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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday May 26th, 2024

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Good Sunday Morning Dailyites!  Currently the pre race show is on for F1.  Today is my favorite day of the year. F1, Indy and Nascar-9 am to midnight and beyond.  I thought I would not have to move from the love seat all day, but I'm such an airhead that I bought all the ingredients last night so that we can have burgers tomorrow night, except, the beef.  So I do have to go out.  


I made a paper airplane last night, so I guess I celebrated early.  Instead of wrapping the silverware in a paper napkin, our BBQ  place are now placing it in a small long white bag. What to do with the bag....I made a paper airplane.  It was not flight worthy.


I am currently debating having either a mini bagel or a bowl of leftover spaghetti casserole for breakfast. I'm thinking leftovers, as DH will only eat them once, he does not want leftovers more than one time.  But spaghetti?  It's always good. 


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Happy Sunday everyone.  


Good collection f days.  Amazing how much i use tape at times 😉. There’s a lot of truth to that quote today.  Yum on the Chardonnay today.


Well, it was a struggle, but I did finally find Jose’s gadget.  Of course, it was in the last shed I looked in.  LOL.  Didn’t get as far as I usually would in the old days (pain really slows you down) but I did get started and treated the dandelions in the back yard.  


Hoping to get somewhere if the rain (which hadn’t been in the forecast) stays away.  I’ll see how I make out.  Trying not to overdo since I can only take so much.  I suspect a lot of the garden club find themselves feeling like this after the winter:




If it rains too hard, it will be time to sort what I can give away this month in my downsizing efforts.  I took last month off and have a ton of boxes so I better put them to use 😉 


@Cruzin TerriHappy heavenly birthday to your Mom.  I hope the good memories surround you today as you think of her.


Debbie, @dfish have you tried moth balls around the plants or peppercorns?  there’s also a recipe using hot sauce but I think it only works if there are leaves on the plant.



Prayers for those on the Care list, those suffering losses, pain, health problems, worries and those that need them 🙏 Cheers to those celebrating and cruising 🥂 







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@dfish  In my talk on Vole control I recommend people soak their Tulip bulbs in deer spray for an hour before planting.  It probably works much better for squirrels than for voles.  As Jacqui said, something stinky will put them off.  I had the same problems in MD when I would put small plants from the nursery the squirrels would dig them out of the ground.  I think they associated my smell on the bird seed made them think there was seed where the plants were planted. Thankfully all we have are chipmunks and red squirrels up here.   


@Cruzin Terri Happy heavenly birthday to your DM.   

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Cloudy this morning but should have some clearing today, some sun will get it to 80ish. Tomorrow lots of stormy rain so outdoor barbecues will be iffy. 

I could have used a B&B last night, or maybe better yet Paul’s version B&Benadryl… didn’t get to sleep till after 2:30. I stepped out on the balcony around 1:30 to listen to the frogs… I was “buzzed” by a bat 3 times!  That was a surprise!  Had a fun time at Oldies Movie night- Doris Day in Calamity Jane. Watching old movies and their reflection of what was then the accepted positions on social issues shows me how far we’ve come -I cringe at the movies- even though we have more work to do to make things better. Old movies are good reminders. 

Today we’ll go to a community theater close by, one exit down I-287.  Trying new things in our environment!  So grateful we can together!

Younger granddaughter and her DH were here just a short visit yesterday. It’s fun to hear about their hopes and dreams! They’re looking for a getaway weekend in the NY finger lakes for their 6month wedding anniversary!  They didn’t have time for us to walk to a dining room for lunch so I quickly thawed a few selections stashed in the freezer. It all worked. So glad they came!  

Today is the last day of the full eye care regime that we’ve been doing since late April. Tomorrow we begin tapering the number of steroid drops; staying with the pressure massages, though one time yesterday we got the pressure a bit too low- vision goes all blurry… apparently the globe gets wrinkled like a deflated balloon. But thankfully it came back up ok!  Remembering to Breathe!  Such a zigzag healing. Doctor called it an emotional path. Oiy!  

Thinking of all those trying to heal!  And those with conditions of chronic degradation… Blessings for a good day!  Healing, comfort, hope and peace to all. Enjoy your loved ones!  That’s the best. Peace in our hearts, our families and for all the war zones. Remembering the families of those lost in too many conflicts. 🫡


Safe travels to all away. Terri, I hope you get some guidance at Mayo. Good thoughts of your mom today. 
🥂 to all celebrating. Life is Good! Thanks all for being here!  



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Good early morning (for AZ) and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I never succeed at making paper airplanes, I don't dance, and I have usually used hospital tape because they were always in my pocket when I would come home from work.  The quote is so true, the meal looks good, no to the drink and wine, and never been to the port.  My mother worked as a black jack dealer at a casino in Deadwood, SD called Tin Lizzie.




Another beautiful day here in the neighborhood.  At ~0600, it is presently 60F climbing up to mid 90s under sunny skies. It is expected the "ice will break on the Santa Cruz River" in the coming days (first 100F recorded at the airport this year).  Of course, no rain in the forecast probably until we get the monsoons around the end of July.  I do love the smell of the desert when the monsoons hit.




The NP cancelled yesterday so it was nice to free up the afternoon.  A friend, who has been checking up on me, asked me out for a beer.  We met at a local restaurant/bar and had a nice 2.5 hour chat.  She is one of the 3 women I work out with - all teachers - and we chitchatted and caught up with the goings on while drinking and eating chips with guac and salsa.  It was such a nice time!!  She is a little younger than my daughters but I enjoy her company greatly.




Tucson was one of 2 cities in AZ who was listed as a top city for roach-infested cities in the US!  What a distinction!!  We have a joke - even the best restaurants have cockroaches.  I lived in an apartment once on the outskirts of town that when I went outside to go to my car, the ground was covered in them.  It was the same apartment that, unfortunately, 2 havalina came into my apartment when I left the door open because I wanted to take a picture of them (it was a mom with 4 kiddos - 2 probably from the last year and 2 from the present year).  The don't bother me and I keep drain covers over my drains.  Ok, TMI!!




It is nice to see the care list shortened and cheers to those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone.



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Posted (edited)

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I often make paper airplanes for the DGS's and we fly them off their deck into the back yard.  The Lindy Hop was a dance before my time, but I'm not sure many of us could manage it any more!  Where would we be without cellophane tape (Scotch tape)?  Erma Bombeck stated the obvious and in such a humorous manner; she's been missed all these years.


Yesterday morning DH was complaining about his back - the day spent on the hospital bed didn't do it well at all, so by 10:30 we were at the chiropractor's office where he had an adjustment and felt better.  By late evening however, the pain had returned (not quite as bad), and when I got up this morning I discovered he'd moved to a sitting position in his recliner.  I guess I'll be calling the chiro's office tomorrow for another appointment.  


It's cloudy and breezy outside this morning, but the forecast is calling for a high of 18(64F), so maybe, just maybe I might be able to get some of the plants put into the outdoor pots.  First I have to make a run to pick up some extra bags of soil, as I always like to refresh the pots before putting new plants into them.  DH's job is to sit on the deck, watch me, and tell me if I'm doing it right or not.  LOL   


@cruising sisterthank you for the beautiful photo of our sweet Murphy; she's absolutely adorable and almost 1 - how amazing is that?  And your lovely DGD and the pampering; I'm sure she loved every minute of it!

@Cruising-alongWhat a great time for your DGS's - you're creating forever memories for them!

@Cruzin TerriHappy Angel Birthday to your mom.


I'm going to pass on the drink of the day, the white wine, but the quinoa chicken bowl looks like it would be quite flavourful.  As I suspected, yesterday DH forgot about my alternate birthday, and I didn't want to make him feel bad, so I didn't mention it.  Early in the afternoon he said we hadn't had Chinese food in a long time, so instead of heading to my favourite Greek restaurant, I went off in the other direction and took us to a cute little hole in the wall Chinese restaurant where they have some amazing food, and only take cash.  We ordered beef & greens, special fried rice, lemon chicken, S&S chicken balls and shrimp; we ate until we could barely move and had them pack the rest to take home.  We now have enough leftovers that we could easily invite another couple over for dinner and all of us would be stuffed.  That gives me an idea - I think I'll call Wayne and Fran to see if they would like to join us for leftovers on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, in turmoil, and in the paths of devastating storms and fires.  Cheers to all who have celebrations happening.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


Edited by ger_77
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Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach

     Thunderstorms came in out of nowhere yesterday. Didnt last long but it sure did clear the beach except for a few fools who think a metal canopy will protect them. Not sure if we will have a repeat today.

      Meal selection looks good. Never been to todays port.

      My sister takes care of my parents and brothers grave. She does a beautiful job. She placed the flowers and new military flags (Army for Dad, AF for my brother) on the grave yesterday morning and someone stole them! Cant believe it. How low can you go? So she and her DH are going back today and are going to plant them deep in the ground. This has never happened before. It is really disgusting what some people will do.

    DD and I are going in the pool this AM in case the rain comes back.

   Stay safe and enjoy today


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A pesto chicken quinoa bowl would be OK with me. I have some not-quite-tricolor quinoa on hand, no chicken or pesto. I'll save the drink for later. For a Chardonnay, maybe the unoaked Doyle Family vineyard 2021 from Fox Run, 91 points from both James Suckling and Wine Enthusiast, $14. If you disliked the California Chardonnays of a few decades ago (oak and more oak, plus heavily charred barrels), this one is for you.


I haven't been to the Isle of Man but two women from there joined me and another American for a DIY excursion to the Matisse chapel at Vence, from Cannes, a few years ago. Fortunately, they didn't hear when the other American told a car-rental agent, in French, that they were English.


Today I hope to plant some vegetable seeds: last try until the fall for lettuce and peas, first for bush beans, maybe some Swiss chard. Also prepare a raised bed on the north side of the house for heuchera and carex, joining dicentra that is in flower.


Mona Lisa didn't wake me at 4:00 a.m. but I was still up too early.




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Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, Dixie and Grahan/Father David   I’ll pass on the Lindy Hop, was never good at paper airplanes, and remember cellophane tape but thankful for the newer clear tape that does not turn brittle and yellow with age.

Interesting quote by Erma Bombeck...

That’s an awful lot of tin lizzies,.

II have not been to The Isle of Man.


I’ll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Fruit Salad with Yogurt and Honey, and Turkey Roast with Giblet Gravy and Cranberry as served on MS Prinsendam May 26, 2015.                   


It will be another hot day but I got to the mall to walk early and am now inside for the rest of the day and will be worshiping from home.



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Good morning Dailyites from a warm morning heating to 97 this afternoon. 


Last night my BFF and I went to the pool with our refreshments and noodled around. It was beautiful. 


We are going to our favorite fish place for lunch today, so will probably have a salad with chicken for dinner.


We are not quinoa likers, so will pass on today's recipe. I have had today's wine when there's no pinot grigio available. 


Thank you to our lovely "staff" for your inputs that keep our Daily going.


We had a tornado around Dallas area that killed several children and a few still missing. This has been a horrible tornado season with devastating losses.


Prayers lifted to all our friends here. Sending blessings to each of you today.

Thinking of those we lost who gave their lives in keeping our country safe. I wish countries would keep their hands to themselves and we could enjoy peace.

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Happy Sunday,

We had storms again last night. The winds were so strong they knocked over my glider on my patio. I slept through most of it. I am having a cookout today as DS and family will go to DDIL family tomorrow. The forecast for today is good so we should have a great time. 

Prayers and well wishes for all. Have a great day. 

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Today's sunrise is from my 2013 Blount cruise from New Orleans to Saint Petersburg.  May 26 was a sea day from Pensacola to Panama City:





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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, MISTER 67 said:

I like your alligator joke but living among those critters for over 30 years I wish they would go away and become extinct. 

I never really thought about them until one swam about 4 feet off the side of my kayak on the Intercoastal. That one got my full attention. 😎

Edited by cat shepard
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Good morning from a windy and partly cloudy heading to sunny day in central Texas.  It is 77F and heading to 95F this afternoon.  I'm glad I got the yard work done yesterday since we are now under a heat advisory.  This time of year our weather can't decide if it's still spring or already summer.  It looks like we'll have two rain free days, and after tomorrow will be back in the more comfortable mid-80 range.  Of course, there is always a possibility of scattered thunderstorms in the afternoon this time of year.  Today's agenda includes laundry.  Fingers crossed 🤞 the drier vent hose stays in place.


Paper airplanes are interesting when they fly very well.  I could make them, but they never really flew.  The Lindy Hop was also way before my time.  I remember cellophane tape and that I was very glad when the "invisible" tape was introduced.


Love the Erma Bombeck quote.  I always enjoyed reading her columns and her book It's Always Greener Over The Septic Tank.  She was a very witty lady.


We'll pass on the meal, drink, and wine.  Tonight it will grilled shrimp, vegetable rice and salad.


We have not been to the Isle of Man.


Today marks the anniversary of the end of an era for Henry Ford and the Ford Motor Company in 1927.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I hope any rain next week is just brief showers.

@MISTER 67  It is sad that Grayson Murray died yesterday just one day after withdrawing from the Colonial.  It sounds like he'd turned his life around and had a lot to live for now.

@cat shepard  Ann, I like the alligator meme.  We have alligators in Texas along the Gulf coast.  Lately one or two have been spotted in rivers pretty far inland.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, safe travels tomorrow.  I hope your appointments go well.  I also hope the wonderful memories of your mother make today easier. 

@aliaschief  Bruce, all that food for so few passengers!  I might be tempted to skip the meal and head straight for the yummy looking desserts.

@kazu  Jacqui, I'm glad you found Jose's gadget.  

@ger_77  Gerry, I hope your DH's back improves quickly.  















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Posted (edited)

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I never made paper airplanes and don't know how to do the Lindy Hop. Cellophane tape was an important development, although now somewhat obsolete. Funny Bombeck quote. Pass on the meal (pesto and quinoa). Pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Douglas, Isle of Man. 


It's going to be a nice day today, although storms again tonight. I don't know if I wore myself out helping BFF yesterday, or it was the wine with dinner, but I fell asleep watching the hockey game last night, from about 9-11:30 in my recliner. Then I went upstairs to bed and slept another 6 hours. They say you can't "catch up" on sleep, but I wonder, after those months of little sleep. So today I will relax, and tend to my indoor plants. I'm excited that my orchid has a new flower spike with buds.


@grapau27 Thanks for the link and explanation of the Lindy Hop.

@StLouisCruisers I hope the weather cooperates for you.

@MISTER 67 That was indeed sad news about Grayson Murray.

@ottahand7 I lost some hostas over the winter, saw some bareroot ones on sale, but passed as I'm not yet up to gardening. Perhaps in the fall.

@Cruzin Terri Happy Heavenly Birthday to your DM. Safe travels tomorrow.

@aliaschief The BBQ looks delicious. Enjoy Tunisia.

@kazu I'm glad you're trying not to overdo. 

@RMLincoln Sorry you had trouble sleeping last night. Enjoy the community theater. Exciting to be able to decrease the drops; I hope it goes well. 

@Nickelpenny Ewww on cockroaches. 

@ger_77 Sorry DH is having back discomfort and I hope the chiro can help. I was prone for my back surgery, and had bruises on my thighs and chest, plus some discomfort. That was a first. Your meal at the Chinese restaurant sounds great.

@cunnorl That really is low, stealing flags from a cemetery. I've heard of them stealing the metal medallions from graves too.

@Seasick Sailor I heard on the news about that tornado near Dallas and the deaths; so sad. 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating. 

Edited by JazzyV
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Good morning. My fantastic DB is staying a few more days. My DSIL had to return home for some appointments.  I promised to return him soon! Last night we looked at a DVD he had made from the home movies my father took. We laughed a lot and I noticed at a family party there were pitchers of Manhattans ( yikes) in the background. It explained a lot! It was great to see the family in our younger years.

@ger_77, I am sorry Maurice is having back pain and hope it is resolved soon. 
@dfish, Debbie, aka Deddy, I love the recipe for Mr RNB! I am going to try the street corn recipe today.

@cunnorl, My family in Massachusetts told me that someone stole my brother’s Memorial Day flag that my niece placed there Friday. They are going back today to replace it.


Have a good day all


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Good morning, 

It's a wet start to the day here so plan on staying in. Love the Erma Bombeck quote! I read all her books and enjoy her sense of humor. 


Last night a friend and I went to the "It's Patsy Cline" show at a local historic theater. We had a lovely evening. There was a lead singer playing Patsy Cline and another playing her friend Louise and they were accompanied by a 7 member western band. The music was both nostalgic and so fun and entertaining. The two performers really engaged the audience and it was a lovely evening. The show was just over 2 hours with one intermission. It was close to 10:30 by the time I got home. 


Today, hopefully, is staying home. I started the grad cards yesterday so hope to finish the ones I have addresses for today. Thanks @JazzyV for noting it's one week until my cruise! I'll start sorting clothes, making piles, etc. maybe even today. 


Have a lovely Sunday!



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Posted (edited)

Nice days to celebrate - I've never made paper ✈ but enjoyed reading from those who do; never occurred to me @marshhawk to make one from the cutlery bag - great idea even if it didn't catch flight!

I enjoyed Ms Bombeck's writings and had her books. Pass on the meal unless there's a good substitute for the quinoa, pass on the drink too, would try the wine, not been to the port.

Sunsetting the Model T was indeed a milestone for Ford.


Stealing from graves - what is wrong w/people? SMH 🥶 I have both my parents flags, so they're safe and the Nat'l Cemetery maintains their niche we don't place any there. People should be able to trust that their sacred place of honor is safe no matter where it may be. So sorry for those who are dealing with that.😪


Question for the Gardening Club (or anyone in the know): I'm in zone 8 - is it too late for me to grow cherry tomatoes? Could I stake them in containers or do they need to go in the ground (we have very hard, clay soil)? Local garden center has some small plants on clearance and I thought I'd check w/the pros here before buying them. And if only 1 of us eats them, would 1 plant be enough or should I get 2? TIA for your input.


Currently 82° headed to sunny 99° w/🌧 returning tomorrow night and forecasted to last all week. We had some thunder boomers overnight, but don't see any damage. Prayers 🙏 for those who have not been as fortunate. 


Prayers 🙏 and positive thoughts for all. 



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1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. My fantastic DB is staying a few more days. My DSIL had to return home for some appointments.  I promised to return him soon! Last night we looked at a DVD he had made from the home movies my father took. We laughed a lot and I noticed at a family party there were pitchers of Manhattans ( yikes) in the background. It explained a lot! It was great to see the family in our younger years.

@ger_77, I am sorry Maurice is having back pain and hope it is resolved soon. 
@dfish, Debbie, aka Deddy, I love the recipe for Mr RNB! I am going to try the street corn recipe today.

@cunnorl, My family in Massachusetts told me that someone stole my brother’s Memorial Day flag that my niece placed there Friday. They are going back today to replace it.


Have a good day all


 Our cemetery theft happened in Massachusetts also. What is wrong with them?

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