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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday January 22nd, 2023


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I was just watching a show on a local channel called The Travel Guys” and they were on the new Rotterdam in Norway.  I didn’t know there was a new bar on board called the Half Moon Bar.  I’ll have to have a look for it.  I wonder if it replaces the Ocean Bar.  

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3 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Carolyn condolences and prayers for you and your family.



1 hour ago, 4966and556 said:

@Cruising-along hugs to you and your family.



1 hour ago, grapau27 said:

Hugs to you all.



1 hour ago, RMLincoln said:

Greetings Dailyites!  I’ve been following this thread , marveling at how it reflects all of our ups and downs, joys and sorrows. 

Blessings to you all as you show the uncommon strength to be strong enough to lean on others, to be vulnerable, and to be bouyed by the joys of others through our own troughs. 

I had a second career as a rural volunteer fire department EMT for 18 years in the mountains of NM. I soon learned that not everybody who dies is old! It is not possible to be prepared for loss, most especially loss of those younger. Over half of my patients who died were younger than me at the time, and I began this work at 48. I had 2 patients die with me at 40. They both had complex medical conditions. Of course everything we knew to do was done but they weren’t coming back.  When we rarely could get a conversion from cardiac arrest to a heartbeat, it meant the family would have a little time to say their goodbyes. 

I learned in a new and visceral way that we don’t get to choose who lives and dies, we get to choose how we live our lives… with love, with courage, with hope every day no matter the odds.

And we have the privilege to walk the path alongside those we care about, near and far. 

The Dailyites do that with grace, trust and compassion. Thank you!
Carolyn, your family, Patricia and her Care Team, you are in my heart and prayers. And all on the Care List, and those celebrating - having gotten through your challenges! Waiting to hear news about Kathi! 
Blessings all, near and far, Maureen - now in Maryland, retired again…. 


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

@Cruising-alongYour nieces' life and health has been very sad, but from what you have shared about her, she lived in joy and made others feel her joy.  My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.




18 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

@Cruising-along,I  am so sorry for your niece, her family and yours.Adding my prayers.


15 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

So sorry about Patricia, Carolyn, @Cruising-along,  it sounds like she will be a great loss to her family.  Prayers for you all.  

Welcome,  Maureen,  @RMLincoln,  what a nice post.  We do try to look out for each other here, and share each other’s ups and downs.  

Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and hugs -- all very much appreciated!

Maureen @RMLincolnwelcome to the Daily and what a beautifully written first post. I hope you visit often!   


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5 hours ago, XBGuy said:

My blonde wife was a Brownie.  Is there a special salute I am supposed to give her, today?

Yes. Definitely.

With reservations at her favorite restaurant and an open bottle of her favorite Chardonnay.


(Did I remember correctly?)

Edited by TiogaCruiser
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11 hours ago, aliaschief said:

It will be online services today as we both have cold symptoms. Probably from the lady who coughed all the way from Miami to Atlanta last Tuesday!😡



Darn on the cold symptoms - hope you can beat it 🤞 any oregano oil pills or at least zinc in the house?  It can help - especially the oregano IME.  


thoughtful of you both to stay home and protect others. 👍 


7 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Sadly the news about Patricia is not good.  Here's the latest from her Dad:

"This is my next to last update on Patricia's medical condition. The brain injury Patricia sustained from lack of oxygen has proven to be insurmountable. She is on life support for now, but she will be removed from that on Monday. Wish I had better news."



Such sad news and such a young person 😔 Prayers for her, her family and yours 🙏🏻. Such a difficult and painful time.  I am so sorry 😢 



7 hours ago, kochleffel said:

NCL now requires just watching a video on the TV in your stateroom -- and the TV won't work for anything else until you do -- and going in person to the muster station so that you know where it is. The muster check-in is open all afternoon and if you don't do it they do track you down.


Know it was posting - but just confirming - HAL is the same - watch your TV and then go to your muster spot.  On non Pinnacle Class ships it’s the actual life boat spot - they scan your card and you are done.  On Pinnacle Class - somewhere inside - MDR, Showroom, whatever.


7 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning,Dailyites!  My laptop died a sudden death yesterday, and must go into the shop tomorrow.


Oh ugh, Ann.  I sure hope they can fix it 🤞 FWIW, I actually prefer my Ipad now to the laptop (especially with the elbow in cast 😉). typing is tough enough as it is on it.


7 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

 I’m finding it difficult to control my cough, I’m going to have to be careful in church or I’ll get dirty looks.  But I don’t think I could be infectious any more.


Oh dear - I was hoping you would be recovered by now.  Hoping you are 100% very soon 🤞 John of J & J also came down with a bad cold - worse than a cold - he had to go to the hospital and is on puffers and all kinds of stuff (and no, he didn’t have covid).  Must have been a typhoid Mary/ Martin on your cruise 😔 


7 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Two people I know from my days of dog showing have lost dogs. One of these was a scottie friend, Vandra Huber, in Portland whose van with 3 scotties and a cairn was stolen yesterday. I heard this morning it was found and the dogs are safe and well. Whew!! Also from the dog show world, a Berger Picard escaped a transit van. It was out in the Nevada winter snows for 10 days before it was found hiding under a sage. Unfortunately, it died at the vets a few days later. RIP Bumble.


Oh my heavens, how awful for the owners and their dogs.  I’m glad the Scotties are well but so sorry to hear about Bumble.  What a pity.


1 hour ago, RMLincoln said:

I learned in a new and visceral way that we don’t get to choose who lives and dies, we get to choose how we live our lives… with love, with courage, with hope every day no matter the odds.

And we have the privilege to walk the path alongside those we care about, near and far. 


Wow!  These words are truly inspirational.   I’m going to see if I can do better at following your words.  


1 hour ago, RMLincoln said:

The Dailyites do that with grace, trust and compassion. Thank you!
Carolyn, your family, Patricia and her Care Team, you are in my heart and prayers. And all on the Care List, and those celebrating - having gotten through your challenges! Waiting to hear news about Kathi! 
Blessings all, near and far, Maureen - now in Maryland, retired again…. 


Your entire post was beautiful, Maureen and I am delighted to see you here on the Daily.  Welcome 🙂 I hope this isn’t the last time you are here.


Very late to the party, today.  I had a very heavy day (don’t laugh) washing myself, my hair, trying to vacuum with one arm, getting groceries in advance of the storm thanks to a kindly neighbour and then putting them away along with my hand physio to try to keep some mobility and send messages to my elbow.  Doesn’t sound like much but  It all takes a lot longer when you are a one armed bandit.  I’m beat.  LOL.


I’m definitely back in from the cold and prepped for the mess tomorrow and Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  My neighbour insisted on taking me to the bank and a couple of other spots reminding me no one might be going anywhere all week.


Love Anne Frank’s quote.  I don’t think I have ever read anything of hers that I didn’t love.  Her Diary is amazing.


So many needing prayers and they are winging their way to you.  Happy to see @Heartgroveis cruising - Bon Voyage!  And cheers to all those celebrating.

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2 minutes ago, TiogaCruiser said:

Yes. Definitely.

With reservations at her favorite restaurant and an open bottle of her favorite Chardonnay.


(Did I remember correctly?)


Well, I just missed.  We went to a terrific Italian restaurant (Vestaio) in DTLA yesterday, and she did order a couple glasses of Sonoma Cutrer Chardonnay.


I'm making supper, tonight.  Is that an acceptable sustitute?  And, yes, there are three bottles of Chardonnay in the fridge for her to pick from.



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My neighbors are back in Vietnam again, for two months, they left two weeks ago.  Tonight I keep seeing a car, come up the street, stop at the drive (we share a drive) and then go back to the top of the street.  I hope they aren't casing the place.  I have gone over and moved the front porch furniture, I should hang a plant out (if it wasn't so cold and rainy!  )   Maybe a fake fern?  But this time, their car is not pulled in all the way, and it's quite obvious it hasn't moved in a few weeks.


@kazuWhen I broke the tip of my elbow off, and had the surgery to find the tip ( i knew where it was based on the fact, that I had a lump on the other side of my arm)  I really didnt do anything but sit on the couch for two months.  I slept on the couch, I ate on the couch, I became the couch.  To me you are doing a fantastic job.!  If you have the cash to do so, hire yourself a private nurse, to help bath you.  I truly enjoyed two things for those first two months,  DH washing my hair, and scrubbing my back, as I was not allowed to get the cast wet.  When I got to wash my hair for the first time, using both arms, I was so happy!!!!



( *.* )


Edited by marshhawk
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22 minutes ago, marshhawk said:


@kazuWhen I broke the tip of my elbow off, and had the surgery to find the tip ( i knew where it was based on the fact, that I had a lump on the other side of my arm)  I really didnt do anything but sit on the couch for two months.  I slept on the couch, I ate on the couch, I became the couch. 


Oh believe me I am spending a lot of the time on the couch.  A LOT.  


22 minutes ago, marshhawk said:


To me you are doing a fantastic job.!  If you have the cash to do so, hire yourself a private nurse, to help bath you. 



Cash?  Did you forget about my surgery?  I’m out thousands of dollars . (Not quite mid 5 figure but it’s a choke amount of money. ) My neighbour offered - she’s a retired RN - but I’m kind of embarrassed about it - silly, I know.  I can wash my hair with one hand in the kitchen sink - great sprayer 😉 .  

And I am paying for a lot of stuff I wouldn’t normally - shovelling, delivery, groceries that are fake n bake or sliced, etc.. More than I would normally but it’s manageable so far on my budget 🤞  Ok, enough of my griping.


22 minutes ago, marshhawk said:


I truly enjoyed two things for those first two months,  DH washing my hair, and scrubbing my back, as I was not allowed to get the cast wet.  When I got to wash my hair for the first time, using both arms, I was so happy!!!!



( *.* )



Yes, I really feel Jose’s absence right now and miss him as he would have helped me with all of that.  And he would have been a huge help on board and probably not agree to have me disembarked until he saw the X-rays and, if he agreed, a huger help in Puerto Vallarta.

Sadly, those days are over so I am trying to do the best I can.

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Good evening.  This afternoon turned into a busy one.  The quick trip to the store turned into a shopping spree.  I decided to get everything I could from the  grocery list and the W-M list.  Some of the rest I ordered from Amazon.  Now, I don't have to worry about getting to W-M for awhile. 


When I got home, i needed to get the pizza crust made and rising, and the toppings prepped.  Silly me, I figured the store wouldn't be crowded with everyone watching the football games.   It seems a lot of people had thensame idea.  BTW, the pizza was a success.



3 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Greetings Dailyites!  I’ve been following this thread , marveling at how it reflects all of our ups and downs, joys and sorrows. 

Blessings to you all as you show the uncommon strength to be strong enough to lean on others, to be vulnerable, and to be bouyed by the joys of others through our own troughs. 

I had a second career as a rural volunteer fire department EMT for 18 years in the mountains of NM. I soon learned that not everybody who dies is old! It is not possible to be prepared for loss, most especially loss of those younger. Over half of my patients who died were younger than me at the time, and I began this work at 48. I had 2 patients die with me at 40. They both had complex medical conditions. Of course everything we knew to do was done but they weren’t coming back.  When we rarely could get a conversion from cardiac arrest to a heartbeat, it meant the family would have a little time to say their goodbyes. 

I learned in a new and visceral way that we don’t get to choose who lives and dies, we get to choose how we live our lives… with love, with courage, with hope every day no matter the odds.

And we have the privilege to walk the path alongside those we care about, near and far. 

The Dailyites do that with grace, trust and compassion. Thank you!
Carolyn, your family, Patricia and her Care Team, you are in my heart and prayers. And all on the Care List, and those celebrating - having gotten through your challenges! Waiting to hear news about Kathi! 
Blessings all, near and far, Maureen - now in Maryland, retired again…. 



Maureen, welcome to the Daily.  What a beautiful and thoughtful first post.  We hope you will join this friendly and supportive group often.



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1 hour ago, kazu said:



Oh ugh, Ann.  I sure hope they can fix it 🤞 FWIW, I actually prefer my Ipad now to the laptop (especially with the elbow in cast 😉). typing is tough enough as it is on it.



Oh dear - I was hoping you would be recovered by now.  Hoping you are 100% very soon 🤞 John of J & J also came down with a bad cold - worse than a cold - he had to go to the hospital and is on puffers and all kinds of stuff (and no, he didn’t have covid).  Must have been a typhoid Mary/ Martin on your cruise 😔 



Thanks, Jacqui, I’m used to using my laptop in the morning, when I can type with the regular keyboard, and the in the p. m,, if I need to type, it’s probably shorter.  I’m hoping it is just going to take someone who knows how to force it to wake up!


John and I sat beside each other that last dinner in CO- we both were feeling miserable and we kept our distance from the others.  It was fun, though.  I think we both must have got the bug from a couple we all had lunch with in Mazatlan from the Princess ship(mutual friends) .  They had it, too.  Bad bug!

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6 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Greetings Dailyites!  I’ve been following this thread , marveling at how it reflects all of our ups and downs, joys and sorrows. 

Blessings to you all as you show the uncommon strength to be strong enough to lean on others, to be vulnerable, and to be bouyed by the joys of others through our own troughs. 

I had a second career as a rural volunteer fire department EMT for 18 years in the mountains of NM. I soon learned that not everybody who dies is old! It is not possible to be prepared for loss, most especially loss of those younger. Over half of my patients who died were younger than me at the time, and I began this work at 48. I had 2 patients die with me at 40. They both had complex medical conditions. Of course everything we knew to do was done but they weren’t coming back.  When we rarely could get a conversion from cardiac arrest to a heartbeat, it meant the family would have a little time to say their goodbyes. 

I learned in a new and visceral way that we don’t get to choose who lives and dies, we get to choose how we live our lives… with love, with courage, with hope every day no matter the odds.

And we have the privilege to walk the path alongside those we care about, near and far. 

The Dailyites do that with grace, trust and compassion. Thank you!
Carolyn, your family, Patricia and her Care Team, you are in my heart and prayers. And all on the Care List, and those celebrating - having gotten through your challenges! Waiting to hear news about Kathi! 
Blessings all, near and far, Maureen - now in Maryland, retired again…. 


What a kind post.  I’ve enjoyed your posts on other threads over the years on CC.  Welcome to the Daily and congratulations on Retirement 2.



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9 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Greetings Dailyites!  I’ve been following this thread , marveling at how it reflects all of our ups and downs, joys and sorrows. 

Blessings to you all as you show the uncommon strength to be strong enough to lean on others, to be vulnerable, and to be bouyed by the joys of others through our own troughs. 

I had a second career as a rural volunteer fire department EMT for 18 years in the mountains of NM. I soon learned that not everybody who dies is old! It is not possible to be prepared for loss, most especially loss of those younger. Over half of my patients who died were younger than me at the time, and I began this work at 48. I had 2 patients die with me at 40. They both had complex medical conditions. Of course everything we knew to do was done but they weren’t coming back.  When we rarely could get a conversion from cardiac arrest to a heartbeat, it meant the family would have a little time to say their goodbyes. 

I learned in a new and visceral way that we don’t get to choose who lives and dies, we get to choose how we live our lives… with love, with courage, with hope every day no matter the odds.

And we have the privilege to walk the path alongside those we care about, near and far. 

The Dailyites do that with grace, trust and compassion. Thank you!
Carolyn, your family, Patricia and her Care Team, you are in my heart and prayers. And all on the Care List, and those celebrating - having gotten through your challenges! Waiting to hear news about Kathi! 
Blessings all, near and far, Maureen - now in Maryland, retired again…. 



@RMLincoln     Hello Maureen,  A big Welcome to the "Daily" thread,  am so pleased to see you posting here.   I owe you an e-mail. 

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10 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Greetings Dailyites!  I’ve been following this thread , marveling at how it reflects all of our ups and downs, joys and sorrows. 

Blessings to you all as you show the uncommon strength to be strong enough to lean on others, to be vulnerable, and to be bouyed by the joys of others through our own troughs. 

I had a second career as a rural volunteer fire department EMT for 18 years in the mountains of NM. I soon learned that not everybody who dies is old! It is not possible to be prepared for loss, most especially loss of those younger. Over half of my patients who died were younger than me at the time, and I began this work at 48. I had 2 patients die with me at 40. They both had complex medical conditions. Of course everything we knew to do was done but they weren’t coming back.  When we rarely could get a conversion from cardiac arrest to a heartbeat, it meant the family would have a little time to say their goodbyes. 

I learned in a new and visceral way that we don’t get to choose who lives and dies, we get to choose how we live our lives… with love, with courage, with hope every day no matter the odds.

And we have the privilege to walk the path alongside those we care about, near and far. 

The Dailyites do that with grace, trust and compassion. Thank you!
Carolyn, your family, Patricia and her Care Team, you are in my heart and prayers. And all on the Care List, and those celebrating - having gotten through your challenges! Waiting to hear news about Kathi! 
Blessings all, near and far, Maureen - now in Maryland, retired again…. 


What a stunning first post.

We rely on volunteers for some emergency services in the UK and I applaud you for your service in saving lives.


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11 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

That’s not a lot of space, is it?


11 hours ago, AncientWanderer said:


it will  be nice to have a place to order a drink while sitting along that wall, waiting for CO seating.  DH always went down to Ocean Bar and that took a long time.


Small, but they do have an interesting cocktail menu https://rogerjett-photography.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Half-Moon-Bar.pdf (Thanks Roger!)

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