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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday July 15th, 2022


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Good morning from central Texas where it's probably back to our "normal" weather, hot.  Yesterday's rain of 0.2 inches was nice, and the temperature drop to the upper 70sF was wonderful while it lasted.


All three days are worthy of celebrating.  Protecting pets from fire and other hazards is important.  I respect Canada, and always enjoy our visits there.  We've made friends with many Canadian cruisers.  Giving unused or no longer needed things to those who can use them is good.  I have more to take to the thrift store next week.


The Harper Lee quote is interesting and puzzling.  She was a good writer, but a complex person.


We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine.


We have not been to Kangaroo Island.


@Vict0riann  Ann, I hope Pat's bag arrives today.  

@kazu  Jacqui, I'm glad the toe is healing and hope it's not giving you too much trouble.  Thanks for sharing more of @luvteaching Karen's trip report.  Congratulations on the liquor basket.

@0106  Thanks for filling in for @dfish Debbie, and for doing a great job.  Thanks for the explanation of today's quote.

@cat shepard  Ann, I'm glad the girls liked the idea of finding memes for next week.  Enjoy your day trip.

@dfish  Debbie, glad you are checked in and through security.  Have a safe flight, and may your luggage have a safe flight on the same plane.  I know you'll have a great time on your cruise.

@grapau27  Graham, that's good news that Sarah is feeling better.


I better start getting ready.  Today DH's PT is at 10am since the therapist has a doctors appointment this afternoon.



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Good Friday Morning Dailyites!  


Yesterday was just packed full of adventures-Ha! The directions to DH's new doc were wrong on his phone's GPS, we passed the building, had problems finding the parking area, the offices were not marked, we ended up getting there on time because I told him we had to leave early JUST IN CASE.  Shown into a room, and a "doctor in training" came in and asked a thousand questions"  took a picture of the inside of DH's mouth -showed him the pics, and then said he would go get the doctor.  (hmmm) and then the REAL doctor came in, spent a lot less time with DH,  and everything she wanted to do to him were things that his oncologist said he didn't want done.  Change of meds, surgery, etc, and all of a sudden DH says that while there is pain, it is not as often , and not as bad, and I'm still scratching my head over this.  Again IF he took his meds the way he was supposed to,  we wouldn't have been there.

So now the pain doc, and the oncologist will be banging heads together over exactly what changes they will make.


On the upside, DH took the job offer for the Omaha Symphony campaign, he can work the hours he wants, he doesn't have to work late, and he can work the 20-25 hours a week.  He got on the phones last night and started calling.  I was so proud of him!  (turns out that the offer he was waiting for would be working for one of my bosses, and they don't want family members working in the same campaign).


I loved to Kill a Mockingbird.  But in hind site, after her second book was released, I came to believe that she Lee Harper didn't write Mockingbird.. Conspiracy theory is that her best childhood friend Truman Capote wrote it, and I believe that. 


@0106  Great job on the menu, and I wouldn't worry about the large pics, food porn at it's best!







Have a great day everyone!



Edited by marshhawk
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Good morning. Slept in late as I had difficulty getting to sleep last night. Maybe the sound and flashes of thunderstorms and lightning combined with torrential rain had something to do with it. Per our local TV weatherman we are now about 4 inches above average normal rainfall this year. Which would put us over 30 inches so far. Lawn is looking good and sprinkler system is on manual mode. Sure wish some of our Western areas could get some desperately need rain.

Another day of checking off some items on to do list.

Have not been to our port of call. Have strong respect for Canada and it’s citizens and many friends. 

Thanks to all andhave a great day and weekend 


Edited by aliaschief
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Good morning everyone. Something seems to go wrong in my house every day. Yesterday my QuickBooks program was frozen on the computer. My first helper tried to take control of my computer to fix it but couldn’t and hung up on me. The next agent said she would stay with me and did until it was fixed. Last evening I got a message on my phone that Sam was calling me but when I answered  it , it was my daughter who was in the supermarket and the phone was in her pocket. She had a text message that Sam was texting a friend named Alan. My recent calls showed Sam had called and when I called and asked him he said no, he was talking to Alan. Only Sam and I share an account. 
Last, but by no means least, our son has covid. He works in a hospital and said he had his mask off in his office. He lives in another state and there is no way I can go to help him so fingers crossed he is ok. His wife died in 2015 at age 39 and his son is in Israel with his camp.

Prayers for all on our care list.

Stay safe everyone,


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6 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from central Texas where it's probably back to our "normal" weather, hot.  Yesterday's rain of 0.2 inches was nice, and the temperature drop to the upper 70sF was wonderful while it lasted.


All three days are worthy of celebrating.  Protecting pets from fire and other hazards is important.  I respect Canada, and always enjoy our visits there.  We've made friends with many Canadian cruisers.  Giving unused or no longer needed things to those who can use them is good.  I have more to take to the thrift store next week.


The Harper Lee quote is interesting and puzzling.  She was a good writer, but a complex person.


We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine.


We have not been to Kangaroo Island.


@Vict0riann  Ann, I hope Pat's bag arrives today.  

@kazu  Jacqui, I'm glad the toe is healing and hope it's not giving you too much trouble.  Thanks for sharing more of @luvteaching Karen's trip report.  Congratulations on the liquor basket.

@0106  Thanks for filling in for @dfish Debbie, and for doing a great job.  Thanks for the explanation of today's quote.

@cat shepard  Ann, I'm glad the girls liked the idea of finding memes for next week.  Enjoy your day trip.

@dfish  Debbie, glad you are checked in and through security.  Have a safe flight, and may your luggage have a safe flight on the same plane.  I know you'll have a great time on your cruise.

@grapau27  Graham, that's good news that Sarah is feeling better.


I better start getting ready.  Today DH's PT is at 10am since the therapist has a doctors appointment this afternoon.



Best wishes for your husband Lenda at his PT this morning.


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4 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. Something seems to go wrong in my house every day. Yesterday my QuickBooks program was frozen on the computer. My first helper tried to take control of my computer to fix it but couldn’t and hung up on me. The next agent said she would stay with me and did until it was fixed. Last evening I got a message on my phone that Sam was calling me but when I answered  it , it was my daughter who was in the supermarket and the phone was in her pocket. She had a text message that Sam was texting a friend named Alan. My recent calls showed Sam had called and when I called and asked him he said no, he was talking to Alan. Only Sam and I share an account. 
Last, but by no means least, our son has covid. He works in a hospital and said he had his mask off in his office. He lives in another state and there is no way I can go to help him so fingers crossed he is ok. His wife died in 2015 at age 39 and his son is in Israel with his camp.

Prayers for all on our care list.

Stay safe everyone,


Sending your son our prayers 🙏 and best wishes for a mild covid and quick recovery Carol.

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22 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning. Slept in late as I had difficulty getting to sleep last night. Maybe the sound and flashes of thunderstorms and lightning combined with torrential rain had something to do with it. Per our local TV weatherman we are now about 4 inches above average normal rainfall this year. Which would put us over 30 inches so far. Lawn is looking good and sprinkler system is on manual mode. Sure wish some of our Western areas could get some desperately need rain.

Another day of checking off some items on to do list.

Have not been to our port of call. Have strong respect for Canada and it’s citizens and many friends. 

Thanks to all andhave a great day and weekend 


Well, I have had an interesting time trying to edit my post. First time I did it all but disappeared only to show up later. Showed you could still edit but that was not to be the case. What ever; it’s back and that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!😎

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26 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

I loved to Kill a Mockingbird.  But in hind site, after her second book was released, I came to believe that she Lee Harper didn't write Mockingbird.. Conspiracy theory is that her best childhood friend Truman Capote wrote it, and I believe that. 

Just for reference, the second book (Go Set a Watchman) was actually Lee's first attempt at a book. From Wikipedia --

The plot and characters of To Kill a Mockingbird are loosely based on Lee's observations of her family and neighbors, as well as an event that occurred near her hometown in 1936 when she was 10. The novel deals with the irrationality of adult attitudes towards race and class in the Deep South of the 1930s, as depicted through the eyes of two children. It was inspired by racist attitudes in her hometown of Monroeville, Alabama. Go Set a Watchman, written in the mid 1950s, was published in July 2015 as a sequel to Mockingbird but was later confirmed to be an earlier draft of Mockingbird.


Harper Lee never intended Watchman to be published. It was found and published after her death.


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We don't have a sticker on our house alerting that there is a pet inside, but I will go out and get one.  I respect our country and am ever so grateful to live here.  I've always got a box in the spare room that I can toss things into that are no longer needed.  I look around our house and sometimes wonder why am I keeping all of this?   It's time to declutter, I know.


Well we're under another heat warning for today, so we've got all the windows open letting the cooler morning air into the house.  Usually when it hits 24 or 25 outside I close things up and try to keep the house cool for a little while.  Predicted high for today is 35C (95F) which means it could even go a bit higher, so we'll be breaking out the iced coffee and fans this afternoon.


@Seasick Sailora belated Happy Birthday to your DH; I hope it was a great day for him.

@0106good job on today's menu suggestion; don't worry about the size of the pics, we enjoy them.

@Vict0riannI do hope DH's luggage arrives; if not, you know you can purchase up to $2300 of essentials for him.  Keep all receipts and submit a claim to the airline when you return home.

@kazucongratulations on the win; I think it will be very appropriate to serve them at Jose's celebration of life.


Thanks for your comments on the grocery bags yesterday.  I'm happy to make them, as I know they're going to last longer than the ones I can buy from the grocery stores.  The stores in our city no longer have the regular plastic type, so we've been using the sturdier ones you can purchase, but I find they don't hold up well in the washing machine.  Yesterday we drove around to a few different dollar stores where I was able to pick up more table runners so I can make a few for us and some for gifts as well.


As much as I'd like to try today's menu suggestion, it's too hot to think about cooking.  I was going to say it's time for salmon sandwiches, but caught myself in time - it's Friday night pizza night at our house!  LOL  I'll let DH do the ordering tonight and we might use the roofless car to go and pick it up.  I'm pretty sure it'll be too hot to enjoy it on the deck, so we'll set ourselves up in the pergola and enjoy pizza in the shade.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra for the people of Ukraine as they continue to be inundated with missiles.  We'll raise the glasses and salute everyone on the celebration list.  Stay safe, be well, get your boosters, wear masks when needed, and hydrate!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily fleet report.  I’d like to decluttering some more but DH doesn’t approve.  I spent a half hour on the phone this morning with a credit card company.  I noticed my available credit was reduced and saw no pending transactions.  Some called in yesterday and started a balance transfer.  Based on some details from today’s call I suspect a drug store.  They had my driver’s license and I only use that when picking up River’s prescription since it is a controlled substance and I typically use that card.  So the card is cancelled and going forward River’s medication will be paid in cash.  Frustrating.


@dfish safe travels for you and Sue.

I hope everyone has a good day today.

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Good Morning All,

We’re supposed to be heading into some serious heat this weekend.😟 Friday is normally Clean the House Day here, but plan to do the bare minimum and instead focus on completing my work room. Over the past 30 years I’ve accumulated so many projects to be done, that I will never do them all. The goal is to define what I really still want to do, keep only those materials, and pass the rest of the stuff on to someone who wants it.

DH was on travel Wednesday to Thursday, and I took advantage and “blew up the house.” Meaning: I worked on a drawing for class, and left the project set up🫣, then started pulling out box after box from my fabric stash and culling contents. (Did anyone catch that I didn’t put anything away?) Yet.😱


At the end of the month we have our annual costuming convention and a Bargain Basement where donated items are sold with proceeds going to the scholarship fund. I’m driving in alone, so I have a whole car I can fill. 🥳 So preparing for that is  how I’ll celebrate today. (And maybe tomorrow.)


Roy, I’m glad you asked about @StLouisSal. I’ve been wondering the same, and thought I might have missed her posts. ( Not sure why her screen name doesn’t highlight/ tag. Did I get it wrong?)


@kazu I’m sure the organization in Egypt will be thrilled with your yard. Shadow looks lovely.


Have a great day everyone!


Edited by TiogaCruiser
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Good morning friends!  I'm a bit later than usual today because DH wanted to get in and out of Kroger early today, so we left after exercise and breakfast.  Looks like a nice day so far out there.  It's about 80 and we should reach 89 at the peak of the day. As I sit in my sunroom with all its windows, I'm so glad we chose a house with the rear of the home facing north.  That's where the many windows are so it stays cooler facing this way. 


I heard from my DD this morning.  She said she home tested negative!  So she's out of quarantine.  However her DH felt bad all day yesterday so he tested then and it was negative.  This morning he tested positive.   Can you believe it?  


I was notified that Buddy's funeral (visitation and burial) will be tomorrow.  Their 17 year old son will return to his out of town technical college Sunday and will only be one week behind his class.  Their daughter can go back to her job as a preschool teacher.  Her preschool threatened to replace her since she missed 2 weeks of work with her Dad in such critical condition followed by hospice.  Luckily Amy's brother is a lawyer who works for the State's unemployment division and he advised them they would be in a lot of trouble if they gave away Kaylee's job while she's on leave for this.  I mean seriously?  Use common sense people!  I wish we didn't live so far away at times like this but no way can we get there for the funeral.  I will be there in spirit though.


Back to the Daily!  The port of Penneshaw on Kangaroo Island sounds like a good one.  I haven't been there before and hope we get some photos displayed here. We have never had that port of the day before.   Pet fire safety is a good cause, as well as respecting Canada.  I should be giving away some of the stuff we have around here.  I hope we can squeeze in a visit to our children in Ohio and Michigan before fall.  They are all so busy!  We bought each of them a Go-Pro with our onboard credit on Island Princess (and one for ourselves), and I want to Give Them Away!  So that fits.  I will probably pass on the menu suggestion but great job @0106filling in for Debbie.  And the photos are fine.  Mine are always large too and no one complains.  I feel like I understand the quote today and appreciate Rich's explanation.  Thanks also Rich @richwmn for doing a such a great job bringing us all together each day.  Thanks to Roy @rafinmdfor the Care and Celebration lists.  Many prayers for all who are suffering or in a bad place.  Also cheers to each and every one of you on the Celebration list.  So many cruisers!  Have a wonderful time and safe travels. 


Carol @mamaofamiI understand you wishing you could help your Covid positive son.  Try not to worry too much because he's no doubt had all his "shots" and will probably have only mild symptoms.  And Jake @Crazy For Catsthat credit card problem sounds pretty shady.  I would not like doing business at that drug store at all.  Hope it is all resolved and someone is held accountable.  


I've probably forgotten some of the people I wanted to comment about but will add later as it all comes back to me.  Have a wonderful Friday everyone!

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Good morning all!

Another beautiful sunny morning in the PNW, heading to a comfortable 75F.  

It's always a good idea to have a sticker letting firefighters know there's a pet in the house in the unfortunate case of a fire. Living close to the Canadian border, I have respected Canada all my life.  We seem to always have a box of items waiting to be given away, but I need to add to it!


Will pass on the meal and drink, but the wine sounds good (I seem to say that a lot) 😂

Kangaroo Island is on our Grand Australia itinerary for 2024, I look forward to any photos.


Yesterday I got those Boxwood shrubs all dug out, now to plan what to put in their place. 😉  


DH has a colonoscopy this morning, so a lot of my morning will be spent transporting him back and forth.  Then hopefully a quiet afternoon of gardening and visiting with neighbors.  



Have a great day everyone!


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2 hours ago, 0106 said:

Oh my, the food pictures are much larger than I intended!  I will try to figure out how to correct before tomorrow's post.


To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my favorite books.  Atticus is a true hero.  I will be reading on the beach today!

I thought they looked great!  Wonderful job on the Meal

of the Day!!

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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Good days. Pet Fire safety is important. I respect Canada, and need to visit more of it! I'm amassing stuff I don't use to donate. I'll pass on the meal (fish) and wine. I like Bahama Mamas, a lot, lol.

I've been to Australia, but haven't been to Penneshaw.


It's mid-70's and less humid; lovely day. However, I will be toiling away in my basement, trying to get rid of stuff and just generally organize.


@Vict0riann Sorry to hear Pat's suitcase didn't make it with your flight. Enjoy the Copenhagen HO-HO.

@kazu Congrats on winning the liquor basket. 

@grapau27 Good to hear that Sarah continues to improve.

@Cruzin Terri It will be nice to get away and see your friends.

@0106 Great job on the meal post! And thanks for the quote explanation.

@dfish Have a safe flight!

@marshhawk I hope things work out for DH's pain (and that he takes his meds as he should). It sounds like his new campaign is a good fit!

@mamaofami That's weird about the phone calls. So sorry to hear your son has Covid. I hope his case is mild.

@Crazy For Cats Ugh on the credit card issue; at least you caught it quickly. I'd be cautious of that pharmacy. 

@StLouisCruisers Good to hear that DD tested negative, but oh no on her DH testing positive! Prayers for Buddy's family as they go through the funeral tomorrow, and they know you're there in spirit with them.  


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

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Good morning from Arizona.  Finally made it to Phoenix yesterday just before noon (no DST in Az).  And it is HOT.  Start our drive back to SE Colorado tomorrow.  This is such a crazy trip.


@durangoscots, if flying out of GJ would ever help you are welcome to leave your car with me.  Of course, I realize Red Mountain Pass separates us!🤪


@0106, you did great on recipe posting.  All of it looks yummy.


There was actually some rain here last night and it is overcast this morning.  Rain is always welcome in the desert.


Hope everyone has a great day.  Prayers for Cares list.   Glad so many on the “happy list”.  

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I heard from my DD this morning.  She said she home tested negative!  So she's out of quarantine. 


Great news!


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


However her DH felt bad all day yesterday so he tested then and it was negative.  This morning he tested positive.   Can you believe it?


WTH?  Hopefully he is negative tomorrow 🤞 


3 hours ago, mamaofami said:


Last, but by no means least, our son has covid. He works in a hospital and said he had his mask off in his office. He lives in another state and there is no way I can go to help him so fingers crossed he is ok.


Oh dear!  Prayers he recovers quickly and easily, Carol 🙏🏻 


Glad to hear you computer issue was fixed.  I’m at a loss on your phone technology 😬 




3 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

@kazu  Jacqui, I'm glad the toe is healing and hope it's not giving you too much trouble. 


Thanks Lenda.  I HOPE it’s healing.  I don’t have my personal physician in the house anymore to monitor my progress 😢 😂 



5 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

We just came back from the Magasin du Nord, and replaced a few items, in case Pat’s suitcase never appears.


I hope Pat’s suitcase appears before you board 🤞 


3 hours ago, dfish said:

Today is going better.  We are checked in and past security and heading for breakfast.  Hope everyone has a great day!


Safe travels to you both, Debbie.


3 hours ago, 0106 said:

Oh my, the food pictures are much larger than I intended!  I will try to figure out how to correct before tomorrow's post.


You did a great job and the pics are fine. 👍 Thank you for stepping up for Debbie.  Don’t sweat the small stuff - you did a great post 👍 

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I just took a little nap.  Last night we had a lovely dinner at The Modern and I had my favourite thing, moules frites.  I am usually a bit nervous of mussels when traveling, you never know if a bad one will appear and take you by surprise!  And then I had a chocolate mousse, which kept me awake for a long time So I needed the nap.  We did the HoHo bus and the canal ride this afternoon.  The boat tour was really interesting.  The bus was meh…


it looks like Pat’s bag is still at Heathrow, but I’m still hoping it will appear in Copenhagen  later this evening.  The hotel lady says they do deliveries all night, but if it isn’t here by check-out, we will head for the airport and try to find it.  The AirTag app has a way of telling you if you’re getting closer.  I hope. 

Gerry is that $2300 a Canadian thing?  I don’t see that much for the EU, just a few hundred, and evidently it can take months or never appear at all…. Pat has filed a claim though, to get started.   Still hoping for the bag, though.  

my best to you all!

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@kazuJacqui, DSIL felt bad yesterday and was negative.  This morning he was positive and this is his first official day of Covid.  So I think he'll be positive for a week, at least.  Looks like DD is going to be taking over all the chores he had last week - taking care of Sadie and cooking, cleaning, running errands.  🙄

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9 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

@kazuJacqui, DSIL felt bad yesterday and was negative.  This morning he was positive and this is his first official day of Covid.  So I think he'll be positive for a week, at least.  Looks like DD is going to be taking over all the chores he had last week - taking care of Sadie and cooking, cleaning, running errands.  🙄


Damn. I was hoping it was a false positive 😔 

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Good morning and thanks all!  Didn’t know we had a respect Canada  day, eh.. Sorry to hear even more Covid, hope they will be mild. 
@Vict0riann thank goodness for those apple tags, hope it arrives soon.  We loved .Copenhagen,  

@dfishbon voyage 

@0106 great photos, I have some Basque heritage so found it interesting.  I also used to teach .English so loved your explanation,  I think we never know how much we miss something until it’s gone. 
@kazu a lovely prize! 

@ottahand7 gorgeous garden







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