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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday February 19th, 2023

cat shepard

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Good morning everyone and Happy Sunday. After a sunny and warm day yesterday it’s dreary and cloudy today. It’ll be about 10 degrees cooler too. Rain is in the forecast for next week. Crazy February weather. 

Graham @grapau27, Condolences to Sarah and her friend’s family. 

Sandi @StLouisCruisers, welcome home!


DGD Summer came over a day early yesterday and is still sleeping. Her dad took away her phone so it’s been nice having her here without being on it constantly. Blue loves her and will lay with her in any position which can be hilarious. Well, good morning sunshine, she just walked in the door and is getting comfy with Blue. So cute. 

Have a great day everyone!


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Thank you everyone for all your kind condolences and good messages for Sarah after the death of her Best friends husband last night.

He was a guy who lived life to the full especially the last 12 years after only being given 6 months to live 12 years ago with a brain tumour.

God bless you all.



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5 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning! Currently 47 degrees and today’s high will be an expected 67 degrees I have had the honor of serving with many women veterans and married to one of the best.

So it’s one more day of auto racing. We will enjoy some chicken wings, jalapeño poppers, guacamole and Chinese egg rolls to munch on.

Time to prepare for church. Have a great day. 



How many tree rings does that bbq guy have?

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I have no idea what has possessed me.  I dug out the rollers and blue tape and gloves and brushes and tarps.  I wanted to paint the door to the closet and the trim in the bathroom.  However, the bathroom will probably become a full job.

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Good afternoon from a dreary, but warm central Texas.  It is 72F, and I plan to take a long walk around the neighborhood in a few minutes.  It has been a busy day with laundry and other chores.  I also worked on pictures while the laundry was getting done.  


6 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!

@grapau27 My condolences to Sarah on the loss of her friend.  I know she will find comfort with you and Pauline.


Not much on the agenda today.  Last night's Farkle party and dinner was great.  Every time we get together it reminds me that my decision to move back to Michigan was a good one.  I am happy here.


Today's meal sounds very refreshing.  Last week DB Bill and DSIL Lauren brought me some oranges from their granddaughter's band fund raiser.  Oh, my they were good!   So, the mandarin oranges in the salad sound really good.  I'm thinking of making this salad when friends come up from Toledo for lunch one day.  The orange dressing sounds really good to me.    https://www.aheadofthyme.com/radicchio-and-mandarin-orange-salad-with-walnuts-and-currants/




This one uses spinach as a base and has a slightly different orange vinaigrette dressing.  https://www.cuisineathome.com/recipes/side-dishes/spinach-salad-with-radicchio-and-mandarins/




This next one has endive and radicchio to add some bitterness, but the oranges and the maple syrup in the dressing balance that out.  https://www.thefullhelping.com/radicchio-salad-with-endives-orange-and-walnuts/




This next one includes cranberries in the salad and tops it with a walnut vinaigrette.  https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/cranberry-mandarin-salad-with-walnut-vinaigrette/




This salad uses kale as the base and has a tangy orange vinaigrette to top it.  It also uses candied pecans instead of the walnuts.  It looks beautiful.  https://www.farmfreshtoyou.com/recipes/684/mandarin-orange-and-kale-salad-with-candied-pecans




That gives a lot to choose from and I hope one of these sounds good to you!   


Healing thoughts to those who need them and cheers to those who are celebrating.  Wishing you all the best day ever.  


Debbie, I'm so very happy your are glad you make the decision to move, and that your are happy in your new home.


6 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning to all. It is a nice day here. it is going up to the mid forties later with occasional sun.I think the “Vet girls day” could have had a better name but salute the thought. The recipe sounds nice but the group here would want more food to appear with it.

@grapau27, Graham, my condolences to Pauline  on the loss of her friend. Prayers for the family as well.

@rafinmd, Roy, I am glad you are starting to sleep better. The recovery from pneumonia is not a rapid one for most people. I hope each day finds you feeling a little better.

Our Tana continues to have her ups and downs but tries each day to do “one more thing” for herself. Yesterday she took a few steps with the oxygen and walker in the hallway and we both shed happy tears. She then slept for several hours.

I was always impressed by the way Jimmy Carter lives. My prayers are with him and his family in his last days.It is good that he can be cared for at home and not the hospital.

Take care out there .


Terry, I admire Tana for trying to do one more thing even with all the ups and downs of her illness.  I'd say she is a fighter.


6 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I like the combination of chocolate and mint, well, chocolate and anything, really.  The battle of Iwo Jima was horrific with loss of life on both sides.  I wonder if any females were involved in the naming of today's honouring the women veterans?  Interesting.  


We've got grey skies, but moderate temperatures today, only -19C and no wind, so it should be nice when I go out to blow off the skiff of snow that came down overnight.  It won't take long, so that will give me more time to research a new desktop computer.  Ours is on it's last legs - this morning it literally took 15 minutes to come on once I pressed the switch.  Then, I'd begun my post and it froze.  I checked, and I can't update to Windows 11, so that's another sign that it's time to pass this one on to someone who can take it, refurbish it, and give it to a school in need.


On another note - yesterday while watching sail-away, I had a package of corn nuts (which I haven't had in I don't remember how long), and was munching on them while enjoying seeing the ships.  Suddenly I realized there must have been a stone or something in the mix, so I quickly spat it out into a tissue.  Unfortunately, it was part of one of my molars.  The good thing is that I don't have any sensitivity, but it still means that I'm likely looking at being turned regal once more with another crown.  LOL  I'll be on the phone first thing tomorrow morning when the dental office opens to get an appointment to have it repaired.  


@grapau27I'm sorry to hear about Sarah's friend passing away; please pass along my condolences to her and her friend's family.

@kazuI do hope once the insurance company receives all the documentation, that they process your claim quickly - you don't need any more hassles in your life!  Quick thinking to get your driveway guy to bring up your begonias . . . well done!

@ottahand7I hope your house is safe, and that your missing clothes are soon located!

Special thoughts going out to President Carter with prayers for an easy and peaceful transition.  He did so much for so many for so long.


I know I'd like today's menu suggestion, but in light of the fact that I'm sticking with soft foods, I'll tuck the recipes away for another day.  DH said he'd like something light for dinner, so I've got another salmon fillet  and oven fries that I'll cook up for him and I'll have the remainder of the borscht from yesterday at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for all who are in need, especially those with natural and man-made disasters.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂





Gerry, I'm sorry about your tooth.  I had a tooth break on New Year's Day a few years ago, but since it didn't hurt, I waited until I got back to Texas in April to get it fixed and to get a crown to hold the rest of the too together.  If if had been painful, I would have headed to Mexico to get it fixed.  I just like my dentist a lot.


6 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  Sorry I haven't been around since Friday but as Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserexplained we had that long drive yesterday and I've been keeping busy doing laundry, etc. this morning.  Thanks Graham @grapau27for your concern over me.  ❤️  I'm so sorry to hear one of Sarah's good friend passed away.  My condolences to her, and her friend's family.  Never easy for anyone to comprehend especially if the friend was young like Sarah is.


Yesterday we were up very early and headed to the buffet (actual name is too long to type) for a quick breakfast.  We had told our stewardess Maricris we would be out bright and early so she could begin with our cabin.  So at about 6:35 we left the cabin with our luggage and headed to deck 5 to await disembarkation.  But when we got down there the first few passengers were leaving so we headed out the door.  Once cleared at immigration (facial recognition only) we hailed a cab and took the short drive to the Hyatt Place FLL Cruiseport.  Loaded our luggage into our car and on our way around 7 am.  There were some bad accidents on 95 which delayed us some but we still made it home by 6 pm. I hope everyone involved was okay.  One accident had two cars involved with one wrapped against a light pole.  Yikes!


Thank you for all the help with posting the Daily for Rich and Roy, Ann.  Also huge thanks to Vanessa for taking on the C & C lists for us all.  I'll get back to work on the Daily and map posting tomorrow, and Vanessa has agreed to continue on with Care and Celebrations.  We will take care of that when Vanessa goes sailing in April.  It's nice we have so many great people here!


Prayers for all on the prayer list.  It's way too big and there are too many disasters going on worldwide as well.  🙏  Cheers to our friends celebrating and going on cruises.  A late bon voyage to @Seasick Sailorand @57redbird.  


There are no photos from Zanzibar from us, but hopefully someone here has some.  Hoping all have a great day!




Welcome home Sandi.  I'm glad you had a safe trip and were not involved in any of the wrecks.


5 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I checked my Daily port spreadsheet and found yesterday's port listed as Ishigaki Island, Japan on August 31, 2021.  Yesterday it was listed as Ishigakijima Island, Sakishima-Yaeyama, Japan so a lot more detail nowadays.  I scrolled through the Aug. 31 post and found a person who posted photos and that was @CJcruzer.  I really can't remember if they are occasional or one time posters but I figure they wouldn't mind us reposting what they had shared back then so here are those photos.  


In 2017, we were on the Volendam visiting Ishigaki.  A group of us arranged a private tour to Taketomi Island.









In addition @Sir PMPposted these photos/map.


Ishigaki island near Okinawa:









Sandi, thanks for catching that yesterday's port had been the port of the day before.  I tried every combination except just Ishigaki.  When I used Ishigaki Island, there were more than 3000 posts shown, and most of them were posts with the word island only.  That early in the morning, I didn't want to wade through that many posts.  It looks like I should have dug deeper.


3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

I slept 10 hours last night -- guess I was even more tired than I thought.  Roy @rafinmdI'm glad to hear that you slept better too.


Graham @grapau27I'm so sorry to hear that Sarah's good friend passed away.  My sincere condolences to her and to his family.


Sandi @StLouisCruisersWelcome home!

Nancy @ottahand7I hope your house is ok.


I will pass on the drink, the meal sounds very good as a side dish.  When we have Riesling it's usually this one.  


I'm thankful I don't have any appointments this week, we're expected to get snow on Wednesday and Thursday.  After this week it will be appointment after appointment though.  I'm hoping to get some advice from the Nephrologist about what foods are good/bad for kidneys -- what I'm reading online is depressing. It seems that everything I like is bad for kidneys, like oranges, bananas, raisins...  




Carolyn, I hope that the nephrologist can help you, and that you don't have to cut out all the things your like.  Maybe just eat them less often.


3 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning everyone, 


It's cloudy and grey out there but rain is in the forecast for later. We also have snow in the long-range forecast and I'm hoping Mother Nature is wrong!


DH continues to make slow improvement. The last few days he's been brighter and doing more so hopefully he'll get home sooner than later. We have his Care Conference on Wednesday at 2:00 PM so should know more then. We're running short on Medicare days so hopefully he can be home before we have to start paying especially at $475.00/day. 

His roommate who coded on Valentine's Day and then came back didn't make it. The obituary is in today's paper and says he died on Feb. 14th. One of the nurses let me know yesterday he hadn't survived. I'll get a card off to his daughter in the next day or two. 


Life isn't very exciting here which is fine. Time with DH daily is at the top of the list. I go in before his lunch and come home at dinner. They now have his hallway patients eating in the dining room if they want to and I encourage him to do that for the socialization. He had salmon last night along with green beans, rice pilaf and spiced peaches for dessert. It looked delicious and he was digging in when I left. 


Have a good Sunday everyone! 




PS: Chocolate Mint Duo KitKats - yum!


Karen, I'm sorry your DH's roommate did not make it.  Our condolences to his daughter and family.  It sounds like your DH is making good progress, and going to the dining room should help his morale too.  I hope he is able to come home soon.


3 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. Sunny here and supposed to get up into the mid-40's today. I will take it. It was warm enough this morning that I did not put little Monty's coat on him. He did not seem to mind.


Little of interest here. I did wake up at 3:13 this morning but managed to go back to sleep fairly quickly although it was not a sound sleep. By the way, I filed my taxes, both Fed and State, as soon as they settled the question of whether our Colorado rebate was taxable or not (it it not....Yay!!) and I got my refund from the Feds in 4 days!!!! State is still to come but it is always slow.


I am starting a major clean room by room today which will entail furniture moving and lots of floor mopping and rug washing and hopefully even more discarding. Will be a busy next week for sure -and probably a bit longer.






Susan, good luck with the major clean, and take it slow and easy.  


3 hours ago, Rowsby said:

Not sure if anyone on the Daily has seen this CC post....our Veendam (now Victoria Majestic)...is leaving FLL on 1 May 2023....for a 27 month World Cruise that includes 540 port days.....😲


I sent this to one of my son's who loves to cruise....he said "I'm all in"....I said "you better renew your passport".....😂






Sue, I saw the article about the former Veendam and Maasdam, and  I looked at the cruise line's website,  Besides renewing his passport, your DS will need a lot of money.  Those cruises aren't cheep.


1 hour ago, dfish said:

I have no idea what has possessed me.  I dug out the rollers and blue tape and gloves and brushes and tarps.  I wanted to paint the door to the closet and the trim in the bathroom.  However, the bathroom will probably become a full job.


Debbie, I found that once I start painting, I find more that needs painting.  After 2023 years in this house, there is a lot that needs painting, but with very high ceilings, I'm not going to tackle it.  BTW, do we need to send you to Messy Painters Anonymous?  😁 😉



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6 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I checked my Daily port spreadsheet and found yesterday's port listed as Ishigaki Island, Japan on August 31, 2021.  Yesterday it was listed as Ishigakijima Island, Sakishima-Yaeyama, Japan so a lot more detail nowadays.  I scrolled through the Aug. 31 post and found a person who posted photos and that was @CJcruzer.  I really can't remember if they are occasional or one time posters but I figure they wouldn't mind us reposting what they had shared back then so here are those photos.  


In 2017, we were on the Volendam visiting Ishigaki.  A group of us arranged a private tour to Taketomi Island.









In addition @Sir PMPposted these photos/map.


Ishigaki island near Okinawa:








If @CJcruzeris the Carol that we had the pleasure of cruising with we were told that she had passed away. Always hesitant to say that as we were told that by fellow cruisers that we have sailed with. RIP Carol. 🙏

Edited by aliaschief
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34 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Debbie, I found that once I start painting, I find more that needs painting.  After 2023 years in this house, there is a lot that needs painting, but with very high ceilings, I'm not going to tackle it.  BTW, do we need to send you to Messy Painters Anonymous?  😁 😉


Probably, yes.  I want to paint the guest room as well.  There is one wall in the family room that needs painting because Previous Owners left holes from something they had attached there.  There is no paint that matches this in the 100 paint cans they left behind.  I think I'm just going to hang a picture over it.  I did that to the hole in the dining room.  I spackled them first, but they can wait to be painted now until we decide we want to change the decor.  

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Good day all. Sunny here, above freezing but windy. We visited with my father this morning and I picked up a couple of things he needed since he no longer has a car. He made the decision himself not to replace his car that was written off after his recent accident but I think he is a little sad. He has had a car and been driving here in Canada since 1953 or thereabouts. I can understand his sadness but am thrilled that neither my sister or me had to take his keys away. We will have to work out a Rota to make sure he gets groceries. Alternatively he lives in a subdivision not far from a retail area so cab fares would be minimal. Many things could work but he is not very adaptive! Wish me luck! 

prayers for those that need them. Currently toasting those celebrating.


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@superoma That was wise of your DF. As my DM started to get dementia, I had to take away her car keys; although she had misplaced her license and wouldn't drive once she couldn't find it, but I couldn't count on that. You mentioned yesterday making German potato salad. I've tried to make it for my BFF (who is a first generation German American), but wasn't pleased with what I made. Would you share your recipe? Thanks.

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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

If @CJcruzeris the Carol that we had the pleasure of cruising with we were told that she had passed away. Always hesitant to say that as we were told that by fellow cruisers that we have sailed with. RIP Carol. 🙏

Many may remember that Carol was the original OP of Hal Dry Docks, Charters and Private Group Cruisers here on Cruise Critic.

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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

If @CJcruzeris the Carol that we had the pleasure of cruising with we were told that she had passed away. Always hesitant to say that as we were told that by fellow cruisers that we have sailed with. RIP Carol. 🙏


That's a shame hearing that news.  I doubt she would mind us admiring her photos several years later so I'm glad I posted them.  It looked like quite an interesting port to visit.  

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2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

If @CJcruzeris the Carol that we had the pleasure of cruising with we were told that she had passed away. Always hesitant to say that as we were told that by fellow cruisers that we have sailed with. RIP Carol. 🙏


1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Many may remember that Carol was the original OP of Hal Dry Docks, Charters and Private Group Cruisers here on Cruise Critic.


Yes Bruce, I am sorry to confirm it is true and we lost her a while ago.  I got an email very quickly as she and I had talked a lot and shared port planning.  Finally she was going to be on a cruise with me and cancelled at the 95th hour with no explanation.  I knew something was wrong but my emails were unanswered.  She was in the hospital and passed away shortly afterwards.

A wonderful lady and a loss to so many 😢 

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2 minutes ago, kazu said:



Yes Bruce, I am sorry to confirm it is true and we lost her a while ago.  I got an email very quickly as she and I had talked a lot and shared port planning.  Finally she was going to be on a cruise with me and cancelled at the 95th hour with no explanation.  I knew something was wrong but my emails were unanswered.  She was in the hospital and passed away shortly afterwards.

A wonderful lady and a loss to so many 😢 

Carol planned and booked some fantastic excursions!❤️

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5 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Carol planned and booked some fantastic excursions!❤️


I was told she didn’t want anything posted on the boards at the time so, although I thought she deserved it, I respected her wishes and didn’t start a thread.  She contributed a lot here on the HAL board and on her roll calls.  She will be missed 😢 

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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

@superoma That was wise of your DF. As my DM started to get dementia, I had to take away her car keys; although she had misplaced her license and wouldn't drive once she couldn't find it, but I couldn't count on that. You mentioned yesterday making German potato salad. I've tried to make it for my BFF (who is a first generation German American), but wasn't pleased with what I made. Would you share your recipe? Thanks.

German potato salad 2

Original recipe yields 8 servings

Ingredient Checklist

  • 2 pounds potatoes, unpeeled (yellow flesh)
  • ½ small onion, diced
  • ½ teaspoon prepared yellow mustard
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste
  • 1 cup vegetable stock
  • 3 tablespoons vinegar, or more to taste
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil



  • Step 1 Place potatoes into a large pot and cover with salted water; bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer until tender, about 20 minutes. Drain; allow potatoes to cool slightly. Peel and slice potatoes. Mix potatoes and onions in a bowl; stir in mustard, salt, and black pepper.

  • Step 2 Bring vegetable stock to a boil in a small saucepan, pour over potato mixture and stir to combine. Stir in vinegar and let rest for 10 minutes. Stir in vegetable oil and season with salt and black pepper if desired.


If I make it ahead I keep it warm in my crock pot on the warm setting. It has become our favourite. 

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35 minutes ago, kazu said:


I was told she didn’t want anything posted on the boards at the time so, although I thought she deserved it, I respected her wishes and didn’t start a thread.  She contributed a lot here on the HAL board and on her roll calls.  She will be missed 😢 

I was told the same thing and remained quiet until today. Frequent posters here on CC should leave instructions to let us all know of their passings! We have become family!❤️


Edited by aliaschief
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Good evening,

This is the first chance I have had to sit down today. My DGS has been with me since last night. He is sweet but busy. I bought some Girl Scout Thin Mints today so I have chocolate mint covered. 

Graham I am sorry for Sarah’s and  her friends loss. I too had a spouse who had cancer for 10 years and lived life to the fullest and never complained. I realize how lucky I was to experience how cancer does not have to define you. I only hope I can be so strong. 

I hope everyone has a good nights sleep. It sounds like we all need it. 

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Good afternoon on this sunny Monday, temperature 24 C.

Thanks for all the Daily reports and the important Holland America Line Fleet locations.

Today Noordam is berthed at Shakespeare Bay logging wharf,  passengers will be transported to Picton by shuttle bus.

Made a batch of Chocolate Mint truffles for DH to take to a function, a few left over, that will be our dessert this evening.

@ger_77 sorry about your tooth, hope you can get a prompt dental appointment.

@grapau27 condolences to Sarah on the death of her good friend.

@Cruising-along  am sure your Nephrologist will give you guidance with your diet. 


3215 people still not accounted for in the  Hawkes Bay and  Gisborne  regions after Cyclone Gabrielle.




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Late checking in!  @grapau27 sorry to hear of the loss of Sara’s friend’s husband!  I lost my DB to a brain tumour, he lived nearly a year with it.   

@aliaschief and @kazu sad news about Carol.  I always respected her posts!


@ger_77 yikes, hope it can be easily fixed!  Such an awful,feeling.  

The Royal princess sailing into the sunset


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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

I was told the same thing and remained quiet until today. Frequent posters here on CC should leave instructions to let us all know of their passings! We have become family!❤️



Like you - it’s the first time I have spoken about it on the boards.


Not everyone wants to be posted about and not everyone has friends or family on CC.  In this case, her wishes were clear and like you, I respected them even though I felt she truly deserved an announcement - just as I am sure you did.   I think enough time has passed that we did not desecrate her wishes and it’s just here on the Daily 🤞 



2 minutes ago, erewhon said:

3215 people still not accounted for in the  Hawkes Bay and  Gisborne  regions after Cyclone Gabrielle.


Oh my heavens - how awful.  My prayers are with them all in hopes of their  safety and safe recovery 🙏🏻 

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32 minutes ago, kazu said:


Like you - it’s the first time I have spoken about it on the boards.


Not everyone wants to be posted about and not everyone has friends or family on CC.  In this case, her wishes were clear and like you, I respected them even though I felt she truly deserved an announcement - just as I am sure you did.   I think enough time has passed that we did not desecrate her wishes and it’s just here on the Daily 🤞 




Oh my heavens - how awful.  My prayers are with them all in hopes of their  safety and safe recovery 🙏🏻 


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