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I hope Princess will..... and passengers will.....


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14 hours ago, caribill said:



The best of testing cannot determine if a person has the virus within 24-48 hours of being infected. And by the time any retesting on board finds any such people, they will have had a chance to spread it to others.


And since no vaccine is 100% effective, that spread could infect someone who has been vaccinated.


It will be very difficult to make sure nobody on a cruise ship is infected.

I don’t think you are allowed to you use common sense on this forum...

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I hope Princess will:


- Remember the Diamond and Grand and learn from those experiences.  Cabin confinement wasn't any fun, but could have been much better.  Since there are likely to be reasons to isolate again in the future please sincerely learn from these events and apply those learnings for the future.  


- Modify (at least temporarily) cancellation policies so that those who are feeling "iffy" don't feel they have to board to avoid a personal financial loss.  This might mean making trip insurance a requirement rather than an option, it might also mean processing medically required cancellations swiftly. 


- Be clear in advance and tough onboard regarding new procedures and protocols.  Tell us what is expected of us as passengers and UNIFORMLY do what has been announced.  All here know that Princess and uniformity are frequently mutually exclusive, but coming out of this situation we can't have the rules made up or applied ship by ship or worse yet sailing by sailing.


- Ramp the fleet up quickly, but ramp occupancy rates slowly.  Start off sailing at 30 / 40 or 50% of cabins.  Be slow to get back to 100%.  If this means refunding folks with existing bookings do so swiftly and generously.


I hope we passengers will:


- Never again sail without the voyage plus 2 weeks of medications.  Princess utterly failed getting medications for all but those in life saving situations.  DW was fully prepared with 5 weeks of everything, I was more cavalier bringing only a week (beyond the cruise) of some items.  Never again will I leave scrip bottles at home - bring everything - if the cabin looks like a pharmacy so be it.


- Give more consideration to whether you're up to the "worst case" scenario.  We saw folks who were barely ambulatory (and in one case, absolutely not ambulatory) traveling solo.  Princess made some attempts to assist such folks, but really once the wheels came off and we ended destined for Travis we were to the very greatest extent on our own.  Fellow passengers were, as a group, really kind and helpful.  Honestly though, if you've reached your mid 90's, can't maneuver on your own and have serious health issues, perhaps it's time to give up solo travel.  You'll think I'm joking but we met not 1 but 3 such folks at Travis and if not for the generous help of complete strangers I shudder to think what might have been.  Notice that I listed this in the "what we passengers do different section" I don't like the idea of health checks or doctors notes, nor do I like the idea of capping cruising by age, but yes a little self reflection and knowing when to say when (or when to say, I'm bringing help along) would be good.


- Be good examples for society.  Be first in line for vaccines when available.  Follow the rules and guidelines prepared for the good of all of us.  Realize that this is a moment in time, that will, in the greater scheme of things pass rather quickly.  Do what we must to return to some sort of normal realizing that the future normal will probably never look like the past normal - hopefully it will end up being even better!

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I was on the new Sky Oct 2020 on her first 2 weeks in the Med.  The first week when fine, the second the noris virus break out on the very brand new ship.  There were sanitize stations out the buffet, dining room, and theater.  I used the station whenever I saw one.  Many people just walked pass it into the theater or the bathrooms are outside the buffet, they would say I just washed in the bathroom.
They sanitized after each show in the theater, they went on the excursion coaches and tenders to sanitize,
They should have a crew member beside each station telling people to use.

When was this? You said Oct 2020. It’s only Sept now!

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5 hours ago, memoak said:

The pictures are from Princess the rest is all fake. If you look at the Princess website you will see that there every question says we will look into these things and make policies later.  Look at the Q and A


Look again. Everything said in the video may be found at


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2 minutes ago, memoak said:

Please read forward to the FAQ’s   Almost every point says they are re evaluating prior to the start of sailing.  None of this is set in stone


True, but the video did use the info from the Princess web site above the Q&A portion.


So the video was accurate in reporting what Princess has said. It is not "all fake." It is all accurate.

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41 minutes ago, caribill said:


True, but the video did use the info from the Princess web site above the Q&A portion.


So the video was accurate in reporting what Princess has said. It is not "all fake." It is all accurate.

The video tries to show this as a Princess video which it is not 

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 I would not cruise with the restrictions people are describing. If you are elderly and in poor health or are afraid you probably should not cruise but that should be a personal decision. Those under 60 are less likely to die than from the seasonal flu. The deaths from Covid are next to nothing compared to March and April. Cases(positive tests) are not important except for reaching herd immunity. Cases do not equal deaths. In fact, just look at New Zealand that was foolishly hoping to eliminate the virus. Is New Zeland never going to allow people in or out of their country again? It can't be done.  Flu vaccines are available yet, just in the US, millions contact the flu every year and tens of thousands die every year from the flu and not just those who did not get the vaccine. Really nothing needs to change  except for the world wide mass hysteria.

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Just a reminder that Covid is spread in the air through droplets and aerosols.


Everyone congregating in lines in those little vestibules waiting to wash their hands will not be social distancing. People will be talking and complaining, and leaving droplets in the air. Imagine how they would be able to have queues of people 6 feet apart. Impossible. Same thing for people waiting in line to be served. 


I don’t know why everyone is so obsessed with the buffet. According to experts, it’s unlikely that you’re going to catch Covid from hard surfaces. There is no proof that it’s passed through food. Even though there are some people who are pigs in the buffet, touching spoons and serving equipment is not how most people are likely to contact. It’s far more likely to catch waiting in line, sitting at shared tables indoors, taking the elevator, casino, sitting in showrooms, etc. Bring gloves if you’re worried about hard surfaces. (Most people don’t know how to glove properly and dispose of them properly, bad for ecology, but if it makes you feel better. ) 


Ship design: I often walk through the buffet to get to the back deck without even looking at food. I carry my own hand sanitizer with me and put it on my hand after I get off the elevator. Eagle eye buffet watchers may think I’m totally disgusting for not using the ship hand sanitizer. I’m really a germ-0-phobe. Maybe future ship designs shouldn’t make the buffet a thoroughfare.


Finally, crew members are not militia. They aren’t going to hire guards to police the passengers. All this talk about forcing people to do all these things. Who’s going to do that? Your overworked cabin steward who won’t confront anyone for fear of losing gratuities? Seriously. 


Really, it’s not safe to cruise until there’s a proven vaccine. Even then, we don’t know. It’s a risk. 

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On 9/5/2020 at 7:36 PM, neverbeenhere said:

 People have choices where they spend their disposable cash, making cruising a possible concentration camp will not encourage them to choose cruising. 

Your choice of comparison is reprehensible. It's an insult to survivors and their memories of what they endured.A few restrictions on a ship with food and no gas chambers is not something to throw out lightly.

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I guess ones prospective on some of this depends on whether someone thinks it’s important in today’s environment to maintain good hygiene and respect for those around you and how important it is for you and your family to return from a trip healthy. 

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no doubt my Tennessee Titan friend , but I'm not of the frame of mind to police other passengers while on vacation. Doing so causes me anxiety and leads to more consumption of alcoholic beverages and a high tab at the end of my vacation, which in turn leads to anxiety .......  

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On 9/5/2020 at 12:29 PM, gottagocit said:

I’m sure there will a variety of opinions about what you want to see when we are finally able to cruise again but theses are some of the things that I hope passengers and Princess staff will do to prevent breakouts off this virus and others types of sickness onboard ships in the future.

I can’t help but think back to things I witnessed passengers doing over the years such as bypassing hand washing stations, coughing into their hands in the buffet area, coughing openly in buffet area, leaving restrooms without washing hands and other things that made me cringe then. What would I do now if I saw the same behavior? Certainly won’t be as passive I was before all of this. What about you?

Besides the obvious precautions we are all taking now such as masks, social distancing when possible and others things that may be needed in order to restart cruising again I’d like to see:


- Develop effective health screening for passenger and crew at embarkation (not just for the virus but other illnesses such the awful crud that so many catch during voyages of the past) 

- Strictly enforce reasonable and prudent hygiene standards for passengers entering restaurants particularly buffets (assuming buffets survive this) rather than simply suggesting people wash hands before entering but allowing many to enter without doing so
- Remove passengers from venues such as shows who appear to be displaying symptoms of an illness and quarantine 

- Ban passengers who refuse to follow guidelines that are implemented to keep passengers from this and future outbreaks of others such as violating quarantine or not using posted measures when boarding or entering venues 

- Ban passengers who attempt to hide sickness but are determined to be sick during boarding process 

- Ban passengers found to be sick while onboard but have not reported to medical staff


- Do not attempt to travel with others when sick 

- Act responsibly and follow common sense practices that prevent spreading this or other illnesses such as coughing openly around others and maintaining good hygiene 

-  Do not scoff at others/staff or make a scene/excuse when asked to follow guidance such as washing hands or using hand sanitizer etc

-  Report to onboard medical facility when exhibiting symptoms if any illness 


Any opinions or other things you want to see once we are back cruising again?



Very much agree. Most people are cognitively  deprived of most basic life health issues. 


As for Princess, I recall a Princess  boarding in San Pedro several years ago when a person in an adjacent line deposited stomach contents on the floor. Followers in the line tip-toed over the mess. No Princess staff nearby.  We saw the person ahead of us getting the security photo taken as we boarded. Princess must have accepted their signed health form, NQA.


On our last Princess cruise, a forehead temperature scan.  All that does is measure external body temperature. There's no calibration with internal temperature.


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On 9/5/2020 at 12:29 PM, gottagocit said:

I’m sure there will a variety of opinions about what you want to see when we are finally able to cruise again but theses are some of the things that I hope passengers and Princess staff will do to prevent breakouts off this virus and others types of sickness onboard ships in the future.

I can’t help but think back to things I witnessed passengers doing over the years such as bypassing hand washing stations, coughing into their hands in the buffet area, coughing openly in buffet area, leaving restrooms without washing hands and other things that made me cringe then. What would I do now if I saw the same behavior? Certainly won’t be as passive I was before all of this. What about you?

Besides the obvious precautions we are all taking now such as masks, social distancing when possible and others things that may be needed in order to restart cruising again I’d like to see:


- Develop effective health screening for passenger and crew at embarkation (not just for the virus but other illnesses such the awful crud that so many catch during voyages of the past) 

- Strictly enforce reasonable and prudent hygiene standards for passengers entering restaurants particularly buffets (assuming buffets survive this) rather than simply suggesting people wash hands before entering but allowing many to enter without doing so
- Remove passengers from venues such as shows who appear to be displaying symptoms of an illness and quarantine 

- Ban passengers who refuse to follow guidelines that are implemented to keep passengers from this and future outbreaks of others such as violating quarantine or not using posted measures when boarding or entering venues 

- Ban passengers who attempt to hide sickness but are determined to be sick during boarding process 

- Ban passengers found to be sick while onboard but have not reported to medical staff


- Do not attempt to travel with others when sick 

- Act responsibly and follow common sense practices that prevent spreading this or other illnesses such as coughing openly around others and maintaining good hygiene 

-  Do not scoff at others/staff or make a scene/excuse when asked to follow guidance such as washing hands or using hand sanitizer etc

-  Report to onboard medical facility when exhibiting symptoms if any illness 


Any opinions or other things you want to see once we are back cruising again?


I can honestly say we've  never boarded a ship while ill but I have disembarked with some nasty colds. Lucky for us we have never come down with the Norovirus while aboard. 

As far as enforcing policy, the lines have to do a better job, no more of we don't want to offend our passengers and passengers saying we are on vacation, we do what we want. We are now in  uncharted territory, it could be a matter of life or death so cruise lines start cracking down and passengers, do your part and have some respect for your fellow passengers. 

I'd like these policies extended to non health issues like dress codes and tardiness in the MDRs. I'm sick of people dressed like they just woke up from sleeping in a pig sty or coming for dinner 30 minutes late.

Edited by MISTER 67
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15 hours ago, ksheehan16 said:

Flu vaccines are available yet, just in the US, millions contact the flu every year and tens of thousands die every year from the flu and not just those who did not get the vaccine. 

I read an article over the weekend that two-thirds in US will not get COVID vaccine if available in early 2021 which could have an affect the “herd immunity”.  Mostly cited felt it was rushed and may not be safe.  Which made me look to get recent percentage of people who get the flu shot every year (remember it is not a vaccine).  Surprised that in 2019 only 47% got  the flu shot.

 I personally feel the vaccine will be safe - all these 7 or more major named companies working on it have too much at stake to risk hiding unsafe results.  I believe H1N1 was produced quickly. (?)

  I think so much of vaccine and new drug development has always been slow due to red tape and countless reams of government paperwork that wait on someones desk in an understaffed department.  (ie, think of right to try...it might be approved in a couple years but by that time you might be dead)

This vaccine due to the nature of its importance for the entire world (not just US) has been given every resource available at no matter what the cost and a green light for moving along at “warp speed”.  I don’t recall any new life saving medication in the last few decades to be given that amount of attention.

Although the media does not give much positive news on the Covid vaccine development I did just read that even Dr Fauci said it should be available by first of year (if not sooner).

I have signed up on all the volunteer sites for testing the shot but have not been called yet.  I am 70 and in good health with no underlying conditions and will take the vaccine with no hesitation.  I really want to take my May 2021 Enchanted Princess in Mediterranean and Celebrity to Israel in late September!

I am old enough to remember standing in line at our neighborhood school for the mass vaccination program for the polio vaccine with the sugar cube!  



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On 9/5/2020 at 6:17 PM, trvlwrld said:

 coughing doesn’t always mean someone is sick...some blood pressure meds elicit coughing as a side effect...I’m not giving up my meds to satisfy someone’s unwarranted aversion 

This is true, my allergies sometimes are horrible even with taking Zyrtex, a lot of sneezing and some coughing. 

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5 hours ago, gardenbunny said:

I read an article over the weekend that two-thirds in US will not get COVID vaccine if available in early 2021 which could have an affect the “herd immunity”.  Mostly cited felt it was rushed and may not be safe.  Which made me look to get recent percentage of people who get the flu shot every year (remember it is not a vaccine).  Surprised that in 2019 only 47% got  the flu shot.

 I personally feel the vaccine will be safe - all these 7 or more major named companies working on it have too much at stake to risk hiding unsafe results.  I believe H1N1 was produced quickly. (?)

  I think so much of vaccine and new drug development has always been slow due to red tape and countless reams of government paperwork that wait on someones desk in an understaffed department.  (ie, think of right to try...it might be approved in a couple years but by that time you might be dead)

This vaccine due to the nature of its importance for the entire world (not just US) has been given every resource available at no matter what the cost and a green light for moving along at “warp speed”.  I don’t recall any new life saving medication in the last few decades to be given that amount of attention.

Although the media does not give much positive news on the Covid vaccine development I did just read that even Dr Fauci said it should be available by first of year (if not sooner).

I have signed up on all the volunteer sites for testing the shot but have not been called yet.  I am 70 and in good health with no underlying conditions and will take the vaccine with no hesitation.  I really want to take my May 2021 Enchanted Princess in Mediterranean and Celebrity to Israel in late September!

I am old enough to remember standing in line at our neighborhood school for the mass vaccination program for the polio vaccine with the sugar cube!  


72  agree.


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9 hours ago, gardenbunny said:


 I personally feel the vaccine will be safe - all these 7 or more major named companies working on it have too much at stake to risk hiding unsafe results.


The problem is not that any of the named companies would hide results.


The problem is that a two-year phase three study, that as of mid-September has not yet recruited all of the intended participants of various ages, medical conditions and ethnic backgrounds and which requires a second injection before results can even be studied, cannot possibly have sufficient results a couple of months from now to know for sure a vaccine is either safe or effective.


At best it will be known if the vaccine produces anti-bodies and maybe T-cells. But it will not be known yet if those antibodies and T-cells will prevent people from developing Covid-19.


"Warp speed" in development of a vaccine cannot in any way compress the time it takes a phase three study to produce accurate results, especially when many participants in the studies will not be as freely in contact with other people in the way they were before the pandemic.


Obviously at some point there will be enough proven results before the end of the multi-year study to get conditional approval for one or more vaccines. Maybe this will be possible with three months or so of data after the participants have received the needed number of injections. But such conditional approval may be limited as to which people will be eligible to receive it, for example no women of child bearing age or no one over age 60.


Maybe the FDA will grant conditional approval based on the fact antibodies and T-cells are produced, but without knowledge of effectiveness.


Russia approved its vaccine before phase three trials even started. Hopefully other countries will wait for proof of effectiveness and safety.

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