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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday August 11th, 2022


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31 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

We have been to Sydney, NS 4 times (once on the VOV and 3 times going the whole east coast).  Will be there again in October with several of our Dailyites!

For those Dailyites on NSDM for the repositioning cruise, it is not far off. A while back I set up a dinner for several of us. If you are planning to use your credit for it, the charge will not show up until we dine. If anyone else has joined the cruise and wants to join us for dinner please let me know.


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Good Thursday Afternoon Dailyites!  


Ok, I misunderstood.  I thought you meant jokes that the presidents have made. HAHAHAHAHAHA



@smitty34877please share with Tana-





and you....get that night aide in.  You haven't been well, and you don't need a rebound either.  Done nagging.


Last night at work I kept on drinking coffee, sleep was not in my hopes for last night,... I tried the meditation, DH rubbed my back, and he quickly fell asleep, and I was up all night coughing.  So, no coffee after 6.    He said the only problem with my coughing was that Furnando who had curled up next to him, left.  His cat, Tazi, however stayed with me all night. Making it impossible to roll over, or stretch out.


I'm loving the pictures today, as always.  Cant wait to share something with you all but I've not been to any (except one) port that has been mentioned.  And of course I am still waiting to get a new camera.  DH ordered one for me for my birthday (april) but he ordered it two weeks ago, and it is on back order.  I really wanted it before our cruise in 34 days....


Well off to attempt to work 6 hours.  I've got the ribs in the crock pot, the potatoes are boiled and chilling, at break time I'll chop up the veggies for the potato salad, and I'm done for the day.


Sorry I am late, but DH and I got up early (not sure up means me, I was awake still) and we went to a meeting and had breakfast out.  I should sleep well tonight, but if i'm still coughing, it may be on the couch.  



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Good Afternoon from a warm and cloudy day at the beach.

   This Sahara Dust is causing very overcast skies.  Well at least it keeps the sun from bearing down on you.

     Love playing in the sand, walking in the sand, sitting in the sand. Very peaceful.

      @smitty34877  So sorry to hear about Tana`s bout with Covid. She cannot catch a break! Please take care of yourself and take help when you can.

        My flight woes continue. I thought I had everything arranged for our October trip. First our trip home from Sydney was changed to a time that we would not have any hope of making. Still working on that one. Then yesterday, our outbound flight to San Diego got changed. There is not enough time for the connecting flight. ( 9 minutes between flights!!)  So trying to rebook. We need a longer layover because of DD.  Being the last off and waiting for her wheelchair, it can easily eat up 30-45 minutes.  I am thinking of keeping the flight to LA and driving from there. Am I crazy?


 Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good afternoon, after an unplanned hectic morning.  Just as I was finishing my last post, we got a call from the hospital in Cleburne where DH's MRI was scheduled for next Monday afternoon.  They had a last minute cancellation at 11:15 this morning, and could we make it.  We had less than an hour to get there, and DH was still in bed, but we made the appointment.  


DH said they did one MRI without contrast that took about 15 minutes.  They then injected the contrast and did a repeat MRI.  He said they used the newest MRI that was a Tesla 3, and added that it was noisy.  We have a copy of the MRI to take to his next appointment at UT Southwestern, and the report will be sent to the PA in Dallas.


@JazzyV  Vanessa, that must have been a sight watching the trucks back at mile or more down the street to the bridge.


@aliaschief  Bruce, I have enjoyed touring Scotland with you these past weeks.  Have a safe flight to Amsterdam. and a great cruise on Rotterdam.


@cunnorl  Charlene, I hope you get the flight straightened out.  Is there a possibility you could get to Union Station in LA and take a train to San Diego?  I don't know if that would be too difficult with your DD.  We rented a car in San Pedro to drive to San Diego several years ago.  The rental agent said locals could make it in 1 1/2 hours, but we should allow 2 1/2 hours.  Five hours later, we arrived in San Diego.  Of course, it was the first good Saturday in spring, and everyone was headed to the beach.


@grapau27  Graham, are  you by chance on a moving location that Pauline does not want you to mention? 🛳️



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2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Interesting days (not going near Presidential jokes) and quote.

I like the meal, pass on the drink and wine.

I haven't been to Sydney. Thanks for the photos @StLouisCruisers @Quartzsite Cruiser@kb4683@Cruising-along


Oh, it's lovely here. Sunny, upper 70's, gentle breeze and lower humidity. I was up early getting the donation stuff out on the porch (I don't like to put it out the night before, even though it's fairly safe here). Then I went over a block to the main street to watch the bridge beams go by. It was like a neighborhood party! Lots of folks and their dogs out and about. Very interesting watching them back up for a mile with the huge load.


@kazu You are missed. I hope you're doing ok.

@grapau27 Nice picture of you. Lunch looks good. Wow, seven cruises!

@RedneckBob Funny story.

@dfish Safe travels to Michigan, and have fun!

@smitty34877 So sorry to hear about Tana's rebound. Prayers for her and you all. Try to get some rest and more help. I heard some discussions that maybe the treatment duration should be longer. 

@ger_77 Sorry to hear that DS tested positive; hopefully mild. And I hope DH is ok.

@StLouisCruisers I'm glad you're having a good time. Oh no on that parksleephotel cancellation! BFF was looking there for our November cruise, although I suspect around Thanksgiving we're going to have trouble finding a spot.


Prayers for the Care List and a toast to the Celebration List.

Try to stay safe everyone.


Vanessa, I've talked to the hotel again today and they have no record of the reservation through ParkSleepHotels.com.  She said I could try to book it again and call them later to see if it came through or not.  Or she could book me a room with parking attached to it but the cost was exorbitant.  Another option is to book a new hotel through ParkSleepHotels.com but we don't trust them anymore.  


My solution is I had a prior booking for a Plantation. FL hotel that I hadn't cancelled yet (must have known something was going to go wrong with the sleep and park hotel), so I called them and asked if we could park our car there while we cruised and she said of course.  Just let us know when you check in/out and they will give us a document to place on the dash while we're gone.  It will cost $8 per day but better than trying to find a new place that allows parking that we've never stayed at before.



@grapau27your dining table and dinner look divine.  Enjoy your time spent with Pauline.

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13 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon, after an unplanned hectic morning.  Just as I was finishing my last post, we got a call from the hospital in Cleburne where DH's MRI was scheduled for next Monday afternoon.  They had a last minute cancellation at 11:15 this morning, and could we make it.  We had less than an hour to get there, and DH was still in bed, but we made the appointment.  


DH said they did one MRI without contrast that took about 15 minutes.  They then injected the contrast and did a repeat MRI.  He said they used the newest MRI that was a Tesla 3, and added that it was noisy.  We have a copy of the MRI to take to his next appointment at UT Southwestern, and the report will be sent to the PA in Dallas.


@JazzyV  Vanessa, that must have been a sight watching the trucks back at mile or more down the street to the bridge.


@aliaschief  Bruce, I have enjoyed touring Scotland with you these past weeks.  Have a safe flight to Amsterdam. and a great cruise on Rotterdam.


@cunnorl  Charlene, I hope you get the flight straightened out.  Is there a possibility you could get to Union Station in LA and take a train to San Diego?  I don't know if that would be too difficult with your DD.  We rented a car in San Pedro to drive to San Diego several years ago.  The rental agent said locals could make it in 1 1/2 hours, but we should allow 2 1/2 hours.  Five hours later, we arrived in San Diego.  Of course, it was the first good Saturday in spring, and everyone was headed to the beach.


@grapau27  Graham, are  you by chance on a moving location that Pauline does not want you to mention? 🛳️




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6 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

We visited today's port of Sydney, Nova Scotia in October, 2018 on the Rotterdam on our Canada/New England/Atlantic Coast cruise.  It began in Montreal and ended in Tampa.  The day before Sydney we had to miss Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island due to wind gusts up to 86 mph.  That was a major disappointment to us.  I was really looking forward to that port.  But we were grateful to make our stop in Sydney.  The weather was sunny and cold with brisk winds but we dressed warmly and headed off the ship for our exploration of this new port  (for us).enhance




The famous Big Fiddle, a welcoming monument on the dock.  There is a market located nearby for vendors and craftsmen in the area to sell their wares.enhance


We first stopped in at the St. Patrick's Church Museum which had cool timber framing inside.enhance


Then down the street was this unique building which I believe is a store now.enhance


We spied this duck boat called Harbour Hopper taking people on rides around the area.  For some reason that does not appeal to me.  I'm a little wary of them.enhance




Then there is this monument overlooking the water.  It recognizes wartime contributions of the merchant navy.enhance


On our way back to the ship we ran across this man who wanted to show off his 1968 hand painted Cadillac.  He said it had only 26,000 miles on it and got 1 mile per gallon of gasoline.  No wonder it only had 26,000 miles on the odometer!  You can't afford the gas to drive it anywhere.enhance


We enjoyed our time in Sydney walking around the town.  All in all, a very nice day!enhance



5 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from sunny central Texas.  We sure enjoyed our much needed rain yesterday.  @Seasick Sailor  Joy, I'm sorry the rain did not make it to you.  On the 5 pm weather, there was still heavy rain south of us, but I guess it petered out.


I will pass on the presidential jokes, but will celebrate sons and daughters day.  We are not much for playing in the sand.


The C. S. Lewis quote is interesting.


I like margarita pizzas, and we always get one when we're in Italy.  We'll pass on the drink and  the wine.


@RedneckBob  I enjoyed your story about the appetizers.  Like @richwmn Rich, proofreading is also not my strong suit.

@dfish  Debbie, safe travels today.  Enjoy your family picnic on Saturday.

@smitty34877  Terry, I could not like your post.  I'm sorry Tana is having a rebound case with high fevers.  I'm glad you got someone to help with the caretaking, and get more if you and DD need more time to recover.  I hope Tana can recover from the rebound case quickly.  She has been through so much already.


We have been to Sydney, NS, five times and all were on Veendam.  In 2013, we did the roundtrip from Boston twice, so we were in Sydney four times in four weeks.  These are my pictures from those visits.  Each time, we rented a car and toured the outlying areas.


The Alexander Graham Bell Historic Site



After we left the AGB site, we drove part of the Cabot Trail, but did not have time to go very far.  On the way back to turn in the rental car we stopped at this museum, which was interesting.  It is about the Jewish settlers in the area.



The next time, we drove in a different direction to check out the area where the coal mines had been active. We visited the Sydney Mines Heritage Museum, and also toured on inactive mine, and learned that most of the tunnels were under the ocean.  They gave us ponchos and hard hats to wear since water dripped in the mine, and many places had very low ceilings, one was just four feet high.







The next two visits we also drove around the area.  One stop was the Fortress of Louisburg National Historic Site.







A small boat harbor.






4 hours ago, kb4683 said:

Good Morning, Dailyites!  Not much going on here today -- DH has an ultrasound at 11:00 and I have an appointment this afternoon to get some build-up on my right cataract lens lasered off.  Gotta love this getting older!


Thanks to all who visit here -- cheers to those celebrating and healing hugs to those on the care list.


We have been to Sydney twice.  The first time was 10/7/10 - a TA from Southampton to Fort Lauderdale on the Grand Princess.  Second time was 10/30/13 - Canada & Colonial America from Quebec City to Fort Lauderdale on Emerald Princess.


October 7, 2010, was a dreary, drizzly day.  We walked around a bit then on the way back to the ship found the Governors Pub & Eatery.  Others have posted pictures of Sydney on prettier days, so I will post what we do best -- eating and drinking 😉.
















They were celebrating Alexander Keith's birthday and were passing out these lovely keepsakes.  Well, we had been in there for quite some time and decided to just wear them back to the ship -- boy, did we get the looks (think they were just jealous) 🤣.  



October 30, 2013, weather was just as miserable as our first stop, so again didn't do much outside the ship.


Have a wonderful day, everyone!







4 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning again.  It is about 9:30 and it 70F.  It will warm up today, but  the rain seems to have lowered our temperatures some.


Before I go any further, I misspelled Louisbourg in my previous post when talking about the recreated fortress.


@ger_77  Gerry, I'm sorry your DS tested positive.  I hope your DH's cough is due o something else and that he tests negative.  Glad you could stock up on salmon fillets.  

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I hope the hotel can rebook your stay at the same price.  I've read that it is better to book directly with the hotel and no on the corporate web-site or a travel site.  Doing it directly can sometimes get you perks too, or so I've read.

@grapau27 and @Paw13, Good for yuo, Graham and Pauline, for booking seven cruises.  Have fun planning them.

@cruzn single  Enjoy your day on Grand Mesa with your family.  Don't forget the bug repellent.


On September 4, 2019, Veendam stopped in Sydney on her TA after spending the summer in Europe.  That day, we did not rent a car, but walked into town.  On all our previous visits we had never really looked around Sydney.  It was a cool, pleasant day for wandering around.



Part of the waterfront near the dock.



This interesting building that @StLouisCruisers Sand showed us, is the former Bank of Montreal building, and in 2019, it was a museum.



The main street in town



A couple of interesting murals





On the way back to the pier, we passed St. George Anglican Church that was open to the public.  The church was established in 1785 as the Imperial Garrison Chapel.  The picture of the exterior is courtesy of  @Crazy For Cats who took the picture on his recent New England/Canada cruise.  While many of the large cathedrals are stunning, I like the smaller, more intimate churches.  This one is no longer used on a regular basis.







Neighborhood near the church



The waterfront



An aluminum sailboat





Sydney from the ship








3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Another busy day here, we'll be picking up the grandsons this afternoon for another overnight visit.  My neighbor's granddaughter (who is the same age as our oldest grandson) will come over for an afternoon of play with them.  Also friends of our DD will be coming by sometime today to take the mattress we're giving away.  We're thankful she helped us find someone who needed it!


I too will pass on the Presidential jokes 😉  Sons and daughters is appropriate for me, I saw DS yesterday and will see DD today.  I'm very proud of them both!  I look forward to playing in the sand on our Caribbean cruise in October!


The meal sounds very good, I especially love it when we're in Italy. 🙂  Will pass on the drink but the wine sounds good.  


We have been to Sydney, NS 4 times (once on the VOV and 3 times going the whole east coast).  Will be there again in October with several of our Dailyites!  We've rented a car and driven part of the Cabot Trail to see the fall colors, took the excursion to Louisbourg Fortress, gone to Baddeck, and walked around town.  I think this next time we'll walk around again, no big plans this time.


Debbie @dfishsafe travels and enjoy your family time!

@ottahand7what a gorgeous Daylily!  Thank you for sharing.

Terry @smitty34877I'm very sorry to hear that Tana has rebound Covid 😞  Prayers that she gets relief soon.

Gerry @ger_77I'm sorry to hear that your DH's son has Covid and even more sorry to hear that he was with him recently and now has a cough.  Sending prayers.


Here are some photos from a couple of our times in Sydney.  


Bagpiper on our arrival



A sign at the pier



Arrival at Louisbourg Fortress







One of some of the reenactments at the fortress.  This was the "lady of the house".



This was the cook -- she grabbed DH out of the audience and had him help her make hot chocolate.



And a few photos from our drive on Cabot Trail in the fall.











Thank you all for amazing photos.


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Good afternoon, time for a quick check-in.  Sorry to keep everyone in suspense, but we had to go out this morning for DH's hair cut  and and then have a medical appointment to go over the results of his 3 month bloodwork this afternoon.  DH tested negative; the first time he did it himself and I was sure he hadn't swabbed "deep" enough, so I did a second test.  Both negative, so now that I've tickled his brain, he's got all kinds of ideas for us!  


The best idea he had though, was to have our friends who will be cruising with us over for dinner tomorrow night so we an talk about plans.  The cruise isn't until January, but is it ever too early to start planning?  Um, no.  Now I'm going to look in the fridge and see what I will put together for a menu - it's looking like tomorrow's pizza night is off the table for this week.


Have a great afternoon and evening, everyone!



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8 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good afternoon, time for a quick check-in.  Sorry to keep everyone in suspense, but we had to go out this morning for DH's hair cut  and and then have a medical appointment to go over the results of his 3 month bloodwork this afternoon.  DH tested negative; the first time he did it himself and I was sure he hadn't swabbed "deep" enough, so I did a second test.  Both negative, so now that I've tickled his brain, he's got all kinds of ideas for us!  


The best idea he had though, was to have our friends who will be cruising with us over for dinner tomorrow night so we an talk about plans.  The cruise isn't until January, but is it ever too early to start planning?  Um, no.  Now I'm going to look in the fridge and see what I will put together for a menu - it's looking like tomorrow's pizza night is off the table for this week.


Have a great afternoon and evening, everyone!



Excellent news.


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20 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good afternoon, time for a quick check-in.  Sorry to keep everyone in suspense, but we had to go out this morning for DH's hair cut  and and then have a medical appointment to go over the results of his 3 month bloodwork this afternoon.  DH tested negative; the first time he did it himself and I was sure he hadn't swabbed "deep" enough, so I did a second test.  Both negative, so now that I've tickled his brain, he's got all kinds of ideas for us!  


The best idea he had though, was to have our friends who will be cruising with us over for dinner tomorrow night so we an talk about plans.  The cruise isn't until January, but is it ever too early to start planning?  Um, no.  Now I'm going to look in the fridge and see what I will put together for a menu - it's looking like tomorrow's pizza night is off the table for this week.


Have a great afternoon and evening, everyone!




Good news about your DH.  Did the people at the medical appointment have any ideas about the cough since he tested negative?


BTW, pizza tastes just as good on Thursday or Saturday, or any 😉 day.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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49 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Vanessa, I've talked to the hotel again today and they have no record of the reservation through ParkSleepHotels.com.  She said I could try to book it again and call them later to see if it came through or not.  Or she could book me a room with parking attached to it but the cost was exorbitant.  Another option is to book a new hotel through ParkSleepHotels.com but we don't trust them anymore.  


My solution is I had a prior booking for a Plantation. FL hotel that I hadn't cancelled yet (must have known something was going to go wrong with the sleep and park hotel), so I called them and asked if we could park our car there while we cruised and she said of course.  Just let us know when you check in/out and they will give us a document to place on the dash while we're gone.  It will cost $8 per day but better than trying to find a new place that allows parking that we've never stayed at before.



@grapau27your dining table and dinner look divine.  Enjoy your time spent with Pauline.

Thank you Sandi.

I'm pleased you have managed to arrange your hotel and parking.

Sorry to hear you had problems with the third party booking agent.


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4 hours ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Hello Again,  this is a close to commenting on Presidential Joke Dayas I dare speak.  This bumper magnet has been on my car through four administration's.


Love it. I’d have the same sticker for the same duration, too, if it said “ my dog”.


20 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Good news about your DH.  Did the people at the medical appointment have any ideas about the cough since he tested negative?



Or any suggestion to test again in another day or two?  Sometimes Covid doesn’t show up as soon in the vaccinated. And of course, there are other things ( like flu) that go around too.

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It's currently between shifts.  the potato salad is done, and it is the best tater salad i have ever made.  hunger is the best seasoning.  we had breakfast and a biscotti today, but that's been it.  tad on the peckish side right now.  DH is done with work for the day, so he needs the computer-he had a great sale!!



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Good afternoon everyone!  Craig & I went out to lunch after my hair appointment at Craig’s favorite brunch place and then I went to pick up my 4th round of reordered glasses, which took forever because they still weren’t correct.  They were able to fix most of the issues, but I’ll have to wear them a while to know for sure. It sucks having such a strong prescription and thick lenses. 



4 hours ago, richwmn said:

For those Dailyites on NSDM for the repositioning cruise, it is not far off. A while back I set up a dinner for several of us. If you are planning to use your credit for it, the charge will not show up until we dine. If anyone else has joined the cruise and wants to join us for dinner please let me know.


Hi Rich!  Has your email changed?  I emailed you last week about the contact onboard, it came back undeliverable, and I wondered if you had another one. This is for the Dailyite get together on the first evening. We are using our HIA specialty dining for the Pinnacle Grill dinner but we have changed cabins if that matters. I emailed you the new cabin number. Also, are you aware that @AncientWanderer Maxine & her DH have canceled?  

Sandi @StLouisCruisers — I’ve tried to figure out an easy way to search for the port of the day when you post the date it was on previously without success. How do you do it so quickly?


 Have a great day everyone!

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39 minutes ago, TiogaCruiser said:

 Sometimes Covid doesn’t show up as soon in the vaccinated. And of course, there are other things ( like flu) that go around too.

Last night I saw something in the news (and can't find it now of course) saying that this new variant doesn't show up in the home tests when it should.  They recommended that if you are getting negative tests on home tests but have symptoms and/or have been exposed, to get a PCR test to be sure.  Not something I wanted to hear, but thought I'd pass it along.

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15 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Hi Rich!  Has your email changed?  I emailed you last week about the contact onboard, it came back undeliverable, and I wondered if you had another one. This is for the Dailyite get together on the first evening. We are using our HIA specialty dining for the Pinnacle Grill dinner but we have changed cabins if that matters.

my email has not changed it is my name here at gmail dot com. please try again and let me know if you have a problem again. It should not matter that you changed cabins.

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31 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good afternoon everyone!  Craig & I went out to lunch after my hair appointment at Craig’s favorite brunch place and then I went to pick up my 4th round of reordered glasses, which took forever because they still weren’t correct.  They were able to fix most of the issues, but I’ll have to wear them a while to know for sure. It sucks having such a strong prescription and thick lenses. 



Hi Rich!  Has your email changed?  I emailed you last week about the contact onboard, it came back undeliverable, and I wondered if you had another one. This is for the Dailyite get together on the first evening. We are using our HIA specialty dining for the Pinnacle Grill dinner but we have changed cabins if that matters. I emailed you the new cabin number. Also, are you aware that @AncientWanderer Maxine & her DH have canceled?  

Sandi @StLouisCruisers — I’ve tried to figure out an easy way to search for the port of the day when you post the date it was on previously without success. How do you do it so quickly?


 Have a great day everyone!



Sharon, I wouldn't be able to look up the port of the day fast if DH hadn't suggested I keep track of them with a spreadsheet.  It was about the second week after Rich started posting them.  He and I set it up (very easy because little information is needed).  I have the date, the port name, then I have a column for the year or years I was there on a cruise, and a final column listing the ships we took there.  To search I click HOME at the top left of the spreadsheet, then Find and Select at the top right.  Simple to search.  DH taught me how to search too otherwise I would have to look through about 530 lines to find when we last had that port each morning.  🤪  We started this on Monday, March 1, 2021.

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This afternoon I got a call from one of the young ladies at the hotel in Fort Lauderdale that we had booked, but they had no record of it.  I have actually talked to 3 different young ladies there since last night.  She suggested we get ParkSleepHotels.com on the phone and do a three way call to try to work this out.  When I called ParkSleepHotels.com customer service, she must not have wanted to go through all that trouble.  She did a search for the hotel we wanted in Fort Lauderdale and agreed to book it for me at the same price while on the phone.  She said call the hotel back and make sure they are looking for an email from us with a new booking in your name.  Which I did.  The young lady is on the lookout and said to call in a little while to see what the status is.  I told her I would call after dinner. 


Meanwhile I will keep the hotel reservation I have booked for that date in Plantation until I am sure nothing is going wrong with this other hotel.  That could be February though!!  😁


Today we had a nice lunch at a favorite sandwich shop with DS and DDIL.  And tonight we are eating at home and DS is grilling burgers and brats.  He's been on the phone with zoom calls on and off today.  That's how they hold meetings anymore.  Used to be in the office, but now it's wherever they have good Wi-Fi.  DDIL has been sorting through stacks of papers and shredding things.  I'm on vacation and doing nothing except talking to customer service reps on my cell phone!  I'll keep everyone updated on the hotel saga.

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4 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good news about your DH.  Did the people at the medical appointment have any ideas about the cough since he tested negative?


BTW, pizza tastes just as good on Thursday or Saturday, or any 😉 day.



3 hours ago, TiogaCruiser said:

Or any suggestion to test again in another day or two?  Sometimes Covid doesn’t show up as soon in the vaccinated. And of course, there are other things ( like flu) that go around too.

Back from the doctor's office - he figures the cough is caused from the brand of cholesterol medication he's on.  I recall when DH first started on it, he was coughing a lot and often had trouble singing because of it.  


Spoke with DH's son who says his case feels like a bad head cold with a runny nose.  Hopefully that's as far as it goes.


Thanks everyone for caring, it is appreciated!  Have a great night!

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I have been trying to post since 5 pm.  I tried to read all the posts but more and more kept getting added.  Then I had to cook dinner.  So now it is almost 8:20 pm and I am finally getting around to posting.

i don’t know what is going on with me, but I start in the morning but can’t seem to post until the evening.  

@richwmnRich, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily.  

I like the days.  

I will not comment on the Presidential Joke of the day although I can name at least one President that I believe is a joke. He shall remain un named!

As for Son and Daughters day.  Sadly I have neither.  However, I am a daughter and am always very grateful for all my mom did for me.  

Play in the Sand day Or Plan in the Sand day.  Well, we are going to Barbados for two weeks in October.  We will be celebrating our 41 anniversary.  We were supposed to go last year for our 49th but had to cancel when DBIL became and and eventually passed away.  We PLAN TO PLAY IN THE SAND while there.  That makes use of Rich’s typo.

I like the quote and I like the meal.  While we did not have that tonight, we plan to go out tomorrow and have that at our local Pizza place

The wine looks good and DH would love the drink.


Roy, thank you for the lists.

@smitty34877prayers for Tana as she again tests positive for Covid.  She needs to catch a break. Good for you for getting some help.

@dfish Enjoy your time with your family.


My good news is that tomorrow I take my last PREDNISONE PILL.  This makes me overjoyed.  i cannot tell you all how much.  This means that I can now get my fourth Covid injection.  I had to wait until I finished this regimen.  


i finally got a good night’s sleep last night.  I have been so tired and had some digestive problems that have been keeping me awake.  Last night nothing kept me awake.  Went to bed at 11 and slept until 9 am.  A good 10 hours.  I feel like a different person today. Managed to get some stuff done around the house today.

I have not been to the destination and appreciate the photos.

@StLouisCruisers if you are still having problems with hotel and free parking, think about the Fairfield Inn/Homewood Suites in Dania/FLL Airport.  Free pickup at airport and shuttle to cruise.  Free parking for 21 days.  I have done this many times and have been very pleased.  If cruise is longer, the price is very reasonable for the extra days.  Email me if you want more info,.


Hope everyone had a great day.

Prayers for all that need them and Cheers to those celebrating.

God Bless,


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I spoke with the young lady at hotel.  They received the info and added the reservation to their system, then emailed me the confirmation.  Price is outstanding and the hotel is very nice, we've stayed there before.  So I'm happy.  I will keep the other hotel as a back up in case of emergencies.


Thanks Terri for your suggestion.  I did see that one, but this price is even better than theirs and the hotel is within 1/2 mile of the port.  I've gotten several suggestions on places to stay, and websites to check, so have it all stored for future use.  Sometimes one place works, and then doesn't the next time so I'm glad to have options.

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