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What is YOUR pet peeve, when flying in economy?


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My pet peeves:


1.) When the already arduous boarding process comes to a halt (usually right as I am about to set foot on the aircraft) so that the flight attendants can serve beverages to the already seated and comfortable "first class" passengers. Why can't they wait for beverages like the rest of us, rather than inconveniencing those who are simply trying to get onboard?

Most good FAs time their motions in the F cabin to fit with the overall flow through the aisle. There will be times when that line backs up, and usually that's when the FA will make their moves. You just see it because they are visible, but the real cause is the person in the back. And that includes the ones who can't get their bags in the overhead, the ones with multiple bags, the ones that take time, at their seat, to then get the headphones out of the bag going in the overhead, the ones who don't know their seat assignment, and my own favorite....the passenger in the aisle seat who has their belt buckled, tray table down, book and ipod out EVEN THOUGH both the middle and window pax haven't shown up.
2.) When the flight attendants continuously request that "coats and jackets not be stowed in the overhead bins, in an effort to make room for everyone's carry on luggage? Sorry, but if I've checked a bag and only have a personal "fits under the seat" item and a coat, then my coat IS my carry on as far as I'm concerned and I am entitled to use overhead bin space for it.
The issue is that coats can often fit on top of or in front of larger bags. Bags first, coat second.


But, I'll remember in the future to put my bag on top of the coat in the overhead. Who cares if it wrinkles or breaks something in the pocket.

I feel better now. :D
FWIW, I think your bolded words above have become a mantra for so many folks.
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What makes "duty free" sacrosanct? A carry-on and a personal item means A carry-on and A personal item -- there is no reference to "also as many duty free bags as you want".


I can, and often do, travel with just carry-on. That means one carry-on and one personal item - but I bite the bullet and check a bag when one carry-on plus one personal item are not sufficient. There are too many who feel entitled to "push the envelope" -- (call that "expandable bag").



BACK to the "ladies who shop" (mostly rich Asian and Middle Eastern women on their monthly shopping trips to Europe). I have seen 8-10 bags (large ones) of duty free brought on the plane for one person. Must have bought every bit of duty free that was available. And they definitely feel they are ENTITLED to use as much space as it takes to store their shopping bags when sitting in the pointy end of the plane. Inconveniencing others is NOT a concept in a lot of the world so if you are on a plane with a large contingent of rich Asians or Middle Eastern women, grab your space and hold on for dear life.

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My pet peeve is people who can't figure out where their seat is. How dumb can you be to not be able to look at the clearly marked numbers and letters over every seat and figure out which one is yours?


Especially if they are in my aisle seat and they have a middle seat.

Has happened too many times.

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My pet peeves:


1.) When the already arduous boarding process comes to a halt (usually right as I am about to set foot on the aircraft) so that the flight attendants can serve beverages to the already seated and comfortable "first class" passengers. Why can't they wait for beverages like the rest of us, rather than inconveniencing those who are simply trying to get onboard?


I fly first a lot due to airline status or miles upgrades. So why should I wait to get my drink??? If first had to wait to get drinks, first would be waiting until the plane was in the air because the minute coach is loaded, the doors close and as a general rule, the plane starts moving and NO DRINKS.


Something has to be SPECIAL if you are paying the big bucks either via status, miles or money to sit in first. For the amount of money myself and our company spends with AA, we should get something out of the deal. Our monthly cargo freight bill alone probably subsidizes well over 1000 coach passengers inexpensive leisure fares.

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I fly first a lot due to airline status or miles upgrades. So why should I wait to get my drink??? If first had to wait to get drinks, first would be waiting until the plane was in the air because the minute coach is loaded, the doors close and as a general rule, the plane starts moving and NO DRINKS.


Something has to be SPECIAL if you are paying the big bucks either via status, miles or money to sit in first. For the amount of money myself and our company spends with AA, we should get something out of the deal. Our monthly cargo freight bill alone probably subsidizes well over 1000 coach passengers inexpensive leisure fares.


First, a heartfelt "thank you" for subsidizing my (and countless others') coach fare. Maybe if you and your company fly a little more often, it will reduce those fares even more.


And second... The fact that your pre-takeoff drink makes you feel like you're getting something "special" for spending all that money? :rolleyes: God forbid first class had to wait until the plane was in the air, to get their drinks.

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First, a heartfelt "thank you" for subsidizing my (and countless others') coach fare. Maybe if you and your company fly a little more often, it will reduce those fares even more.


And second... The fact that your pre-takeoff drink makes you feel like you're getting something "special" for spending all that money? :rolleyes: God forbid first class had to wait until the plane was in the air, to get their drinks.


I would say there's another way to look at it from the airline's perspective too. If they make the first class passengers happy (who are either paying for first class, or have status and fly enough to get an upgrade), they are doing "the little things" that count, whereas if you delay some economy class passengers from boarding for 90 seconds, it will be forgotten by said economy passengers almost immediately. So which one has the more lasting impression?

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For the amount of money myself and our company spends with AA, we should get something out of the deal. Our monthly cargo freight bill alone probably subsidizes well over 1000 coach passengers inexpensive leisure fares.
My pet peeve is that greatam is not subsidizing me on UA or WN :).


An irritant: People standing in the aisle during boarding while they feather their nest. Ideally, you should have your stuff arranged so that you can throw you carry-on in the overhead, personal item under the seat, and get your butt out of the aisle. It shouldn't be a complete surprise that you're on an airplane. You should have an idea what things you'll need for those few hours, and you should be able to get those things into your personal item before you trundle down the Jetway, or better yet, before you leave home.

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My pet peeve is that greatam is not subsidizing me on UA or WN :).


An irritant: People standing in the aisle during boarding while they feather their nest. Ideally, you should have your stuff arranged so that you can throw you carry-on in the overhead, personal item under the seat, and get your butt out of the aisle. It shouldn't be a complete surprise that you're on an airplane. You should have an idea what things you'll need for those few hours, and you should be able to get those things into your personal item before you trundle down the Jetway, or better yet, before you leave home.


100% agree. I have a set procedure depending on what I am carrying on:


1) Roller bag + brief case = roller bag immediately goes in over head, sit down with brief case which immediately goes under seat. I then pull out what I need.


2) Backpack online = I have my headphones in my hand or am wearing them already, I have my iPad/Kindle/book in my hand already. Get to seat and backpack immediately goes up, I sit down with the other stuff already in hand to use right away.

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I agree with everyone about the the unruly kids, the overstuffed carrying ons,

the back of the seat grabbers, those who overflow onto my seat and those who are so important they cannot possibly turn off their phones. One of my pet peeves are those who talk loudly non stop, especially on overnight flights.


However, I did have a funny experience a while ago. On a delayed flight out of Orlando, it wasn't the kids who were causing the problem but the very large church women in their Sunday best who were drunk and were praying for us all, heathens and believers, that Jesus would hold the plane up in the air from Orlando to New York. Say AMEN sister. First time others have prayed for me in an airplane.

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First time others have prayed for me in an airplane.


About 20 years ago flights on Pakistan International would have a pre-takeoff prayer and a prayer of Thanks on arrival. I don't know if they still do this.

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I would gladly trade an Aisle seat for another Aisle seat.. Other than that, no way

I've had kids sit behind me and kick. At least Mom "tried" to stop them.

More irritating is the flight from Santiago to Atlanta a few years ago, where the woman in front of me reclined as far back as she could go as soon as the seatbelt sign went off. She only brought it up when she went to the bathroom, which is also when I went, She must have thought I was following her


And, I usually opt for a seat in th back of the plane, where there is more chance of having an empty seat next to me, which does happen from time to time


Flying used to be, if not fun, at least bearable. Not so much any more

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First, a heartfelt "thank you" for subsidizing my (and countless others') coach fare. Maybe if you and your company fly a little more often, it will reduce those fares even more.


And second... The fact that your pre-takeoff drink makes you feel like you're getting something "special" for spending all that money? :rolleyes: God forbid first class had to wait until the plane was in the air, to get their drinks.




I hope it is OK with you if someone who has paid for (with money or miles) first class seats can get what they paid for, which on many airlines includes a pre-departure beverage. After all, if you paid for something, you want to get everything you paid for, don't you?


Most of the times I have seen what you mention, the FA moves thru the crowd as they are stopped for whatever reason, usually traffic deeper in the plane.


This is part of the reason many mid and larger airplanes don't board thru first class, they board behind the first class seats.

Edited by CruiserBruce
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My pet peeves:


1.) When the already arduous boarding process comes to a halt (usually right as I am about to set foot on the aircraft) so that the flight attendants can serve beverages to the already seated and comfortable "first class" passengers. Why can't they wait for beverages like the rest of us, rather than inconveniencing those who are simply trying to get onboard?


Because on many airlines it is a stated amenity for first class passengers. The pax aren't demanding it, the FA's are offering it because it's SOP. If you don't like it, your beef is with the corporate office who sets the policies, not the pax in first.

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Geez, not enough coffee for me yet this morning. Mea culpa. Is the Tucson-Dallas flight really configured for business class, or does AA serve warm nuts on all domestic first flights? I don't generally fly AA but am curious.


Yes, it is. I've never received warm nuts in economy class on American.

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Wow; pet peeves; this is fun


1) Warm Nuts; United still offer them in J, Alaska don't (or at least on the short hops on the coast I frequent).


2) Pet peeves; people who don't realize that everyone's seat is small and insist on trying to take up half of your seat as well. Had a guy on a recent SEA-LAS flight (mercifully only 2hr) where he leaned into my seat the whole flight, and literally shoved my arm off the armrest, so he could sit with his elbow in my stomach.


3) people w/ too many carry-ons. Airlines kinda shot themselves in the foot here by charging for bags


4) Countries (USA, Canada, UK are you listening) that allow airlines to charge fake fees like "fuel surcharges", "navigation surcharges" which are just BS charges that all go back to the airline. When the scamcharges exceed the base ticket price or when the fuel surcharges exceeds the airlines full per-seat fuel cost. Kudos to countries like Brazil that have outlawed such consumer unfriendly fees


5) People not being smart and just clicking "sort by price". Unfortunately we brought on the 'pay for seat assignment, pay for luggage' in the race for all airlines to be at the top of the listing on an internet search. If you can make your base fee ultra low you'll be at the top of the list. Travel Agents in the past would offer advice "You know, Wardair have much nicer seats, and a full steak dinner, even if they're $35 more, it's worth it". Today people are sheep and click the cheapest. If travellers were a little more savvy, people would be willing to pay a little more for quality, and not chase everyone else down the low-price rabbit hole.

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Because on many airlines it is a stated amenity for first class passengers. The pax aren't demanding it, the FA's are offering it because it's SOP. If you don't like it, your beef is with the corporate office who sets the policies, not the pax in first.


Exactly. If your peeve is that the people who paid for First/Business or have flown enough miles to pay with points or get upgraded due to their status (because they've flown far more than the average person) get a Pre-departure Beverage service, pony up the points/money for the same service.

It is a service that the airline provides to it's elite passengers.


About that praying set of sisters: On my flights to Tel Aviv, I've had a few men get up and go to the galley areas, put on their tefellin and tallit and do their prayers.

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5) People not being smart and just clicking "sort by price". Unfortunately we brought on the 'pay for seat assignment, pay for luggage' in the race for all airlines to be at the top of the listing on an internet search. If you can make your base fee ultra low you'll be at the top of the list. Travel Agents in the past would offer advice "You know, Wardair have much nicer seats, and a full steak dinner, even if they're $35 more, it's worth it". Today people are sheep and click the cheapest. If travellers were a little more savvy, people would be willing to pay a little more for quality, and not chase everyone else down the low-price rabbit hole.

DING DING DING!!! Give that man a cupie-doll!!!


The word most likely to become extinct in the English language is "value". People talk price, they rarely talk value.


You get what you pay for. If you are lucky. Most times, if the vendor knows you are buying on price, you get even less than what you pay for.

Edited by FlyerTalker
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DING DING DING!!! Give that man a cupie-doll!!!


The word most likely to become extinct in the English language is "value". People talk price, they rarely talk value.


You get what you pay for. If you are lucky. Most times, if the vendor knows you are buying on price, you get even less than what you pay for.


Probably the reason you and I fly on Alaska; even if DL or UA are a couple of bucks cheaper.

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Exactly. If your peeve is that the people who paid for First/Business or have flown enough miles to pay with points or get upgraded due to their status (because they've flown far more than the average person) get a Pre-departure Beverage service, pony up the points/money for the same service.

It is a service that the airline provides to it's elite passengers.


About that praying set of sisters: On my flights to Tel Aviv, I've had a few men get up and go to the galley areas, put on their tefellin and tallit and do their prayers.


It's not that I am begrudging them their fancy little perk that they have paid thousands for. Better them than me, as I don't mind having to wait the 15 minutes till we're airborne, to get a complimentary beverage. It's the fact that cow-towing to the 8 special people in first class while the other 200 are trying to board is a bit of a pain in the ass.


Sent from my SGH-T769 using Forums mobile app

Edited by welove2cruise2014
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