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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday July 26th, 2023


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Good morning and welcome to Wednesday. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports.

It will be getting really hot here over the next few days. The area is under heat advisories. Working from home today. Yesterday we had really bad thunderstorms. Flooding everywhere. I have to be mindful of Fancy outside and she gets the zoomies and loves to run. She is keeping me on my toes! She is such a sweet girl. She is well behaved and yet has her little mischievous streak. 

Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Wishing I was on a cruise. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 

19 Jokey Wednesday Meme That Make Smile On Your Face | MemesBoy



































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Good morning Dailyites. 


Sandi I felt so bad hearing about Madi. I hope your twin keeps good memories in her heart. 


Roy, prayers for a good check up at the cardiologist. 


Prayers for baby Murphy,  Sam, and all on our prayer list. 


Oliver has been doing very well on his training. Today is day 9. He is a petty thief. I found a coaster, napkin, sock and part of my plant in his bed yesterday. 


When my sweet husband awakes I'm giving him a covid test. He thought it may be just a cold buf last night we were all up with his coughing. No fever and BP is normal. If he's negative for covid I will call the clinic and get him in.


Exterminator comes today to spray the nasty black crickets. The bee swarm is still in our oak tree, moving upward. Pest control will look af it. If they are honey bees there's nothing they can do because they are endangered. 


I don't believe in all or nothing, not crazy for tofu,  I have 1 living uncle. I might try the drink if the day, no to the wine.


Sending blessings to you all. Wishing you a great day. Be kind!





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Good sunny morning.It’s supposed to get up to 90 today and 94 tomorrow and 96 on Friday. Real feel will be over 💯.

 I only had 1 aunt and I took her on 10 cruises, including Alaska for her birthday. She loved all the attention ( wheelchair user). She passed away 13 years ago next week, I miss her so much.

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.


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Good morning. Thanks for the FR/Daily.

Most times it's not all or nothing. I don't have any aunts or uncles. And tofu's not for me. My brain can't process that long quote; I've just started drinking my coffee. I like the meal, pass on the drink, and yes to the wine. Another important day in transportation. I haven't been to Pulau Langkawi Island.


Today starts our heat wave, until Sunday. Normally I would stay in, but today the corrected plaque for BFF's DD DF will be put up in a park. I, BFF and his DF's girlfriend will be there. His Dad loved photography and took thousands of photos in the park. His last ever picture was of his GF walking a trail by the creek with fall foliage. We have a friend who is an excellent watercolorist, and BFF commissioned her to do a painting from that photo. It is wonderful, and he will present that as a surprise today to the GF (such a sweet gesture). I imagine we'll go to lunch after. I may stop at the big box store on my way home later.


@grapau27 That pizza looks yummy. 

@Heartgrove I look forward to seeing pictures of the house, Jack.

@rafinmd Prayers for a good report from the Cardiologist.

@marshhawk I hope the drops and cream fix up DH's eyes quickly. Sorry your dinner wasn't good, but that the concert was good. Good luck to DH with his MRI this morning.

@StLouisCruisers Continued hope for safe travels for DS, and Ren. Please give your twin my condolences on the loss of Madi. 

@Crazy For Cats A fine way to start the day! Good news that the crewperson is ok. 

@0106 Thank you for the recipes. 

@aliaschief Congrats on the weight loss; you're an inspiration. And how exciting to be planning for a WC.

@Denise T Hopefully you're not affected by the flooding. And Fancy will keep you on your toes if she likes to run.

@Seasick Sailor I hope your tests are negative and the coughing subsides. Every time I have a bit of a sore throat or sneezing, I worry and test; but it's just allergies, I think.

@cruising sister Hoping for good news about Baby Murphy.

@mamaofami Prayers that Sam is stable.

@kazu Thinking of you.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Be well everyone.

Edited by JazzyV
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Good morning. It is hot and getting hotter. I just walked the four blocks home from the car fixing  place and it was much more humid than my previous walks with the dogs. My car needs to be inspected before the end of July and I just realized it the other day. Normally I am over prepared and on top of things. Not lately!

I was so fortunate to have many aunts and uncles in my life. Everyone lived nearby then so we saw them often. My aunt Helen was the absolute best and truly rescued all of us several times from a difficult household. She was the only person my father ever seemed to listen to and she  used that ability well.

All or nothing is not something I can believe in. I will celebrate tofu day but most of the family will not. We have not been to the port. The quote is something to think about but my mind is presently overcrowded with other things.

@StLouisCruisers, Sandi, I am sorry to hear about Madi. I am also glad your DS has had a decent drive so far. I hope all goes well for Ren with his new team.

@rafinmd, I hope the cardiologist gives you a good report and I am so glad about the pulmonologist  yesterday. It is great that you can go ahead with the two cruises.

@Seasick Sailor, Joy, I am hoping for negative test results for your Allen. Hopefully the clinic can see him today.

Regarding yesterday’s discussion of the VA, my DDIL has an uncle who used to have to travel to Massachusetts( almost two hours) to be treated by the VA. He too is a Vietnam Vet and has leukemia and other significant illnesses. The last time I saw him he told me how much easier it has been for him to see specialists and get treatment since Tricare has allowed these visits.

have a very good day everyone.


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28 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. 


Sandi I felt so bad hearing about Madi. I hope your twin keeps good memories in her heart. 


Roy, prayers for a good check up at the cardiologist. 


Prayers for baby Murphy,  Sam, and all on our prayer list. 


Oliver has been doing very well on his training. Today is day 9. He is a petty thief. I found a coaster, napkin, sock and part of my plant in his bed yesterday. 


When my sweet husband awakes I'm giving him a covid test. He thought it may be just a cold buf last night we were all up with his coughing. No fever and BP is normal. If he's negative for covid I will call the clinic and get him in.


Exterminator comes today to spray the nasty black crickets. The bee swarm is still in our oak tree, moving upward. Pest control will look af it. If they are honey bees there's nothing they can do because they are endangered. 


I don't believe in all or nothing, not crazy for tofu,  I have 1 living uncle. I might try the drink if the day, no to the wine.


Sending blessings to you all. Wishing you a great day. Be kind!







Hope Allen is not dealing with anything serious. And all tests are negative. 

You might search for a bee keeper, or someone in your County who will relocate the nest. 

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Good Morning to All!  Thanks for the dailies and fleet reports.  Sometimes I ascribe to all or nothing, have lots of aunts and uncles but haven't seen them in years, and I do love tofu.  Really started liking it while living in China.  Not a fan of the stinky one but there is so many different types that I truly started to like it.  It won't replace my carnivore taste buds but do like it.  


Wow, the quote is ........  I will either have to read the book or see the movie.  I think I have had Korean bulgogi tacos.  I used to run over to Seoul just to go eat Korean food.  LOL  The drink sounds interesting but it seems like it should be blue - which might tempt me to try.  Another Shiraz (and not a bad price) andI have never been to Malaysia.  I love trains; I ride them sometimes just for the ride.  Went once to Chicago, stayed the night then returned.  Did the same thing to San Francisco.  Love riding the trains in Europe.  Wish the US had such a system.


Well FINALLY got some rain and hail along with it.  Okay, it only lasted maybe 10 minutes but ......hopefully it will repeat today.  I have slowly been working on all the junk I have collected to get rid of some of it.  I received an email that alerted me my electric usage had gone up.  Really?  It only has been over 105 degrees for the last month or so.  


Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those sailing and celebrating.


Have a great Hump Day!!  

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Good morning from sunny and a breezy central Texas.  It is 83F and already feels like 90F.  Our humidity has returned, so by the end of my walk, it was beginning to get a tad bit uncomfortable.  I guess I need to get up a bit earlier to walk before it gets too warm.  Our high will be at least 101F and could go to 103F depending upon which part of the app you believe.  I hope for the lower number, but if I were to bet, my money would go on the higher number.


Add me to the list that will not celebrate all or nothing.  Someone else can have my tofu.  The only aunts I had growing up were my mother's aunts, who lived in Fort Worth and San Antonio.  We would see them occasionally, and kept in touch in between visits.


The quote is more than my mind can handle today, if ever.


We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine, too.


We have not been to today's port.


The opening for the first public railroad changed the way people traveled.


@Heartgrove  Jack, I'm glad the house painting is finished.  I can't wait to see the final results.

@rafinmd  Roy, I hope you get a great report from the cardiologist today.

@marshhawk  Annie, I hope the drops and cream will clear up DH's eye infection.  I also hope he has good results from the MRI and that the doctors have some good news for both of you.  I'm sorry the dinner was not good, but glad you enjoyed the concert.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I'm glad DS had a good day yesterday, and hope his drive today is also good.  Wishing Ren a safe flight today.  Our condolences to your twin over Madi crossing the Rainbow Bridge.  I hope all the good memories of Madi help fill the hole left by her absence.

@Crazy For Cats  Jake, I'm glad the crew member is doing well after receiving care at the hospital.

@Denise T  That is great that Fancy is settling in well, and the mischievous streak will make her more interesting.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, I hope the Covid test is negative and that Allen can see a doctor at the clinic today.  I hope he feels better soon.  Thanks to Oliver, you now know where to look if things go missing. 😉  We've also got tons of crickets, and I don't mind them outside.  Somehow, they are getting in the house, and we kill a few daily.

@JazzyV  Vanessa, that is a very nice and thoughtful present BFF is giving his father's girlfriend.  I hope it's not too hot when the new plaque is installed.

@Nickelpenny  Penny, I hope you get more rain today.  I hate to see what our electric bill will look like after so many triple digit days.
















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Getting hotter in Maryland. I think Friday and Saturday will be the worst but the AC is working. 
I went through 41 boxes yesterday looking for my moms 2 photo albums from the 40s-60s, from their wedding through us growing up, the old kind with the black paper pages… not in the storage room. Brothers and sister say they don’t have them. Not on any of the moving inventory lists.  Today I will make a last dig through the apartment then give up. I wanted pix to share of the cousin we are doing the Remembrance for on Aug 13. 

Like Roy, my mom was the last of a big bunch of aunts and uncles, and she also died in 2001. And also like Roy, I’ll happily celebrate any railroad history. 

I love this quote.  It’s how I feel about DH!  It tries to express the new dimensions of love and how appreciation grows, grateful for every moment, with the richness of our life together ever deepening and growing fuller continuously. It’s profound. 

Blessings to all in need, all the Cares List, Terri’s travels, Roy’s appt, Chuck’s MRI and eye, Sandi’s packing, her twin’s loss, Sam, Debbie and Sue, John and Nancy’s day in town, Vanessa’s park celebration. Appreciation for for all Tina’s tips - I’ll look for tofu again, have gotten away from it since we moved…, Graham that pizza is a work of art!  Remembering Murphy and family and team, and may the COVID tests be negative!  May the evacuated crew member get well, and home! which is probably halfway around the world!  Blessings for all suffering calamities, war, weather, illness and despair. Sending love!  

And cheering for all who are celebrating, reminding us Life us Good!  
Grateful for help and support from caregivers, painters, house cleaners, gardeners, oxygen suppliers, veterinarians, doctors and all those we have in our midst to turn to. And thinking of Karen. 
Wishes for smooth travels for all away.. stay well and safe, enjoy, be refueled and get home with your luggage. May Ren and Sandi’s son meet up at the airport ok. 

Keeping you all in ❤️. Have a great day!  

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Since we all love the sea, I thought I would share a joke I saw earlier today.  Do you know how to make a Pirate very angry?  It is easy, just take away the P.  Now he is just irate.  Dumb, maybe, but it works for me.  Happy Hump Day everyone.

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Good morning all!

Today I'll be driving to Mt. Vernon to take my BFF out to lunch for her birthday.  She lives in Bellingham so we meet there (half-way).  It must be the coolest birthday she's had in ages, usually it's HOT and today will only be in the high 60's -- but sunny!  We deal with ice and snow for my birthday and heat for her birthday. 😉  


I had 8 aunts and uncles, all gone now.  My dear Dad's sister almost made it to 100, but not quite.  Dad lived to be almost 102.  I'm more of a happy medium kind of person, no all or nothing.  Will pass on the Tofu.  I'd like to try the meal if someone made it for me and cut the spice some and omitted the cilantro...also would like to try the drink but pass on the red wine.  Our DD and DSIL went diving from a live-aboard in Palau, but I don't know if it was the same one since there are a few of them.


Bruce @aliaschief I'm not surprised at Sue's description of the movie Barbie.  I'm just glad our grandsons wouldn't be interested in it.  Did your granddaughter like it?  I read that it would probably go over young children's heads.  


Roy @rafinmd I hope you get a great report from the Cardiologist today.


Vanessa @JazzyV what a thoughtful gift your BFF is giving his dear Dad's GF.  





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20 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:



Bruce @aliaschief I'm not surprised at Sue's description of the movie Barbie.  I'm just glad our grandsons wouldn't be interested in it.  Did your granddaughter like it?  I read that it would probably go over young children's heads.  







She didn’t sound too enthusiastic over it but did like the popcorn! Her father posted a thank you to Nana because he won’t have to take her. 
Keeping granddaughter quiet and entertained for ninety minutes. PRICELESS!😁 B.

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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

I’ll be darned. I was driving beside the beach and lo and behold I believe I spotted @RedneckBob



I hate to tell you but that’s not me, maybe the swim trunks, but the beach. Chief, you know the sand on the beach between FWB and PC is Snow White! And I’m here right now! Where are you?

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I want to take a break from packing and say thanks to all for your kind words and thoughts for my twin.  She takes things very hard and this will no doubt be a big sorrow for her. 


Thanks again to all with comments on DS and Ren's travels this week.  And Maureen @RMLincoln I have confidence Delta will deliver Ren to his Dad in Dallas in a timely manner.  (Hope they don't disappoint me!)  Ren is an experienced traveler so no worries there.  His first flight was at 5 months old when the family returned from DS's sabbatical in Singapore.   Flights from Singapore to Detroit are not easy on anybody, but imagine the parents flying home with a 2 year old and a 5 month old!  They had a bulkhead row with a Delta provided basinet that attached to the bulkhead wall.  I'm betting the 2 year old was the bigger problem!😁  


I got quite a bit done today on the packing.  We just stopped for our lunch break and now I will continue on.  We'd like to get as much done as possible today so tomorrow we won't be stressed out.  I have a packing list and need to go through checking off things as we go further.  

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27 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

I hate to tell you but that’s not me, maybe the swim trunks, but the beach. Chief, you know the sand on the beach between FWB and PC is Snow White! And I’m here right now! Where are you?

In my AC house desperately trying to keep granddaughter entertained.😁

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16 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

In my AC house desperately trying to keep granddaughter entertained.😁

Very smart. Tried to play golf last Thursday near PC and was so hot in the PM I quit after nine holes. Never happened to me before! A guess a senior moment!

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1 hour ago, RedneckBob said:

Very smart. Tried to play golf last Thursday near PC and was so hot in the PM I quit after nine holes. Never happened to me before! A guess a senior moment!

That is what they warn about when issuing heat advisories. It’s just too dam hot. Last night’s news had a feature that some of coastline waters  in Southern Florida are over a 100 F!

That is darn right scary for many reasons but especially here in Florida’s hurricane season.

@grapau27 I don’t know how you can eat that much after a huge pizza for lunch? Enjoy.

Edited by aliaschief
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Greetings from Sydney!  @Crazy For CatsJake, thank you for the information about the injured/sick crew member.  We have been wondering about him.


We went to Mussels and Music today.  The mussels were delicious, but needed some garlic toast to soak up the sauce.  It came with two small glasses of beer and two of


cider.  I didn’t care for the cider that much.  The musician was good.  He had a good voice and a great selection of songs.


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4 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

That is what they warn about when issuing heat advisories. It’s just too dam hot. Last night’s news had a feature that some of coastline waters  in Southern Florida are over a 100 F!

That is darn right scary for many reasons but especially here in Florida’s hurricane season.

Correct. When driving between Lake City and PC last week the outside temp was 99 degrees. Also the water temp was 101.1 degrees at Manatee Bay which is between Key Largo & Everglades. Due to high temps all coral in area is dead.

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