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The Daily for Monday 06/13/2022


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Just now, smitty34877 said:

@cat shepard, thanks. We were grateful for the utility workers and the firefighters coming within 3 minutes of the alarm going off. Tana and I also decided we would have take out for dinner since we can’t use the stove.I agree about having a sense of humor….it saves the day often around here!

Pleased to hear you are all okay.



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Today's sunrise is from my 2009 Blount voyage from Chicago to New Orleans.  In June 13 I disembarked Niagara Prince in New Orleans.  As I look again this actually has to be sunset on the 12th.





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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  While we don't have a garden, we have many areas where there are flowers and there is always an abundance of weeding to be done.  My sewing machine saw lots and lots of use during the pandemic when I used it to sew masks to donate to various organizations.  I'm not much of a kitchen klutz, but I have a habit of making a bunch of dishes and usually forgetting to put 1 of them on the table during a big dinner.  


@VMax1700Bon Voyage - have a wonderful cruise!

@kazuits' so nice to see you back again; take your time and do what you need to.

@smitty34877what a fright!!! I'm so glad everyone was alright, and that the firefighters arrived quickly.  Thank goodness for your alarm.


Well, my motto for years has been "persistence pays off" and it did.  I've been struggling for a number of days trying to learn how to crochet tiny angel wings for the teeny blankets for "sleeping babies", and yesterday it all seemed to come together.  I must have watched that YouTube video a hundred times and discarded countless tries before I was finally able to make them.  Here's a picture of some of them - to give you an idea as to how small they are, they are on a 10" x 10" blanket.  They have long tails that allow them to be tied onto the blanket which can then be removed by the parents and kept as a memento after the baby has been buried.  



I'm not sure I'd like the drink of the day, a cilantro/jalapeno margarita.  It sounds like it might have a bite to it!  I'm pretty sure I'd like the wine though.  LOL   Today's menu suggestion sounds interesting, but I'd seriously love to have @rafinmd's selection.  It's a grey, cloudy day out there with the threat of rain, so I think I'm going to put together a small stew that can simmer all afternoon for us.  It's looking like stew and salad will be what's on our table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra for the people of Ukraine and all who are continuing to provide support, and for the victims of gun violence.  We'll raise our glasses to cheer all on the celebration list.  Stay well, get your boosters, wear masks when you need to, and be safe.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



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@kazu Jacqui, blessings to you. You are an important part of our Daily.


Sandi hoping your cruise is going smoothly. I still have your family in my prayer book.


Sharon I'm sorry Craig missed out on the cruise activities. Hoping he's stronger while in Venice. We love Venice. Are you sailing over the holidays? Would love to see you again.


Roy hope you are feeling better. Rich thanks for the Daily.


It is very hot here in Texas. I'm up at 6 to feed birds and fill their baths, water and pull a few weeds. That's it.


I saved my 2nd hummingbird! This little guy whacked into another hummer and fell splat on our patio. 10 minutes later he flew to the feeder and sat for awhile before flying off. 




Wish you all a blessed day.

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Good morning everyone.The quote is very true. Prayers for so many on our list. It’s so sad to see so many of us with medical issues in their family.

Its going to be close to 90 today so after I do some work around the house and copy some insurance papers I’m heading to the pool. I haven’t been in the water yet because it takes some time to warm up.

Jacqui, happy to see you posting here. Be kind to yourself and only do what you can. Everything eventually gets done.

Sam is heading for a consult today with the pain md after a CAT scan and MRI for his back. Hopefully they can help him find relief.

Stay safe everyone,


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Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach

     I admit to being a kitchen klutz in my earlier years, even still on occasion. No sewing machine anymore. Used to do a lot of sewing but then ran out of time. 

     Have not been to todays port but it is on our scheduled 2023 trip. Looking forward to pictures.

     Graham @grapau27 I love hydrangeas. Of course it is too hot for them here but your garden is beautiful.

     Jacqui @kazu  Good to see you posting. We missed you. Your flowers are gorgeous!  No tulips here.  I know what you mean about the deer. When we lived in Orlando, we tried everything to keep them away. Nothing worked. We could not have a fence because we fronted the golf course. I tried putting things in the front of the house, they would just march up the driveway!  

      My BFF is in Ireland on a landtour with her large family group. She tested positive and  now cant be in the group. Her husband rented a car and follows the bus. She had a slight sore throat and congestion for a few hours! Now she is fine but cant rejoin the group. DH is negative and no one else is sick.  This is all crazy!  

    Off to water aerobics then Mani/pedi.  Leaving on Wednesday for another wedding! All good.


Be safe and enjoy today 

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Good morning everyone from a hazy but calm SoFlo.

@kazu great to see you posting again.:classic_happy: Love your flower pictures, miss the spring flowers living in SoFlo.


Looking forward to the drink recipe, I had a jalapeno margarita on Royal that was really good, I like spicy food but DH does not so I indulge on cruises! 

Nothing planned for today, maybe down to the pool this afternoon.

Prayers for those who need them at this time and to those on the celebration list enjoy!



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23 minutes ago, cunnorl said:

  My BFF is in Ireland on a landtour with her large family group. She tested positive and  now cant be in the group. Her husband rented a car and follows the bus. She had a slight sore throat and congestion for a few hours! Now she is fine but cant rejoin the group. DH is negative and no one else is sick.  This is all crazy! 


No words for this!

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A quick check in to update everyone. Nice to see our Jacqui @kazuand our Joy @Seasick Sailorposting today. Thank you both for your prayers and concerns for me and my loved ones. I am very lucky we both tested negative because Princess kicked all the positives off the ship along with their spouses whether they were + or -.  All 800 B2B passengers were tested Saturday and word is 200 were positive.  All I can say is I hope masks are required this voyage and not recommended or we’ll go through the same thing all over again. 

Also since the Covid people across the hall left Roy @rafinmdyou can remove me from the Care list (for now). 🙄

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@smitty34877 Wow!  I am so glad the fire department responded so quickly and I hope all is fixed easily and rapidly.  Take out it is!   Thankfully, everyone is ok.


@kazu Jacqui, it was so good to see your post.  I understand the need to get those gardens in shape.  There is something very therapeutic to digging in the dirt.  I remember right after I retired I was having difficulty dealing with a family issue concerning my brother.  When it got to be too much I would go weed the gardens.  I have to say that they looked their best that year.  


@Seasick Sailor Glad to hear all is well with you.


@aliaschief Might we be on the same cruise?  We are doing the Best of Norway on the Rotterdam from July 17-31.   Wouldn't that be a hoot.  


I got my laps in.  I did 4 in a row without stopping, the most so far.  2.4 miles.  I did use my hiking poles because they limit the pain from the spinal stenosis and allow me to go further.  

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Thanks to all for the 'Bon Voyages'.  We are now safely onboard Oosterdam.  I will give the full details on my 'Nearly Live from' thread.  

Aircon has stopped working since the occupants of the room next door tied open their verandah door 😬

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Good morning to all,

Thank you for the Daily.  I am trying to post early rather than later.  

i don’t garden so I won’t be pulling up any weeds.  Not this city girl.  Grew up in New York City around pavement.  Now we live on a Golf Course.  We have someone that takes care of the greenery around the house.  Sewing machine—I have a portable one in the closet.  I used to sew a lot.  In my younger days i was known to make some of my own clothing.  Now I bring everything to the tailor for alterations.  My hands just don’t work so well any more.  

Kitchen Klutz—Not really.  However we all have accidents now and then.  I’m a pretty good cook.  At least everyone eats my dinners.

The quote is interesting and so true.  While some memories are to be cherished, there are those that take up space in your head that are better off gone. I will not go into detail

The meal sounds interesting.  However, don’t have sausage at home and my wonderful butcher is closed on Mondays.  Save it for another day.

Pass on the drink and the wine.

Have never been to the destination.


Prayers for all that need them.


@Heartgroveas you and your family to through this difficult time.  Watching someone through their final days is heartbreaking.  We just went through that last summer with Jim’s brother who was developmentally disabled.  My prayers are with you.

@kazu happy to see you back on the board.  No one expects that everything will be perfect.  So what if you don’t have a beautiful garden this year.  We are happy you are posting again here in your comfortable place.  

@StLouisCruisersglad you are in a safer environment with the contagion around you gone.  Prayers that you stay safe on your cruise.  i know how this virus can ruin the whole trip, even after you are out of quarantine.  Wear your mask and keep to yourselves as much as possible.

@Sharon in AZenjoy Venice.  it is so beautiful. I hope Craig is doing better and you can enjoy the last few days before you return home.


Today I have some pain, but not too bad.  Yesterday was better.  I hope that it is just an anomaly and I will get through it.  Not calling the doctor yet. 


Prayers for everyone who needs them—especially Ukraine, the end of violence in our country, and that this virus gets under control.

Cheers to those celebrating and cruising (stay safe)

We are about to book a long Baltic cruise for next year.  Hope we know what we are doing.

Take care everyone. Stay safe.

God Bless


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Good morning, all! Hopefully I’m well past my Klutz in the Kitchen days, but I certainly had my moments! The meal and the wine both sound good, and would go well together.

@kazu it is so good to see your post, Jacqui! I share your opinion of deer. They look so sweet to those who don’t know, but to those of us with gardens in deer country they are sadistic little vandals some times!

Yesterday we went to North Vancouver for our great neice’s final ballet performance. She graduates this year and is going to university in Montreal in the fall. DS came down from Kelowna to see her grand daughter’s final dance, and is staying with us. Today she and I road trip back to Kelowna and I’ll stay for a couple of days. We’re going just as the next atmospheric river arrives, although we should vibe safely there before the worst of it hits.

Happy Monday, and all,this rain wouldn’t matter if I was on a BHB!


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Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report, and thank you Debbie for today's recipes. And thank you all for being here!


My sister passed yesterday close to noon. She went very peacefully with all of us at her bedside. For the five days at her bedside, it allowed us to happily remember her "Kelley-isms" which helped with our grief. She was the "Matriarch-in-Training" until our mother passed away in 1997. She assumed the mantle of "Matriarch" then.  🙂   My older sister was the pragmatic one. I have many fond memories of her being my big sister in my times of need. The funeral will be Thursday.


My brother will have the PEG surgery on Friday. He will need to be transferred back to the hospital for the procedure. My DSIL has told us that she is not ready to put him in hospice at this time. Their middle daughter just lost her Father-in-Law two weeks ago and Mother-in-Law in April. We will visit with my brother today, and tomorrow we will see my two grandsons. My son-in-law just lost an uncle last week. So much grief in our families right now!


I will be happy to be home again by the weekend. Sam is really missing us (we are missing him too!) as DSIL sent us a video of him howling looking for the other members of his pack! It was quite the howl!


Stay Safe,


- Jack

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👍Thank you for The Daily, Rich @richwmnand to Roy @rafinmdfor sharing the Care and Celebration Lists.

😊We have not been to today's port but did spend some time in an apartment in Reykjavik, Iceland ~ we really had a hard time pronouncing the street names, LOL!🙃 😲

🙏Prayers to all in need and, of course, Ukraine.🙏



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30 minutes ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report, and thank you Debbie for today's recipes. And thank you all for being here!


My sister passed yesterday close to noon. She went very peacefully with all of us at her bedside. For the five days at her bedside, it allowed us to happily remember her "Kelley-isms" which helped with our grief. She was the "Matriarch-in-Training" until our mother passed away in 1997. She assumed the mantle of "Matriarch" then.  🙂   My older sister was the pragmatic one. I have many fond memories of her being my big sister in my times of need. The funeral will be Thursday.


My brother will have the PEG surgery on Friday. He will need to be transferred back to the hospital for the procedure. My DSIL has told us that she is not ready to put him in hospice at this time. Their middle daughter just lost her Father-in-Law two weeks ago and Mother-in-Law in April. We will visit with my brother today, and tomorrow we will see my two grandsons. My son-in-law just lost an uncle last week. So much grief in our families right now!


I will be happy to be home again by the weekend. Sam is really missing us (we are missing him too!) as DSIL sent us a video of him howling looking for the other members of his pack! It was quite the howl!


Stay Safe,


- Jack


Our condolences to you and your family, Jack.  I'm glad you were able to be there with your sister Kelley.  Thinking of you and yours during this sad time.



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DH wanted to thank you all for the birthday wishes sent his way yesterday.


His brother called early yesterday morning to wish him a happy birthday, and to let him know that he had broken his shoulder.  Several years ago, my brother in law bought a large puppy.  A labra-doodle. Within the first year, while walking his fur baby, the dog pulled him off a curb, and he broke his right shoulder.  The dog 6 months later yanked him into the street, and he fell and broke his hip.  And then this week, almost to the day of his first "puppy encounter with curbs"  he tripped over the dog, and fell and broke his other shoulder.


And all this time, I thought the problem was with cats trying to trip up their elderly non fur parents.


Then last night right when we were leaving to go to the theatre, DH's mom called and DH didn't hang up when done talking with her.  I found the phone this morning, quite dead with 786 minutes of conversation.  I hung up.  Does this mean the air in our house talked to the air in her house all night?

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We haven't sailed to the Destination of the Day but have driven through it on our Cruise/Drive last July of Iceland. I know that one of my high school buddies who is an avid cruiser had booked a Carnival cruise that was to call there.


It is located on the absolutely beautiful Snaefellsnes peninsula and is is famous for having Kirkjufelsfoss waterfall and Kirkjufell mountain nearby. We couldn't quite coordinate the requisite photo of both in the same picture frame. Kirkjufell almost resembles a mini-Matterhorn.


- Jack



Edited by Heartgrove
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3 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

We were a sight standing around in the dark with our entire family,including dogs.They let us in after a while and shut the gas off.We will have no hot water but at least  we are safe for now.

The daylight brought a different utility crew who will fix the problem.

Tana  made me laugh as she stated she  felt hung over from lack of sleep. Neither of us drink anymore  so we found it funny


Oh my, what a scary incident 😱. I am glad you are now all safe.  Bless ana for her sense of humour 👍 


2 hours ago, cunnorl said:

      My BFF is in Ireland on a landtour with her large family group. She tested positive and  now cant be in the group. Her husband rented a car and follows the bus. She had a slight sore throat and congestion for a few hours! Now she is fine but cant rejoin the group. DH is negative and no one else is sick.  This is all crazy!  


Oh my - how awful.  I am starting to think that if everyone is fully vaccinated (and by that I mean boosted and current) there should be no need for quarantine or treating them like a leper.  Most people do not get seriously ill if they are properly vaccinated.  So sorry for your BFF and her husband 😔 



1 hour ago, VMax1700 said:

Thanks to all for the 'Bon Voyages'.  We are now safely onboard Oosterdam.  I will give the full details on my 'Nearly Live from' thread.  

Aircon has stopped working since the occupants of the room next door tied open their verandah door 😬


Sounds like you have wonderful neighbours 😱 Not! 😳  I hope you pick up the phone and use the Navigator and report them.


46 minutes ago, Heartgrove said:

My sister passed yesterday close to noon. She went very peacefully with all of us at her bedside. For the five days at her bedside, it allowed us to happily remember her "Kelley-isms" which helped with our grief. She was the "Matriarch-in-Training" until our mother passed away in 1997. She assumed the mantle of "Matriarch" then.  🙂   My older sister was the pragmatic one. I have many fond memories of her being my big sister in my times of need. The funeral will be Thursday.


I am so very sorry to hear this Jack 💔 I am so glad for you though that you could be with her at the time and that you have so many wonderful memories of her ♥️ I hope that those memories help sustain you at this painful time 🙏🏻 Prayers for her, you and your family in this difficult time. 🙏🏻 


46 minutes ago, Heartgrove said:


My brother will have the PEG surgery on Friday. He will need to be transferred back to the hospital for the procedure. My DSIL has told us that she is not ready to put him in hospice at this time. Their middle daughter just lost her Father-in-Law two weeks ago and Mother-in-Law in April. We will visit with my brother today, and tomorrow we will see my two grandsons. My son-in-law just lost an uncle last week. So much grief in our families right now!


And extra prayers for your brother 🙏🏻  You are right - there is far too much grief in your family.  So hard for you all 😢


@marshhawka belated happy birthday to your DH. 🎂 


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Good morning all!

First of all, my deepest condolences to Jack @Heartgroveon the passing of his sister.  And prayers for your brother as he has the PEG procedure.  


All the days were made for me, lol.  I weed the garden every day (unless it's raining), have a sewing machine (but have loaned it to DSIL who is using it to sew the boys' scout patches on their uniforms), and can be a major klutz in the kitchen (especially when I'm in a hurry).


I agree with the quote, the meal sounds "ok", but will pass on the red wine and especially the drink with cilantro.  We've been to Iceland but not this port.


Today I plan to visit my favorite nursery to buy some more annuals to fill some spots in my planters. 


Thinking about DD and her family -- yesterday both she and the youngest grandson were vomiting all day....and this morning he tested positive so is in the "quarantine room" with his Mama.  So far DSIL and oldest grandson haven't gotten it, but it will be a miracle if they don't.  Sad that Shep will miss the last week of school.


Jacqui @kazuit was so good to see your post this morning.  I agree about the deer.  Although we don't have them near us now, we have lived places in the past where they ate everything in my vegetable garden. 😞  I tried everything, and nothing worked.


Terry @smitty34877OH MY on the gas leak!  Thank goodness you're all ok.

Colin @VMax1700Bon Voyage!!

@0106Thank you for the link about the cat curfew.  Ever since our beloved cat was killed by 2 roaming dogs, we have always kept our cats indoors.  So it's for their protection too.

Roy @rafinmdGorgeous sunset photo!!

Gerry @ger_77Great job on the angel wings!!  They are precious.

@Sharon in AZEnjoy Venice!


Well, this wouldn't post the first time....apologies if it posts twice!







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Good morning, Dailyites.  @Heartgrove, I am so sorry for your loss.  Jacqui, welcome back! You have been missed.  Terry, how great that you had an alarm for the gas leak.  We had a gas leak once when we lived in Virginia, but no alarm - it was my sensitive nose that found it.  Talking about sensitive noses, I will be checking the peanut butter after I post.  I was coughing all night, and don't feel so great today.  Pat seems to be over his cold, maybe he gave it to me, but if I keep on coughing, I think I will test myself this afternoon.  For the time being, the peanut butter test should suffice.  


It's my day - I am a kitchen klutz, I admit it.  Once I dropped a huge pot of raspberry jam in the sink and it landed so hard the hot jam leapt out and flew over the ledge to land on the sofa in the sun room.  And when we redid our kitchen here, we put in vinyl tiles rather than real tiles, as I drop things all the time.    I used to sew, even made my own suits, and the children's clothes, but haven't done any for years.  


I don't remember if I posted this before, DD has her Deer Cop up and running, she has startled the gardeners and our new neighbours - and we haven't seen any deer, so perhaps she has startled them, too.




I hope that someone here has been to Grundarfjorder, it is on our Viking Passage itinerary next month, and I would love to see some pictures!  Can't decide what to do there.






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