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The Daily for Monday 01/03/2022


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14 minutes ago, superoma said:

Good morning. Seems I can post this morning! I read every day but often can’t post. Prayers for those that need them and cheers to the celebration list.


oh that chronic cough! @StLouisCruisers. @GeriatricNurse @Zeta3 @marshhawk three years now. Chest X-ray, VQ lung scan, several breathing tests, gastroscopy, treated for h.pylori twice. I have Gerd but controlling that didn’t make a difference. I never did smoke so nothing to give up. The biggest change for me came when I stopped drinking carbonated beverages. (Club soda and tonic). This has really cut my coughing down to almost nothing. I does mean I drink my vodka over ice rather than with club soda. Of course, controlling the Gerd did help too. 

dh and I continue our isolation. Just found out that another grandson and his gf were exposed to Covid yesterday. We haven’t seen them since 27th. But I fear it is just a matter of time before we all come down with Covid. Thank goodness we are all triple vaxed.


stay safe, stay warm, wear your masks! 


Who knew this club was so big?  Having a cough during Covid makes you the object of scorn when in public places. 😷🤧🤐  We can't help it!  You've done quite a bit to help diagnose.  I'm glad you've cut the coughing down to almost nothing.  Hopefully the rest of us can figure something out.  I've done chest X-rays, breathing test, laryngoscopy, an acid reflux medicine that made me too sick to eat, so had to stop that.  A prescription nasal spray didn't do anything either.  Maybe this will be the year we can conquer these coughs!

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Good morning.  We were in Ushuaia in 2016 on the Zaandam.   We just walked around town and had a wonderful day.  I still regret not buying some shoes there — the most amazing dress shoes for snow.  Never seen anything like them.  
Here’s some slightly grainy photos of photos of beautiful Ushuaia.










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Good morning! After last winter with no measurable snow, Mother Nature seems to be making up for that today! It's beautiful, if you don't have to go outside! I'll go out & shovel the driveway this afternoon.

Thanks for caring & sharing!

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3 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone.


It is January, so back to the pool I go.  I'm going this week because the University isn't in session and numbers should be low.   We'll see about next week when students are back.  My back needs to get back in the water.  


Today's meal looks great. After seeing all the wonderful pizzas @grapau27 Graham and Pauline have, we have to have a pie recipe.   While this calls for Swiss chard, you could easily substitute spinach or kale.  https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/swiss-chard-and-mushroom-galette




Really, this base could be used for any toppings you want.   https://lightingthepilot.com/swiss-chard-and-mushroom-galette-blogsgiving-2019/




This next one uses a cornmeal galette dough and leaves off the mushrooms, but you can easily add them back in.   https://food52.com/recipes/30264-slab-galette-with-swiss-chard-and-gruyere




And, last but not least, we have one for those who prefer vegan.  https://mindfulavocado.com/vegan-swiss-chard-and-wild-mushroom-galette/




Prayers for those who need them.    I hope you all have a wonderful day.





Gosh, Debbie, these pizzas look delicious.  DH is our family pizza maker.  He really likes to do the ones without red sauce.  Definitely saving these recipes for him.


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Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily report.  A somewhat gloomy day today with some snow in the forecast.  I’ll pass on the meal suggestion.  DH came down with something over the weekend and is waiting his test result.  Since he works in a hospital you’d think the results would come quickly, but no.  

I hope that everyone has a good day today.

I think this applies to coughing as well.


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Good morning all!  The CC gremlins have attacked today, will see if this posts or not.  I haven't been able to react to any posts.


I would love to celebrate the Festival of Sleep, because sleep is usually elusive for me.  Last night was typical, awake from 3-4 am and then woke up early anyway. Sometimes I'm awake during the night for up to 3 or 4 hours. 😡


If we had any fruitcake, it would definitely be tossed, lol.  And I don't need a special day for humiliation, I seem to do that quite well any day.  😉  


Will pass on the meal and drink, pretty sure I've had the wine and liked it.  We will be at the port of the day next year, thank you to all who are posting photos!  


We had a wonderful family celebration last night to welcome DS and DDIL to our state.  We figured out that DS hasn't lived in WA for 23 years, half of his life.  


I'm wondering if any of you suffering from coughs are on the blood pressure medicine Lisinopril?  It's notorious for causing a cough, and why I won't take that drug.  Maybe others do it too, but I know that one does.

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4 hours ago, summer slope said:


I'm disappointed at the Neptune Suite on the Rotterdam.  It is small, about the size



1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

since I have high blood pressure


Sinuses still running like crazy





Forget about Humiliation Day.  It is Fight With CC Day today.  😠  Since it is in control - and not me - I will just go with it.


@summer slope, my personal take on the Neptunes on the Pinnacle-class ships is that they are not worth the money.  The only upside to them, for me, is Club Orange.  


@marshhawk, a side effect of blood pressure meds is chronic cough.  Maybe look yours up to see.  You might also want to try Loratadine for the runny nose to see if that helps.  Walmart has a good generic brand.


Ironic how Festival of Sleep Day had me up most of the night.  What’s up with that?  


The quote is fun but I have to wonder if it was really Miss Monroe’s or just what the Hollywood Machine wrote for her.  


I would have been able to post pics of today’s destination had my Antarctica cruise not been cancelled.  I’ll let that go.


What a difference a day makes!  Our storm warning was upgraded, again, to add another few inches.  I’d say we have about 6”/15cm now.  It is scheduled to continue until 4:00pm, at which time you will find me out shoveling.  My back hurts already.




Mr. Cardinal taking cover on his way to the bird bath.  The Chicadees love to flit through the gaps in the chairs.





A busy day at the bird feeder today.  This is the view from my comfy place.



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Good morning from sunny Quartzsite.  It was cold this morning, 32F at 7 am, but the wind is barely a breeze.  The high is supposed to be 54F this afternoon.  A good day to catch up on computer work.


Festival of Sleep sounds good.  I normally sleep soundly, but still wake up once or twice a night.  I tossed the last fruitcakes about two years ago as they had dried out and no amount of soaking them in whatever liquor was handy helped.  After looking up Humiliation Day, I can celebrate the day.


I agree with @richwmn Rich's interpretation of the Marilyn Monroe quote.


We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine.  Dry January will not be practiced here.  We enjoy a glass or two of wine before and/or with dinner.


We have been to Ushuaia twice.  The first time was in 1999 on Noordam III, and those pictures are in an album in Texas.  The second time was in 2015 on Ruby Princess.  We walked around town in the morning and took the tour to the end of the road (the Pan American Highway.).  By the time it reached the end in South America, it was a well-maintained dirt road which is how it begins in Alaska.


These first pictures are from our morning walk. 













These were taken when we returned from our tour in the afternoon when the weather was better.  The second one was taken from our aft balcony as we sailed toward Punta Arenas, Chile.





These are a few of our pictures from our tour.  Sorry if there are any repeats of ones already posted.

The view from the end of the road and the road looking back from the shoreline.







Another picture of the sign that shows the distance to Alaska on the northern end in Prudhoe Bay.



Our next stop was the headquarters of the Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego.





One of the best views we had that day.





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3 hours ago, Zeta3 said:

Thank you so much for these dailies, how fun! It feels

lime forever since I have been on a dam ship I think the last time was in 2018. We are finally booked on NA in March and can’t wait to get back on board. It makes me happy to see so many names I remember still here.


prayers for those who need them and cheers for those celebrating. Aliaschief babysitting? That’s awesome 🙂


for those suffering with chronic cough with no ENT answers, maybe see if you can be checked for GERD. Chronic cough and post-nasal drip were my only reflux symptoms and apparently my GERD was quite severe. 🤷🏻‍♀️

have a great day all!


Me, too!  But my DH's cough evidently was caused by his blood pressure meds.  When the doctor changed the prescription, he improved.  


PS.  Welcome to the Daily, @Zeta3

Edited by Vict0riann
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Good morning.  Wet, wet, wet, here.  More snow in the mountains.  Lost power on the coast for about 3 hours last night due to high winds.  But all is fine now.

Great pictures of Ushuaia.  Brings back wonderful memories.  Thanks for all who posted pictures.

Finishing up today taking down Christmas decorations.  Putting them away better this year as I usually just stuff them in the Christmas closet and close the door!!  Our family is already planning a Christmas get away to a warmer place in 2022 so won't need decorate as much. 

Prayers for all on the care list.  Praying for my grandkids who returned to school today also and all school children and staff who are back. 

Happy day to all those celebrating and also are cruising.  Watching our Feb. 2 on the Nieuw Statendam closely.  We have been to the Caribbean several times so port changes won't affect our decision to go.   Thanks Roy and Rich for the lists.  All the pictures posted made me smile this morning.

Stay well and safe.  I don't mind wearing a mask now..keeps my chin warm!!



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Our provincial government has decided to take steps in the battle against the omicron variant.  Schools are going to on-line learning, limits on retail capacity, no indoor dining and other restrictions for about 2 weeks.  They are hoping that they can slow the spread of the virus and increase the number of people with the booster so that our health care system is not overwhelmed.

Hope it works.

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Good morning, 

We've entered that "icky snow" time. The rain started last night and continues. The roads are a slushy slick mess and I'm so glad to be able to stay home. Schools are running 2 hours late today and I can see why. 

Fruitcake - we have a "family" fruitcake. It's in a nice tin and I started the tradition probably 20 years ago or so. It's my husband's side of the family and whoever's turn it is to host Christmas gets the fruitcake tin. On the bottom we've recorded the date, who hosted and where. We've not opened it and the fruitcake is still in the original cellophane inside. The host passes it on to the next in line (we finally have it that we go in birth order of the siblings). Of course Covid disrupted those plans as we haven't gotten together the last 2 Christmas seasons. Maybe Christmas 2022? 


I took the meatball sub idea yesterday and made meatballs for dinner along with stuffed shells (from Schwans) and green beans. DH devoured it. Today the infusion nurse comes to do a blood draw and check his finger. The finger looks better but is somewhat swollen. 

Happy Monday to all! Now off to bake some gingersnaps. My recipe is a soft gingersnap and they don't last long!



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54 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:


I'm wondering if any of you suffering from coughs are on the blood pressure medicine Lisinopril?  It's notorious for causing a cough, and why I won't take that drug.  Maybe others do it too, but I know that one does.

 No, I don't take Lisinopril.  DH takes it but lucky for him he doesn't have a coughing problem.


So nice to have your DS and family close by, I bet.  Enjoy them!

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4 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Gusting winds woke me early and couldn’t get back to sleep. We’ll be headed home tomorrow and will make our final decision about going to Cancun. DSIL will definitely not be going as she’s still in hospital stable and receiving good care.


Yesterday at home it was a nice day until the cold front arrived and I just checked wind chill 27F! 

Grand children still asleep so enjoying quiet time.


Thanks Rich for your faithful fleet report and May all of you have a great, safe and healthy week.😷




Bruce, I'm glad your DSIL is stable and getting good care.  I know you will make the right decision for you about your Cancun trip.  Safe travels tomorrow.  


4 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Good afternoon.

It is 45°F and sunny here in NE England.

Thank you for today's daily and fleet reports Rich.

Thank you Roy for keeping up to date lists of care and celebration.

I have always been a night person and usually don't turn cc off until around midnight.

This morning I didn't get up until 9am.

The quote does not apply to me but I know some family members it does.

Diet starts today so no fruitcake for a while.

Debbie's @dfish food looks delicious.

I will pass on the drink.

We have not been to today's port so looking forward to seeing photos.

Paulines half cousin who is fully vaccinated and his young child has a mild covid infection and this is the second time they have both had covid.

please take care everyone and wear your mask.😷




Graham, I'm sorry Pauline's half-cousin and his son have breakthrough cases, but glad they are mild.  Hope they recover soon.


4 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Monday Daily, Rich and welcome home 🙂 




I tried @Horizon chaser 1957’s trick for Marley’s pills.  It worked last night and for the first one this morning and the nada - Bumpkins.  So, I got out his salmon jerky he loves, gave him a piece and then put a piece on one of the pill poppers.  I got the ‘look’ but he took it.  Miko was quite happy as he got lots of treats this morning and Marley got all his pills without doing it the hard way.  🤞 for the ones later.


Things are exploding here covid wise.  All the hospitals have gone into code red.  So those exceptions for visitation for palliative care, etc are now cancelled along with blood work, labs, many operations, etc.  Fortunately as a Designated Support Person, I should still be able to get in once Jose’s quarantine is lifted assuming the rules don’t change 🙏🏻 


Looks like a lot of people are doing dry January and other resolutions.  Guess I should try to do that too.







Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 



Jacqui, wish the treat trick had worked more than a couple of times with Marley.  Sorry about the covid cases exploding in your area.  Hope the hospital lets you back in soon to help take care of Jose.  This must be so hard on both of you.


I love your memes and the one about Hew Year resolutions fits me to a T.


4 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

The weathermen were correct! It is snowing here with a forecast of close to six inches. You will never guess where the snow blower is.  😄   Looks like we will be manning the shovels instead.  I just got Sam up to run outside and then eat. I think he was a bit surprised! Now he wants outside again!


Safe travels for those heading somewhere today.


- Jack







Jack, great pictures of Sam.  With that heavy coat, he must be in doggie heaven in all that snow.


3 hours ago, cat shepard said:

Thank you for today’s Daily, Rich! Quite a grouping of days!

Thank you for keeping our lists, Roy & I am glad to hear that you are sleeping - it is so restorative. Morning Dailyite family! Thrilled to read that Dixie & Joy aka @summer slope& @Seasick Sailormet up with their DHs on the Rotterdam last night!  Jacqui I am praying that you, Jose and his medical team have a breakthrough - the good kind, this week. 

It’s a very windy day here. This morning I witnessed a thick wall of clouds march quickly towards the Southwest. Not sure what kind of weather it carried, but it looked menacing. If all goes as planned, my gutter guards will be installed today. 🤞🏻 Today I try my first Zumba class since my injury last July. It has taken me this long to feel confident enough to quickly shift all my weight from one leg to another while moving fast. I love my Zumba classes, so I am hoping that I can do it.

I discovered a reason why the Internet might be slow…




Prayers for all who need our support. Cheers to all who are celebrating! Stay well everyone!




Ann, good luck with your Zumba classes.


3 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning everyone and Happy Monday from the Ft Lauderdale airport. We are traveling home today and will arrive about 1:45 pm Tucson time, then pick up Blue from the vet. I miss him so much!  

I also miss the Rotterdam, what a lovely ship she is, and I also miss my morning drinks. 



Franco at Club Orange made my iced coffee each morning and Budi always knew we wanted Mimosas. 

I also miss HMC. 



Have a great day everyone!


Safe travels today.


3 hours ago, mamaofami said:

876217388_5maskedgrandsons2022.thumb.png.e925eef47096562df5f4a9ea69521d31.pngGood morning everyone. I'm up early to see that my grandson's flight to LA last night was canceled and now his early AM flight was canceled too.

Thank you everyone for your condolences yesterday on the loss of our dear friend and for your warm wishes for Sam's birthday. It was the first time our three children and five grandsons were all together since June of 2019. I remember because on the 1st of that month my family made me a big party. So, my daughter had 3 tables out for our three families and we were all masked, but that didn't last. We were all outside and the three that just flew in from California on the 28th took rapid tests in the morning. I'm going to try to post a picture. I haven't been successful doing that here. 


Carol, so great that the party was great and everyone had a good time celebrating Sam's birthday.  A great group of good-looking guys all wearing their masks.  Sorry the LA grandson's flights have been cancelled.


3 hours ago, GeriatricNurse said:

I've also had the same chronic cough for several years and, thus far, I've received no definitive diagnosis!

I have had a CXR done and am booked for an appointment at a 'Respiratory Clinic'!  Dependent upon the results, the next step will be an appointment with the ENT Clinic!


Welcome to the Daily.  Hope we see your again soon.


3 hours ago, Zeta3 said:

Thank you so much for these dailies, how fun! It feels

lime forever since I have been on a dam ship I think the last time was in 2018. We are finally booked on NA in March and can’t wait to get back on board. It makes me happy to see so many names I remember still here.


prayers for those who need them and cheers for those celebrating. Aliaschief babysitting? That’s awesome 🙂


for those suffering with chronic cough with no ENT answers, maybe see if you can be checked for GERD. Chronic cough and post-nasal drip were my only reflux symptoms and apparently my GERD was quite severe. 🤷🏻‍♀️

have a great day all!


Welcome back to the Daily.


1 hour ago, superoma said:

Good morning. Seems I can post this morning! I read every day but often can’t post. Prayers for those that need them and cheers to the celebration list.


oh that chronic cough! @StLouisCruisers. @GeriatricNurse @Zeta3 @marshhawk three years now. Chest X-ray, VQ lung scan, several breathing tests, gastroscopy, treated for h.pylori twice. I have Gerd but controlling that didn’t make a difference. I never did smoke so nothing to give up. The biggest change for me came when I stopped drinking carbonated beverages. (Club soda and tonic). This has really cut my coughing down to almost nothing. I does mean I drink my vodka over ice rather than with club soda. Of course, controlling the Gerd did help too. 

dh and I continue our isolation. Just found out that another grandson and his gf were exposed to Covid yesterday. We haven’t seen them since 27th. But I fear it is just a matter of time before we all come down with Covid. Thank goodness we are all triple vaxed.


stay safe, stay warm, wear your masks! 


Sorry that another grandson and his GF tested positive.  Glad you are staying safe.


1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning  to all.Snow showers are expected later and it is cold and grey out now. It certainly is an interesting  collection  of days.I think I utilized  the Marilyn  Monroe quote often when working with patients  who were very upset by their changes in function. It helps now when trying to keep things calmer  at home.It is challenging  to be ill and/or disabled.

@dfish,Debbie, the recipes look  so good,thanks so much.I congratulate you on your lottery win but I am sorry it has to be put towards dental repairs.

@mamaofami,Carol,I love the pictures of all of those handsome grandsons.I hope the party went well.

My Massachusetts  family (grandma of Camilla) told us yesterday  that both Grandma and Grandpa are covid positive. They are both nurses and triple vaccinated.They are experiencing  mild cases,thank goodness.Their respective hospitals are really full and the Gov is talking about National Guard assistance. Oh my.

My best to all of you.Please be careful out there.



Terry, I'm sorry that Camilla's grandparents tested positive.  Glad they are tripled vaccinated and have mild cases.  Hope they feel better soon.


37 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!  The CC gremlins have attacked today, will see if this posts or not.  I haven't been able to react to any posts.


I would love to celebrate the Festival of Sleep, because sleep is usually elusive for me.  Last night was typical, awake from 3-4 am and then woke up early anyway. Sometimes I'm awake during the night for up to 3 or 4 hours. 😡


If we had any fruitcake, it would definitely be tossed, lol.  And I don't need a special day for humiliation, I seem to do that quite well any day.  😉  


Will pass on the meal and drink, pretty sure I've had the wine and liked it.  We will be at the port of the day next year, thank you to all who are posting photos!  


We had a wonderful family celebration last night to welcome DS and DDIL to our state.  We figured out that DS hasn't lived in WA for 23 years, half of his life.  


I'm wondering if any of you suffering from coughs are on the blood pressure medicine Lisinopril?  It's notorious for causing a cough, and why I won't take that drug.  Maybe others do it too, but I know that one does.



Glad you had a good celebration with your DS and DDIL.  I know you're happy to have them back in WA state.



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10 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Bruce, I'm glad your DSIL is stable and getting good care.  I know you will make the right decision for you about your Cancun trip.  Safe travels tomorrow.  



Graham, I'm sorry Pauline's half-cousin and his son have breakthrough cases, but glad they are mild.  Hope they recover soon.



Jacqui, wish the treat trick had worked more than a couple of times with Marley.  Sorry about the covid cases exploding in your area.  Hope the hospital lets you back in soon to help take care of Jose.  This must be so hard on both of you.


I love your memes and the one about Hew Year resolutions fits me to a T.



Jack, great pictures of Sam.  With that heavy coat, he must be in doggie heaven in all that snow.



Ann, good luck with your Zumba classes.



Safe travels today.



Carol, so great that the party was great and everyone had a good time celebrating Sam's birthday.  A great group of good-looking guys all wearing their masks.  Sorry the LA grandson's flights have been cancelled.



Welcome to the Daily.  Hope we see your again soon.



Welcome back to the Daily.



Sorry that another grandson and his GF tested positive.  Glad you are staying safe.



Terry, I'm sorry that Camilla's grandparents tested positive.  Glad they are tripled vaccinated and have mild cases.  Hope they feel better soon.




Glad you had a good celebration with your DS and DDIL.  I know you're happy to have them back in WA state.



Thank you Lenda.


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Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks to everyone posting.  I guess today is definitely Cough Day, too!  Sadly, too, the hummingbirds all seem to have disappeared.  I hope we don't find a lot of little bodies after the snow melts.  Poor guys!


We have been to Ushuaia twice.  The first time we stayed a few days before our expedition to Antarctica on Quark's Sea Adventurer.  DD wanted to drive in Argentina, and we thought it would be wiser in Ushuaia than in BA, so she drove us around for four days.  We went all over the place and found it fascinating.  The second time we were there just for the day on Zaandam.   We noticed that the glacier behind the town had receded a lot.   I have tons of pictures!


View from our hotel room - amazing mountains




On a drive








The obligatory crab




"Tren del Fin del Mundo"




At the park - everyone else showed their pictures, so I will, too!  (And some of the birds in the park)












DD made a friend in the parkP1020688.thumb.JPG.93f2f5bf84d349aa7b3961ad460e98fd.JPG


This tree is on a lot of postcards in Ushuaia (on the road to Haberton)














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2 hours ago, superoma said:


dh and I continue our isolation. Just found out that another grandson and his gf were exposed to Covid yesterday. We haven’t seen them since 27th. But I fear it is just a matter of time before we all come down with Covid. Thank goodness we are all triple vaxed.


So sorry to hear about your grandson and gf have been exposed.  Hopefully you are all spared 🙏🏻 


1 hour ago, Crazy For Cats said:

  DH came down with something over the weekend and is waiting his test result.  Since he works in a hospital you’d think the results would come quickly, but no.  


So sorry to hear this, Jake. 😔 Hope he gets his test results soon and fails 🤞 


48 minutes ago, *Miss G* said:


Forget about Humiliation Day.  It is Fight With CC Day today.  😠  Since it is in control - and not me - I will just go with it.


@summer slope, my personal take on the Neptunes on the Pinnacle-class ships is that they are not worth the money.  The only upside to them, for me, is Club Orange


It sure seems that way - especially looking at @Cruise Suzy’s comparison


48 minutes ago, *Miss G* said:


What a difference a day makes!  Our storm warning was upgraded, again, to add another few inches.  I’d say we have about 6”/15cm now.  It is scheduled to continue until 4:00pm, at which time you will find me out shoveling.  My back hurts already.


Sadly it’s messy weather out there for a lot 😔 Please be careful shovelling and watch your back!


31 minutes ago, puppycanducruise said:

Our provincial government has decided to take steps in the battle against the omicron variant.  Schools are going to on-line learning, limits on retail capacity, no indoor dining and other restrictions for about 2 weeks.  They are hoping that they can slow the spread of the virus and increase the number of people with the booster so that our health care system is not overwhelmed.

Hope it works.


We are doing the same here.  I don’t know if there is anything we can do to stop omicron 😔


19 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

We've entered that "icky snow" time. The rain started last night and continues. The roads are a slushy slick mess and I'm so glad to be able to stay home. Schools are running 2 hours late today and I can see why. 


Sorry you are having messy weather too 😔. I’m afraid it may get messier before it gets better 😔 


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Good morning all and thank you Rich for another interesting Daily report with a wonderful destination . 
Will have to look for some worthy pictures to share before I start my daily tasks .
These are from 2015 while on the Zaandam to Antarctica from Santiago to Argentina .
 We are almost there ….
Some Expedition ships are waiting in port 
The flora in this most Southern Town was a big surprise 
Getting my postcards stamped at the “ End of the World “ postoffice .
Another War monument in Argentina for the war in the Malvinas ……... Falkland Islands  
Back on board ship …….tonight it is the Indonesian crew show  …….
Tony 😁
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Our PCC called us back this morning quite promptly after emailing him to inquire if HAL had any change in cancellations. There is and simply put, you can substitute for cruises equal or greater than pricewise. So we are deciding on one of the last cruises for the season from FLL, or an early Alaska cruise to replace our 01/16 cruise. Just don't quote me on cancellation details.


But in the meantime while we were trying to talk, Sam kept reminding (and reminding!) us he had not had his morning walk. We placated him with a quick walk around the corner as the plows have not come through yet so tough breaking trail. He likes the snow but doesn't seem to want to runaround in it like Juno and Oke' did in the past. Most likely too tough on his hips. 


- Jack






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Good morning, all! I’m all for,the festival of sleep, but I would never toss a fruitcake. A good Christmas cake is just reaching its best now, if there’s any left. Since Humiliation Day involves fasting, I may be in. We had our full turkey dinner last night. When I stepped on the scale this morning, I was amazed it didn’t just explode in a cloud of shrapnel.

I am also a member of he Dailyite Chronic Cough Club. Who knew we had one? My second winter in college I got very ill, and couldn’t get out of bed in the dorm for a week. When it was over, I had a chronic cough for the rest of the winter. It finally went away when the warm weather came in spring. The next winter, and every winter since, it came back. The first time I get a cold each winter, The Cough appears and is with me until the weather warms up.Then it’s gone until winter comes again. It’s not as bad as it was when I was younger, but it still winters with me every year.

DH and I were in Ushuaia in early 2020 on the Amsterdam’s final cruise as a HAL ship. The cross streets are level, but the north south streets are quite vertical! We took the Train to the End of the World. And of course, had dinner out at one of those places that carve your dinner off sides roasting over an open fire.




being built near the port. It will be interesting to see it when it’s done.


EVERYONE took a picture of this - I’m surprised there isn’t one posted yet!


And yes, everything is that steep!




The Train Station at the end of the world.


And of course, The Train at The End of The World. It’s original purpose was taking prisoners out to work logging sites. Now it hauls tourists. I suspect the,prisoners didn’t have the lush and comfortable seats we did.




Beautiful scenery, and lots and lots of horses.


From the train window.





And home to the Amsterdam waiting.❤️



Happy Monday, whether on or off a BHB!



Edited by Horizon chaser 1957
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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

Strange days. I'm a fan of sleep, although I got less last night due to staying up binge watching Downton Abbey. I won't toss fruitcake. 

Interesting quote.

I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. It'll be pork roast and sauerkraut for dinner today.

We couldn't dock at Ushuaia on my SA/Antarctica cruise due to winds, although the Captain tried.


The sun is shining, but it feels like 10F with the wind chill. I'm feeling ok so far today. Yesterday the same, but my throat started to hurt as the day wore on.


@kazu Continued prayers for Jose, his medical team and you.

@grapau27 Sorry to hear about Pauline's cousin and their child, but fortunately it's mild. It seems like having it once doesn't confer a lot of protection from a second/variant infection.

@mamaofami Between weather and employee shortages, lots of cancelled flights. I'm glad you got to enjoy your family.

@smitty34877 Glad the Covid cases are mild. I guess the vaccines are doing their job.

@Crazy For Cats Hope the test results are negative.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to the Celebration List. Welcome to all new to the Daily!

Stay safe and wear your mask.


My distant views of Ushuaia

Approaching Ushuaia





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We sort of made it to Usuaia on our Veendam South America/Antartica cruise. 

Argentina was bringing up it’s issues with Falklands. We entered into the harbor but they would not give us a place to dock because our itinerary included Falklands. Ironically weather prevented us from visiting Falklands.


Surrounding mountains were pretty in Usuaia.😎

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6 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

Strange days. I'm a fan of sleep, although I got less last night due to staying up binge watching Downton Abbey. I won't toss fruitcake. 

Interesting quote.

I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. It'll be pork roast and sauerkraut for dinner today.

We couldn't dock at Ushuaia on my SA/Antarctica cruise due to winds, although the Captain tried.


The sun is shining, but it feels like 10F with the wind chill. I'm feeling ok so far today. Yesterday the same, but my throat started to hurt as the day wore on.


@kazu Continued prayers for Jose, his medical team and you.

@grapau27 Sorry to hear about Pauline's cousin and their child, but fortunately it's mild. It seems like having it once doesn't confer a lot of protection from a second/variant infection.

@mamaofami Between weather and employee shortages, lots of cancelled flights. I'm glad you got to enjoy your family.

@smitty34877 Glad the Covid cases are mild. I guess the vaccines are doing their job.

@Crazy For Cats Hope the test results are negative.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to the Celebration List. Welcome to all new to the Daily!

Stay safe and wear your mask.


My distant views of Ushuaia

Approaching Ushuaia





Thank you Vanessa.


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