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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday March 28th, 2023


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2 hours ago, sunviking90 said:

Thank you to everyone who posts daily! I have never contributed but enjoy and laugh out loud at the memes and cartoons every morning, A great way to start the day!

Every day is respect your cat day in our house. Today I respected her by getting up at 5am when she was crying for breakfast. She’s long haired and doing a lot of eating and grooming lately which means something is coming, and it won’t be a stuffed shell!

It’s a cold, but clear morning here in Vancouver but should be sunny and warm up to 15C, so it’ll be a good day.

Have a lovely day everyone!

Welcome to the Daily!  I’ve never been to Vancouver but will be there on my next cruise. If you see the Volendam on May 6th wave and I’ll try to wave back!

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52 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Yes DW organized and planned quite a few. We also did a pre visit to Machu Picchu and post Iguazu Falls. Sue is my personal Excursion Officer and does a fantastic job in planning great excursions. That was a few years back and wonder if she kept any info. She is presently on a cruise.

Thank you for your reply.  I am DH's Excursion Officer too!  I will try to contact her again after she has time to recuperate from her cruise.


Thought the quote was "weird"; never heard of Ron White so I looked him up.  Comedian, 65, politically incorrect, unapologetic and edgy, also know as Tater Salad. Not sure if that helps me understand the quote or not.🤣

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This may or may not be useful to more Dailyites than @TiogaCruiser, but it is getting to be spring planting season in the Northern Hemisphere.  We drove over to the Cal Poly Farm Store where Mrs. XBGuy stocked up on tomato plants.




Tomatozania was actually March 18, but there were still plenty of choices for Mrs. XBGuy.  She picked out 11 plants.  Also, for a little crop variety she picked up a Blackberry bush, Cilantro, Cucumber and Spinach.  


She planted a few of them, yesterday, and wants to get the rest of them planted before the next rain hits tonight.


Upcoming "new releases" at the Farm Store include:


  • Fruit Trees -- Apr. 1
  • Sweet and Hot Peppers -- Apr. 15
  • Super Hot Peppers -- Jun. 10





To those who live in Georgia or North Carolina (or maybe some other Southern U.S. state), have you ever tried a local wine made from the Muscadine grape?  You may be surprised to hear that I have never seen Muscadine wine for sale here in California.  (OK, maybe it is not that surprising.)  However, I did find Muscadine Jelly in the store.




No, I didn't buy any jelly.

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@JazzyV, Vanessa, thank you for our lists and Tana’s mention. I am sorry your hand is bothering you lately. My RA hands have been complaining for several weeks now and I tried a short dose of prednisone which helped. I no longer take the biological due to a side effect problem but hopefully it will help your pain.

My cousin came up from the City after his night shift on the NYPD and took DH to his appointment. I think he felt able to handle that and not the equipment here. It was so kind of him to do this as he had not slept yet but he insisted it was fine. DH is  very hard of hearing and misses a lot of what the docs are saying so we need a second pair of ears.I hope no one thinks he is in police custody.

Thanks everyone for listening to my anxious thoughts today.


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Good morning and Happy Tuesday from sunny Tucson. It’s supposed to be 80F today. But only for a few days. I hope it’s nice for @cruising sister when she comes. 

I like kabobs on a stick and small appetizers on toothpicks so will celebrate that today. The meal suggestion sounds good and I’ve made it before. 

Sandi @StLouisCruisers, very interesting about the Koningsdam and her trek to Portland. I didn’t realize that cruise ships could sail there. Thank you for the maps and pictures. 

I agree with Roy @rafinmd, Joy and Allen @Seasick Sailor should be home by now. I hope everything is okay. 

Have a great day everyone!

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53 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Welcome to the Daily!  I’ve never been to Vancouver but will be there on my next cruise. If you see the Volendam on May 6th wave and I’ll try to wave back!

Thank you! I do occasionally go down to the port to see the ships so I may just do that! Hopefully it will be nice weather and you’ll see our city at its best! Enjoy the Volendam. I haven’t been on her but we are planning to soon (while she’s still around).

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Good morning and thanks all!  We have been unable to visit Moorea numerous times,  we may try again so enjoying the photos. And I love black pearls…. 
@smitty34877 so sorry to hear about your aid but glad to hear NYC finest helped out your DH.   Nice to have family you can count on! 
@sunviking90 welcome!  Love Vancouver, our DS lived there for a number of years and I still have family there.

@Sharon in AZ Sure you’ll enjoy Vancouver! 
@Cruising-along that sounds like such a great cruise! 

Sorry to hear of more appliance curse and now we have the plumbing problems too!  After we had the plumber visit, two toilets were fixed and one drain for just under $100 each but that’s CAD.  DH still had to fix another issue on one toilet and now another drain is leaking!  So we await another visit,  just don’t understand the call out charges, the truck charge….   Perhaps it’s the curse of the nearly half century old house!   But we are in no hurry to move,  ran into the neighbours’ children trying to get their 94 year old parent consider moving.  That’ll be us in a few more decades, lol! 

We are going out to look for bluebirds, lol!  They make me hopeful. 


Edited by bennybear
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Good afternoon.  It's been a slow morning which was much appreciated after two busy days.


2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn,

If something on a stick is kabobs or fudgesicles, I'll take it. I don't appreciate weeds and don't have a cat (but many Dailyites will be respecting their cats). Not sure about the quote. I like the meal, although high carb. I'll pass on the drink but take the wine.

I haven't been to Moorea Island.


It's cool here, in the 30's with a high in the 40's; rain/snow tomorrow, but probably no accumulation. Not much on the agenda other than a MS Teams virtual meeting with my financial planner. Then BFF is coming by after a doctor's appointment to pick up his Dad's PC; I think the HD is bad and I couldn't get it up and running, after spending too much time on it. I messaged my Rheumatologist about my painful hand joint; she suggested a quick steroid pulse, but I think I'll just ride it out a bit as my next biologic shot is tomorrow.


@StLouisCruisers Thank you for our start today. Great photos from Moorea. Sorry to hear about the roof leak. I leave on 4/21 for FLL.

@lvhh Oh no! I hope this doesn't start a new round of the appliances curse.

@RMLincoln Prayers for your DH and his surgeon as he undergoes his procedure. They should put a shield over the surgical eye so he won't rub it; my Ophthalmologist was conservative and had me wear it 24/7, not just at night while sleeping.

@grapau27 Thanks for the explanations of the days.

@RedneckBob Yum, key lime pie on a stick sounds great! I haven't made it to Key West yet.

@Vict0riann Good thing you planned to arrive 2 days ahead! I'm glad you had an evening with friends. Safe travels to FLL.

@seagarsmoker Nice photo. Isn't it so tough going back to work after vacation?

@rafinmd Thanks for the alternate meal and the sunrise.

@smitty34877 I am so sorry to hear your aide left; I can understand her wanting better pay, but it leaves you in a lurch! (((Hugs))) I hope you can find someone new and good.

@cat shepard Sorry to hear about the nearby wildfires. 

@GTVCRUISER Nice photo.

@dfish Thanks for the recipes. I'm glad the plumbing issue wasnt too expensive.

@ottahand7 Safe travels to see your rheumatologist.

@kazu WTG on getting the garage door opener working. Good memes.

@ger_77 Your meal looks delicious, even though I don't eat salmon. 

@aliaschief Thanks for the laughs.

@Cruzin Terri You are inching toward the bathroom being completed. 

@sunviking90 Welcome to the Daily! Don't be a stranger.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos from Moorea.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay well everyone.


Vanessa, sorry you couldn't get your BFF's DD's computer running.  I'm also sorry your hand is bothering you.


2 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 

It's 32F at the moment with the sun out and a high of 60F predicted. I can handle that! 


Good news on the DH front. Yesterday he had his eyes open and he grasped my hand and squeezed it! His central line is out as is the Foley catheter. He's off of a lot of the medications. The bacteria has been isolated and he'll be back on an antibiotic for 10-14 days. We got words out of him!!! Mind you it was "owie, owie, owie" as they were putting in an IV but they were words. 

The doctor has changed from "doom and gloom" to a more optimistic outlook. DH may be moved out of the ICU today to a step-down unit. That will be for a couple of days and then to a regular bed. At that point he may be able to transfer back to our local hospital (which is smaller and not equipped for the bigger emergencies as he experienced) which is closer to us which would be nice. He may also be able to do the acute rehab program at the hospital. We'll just have to wait and see. 


We have some cruises booked and final payment is due on the first one - Westerdam, Alaska, July 1st. I'm considering canceling partly due to his health and I'm not thrilled with a few things such as the cabin (it's cramped as we've had it before.). Decision time in the next couple of days. 

Off to get cleaned up, have a neighbor for tea and then head to the hospital. Thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers! They are working!



Karen, I'm glad you had good news about your DH.  It's good that he is now responsive and the doctor is more optimistic and that your DH may be moved to a stepdown room and then hopefully back to your local hospital.  I hope he will be able to do the acute rehab in the hospital.  


2 hours ago, cruzn single said:

Good morning  Travel is an adventure. While boarding plane in Denver, hotel called.  Guess I am being moved to a different hotel in FLL!  Later!


That must have been a shock to learn you are being moved to a different hotel.  Do you know which hotel you'll be moved to?


57 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

@JazzyV, Vanessa, thank you for our lists and Tana’s mention. I am sorry your hand is bothering you lately. My RA hands have been complaining for several weeks now and I tried a short dose of prednisone which helped. I no longer take the biological due to a side effect problem but hopefully it will help your pain.

My cousin came up from the City after his night shift on the NYPD and took DH to his appointment. I think he felt able to handle that and not the equipment here. It was so kind of him to do this as he had not slept yet but he insisted it was fine. DH is  very hard of hearing and misses a lot of what the docs are saying so we need a second pair of ears.I hope no one thinks he is in police custody.

Thanks everyone for listening to my anxious thoughts today.



Terry, that was nice of your cousin to come take you DH to his appointment, especially after being up all night.


I have also been wondering about @Seasick Sailor  Joy and Allen and if they made it home safely and that all is well.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good afternoon.

@luvteaching I'm glad to hear that DH is doing better and has a better prognosis. Once it's suitable, having him at a closer hospital will make it much easier on you. Hard decision about the upcoming cruise, but I know you'll do what's best for you both.

@cruzn single Wow on your hotel being changed in FLL!

@StLouisCruisers Big changes coming for Ren and DDIL it seems. Interesting trek for the Koningsdam; thanks for the maps.

@dfish I got some enzymatic stuff that I put down the kitchen sink drain that's supposed to keep it clear. One thing I learned when I started making a sourdough culture for bread was to not put the discard from the culture down the sink; it supposedly turns to cement!

@smitty34877 Very kind of your cousin to take DH to his appointment, after working the night shift. I'm glad the prednisone helped you. I am on low dose prednisone daily for my eye inflammation, and considered just bumping up the dose for a day or two. I took a Medrol dose pack for my back last year, and had such horrible fluid retention that I vowed I wouldn't do that again.

@bennybear Sorry to hear you have plumbing problems too!

@Seasick Sailor Joy, we hope to hear from you. I pray all is well.

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Good morning all,

Haven’t been posting much lately but have been lurking and normally catch the first page and a half of the Daily. Currently have so much going on here. Between getting ready for tomorrow’s tea, Minimal planning for our cruise in 2 weeks and a couple of medical/ dental procedures and other things for Dad, a few projects for church, I’m a bit occupied. 

Today is baking and prep day #2. Gelato batch #1 is spinning. Pavlovas are on deck. Then tarts, scones, and baking off yesterday’s mixed margarita shortbread the is resting in the refrigerator. 

1 hour ago, XBGuy said:

This may or may not be useful to more Dailyites than @TiogaCruiser, but it is getting to be spring planting season in the Northern Hemisphere.  We drove over to the Cal Poly Farm Store where Mrs. XBGuy stocked up on tomato plants.




Tomatozania was actually March 18, but there were still plenty of choices for Mrs. XBGuy.  She picked out 11 plants.  Also, for a little crop variety she picked up a Blackberry bush, Cilantro, Cucumber and Spinach.  


She planted a few of them, yesterday, and wants to get the rest of them planted before the next rain hits tonight.


Upcoming "new releases" at the Farm Store include:


  • Fruit Trees -- Apr. 1
  • Sweet and Hot Peppers -- Apr. 15
  • Super Hot Peppers -- Jun. 10





Thanks @XBGuy! I’ve been thinking it’s getting to be that time. Maybe we’ll do a little field trip up that way this weekend. One of the CPP tomatoes we bought last year had a baby and we’ve already had a few fruit from it. Will have to reserve a bit of space for peppers. My lettuce is on the way out- somehow with all the rain and no sun they bolted a few weeks ago. We are still eating off the plants, but it won’t last long.

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@smitty34877 so glad to hear you had some help.  So very kind of him ♥️ 



@bennybear well DAM on your plumbing problems.  I hope this isn’t the latest gremlin to start to attack the Daily-ites 🤞 



@JazzyVso sorry about your hand 😞 I hope it improves for you soon 🙏🏻 



I too am getting concerned about @Seasick Sailor.  I hope nothing is wrong.

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5 hours ago, sunviking90 said:

Thank you to everyone who posts daily! I have never contributed but enjoy and laugh out loud at the memes and cartoons every morning, A great way to start the day!

Every day is respect your cat day in our house. Today I respected her by getting up at 5am when she was crying for breakfast. She’s long haired and doing a lot of eating and grooming lately which means something is coming, and it won’t be a stuffed shell!

It’s a cold, but clear morning here in Vancouver but should be sunny and warm up to 15C, so it’ll be a good day.

Have a lovely day everyone!

Welcome to our group.


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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

It seems many of us are anxious to hear from Joy @Seasick Sailor.  I thought yesterday we'd hear from her that all is well.  Now I'm worrying one or both are not feeling well.🤒


I clicked on her name and March 8th was her last cc activity.

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Quick update, will catch up later. Home from eye surgery. Signed a dozen forms, some again. Patch taped over the itchy skin. 
Soup, rest, return tomorrow for first follow up. Might be awhile before we know much. 
Poor guy in the bed next to us in pre-op was telling his nurse he got a glaucoma stent in January, it didn’t work, pressure went up 😱. We’ll just keep on the path. Thanks for all your support!  

Karen, saw your DH is showing signs doing better!  Wonderful!  


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3 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 

It's 32F at the moment with the sun out and a high of 60F predicted. I can handle that! 


Good news on the DH front. Yesterday he had his eyes open and he grasped my hand and squeezed it! His central line is out as is the Foley catheter. He's off of a lot of the medications. The bacteria has been isolated and he'll be back on an antibiotic for 10-14 days. We got words out of him!!! Mind you it was "owie, owie, owie" as they were putting in an IV but they were words. 

The doctor has changed from "doom and gloom" to a more optimistic outlook. DH may be moved out of the ICU today to a step-down unit. That will be for a couple of days and then to a regular bed. At that point he may be able to transfer back to our local hospital (which is smaller and not equipped for the bigger emergencies as he experienced) which is closer to us which would be nice. He may also be able to do the acute rehab program at the hospital. We'll just have to wait and see. 


We have some cruises booked and final payment is due on the first one - Westerdam, Alaska, July 1st. I'm considering canceling partly due to his health and I'm not thrilled with a few things such as the cabin (it's cramped as we've had it before.). Decision time in the next couple of days. 

Off to get cleaned up, have a neighbor for tea and then head to the hospital. Thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers! They are working!


Prayers for both of you that you see improvement soon,


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Hi everyone!

I would be remiss if I did not talk about the MN State Fair on 'something on a stick' day.

It is a large state fair known for its food on a stick; some of them are classics some are specialty made for the Fair. All are usually very good; nothing exotic because this is MN after all.

I had a link to an article about it but couldn't get it to attach and work as a link. They listed 58 different foods on a stick....😉  Google it if you are really curious...lol!

 Shows my lack of tech knowledge on CC.


@JazzyV thank you for listing me on the Cares list but I am now well recovered so can be removed.

In my heart I believe kindness and good thoughts help heal.

Hope all are having a good day.

Take good care.



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We’re here!  Delightful temperature of around 78, Pat has headed out to Total Wine and I’m putting my feet up for a bit.  So all’s well that ends well, and we hope things go smoothly now.  The cruise gremlins almost did us in!  

Happy to hear Karen’s DH is doing better, Maureen’s DH had his eye surgery- hope it’s a great success.  I’ve had iridectomies for possible glaucoma, but I hate anyone even coming near my eyes, so it was very traumatic.  I suffer just hearing about his surgery!  

All the best to all the Dailyites.  

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5 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Also “shortly” can mean anytime between tomorrow and next year.  We had a guy who was screening in our back porch. At one point he said “I’ll be back on Monday.  Problem was he didn’t say which Monday.  He did show up on a Monday—3 weeks later.



Terri, we had the guy who put the cover on our patio tell us he'd be back on Wednesday to lengthen the gutter downspout.  That was in 2001 or 2002, we're still waiting, but decided a long time ago that he's not coming.



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29 minutes ago, Cruisercl said:


Hi everyone!

I would be remiss if I did not talk about the MN State Fair on 'something on a stick' day.

It is a large state fair known for its food on a stick; some of them are classics some are specialty made for the Fair. All are usually very good; nothing exotic because this is MN after all.

I had a link to an article about it but couldn't get it to attach and work as a link. They listed 58 different foods on a stick....😉  Google it if you are really curious...lol!

 Shows my lack of tech knowledge on CC.


@JazzyV thank you for listing me on the Cares list but I am now well recovered so can be removed.

In my heart I believe kindness and good thoughts help heal.

Hope all are having a good day.

Take good care.




Caron, when younger DD was in grad school at St. Paul campus of the University of Minnesota, her apartment was within walking distance of the fair.  The three of us had a great time that day.  We tried a lot of different food that day including the fried cheese curds.  They weren't bad.



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@0106 It looks like his business has grown or he’s joined a larger group in more countries. This is the current website. He was not our guide, but the staff guides we had were really good. (His name is Edgardo Calaio. The email I used to book through in 2018 was edgardocalaio at gmail dot com



One thing I would highly recommend is trying the Argentine ice cream. It’s absolutely the best. I never really went for it before trying it there. Then I couldn’t get enough. I later discovered that we ( in the US) know it as gelato. My new addiction has cost me an ice cream gelato machine. I just finished spinning a gallon of passion fruit gelato for tomorrow. Now it’s ripening.


1 hour ago, aliaschief said:


But Walmart can be SUCH an interesting place!


(DH and I still laugh about his experience there. I saw what was in the check out lane and got in line at a different counter. He wasn’t really paying attention and got into THAT line. He wasn’t Not aware until  he was stuck in the long “shoot”, and someone got in behind him, sealing him in so to speak. 

In front of him was a tall, very large guy who could have used BOTH suspenders and a belt, but had neither. He was bending over his cart, with his more than ample plumbers cleavage right there.

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30 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Caron, when younger DD was in grad school at St. Paul campus of the University of Minnesota, her apartment was within walking distance of the fair.  The three of us had a great time that day.  We tried a lot of different food that day including the fried cheese curds.  They weren't bad.



 I lived on the St Paul campus in  student housing in the mid 1970’s and I saw the fireworks at night from the fair grounds. 

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