying to use the portal and that my messages had delivery failures after two days.  After a week of this I was so frustrated that we ended up cancelling the trip.  She told me the portal doesn’t work.  Gee, what a surprise!

I also told her that we were not sure how to administer the meds.  She explained it all and I was satisfied with her answers.  She was very nice and helpful.  It is just too bad I couldn’’t connect with her sooner.  

Anyway, at present, DH is calm and does not need any of the meds.  Only to be administered at the lowest possible dose when needed.  So we are good to go on that.

I am feeling better about the whole thing and doing better today.  

Thank you all for your advice and support.

God Bless,


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Posted (edited)

Good morning and thanks all! 
@ger_77 wishing Maurice a very happy birthday!  

@smitty34877 sorry to hear Tana is needing more help,  but glad your family was able to help provide some respite.


We’ve visited Santorini several times and have stayed there for a few days. Last time we were extremely fortunate to be the only ship that could visit because of the dynamic positioning on the Koningsdam.  

We find it much easier to take the small boat over to the small port of Ammoudi below Oia and the bus up.  They are usually waiting at the dock and it completely avoids the cable car up.  But unfortunately not down.   Like @RMLincoln we think Akrotiri is well worth a visit and perhaps the red sand or black sand beaches  we also love Oia and highly recommend the local walnut cake with Mastic Icecream!   Some cute posters in the local church.





Edited by bennybear
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