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The Daily for Friday October 29, 2021


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Good Morning everyone! Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, and thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebrations Report. And thank you everyone for caring and sharing!  Happy Friday everyone!


Heavy rain today in the area. So glad we do not need to go anywhere today! The two Interstates in the area both have accidents, one has a backup of a mile and the other a backup of three miles!


The museum that I am a member elected a new slate of officers last night. I have been the treasurer the past two years so was looking forward to being replaced. Because of the pandemic we have been closed since March 2020 and then in December - evicted from the shopping mall where we rented a storefront! But recurring bills, filings, etc. still needed to be paid. I'm glad to pass this responsibility on to the new treasurer. At this point we are feeling comfortable with finding a new space to reopen in, and  also started planning for our annual fundraiser in May 2022.


We have a beautiful piece of Tuna in the freezer so looking forward to using one of the recipes.


When I transited the Panama Canal in 1972 while in the Coast Guard, we docked at the Naval Base across from Balboa.


- Jack

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Woke up (that’s a good start) to a beautiful blue sky morning and a cool 58 degrees. It’s starting to feel like hurricane season will be coming to an end.


Just shared pictures from our Panama Canal cruise so won’t post repeats. 

Lot’s of visitors from various services today. AC folks will be doing a semi annual check on system, pesticide will be doing inside of house as we were cruising and they only did outside. Repairman will be working on our lawn irrigation system so it seems my morning walk will become an afternoon walk!


Wow! Did this week fly by. We are excited about our next adventure. First, we get to see our son and family and granddaughter in California. Son has rented a beautiful cabin on Bass Lake outside of Yosemite National Park so that’s where we will be spending Thanksgiving week. We are so Blessed that all three of our children have grown up to be successful and most importantly wonderful role model parents.


When your retired every day seems like TGIF! Have a great weekend. Bruce

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17 minutes ago, Lady Hudson said:

I will leave treats outside with a note to “please take two”.  We’ll see how it goes.


Your plan reminds me of the year friends had to unexpectedly be away. They left their treats by the door with a sign saying 🎃"Please take some, but leave some for others."🎃 They returned home to find their bowl overflowing with many types of treats they had not purchased. Apparently, the trick-or-treaters had reached into their own bags to "leave some for others"!



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Good morning friends!  Happy Frankenstein Friday!  Did you know there is a town called Frankenstein in central Missouri?  Only 30 residents and I would guess a few folks would decline to live in a town with that name.  It's cloudy here and we started out for a walk this morning but only got 4/10ths of a mile away when the spritz of rain started so turned around and headed home.  Then we finished our walking on the treadmill here.  I hope the rain is gone by tonight so the Braves and Astros have a good game.


I'd like to honor the hermits and lemurs of the world.  I also feel like a hermit sometimes.  Honestly, we see a few of our neighborhood residents coming and going all day long and I think, where could you be headed so many times a day?  One single lady in particular comes home and 15 minutes later she's out the door again, over and over.  ???  As for the menu suggestion, no thanks to the tuna steak.  And yes we've been there in the Panama Canal before like so many of you.  I've posted the photos in the past so won't bother today.  


@rafinmdthanks for our lists today and good luck at your radiologist appointment.  @summer slope my prayers and best wishes to your friends Frank and Rita.  I hope the back surgery goes well and pray Rita is a strong supporter of her husband as he undergoes it.  Yes, my arm is doing wonderful, no problem at all.  DH says his has been a little sore.  I told him I hope the lady injected me with the vaccine and didn't just poke me in the arm for nothing!!  @JAM37the lemur lovey you made is so cute!  Happy birthday wishes to your 8 year old DGC.  Prayers for our Care list and a shout out to the Celebration list people.  Enjoy your cruises!


Have a super Friday everybody! 

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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  One of the television channels has Young Frankenstein on their line-up for tonight, so guess what I'll be watching?  It's one of my favourite movies that never fails to get laughs.  I feel like we've been hermits for the past 1.5 years, and it's getting a little old.  Leemurs are cute critters and so much fun to watch.


I feel like a new woman today - had my hair coloured and cut yesterday, and got caught up on all the local gossip.  My stylist lives at the end of the block where she has her salon in a special addition built onto their home.  I love the tidbits she gives me which start with "I won't tell you who this is, but . . . " and proceeds to tell me things that either leave me in fits of laughter, or with my hand over my mouth in surprise.  It also makes me wonder which of the neighbours she's talking about!


Not a lot on the docket today, which is fine, because this morning at 10:30 we'll be watching the live streamed funeral of our friend who passed away last week.  We would have driven to Calgary for it, but with Covid restrictions, funerals are limited to 50 people, and both our friend and his wife come from large families.  We'll sit in front of the computer with a box of tissues close at hand.


@JAM37I love the lemur lovey you made - what a treasure!


I like today's menu suggestion, but prefer tuna more medium than just seared.  DH won't touch raw fish, it really doesn't appeal to him.  It was interesting to watch him squirm when we were in Japan a few years ago at a fugu restaurant where they brought the fish fillets to the table and they were still twitching.  I thought he was going to bolt for the door, but he kept his cool and hung in there.  That was definitely one meal for the books.  LOL


Friday night is traditionally pizza night at our house, so we'll check the take-out menus and see what appeals to us.   It's too cold now to sit on the enclosed deck, so we'll be enjoying our hot pizza inside our warm house.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for @rafinmdas you see your radiologist today, and for @summer slope's friends as well.  Clinking the glasses together to celebrate all on the happy list.  Be safe, wash your hands, wear your masks, and stay well.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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1 hour ago, summer slope said:

Good morning. Quick post this morning.  I would like to request prayers for  my friends Frank and Rita.  He is having back surgery on Nov. 3 after having it put off for months.  His DW is so stressed.  I feel we all have been hermits for the past 18 months.

Prayers and toasts to our lists.

Stay safe, social distance, and wear your mask.

Cremet: (I could not find a photo)

1 L dark rum
50 g sugar
1 fresh cinnamon
whole coffee
1/2 lemon


Cremat is a popular drink in Catalonia, north east of the Spanish peninsula. It is drunk along the Mediterranean Catalan coast, which is known as "Costa Brava". While it burns, people sing traditional songs called "habaneres". Probably Catalan sailors that traveled from Cuba invented it while on board.Add all ingredients to a terracotta pot. On the side, heat up some rum on the stove. Once the rum is hot, light it and slowly pour it into the terracotta pot. Stir the beverage slowly until 2/3 of the liquid remains, then serve. Serves 8 people.


PRAYERS on the way for your friend, Jim.

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Thanks for the Daily, Rich and our TGIF smile 🙂 


Love Frankenstein Friday and lemurs.  @JAM37 that lemur of yours is ever so cute 👍 Like so many of you, I feel like we have been hermits every day for the past 18 months 😔 


Love that quote by Burke 👍 


@rafinmdbest wishes for your appointment today.


@summer slopeprayers are winging their way for your friends Frank & Rita.


@Lady Hudson - great minds think alike.  I did the same thing with the treats last year and will again this year.  Put them on the porch with a sign for the children.  It worked well last year other than one child who was way too old who tried to take most of the dish.  Sheesh.


@Crazy For Cats since it’s also Cat Day:




Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a great Friday everyone.




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 

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2 hours ago, summer slope said:

Good morning. Quick post this morning.  I would like to request prayers for  my friends Frank and Rita.  He is having back surgery on Nov. 3 after having it put off for months.  His DW is so stressed.  I feel we all have been hermits for the past 18 months.

Prayers and toasts to our lists.

Stay safe, social distance, and wear your mask.

Cremet: (I could not find a photo)

1 L dark rum
50 g sugar
1 fresh cinnamon
whole coffee
1/2 lemon


Cremat is a popular drink in Catalonia, north east of the Spanish peninsula. It is drunk along the Mediterranean Catalan coast, which is known as "Costa Brava". While it burns, people sing traditional songs called "habaneres". Probably Catalan sailors that traveled from Cuba invented it while on board.Add all ingredients to a terracotta pot. On the side, heat up some rum on the stove. Once the rum is hot, light it and slowly pour it into the terracotta pot. Stir the beverage slowly until 2/3 of the liquid remains, then serve. Serves 8 people.


Prayers 🙏 being sent for Frank and Rita.


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Good morning, all! @JAM37that lemur lovey is adorable. Frankenstein reminds us that Halloween is indeed this weekend. We have not been to todays port. Later today we catch the ferry back to the mainland. It’s time to pack for Mexico! As much as we’ve desperately needed this rain, a little warmth and sunshine will go down well.

 @ger_77im so sorry you can’t attend your friend’s service. That is hard. @summer slopeprayers for your friends Frank and Rita.

@rafinmdI hope the your appointment today goes well. 

Happy Friday, all, and my sympathies to those on their last day on their BHB!


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3 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you for the TGIF daily, Rich.  Frankenstein is certainly appropriate for the start of Halloween weekend.  We're starting to become a bit less hermits than we've been the last 18 months.  I don't really know a lot about lemurs and don't think I've ever seen one in the flesh.  I love the Burke quote and have been through the Panama Canal many times, most recently on MS Prinsendam.  I'll pass on the Tuna.  My alternative is Tropical Fruit Cup, Bleechers Macaroni and Cheese, and Blueberry-Mango Crisp as served on MS Amsterdam October 29, 2017:




Leave in under half an hour to meet the radiologist.  Will be away most of the morning.


Today’s care list:

57redbird DH awaiting delayed prostate cancer surgery after testing positive
Welfare of furloughed crews
cunorl’s (lymphona) and DH’s (stroke) sisters
kakalina with spreading lung cancer
irishjim DW with broken arm
marshhawk’s DH recovering from vascular surgery
From the rotation:
cat shepard’s friend recovering from aggressive chemo
StLouisSal not hearing from friend with liver transplant
NextOne  DDIL with long haul Covid



Celebrations and Shoutouts

Welcome aboard NCTribeFan
Nieuw Statendam arriving in Everglades
2 BHB in Everglades Saturday (Cruise for NA, crew changer for NS Fri-Sat)
2 days with SusieKIslandGirl
4 BHB with passengers
Front Line Health Care Workers
Kazu filling in for dfish
Several dailyites getting boosters
1Angelcat biopsy complete (awaiting results)
Last day for Vict0riann and sailingdutchy
Lady President// and Gail& Marty  at sea
Staff Captain Sabine, HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)



Good luck today with your Radiologist appointment Roy.



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1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

We would have driven to Calgary for it, but with Covid restrictions, funerals are limited to 50 people, and both our friend and his wife come from large families.  We'll sit in front of the computer with a box of tissues close at hand.


So sad, Gerry.  😢  This is one of the cruelest things about covid.  our deepest sympathies ♥️ 

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Good morning, All.   It's a very clear and pretty fall morning here in San Diego.  We've had a busy week, with some family birthday celebrations.  One of which involved a golf outing.  I par'd a three-par hole, so can with honor put my clubs away for another two years.  I'd rather have a tooth pulled than golf.


@ger_77 Gerry, your stories about your hair salon and small town always bring to mind my favorite escapist light reading, Hannah Swenson Mysteries.  Those are set in a small town in Minnesota, where Hannah owns a cookie shop -- with plenty of gossip at the beauty parlor.  ❤️


@rafinmd Roy, prayers are with you today -- and with others who are experiencing difficulties.  A special thought for your friends Rita and Frank, @summer slope.


Thank you Rich & Co for the Daily.  Wishing everyone a safe and lovely Friday.  😊


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There was good and not so good news today but I'm fairly optimistic.  The Doctor is recommending a full course of radiation (I was hoping for something quick because things seem to be pretty minor) but it does not sound like the side effects will be too bad.  It would start the second week of November and continue through mid-December, 5 mornings a week.  The Doctor seemed pretty congenial (and he was mentored by the surgeon who removed my prostate) and they seem to be willing to work with me on scheduling.  There are a few things I will be doing to start getting ready but I remain pretty hopeful.


I was out of the office in time to get to our Mall for my morning walk before it opened  for customers.  It's a nasty day here (I was lucky to get from the car to the office and back without getting drenched) and I'll mostly be home hunkered down for most of the day.


Just got a message that there's a visit summary from the Doctor.



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Good to hear your radiation treatments side effects won't be too bad.  But it will be taking up a lot of your time with 5 days a week until mid December.  I hope they can schedule it at your convenience because you're already pretty busy.  Keep your name on our Care list Roy!

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7 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good to hear your radiation treatments side effects won't be too bad.  But it will be taking up a lot of your time with 5 days a week until mid December.  I hope they can schedule it at your convenience because you're already pretty busy.  Keep your name on our Care list Roy!


Exactly this. ^


One foot in front of the other, Roy.  Sometimes it's tough....

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11 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good to hear your radiation treatments side effects won't be too bad.  But it will be taking up a lot of your time with 5 days a week until mid December.  I hope they can schedule it at your convenience because you're already pretty busy.  Keep your name on our Care list Roy!


+1. So agree with you.  Keep yourself on the Care list please, Roy @rafinmd

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