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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday February 28th, 2024


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Good morning, Dailyites!  Thanks for all the news.  Reading the "days", my mind immediately went to my father, who had a strange ability to polish whatever was in his pockets, even before I read Graham's explanation.  People were always giving Dad bits of jewellery, spoons, coins, etc., to polish for them.  I have no idea how he did it - his mother was reputed to be a witch, so perhaps it was another bit of the family magic!  I miss him, now I have to get out a polishing cloth...


After a small snow flurry yesterday, it has been rain ever since.  Reservoir still at 100%, but I imagine it will go down quickly as soon as the rains stop.  DD made vegetarian chilli yesterday, but I made chestnut chicken, so that's what we had.  She can freeze portions of the chilli for future reference.   Prayers for those needing them, and cheers to those celebrating!


Just one more day and it will be March - which will be a busy month for us, lots of doctors' appointments and things to do before our cruise.  We are both feeling restless.  I have to have my Prolia shot in March, but I would like to get in to the dentist before I have it, and he is away at the moment.  I will keep trying!  We also want to see if we can get a (slightly early) Covid booster before we travel.  I have an eye checkup, and Pat has ENT and a couple of other appointments in March.  DD is going for a hearing evaluation, as she is still quite deaf after her fall two months ago.  

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Good morning and Happy Wednesday. It’s currently 64F and going to 66F with thundershowers expected at noon. The house painting is going slow due to this weird weather. And someone has to stay at home to be with Blue so he doesn’t freak out with all the commotion. 


I always make chili with beans and prefer pinto beans. That’s how my DM made it so it just doesn’t seem right without pinto beans. 

I would like to try the wine. Floral design was celebrated quite often on our recent cruise. The florist held many classes and I even noticed a small private one that wasn’t listed on the Daily program. I think it might have been for those who purchased vases because each participant had their own vase and set of flowers. 

Eva @superoma, Happy Anniversary! Congratulations on your 54 years. 

Vanessa @JazzyV, it’s so good to hear about your better sleep and less pain. 

Ann @cat shepard, I have continued to pray for your sister. Please keep us updated. So scary. I hope you were able to get some rest after you got home last night. 

Terri @Cruzin Terri, that’s good news about your shoulder and nose. Hopefully your exercises will help your shoulder. 

Joy @Seasick Sailor and Linda @lindaler, I hope you are both well and that everything is okay. 

Have a great day everyone!


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3 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  Wow this weather coming across the country is interesting.  It reminds me of when I saw Dr. Zhivago for the first time.  It was 65 degrees when we went into the theatre one Friday afternoon in the way back when.  (After school group of us, and we got off at 1 on Fridays). Since we were hardy Yankees we were wearing shorts and T shirts.

We watched the movie, just fascinated with the house completely covered in ice, anyway, the movie was over, we walked out and there was 6 inches of snow on the ground.  I said to my friends that was a powerful movie, it moved us to Russia in winter!


I love pockets!  If pants dont have pockets, they do not get purchased.  I look to buy my skirts with pockets, shorts with pockets, and if I am lucky, dresses with pockets.  I hate carrying a purse. Once you are in a relationship, your purse becomes, their storage area.  Kangaroo problems.  


I am in the process of cooking breakfast and typing.....


Last night's concert was very good, but we left during the intermission.  My left hip didnt like the seats in the alternate concert hall, and DH had a headache, and we knew we would not get home until after 11 if we stayed, and the place turned out to be only 8 miles from home.


The first piece was Finlandia.  The DSO was joined on stage by the Dekalb students of the county Arts school for this piece.  This was followed by an Aaron Copland piece, cant remember the whole  name of   it, but it was Lincoln something with a narrator.  I love the music from the movie Gettysburg, and I now know that a lot of it was inspired from this piece...perhaps borrowed would be a better word....plagiarized seems more accurate. But the third piece highlighted a soloist doing a viola concerto.  It was fabulous, and I will have to find the program to let you know who he performer was, and the piece, but I wanted to leave after that piece, because I did not want to forget it in my head.


And now, breakfast of 1 egg and sausage patty is done, I can face the day. 

Annie, I was also fascinated with the house covered in ice and all the snow in Doctor Zhivago when I first watched it many years ago. I can imagine your surprise afterward going outside and seeing all the snow.

My DM was always taking me to the movies when I was young and this was before the rating system so I saw a lot of stuff I probably shouldn’t have, like the Birds, which was traumatizing as a youngster. 

I am glad your internet is back, you were missed. 


2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from a sunny Quartzsite.  It was 47F when I got up, and is now 52F.  Our predicted high is 76F with just a light wind.  The wind will pick up tomorrow and increase each day until we have a 21mph wind on Sunday.  There's not much on the agenda today.


Three interesting days today, but I only keep a few things in the pockets of my jeans and shorts.  Even when I get pants that have pockets, they are usually fairly shallow and won't even hold my phone.  Floral designs can be amazing, but my method is usually fill a vase with water and stick the flowers in the vase.  🤣 Inconvenience Day is an interesting concept.


The Dalai Lama's quote is very wise, and also very true.  I try to help others and at best not to hurt others.


I like chili which in Texas is traditionally made without beans.  However, I like beans in my chili, but not kidney beans.  We'll pass on the drink, but DH would probably like the wine.


We have not been to Tonga, so I appreciate the pictures that have been posted.


There are three interesting days in history.  The discovery of the double helix was very important.  I watched the finale of M*A*S*H, but unlike most, I was disappointed in the show.  


@cat shepard  Ann, I hope your sister is doing well this morning, and will have a rapid and complete recovery.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, I hope everything is well with you and Allen.  We miss you.

@Nickelpenny  Pennie, I'm glad you are enjoying the cruise.

@aliaschief  Bruce, thanks for all the pictures from Ayers Rock.  It's on the bucket list, but not the bugs.  Have a safe flight back to Sydney.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I'm glad the x-rays showed no damage to your shoulder, and that your nose is not broken either.  Have a safe trip home.

@kochleffel  Paul,  you course assignments sound very interesting.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm happy you found an aide for one day on the weekends.

@cunnorl  Charlene, thanks for the pictures from Tonga.

@rafinmd  Roy, I hope the appointment with your oncologist goes well, and that he is pleased with your lower PSA numbers.  I hope you get home before the heavy rains hit.














Lenda, I feel the same way about the Mash finale. Maybe it’s because it was so hyped up by the media. Also, I loved your cartoons today!  The podcast one is hilarious. 



Edited by Sharon in AZ
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Joy @Seasick Sailor last posted on Feb. 10 and stated she may be "voted off the island" for comments made on a thread.  It seems like longer to us because we miss her contributions, but I certainly hope she will be back very soon!


And Linda @lindaler hasn't posted since Dec. 10 and stated she was dealing with a minor family crisis.  I believe Roy mentioned that just yesterday or the day before.  Hoping that it's not too serious and we see her back on the Daily soon as well.

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the FR/Daily @kazu and @richwmn and maps @rafinmd.

3 good days. I don't like most clothes without pockets. Love the quote. I like the meal. Pass on the drink and maybe on the wine. I haven't been to Vava'u Islands. 3 interesting days in history.


Lots of bad weather here. Last night I was so sleepy at 10pm (I'm usually up until 11:30pm). I hadn't slept that well the night before. I think previously that the adrenaline rush from all the pain kept me going on so little sleep. Now that the pain is way down, I don't tolerate little sleep as well. During the night there was tremendous lightning and pouring rain starting around 2AM. I would have loved to just have coffee and stay in this morning, but I had a medical  appointment. Luckily, just like yesterday when I went for my haircut, the rain and lightning eased up just when I was leaving home. I only used my cane (more as a just in case) today, and left the rollator in the car. I have some tingling, but little pain (yay). The pain was such a part of my life for 6 months, that it's almost odd not to have it. Temps are due to plunge today from the low 60's to 40's. I wish my rain gauge was still out so I could see how much rain we've gotten the last 2 days. 


At PT yesterday I did more than I've done in 6 months, but still taking it easy. I did a 6 minute walk test and was huffing and puffing, and felt a bit unsteady. I stopped a couple of times just to catch my breath. This will be repeated in a few weeks to see if I'm making progress.


@superoma Happy Anniversary! 🥂Lovely photo of your wedding day.

@cat shepard Continued prayers for your Sister's recovery.

@grapau27 Thanks for the explanations of the days.

@Nickelpenny I hope you were able to get around Santarém. 

@aliaschief Thanks for the great photos. The bugs would be hard for me, but with netting for the face, I think doable. 

@ottahand7 Continued safe travels.

@Cruzin Terri Safe travels. I'm glad you got some answers.

@kochleffel Paul, I'm glad your nose is healing and looking better. And kudos on your praise from your professor on your last paper.

@smitty34877 I'm hoping the aide for one weekend day works out. You so deserve to have less to do with caring for your family.

@cunnorl Nice photos.

@marshhawk At least the first half of the concert sounds like you enjoyed it.

@RMLincoln How cool to meet the new owner of your old condo at your book club. Good for you for starting on your preventive health appointments now that you've moved. And wow, DH got a lot of financial stuff done too. And yes, things are more complicated, in part because you can't get a human to talk to when you call about issues; at least not without a lot of effort.

@rafinmd I hope the cardiologist finds your medical issues stable.

@Sharon in AZ Good luck with getting the house painting finished. I have never seen "The Birds". Just the promos for it scared me, lol. 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

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Good afternoon from a sunny, but cold day here.  We hit a record 73F yesterday.  It was 18 when I got up this morning with a dusting of snow on the grass.  Around 8 pm there were bad thunderstorms going through, but I read there was very bad weather closer to Chicago.  

Today is also National Tooth Fairy Day.  Several of my Reading Buddies had loose or missing teeth this morning!  

Thanks for all of the photos, sharing and caring here.  Good thoughts and prayers for all who need them and cheers for the rest!  I'm off to our 6th grade sewing class now.  It's our 1st session, next week we start making a pillowcase.  Have a good rest of the day, K

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Good afternoon, time for a quick check-in just to let you know that I did hear from our dear friends Joy and Allen - I hesitate to put her screen name here in case those in charge put me behind bars as well.  They are doing well, Allen has a medical appt today, and Joy has no idea how long her incarceration will last.  They are busy as usual, but Joy said she misses her Daily family and sends her love.


@aliaschiefgreat photos - but the flies . . . so glad you had bug nets for your hats!  I can't imagine going out there without them.

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25 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good rainy afternoon. I came across an amusing video on another cruise line thread on CC, It’s Bohemian Catsody on YouTube. 🐾

 Mark had posted it on Dani's thread.

The singing cats and words are funny.

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I have a sunset today, rather than a sunrise from my 2016 Crystal Symphony Antarctic cruise from Buenos Aires to Miami.  On February 28 we visited Cartagena:





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Well, the cardiologist was not the greatest but I was not really expecting great news.  The plan for now is that she has doubled one medication, dropped another, labs in 2 weeks, echocardiogram and followup in early April, and she raised the possibility of a consult with the Johns Hopkins Valve Clinic in the foreseeable future.


I did get home well before we have serious rain.



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11 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Well, the cardiologist was not the greatest but I was not really expecting great news.  The plan for now is that she has doubled one medication, dropped another, labs in 2 weeks, echocardiogram and followup in early April, and she raised the possibility of a consult with the Johns Hopkins Valve Clinic in the foreseeable future.


I did get home well before we have serious rain.



I'm sorry you didn't get better news Roy.

Best wishes from Pauline and me.


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3 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites!  Thanks for all the news.  Reading the "days", my mind immediately went to my father, who had a strange ability to polish whatever was in his pockets, even before I read Graham's explanation.  People were always giving Dad bits of jewellery, spoons, coins, etc., to polish for them.  I have no idea how he did it - his mother was reputed to be a witch, so perhaps it was another bit of the family magic!  I miss him, now I have to get out a polishing cloth...


After a small snow flurry yesterday, it has been rain ever since.  Reservoir still at 100%, but I imagine it will go down quickly as soon as the rains stop.  DD made vegetarian chilli yesterday, but I made chestnut chicken, so that's what we had.  She can freeze portions of the chilli for future reference.   Prayers for those needing them, and cheers to those celebrating!


Just one more day and it will be March - which will be a busy month for us, lots of doctors' appointments and things to do before our cruise.  We are both feeling restless.  I have to have my Prolia shot in March, but I would like to get in to the dentist before I have it, and he is away at the moment.  I will keep trying!  We also want to see if we can get a (slightly early) Covid booster before we travel.  I have an eye checkup, and Pat has ENT and a couple of other appointments in March.  DD is going for a hearing evaluation, as she is still quite deaf after her fall two months ago.  


Ann, I hope you DD can get some help with her hearing.


2 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Annie, I was also fascinated with the house covered in ice and all the snow in Doctor Zhivago when I first watched it many years ago. I can imagine your surprise afterward going outside and seeing all the snow.

My DM was always taking me to the movies when I was young and this was before the rating system so I saw a lot of stuff I probably shouldn’t have, like the Birds, which was traumatizing as a youngster. 

I am glad your internet is back, you were missed. 


Lenda, I feel the same way about the Mash finale. Maybe it’s because it was so hyped up by the media. Also, I loved your cartoons today!  The podcast one is hilarious. 




Sharon, I'm glad you liked the memes today.  I think my problem with the M*A*S*H finale was that it didn't seem to stay true all the shows that preceded it.  It just seemed off, and I haven't watched it again.


2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the FR/Daily @kazu and @richwmn and maps @rafinmd.

3 good days. I don't like most clothes without pockets. Love the quote. I like the meal. Pass on the drink and maybe on the wine. I haven't been to Vava'u Islands. 3 interesting days in history.


Lots of bad weather here. Last night I was so sleepy at 10pm (I'm usually up until 11:30pm). I hadn't slept that well the night before. I think previously that the adrenaline rush from all the pain kept me going on so little sleep. Now that the pain is way down, I don't tolerate little sleep as well. During the night there was tremendous lightning and pouring rain starting around 2AM. I would have loved to just have coffee and stay in this morning, but I had a medical  appointment. Luckily, just like yesterday when I went for my haircut, the rain and lightning eased up just when I was leaving home. I only used my cane (more as a just in case) today, and left the rollator in the car. I have some tingling, but little pain (yay). The pain was such a part of my life for 6 months, that it's almost odd not to have it. Temps are due to plunge today from the low 60's to 40's. I wish my rain gauge was still out so I could see how much rain we've gotten the last 2 days. 


At PT yesterday I did more than I've done in 6 months, but still taking it easy. I did a 6 minute walk test and was huffing and puffing, and felt a bit unsteady. I stopped a couple of times just to catch my breath. This will be repeated in a few weeks to see if I'm making progress.


@superoma Happy Anniversary! 🥂Lovely photo of your wedding day.

@cat shepard Continued prayers for your Sister's recovery.

@grapau27 Thanks for the explanations of the days.

@Nickelpenny I hope you were able to get around Santarém. 

@aliaschief Thanks for the great photos. The bugs would be hard for me, but with netting for the face, I think doable. 

@ottahand7 Continued safe travels.

@Cruzin Terri Safe travels. I'm glad you got some answers.

@kochleffel Paul, I'm glad your nose is healing and looking better. And kudos on your praise from your professor on your last paper.

@smitty34877 I'm hoping the aide for one weekend day works out. You so deserve to have less to do with caring for your family.

@cunnorl Nice photos.

@marshhawk At least the first half of the concert sounds like you enjoyed it.

@RMLincoln How cool to meet the new owner of your old condo at your book club. Good for you for starting on your preventive health appointments now that you've moved. And wow, DH got a lot of financial stuff done too. And yes, things are more complicated, in part because you can't get a human to talk to when you call about issues; at least not without a lot of effort.

@rafinmd I hope the cardiologist finds your medical issues stable.

@Sharon in AZ Good luck with getting the house painting finished. I have never seen "The Birds". Just the promos for it scared me, lol. 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


Vanessa, I'm glad the pain is still more of a thing of the past, and good news on your PT session yesterday.


1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Good afternoon, time for a quick check-in just to let you know that I did hear from our dear friends Joy and Allen - I hesitate to put her screen name here in case those in charge put me behind bars as well.  They are doing well, Allen has a medical appt today, and Joy has no idea how long her incarceration will last.  They are busy as usual, but Joy said she misses her Daily family and sends her love.


@aliaschiefgreat photos - but the flies . . . so glad you had bug nets for your hats!  I can't imagine going out there without them.


Gerry, thanks for the update on Joy and Allen.  It's been a little longer than two weeks, so hopefully she will be back here soon.


53 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Well, the cardiologist was not the greatest but I was not really expecting great news.  The plan for now is that she has doubled one medication, dropped another, labs in 2 weeks, echocardiogram and followup in early April, and she raised the possibility of a consult with the Johns Hopkins Valve Clinic in the foreseeable future.


I did get home well before we have serious rain.




Roy, I'm sorry your appointment was not that great.   I hope the change in medications helps.



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Okay the Ayres Rock viewing is over. We arose at 4:30 AM and headed to the park for a sunrise viewing area. It was dark when we arrived and no bugs. As soon as it started to lighten it was hello we are still here. We saw the sunset on rock from other side. Today we watched the changes of tones, colors and shadows as the sunrise illuminates the rock. Rather dramatic. Then we drove to the base and took a hike. Close up a totally different perspective.

Rest of day will be spent inside the cool and beautiful Ayres Rock Resort with exception of lunch and dinner. Leave late morning tomorrow and though will be late back to ship I’m sure the crew will be awaiting to wish me Happy Birthday. 
A another great adventure enjoyed and many more to come. Bruce



Edited by aliaschief
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Our celebratory dinner tonight. Pickerel (walleye), roasted sweet potatoes, roasted asparagus and a salad. Plus a lovely Spanish red wine Gran Coronas Reservation, a Cabernet Sauvignon 


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16 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Okay the Ayres Rock viewing is over. We arose at 4:30 AM and headed to the park for a sunrise viewing area. It was dark when we arrived and no bugs. As soon as it started to lighten it was hello we are still here. We saw the sunset on rock from other side. Today we watched the changes of tones, colors and shadows as the sunrise illuminates the rock. Rather dramatic. Then we drove to the base and took a hike. Close up a totally different perspective.

Rest of day will be spent inside the cool and beautiful Ayres Rock Resort with exception of lunch and dinner. Leave late morning tomorrow and though will be late back to ship I’m sure the crew will be awaiting to wish me Happy Birthday. 
A another great adventure enjoyed and many more to come. Bruce



Thank you so much for your pictures and commentary. It sounds like a wonderful  experience, except for the bugs and heat!

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28 minutes ago, superoma said:

Our celebratory dinner tonight. Pickerel (walleye), roasted sweet potatoes, roasted asparagus and a salad. Plus a lovely Spanish red wine Gran Coronas Reservation, a Cabernet Sauvignon 


Oh how I love Walleye!

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Although in my heart Texas will ALWAYS be my home, there are two (and only two) reasons why I'm glad to live in Western Washington:


1.  The climate is better than Texas -- no temperature extremes and no tornadoes.



Now you have to understand that putting beans in chili is a felony offense in Texas.  If they catch you they'll send you to the prison in Huntsville  for a considerable period of time.  So I always had to eat my homemade chili in solitude -- many lonely meals.  But here in Washington state I actually invite friends over to share my meals when I make chili. When I was still working at Boeing I could bring chili in my lunch kit and eat it IN PUBLIC!


'Nuff said 😀😀😀.

Edited by AV8rix
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22 minutes ago, AV8rix said:

Although in my heart Texas will ALWAYS be my home, there are two (and only two) reasons why I'm glad to live in Western Washington:


1.  The climate is better than Texas -- no temperature extremes and no tornadoes.



Now you have to understand that putting beans in chili is a felony offense in Texas.  If they catch you they'll send you to the prison in Huntsville  for a considerable period of time.  So I always had to eat my homemade chili in solitude -- many lonely meals.  But here in Washington state I actually invite friends over to share my meals when I make chili. When I was still working at Boeing I could bring chili in my lunch kit and eat it IN PUBLIC!


'Nuff said 😀😀😀.

We put beans in our chili too. But in our house it’s a Federal Offense if you share any with our pooch: the penalty is you sleep with him- outside!

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